Mladinski center Trbovlje/Trbovlje youth centre

National Network

Ulica 1. junija 18, 1420 Trbovlje

00386 (0)3 56 12 881
Telephone (other)
00386 (0)3 56 12 882
00386 (0)3 56 31 019
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
1. MCT is a public body and it was established by local municipality in 2002. It has a director, 3 employed youth workers and cleaning lady. Next to these people, MCT has more than 15 regular coworkers, who are working on different projects. 2. Yearly budget is around 264.000,00 EUR. 3. Local municipality covers 60%, EU projects 20%, national resources 10% and our own serveces 10%. 4. Concreate activities that we do on regulary bacis are: international mobility (sending and hosting youth exchanges, sending & hosting EVS, hosting Erasnmus students, hosting Leonardo da Vinci programme, sending & hosting seminars, trainings), information & counceling for young people, local activities (cultural, sports events, movie nights, free time activities, humanitarian actions), we cooperate in bigger national projects. 5. We are cooperating with different local organisations (schools, municipality, cultural organisations, sports clubs, eldery homes), regional (other youth centres, regional organisatins) and national organisations (Youth network MaMa etc.), international partners from all over EU (Finland, Ireland, Poland, Slovakia etc.).
Mission and Objectives

Youth centre is a place for young people to work and socialize, it has its own space and equipment for youth activities, it gives opportunity to young people to develop and learn on the non-formal level with the help of well educated youth workers.
Mission of MCT is to be a development centre on regional level, which helps to achieve better standards for young people and helps them to become responsible towards community as a whole.

Main Projects / Activities

International mobility and non-formal education – youth exchanges, seminars, trainings, EVS, Erasmus, Leonadro da Vinci;
Club & free time activities – local festivals on different topics, movie nights, concerts, cultural events, theater;
Local activities – interest groups, youth initiatives, youth learning, support to young people (mentorships and support)
Projects in 2012 – Young olympics, Young ambasadors of intercultural dialog
Research of the youth

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute our good cooperations in EU, our experiences on the international field with many different projects and intercultural learning. We have well educated youth workers with many experiences on local, regional, national and international level.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

MCT has moved to its own building in 2011. We have our own youth place with youth hotel and cafeteria and great facilities for any kind of youth work. We would like to be even more involved in international networks and bigger international projects. We already do a lot of international projects (EVS, Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci etc.), but we would like to cooperate in the future also with countries and organisations outside EU and do more projects with them.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rada Drnovšek
Head of the organisation
Karmen Murn
Contact (2) Full Name
Nastja Bevc

Žonglersko društvo Novi Rokodelci

National Network

Prešernova ulica 29.

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
We are an association with about 45 members. Our projects yearly are in an average 100.000€ turn over. Sources of financing are from public and private donors. We are organizing events, workshops and seminars we charge fees. We are cooperating with similar organisations in Europe, as well we are active in the network European Juggling association.
Mission and Objectives

WE are sharing the knowledge on circus and performing arts. Our mission is to educate young people to be creative, proactive, enthusiastic and respectful.

Main Projects / Activities

We are organizing workshops and seminars on juggling, performing arts and circus for youth in Slovenia and cooperate with similar organisations around Europe. Our biggest projecz was co-organizing the European Juggling convention in Slovenia in 2005 with more than 4000 people attended.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We will share our network contacts, experinces in project management and cooperate with national network in all activities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to expand our cooperation and activities with new partnership in the Euro-Med region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mitja Mohorko
Head of the organisation
Mitja Mohorko


National Network



E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Others
General Information
We have 3 employee, and around 20 volunteers. Our budget: 31.12.2010: 194.954,58 EUR 21.12.2011: 99.635,76 EUR We are financed from: TRUST funds (2007-2009) EU funds (European social fund 2008-2014, European fund for regional development 2012) national funds 2008-2014 Modalities of action: - projects - grant-making We cooperate with Centre for Information Service, Co-operation and Development of NGOs (national level), regional hubs from other slovenian regions, with national NGOs networks from defferent fields, local NGOs, local communities, local medias, regional development agencies, volunteers etc. We established a regional network of NGOs in which there are more than 370 NGOs from oru region.
Mission and Objectives

Local development foundation for Pomurje region (Slovenia) is founded to stimulate legal and other conditions for development of philanthropy, voluntary work and fundings of public useful non-profit activities, which ensolve social, financial and other existing problems, contribute to welfare and development of local communities of Pomurje region.
Local deveoplment foundation for Pomurje region objectives are:
• to support NGO sector in Pomurje region (education and trainings, civil dialogue, counseling, ICT solutions, promotion of NGO's);
• to serve as independent and intermediate mechanism between economic sector, which want to contribute financial means and between civil society that wish to take voluntary actions with the aim to improve regional / local development and solve existing problems in local community /region;
• to encourage individuals and civil society organizations to actively participate in solving local communities problems with the aim to improve local communities welfare.

Main Projects / Activities

Two priorities of our work:
1. grant-making 2007-2009
2. Regional hub for NGO's in Pomurje region, Slovenia (2008, 2009-2010, 2010-2012, 2012-2014)
Elementary goal of this projects was establishment and continuation of the Regional hub for NGOs in Pomurje region, which provide system of cost-free services for NGOs in the region (consulting, trainings, preparation of the project proposals, ICT solutions). Objectives are to encourage civil dialogue, to educate the members of NGO’s, common iniciatives with the goal to promote NGO sector and to increase the visibility of the sector in the media and to rase awerness of it’s role in the society.
We were project partners also in projects with Center of slovenian NGO's.
The emphasis is on civil dialogue, cooperation of NGO's on regional level and on strenghtening of NGOs voice in the region.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute with our human respources:
- we can promote Network among NGOs in our region (we etsablished regional network in which there are mre than 370 NGOs from our region) through our website, local medias, social medias;
- we can participate on ALF events;
- we can offer project ideas and partnership.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are looking for new oppurtunities for the development of our organization and for the development of NGO sector in Pomurje region (Slovenia). We are also looking for potential project partners or invitations to project implementation.
We also want to promote ALF network in our region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

SCCA, Centre for Contemporary Arts-Ljubljana

National Network

Metelkova 6
1000 1000 Ljubljana

00 386 1 431 83 85
Telephone (other)
00 386 1 430 06 28
00 386 1 430 06 29
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
1. SCCA-Ljubljana is a non-government and non-profit organisation. Personnel: 8 persons 2. ca. 110.000 EUR/year 3. Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia; Municipality of Ljubljana; European Commission; Public Relations and Media Office; Employment Service of Slovenia, embassies, sponsors etc. 4. SCCA is dedicated to production, research, education and information and consultancy programmes in the field of arts and culture. 5. SCCA is a member of: IKT (International Association of Curators of Contemporary Art), Luxemburg; Slovene network of the Anna Lindh Foundation, Alexandria; GAMA (Gateway to Archives of Media Art), Bremen; On-AiR (European tool for artists), Amsterdam, InSEEcp (Informal SEE Network of Cultural Portals); On-the-Move (cultural information network), Brussels; Cultural Quarter Tabor (the association of organisations from the neighbourhood Tabor in Ljubljana); Asociacija (Association of Independent Artists and Organisations in the Field of Culture in Slovenia), Ljubljana.
Mission and Objectives

Established in 2000, SCCA-Ljubljana, Centre for Contemporary Arts (a successor to the Soros Centre for Contemporary Arts – Ljubljana, 1993–1999) is a generator of innovative programmes and services that facilitate artistic and interpretative practices. Its diverse activities address artists, curators, theorists, and critics in the fields of visual and new media arts. They trigger artistic, discursive and social practices and are rooted in the interdisciplinary approach and intense international cooperation. SCCA-Ljubljana divides its programme into four complementary areas: projects, video/archive, school and services.

Main Projects / Activities

- Studio 6 and No Nails, No Pedestals: exhibitions, discursive projects, installations, performances, video, interdisciplinary projects
- PlatformaSCCA: the publication dedicated to the contemporary art theory and intriguing topics
- Žepna Pocket Edition (in cooperation with Založba /*cf. publishing house)
- Exhibitions and Researches
DIVA Station ( is a physical and web archive of video art which is being developed with the intent to research, document, present and archive video/media art.
- Archiving Practices: research, study exhibitions and educational seminars that thematize the importance of AV archives, their creation, integration and accessibility
- Videodokument: the documentation, archival and research project on video art in Slovenia (1969-1998)
- Videospotting: a series of video programs of relevant Slovene production and its presentation abroad
- Artservis’ Collection is a thematic project on production conditions in culture
- Internet Portfolio: presentations of the selected artists on the Internet
- World of Art ( School for Curators and Critics of Contemporary art
- Library: books, periodicals and catalogues from the field of contemporary arts and new media.
- Artservis: online information resource (opportunities for funding, co-operation, education)
- Evrokultura: online information resource for Slovene cultural operators (EU programs)
- Arts Link: international exchange programme

Contact (1) Full Name
Dušan Dovč
Job Title
production manager
Head of the organisation
Dušan Dovč
Contact (2) Full Name
Simona Žvanut
Job Title (2)
head of World of Art School

Slovenian NGDO platform for development cooperation and humanitarian aid - SLOGA

National Network

Povšetova 37 (official adress)
Metelkova 6 (office)


Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Others
General Information
Sloga, Slovenian NGDO platform for development cooperation and humanitarian aid was established in February 2006 by 19 Slovenian NGDOs. Currently joining more that 35 Slovenian NGDOs being active in down described areas. Sloga secretariat has 3 full time employees and 4 full time volunteers 8based on projets). Sloga is mainly project financed (app 80% of its income), by membership fees (app 5%) and by donations (app 15%).
Mission and Objectives

Sloga is a platform for non-governmental, non-profit organisations that re active in the field of development cooperation, global learning and humanitarian aid. The aim of the platform is to join forces and strengthen the partnership between Slovene non-governmental and non-profit organisations (NGOs) that are active in developing countries and raise awareness to the Slovene and European general public as regards the unequal division of wealth and the global solidarity and co-dependence related to it.
The main goal of Sloga is to monitor and actively form and evaluate the Slovene and European policies in international development cooperation. Within this it attempts to advocate the public interest in the field of social justice, social responsibility, respect of human rights, equal opportunities, education, solidarity, sustainable development and better inclusion of marginal groups into the decision-making process within the context of development cooperation. In order to achieve this Sloga cooperates with political decision-makers and representatives of Slovenian media.
The values upon which we work:
- social justice as a just, transparent and responsible use of means, a fair social power that serves the rights of mankind and leads towards lesser social inequalities;
- social responsibility as the responsibility of profitable organisations, institutions, groups and individuals, all of which lead to ensuring respect for human rights;
- respecting all human rights as defined in international and domestic legislation;
- solidarity that leads to solutions on the local, regional and global levels;
- sustainable development as a reusable use of natural resources that takes into consideration nature and the future generations:
- support and inclusion of local sources as well as including the receivers into the decision-making systems when deciding as regards the use of funds, thus increasing the efficiency of use and respecting the jointly reached decisions, cooperation of all active individuals and groups in the decision-making process;
- cooperation and dialogue with the government, public bodies and carriers of public authorisations;
- access to all information as regards the operation of institutions and organisations;
- accepting differences and inclusion of all social groups.

Main Projects / Activities

Main Slovenian NGO projects are mainly implemented in the following regions:
- Countries in which Slovene NGDOs have the highest presence
- Western Balkans
- The Caucasus
- Africa (Burkina Faso, Burundi, Ghana, Kenya, Congo, Mali, Madagascar, Rwanda, Senegal, Uganda, Zambia, etc.)
Sloga main activities are:
- Information service
- Cooperation with political decision-makers
- Organising events
- Global learning
- Project counselling for NGOs
- Development library
- NGDO networking
- Promoting development cooperation
Sloga member NGOs are mainly active in the following area:
- Gender equality and empowerment of women
- Climate changes and implications for countries in development
- Inter-generational cooperation with focus to Africa
- Sustainable development and global learning
- Monitoring the efficiency of official development aid
- Policies of various African countries
- European neighbourly policies
- Peaceful conflict solution
- other development challenges.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marjan Huč
Head of the organisation
Marjan Huč

Zavod Radio Študent

National Network

Ljubljana, Slovenia

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Media
General Information
Structure: 5 employees, 200 authors and students creating radio program and working on specific projects Budget: cca. 400.000 - 500.000 EUR per year Sources of funding: Student organization of University of Ljubljana, local, national and international open calls for proposal, audio production and marketing, donations and sponsorships Modalities of action: - media program in the fields of music, arts, humanities, politics and information, higher education and student questions and minority social groups produced by four specific editorial boards; - musical festivals, music production and publishing; - public events like exhibitions, round tables, conferences, fair of music publishers ... - live broadcasts with audience and cultural events - trainings for media and cultural production, new media and fundraising for young people and specific social minority groups (Roma, migrants and ethnic minorities); - audio & video production and synchronization, visuals and overall graphic design.
Mission and Objectives

RADIO STUDENT is a non-profitable culturally & socially differentiated urban community radio-station and cultural organization whose primary objective is to promote the interests of social and cultural minorities as well as the interests of the student community.
Programme contents of our radio programme include all types of information and author’s contributions, the purpose of which is to inform as well as satisfy educational, scientific, expert, artistic, cultural and other needs of the student and broader population.
We promote freedom of providing information, inviolability and protection of the human person and human dignity, the free flow of information and openness to different opinions, the freedom of artistic expression, independence of the programme contents from the sources of funding, the autonomy of journalists in exercising their work and the respect for journalistic ethics.
The management functions of director and editor-in-chief are incompatible with membership of any political party at home or abroad.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main current and past projects/activities are:
- Student Urban Media and Trainings Platform 2012-2013 – selected production of all 4 editorial boards – Music, Arts&Humanities, Politics&Current Affairs and University
- Trainings for students and other young people for broadcast moderators and audio technicians
- Trainings for students and other young people in diverse fields of radio journalism, web journalism and video production
- Student Information Programme
- Student Culture and Arts Programme
- D.E.P.R.A. Re-eventing the European Parliament – Re-inventing and Developing Ideas on European Parliament, Politics and Citizenship through a series of Cultural Events of Radio Student
- D.E.P.R.A.2 – Events on European Parliament, Radio Actualization – live radio broadcasts, media summer school for teenagers, storytelling events on Sakharov award winners, round tables on media, education, culture and politics
- Radio Nove Fužine - School radio as a space of media engagemant and cultural convergence (training of Elementary School pupils in the fields of basic radio knowledge, journalism, broadcasting, sound-engineering, web and new media, multimedia and video)
- Musical Lighthouse of Radio Student 2010-2013 (music festival and fair, contest and concert tour for young alternative music bands, airing of studio and live concerts of less known bands and DJs)
- RADAR - open radio experimental art platform (promotion and production in the intermedia art field)
- Radio Student Publishing House (promotion alternative music groups by publishing their work)
- EUREPA - development of economic-political alternatives in the European Union (journalistic research and reportages on alternative economic models and practices)
- ROKA - Roma culture and administration (trainings for Roma in the field of media, project coordination and administration)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As an organization we could provide knowledge and know-how in different fields of our projects and activities. We also have a basis of over 200 co-workers that are mainly students and young intellectuals with wide spectrum of knowledge and expertise in the above mentioned fields of interest.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We wish to join the ALF Network for the cooperation and networking with organizations of wider European area including the Mediterranean. We think it is important to bond with organizations which have similar views and activities as we do, so we can exchange experiences and good practices trough development of common project.

Contact (1) Full Name
Robert Mohorič
Head of the organisation
Robert Mohorič


National Network

N° 250 Hai El Moustakebel Dely Brahim Alger

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
« Terakaft », caravane en langue tamahaq, née en 2011 suite à la quatrième édition de la Caravane Médicale organisée par un groupe de jeunes bénévoles soucieux d’apporter une aide humanitaire, et au développement, aux populations nomades des régions enclavées de l’Algérie. En tout 5 missions ont été organisées entre 2006 et 2012. Les caravanes se composent à chaque fois de jeunes médecins algériens (principalement des femmes), de guides touaregs, d’interprètes et d’une équipe logistique. Chaque édition constitue une avancée par rapport à la précédente, l’expérience acquise et la communication faites permettant d’avoir plus de moyen logistique et humain.
Mission and Objectives

L’association a pour objectif principal de :
- Contribuer au bien être et à l’épanouissement des populations des régions enclavées de l’Algérie
L’association a comme objectifs secondaires :
- Apporter un soutien au dispositif de santé publique auprès de ces populations (nomades…)
en organisant entre autres des caravanes.
- Promouvoir la santé mère enfant chez la population nomade (consultations et prise en
charge des malades sur site ou dans les villes proches en cas d’hospitalisation).
- Organiser des consultations médicales périodiques au sein des centres de santé dans les
régions enclavées.
- Organiser des compagnes de dépistage des maladies chroniques pour une éventuelle prise
en charge.
- Initier les jeunes médecins, enseignants et éducateurs au travail dans les régions enclavées
en les impliquant dans les activités de l’association.
- Contribuer à l’éducation des enfants (matériels scolaires, bibliothèques, vidéothèques,
matériels informatiques, échange nord-sud…)
- Participer au développement durable (artisanat local, agriculture, énergie renouvelable,
commerce équitable…)
- Organiser des rencontres nationales et internationales pour sensibiliser aux problèmes et
besoins spécifiques des populations enclavées (conférences, séminaires, manifestations
culturelles et sportives…)
- Promouvoir la culture et les traditions de ces régions en organisant des manifestations
culturelles nationales et internationales.
- Développer et mettre en œuvre des coopérations nationales et internationales nécessaires à
la réalisation des objectifs de l’association.
- Publier et diffuser des bulletins d’information et statistiques.
A court terme l'association souhaite apporter une aide humanitaire aux populations les plus enclavées et les plus démunis, certain campement étant à une semaine de marche de l’hôpital le plus proche.
A long terme, la volonté de Terakaft est de mettre en place des actions permettant le développement durable de ces populations en leur donnant la possibilité d’être autosuffisantes (artisanat, culture, agriculture, etc..). Terakaft souhaite également communiquer et de sensibiliser les autorités et l’opinion sur la précarités de ses populations et la nécessités de programmes multi acteurs pour le désenclavement des ces régions.

Main Projects / Activities

TERAKAFT centre son action, pour le moment, sur le développement et la mise en place de caravane médicale (cf pièce jointe). De plus, l'association tends à développer des activités de : sensibilisation/communication sur les conditions d'isolement ; de mobilisation des acteurs locaux ; de promotion culturelle ; et artistique et de commerce équitable. Le tout dans une optique de développement durable du territoire et d'échange et de dialogue entre les populations.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Terakaft peut :
- participer activement aux réunions de la plateforme algérienne
- échanger avec d'autres membres de la plateforme algérienne et développer des actions communes
- Participer aux rencontres et projets de la FAL (forum, séminaire, atelier, etc..)
- Diffuser les savoirs et les valeurs capitaliser au travers de la FAL
- Contribuer à notre échelle à la réalisation des objectifs de la FAL

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Le dialogue entre les cultures est un élément fondamental pour atteindre les objectifs que l'association se fixe. En effet, une grande partie des problèmes de vie quotidienne des Touerg sont liés à leurs traditions, à leur mode de vie et à l'éloignement. Cette élement engendre souvent une incompréhension des autorités publiques et des populations d'autres régions. Pour TERAKAFT il est donc important de développer des actions pour la promotion du dialogue interculturelle entre les pays de la zone Med maiss également au sein même de ses pays. La FAL de part son projet et les moyens techniques humains et financiers qu'elle met en place peut nous aider à rencontrer de nouveaux partenaires, à échanger et découvrir de nouveaux outils et à concrétiser nos objectifs. Ils donc important pour nous de faire partie de sa plateforme et de contribuer à sa bonne marche tout en essayant de mettre à profit les outils dont elle dispose.

Contact (1) Full Name
Abderrahmane Bilal MEGUENI
Head of the organisation
Djalel Djeffal

association club etudiant culturel ACEC

National Network


Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Notre association contiennent une équipe de jeunes militant de premier cycle et des jeunes qualifiés dans le domaine du volontariat, à l'égard de nos activités dans le domaine culturel et nos nombreux partenaires des organisations de la société civile et des administrations publiques qui ont lutté à travers lequel de répandre l'idée du développement local et les échanges culturels, Notre projet de réseau de mise à niveau des associations pour le projet de Adrar terme Budget financé par l'Union européenne en 2008.
Mission and Objectives

Mettre en valeur les capacités des jeunes.
- Capacité de levage de la jeunesse à travailler dans le domaine culturel.
- Améliorer le niveau scientifique des jeunes et la classe défavorisée et tous les segments de la société.
- L'autonomisation des femmes et des filles à contribuer au processus de développement, en particulier dans la communauté rurale.
- Réaliser centre médiatique fort pour la définition du passé de la région
- La mise en place du Centre de recherche et de documentation et d'études.

Main Projects / Activities

notre priorité pour le travail a la région d'Adrar en réseau c'est d'identifier les association actifs sur le terrain et de tisser un lien solide , entre elle malgré la distance qui nous séparent ,
A travers les subvention qu'on peu avoir dans le cadre d'un projet commun r sans doute sa serai un défie pour le grande sud de dépasser certain problème ,
Pour ce la nous envisageons à former des membre pour mieux géré des projet et avoir une force de proposition .

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Grâce au déploiement d'expériences utilisés au niveau mondial des activités de réseau, en plus de l'encadrement d'un grand nombre d'associations et de particuliers dans les réunions et les activités reflètent les perspectives des principes du réseau, en plus d'atteindre le centre est prêt à mesurer et voir comment les résultats en particulier dans le sud de l'Algérie, où l'absence d'association à la configuration et connaissance pratique Les médias dans la société civile pour le développement local.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Aspire à travers pour rejoindre le réseau d'acquérir des connaissances et les échanges scientifiques, ainsi que profiter des différentes expériences mondiales dans la région méditerranéenne

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Association Scientifique "AmbiScience" - Tizi Ouzou

National Network

Local communal limitrophe à la salle des fêtes, Boghni

+213.771 75 42 18
Telephone (other)
+213.790 65 09 63
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
General Information
AmbiScience est une association scientifique à but non lucratifs de la wilaya de Tizi-Ouzou. Crée par de jeunes étudiants motivés, son principale objectif consiste à incité au progrès et au partage du savoir tout en véhiculant un esprit scientifique à travers divers actions & projets ambitieux. Les sources de financement de l'association sont : Les dons et legs reçus dans le respect des lois et règlement en vigueur, les subventions éventuelles de l'état, de la wilaya ou de la commune & les cotisations de ses adhérents.
Mission and Objectives

• Œuvrer pour une culture scientifique et technologique auprès du grand public. • Inciter les jeunes à s'adonner aux activités scientifiques et techniques pendant leur temps libre. • Satisfaire la curiosité scientifique et veiller à son développement. • Organisation et animation du loisir scientifiques. • Échanges d’activités scientifiques (Inter-Association​).

Main Projects / Activities

[Éducation - Sensibilisation - Prévention] Actions écologiques, Organisations de séminaires & conférences sur les technologies, Animations de journées scientifiques portes ouvertes, réalisations de documentaires & reportages, Organisation de chalenges inter-villes, expéditions & randonnées ...

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

La majorité des membres étant des étudiants dans multiples autres Wilaya, nous avons la possibilité de contacter d'autres organismes et échanger beaucoup de nos expériences et bien sure faire connaitre le réseau FAL

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Chaque association ce doit d'avoir des partenaires sérieux avec d'autres organisation qui partagent les mêmes objectifs qu'elle lui permettant de mieux servir la société & d'atteindre ses buts. C'est pour cela que nous pensons que rejoindre le Réseau 'Anna Lindh' nous aiderais à atteindre nos espérances et à profité de l’expérience de chaqu'uns.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Association Sportive Etoile Djurdjura

National Network



213 05 54 20 74 56
213 026 41 13 53
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
05 54 20 74 56
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
- notre association est à caractère sportif, dont les activités sont de montagne, puisque nous y sommes issus. nous pratiquons la randonnée(écopédagogiques, le ski alpin et l'escalade. - le nombre de membres est de 30 entres les membres du BE et adhérents. - les ressources budgétaires annuelles disponibles: 200 000,00 DA - sources de financement : l'Assemblée Populaire Communale et l'Assemblée Populaire de Wilaya - les actions, c'est L'OPEN sur les sports de montagnes organisé avec la ligue de tizi-ouzou et abrité par notre village ait ergane. - championnat national d'escalade organisé a ait ergane - notre association est initiatrice de l'éco carnaval organisé à Ouadhias en 2011 - partenaire sur un projet pour la solidarité citoyenne pour la protection de la nature et de l'environnement financé par l'AECID et la commission Européenne ainsi la mairie d'Alicante - partenaire Association Culturelle AMUSNAW, TEZDEG et ASPNA
Mission and Objectives

la mission est surtout est l'intégration des jeunes par les sports de montagne, des activités qui sont source d'épanouissement de leur personnalité, et le développement de leur capacités physiques et mentale, et surtout la réconciliation avec l'environnement.
les objectifs, et de les former afin qu'ils s'investissent a reproduire des actions qui sont susceptibles de changer leur quotidien, et de leur offrir des métiers de montagnes comme, guide accompagnateur, formateur en ski et escalade, ainsi la randonnée d'orientation

Main Projects / Activities

les activités principales sont toujours inhérentes a celles déjà citées,
les projets sont :
- le balisages des sentiers de randonnée
- la formation des guides accompagnateurs
- la formation des secouristes

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

nous pouvons contribuer par l'organisation par exemple des randonnées pour les membres du réseau, leur faire partager nos activités, et leur faire découvrir le tourisme de montagne

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

rejoindre le réseau, est intéressant pour nous, du fait qu'il y a possibilité de formation pour nos jeunes, et surtout essayer d'enrichir le réseau par nos activités, car les échanges sont déjà fructueux avec d'autres associations locales.
et faire découvrir nos activités aux membres du réseau et les faire profiter de notre belle régions qui est le majestueux DJURDJURA et surtout l'enrichissement culturel a travers les échanges apporteront plus a notre expérience.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name