Arab Institute for Women (AIW) - Lebanese American University (LAU)

National Network

Lebanese American University, Koraytem, Attiyeh Bldg., 2nd floor ‎
Beirut 1103

‎+961-1-786456 ext. 1275 ‎
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information

1. The institute includes four full time staff members. 2. NA 3. NA 4. NA 5. It depends on the project 6. NA

Mission and Objectives

a. To integrate and develop women studies in the Lebanese American University curricula. b. To engage in academic research on women in the Arab world. c. To serve as a catalyst for policy changes regarding the rights of women in the Arab world. d. To facilitate networking and communication among individuals, groups and institutions concerned with women in the Arab world. e. To empower women in the Arab world through development programs and education.

Main Projects / Activities

Courses related to women’s issues are offered through various divisions, especially the Humanities and Social Sciences divisions. Research Conferences, Seminars, and Workshops: Special Events: Annual Film Festival & International Women’s Day Action and Development Programs: Basic Living Skills Program (BLSP), Second Edition, 2003, Empowering Arab Women through Literacy, 2005, & Rehabilitation and Vocational Training Programs for Women in Lebanese Prisons namely in Tripoli.

Contact (1) Full Name
Myriam Sfeir Murad
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Myriam Sfeir Murad

Zico House

National Network

174 Spears street, Sanayeh
Beirut 1103

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
General Information

Zico House is an alternative space aiming at helping artists create, experience and communicate with the civil society. The Zico House has today around 16 years. It gives artists the chance to step a foot in the Lebanese artistic field, to try new ideas, to work in an alternative non-conventional space and to collaborate with other national, regional and international artists. Zico House covers all kinds of artistic events; installations, movie projections, painting exhibitions, concerts, plays, dance performances, workshops, lectures, poetry readings, book signatures, etc… It is one of few spaces that have been dedicated to the arts field in Lebanon, without interruption and despite of everything. It also gave birth to a number of external artistic projects in Beirut and in the regions.

Mission and Objectives

To provide a space for cultural experiences and alternative arts To encourage civil associations to use arts as a medium To create an environment for exchange, dialogue and communication To work on developing the arts audience To collaborate with local arts institutions in order to improve the current situation To generate links with regional arts institutions

Main Projects / Activities

Zico House has inside and outside projects. By inside, we mean events that are presented in Zico House, on the roof, in the garden, on the 1st, 2nd or 3rd floor. This is where small events take place with a maximum of 80 persons per event. Exhibitions, movie projections, installations, concerts, poetry readings, etc… are part of the monthly yearly program. On the other hand, Zico House is the organizer of the Beirut Street Festival, the first street festival in Lebanon and in the region. The BSF aims at presenting the best of European, African, American, Arabic and Lebanese street events. It stresses on collaboration between foreign and Lebanese artists for the creation of a site-specific performances. Zico House is also the organizer of Al-Mawsam, a project aiming at reviving forgotten cultural spaces with an artistic diverse program.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Mustapha Yamout
Job Title
President & Founder
Head of the organisation
Mr. Mustapha Yamout (aka Zico)
Contact (2) Full Name
Mustapha Yamout Projektiyhdistys Ry

National Network

Kalliolinnantie 10 B
00140 Helsinki

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information projektiyhdistys’ aim is to bring international issues closer to Finnish youth’s reality by bringing in people from different countries to share their experiences and thoughts.
Mission and Objectives

In our vision, we aim for building a tolerant, multicultural society, where all people can live in harmony. In correspondence with the vision, our mission is to help young people to understand the global world and bring internationalization to upper secondary schools. The objectives of our organization are: 1) To expand the young Finns' understanding of the world and global themes 2) To promote tolerance among young people 3) To promote self-awareness among young people 4) To provide for secondary schools, especially in smaller cities, possibilities for internationalization 5) To bring interactive teaching methods in classrooms

Main Projects / Activities project aims for providing high quality global education course for Finnish upper secondary school students (age from 16 to 19) in selected schools around the regions of Helsinki, Tampere, Jyväskylä, Mikkeli and Oulu. International teacher trainees will act as trainers in the course in teams of 3-4. The aim is to have as wide cultural diversity as possible. The course utilizes interactive and innovative teaching methods and is discussion-based. The course concentrates on human rights education, peace education, media education, intercultural education, development education and education for sustainable development. The course has been running yearly since 2007. Before the course starts the volunteers will be trained by (non-) governmental organizations working in the field of global/development education (KEPA, Unicef, Peace School, etc.). Each volunteer group will be signed for 4-6 schools in one region, and they will be training in these schools for 7-8 weeks for 3-4 hours a day. The course is finalized with regional closing events, where the students from the area get together for one day of workshops and other activities organised by the volunteers. The volunteers will also interact with local society outside of the schools.

Contact (1) Full Name
Khoa Ngyuen
Head of the organisation
Mirje Halla

Hanasaari – the Swedish-Finnish Cultural Centre

National Network

Hanasaarenranta 5
02100 FI-02100 ESPOO

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information

Hanaholmen – the Swedish-Finnish Cultural Centre works to develop co-operation between the countries in all areas of society. Hanaholmen plans and arranges various types of events, courses, seminars and projects as well as investigates various social development needs. Hanaholmen is also a completely renovated conference centre with modern spaces, a high-class restaurant, and a hotel with sea views. The building is well organised and filled with inspiring contemporary art from Sweden and Finland. Spaces are fresh and functional with modern technology and all features under the same roof. The property at Hanaholmen is owned by the state of Finland and has been transferred to the Swedish-Finnish Cultural Foundation, which oversees Hanaholmen.

Mission and Objectives

The basic principles for Hanaholmen’s activities are to convey the benefits of Finnish–Swedish cooperation and to strengthen the Finns’ belonging to the Nordic family. It is about creating a bridge for Swedes into Finland and for Finns into Sweden. Hanaholmen’s strategy for the years 2017 to 2020 emphasises Hanaholmen’s general mission, i.e. to promote co-operation between Sweden and Finland in the cultural, social and business sectors. In addition, the following guidelines are highlighted in the strategy: • Peace, security and inclusion • Culture, knowledge and education • Sustainable welfare

Main Projects / Activities

The yearly programme of more than 100 events consists of seminars, debates, exhibitions, performances, meetings and other activities appropriate for fulfilling the mission.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ella Turta
Job Title
Programme coordinator/project leader
Head of the organisation
Ms Gunvor Kronman

Individual member: Anja Toivola-Stambouli

National Network


+358 41 463 9092
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
My interest comes from my work background, of more than 30 years in the International Red Cross/Red Crescent organization. I worked several years in the Mediterranean region, namely in North Africa and in the South West Balkans. I continue to visit the region as I have a second home in Tunisia. Currently I act as Secretay for the National Forum for Cooperation of Religions in Finland (CORE). This organisation brings together the main religious groups in Finland, namely the Jewish, Christian and Muslim.
Mission and Objectives

I share the objectives of the Anna Lindh Foundation and would like to contribute to its work where my experience could be useful. I believe that it is important to promote understanding and respect between cultures and people, and combat ignorance and xenophobia.

Main Projects / Activities

My areas of expertise are in humanitarian aid, organizational development, gender issues and inter-religious cooperation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Anja Toivola-Stambouli

Individual member: Ari Rusila

National Network


E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Ari Rusila is a blogger and former development project management expert from Finland with a special interest in the Balkan region. His other interests include geopolitics, conflicts and The Great Middle East. Ariel webpage [ ISSN 2342-8449 ] gives in Finnish language background information about Israeli politics, defence and society excluding religious themes. Author's main blog is Conflicts By Ari Rusila [aka ex-BalkanBlog] - ISSN 2342-6675 - covers issues of conflicts and regionally the Balkans (esp. Serbia), the Black Sea region and MENA (the greater Middle East and North Africa and esp. Israel) regions as well EurAsia.
Mission and Objectives

Blogging: Conflicts By Ari Rusila - and Ariel-Israelista suomeksi -

Main Projects / Activities

Main blog and five other blogs in English - all about the same content but different readership; one blog in Finnish language, active participation to different discussion forums.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ari Rusila
Job Title
Free political analyst and blogger
Head of the organisation

Individual member: Cátia Suomalainen Pedrosa

National Network

00550 Helsinki

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Cultural Centre Caisa - director
Mission and Objectives

Promote cultural diversity through art and culture

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Cátia Suomalainen Pedrosa
Head of the organisation

Individual Member: Dr. Reetta Toivanen

National Network

Erik Castren Institute for International Law and Human Rights, University of Helsinki, P.O. Box 4 (Yliopistonkatu 3), Room 617, 00014 University of Helsinki

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Individual member, senior researcher in the field of anthropology with the specialisation on human rights, human rights education, NGOs, minorities, anti-terrorism, suicide bombing, immigration law and racism, regional specialisation: Europe
Mission and Objectives

Individual member, senior researcher in the field of anthropology with the specialisation on human rights, human rights education, NGOs, minorities, anti-terrorism, suicide bombing, immigration law and racism, regional specialisation: Europe

Main Projects / Activities

Current research projects / activities
Finnish Academy Fellow. Project on On "Glocal" governance: On the meanings and consequences of the "vernacularization" of Human Rights Concepts
Challenging Power - Power in Finland (CEREN, university of Helsinki)
Poga the language survival network homepage
EU project ELDIA (European Language Diversity for All)
Human rights education and national minorities in Europe (Humboldt University in Berlin) (2003-2007)
Member of the Expert Group for the UN Speacial Rapporteur on the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism
Vice-president of the International Human rights Education Consortium (

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Reetta Toivanen

Individual Member: Liisa Liimatainen

National Network

00197 Rome

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
I am a veteran journalist who has worked as news and current affairs journalist for YLE, Finnish Broadcasting Company for a quarter of century. Being based in Rome I am certainly the Finnish journalist that has followed the Mediterranean area and its developments systematically and for longest period, since 80's. I live in Rome but have been working in North Africa, in Middle East and also in Balcans. I am also specialist of Islam in Mediterranean area and in Europe. As specialist of Vatican and accredited in the Holy Sea for 20 years I have followed intensively the dialogue between religions and diplomacy of religions.
Mission and Objectives

Help understanding between different cultures and religions with correct information on different areas, cultures and religions

Main Projects / Activities

Besides news journalist I have written books. The first one, dealing with Iran has the title: Iran: Huntu ja haaste - Yritys ymmärtää Iranin yhteiskuntaa, Like, 2009, 304 pages (in English: Iran: The Veil and the Challenge - An attempt to understand Iranian society) with an update of 60 pages published the next year: Iranin vihreän liikkeen digitaalinen vallankumous (in English: The Digital Revolution of the Iranian Green Movement). In 2013 I published a book on Saudi Arabia describing the birth of civil society in that country with the title: Saudi-Arabian toiset kasvot - Rohkeita naisia ja kybernuoria, Like (in English: Another face of Saudi Arabia - Brave Women and Cyber Youth, LIke 404 pages. The book on Saudi Arabia was published in Italian strongly updated with the title: L'Arabia Saudita. Uno Stato islamico contro le donne e i diritti, Castelvecchi, 2016, 304 pagine (in English: Saudi Arabia - An islamic State against women and the rights). This book was elected by Italian Institute for International Affairs (IAI) as the book of the month in November 2016. I also wrote the chapter on Saudi Arabia for e book on Syria: Siria. Una pace impossibile, Castelvecchi, 2017, edited by Claudia De Martino, a researcher in the Unimed office of Rome. Now I am working on a book on the regional conflict between Iran and Saudi Arabia for my Finnish editor, Like. For the research of this book I have been recently in Lebanon and in Iran and before in Saudi Arabia.

Contact (1) Full Name
Liisa Liimatainen
Job Title
Journalist, Non-fiction writer
Head of the organisation

Individual Member: Marja-Liisa Harju-Khadr

National Network


Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Before retiring I worked at the University of Helsinki.
Mission and Objectives

I am interested in the cooperation between the European and Mediterranean countries.

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Marja-Liisa Harju-Khadr
Head of the organisation