National Network

29/3 Ignacego Paderewskiego
25-017 Kielce


(4841) 230-23-10
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0048 507066643
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
The organizational structure of the Foundation consists of the Management Board, the Council and the Team. The Chairman of the Board is Łukasz Żuchowski, while his deputy – Agnieszka Kmiecik. The Council of the Foundation consists of two people – Kama Kępczyńska-Kaleta as a president, Aneta Nasternak-Kmieć, a member. The team of the Foundation consists of Agnieszka Kmiecik, Aneta Nasternak-Kmieć, Marek Giemza, Zbigniew Kmieć, Ewelina Ptak, Malwina Skrzyniarz-Pióro, Monika Strus-Bilska and Ewa Wajdzik. Currently, the Foundation employs eight people on the basis of the contract of employment, and 15 people on the basis of civil law agreement. Current partners of the Foundation are: Fusion Design- training and consulting company, Community Service Volunteers from Preston, Great Britain, Complex Vocational School in Staszów, Poland, "Academy of Creativity" kindergarten. Budgetary resources available in a year • Grants from the European Union • Donations • Grants from private organizations and social economy entities • Income earned from business activities Projects realized: 5 projects funded by the European Union under the European Social Fund Operational Programme Human Capital. Projects currently being realised: 5 projects funded by the European Union under the European Social Fund Operational Programme Human Capital. 1 project within Youth in Action Programme. Projects we have applied for: 1 project within Europe for Citizens, 2 projects within Youth in Action Programme (Action 5 and 3). Current partners of the Foundation are: Fusion Design- training and consulting company, Community Service Volunteers from Preston, Great Britain, Complex Vocational School in Staszów, Poland, "Academy of Creativity" kindergarten from Kielce, Poland. Landesjugendwerk der Arbeiterwohlfahrt Thüringen, Erfurt, Germany Environment Engineering Group, Novi Sad, Serbia MAISON POUR TOUS LEO LAGRANGE, Cherbourg, France Gällivare Kommun / Kulturskola, Gällivare, Sweden Town Hall, Kielce, Poland Associazione Going to Europe, Modena, Italy BUREAU INFORMATION JEUNESSE DE BREST, Brest, France Municipality of Tata, Tata, Hungary National Museum in Kielce - Museum for Intercultural Dialogue, Kielce, Poland Association “Eyes Wide Open”, Kielce, Poland Belarusian Association of UNESCO Clubs, Minsk, Belarus Paramparam, Sevastopol, Ukraine Association "Georgian Youth For Europa", Rustavi, Georgia
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the foundation is to think globally and act locally.
The objectives of the Foundation are:
1. To activate and support local and regional initiatives and realize projects for the benefit of local communities.
2. To promote social economy, innovation and entrepreneurship.
3. To initiate and support innovative solutions and social and civic activism.
4. To develop and strengthen the development of civil society.
5. To support non-governmental organizations by giving legal, financial, marketing advice and direct support in the realization of projects.
6. To establish local and international partnerships.
7. To set up strong transnational partnership in order to realize international projects to support innovation and development.
8. To support regional development.
9. To promote tolerance and open-mindedness.
10. To initiate international projects locally with a lot of partners from home and abroad.
11. To facilitate and support the action of civil society in the world.
12. To enhance capacity of organization and its international character.
13. To initiate projects which contribute to sharing values and idea of living together peacefully in cosmopolitan world.
14. To enhance initiatives in order to encourage human and social dialogue in different fields.

Main Projects / Activities

The Foundation realizes projects within European Social Fund, Youth in Action Programme, Europe for Citizens and local grants.
In 2010 The Foundation started to realize Projects within Human Capital but later on specialized in transnational projects which brought more benefits and added value to the general development of the Foundation.
Now the Foundation is realizing project with England concerning vocational learning.
The Foundation applied for a big international project with 12 countries involved whose aim is to promote tolerance and intercultural dialogue (Europe for Citizens Programme).
The Foundation is now very focused on activities engaging foreign partners and promoting intercultural and multireligious dialogue.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

CEL Foundation is ready to share experience in the field of international projects on different topics, exchange contacts and promote ALF. CEL Foundation would like to work actively in the field of transnational cooperation and initiate project here in Kielce, the city with a difficult and shameful history connected with the Jewish pogrom.
The purpose of the CEL FOUNDATION is to promote intercultural dialogue through the exchange of cultural, intellectual, and social values. In addition, the goal of the Foundation is to promote knowledge and mutual respect between representatives of the Mediterranean culture and countries of EU. The Foundation would like to encourage local citizens to exchange dialogue between heritage of the Mediterranean countries and the countries of the EU. The problem in Kielce is that projects based on such theme are rare and not so well promoted. CEL Foundation is very open for initiatives realized within the ALF Network and ready to organize some activities in Kielce.
The Foundation would contribute to a wider promotion of ALF and the activities it initiates, its potential and role in enhancing mutual understanding and multicultural dialogue, active citizenship and participation. CEL Foundation plans to realise international projects in order to promote transnational activities and benefits stemming from such cooperation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

CEL Foundation is planning to organize a big multireligious and multicultural conference in Kielce, the city where the last Jewish Pogrom took place. Its aim is to prove that many generations passed and the new generation, present inhabitants of the city are open minded and tolerant. The aim of CEL FOUNDATION is to initiate international events leading to enhancing dialogue between cultures and religions. The Foundation cooperates locally with Association of Jan Karski from Kielce and aims to initiate multireligious and multicultural events promoting tolerance and mutual understanding. The previous project CEL Foundation applied for was the project in the partnership with Museum of Dialogue of Cultures.
CEL Foundation is planning to create a kind of Transnational Center for Mutual Understanding whose aim is to promote international projects and encourage institutions and NGOs to think about projects with countries from outside EU. Thanks to such attitude we would like to break a stereotype that international projects are restricted only to EU Member States.

Contact (1) Full Name
Kamila Kępczyńska-Kaleta
Head of the organisation
Łukasz Żuchowski
Contact (2) Full Name
Aneta Nasternak-Kmieć

JISER Reflexions Mediterrànies

National Network

Pallars 375, 2on 6a, E-08019 Barcelona

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
(0034) 653.300.214
Mobile Phone (other)
(0034) 686.13.88.14
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
General Information
1. JISER est une organisation non gouvernementale. L’organisation est dirigée par un comité composé par 7 membres, qui couvrent les différentes zones géographiques. 2. L’équipe est divisée en deux domaines: - Création artistique (avec la participation active de plus de 50 membres) - Recherche (avec la participation de plus de 100 membres) Chaque domaine a un coordinateur général. 3. Les partenariats avec lesquels nous travaillons sont la FAL réseau espagnol, IEMed, Chaire UNESCO pour le dialogue interculturel, l'Observatoire Euromed, Espace el Teatro, FIMAM, TEIM, entre d’autres. 4. Les sources de financement sont publiques, obtenues par le biais d’appels de subvention ou bien par la signature de conventions avec les administrations. 5. Les méthodes de nos projets qui prennent en charge de la mobilité, la réflexion commune, le dialogue et l'échange, tant au niveau artistique que le niveau de recherche. Principalement avec les jeunes.
Mission and Objectives

1. Promouvoir activités de coopération au développement entre pays de l’espace euro-méditerranéen, surtout celles qui sont liées à l’art (coopération culturelle et artistique) et la recherche (coopération scientifique).
2. Favoriser le développement d'initiatives conjointes qui favorisent la connaissance mutuelle de ces sociétés, dans les domaines culturel, artistique, investigateur, éducatif, formatif, humain et social.
3. Favoriser la mobilité, le dialogue et la réflexion conjointe entre personnes des différents pays de la Méditerranée.

Main Projects / Activities

- Résidences de création BCN-TNS 2010. JISER organise la première édition d’une résidence croisée entre les villes de Barcelona et Tunis, ou deux artistes sélectionnés réaliseront une résidence de deux mois, avec une exposition individuelle et l’édition d’un catalogue.
Organisé en collaboration avec l’Espace El Teatro, Tunis, et le Centre Civic Fort Pienc, Barcelona.
- Perceptions de la Ville (2006). Rencontre de jeunes artistes tunisiens et espagnols à Barcelone. Mai 2006. La rencontre a donné comme résultat une exposition itinérante qui a visité Barcelone, Zaragoza et Tunis.
Organisé en collaboration avec l’IEMed.
- Mediterrània. Una mar de diversitat. Ciné-forum qui réfléchit sur l’identité et la perception
Organisé en collaboration avec le Centre Cívic Sagrada Família, Barcelona, May-Juin 2006.
- Fronteres. Cycle de cinéma qui présente une analyse des frontières, pas seulement physiques, des habitants de l’espace euro-méditerranéen.
Organisé en collaboration avec le Centre Cívic Can Felipa, Barcelona, Juillet 2009.
- I Rencontre de Jeunes Chercheurs autour de la Méditerranée. Tarragone, Espagne. Mai 2007.
Organisé en collaboration avec la Chaire UNESCO pour le Dialogue Interculturel et l’Universitat Rovira i Virgili de Tarragone.
- II Rencontre de Jeunes Chercheurs autour de la Méditerranée. Oran, Algérie. Juin 2009.
Participant en tant qu’institution collaboratrice.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed Ben Soltane (vice-président)
Head of the organisation
Xavier de Luca (président)
Contact (2) Full Name
Ferran Roca i Solsona (secrétaire)

Förderverein Willy-Brandt-Zentrum Jerusalem e.V.

National Network

Luise & Karl Kautsky – Haus, Saarstr. 14

0049 176 88079581
Telephone (other)
00972 (0)2 6732171 (Raana Gräsle)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Executive Board: 5 members (honorary); Willy Brandt Center in Jerusalem: 3 full time employees, 4 part time employees, 20-30 volunteers; Average budget per year: 200.000 Euro. Sources of funding: i.a. German Ministry for economic cooperation and development, German Foreign Ministry, ConAct, Foundation for Remembrance, Responsibility and Future. Modalities of actions: short- and longterm-projects; exchanges; educational activities; seminars, trainings, workshops. Main partners: 9 Palestinian and Israeli partner organizations; and Forum Civil Peace Service (Germany)
Mission and Objectives

Contribute to international understanding in particular to a better understanding between young Israelis, Palestinians and Germans by using the framework offered by the Willy Brandt Center Jerusalem; support peaceful and equal development in the Middle East by fostering political non-formal education, youth exchange, actions and programs in these fields; enhance programs and ideas of the civil peace service.

Main Projects / Activities

three-year project aiming at establishing a cooperative educational platform for Palestinian and Israeli youth organizations; three-year project aiming at improving the communication channels between young Israeli and Palestinian decision makers; monthly public cultural events in the framework of the Red Lounges; one-year program aiming at supporting democratic structures in Palestine; regular youth exchanges between Germany, Israel and Palestine; activities to strengthen community development in Jerusalem

Contact (1) Full Name
Herr Cheb Kammerer
Head of the organisation
Cheb Kammerer
Contact (2) Full Name
Frau Juliane Drückler

heimaten e.V. - Netz für Chancengerechtigkeit

National Network

Hermelinweg 11
81549 Munich

+49 15771578381
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+49 15771578381
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Human rights
General Information

We are a new organisation, founded in the beginning of 2009. Members are people engaged in social and political work together with immigrants as well as young immigrants like refugees. Resources till now are payment of the members. main projects are activities for democratic action and participation, self-organisation, arts.

Mission and Objectives

The organisation stand up for intercultural understanding and social and political participation, for the chance of every human being in our society for good education, for tolerance and against racism or discrimination. We do this together people from different countries as well people from Bavaria. We will create and take part in networks.

Main Projects / Activities

Till now we organised seminaries for participation in political subjects, visits and discussions in different places like the bavarian parliament, took part with group of young refugees in competition. We have organised an event on the occasion of the day of human rights.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Marianne Seiler
Head of the organisation
Marianne Seiler
Contact (2) Full Name
Martina Unger

Ibn Rushd Fund for Freedom of Thought

National Network

13357 Berlin

+49 (0) 30-296 06 85
+49 (0) 30 44650219
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+49 (0) 179 7735104
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The Ibn Rushd Fund for Freedom of Thought was founded on December 10th, 1998, in commemoration of the 800th anniversary of Ibn Rushd's (Averroes’) death, and on the 50th anniversary of the declaration of Universal Human Rights. It is an independent organization registered in Germany. Its founding members are mainly of Arab origin who live in Germany. Meanwhile, the fund’s members and sponsors are spread all over Europe, the Arab countries and North America. The sphere of activity, however, is the Arab world. All the fund’s activities are achieved on honorary basis. All expenses of the fund including the annual awards are financed exclusively by donations and fees, which has preserved is independence. Budget: ca. 5500-6000 Euro/Year, Sources of Funding: Fees and donations Awards: 2010 ... (Blogger) 2009 Samir Amin - Egypt (Economy) 2008 Mohammed Abed al-Jabri - Morocco (Arab Renaissance) 2007 Nouri Bouzid - Tunisia (Film) 2006 Fatima Ahmed Ibrahim - Sudan (Human Rights) 2005 Nasr Hamid Abu Zaid - Egypt (Reform of Islam) 2004 Sonallah Ibrahim - Egypt (Litterature engagé) 2003 Mohammed Arkoun - Algeria (Philosophy) 2002 Azmi Bishara - Palestine (Politics) 2001 Mahmoud Amin El Alem - Egypt (Criticism) 2000 Issam Abdulhadi - Palestine (Women's Rights) 1999 al-Jazeera TV Satelite Channel - Qatar (Journalism)
Mission and Objectives

The fund’s goal consists in fostering freedom of thought, democracy and the courage to stand up for one’s beliefs in the Arab world. The Ibn Rushd Fund wants Arab culture to strive for rationalism and tolerance. Supporting the ideas of freedom of thought and democracy is an important starting point to catch up with the process of world civilization. To this end, the fund collects money to honour people who have rendered outstanding services to these goals. In this way, endeavours for freedom and democracy in the Arab World will be supported. The fund also launches campaigns in favour of persons who because of their political or social activities and beliefs come into conflict with their governments.

Main Projects / Activities

Supporting the ideas of freedom of thought and democracy by honouring people who have rendered outstanding services to these goals. The fund also launches campaigns in favour of persons who because of their political or social activities and beliefs come into conflict with their governments. On the website of the Ibn Rushd Fund a forum is offered to Arab and non-Arab intellectuals where ideas can be exchanged on transformation processes in the Arab World between tradition and modernity.

Contact (1) Full Name
Cora Josting
Head of the organisation
Hikmat Bushnaq, Cora Josting, Fadia Foda

IDEM - Institute for Democracy, Media and Cultural Exchange

National Network

Gütherplatz 6
60327 Frankfurt am Main

+49 69348761870
+49 69348761871
Mobile Phone
+49 (0)17683076104
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
IDEM is an independent non-profit research and policy organisation. The Association does not act in its own interests. It does not pursue economic purposes. Budgetary resources available in a year ca. 15.000 EUR. Sources of funding: membership fees, contributions of governments, corporations and private individuals. Modalities of action: Trainings and seminars in SEE and Central Asian countries, Ukraine, Africa; Main partners: United Nations' Democracy Fund (UNDEF); Different German and European Foundations.
Mission and Objectives

We provide strategy advice and solutions, know-how transfer, technical assistance and cultural exchange activities, for example, in educational exchange and the development of curricula. IDEM initiates, supports and carries out projects and institutions that are involved with the role of media in democratisation processes and the development of information and communication technologies in Europe and worldwide. IDEM's experienced and multidisciplinary team is committed to provide policy makers, implementing organisations and scholars with relevant strategic analysis and practical solutions.IDEM seeks, with a network of local partners, local partners, editors and journalists, students of journalism and lawyers working in the industry, the integration of target countries into the international and specifically European structures, servicing varying needs of the countries. Areas like media and security, democracy or new technologies find special attention.

Main Projects / Activities

Most recent: Empowering People through Citizens' Journalism - Establishing a community radio in Albania. Additionally, this 24-month project will offer representatives of NGOs free participation in six courses in journalism and public communication.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Friederike von Franqué
Head of the organisation
Friedrike von Franqué

Institut für Internationale Zusammenarbeit des Deutschen Volkshochschulverbandes e.V.

National Network

Königswinterer Straße 552b
53227 Bonn

Telephone (other)
+49 228 9756967
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

About us: We are... the International Institute of the German Adult Education Association the instrument of international solidarity of the 1000 German community adult education centres a specialist adult education organisation with over 140 staff worldwide non-profit making and non-governmental a member of EAEA (European Association for the Education of Adults) and ICAE (International Council for Adult Education) We work with... local, national and regional partners and adult education institutions and associations throughout the world, with whom we have cooperated since 1973 on national programmes We aim to... support the establishment and development of continuing education institutions in developing countries and countries in transition foster the exchange of information and expertise in Europe and worldwide provide training, advice, and learning materials and media on global, intercultural and European policy issues Our main areas of work are... literacy and basic education adult education and participation initial training for adult education professionals new media and materials environmental education and agriculture poverty reduction and income generation initial and continuing vocational training health education and Aids migration and integration education for women and men national, European and global adult education policy and funding Our main sponsors are... the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) the German Foreign Office (AA) the European Union (EU) the World Bank

Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Barbara Hust
Head of the organisation
Uwe Gartenschlaeger

Euro-Med Movement

National Network

P.O Box 580,
Office: 1 Victoria House 1 A, Labour Avenue, Naxxar.


Mobile Phone (other)
00356 79424555
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information
The Euro-Med Movement is coordinated by: a) Governing Board made up of professionals, university students and young workers, b) a number of volunteers that implement projects and activities through the setting up of ad hoc project teams. Budgetary resources depend mostly on sponsorships and direct funds by the European Commission in relation to projects themselves which include seminars, meetings, training courses and publications. The Euro-Med Movement is affiliated to international networks such as United against racism, Euro-Med platform and a list of partners throughout the region.
Mission and Objectives

The Movement’s aims and objectives are listed in a manifesto encompassing the main principles on which it is founded. It pays particular attention to issues of Freedom, Equality and Solidarity. Through its operations and statements, the Euro-Med Movement tries to foster a sense of unity and peace within society, including policy-makers and young people. It works through regional cooperation in the Mediterranean and likewise is in favour of strengthening ties between the European Union and all countries bordering this region. The EMM encourages the implementation of regional cooperation projects that are financed by the European Union and other institutions.

Main Projects / Activities

In order to achieve its goals, the Euro-Med Movement takes an active role by organising local and European-wide seminars for young people on topical issues such as social tension and conflict in the Euro-Med region. It also issues regular press-statements on current affairs, whilst holding meetings with political and diplomatic corps to voice the Movement’s concern on sensitive areas principally on matters of foreign policy. On a local level, it empowers young people to take part in exchanges hosted by European and Mediterranean partners, as well as disseminating information related to the European Union.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr Joe Mifsud
Head of the organisation
Dr Joe Mifsud

Vilnius Culture Centre (VCC)

National Network

Rinktinės str. 50,

+370 657 51 984
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
VCC is an institution engaged in organizing and contributing to various social, cultural, educational events, international projects and Vilnius city culture and art festivals. VCC is budgetary institution, which belongs to Vilnius City Municipality. Working together with Vilnius City Municipality, public institution Vilnius Festivals, ethnic minority associations, Vilnius Ethnic Culture Centre, various art centres, galleries and local communities, VCC presents projects of different formats and styles. These social cultural events are being held indoors and outdoors choosing interesting and extraordinary locations aiming to attract and involve as much citizens of Vilnius as possible. Furthermore VCC works on fostering intercultural dialogue, tolerance and socially cohesive society by helping several ethnic minority groups (russians, poles, jews) to implement their creative ideas and disseminate their cultural events to a wider audience. As well VCC organizes social projects where people of different age, ethnic origin and belief participate together: Pacific / Asian Cuisine Days, Gdansk Culture Days in Vilnius, Lithuanian Independence Day celebration etc.
Mission and Objectives

VCC mission is to implement creative, innovative ideas and is constantly looking for new forms, strategies and methods to produce various cultural projects (festivals, exhibitions, performances, concerts etc.).

Main Projects / Activities

French contemporary painting exhibition "D'après la ruine", Pacific / Asian Cuisine Days, Gdansk Culture Days in Vilnius, Lithuanian Independence Day celebration, Anniversary of Vilnius, Riga and Tallinn cooperation - Nordic Sounds Vilnius Express jazz concert.

Contact (1) Full Name
Paulius Jurgaitis
Head of the organisation
Director Paulius Jurgutis
Contact (2) Full Name
Loreta Radavičienė

National Tourism Business Association of Lithuania

National Network

Seimyniskiu 1a,

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
National tourism business association (NTVA) unites professional inbound and local tourism operators. NTVA provides professional advisory services for all tourism operators in order to guarantee professional service for tourists coming to Lithuania.
Mission and Objectives

To enhance abroad reputation of Lithuania as a modern, professional and friendly country for all kind of tourists;
To unite working forces of cultural, conference, active and health tourism operators to promote tourism possibilities in Lithuania for all business who maybe interested in working with Lithuania
To encourage cooperation of individual tourism service providers and tour operators;
To defense rights and interests of the members in governmental institutions.

Main Projects / Activities

Creation the chain of sustainable travel product chain

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To share and gain the best practice

Contact (1) Full Name
Zydre Gaveliene
Head of the organisation
President Zydre Gaveliene