Aula Universitaria del Estrecho Universidad de Cádiz

National Network

Vicerrectorado Campus Bahía de Algeciras

+34 956 573600
Telephone (other)
+34 956 580376
+34 956 573757
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+34 626 857 396
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Research
General Information
The University Classroom of the Straits is formed by the University of Cádiz (UCA), the Algeciras´city council and the University of Abdelmalek Essaâdi of Tanger-Tetuan (UAE). The University of Cádiz is in charge of the academic direction and for the general coordination of all actions. Its staff includes a General Director, an Academic Sub-director in Morocco, a Project Manager, a Technician and two administrative staffs. Its annual budgetary resources reached 85.000,00 € (from a private bank, BSCH, which sponsors it), plus a technician and an administrative staff member paid by the County Council of Cadiz and the City Council of Algeciras. Either the UCA or the UAE make their facilities available in Spain and Morocco for all the actions.
Mission and Objectives

The University Classroom of the Straits is a stable structure for the cooperation between universities. Its activity began in the geographical context of the Gibraltar Strait, but it is open to the cooperation with others universities in the north of Africa.
Their mains goals are to strengthen the relations between Morocco and the province of Cádiz, across the educational and research cooperation as essentials keys of a shared development in a geographical area, the Gibraltar Strait, so in need of it.

Main Projects / Activities

The University Classroom of the Straits has a current annual program whose main strategy matters are settled every year by its main board. The actions of this program will be proposed by UCA or UAE´s members in order to follow these strategy matters.
The sorts of actions that can be proposed are: seminaries, courses and language courses, fellows programs, professionals meetings, colloquiums, publications and audiovisuals.
In addition, we develop several projects such as Interreges or AECI calls for proposals.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jesús Gómez Morales, Projects area
Head of the organisation
Francisco Trujillo Espinosa, Pro vice chancellor of the Algeciras´ Campus and University Classroom of the Straits Director
Contact (2) Full Name
Francisco Trujillo Espinosa, Director

Azzagra Cultural Foundation

National Network



34 958344438
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. Religion
General Information
The Azzagra Cultural Association is a waqf since 1993 when the Romero family vested the land in trust, creating a recognized charitable institution registered in the Ministry of Home Affairs (Ministerio del Interior) as a non profitable institution. The foundation mainly works with volunteers and have no a current staff.
Mission and Objectives

Alqueria de Rosales is a Shari’a compliant educational, cultural and residential complex, which has been offering education and research activities for more than 19 years with a special focus on preserving the Muslim heritage and the legacy of Al- Andalus.
The Alqueria de Rosales Campus is an independent project, not linked to any specific organization or political ideology. The Alqueria is open to all people regardless of their faith.
The Faculty of Andalusian Studies was the first academic project established at Alqueria de Rosales Campus in 2002 aiming to offer a unique place for academic and research activities.

Main Projects / Activities

The foundation focuses on educational aspects, contributing in the dialogue and the understanding of cultures and on this regard has signed several agreements with the University of Al Azahar in Egypt, al Fath Institute in Damascus and the World Islamic Sciences & Education University in Jordan.
The main academic activity of the Azzagra Cultural Association is the Faculty of Andalusian Studies and its hub of research professors where they develop strategies aiming to benefit the campus during the short, medium and long term. The areas of activity will be articulated with current research expertise in the Faculty of Andalusian Studies and will provide an opportunity for the Alqueria Campus to attract new, high profile staff to the future Campus.
• Develop and coordinate of the new academic development plan
• Foster the Andalusian heritage research activity.
• Active participation in international organization such as UNESCO, ISESCO and The Alliance of the Civilizations
• Create a worldwide network of collaborators and researchers.
• Attract other high profile researchers to the Campus.
• Develop links with and actively publicise any existing related activities.
• Co-ordinate and organise an ongoing programme of workshops, seminars and conferences to promote the chosen area and to introduce researchers to the potentials of its work.
• Work with international universities to establish a systematized mechanism for the dissemination of information and materials of the Andalusian DA project.
• Provide access to the academic communities in the west to share resources such as training materials, new tools, methodologies and a software archive.
• Develop links with Academic / industrial/commercial partners.
• Enable Alqueria Campus to become an internationally recognised centre for research in the Andalusian Studies and environmental areas, collaborating and building relationships with scientists across the world and further developing academic and research links.
Specialized courses: As one of our mayor and most demanded services, the Azzagra Association offers specialized courses on Andalusian history, Islamic manuscript science, Islamic history, permaculture, organic farming & agriculture among others. These courses are recognized by various universities, and have a huge demand from national and international students.
Islamic studies: Fiqh (on all madhahib), Tawhid, Coran & Tafsir, Sira Al Nabawiyah, Akhlaq, al Tib Al Nabawi and Hadith.
Health courses: Aromatherapy, Al Hijamah Al Nabawiyah, Natural Medicine, Meditation, Herbal remedies among others.
Languages: During the summer holidays we offer intensive courses of Arabic, Spanish, English and Sign Language.
E-Learning: In collaboration with local and international universities, the Azzagra Cultural Association offers E-Learning on Arabic language. We offer 5 different levels from beginners to specialized courses for professionals.
Summer Camps: Starting from de first of July till the end of August, we offer summer camps where kids can enjoy their holidays participating in fun & learning activities such a language courses and workshops. Our summer camps offers the ideal environment for the Muslims communities in the European society in which its very important that the children enjoy a Islamic environment and engage with many other Muslim children.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Casa Árabe

National Network

c/ Alcalá 62
28009 Madrid Madrid

+34 915630661
Telephone (other)
+34 915630541
+34 91 563 3024
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

Casa Árabe and its International Institute of Arab and Muslim World Studies is a public consortium formed on July 2006 by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation and the Spanish Agency for International Development, the autonomous communities of Madrid and Andalusia and the town councils of Madrid and Cordoba. With headquarters in Madrid and Cordoba, it is presided by the Foreign Affairs and Cooperation minister, and the presidents of the Andalusia and Madrid regional Governments and the majors of Madrid and Cordoba are deputy presidents. Its High Board of Trustees is presided over by Their Majesties the King and Queen of Spain.

Mission and Objectives

The main goals of Casa Árabe are to strengthen bilateral and multilateral policies, to promote economical, cultural and educational relations, as well as supporting the development of training and knowledge on the Arab and Muslim world.

Main Projects / Activities

Casa Arabe`s activities are articulate into two main lines of work: 1) Culture and Media, 2) Education, Economics and Governance. Within these two lines it organizes activities, events and publications in a varied set of formats: Conferences and Debates; Book presentations; Economics, Socio-economic and Business seminars and meetings; Film and documentaries; Musical performances; Exhibitions; Arabic Language Center; Education and training courses; Public diplomacy visits and meetings.

Contact (1) Full Name
Cristina Juarranz
Head of the organisation
Irene Lozano
Contact (2) Full Name
Nuria Medina García

Casa Mediterráneo

National Network



+34 965 986464
Telephone (other)
+34 965 984724
+34 965 986412
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Maison Méditerranée est une institution créée à image d'autres précédemment promues depuis le Ministère des Affaires Extérieures et de Coopération, comme Maison de l'Amérique, Marie l'Asie, Maison Arabe, Marie l'Afrique ou la Maison Sefarad Israël. C'est un organisme public spécialisé dont la fin est celui de promouvoir les relations de l'Espagne avec les régions d'intérêt pour la politique extérieure à travers la diplomatie publique. Un concept qui donne protagonisme à la citoyenneté, et dans le cas de Maison Méditerranéen le fait prends part de ses différentes activités, pour améliorer les liens et les relations confiance et amitié entre les pays du bassin méditerranéen. Maison Méditerranée naît du consensus politique, du consortium entre le Ministère les Affaires Extérieures et de la Coopération, la Generalitat Valenciana et les Mairies Alicante, Benidorm et de Jávea, qui sont son siège et ses sous-sièges respectivement, avec un pari en commun et l'effort des cinq institutions qui la constituent.
Mission and Objectives

La vocation de Maison Méditerranée est celle de servir de point rencontre, lieu de réflexion, espace pour la création et orchestre pour la diffusion les cultures diverses et plurielles et les traditions des peuples de la Méditerranée. En ce sens Maison Méditerranée prétend se transformer un instrument efficace et nécessaire pour promouvoir le rapprochement politique, économique, social, éducatif, scientifique culturel et humain entre les différentes sociétés, des cultures et des peuples qui baignent les deux bords du Mare Nostrum. Pour cela cette institution agira comme centre pour la diffusion d'une politique méditerranéenne commune, soutiendra la création forums et rencontres dans les domaines socio-économique, de coopération culturelle, scientifique, juridique et technologique entre les pays riverains et l'essayera de promouvoir les relations internationales entre les différents agents sociaux influents dans la Méditerranée.

Main Projects / Activities

L'activité de Maison Méditerranée se centre la projection de valeurs communes, et inclut des programmes information, échange dans les domaines politique, socio-économique, culturel, et éducatif afin de défendre et favoriser la politique extérieure espagnole, ainsi que l'image de l'Espagne dans d'autres pays. Son action complète d'autres niveaux de la politique extérieure, en facilitant à tout moment la connaissance mutuelle et la pleine participation de la société civile.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

ADHUC: Centre de Recerca Teoria, Gènere i Sexualitat (Universitat de Barcelona)

National Network

Facultat de FilologiaGran Via de les Corts Catalanes 58508007 Barcelona
08007 Barcelone

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
Le Centre Dona i Literatura est un centre de recherches universitaire, reconnu en tant que "grup de recerca consolidat" par la Generalitat de Catalunya depuis 2005, auquel est rattachée la Chaire Unesco Dones, desenvolupament i cultures depuis 2004. En 2012, le CDiL inclut 13 chercheur(e)s-enseignant(e)s universitaires et 7 chercheures en formation. Les ressources budgétaires varient chaque année en fonction des subventions sollicitées et reçues. Entre 2007 et 2011 le montant annuel moyen était de 75.000 euros, mais depuis 2012 il a été coupé à la moitié environ. Le CDiL coordonne des projets de recherche financés, des publications, des séminaires, colloques et cours. Les partenaires principaux-sources de financement sont: la Generalitat de Catalunya, l'Institut Català de les Dones, l'Instituto de la Mujer, le Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad et la Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats (ICREA).
Mission and Objectives

La mission principale du CDiL est la recherche et l'enseignement-formation de chercheurs dans le domaine des études féminines, de genre et de sexualité, en rapport avec la littérature, la culture et les arts. Il s'intéresse aussi spécialement aux questions de postcolonialisme, immigration et racisme.

Main Projects / Activities

Le CDiL coordonne actuellement 4 projets de recherche financés par le Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (voir le site web pour les détails), ainsi que des publications (une collection chez Icaria Editorial, "Mujeres y culturas" et deux revues scientifiques, "Lectora. Revista de dones i textualitat" et "Expressions maghrébines"), et organise des colloques, des séminaires et des cours, adressés à des spécialistes, des étudiant(e)s et au public en général.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

En collaborant à des projets collectifs et en apportant nos connaissances et spécificités au réseau.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Nous pensons que nos objectifs correspondent à ceux du FAL et que notre participation à celui-ci peut être enrichissante pour les deux parties.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marta Segarra
Head of the organisation
Dra. Helena González Hernández
Contact (2) Full Name
Helena González

Centro para la Cooperación en el Mediterráneo

National Network

Av. Portal de l'Angel, 7,4th floor, Office J-K, Barcelona (08002)
08001 Barcelona

+34 93 302 15 85
+34 93 302 20 75
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+34 620 400 203
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
The Spanish Red Cross created the Centre for the Cooperation in the Mediterranean, which promotes interaction among National Societies in the Mediterranean and the encounter and exchange of experiences. Since 2005 the Centre is based in Barcelona. Its partners are the 25 Mediterranean NS of RC/RC: Albania, Algeria, Andorra, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Egypt, France, Greece, Israel, Italy, Lebanon, Libya, Malta, Monaco, Montenegro, Morocco, Palestine, Portugal, San-Marino, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Syria, Tunisia and Turkey. Those partners are regularly involved on the actions organised by the Centre. The Governing Board is set up by Spanish RC, Egypt RC, Libya RC, Italy RC, Croatia RC and Presidents from the SRC at the Mediterranean autonomies (Catalonia, Valencia, Murcia, Andalusia, Balears, and Ceuta and Melilla). The Centre has three permanent staff and 4 volunteers. Budget 2007_2010 is around 1,5 millions euro. The main sources are: own resources from the RC/RC Movement, public administrations and private sector.
Mission and Objectives

The Mission is to foster the interaction of the Spanish Red Cross with the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies in the Mediterranean area, by promoting the encounter and exchange of experiences that contribute to the achievement of the goals of the Red Cross and Red Crescent International Movement. The objectives are: To support National Societies and the governmental bodies of the Mediterranean Conference, to follow up on the issues discussed at the conferences, and particularly those relating to: Migration and Population Movement; Environment, Youth, Partnership, IHL and Development Objectives for the Millennium (the fight against poverty, access to healthcare and water, disaster risk reduction, etc.); To facilitate and provide technical support for actions relating to Conference issues; To promote interaction and partnership among the NS of the Mediterranean region; To promote and spread word of the actions and resolutions of the Mediterranean Conferences and the Centre’s activities.

Main Projects / Activities

- Towards information to the Mediterranean Conference - About priorities issues - About impact of meetings - About other International Movement Conferences - Towards strengthening National Societies capacity - On migrations and population movement - On environment and climate change - On youth - On principles and values, international humanitarian low and intercultural dialogue - On millennium development goals - Towards strengthening partnership - Trough contacts with International Federation of RC/RC and international committee of Red Cross - Through contacts with UN and EU - Through on-line tools - involving volunteers from the National Societies - Towards increasing presence of the Centre - Through a dynamic, updated and participative web site - Through contacts with universities and private sectors focused on Mediterranean issues - Through participation in forums and networks - Through general and sectorial publications - Through Movement media presence (web, newsletters, etc.) and National Societies

Contact (1) Full Name
Ariana Potrafki
Job Title
Acting Director
Head of the organisation
Ariana Potrafki
Contact (2) Full Name
Montse Lopez

Povod (Head of the Network)

National Network

Čučkova ulica 3, 2250 Ptuj
2250 Ptuj

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+386 41 733 469
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
We cooperate with local community, other organizations in Slovenia and abroad. Beside EU partners, we cooperate with Balkan countries, Middle east and North Africa countries. Mostly it is on the field of youth and culture, cultural management, intercultural dialogue, mobility, inter religious dialogue and general international development cooperation. We organize youth and art exchanges, international cultural festivals and other cultural projects. We develop vocational trainings for refugees and people in need in MENA region.
Mission and Objectives

Mission and Objectives: Global development cooperation and education - promoting youth and cultural initiative - developing of the art and cultural management and its mobility - projects concerning raising the awareness about the cultural heritage-intercultural coexistance

Main Projects / Activities

- EuromedInCultures Art Forum - Research on Art and Creativity - Vocational trainings for refugees and psyho-social support to the most volnurable social groups - Organizing cultural and artistic events, developing cultural management - Social business programs - International development cooperation - Mobility

Contact (1) Full Name
Robert Križanič
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Robert Križanič

Collectif Kahraba

National Network

Mar Mikhael, Daraj Jaara, Hôpital Libanais Geitaoui
Beirut 1100

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Le Collectif Kahraba c’est un réseau d’artistes qui s’est progressivement créé avec la nécessité de partager des outils de travail, de nourrir des pratiques artistiques communes, et d’aller à la rencontre de publics de tous bords, toutes communautés confondues. Nous jouons sur les places des villages, dans les jardins publics, dans les bibliotheques et les écoles, dans les théâtres ou même en pleine nature, poussés par le désir d’adresser à l’autre des moments de beauté, de simplicité et de poésie. L’art est pour nous vecteur d’ouverture et de dialogue. C’est ainsi que se construit notre envie à créer des moments de partage et de rêve, et de continuer à interroger le monde dans lequel nous grandissons : ce qui le compose ou ne le compose plus, notre histoire, nos conflits, refaire du lien avec nos identités multiples, nos héritages, les "habiter" de manière contemporaine, les renouveler de manière artistique. Pleinement engagé sur la scène culturelle libanaise depuis sa création en 2007, le Collectif Kahraba est aussi invité à jouer ou collaborer dans plusieurs pays d’Europe mais aussi en Russie, au Japon, au Canada, en Egypte, au Senegal... Collective Kahraba is a performing arts company comprised of artists and technicians from different backgrounds that firmly believes that art is a trajectory towards openness and dialogue. It’s our gateway for meeting diverse publics from various communities and regions of Lebanon, as well as for developing international exchanges and partnerships. Collective Kahraba questions through its activities the world in which we grow, and faces the challenges of the changing perception of our identities.  
Mission and Objectives

Nous créons des spectacles, des événements, des rencontres en ayant comme priorité la mobilité, (régionale et internationale), l’exploration de formes variées (théâtre, marionnettes, danse, écritures contemporaines, vidéo...) et la réalisation de moments artistiques conviviaux.
Collective Kahraba works to:
-Create shared moments of togethernessand reverie, where everyone feels welcome to share dreams, joy and humour through stories brought to life through the actors and spectators.
- Bring performances to areas that never access cultural activities, make it free of charge to ensure accessibility to the largest number of people,
- Organize cultural interventions in the public spaces of the country, in all the different social realities where culture could play a rôle of change and developpement ( refugee camps, prisons, hospitals…)
We are artists concerned by initiating encounters and meetings, ties and collaborations, and sharing dreams, questions, engagements and approaches. Throught the art of encounter that generates our projects, we aim to foster imagination, critical thinking and curiosity, to raise each one’s responsability in the building process of a culture of peace.

Main Projects / Activities

Depuis sa création en 2006, le Collectif a réalisé plusieurs spectacles : “Arabiyetna”, “Voix dans le noir”, “Qu’on s’en souvienne mais qu’on ne le répète pas”, “Apple crumble”, “Ken fi asfour a chajara”, “Sab'a w 7”, “Chrebt el bahr wo ma ntafa nari”.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Aurélien Zouki
Job Title
Head of the organisation
M. Aurélien Zouki / Ms. Rima Maroun

Babel Theatre

National Network

Marignian Center, Cairo street, Hamra
Beirut 1103

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Founded in October 2007 by Dr. Jawad Al Asadi, Babel Theater is a non-political, non-religious space and is opened to all forms of artistic expression. Babel Theatre is strategically located in the Hamra Street area, considered to be the beating heart of Beirut. Babel Theatre produces and hosts drama, dance, exhibitions, poetry readings, and movie screenings, artistic workshops for children and youth as well as cultural seminars. It is an open door to fuse and interlace with world cultures and the world arts.
Mission and Objectives

Babel Theatre aims to create a multicultural center in the Arab region, to embrace talented artists, to provide residents of Beirut and the neighbors a qualified artistic expression, and to present a selection free and constructive of arts from all over the world, which may contribute to the positive development of the surrounding community.
- Participate at the cultural development of Beirut by providing space for professional artists, amateurs, and art student in search of a space for rehearsals, experimentation, residencies, and performance.
- Assist and support young talented artists, performers and students in The Arab region
- Establish and foster connections between the Arab and Western artists and cultural institutions

Main Projects / Activities

Babel Theater produces and hosts drama, dance, exhibitions, poetry readings, movie screenings and artistic workshop.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Jawad Al Asadi
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Dr. Jawad Al Asadi

‎Amel Association

National Network

Amel Bldg., Abou-Chakra street, Mousseitbeh, Beirut ‎

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information

STRUCTURE: Amel Association has its head quarter in Beirut and 16 center in rural area to implment project and develop services. The overall staff number is 96 excluded the consultants that provide services in the centers. FINANCES: 2011 budget of the NGO is 2,127,223 US$ coming from: - 38,51% from external assistance (HELP; BONPARTNERS; Domestic Megrant Workers (Jordan); Anera; Save the children; Mercy Corp; Africa 70; OSI; UNDP; Canadian embassyr and other embassies) - 5,04% form internal assistance - 56,45% from internal revenues MODALITIES of ACTION: Direct implementation of development project in a participatory way through seminars, and trainings. Youth activities such as Peer to Peer trainings, International exchanges, workshop and voluntary activities. House of Human Rights established by Amel youth groups For more details information and description, please check our web site

Mission and Objectives

Amel's objectives are: * Promoting social, economic, civil and cultural rights for the underprivileged in Lebanon. * Contributing to building a strong and mobilized Civil Society in order to strengthen national unity and promote democratic values. * Advocating and lobbying for the principles of human rights in the aim of ensuring Social Justice. * Assisting and providing quality services for everyone (medical activities, rural development, trainings…) * Promoting equal rights and equal opportunities Principles: The Programs of Amel Association are implemented on three different levels: - Programs of services: All the medical, social and educational services are offered in a permanent manner to the population for symbolic fees, based on a participatory approach. Amel describes these services as "better and cheaper.” - Development Programs: This relates to the continuation of an evolution from emergency action to development activities in the most deprived areas in Lebanon, by working with the population and for the population. Though this is a complex and challenging process, Amel is loyal to it. - Sensitization Programs on Civic Rights: This takes place through holding sensitization sessions about the importance of national unity and promoting democratic values. - Educational Program on Human rights: Organizing courses on human rights and International Humanitarian Law and Refugees Law.

Main Projects / Activities

Ongoing Projects: Anna Lindh Foundation: Video Advocacy Action Open Society Institute: Summer school on law and conflict 2012 European Commission: gender equality DRC : Life Skills Education for Iraqi Refugee Women & Youth French Embassy :Promotion of Women and Children’s Rights to Education, Leisure and Health The follow-up committee: Solidarity with Gaza UNHCR: Social support to Iraqi refugees Euromed: Youth exchange

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Kamel Mohanna
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Dr. Kamel Mohanna
Contact (2) Full Name
Virginie Lefevre