Association El Wafa

National Network


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
nombre de membre de cette organisation est 10,ressource budgétaire annuelles, disponible bénévole, etc
Mission and Objectives

Des soins a domicile.
promouvoir la non discrimination des personne handicapées.
intégration les handicapées a la formation professionnel.
Promouvoir les droit d'enfants handicapés surtout la scolarisation( forcer les autorité).

Main Projects / Activities

Des activités d'orientation a créer un environnement adéquat avec possibilité,de loisir , excursion,station thermal et autres activités créatifs pour diminuer le stress des personne handicapées.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Connaitre et diffuser les expérience de succès qui ont été développer en ordre a créer un environnement réellement inclusive, avec de possibilités d'éducation, travail ,culture , loisir, sport ......etc Pour tout le monde.
En concrète, les mesures pour simplifier et flexibiliser les normes et procédure tel sorte quel'intégration soit la plus possible.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Pour améliorer l'aide de notre organisation aux personne handicapés nous avons besoin de se joindre ad'autre association plus développées :
a:obtenir des information pour les clés du succès de son fonctionnement,les procédures basés pour l'efficacité et l'efficience et apprendre a les appliquer pour améliorer la qualité de service donnée au personnes handicapées algériens.
b:Les différents mesure pour implanté et promouvoir l'attention personnel , l’éducation , l'emploie,le loisirs... etc de cette personne.
c:analyser le fonctionnement des service d'assistance personnel , appuie familial , conseil , santé de subsistance, de logement, d'accessibilité.etc des associations plus développées au service personnes handicapées.
d:Identifier et diffuser les modèles basiques, concernant les situations plus fréquentes dans la vie quotidienne des personnes handicapées pour faciliter l'intégration social des mêmes.
Apprendre des modèles pour aider les associations algérienne au service des personnes handicapées, a sensibiliser aux membres des associations, administration, familles... etc sur l'importance et l'avantage de promouvoir la plus autonomie possible des personnes handicapées.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Association d'activités de jeune AZAR

National Network

Salle polyvalente Rahmani Amar maala commune ait laaziz

020 70 80 30
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
07 72 92 86 40
Mobile Phone (other)
06 63 00 96 57
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Les Sources de financement de notre association sont de la contribution de MJS,DJS,programme joussour,APW,APC. notre équipe et composé 30 adhérent dont 25 femmes .le budget annuelle de notre association est de 30,000.00 a 50,000.00 DA
Mission and Objectives

la mission principale de l’association est de l'encadrement, l’éducation et l’éveille des jeunes de notre localité

Main Projects / Activities

depuis ça création l'association a a sont actifs scinque projet de réalisé entre autre le jeune artiste, l’apprentissage de langue étrangère( français,anglais).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Notre association vas participer avec sont représentent a tous les rencontre organiser par le réseau FAL

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

pour partager notre modeste expérience et renforcer nous concomitances avec le FAL

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Djamel FOUDI
Contact (2) Full Name
Djamel FOUDI

Association Scientifique FIKR pour la Santé , l'Environnement et le Dévelloppement - الجمعية العلمية فكر للصحة والبيئة و التنمية

National Network

Avenue Colonel Amirouche ( Route de BBA ) M'sila 28000 Algérie

+213 35 55 51 84
+213 35 54 78 94
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+213 (0) 6 61 57 05 82
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Association locale ( wilaya ) , 50 membres avec un bureau ( 09 ) , les ressources : cotisations , dons , et sponsors ;-modalités d'action : Seminaires , volontariats ,sensibilisations - formations ...;- Partenaires : FONDEMA , Université de M'sila , Faculté de médecine et organismes environnementaux ...
Mission and Objectives

- Formation continue et transfert de competences ,- Promouvoir la santé , les actes humanitaires et de bienfaisance ,- Participer au developpement technologique et des ressources humaines ,- Promotion sociologique et culturelle et realisation de la citoyennete, - Relation de jumelage avec les associations et organisations aux objectifs communs.

Main Projects / Activities

Rencontres scientifiques et academiques pour traiter les sujets en vogue - sorties sur terrain pour des activités de volontariat ,- lien avec des organismes nationaux et internationaux pour promouvoir le dialogue constructif et positif .

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

s'entraider pour une vision commune pour le developpement et la protection de l'environnement ainsi que pour la pensee et les actes positifs.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

c'est dans nos objectifs de lier des relations d'echange et de jumelage pour realiser des ponts de dialogue et de rapprochement .

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr GHADBANE Farid Sami
Head of the organisation
Dr GHADBANE Farid Sami

association handicapés moteur "EL DJAMEL"

National Network

cités du stade municipale

213 664148170
Telephone (other)
213 552573052
Mobile Phone
0664 148 170
Mobile Phone (other)
0552 573 052
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
structure de l'organisation: président,vice président,secrétaire général,vice secrétaire,trésorier,vice trésorier,04membre bureau et 260 adhérants. sources de financement:messénat. modalités d'action:distribution des dons,du matériel médical au hadicapés les plus défavorisés, renouvellement des cartes handicapés pour visites médicale et renouvellement des prothéses et autres matériel orthopédique.... partenaires:association pour la protection de l'environnement (Belombra cherchell),direction de la santé publique,volontaires de tous bord.
Mission and Objectives

- sensibliser les autorités a élaborer en urgence des textes d'application des loi existantes visant a intégrer l'handicapé a la formation professionnel, l'emploi(quotas), le logement(quotas) afin qu'il peut vivre dignement.
- instauration de lieux d’accès pour handicapés dans les administrations et autres.
- faire des guichets spéciaux et unique dans les administrations.
- faciliter le renouvellement des cartes de rémunérations pour handicapés (via le net par exemple)
- sensibiliser les citoyens des villes et villages du risque que comporte les mariages consanguins.
- sensibilisation des citoyens des maladies à risque comportant des effets secondaires entrainant par la suite un handicape(grande fiévre pour nourisson et en bas age,...........)
- forcer les autorités a mettre ces moyens pour scolariser les enfants handicapés quelque soit leurs lieu d'habitation et leurs degré d'handicape.

Main Projects / Activities

-création d'une unité de production de produits javélisés.
-création d'une unité de production et d'apprentissage du tissage, couture et broderie.
--création d'une école d'apprentissage pour personnes illétrées, handicapés.
-création des activitées commercials au sein des centres éthatiques(buvettes à l'université de Tipaza,kiosk à la ville de cherchell....)pour financer nos activités.
-vente de produits traditionnel fabriqué par les handicapés.
-apprentissage des métiers traditionnels au handicapés.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- avec une organisation efficace, des idées claires et des initiatives a mettre concrétement sur terrain,l'impacte positif sera inévitablement ressentit a travers notre localité et région des deux rives et la crédibilité de ces membre sera renforcer vis à vis des handicapés et des citoyens.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

- niveau d'organisation élevé vus les défis à relever.
- organisation éfficace des taches
- élaboration de planning annuel suivies d'une chronologie a respecter.
- financement adéquat des taches a réaliser.
- transfert des expériences mutuelles.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Association de jeunes d'ait bouyahia

National Network

Ait Bouyahia
beni douala

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
hiérarchique; dix membres; 20 adhérents. les principaux ressources de associations sont les subventions Étatique; qui sont vraiment maigre par rapport a l’énergie que met nous bénévole dans la concrétisation des projets de l’association.
Mission and Objectives

les principaux objectif de notre association sont:
la préservation de patrimoine de notre région .
création des club scientifiques et littéraires.
aides les jeunes dans leurs projets dans les dévires domaines .

Main Projects / Activities

actuellement nous somme sur un projet, d'aide a la création d'entreprise au profit des jeunes intéresse par le domaine de entrepreneuriat.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Hadjou Abdelaziz

association des activites de jeunes Tizi ouzou

National Network

8;rue kara omar tizi ouzou
tizi ouzou

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
  6. Youth and education
General Information
association des activites de jeunes et compose de neuf membre inclut le president avec un employee et un budget annuel de 100000 dinnars algerien finannce par les authorites locales communale et des sponsors;en fait des echange de jeune ,seminairs dejeunes journee d information et pedaguogique
Mission and Objectives

notre mission c'est l'information et l'insertion de la jeunesse et promouvoir les activites de jeune notement scientifique et culturelle

Main Projects / Activities

jardin vert pour les enfants ;un club de ornithologie ;sortie pedestre ;theatre ,musique et environement

Contact (1) Full Name
abtouche redha
Head of the organisation
bousserak fatma

Fondazzjoni Temi Zammit

National Network

C/O, 9C, Mikiel Anton Vassalli Street, Valletta,
Msida MSD 06

+3562722 4408
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
FTZ is a Maltese not-for-profit public-equivalent foundation drawing key stakeholders together in a strategic partnership to boost regional development. Its 3 units are active in ICT-assisted education and training, research and innovation, and culture and regional development. It operates 2 national centers (Avicenna Knowledge Centre, Researchers’ Mobility Centre) and an Energy Agency, employing 8 full-timers and several part-timers. FTZ implements local and transnational projects for which it sources mainly EC program funding and national co-financing. Members include the University of Malta, Ministries, government agencies, municipalities, trade unions, international development networks, SMEs, etc. Partners from more than 50 countries collaborate with FTZ.
Mission and Objectives

FTZ is a collaborative network implementing local and transnational projects of benefit to the whole community. It provides lifelong learning opportunities, aiming to create greater social cohesion and to contribute to the molding of tomorrow’s knowledge-based society.
The focus of FTZ’s regional development activities lies mainly on culture and tourism, due to the island’s rich cultural heritage and heavy reliance on the tourism industry. Besides supporting the development of learning organizations, responding to the effects of globalization and the rise of the knowledge society, FTZ is also committed to promote a favorable environment for intercultural dialogue, research and innovation.

Main Projects / Activities

Cultural, research and dissemination activities, studies, implementation of local/transnational projects in:
1. Open & Distance Learning, education, training:
- Avicenna Virtual Campus (EUMEDIS)
- Virtual University for Small States of the Commonwealth (VUSSC)
- Centre for Flexible Learning (UNESCO)
- Community Knowledge Centers (UNESCO)…
2. Reg. development, culture, democracy, heritage, tourism, environment:
- Approdi, New Arrivals
- Digital Citizenship… (WDCNET)
- Intelligent Port Systems (iPORTS)
- Mediterranean Cultural Network of Cities… (MEDMISSION)
- Energy Agency [for Renewable] (IEE) …
3. Research, innovation, ICT:
- Researchers’ Mobility Centre – Malta (FP6-HRM)
- EPRI-start [for SMEs] (FP6-IST)
- TOSSAD [Open Source Software] (FP6-IST)
- ERA Pilot [Micro Nanotechnology] (FP6-IST)
For the full list, please refer to website (

Contact (1) Full Name
Jesmond Xuereb (Secretary General)
Head of the organisation
Mr Narcy Calamatta (Chairman)
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr Cedric Mifsud (Board Secretary)

HYIA (Hamrun Youth Initiatives Association)

National Network

c/o 20, Caroma Triq is-Sewwieqa,

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Since 2005 we are a group of 15 young people organizing events in Malta, Arab countries and rest of Europe like youth exchanges, seminars and other cultural activities. The source of funding usually is through EU funding like Youth in action & other sponsors involving other youth organisations.
Mission and Objectives

for the last 7 years we are working closely with other local associations locally whilst also abroad in order to gather young people, minimize stereotypes and keep them busy away from all types of abuses.

Main Projects / Activities

We have been organizing many youth exchanges youth encounters,, seminars locally and abroad. Other local activities are organised during the year such as a Bowling, horse riding, kart racing and outdoor activities as BBQ"S and hikes.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

With our 7 years past experience organizing events for young people we would be delighted to work with ALF project and promote it in our country.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We know about the good work and network ALF has made throughout the past years and we would be very proud to form part and contribute within its Network

Contact (1) Full Name
Omar Bugeja
Head of the organisation
Omar Bugeja
Contact (2) Full Name
Joe C Cordina

Spazju Kreattiv - Malta's National Center for Creativity

National Network

Spazju Kreattiv
Pjazza Kastilja

00356 2122 3200
Telephone (other)
00356 2122 3216
00356 2122 3218
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information

The Spazju Kreattiv season, produced by Fondazzjoni Ċentrugħall-Kreattività, is based on the three strategic pillars of artistic excellence, community outreach and internationalisation. In this framework, the programme of events comprises a series of creative and cultural events that take place primarily at St James Cavalier, as well as other locations in Malta and Gozo. Part of the core initiatives, the season includes a visual and performing arts programme, artist-in-residence programme, the only arthouse cinema programme in Malta, and a ŻiguŻajg series especially catered for children and families. 

Other ventures by Fondazzjoni Kreattività, include the national festivals ŻiguŻajg and VIVA - the Valletta International Visual Arts Festival. Both these, as well as the Spazju Kreattiv season, are formulated in the context of a growing cultural creative scene in Malta, and in line with Fondazzjoni Kreattività’s remit of being a catalyst for contemporary expression, a key stakeholder in the continued legacy of the Valletta 2018 European Capital of Culture, and as facilitator in the implementation of the Arts Council Malta’s Strategy 2025.

Mission and Objectives

Spazju Kreattiv Strategic Vision is based on three pillars of Artistic Excellence, Community Outreach and Internationalisation:

• ARTISTIC EXCELLENCE: Creatives from different walks of life are encouraged to propose concepts which strive to push artistic boundaries and resonate with current socio-political contexts. Initiatives which show a considerable amount of research and creative accomplishment are viewed favourably. The direct involvement of emerging creatives seeking further experience and professional development opportunities is also worth considering in drafting the application. 

• COMMUNITY OUTREACH: Our organisation strives for social dialogue and exchange with different community groups. Accessibility in all its forms, being physical or intellectual, is encouraged and viewed as an important aspect of any successful endeavour. Digital presence and online interactivity as part of the proposed ventures are also seen as essential elements in being favourably considered to form part of the programme.

• INTERNATIONALISATION In the continued aim of achieving artistic accomplishment, interested applicants are encouraged to seek international partners in the production of proposed ventures. Such encounters and associations should be viewed in the continued evolution and development of the project. Involvement in international networks and cross-collaborations with strategic partners with the aim of further development and prospective touring opportunities are encouraged.

Main Projects / Activities

The artistic vision of Spazju Kreattiv is based on the principle of ‘Il-Qalba tal-Kreattività’ (The Heart of Creativity) and aims to elevate the standard of artistic expression, foster partnerships with international organisations and stakeholders, and strengthen relationships between the core and wider communities.

In order to achieve these goals, the programme has been carefully crafted to include a diverse range of events and activities, each of which has been designed to showcase the best of Maltese and international talent. From concerts and exhibitions to workshops and educational initiatives, the programme is designed to cater to audiences of all ages and interests.

The Spazju Kreattiv programme comprises over 550 events. More information may be found on

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Daniel Azzopardi
Job Title
Artistic Director
Head of the organisation
Mr. Rupert Cefai (Chairman)
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Rupert Cefai
Job Title (2)

Aditus Foundation

National Network

149 Old Mint Street

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
The board of Aditus consists of the 3 founding members, including the chairman. Dr. Neil Falzon is one of the founding members and Director of Aditus. Besides the director Aditus at the moment consists of one intern and a number of volunteers (10 persons at present). Budgetary resources available last year of 2011: income: 8480.56, expenditures: 6208.99. Regarding sources of funding these include: eu funding, private funding, state (via tenders). The modalities of action include organising seminars, carry out training, research, integration projects, pro bono legal assistance, monitoring of reception centres, awareness raising. Aditus work closely with several other organisations, primarily UNHCR Malta, Jesuit Refugee Service, Integra, and MGRM (Malta Gay Rights Movement).
Mission and Objectives

aditus believes in the universality, interdependence and indivisibility of all human rights and strives to promote our rights-based understanding and application. Whereas aditus’ focus is Malta, we work towards highlighting the regional and international dimensions of human rights in Malta.
aditus is an independent, voluntary and non-profit organisation established with a view to monitor, act and report on access to fundamental human rights by individuals and groups.

Main Projects / Activities

We are ongoing carrying out a number of activities and at the moment concentrated primarily on the following:
Meet the other (integration project in collaboration with UNHCR)
Legal advise and assistance (preparing case for European Court of Human Rights, pro bono assistance mainly migration and LGBT cases)
Publish informational leaflet on migration (distributed by the Times of Malta)
Running blog on European Asylum Support Office (
Planning of events for World Refugee Day
Research and report on the level of integration of third country nationals in Maltese schools (FES tender)
Consultation for Children's Policy
Stakeholder seminars (training of e.g. Apogg Agency (social welfare) in legal issues relating to asylum seekers and beneficiaries of protection)
Theatrical performance and photo exhibition: 9 Parts of Desire (in collaboration with theatre group Troupe 18:45).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We believe that our expertise in the field of migration and LBGT issues may be of interest to other organisations both in Malta and beyond.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Through the ALF Network we expect to expand our network, apply for the funds that we eligible for, and hopefully find partners (nationally and transnationally).

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Neil Falzon
Head of the organisation
Dr. Neil Falzon
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr Carla Camilleri