Atelier Culture Projects

National Network

118 St Christopher Street, Valletta, Malta

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. Others
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Atelier is a cultural organisation composed of two individuals who work on a full time basis within the team. Atelier works on a project basis, therefore collaborates with a number of partners on various projects, and also sub contracts on an ad hoc basis. Budgets are determined on a project by project basis. Sources of funding vary, from the activities carried out within European Union funded projects, from national events and privately sponsored projects. Atelier usually works within concrete projects (planning and execution of tangible projects), organisation of seminars, fundraising, territorial marketing for local communities, project management of cultural events and activities. Our main partners are public bodies, foundations and NGOs involved in cultural activities, artists and individuals within the creative industry.
Mission and Objectives

Generating development and innovation through culture and the arts.
Creating awareness of the value added and potential growth through culture, while establishing a new hub for cultural activity and innovative projects on a local and international level.
To create a synergy between the cultural sector, public and private entities and the community, where culture becomes an effective and viable vehicle for economic growth and social development.
To give impetus to cultural and territorial valorization.
We believe in:
Stimulating dialogue and valuing diversity
Innovation and sustainability
Creativity and vision
Technology and economy working in synergy with culture and human values
Education and effective communication

Main Projects / Activities

Planning and execution of European Union funded projects, mainly Culture 2007 and ESF; national projects, organization of seminars and cultural activities and events. Fundraising activities and projects within the community.

Contact (1) Full Name
Natasha Borg
Head of the organisation
Natasha Borg (Managing Director)

Association Internationale pour la Sauvegarde de Tyr (AISTYR)

National Network

Baltagi Bldg, Akhtal el Saghir street, Ramlet el-Bayda, Beirut ‎

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
L’AIST Liban est une ONG à statut de but non lucratif, consultatif accréditée auprès de l'UNESCO comprenant un bureau exécutif, 300 membres et un Comité Amis de Tyr. Elle a créé en 2008 conjoinctivement avec L’AIST France la Fondation Tyr. Les ressources proviennent des cotisations et des dons de ses membres. Certains projets ou actions sont financés par le mécénat ou par des subventions d'organismes français et libanais. L’AIST a réalisé plusieurs projets pendant 28 ans (Voir site Web). Elle a créé la "Ligue des Cités Cananéennes, Phéniciennes et Puniques" dont "La Route des Phéniciens" (resolution de l’Unesco en 1993). Nos principaux partenaires sont l'UNESCO et le Ministère de la Culture libanais.
Mission and Objectives

En prenant la culture pour levier, l'AIST a pour mission d’initier, de coordonner, de planifier et d’accompagner des activités favorisant la sauvegarde, la préservation de l’environnement, la réhabilitation, la promotion du tourisme culturel et du développement socio-économique des cités méditerranéennes sœurs de Tyr. Ainsi en intervenant tant au niveau national qu’international, elle contribuera à promouvoir Tyr comme centre de rencontres, de dialogue interculturel, de la promotion de la paix et travaillera en partenariat avec différentes institutions, intéressées par les projets culturels et les objectifs qui sont : • Promouvoir la connaissance, • Concourir à la recherche historique, • Conservation et mise en valeur du patrimoine archéologique et culturel, • Contribuer à la sauvegarde du patrimoine et identification du patrimoine non protégé, • Favoriser la formation, la transmission des savoir-faire et l’insertion dans les secteurs de l’artisanat traditionnel, • Sauvegarde de l’environnement. • Mise en place de la Ligue des Cités Cananéennes, Phéniciennes et Puniques et du projet « La Route des Phéniciens ».

Main Projects / Activities

En 1998, l’AIST a vu ses efforts couronnés par le lancement officiel de la « Campagne Internationale UNESCO pour Tyr et ses environs ». Ce vaste programme de protection, de réhabilitation et de développement socio-culturel en faveur de Tyr, cité millénaire, inscrite sur la liste du Patrimoine Mondial en 1984 exige un effort international de grande envergure. Force est donc de développer toutes les initiatives de coopération en créant une chaîne de solidarité entre les pays méditerranéens afin de renouer des liens ancestraux et de consolider un horizon d'échanges permanents. D'où l'idée de constituer une "Ligue des Cités Cananéennes, Phéniciennes et Puniques" rassemblant les villes-cités fondées ou visitées par les Cananéens, les Phéniciens ou les Puniques qui ont la même source d'une civilisation à la fois sémite et méditerranéenne. Un projet sur "La Route des Phéniciens" sera la colonne vertébrale de la mise en place de la Ligue. L’objectif est d'amener ces villes héritières d’un passé commun à une prise de conscience de leur identité historique commune, de s'investir dans différentes formes d'échanges et de coopération et de contribuer par des interventions spécifiques aux projets de la Campagne UNESCO en faveur de Tyr . La Ligue permettra de développer la recherche et l'étude de ces périodes importantes de l'histoire encore méconnue et donnera l'opportunité aux spécialistes de confronter les résultats de leurs travaux qui ouvrent de nouvelles perspectives de dialogue et de coopération. Ce projet qui vise à développer les liens culturels et socio-économiques sera, nous l’espérons, le prélude d'une solidarité active, d'une coopération multidimensionnelle et pour favoriser la Paix dans la Méditerranée.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Maha El-Khalil Chalabi
Head of the organisation
Dr. Maha El-Khalil Chalabi

‎Naba'a - Developmental Action without Borders

National Network

Abed Al-Majid Bazzi Bldg., 1st floor, Al-Saray street
Saida 1600

‎+961-7-732601 ‎
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Naba'a has been a registered independent NGO (License number 104/AD) since 2001, before when we were part of the program of Save the Children UK in Lebanon targeting Palestinian refugees. However, SC-UK is still today one important and valued program funder and partner of ours. Contributing to our 2009 income up to 1 127 544 USD, these furthermore include: AECID, ECHO, Netherlands Embassy, Karim Rida Said Foundation, MAP, Movement for Peace, Palestinian Group Solidarity, Save the Children Sweden, Terre des Hommes Italy or UNICEF. Our projects take place throughout all Lebanon within several communities within the Palestinian refugee camps and unregistered gatherings. Such an implantation requires a solid organization among our 74 employees, 12 of whom are actually local volunteers. Internal management structures and capacities are always being reviewed to be sure we properly meet our scope of actions and efficiently manage our integrated community approach.
Mission and Objectives

Following our vision of a society built on the respect of human rights, our mission is to empower local communities so as to uphold the rights of children living in Lebanon, for them to play an active role within their society and grow up in a safe environment. Following our core values of neutrality, participation, and transparency, we work on helping Palestinian refugees as well as Lebanese community to take control over the decisions affecting their lives while addressing collective needs. We aim to support children and youth who are the most at risk of dropping out from school and being neglected or mistreated in their community. We particularly focus on marginalized girls, who have restricted mobility and are being denied education, when they are not confronted with early marriages. We also try to increase women’s role in the community decision-making processes, regarding gender equality and children’s rights issues mostly.

Main Projects / Activities

Relying on our complementary Child Rights, Community Development, Advocacy, Inclusive Education, Capacity-Building and Emergency programs, we do this by: - Providing skills trainings, recreational activities, and after-school support - Working with teachers and parents to strengthen their understanding of children’s needs - Providing awareness-building workshops - Involving community agencies (e.g. vocational training centers, health centers, NGOs) to improve the services addressing children and youth. - Participating in local networks of NGOS, popular committees, and active groups involving local decision makers. - Using our experience to provide key service providers (such as UNRWA) with relevant advice. - Promoting women rights through national advocacy campaigns and regional initiatives. Our work is based on an integrated and participatory approach. Our management team regularly meets with field workers and project coordinators to discuss strengths and weaknesses of our running projects. We closely monitor our activities and regularly produce reports to our donors and partners.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Yasser Dawoud
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Mr. Qassem Saad (Chairman)
Contact (2) Full Name
Mrs. Hiba Hamzi
Job Title (2)
Program Coordinator

International People's College (Den Internatonale Højskole)

National Network

Montebello Allé 1
3000 Helsingør

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
IPC is a Folk High School - a Danish institution for non-formal education for youth (over 18 years) and adult students - but IPC is special because it gathers students from all over the world. The students live and study together at the school. The staff encounters approximately 20 persons. The budget turnover is 14 million Danish crowns. IPC is funded by the state support for folk high schools and by its students. The school is led by a board that are elected from an assembly of committed citizens which also employs the principal.
Mission and Objectives

The main idea of IPC is to bring as many different cultures together and to encourage dialogue, understanding, interest and mutual respect in a world, where tolerance is a necessity and diversity is an adventure. The study program of IPC offers a wide range of global issues and classes. We focus on Global Citizenship, Global Development and Politics, but stay independent of religious or political ideologies

Main Projects / Activities

The main activities are 2 "long courses" of 18 and 22 weeks, but shorter courses and seminars are also organised.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Probably by sharing our experience - but IPC can also host seminars and meetings for the network or for participating organisations.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We wish to get in contact with NGOs and committed people from all the EuroMed area. We also think that our experience of teaching in a multicultural environment can be a contribution to the network and might be subject to exchange projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Søren Launbjerg
Head of the organisation
Toni Michelsen
Contact (2) Full Name
Elisabet Diedrichs

Mafraq center for traning and rehablition

National Network


E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Target Population The center serves individuals with mild-to-moderate mental retardation, physical disabilities, speech and hearing disabilities, and autism from six years to sixteen years old. The center also provides support for the families of children with disabilities Center Employees The Mafraq Center for Training and Rehabilitation employs 19 individuals trained in Special Education including: Center Director Financial Director Social Worker Autism Specialist Art therapy instructor Four Special Education classroom teachers Physical Therapist Speech Therapist Two on-site nurses Peace Corps volunteer Bus driver Four center-support staff members Establishment of the Center The Mafraq Center for Training and Rehabilitation was established in 1972 to promote the integration of persons with disabilities into the Mafraq community. Since its founding, the center has focused on fostering independence and confidence in individuals with disabilities. Institution Position Period Nature of Work Jordanian National Forum for Women Member and volunteer 6 MONTHS Increase women's awareness of their rights through meetings and identify the problems faced by women and try to resolve them KOICA organization a local partner to Korean volunteer ONE AND A HALF YEARS Support of volunteer programs in the development of the local community to solve problems through their presence in the community The German organization AGIF Coordinator of computer courses 4 YEARS Nominate women from the local community to develop their skills in computer use and thus facilitate their access to work - women's empowerment. Peace Corps organization A local partner to an American volunteer 2 YEARS Support of volunteer programs in the development of the local community to solve problems through their presence in the community Ministry of Social Development Researcher 2 YEARS Conducted research regarding the state of persons with disabilities in Jordan. Assessed programs for persons with special needs, researched problems in the special education sector, and advised on solutions.
Mission and Objectives

Mission of the Center
The Mafraq Center strives to cultivaete daily-life skills of persons with disabilities in order for them to increase independence, to successfully integrate into society, and to generalize skills learned to life outside the center. The center works towards these goals by providing comprehensive and ability-appropriate services to children with special needs and support to families of children with disabilities. Coordinating with the Ministry of Social Development and private foundations, the center strives to empower persons with disabilities and raise awareness about disabilities within the larger community.
Center Objectives
To implement appropriate Special Education services, including academic instruction and behavior modification. To train for independence in activities of daily life, including hygiene, self-care, and eating appropriately. To provide specialized therapy targeting student needs, including speech and physical therapy. To promote the integration of persons with disabilities in the community, focusing on the ability of each student to contribute meaningfully to the larger society. To introduce students to recreational and sport activities through day-trips and organized events.

Main Projects / Activities

Center Activities
The Mafraq Center for Training and Rehabilitation consists of four full-time classrooms for children with mild-to-moderate mental retardation, an on-site autism program and a daily art-therapy program. Additionally, the center provides outpatient occupational therapy services to children with physical disabilities. Specific center activities and amenities include:* Academic training for individuals with mild-to-moderate mental retardation including: object awareness, language, math, social studies, science, art, music, drama, independence and self-care.* Autism program including behavior modification principles, sensory integration, and applied behavioral analysis.* Art therapy program to develop vocational skills of teens with disabilities* Physical therapy program for children with physical disabilities* Bi-weekly Community Based Rehabilitation sessions with JAICA (offsite in Manshia and Alhumraa)* Field-trips and outings of cultural and academic importance, focusing on integration of students in the community.* Daily snack provided to all students by the center.* Daily transportation to and from the center.
CBR Program
The CBR team at the Mafraq Center for Training and Rehabilitation is responsible for the implementation of Community Based Rehabilitation (physical therapy) in Mafraq and Mansheeya, which lies about 30 km from Mafraq’s city center.
The CBR team sees clients in the center daily (14 clients per week) and visits Manshia twice weekly to provide in-home physical therapy services (20 cases per week).
The CBR team is made up of a professionally trained Physical Therapist and two nurse-practitioners.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through my position at my center, I was able to gain the respect and trust of many women in my community. Many times when a woman I know faces a problem in their home, they consult me for help and advice. Women see that I am strong and want me to help them be strong as well. Sometimes women who are beaten by their husbands and brothers have come to me for advice, and I tell them that they should stand up for themselves and speak to the police, even if it is difficult. being beaten her husband directing you to speak with the police.
I have the ability to influence the community I live in. I am already creating a network of women who stand for feminist leadership, women empowerment, and gender equality, and after attending the conference I could even better bring change to my society. academic programming for students with disabilities. From my position as a director of a Special Education center I have the opportunity to work with a wide range of people from various classes in Jordan. I have more complete knowledge of the problems, concerns, and abilities of people within my local community than someone who lives and deals only in the capital Amman would have. I am also a forward thinking woman in my society. I think that people who are otherwise uneducated about the ability of Arab women to create change within the society would benefit from seeing how motivated and independent that I am. I think that I have the ability to bring change to my community and to Jordan, and think I could inspire people to see that their own societies have the potential for change and growth as well.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I know that I have the strength of character that make me an activist and feminist leader, but I want to expand my knowledge further so that I can help think of solutions to problems in my country. It is one thing to know that a problem exists, but another to be able to work towards solving it. I am very aware that there needs to be more equality between men and women in Jordan. Women need to be better represented in the government. Women must have access to top jobs usually held my men. Women must be more independent so that they can take care of themselves. Honor killings need to stop. These are things that I want to work towards in Jordan, but I need a place to start, and I’m hoping that this program will be that place. I want to learn tools and strategies that will contribute to the development of women’s rights in Asia, and with those tools I think I can bring about a lot of change

Contact (1) Full Name
Safaa Alamoush
Head of the organisation
Safaa Alamoush
Contact (2) Full Name
Nadya Harahsha

Arab Group for Christian Muslim Dialogue (AGMCD)

National Network

Furn El Chebbak, facing Lebanese University (Faculty of Arts), Azarieh Bldg., 4th floor
Beirut 1106

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Religion
  7. Research
General Information
- The Arab Group for Christian-Muslim Dialogue is a Non-governmental organization, headed by board and executive committee. - Budget: Approximately USD 80 000- 100 000. - Sources of funding: Ecumenical Organizations, NGO’s, International NGO’s, faith-based Organizations, Individual Donors. Modalities of Action: Workshops, Publications, Conferences, Trainings, Exchange Visits, Research Main Partners: Lebanon: Forum for Development, Culture and Dialogue; National Committee for Dialogue; Lebanon Encounter for Dialogue; joint programs with: St. Joseph University Beirut, Balamand University; Hagazian University Beirut; Egypt: Egypt for Culture and Dialogue; Department on Dialogue amongst Civilizations Sudan: National Council for Coexistence among Religions in Sudan Syria: Islamic Center for Dialogue Jordan: Prince Hassan Institute for Dialogue International: Gloebethics; WCC; Vatican Center for Dialogue; WCARP; National Council of Churches and others.
Mission and Objectives

The Arab Group for Christian- Muslim Dialogue shares the firm believe in coexistence between Muslims and Christians in a society where freedom, justice, equality, and the rights of citizenship prevail. The dialogue of the “Arab Group for Christian- Muslim Dialogue” is not simply a dialogue of compatriots, it is also a dialogue among believers who perceive in this effort of theirs and applied expression of their religious principles, principles that give substance to the meaning of pluralism, mutual recognition, the unqualified dignity of the human being and the values of justice. The Arab Group for Christian- Muslim Dialogue aims to 1) enrich Christian- Muslim Relations 2) prevent tensions and conflicts 3) lead towards reconciliation, citizenship, equality and the freedom of religion. The Arab Group includes members from Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, Jordan, Palestine, the Sudan, and the United Arab Emirates.

Main Projects / Activities

The Arab Group for Christian- Muslim Dialogue’s previous and present projects center around the topics of 1) Religion and sate (e.g. Cooperation with the Lebanese encounter for Dialogue on the implementation of the Taif agreement, Beirut 2006-2007) 2) God’s reign and peoples rule (e.g. ‘Media Outlets and the Reporting of Religiously-Charged Events’, Beirut, March 2006) 3) Mutual respect among religions (e.g. ‘Coexistence and Religious Tensions’, Beirut, 2000) 4) Reform and democracy in the Arab world (e.g. ‘Jerusalem and its future in light of recent developments’, Cairo, March 2005) 5) Coexistence in pluralistic societies (e.g. ‘The Religious Other’, Jordan, September 2005) 6) Exchange between “East” and “West” (e.g. ‘Treat Everyone in the Middle East Equally, through the Eyes of Justice’, USA, April 2005)

Contact (1) Full Name
Rev. Dr. Riad Jarjour
Head of the organisation
Judge Abbas El-Halabi (President)

Center Of Analysis of the Disagreements and their Modes of Solution (CADMOS)

National Network

Hazmieh, Mar Taqla, Blanca Res. N 237‎

‎+961 3 756131‎
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Religion
General Information
1 - the center is composing of: chair, vice president and 5 members. 2 - private resources 3 - Sponsors and financing of international organizations. 4 - projects, seminars and international, regional simulations: - in Lebanon 2003-2004: The UN - World Convention For the fight against terrorism - in Paris 2004-2005: The revision of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership (Barcelona + 10 - in Tangier 2005-2006: The Management of crises in the Euro-Mediterranean countries
Mission and Objectives

CADMOS has for principal activities the organization of conferences sets of themes, conferences, seminars, forums, videoconferences, round tables, debates between the students and the actors of the civil company on topics relating to the International relations and the Right.
It organizes several summer schools in China on the following topics: respect of the humans right and requirement of safety; The question of ethics in the international relations and political decisions.
CADMOS justifies of an experiment in the following fields: social mediation with the order of Lawyers in Mexico; Round tables in Bengladesh on the violence of mass and the human rights

Main Projects / Activities

Conflict Resolution , Crises Management, organization of simulations of negotiations, organization of the conferences.
Organization of an international annual simulation of Negotiation

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Amine Lebbos
Head of the organisation
Dr. Amine Lebbos

SHAMS Association

National Network

Sunflower Theatre (SHAMS), Tayouneh, Sami Solh Boulevard, Kalot Center
Beirut 1102

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information

1- Elected board – elected supervising committee – appointed director – five staff employed 2- Co productions – subscriptions – box office – workshops – foreign cultural centres 3- Donations –FORD – SIDA – Sponsors 4- Productions – training programs – workshops – festivals – seminars – forums – representations – exhibitions – installations 5- Kayal association for youth – Mada environment association – Massar (30 partners organisations for youth advocacy) – Icar audiovisual and multimedia academy – Almawared cultural resource institutions – Espace culture media de Marseilles.

Mission and Objectives

To instigate young creator’s productions To develop professional competences To stimulate public debates on civic issues To preserve cultural memory and participate to culture program To develop exchanges To participate in the active Euro Mediterranean culture

Main Projects / Activities

Festival for youth artistic creation Music encounters Dance days Women days Youth debates Training

Contact (1) Full Name
Abdo Nawar
Head of the organisation
Bernadette Hodeib


National Network

France Volontaires Liban, PO Box 50-370, Furn El Chebbak

+961 76 311479
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

France Volontaires (FV) Lebanon is the national Lebanese branch of the French network of NGO’s and Governmental agencies involved in International Voluntary Service Projects. The Lebanese branch belongs to the FV Regional network “Northern Africa and Middle East” where the headquarters (Morocco) is in charge of 5 branches (Mauritania, Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco and Lebanon). All these branches are members of their respective ALF national networks. The Lebanese branch has opened offices in Beirut in May 2012. The international headquarters are in Paris. It currently has a presence in 55 countries. In Lebanon we have a representative of the platform who works with local partners (NGOs, French Embassy, local partners). We have now a network of more than 50 volunteers in about 20 national associations in Lebanon. France Volontaires budget comes from the French Ministry of Foreign and European affairs.

Mission and Objectives

On January 1st 2010, the “Association Française des Volontaires du Progrès” (AFVP) created in 1963, became “France Volontaires” on the initiative of the French public authorities and associations. France Volontaires is an international platform fulfilling a role of public interest, namely that of promoting and developing the various forms of commitment falling within the scope of International Volunteering for Exchange and Solidarity (I.V.E.S.). France Volontaires is in charge of “promoting and developing the various forms of involvement (especially international volunteering). This project is carried out in a spirit of respect for the values set out in the communal charter, upheld by the organizations sending out volunteers and the volunteers themselves.” (Article 1 of the statutes).

Main Projects / Activities

France Volontaires Lebanon works for improving knowledge and recognition of the different forms of volunteering and helps to develop the number of I.V.E.S in Lebanon and in the Mediterranean region. FV Lebanon also participates in bi-annual Mediterranean meetings (in Morocco) with the other FV of the region to create and implement a regional strategy for Mediterranean volunteer exchanges. The FV responsible in Lebanon also supports associations that send out or receive IVES in their missions In Lebanon and France. He monitors, manages and supports newly arrived volunteers in Lebanon. He organizes trainings and meetings for the NGO’s involved and for the volunteers. He also maintains a directory of French volunteers in Lebanon and develops a network of solidarity between French and Lebanese volunteers.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

France Volontaires Lebanon is a network of French Voluntary NGO’s and Public Institutions; therefore, FV Lebanon would be happy to develop links between our 50 members in France on any Mediterranean topics concerning voluntary service and youth. Furthermore, our close collaboration with the other 4 branches in the Mediterranean region might facilitate projects between Lebanese NGO’s and partners in the region. There are already some projects that are run by our members in the region (voluntary exchanges between Morocco and Mauritania for instance). FV Lebanon can also bring an expertise in International Voluntary Service projects and can facilitate the NGO’s willing to host volunteers in Lebanon. This is actually what we are already doing but we are ready to further develop this support to NGO’s.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

FV Lebanon and the other FV branches in the Mediterranean region are working together on how to improve the regional exchanges of volunteers and develop the exchanges of best practices on intercultural youth projects. FV Lebanon wishes to be a member of the ALF to take part in the different projects and exchanges on youth Mediterranean exchanges. We would be happy to collaborate with Lebanese NGO’s willing to develop links and intercultural projects in the Mediterranean region. Our branches in Tunisia, Morocco, Mauritania and Egypt are also willing to create intercultural links with youth NGO’s in Lebanon on different subjects such as: youth empowerment, international voluntary projects, exchanges of best practices (workcamps, youth exchanges and intercultural trainings).

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Arnaud Walbecq
Head of the organisation
Mr. Arnaud Walbecq

Fundación Premio Convivencia Ciudad Autónoma de Ceuta

National Network

Paseo del Revellín, 30 - 3ª
51001 - CEUTA


Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The Convivence Award Foundation Autonomous City of Ceuta is a non-profit making institution, formed at the initiative of the City whose task is to develop the management of the Award which will be granted each year by the City of Ceuta. Patronage Is the real government committee of the Foundation. Formed by: President: • Ms. Mª Isabel Deu del Olmo, President. Patrons • Mr. José Antonio Rodríguez Gómez. • Mr. Enrique García-Conde Sánchez. • Mr. Alberto Solano Valverde. • Mrs. Isabel Rico Rodríguez • Mrs. Gloria Rosado Orbañanos. Advisory Committee This is the true representative body of the citizens’ participation in this project. It embodies live forces of the City and celebrities closely related with it that have adhered as one in the initiative and provide advice on different facets.
Mission and Objectives

The Foundation has the following objectives:
Promote the living together at peace, equality and freedom between the men.
Promote values of Justice, fraternity and solidarity.
Favoring divulgation of cultural reality from different confessions, to improve its knowledge by society, favoring their activity in the cultural, educational and social fields.
Contribute to the promotion of the cultural and humanistic values included in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union.
Participate and collaborate with institutions in the design and development of programmes and promotional actions, safeguarding and energizing of culture and heritage - tangible and intangible-, especially concerning to cultural diversity

Main Projects / Activities

The Foundation may, free choice and without purpose limitation, carry out the following actions:
To convoke the Coexistence Award of the Autonomous City Ceuta Show, contest or multicultural film festival.
Realization of publications relating to the purposes of the Foundation, by own initiative or by request of entities
Organization of seminaries, courses, debates and symposia related to the purposes of the Foundation.
Promoting and taking steps toward related projects with the objectives of the Foundation, well be of direct way or backing up another entities that accomplish it
Promoting and taking steps toward projects of cooperation related with the objectives of the Foundation.
Executing sensitization and education campaigns in the values that the Foundation pursues
Giving helps, scholarships or subventions to projects and agreeing initiatives with the purposes and objectives of the Foundation.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Participating as an active partner in the territory of Ceuta and its area of influence in the development of joint programmes with other partners of the AFL

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because its closely linked to the objectives of the Foundation the participation and collaboration with other institutions in the design and development of programmes and actions for the promotion, safeguarding and revitalization of culture and heritage - tangible and intangible-, especially in regard to cultural diversity.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ernesto Sáenz de Navarrete
Head of the organisation
María Isabel Deu del Olmo (President)