Association Libanaise pour l'Education et la Formation (ALEF)

National Network

Hazmieh, Mar Takla, Assi el-Hellani street, Kiameh Bldg. #82, floor B1‎

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
1. Structure of the organization: Officially registered in 2004, L’association Libanaise pour l’Éducation et la Formation (Lebanese Association for Education and Training) ALEF is a youth lead; volunteer based non-governmental organization, which promotes Human rights in Lebanon through education and training. In order to synergise efforts, ALEF established in Lebanon a strategic long term partnership with NDH-International. ALEF team is active under the institutional name of Nouveaux Droits de l’Homme – International. 2. Budget 2007: 330000 3. Sources of funding and main partners: -European Union -Save the Children – US -Friedrich Ebert Stiftung – Lebanon Office -Pax Christi – Netherlands 4. Modalities of action: In addition to publishing reports and conducting formal and non formal educational programs, ALEF is implementing two main projects on “Torture prevention in Lebanon” and “Youth building Reconciliation”
Mission and Objectives

To trigger and contribute to a cumulative process of changing values and attitudes incompatible with the universal values of Human Rights.

Become a reference institution in the field of Human rights and related topics, to play the role of a think tank at the service of decision and legislation makers in Lebanon; to become a proponent of national policies in Human Rights related matters.

To change the present popular perception that Human Rights issues are idealistic and elitist.

Share the experience acquired in Lebanon at the regional level, after consolidating the Lebanese structure.

Main Projects / Activities

1- Researches and Publications We published several thematic and generic annual reports on Human Rights in Lebanon the latest publications were: Six reports on International Humanitarian Law violations in the conflict opposing Hezbollah to the State of Israel and regarding the Human Rights situation of the Internally Displaced Persons during and after the conflict 2- Education and Training • Human rights courses in 2 Universities: St Joseph University USJ and the Lebanese University • Human rights education in 6 schools through a network of clubs (3D clubs) • A training program on citizenship for juvenile offenders detained in the central prison of Roumieh • Contributed in the guidance of “COMPASS”: a manual on Human rights education published by the Council of Europe

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Julien Courson
Job Title
Secretary General
Head of the organisation
Dr. Elie el-Hindy (President of the Board)
Contact (2) Full Name
Mrs. Dima Wehbi (Programs Manager) ; Mr. George Ghali (Project Officer)

Ibrahim AbdEl Al Foundation for Sustainable Development (IAAF)

National Network

Bechara El Khoury, Ghannageh Bldg., 3rd floor
Beirut 1107 2180

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
1-The association is composed of an Executive committee of 12 members, a scientific committee of 9 members and a general assembly of 100 active participants. All are volunteers. 2-Resources available in a year: between 15000 and 20000 $. 3-Donations and sponsorship 4-Yearly lectures, master thesis assistantships, awards and prizes 5-Banks, mineral water companies, Litani River Authority, Order of Engineers, Universities in Lebanon   The Ibrahim AbdEl Al Foundation (IAAF) for Sustainable Development is a scientific non-governmental organization (NGO), specialized in water and energy issues. Its main goal is to conserve water resources, in order to sustain livelihood. In the context of the water-food-energy nexus, the IAAF is actively promoting irrigation projects to increase the cultivated area in accordance with the population growth, along with organizing awareness and capacity building for sustainable agriculture, promoting ways to stop soil erosion. In terms of legislation reforms, the IAAF has established a draft law for the creation of water users associations. IAAF is promoting the implementation of the second phase of the Litani River project, stressing that the energy production in the country should increase simultaneously from hydro-power and thermal plants. IAAF is promoting the climate change criteria to be inserted in any development project in the country. IAAF’s strategy is to improve water and energy management, which is embodied in its ongoing public participation program since its inception, adapted to the country’s cultural context. This program focuses on human interactions and dialogue and is implemented through workshops, open houses, informal small group meetings, interviews and awareness campaigns for Integrated Water Resource Management. Through this approach, IAAF tackles several subjects like alleviating poverty, increasing gender equality, providing opportunities for social growth  and a better educated population, ensuring environmental sustainability, democracy, equity and legality, water values and water integrity. For IAAF, water is life and it must be preserved.   La Fondation Ibrahim AbdElAl (IAAF) pour le développement durable est une organisation scientifique non-gouvernementale, spécialisée dans le domaine de l’Eau et l’Energie. Son objectif principal est la conservation des ressources en eau, dans le but d’assurer une croissance et un niveau de vie élevé. Dans le contexte de la relation eau-alimentation-énergie, IAAF travaille activement sur les projets d’irrigation pour augmenter la surface cultivée en fonction de la croissance démographique et économique. IAAF organise, des campagnes de sensibilisation et des ateliers pour le renforcement des capacités sur l’agriculture durable et les moyens d’arrêter l’érosion des sols. En terme de réformes législatives, IAAF a établi un projet de loi pour la création d’associations des usagers de l’eau. Cette loi suit la procédure administrative libanaise pour entrer en force.  IAAF suit de près l’exécution de la 2eme phase du projet du Litani, pour le développement au Sud du pays. L a Fondation promouvoie l’utilisation de l’énergie renouvelable, surtout les stations hydro électriques sur les rivières libanaises, les considérant comme complémentaires aux stations thermiques. Concernant l’impact du changement climatique sur les ressources naturelles du pays et surtout les ressources en eau, la Fondation encourage à insérer les critères de changement climatique dans les projets de développement nationaux et locaux. La stratégie de la Fondation vise à améliorer la gestion de l’eau et de l’énergie. Cette initiative est incorporée dans son programme de sensibilisation, de la participation du public dans la prise décisions, le tout adapté au contexte culturel du pays. Ce programme met l’accent sur les interactions humaines et le dialogue, à travers des ateliers, des journées portes ouvertes,  des réunions en petits groupes informels, des interviews et des campagnes de sensibilisation sur la Gestion Intégrée de s Ressources en Eau et le Développement Durable. Grâce à cette approche, la Fondation aborde plusieurs concepts comme la réduction de la pauvreté, le rôle de la femme, indiquant les critères pour le développement social et une meilleure éducation, un environnement durable, la démocratie, l’égalité, et les valeurs humaines. Pour la Fondation l’Eau est la vie, il faut la  préserver. مؤسسة إبراهيم عبدالعال للتنمية المستدامة هي منظمة علمية غير حكومية ، متخصصة بقضايا المياه والطاقة. هدفها الرئيسي الحفاظ على الموارد المائية، من أجل الحفاظ على سبل العيش الكريم. في سياق الترابط بين المياه والغذاء والطاقة، تعمل المؤسسة على تشجيع مشاريع الري لزيادة المساحة المزروعة وفقا" للنمو السكاني، جنبا" إلى جنب مع تنظيم حملات التوعية وبناء القدرات من أجل الزراعة المستدامة، وتعزيز سبل منع تدهور نوعية التربة. من حيث الإصلاح في التشريعات، أعدت المؤسسة مشروع قانون لإنشاء جمعيات مستخدمي المياه. كما تعمل المؤسسة على تعزيز تنفيذ المرحلة الثانية من المشروع الإنمائي على نهر الليطاني، مؤكدة" على ضرورة تفعيل استعمال الطاقات المتجددة، وخصوصا" الطاقة الكهرمائية، لتتكامل مع المعامل الحرارية. كما تروج المؤسسة إدراج معايير التغيير المناخي في أي مشروع تنموي في البلاد. تكمن استراتيجية المؤسسة في تحسين إدارة المياه والطاقة، والذي يتجسّد في برنامجها المرتكز على مشاركة جميع الفرقاء المعنيين في اتخاذ القرار. وهذا البرنامج يعزز الحوار والتفاعل بين الفرقاء ويتم تنفيذه من خلال ورش العمل متخصصة، وحملات توعية تتناول عدد متنوع من العناوين خصوصا" موضوع الإدارة المتكاملة للموارد المائية والتغيير المناخي والتنمية المستدامة. ومن خلال هذه المنهجية تتناول المؤسسة العديد من الموضوعات مثل التخفيف من حدة الفقر، وزيادة المساواة بين الجنسين، وتوفير فرص العمل وفرص النمو الاجتماعي والتعليم، مع التركيز على الاستدامة البيئية، والديمقراطية، والعدالة و النزاهة ومحاربة الفساد وما إلى هنالك من مواضيع ترفع من مستوى الكرامة الإنسانية. وتؤمن المؤسسة أن المياه هي الحياة ولذا يجب المحافظة عليها.
Mission and Objectives

It is a scientific association that seeks to honor the memory of one of the most eminent scientists in Lebanon in the water and electricity fields, and to encourage the new generation of engineers to specialize in these fields. The Association aspires at increasing awareness regarding issues and problems related to water and energy by spreading the spirit and ideas of Ibrahim Abd El Al. And because Abd El Al strongly believed that Lebanon should rely on the tremendous potential that lies in the minds and the creative energy of the Lebanese people, thus the Association stresses in its actions on awareness for the public and advocacy for water issues in Lebanon.

Main Projects / Activities

Awards and assistantships to graduate students and professionals in Water and Energy fields. Training and workshops for Engineer and Agriculture students. Lectures on Water and Energy Topics. Field trips to the Litani Projects for students and decision makers. Documentary film on the Litani River. Awareness campaigns on value of water and on pollution of Water.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Iman AbdEl Al
Head of the organisation
Mr. Nasser Nasrallah

Lebanese Foundation for Permanent Civil Peace (LFPCP)

National Network

56, Abdel Wahab street (Facing Sodeco)

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Media
  4. Research
General Information
NGO established in 1987, directed by an Executive Committee of six members. Has organized more than two hundred national and international seminars on democratization, civil peace and the memory, the civil society , the citizenship .. partnership with the NGOs all over Lebanon.
Mission and Objectives

Consolidation of the collective memory , support to the civil society and promotion of the law .

Main Projects / Activities

Observatory of civil peace and the Lebanese memory . -Observatory of the magistrature . -observatory of Lebanese legislation

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Antoine Messarra
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Dr. Antoine Messarra

Association pour la Protection des Sites et Anciennes Demeures au Liban (APSAD)

National Network

Achrafieh, Sursock street, Aoun Bldg., GF
Beirut 1100

+961 -1-334267
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Heritage
General Information
APSAD is a non-profit organization, officially recognized as a non-profit public interest organization by Presidential Decree #765. 2 employees and more than 45 volunteers. The yearly budget is about 60,000 $, & sources of funding varies between private donations, sponsoring for projects, fund raising events, subventions from the Lebanese Ministry of Culture & the Lebanese Ministry of Tourism, & memberships. APSAD executes projects ( Restoration, Development, awareness and campaigns, conferences and debates, publications, exhibitions, etc) all over the country and collaborates with Patrimoine sas Frontieres, Europa Nostra, World Monuments Fund, ICOMOS, Mercy Corps…
Mission and Objectives

APSAD is dedicated to promote the protection & restoration of ancient buildings with historic & artistic characteristics & the conservation of natural sites, act upon laws protecting the architectural heritage, raise public awareness concerning urban and environmental problems, encourage an architecture and a town planning of high quality, Strengthen the fabric of society by a general mobilization, encourage a sense of civic responsibility. APSAD provides all necessary support and seeks to implement new concepts for the preservation of the natural and architectural heritage that represents Lebanon’s identity, the expression of its memory and one of its most important resources. APSAD executes development projects in the Lebanese villages.

Main Projects / Activities

Latest activities; - Reconstruction of the Ebel es Saqui Peasent house Museum as per Mercy Corps demand and collaboration. - Conservation of a roman bridge in Maameltein region, and rehabilitation project for the surroundings - Nomination of the International Fairground at Tripoli, designed by renowned modernist architect Oscar Niemeyer , on the World Monument watch-Fund List - APSAD financed and contributed technically in the edition of the first volume of the study carried out jointly by APSAD, Mrs. May Davie and Tours University on the traditional houses of Beirut: typology, domestic culture, and historical value

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Raya Daouk
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mrs. Raya Daouk

Arab Theatre Training Centre (ATTC)

National Network

‎Lebanese University of Beirut, Koraytem, Beirut
Beirut 1102 2801

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The center is managed by four board members, an executive director wand the assistance of several consultants. The board members are Hussein Rifai (Bahrain), Dr. Hanan Kassab Hassan (Syria),Mona Knio (Lebanon),Wassim Kurdi (Palestine),Krystel Khoury(Lebanon)and executive director Raed Asfour(Jordan). Our main funder today is the SIDA and the institutions we cooperate with to organize the workshops. The ATTC established links with organizations who have contributed to the achievement of the center's objectives. Some of them are: SIDA, the Ford Foundation, ALISSAR, AAFA, Jesuit cultural center, the Lebanese American University, Al Madina Theatre, Darat al Funoun, The Swiss Development Agency, the Japan Foundation, amongst others.
Mission and Objectives

The ATTC aims at creating a training and learning environment to develop the technical, artistic, and managerial capacities of young people active in the field of performing arts in the Arab world.

Contribute towards creating an environment conducive to creativity in the field of the performing arts.

Motivate and push forward the training movement in the Arab world.

Develop the technical, artistic, and managerial capacities of young artists and animators.

Promote and encourage dialogue and communication amongst institutions, animators and artists in the field of the performing arts.

Contribute to the renovation and establishment of alternative spaces for performance and training.

Compile and provide information on training and activities of interest to activists in the performing arts.

Encourage the translation and publication of books and studies in the fields of training and the performing arts.

Promote partnerships and cooperation with Arab and international organizations working in training.

Main Projects / Activities

ATTC organizes workshops, meetings, and seminars in the performing arts field in the Arab world. The centre also contributes towards supporting organizations and groups focusing on training through providing facilities, services, consultation, or material support. Several workshops in the performing arts were organized in different Arab countries in cooperation with a variety of artistic organizations and groups following needs assessment using various measurement tools. The topics of the workshops vary from lighting design to movment of actors, stage make-up, sound design etc.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Mona Knio
Head of the organisation
Dr. Mona Knio

Batroun Projects

National Network

17th floor west, Bliss Plaza II, Bliss Street, Hamra, Beirut

+961 3 760123
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The organization is composed of four core staff. These are the Director, Co-Director, Associate Architect and Site Coordinator. We have a core budget of $12,000 p.a. Programme costs are raised on a per project basis. Sources of funding are a mix of grant making bodies and private sponsorship and support. Our modalities of action are exchange residencies in the visual arts, in partnership with institutions outside of Lebanon, performances and events in partnership with local, national, and international organizations, workshops, and broad public programmes related to contemporary arts in all its forms.
Mission and Objectives

Through public events, exhibitions, film screenings, a library, residency and meeting spaces BP will support artists, scholars, film makers, and cultural producers by providing a platform to showcase innovative and significant work.
Each project undertaken by Batroun Projects intends to instigate new collaborations, building new networks and new relationships, both across disciplinary spheres, as well as locally, regionally, and internationally.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main projects are performances, screenings, workshops, talks, and residencies.
As the project space is located outside the city in a semi rural setting, our activities create a platform for commonality and exchange between residents and culture consumers in Beirut and those in the norther area around Batroun. We also aim to work with organizations and individuals regionally and internationally, inviting artists to perform and interact with Batroun Project audiences.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our aims and objectives are inline with the working modalities of the ALF, that is creating platforms for meaningful and sustainable exchange, and a place for dialogue that engenders new approaches to realities. We also aim to work across sectors, seeking out partnerships with NGO's, self organised civil society groups, as contemporary arts offers a platform where multifarious disciplines and approaches can work together.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Nora Razian
Head of the organisation
Mrs. Nora Razian

Beirut DC

National Network

Furn el Cheback, Selim Khoury street, Akiki Bldg., ground floor

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Beirut DC is a Cultural association for the development of independent Arab Cinema. Employed staff: 2 persons, with many projects managers who work as freelancers or upon short terms contracts. Sources of funding: Ford foundation, Euromed Audiovisual 2, European commission in Lebanon, local Cultural centers, Embassies, sponsors Modalities of Actions: Film Workshops, Arab cinema festival, 30 Arab film weeks in the world, Arab Cinema website ACdir, film funds and support,network of filmmakers and producers in the region, video library containing about 2000 Arab independent films.
Mission and Objectives

Beirut DC aims at promoting, enhancing and supporting a creative cinematic movement in the Arab World, through Production, promotion and training. After almost a decade of experience in the field, Beirut DC members and friends believe more than ever that the progress of society and its cinema is one. Authentic films and a responsible media offer a possible analysis and reshaping of contemporary Arab societies that are in crisis.

Main Projects / Activities

Since 1999 we have made a series of workshops, organized 5 editions of the Arab cinema festival "Ayyam Beirut Al Cinema'iya", currated about 30 Arab film weeks in Europe, introduced Arab films in international markets, created an Arab cinema website ACdir, and supported the production of independent filmmakers through funds and facilities. We also have a large network of filmmakers and producers in the region as well as a video library containing about 2000 Arab independent films.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Eliane Raheb
Head of the organisation
Mrs. Eliane Raheb
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Jad Abi Khalil

Centre for Lebanese Studies (CLS)

National Network

4th Floor, Domtex Building, Hamra street
Beirut 1103

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The Centre for Lebanese Studies was founded in 1984 by a group of Lebanese. Their objective was to set up an independent academic institution that would undertake impartial and balanced research and contribute towards Lebanon's recovery and long-term stability. They aimed to promote a better understanding of Lebanon and to help find solutions for its problems. The Centre for Lebanese Studies' affiliation to the Middle East Centre at St Antony's College, Oxford, and the support provided by the late Albert Hourani and other fellows of that Centre is a major factor in its success. A research committee comprising scholars of international reputation advised the Centre on its programme and the late Marwan Buheiry (1984 -1986) and Nadim Shehadi (1986 - 2005) directed the Centre. Currently, the research fellows appointed through the research fellowship programme, are influential in defining the research and activities of the Centre. We have four full time employees. The centre is funded through individual donations.
Mission and Objectives

The Centre for Lebanese Studies (CLS) is an independent academic research institution whose purpose is to promote international understanding of the country and the issues facing it. Our objectives are: To promote better understanding of the national and international issues relevant to Lebanon through the pursuit of independent objective academic research into the political, social, educational, historical, economic, and cultural issues of Lebanon. To inform policy-makers in Lebanon and make recommendations based on research findings in connection with issues facing Lebanon. To provide support and information for governments and international institutions in the formulation of their Lebanese and Middle East policies.

Main Projects / Activities

Education for social cohesion project. This project aims to: Promote active citizenship education and behaviours by focusing on developing students’ competencies, skills and attitudes Foster a supportive, democratic, and cohesive school environment that encourages participation and empowers the whole school community Assess and monitor the impact of this approach on young people's political, civic, and social attitudes, knowledge and skills. History Education: One of the few things that the majority of Lebanese from various spectrums of life seem to agree on is the urgency to develop a common History textbook, which will somehow unite the nation and solve the problem of confessionalism. Although, education including History education can play a role in addressing some of the causes that might lead to civil war, the current approach proposed in Lebanon suffers from several gaps. The passive and indoctrination approach contradicts the concept of education in democratic countries, and has also proved to be ineffective. Hence our study sought to adopt an inquiry based approach to History Teaching learning, which emphasises a critical and analytical pedagogy. Our hypothesis is that by developing these skills, students will be more able to challenge and critique the prejudices of their sectarian groups and understand and appreciate similarities and differences amongst groups.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Network with organisations working in the field, funding opportunities, Establish partnerships

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Maha Shuayb
Head of the organisation
Dr. Maha Shuayb

Chabibeh Sporting Club

National Network

Chafic Saeid Public Secondary School, Pierre Gemayel street, Ain el Remmaneh
Beirut 1106

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
"Our Identity": The “Chabibeh Sporting Club” was established in 2002 through resolution Nb. 35 SH/R from the Lebanese Ministry of Youth and Sports. Today, “Chabibeh” is a member of 6 Lebanese sports Federations, and participate yearly at national tournaments and competitions. Since its founding, the club used sport as a tool to positively integrate young people in their society, and to develop the skills needed to empower them physically, socially, educationally, culturally and professionally.  In 2008, Chabibeh founded its Youth Department called “Chabibeh Youth” which is working closely and in strong collaboration with the sports department “Chabibeh Sports”. The two departments offer a one of a kind experience and a safe, interactive and supportive environment where young people can practice their favorite activity, build friendship, and acquire lifetime skills through the different local and international projects and programs. The region where the club operates was the scene of the past civil war, and it is still suffering from post-war effects due to the lack or insufficient development programs and to the increase in racism based on religious and political affiliations. Youth of the region are at a disadvantage socially, educationally and culturally due to the lack of SUSTAINABLE programs and opportunities. Major problems include: • Racism based on religious and political affiliations • Drug addiction and dealership • School drop-outs • Lack of sustainable and continuous leisure and cultural activities As a response, Sports, Youth Empowerment, Youth Participation, Volunteering, Peace and Reconciliation and Social Development became the main areas of Focus for Chabibeh whether through “Chabibeh Sports” or “Chabibeh Youth”.
Mission and Objectives

“Our Vision”:
We envision a society where youth are empowered socially, culturally and educationally
"Our Mission":
Empowering Lebanese Youth physically, socially, educationally, culturally and professionally through Sports, Non Formal Education and Participation in local and International programs and projects

Main Projects / Activities

Chabibeh Sports Objectives:

Preparing and Training sports players and teams to participate at national, regional and local competitions and championships

Organizing weekly sports activities, summer sports programs and training camps for players and teams

Targeting a wider audience by always adding new sports activitie
Chabibeh Sports Activites include: Basketball - Football - Table Tennis - Tennis - Martial Arts - Weekly Activities - Summer Day Camps - Training Camps - Tournaments and Games - Coaching Clinics - Private Practice and Participation at National Championships
Chabibeh Youth Objectives:

Bringing together children and teenagers from different religious and cultural backgrounds and offering them opportunities to interact and work together on common goals

Enhancing young people Active Citizenship and Active Participation through volunteering opportunities

Developing the soft skills of young people through Volunteering, Personal Development and participation in local and international projects

Networking with local and international organizations to expose Youth to new environments and opportunities
Chabibeh Youth Activities include: Volunteering and Mentoring - Career Counseling - Trainings and Workshop - Local and International programs and projects working on Volunteering, Active Citizenship, Youth Empowerment, Personal Development and Life and Soft Skills
Active in the Euromed Cooperation since 2008 through previous Youth in Action/Current Erasmus Plus program.
Accredited for EVS projects under Erasmus plus

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Lama Tabet
Job Title
Project Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Mr. Fadi Tabet (President)

KHAYAL - Cooperative Association for Arts and Education

National Network

Sunflower Theatre (SHAMS), Tayouneh, Sami Solh Boulevard, Kalot Center
Beirut 1102

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Others
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Khayal is a cooperative Association, 1 full timer employees and 2 part timers. Projects are mainly self financed or granted and supported by International or local partners. Khayal is the extension and expansion of “The Lebanese Puppet Theatre”. Our fields are related to Arts and Education, and projects or activities related. Our projects: Plays, Trainings, Networking, cultural and Social projects. And others. Our partners are: SHAMS, ASSITEJ Int., DCCD (Denmark), UNIMA. Membre fondateur dans: Réseau Voyage du geste, fédération Int. Marionnettes et thérapie, Réseau marionnettes et ombre du Méditerranée.

Mission and Objectives

Mission Statement KHAYAL seeks to reinforce the Arts as a universal means of expression and communication between individuals and societies. Objectives To highlight the role of artists in order to transform it into a need and necessity through: • Improving the creative, technical, social and administrative skills of young artists • Encouraging communication and cultural networking among artists from different cultures and nationalities • Supporting and realizing artistic productions and events To promote the Arts for the purposes of education, social development, awareness, advocacy, psychosocial animation, etc. through: • Creating and implementing projects in different fields through the Arts • Developing new methods and approaches of integrating arts in community actions

Main Projects / Activities

KHAYAL is currently active in the following domains: 1. Performing Arts - Theatre plays for young audiences and adults - Support for theatre productions of young artists and students - Co-productions with associations and individuals worldwide - Festivals and seminars at local and international levels 2. Arts & Social Action - Social development projects, awareness and advocacy campaigns and psychosocial support through the Arts - Interactive theatre sessions addressing social issues 3. Arts & Learning - Educational projects using the Arts as a pedagogic tool - Workshops and training sessions for artists, educators, social workers, etc. - Creative workshops for children and young people 4. Arts & Youth - Cultural exchanges and networking between young people in Lebanon and other countries - Facilitation of young artists’ mobility between Lebanon and other countries.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Karim Dakroub
Head of the organisation
Mr. Karim Dakroub