Youth Culture Forum Association - جمعية المنتدى الثقافي للشباب

National Network
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
جمعية المنتدى الثقافي للشباب , مؤسسة غير حكومية تأستت في العام 2003 , تحمل رؤية بناء مجتمع مستدام مبني على الاندماج المجتمعي للشباب المهمشين ليكونو قاده ومسؤولين في مجتمعاتهم واماكن تواجدهم .
Mission and Objectives

أهداف الجمعية :
بناء القدرات المهنية لجمعية المنتدى الثقافي للشباب
تطوير قدرات الشباب من كلا الجنسين نحو تشجيع مشاركتهم المدنية

Main Projects / Activities

1- دعم المواهب الشابة
2- تعزيز ثقافة التطوع لدى الشباب
3- تنمية قدرات الشباب

Contact (1) Full Name
عطية محمد صالحة
Head of the organisation
عطية محمد صالحة
Contact (2) Full Name
محمد شحادة

Youth and Childhood AJYAL center

National Network
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
Status of non-government established in 1999, registered officially in 2003 under 1054 under the initiative of groups of young people and children and in cooperation and agreement with the Quakers in 1998 In 1999, the center was opened officially and the Center seeks to achieve the goals, which was launched in order to achieve the objectives for the areas youth. And social development. And cultural rights. Youth. And education, Children and the dialogue and promote democracy and build a partnership and cooperation with civil institutions and bodies, a non-profit center has been re-registered in the Ministry of the Interior in 2009 under the number 8178
Mission and Objectives

1 - community awareness and contribute to the development of
2 - Development of teamwork
3 - Development of the spirit of volunteerism
4 - to achieve social integration and provide a decent life for different population groups and provide economic programs and productive projects serve the younger generations, and the creation of decent jobs for them and ensure their participation in the production process.
5 - To enhance and develop the relationship and partnership and networking with relevant institutions to construction and development
6 - Developing the capacity and skills, cultural and social development of young people and children and to all segments of society
7 - Development of community participation for women and enhance their role and interest in studies of maternal and child
8 - to further strengthen communication and dialogue between generations and build community-based initiatives and increased opportunities and interaction in society.
9 - Focus on the development of rural areas of the Palestinian youth, and give an opportunity to participate in community activities and programs to enable young people to promote the right to community participation and awareness of the concepts of civil society.
10 - Rehabilitation of a generation of young people unable to bear hardships and work properly

Main Projects / Activities

Childlike center building
Build a multi-purpose hall under follow-up and implementation
Summer Camps
Recreational activities for children
Courses and workshops for Vian and sectors in the community

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through activities and programs
Small projects that serve children and youth sectors
Communication with network members around the world

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Benefit from the expertise and network programs
Promote cultural exchange
Strengthen cooperation between the institutions participating in the network
Exchange of various scientific and cultural programs and social
Creating a culture of dialogue among peoples

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohammed Amodi
Head of the organisation
Mohammed Amodi
Contact (2) Full Name
Rajwa Abo Alhov

bpw Ramallah club

National Network
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
The Officers of the Club shall be the President, two Vice-Presidents, the Secretary and the Treasurer.
Mission and Objectives

2. Organize business and professional women to use their combined abilities and strengths for the attainment of the following objectives in line with gender sensitive perspectives and human rights in accordance with the policy of BPW International.
a) work for high standards of service in business and the professions;
b) stimulate and encourage in women a realization and acceptance of their responsibility to the community, locally, nationally and internationally;
c) encourage women and girls to:
i) acquire education, occupational training and advance education;
ii) use their occupational capacities and intelligence for the advantage of others as well as themselves;
d) work for:
i) equal opportunities and status for women in the economic, civil and political life in their country;
ii) the removal of discrimination.
e) promote friendship, cooperation and understanding between business and professional women of all countries.
f) undertake projects, philanthropic in nature and not for profit, that meet the earlier objectives and help women to become economically independent.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Develop professional and leadership potentials for women at all levels to strive toward equal participation of women and men in power and decision making roles.
2. Organize business and professional women to use their combined abilities and strengths for the attainment of the following objectives in line with gender sensitive perspectives and human rights in accordance with the policy of BPW International.
a) work for high standards of service in business and the professions;
b) stimulate and encourage in women a realization and acceptance of their responsibility to the community, locally, nationally and internationally;
c) encourage women and girls to:
i) acquire education, occupational training and advance education;
ii) use their occupational capacities and intelligence for the advantage of others as well as themselves;
d) work for:
i) equal opportunities and status for women in the economic, civil and political life in their country;
ii) the removal of discrimination.
e) promote friendship, cooperation and understanding between business and professional women of all countries.
f) undertake projects, philanthropic in nature and not for profit, that meet the earlier objectives and help women to become economically independent.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

net working could provide me with new skills

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

networking, getting fuding, sharing and experience

Contact (1) Full Name
Hilda Awwad
Head of the organisation
Hilda Awwad
Contact (2) Full Name
Khalid Akhras

Il-Kunsill ta' l-Istudenti Universitarji (KSU)

National Network

Kunsill Studenti Universitarji
Student's House
University of Malta


+356 2134 3085
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+356 79973299
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The organisation is composed of an executive body made up of 11 directly elected representatives from students attending the University of Malta, and 2 representatives elected from 2 independent commissions. These representatives work on a voluntary basis. The organisation currently employs one member of staff. Its annual turnover is approx EUR 100,000, financed mainly through the events organised by the same organisation and from its sponsors. The work revolves around a number of projects and events which have to be carried out annually, along with other events that may need to be done in the interest of student repesentation. KSU has also taken part in international projects and student exchanges. Its main partners are other student representatives, its corporate sponsors, governmental and non-governmetnal agencies and various policy makers.
Mission and Objectives

KSU is a dynamic organization and therefore it is open for change and debate. Nevertheless, this organisation is built on a set of fundamental principles:
To represent students in whatever issues concern them, whether it is on a national or international level.
To serve as an official link between students and the relevant authorities.
To achieve the democratization of education in Malta.
To coordinate activities with other organizations, and
To cultivate an interest in students in the fields of education, socio-political and cultural issues.
To pressure authorities into assuring the highest level of quality in Higher Education.

Main Projects / Activities

KSU organises a number of annual activities, such as Freshers' Week, which aims to welcome new students at the University of Malta; Careers'Convention, that aims to help bridge the gap between University and the working life; Singers' Songwriters Showcase where students are allowed to showcase their artistic talents; Students' Fest, another theatrical display organised by students; and also a number of ad hoc events, such as rallies, meetings and displays which, organised in the interest of student representation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Thomas Bugeja (President)
Head of the organisation
Thomas Bugeja (President)
Contact (2) Full Name
John Gabarretta (Secretary General)


National Network

CRUZ DEL SUR 7, 3C, 28007

91 448 56 04
Organisation Type
Private Company
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Staff: 15 people Budgetary: 300.000 € Sources of funding: Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs / Moroccan Ministry of Crafts
Mission and Objectives

Cooperate in people´s development in culture and crafts in different region of the world

Main Projects / Activities

Consultancy especialiced in Programs of International Development Cooperation and in Cultural Projects

Contact (1) Full Name

Studio Legale Castrolla - Associazione Professionale

National Network


0039 06 39737063
0039 06 233233250
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Studio legale Crastolla- Associazione Professionale- consists of a young team of lawyers and expert consultants in European Projects. Our Partners are main Associations, Private Companies, Public Institutions, Local and Regional Authority.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to make accessible to all bodies, public and private, the European planning assisting them in whatever they need.

Main Projects / Activities

Our activities is to give advice to our partners during the preparation and implementation of European projects regarding culture, human rights, labor, development, technology.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Associazione Culturale Airesis

National Network

Via del Casaletto 161

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
"Airesis" (from the greek "airèo", "to choose") is a cultural association that takes care of the education of young people through theater.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to spread among young people a "culture of theatricality", meant as the overcoming of individualism in favor of the dynamics of the community, such as abandonment of randomness in favor of a path of choices.

Main Projects / Activities

Our work consists mainly in the activation of theater workshops in schools of every grade and in the representation of theatrical performances on social themes

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through our theatrical education projects, which are an excellent vehicle for the education of youth key concepts such as tolerance, integration, the concept of "common good", and through our project "Spiagge e Orizzonti", having as main theme the Mediterranean and its history.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because every action that takes place individually acquires greater value and greater force if it is carried out in a group, community, network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Roberta Romano
Head of the organisation
Alberto Romano

Association for LGBTQ Persons "Diversity Workshop" (Stowarzyszenie Na Rzecz Lesbijek, Gejów, Osób Biseksualnych, Osób Transpłciowych Oraz Osób Queer "Pracownia Różnorodności")

National Network

ul. Jana Mohna 50H/8, 87-100 Toruń

+48 668 876 075
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+48 668 876 075
Mobile Phone (other)
+48 500 812 889
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Structure of the organization: board (4 members; 2 must be women) and a revision commission (4 members; 2 must be women) are the only statutory bodies; no staff employed - all members of the association are volunteers and work for free; annual budget of approximately PLN 7000; member contributions are currently the only source of funding; modalities of action: workshops and educational events promoting diversity (e.g. living libraries), events popularizing queer and LGBTQ culture (e.g. queerfests, movie screenings), inquiries, interventions and legal assistance in cases of homophobia,; the association cooperates closely with other LGBTQ organizations - on country level - as well as with various groups and organizations on a local level.
Mission and Objectives

1. working towards a legal and actual equality of lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgender persons, including:
a) making the debate on problems of LGBTQ persons public and open,
b) shaping social acceptance for LGBTQ persons and fighting prejudice and stereotypes connected with LGBTQ persons,
c) increasing visibility and social representation of LGBTQ persons,
d) creating a positive LGBTQ identity,
e) eliminating inequalities based on sex, gender or sexual orientation in Polish law,
f) fighting discrimination of LGBTQ persons,
g) counteracting all forms of physical and psychical violence based on sex, gender or sexual orientation;
2. popularizing knowledge on sexual orientations, sexual identifications and gender;
3. creating and introducing a anti-discrimination discourse, sensible to exclusion and stigmatization;
4. popularizing knowledge on sexual health.

Main Projects / Activities

1. educational events promoting diversity - workshops, living libraries (so far 2 in Toruń itself and 2 in smaller, neighboring towns of Grudziądz and Włocławek)
2. events popularizing queer and LGBTQ culture - queerfests (with exhibitions, panel discussions, concerts, performances and drag shows), local editions of "a million different loves?!" film festival, LGBTQ-related movie screenings
3. reacting to all revealed cases of homophobia through: inquiry (usually written - demanding explanations, opinions), intervention (Police, government plenipotentiary for equal status, ombundsman office, other relevant authorities) and legal assistance (where necessary); the association deals with everything from individual cases to combating homophobic school textbooks and encyclopedia entries
4. other activity - street events (e.g. anti-homophobic clinics), outdoor campaigns using posters, leaflets and billboards, support for other discriminated groups

Contact (1) Full Name
Przemysław Szczepłocki
Head of the organisation
Monika Dąbrowska, Aldona Lewandowska, Karolina Orcholska, Przemysław Szczepłocki (four board members)
Contact (2) Full Name
Monika Dąbrowska

Polish Robert Schuman Foundation (Polska Fundacja im. Roberta Schumana)

National Network

al. Ujazdowskie 37/5

+48 22 621 21 61
Telephone (other)
+48 22 622 03 43
+48 22 629 72 14
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The Polish Robert Schuman Foundation (hereinafter called “Foundation”) is non-governmental, non-political organization. The main source of founding are the contest for implenmentation of the project called by EU commision, Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and other governmental and non govenmental institutions.
Mission and Objectives

Our aim is to encourage Polish citizens to actively participate in the process of unifying Europe and spread the idea of multiculturalism.the Foundation develops programs teaching how to make use of the opportunities given by The EU membership. In addition, we cooperate with a variety of institutions within the EU and outside it in order to know better and acknowledge democratic values.

Main Projects / Activities

The activities of the Foundations include organizing of conferences, seminars, trainings, debates and discussions on different topics, publishing of monthly bulletin on European issues and other thematic publications, coordinating of European School club network (around 1200 school clubs) and organizing exchange projects by actively involving in European volunteer movement and arranging study tours of Ukrainian and Byelorussian youth workers to Poland. The biggest and the most popular annual event organized by the Foundation is “The Polish European meetings”, where thousands of activists from different pro-European organizations meet and exchange the ideas and information and walk down the streets of Warsaw in so called “Schuman Parade”.
Our Foundation is actively involved in European Voluntary Service programme since 2000 and we are one of the biggest sending, hosting and coordinating organization is Poland. On a daily basis we involve in our work also Polish volunteers and interns.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maja Selan
Head of the organisation
Mrs Anna Radwan - Röhrenschef
Contact (2) Full Name
Maja Selan

CTA - Closer To Asia Association (Stowarzyszenie Closer to Asia)

National Network

Gronostajowa 3 Street, 30-387 Kraków, Poland. Middle and Far East Studies Department, Jagiellonian University

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Others
  8. Religion
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information
25 regular members, 2 honorary members. 12 partners (polish univeristies, science or cultural institutions, one embassy). The budget varies from year to year. We raise our funds from membership fees, donations, Jagiellonian University, grants from various institutions. We organize cultural and scientific events, like conferences, seminars or festivals. We also undertake educational programs for youth. Our main partner is Jagiellonian Univeristy, especially the Department of Middle and Far East Studies.
Mission and Objectives

CTA - Closer To Asia is a non-profit organization founded by a group of people connected by a passion for Asian countries - their culture, society, history, politics. CTA members include University graduates, travelers and businessmen. Our main aim is to promote understanding among people, cultural and scientific institutions of Poland/European Union and Asia.
We are experienced in preparing numerous events. For three years we have been preparing New Year Festivals in association with a Kung Fu school. We organized several times The Arab Days in Kraków, lectures about Middle East or Arab poetry readings. We made also Asian Culture Festival bringing together cultures of China, Japan and Indonesia. The members are also experienced in the field of science, they have been publishing articles and giving lectures.
The aims of CTA - Closer To Asia are, beside organization cultural events, spreading knowledge about Asian culture in European Union (especially in Poland) and scientific and scholar activity - co-organizing of inter-university scientific conferences and publishing a periodical. For example we co-organized an international science conference "Change and Stability. State, Religion and Politics in the Modern Middle East and North Africa" (Krakow May 28-29 2009), which gathered many scientists from whole Europe, United States, Middle East and India.

Main Projects / Activities

Main current projects:
Interdisciplinary Science Conference: Nationalism, Ethnicity and Multiculturalism in the Middle and Far East", Kraków May 27-28.
Calligraphy Festival in Cracow - Kraków, September (in relation to the European Day of Languages 2010).

Contact (1) Full Name
Katarzyna Dziedzic
Head of the organisation
Krystian Wiciarz
Contact (2) Full Name
Krystian Wiciarz