Association Coexister

National Network

50 rue de Montreuil
75011 Paris

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Religion
General Information
Structure de l'organisation : 10 membres au comité exécutif (président, trésorier général, secrétaire général, vice président - délégué au développement, vice président - délégué à la communication, délégué national au dialogue, délégué national à la sensibilisation, délégué national aux voyages, délégué national à la formation), 150 membres bénévoles et plus de 300 adhérents Ressources budgétaires et sources de financement : voir document joint ("Budget Coexister 2013") dans informations supplémentaires Modalités d'action : InterFaith Tour, tour du monde par quatre jeunes de confessions différentes des initiatives interreligieuses, pendant un an. Programmes de sensibilisation a travers toute la France. Festiv'All Together dans cinq villes de France (conférences, concerts, théâtre) Partenaires principaux : Fondation Notre Dame, Secours Catholique, Religions for Peace, Religions pour la Paix France, Global Interfaith Youth Network, European Interfaith Youth Network, Collège des Bernardins, Eclaireuses Eclaireurs Israélites de France, Scouts et Guides de France, Scouts Musulmans de France
Mission and Objectives

L'association a pour but la création, l'organisation et la promotion de projets en faveur de la paix, de la non-violence, de la rencontre entre les religions et du dialogue des cultures, particulièrement avec et auprès des jeunes générations. Par ces projets, elle entend promouvoir un message de fraternité, de laïcité et de vivre ensemble. Derrière le slogan "Unité dans la foi, diversité dans l'action", des jeunes de tous horizons culturels, avec ou sans appartenance religieuse, s'engagent pour une société unie, riche de sa diversité religieuse. Partant du postulat que la diversité au sens large est une chance, l'Association Coexister a vocation à contribuer à une meilleure cohésion sociale grâce au levier de l´interreligieux. En s'appuyant sur le principe de Coexistence Active, l'Association Coexister cherche à explorer toutes les dimensions de l'interreligieux chez les jeunes et structure ainsi son activité autour de cinq pôles d'activité : le dialogue, la sensibilisation, la formation et les voyages.

Main Projects / Activities

Cinq pôles d'activités : le dialogue, la solidarité, la sensibilisation, la formation et les voyages. Les trois premiers sont repris dans chaque groupe local de Coexister, et les deux derniers n'existent qu'au niveau national. Depuis la création de l'association, les projets suivant ont été réalisés : 4 opérations de solidarité « Ensemble à Sang % », 4 cycles de dialogue à Paris dénommés « KIF » et des dizaines d’événements de dialogue dans les autres villes, 4 programmes de sensibilisation à travers toute la France sur les questions du vivre ensemble et des préjugés, touchant ainsi plus de 6 000 jeunes. Plus de vingt jeunes ont été aux Journées mondiales de la Jeunesse, à Auschwitz et à Rome. Plus de cent étudiants ont été formés aux outils et aux savoir être de l’inter-religieux. Le Festiv'All Together à Lyon, Paris, Lille et Marseille en mai 2013, avec une programmation de don du sang, de théâtre, de concerts et de spectacles, a rassemblé 1500 personnes au total. L'Association Coexister est également sur le point de lancer un projet d'envergure : L'InterFaith Tour - un tour du monde des initiatives interculturelles et interreligieuses par quatre jeunes. Ce projet s'appuie sur une triple dimension - interreligieuse, internationale, jeunesse - et aura les impacts suivants : création d'une plateforme internationale pour mettre en relation les initiatives, rendre visibles des solutions innovantes grâce à un partenariat avec des médias internationaux (une vingtaine des plus grands journaux de la planète), et rassembler des ressources en vue de recherche académique ainsi que pour développer des outils pédagogiques.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

L'un des principes fondateurs de Coexister est son engagement auprès des jeunes générations. L'association bénéficie d'un contact privilégié avec les jeunes, notamment grâce aux groupes Coexister implantés dans plusieurs universités françaises (Sciences Po, Sorbonne, Centrale). L'association est en étroite collaboration avec plusieurs rassemblements importants de jeunes, dont les Scouts et Guides de France. De plus, plusieurs groupes Coexister se sont implantés au niveau local dans plusieurs villes de France (Paris, Lyon, Marseille, Angers, Grenoble, Lille et Evry). Ainsi, l'association peut mettre en oeuvre des projets à la fois nationaux et locaux, et toucher un public étendu.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

L'association Coexister et la Fondation Anna Lindh se retrouvent dans leurs objectifs de rapprochement des populations et d'un dialogue entre les cultures. Les actions de la Fondation Anna Lindh pour améliorer les perceptions entre elles des populations issues de cultures et de religions différentes se basent sur les mêmes principes fondateurs que Coexister, à savoir le respect mutuel et la coexistence. A fin de réaliser la mission et les objectifs de Coexister, l'association bénéficierait énormément du réseau de la Fondation Anna Lindh, qui lui permettrait de travailler avec d'autres organisations dans le but ultime de promouvoir le dialogue interculturel.

Contact (1) Full Name
Soufiane Torkmani
Head of the organisation
Samuel Grzybowski
Contact (2) Full Name
Radia Bakkouch

Kancelarija za razvoj Crna Gora-Developers Office Montenegro, NGO, non-profit

National Network

Đoka Mirasevica, Blok XII, L3/3

+382 20 264 712
Telephone (other)
+382 68 761 320
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+382 67 376 705
Mobile Phone (other)
+382 69 821 349
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
NGO "Developers Office Montenegro" is relatively new non profit, non-government organization.
Mission and Objectives

Our role, as the citizens of Europe, is to take care of them and preserve them for our children and future generations. As responsible citizens, it is our duty to learn how to preserve them, give our best effort and transfer that knowledge to others.
About us:
Vision: We will be the first service for developing initiatives and social entrepreneurship in the Balkans, by providing quality service of improving society, multicultural experiences, corporate citizenship and education.
Mission: We will meet needs of young people through excellent span of activities ensuring that they gain experience and show all their qualities and potentials. By doing so, we’ll maximize results of our projects and ideas.
Core values: quality, service, culture, honesty, education and engagement, integrity and responsibility.

Main Projects / Activities

Art exhibition: "Branka, Cetinje-Belgrade" 2011. Podgorica, MNE
Support to Event: "International Day of Poetry", 2013. Podgorica, MNE
Project Application (Pogramme:Europe for Citizens): "Active Citizens for National Park -presence and future-Live with National Park" June 2013
Project application - Umjetnost putevima Crne Gore - Art with the roads of Montenegro - summer 2013;

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As young NGO and relatively new, we are ready to bring some freshness and innovation , contribute to the Network with our dedication and motivation, and participate in diversity, improvement and exchange of opinions and values.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Through cooperation with ALF, we learn how to build partnership and exchange experience, as we help each other in realization of the project.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Danka Markovic
Head of the organisation
Ms. Danka Markovic
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Branka Markovic

Faculty of Arts

National Network

University Donja Gorica, Donja Gorica 81000

00382- (0)20-410-777
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Faculty of Arts is an institution of higher education with the primary objective to implement undergraduate and graduate studies in the field of modern and contemporary arts. On the basis of and within the powers of issued by the Governing Board of Faculty of Arts represents the Dean who's position is regulated by volume of Articles of Association and the Memorandum of Association. At the end of each year Faculty of Arts shall prepare annual accounts in the manner prescribed by special regulations in the filled of financial and accounting operations. Students' tuition and projects are the main source of income. As part of its scientific work, Faculty of Arts can realize collaboration with institutions at home and abroad. Main partners: University Donja gorica; Montenegro Ministry of Education and Sports; Montenegro Ministry of Culture.
Mission and Objectives

To train students to use theoretical knowledge that will gain from the Faculty of Arts, to share ideas, problems and solutions, collect and integrate relevant data to solve problems that will meet at their professional work. The goal is for students to be encouraged to develop a sense of life, and to get rid of prejudices and subjective evaluation of the environment in which they live, to learn to perform ,themselves, universal (globalized) conclusions, seek new solutions, be innovative and get involved with international networking.

Main Projects / Activities

Fakulty of Arts Published books:
1. Vladimir Vukićević, Cezanneova realizacija, slikarstvo i zadatak mišljenja, 2010.
2. Mah Imdahl, Giotto, ikonika, 2010.
3. Milivoj Solar, Eseji, 2012.
4. Vladimir Vukićević, SOFOKLE I HEIDEGGER, 20135. Rade Amanović, Popularna muzika u svetu, 2013.
6. Maja Bogojević, Cinematic Gaze, Gender and Nation in Yugoslav Film: 1945-1991, 2013.
-Faculty of Arts and University Donja Gorica presents 'Days of Film'
-A tribute to Dusan Vukotic, the only Yugoslav Oscar winner, with screening two of his films (in collaboration with CG film library)and Arsen Ostojic (Croatia)lecturer.
-Film Halimin put 'Halimas Way' by Arsen Anton Ostojic premiere at the UDG.
-University of Donja Gorica, EU Delegation to Montenegro, and the Center for Civic Education, as part of the "EU information bus - on the road to the EU," celebrate 9 May Day of Europe.
-Visual art exhibitions; classical and popular music concerts; theatrical shows; poetry club.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Faculty of Arts with partners can establish endowments, foundations, alternative study programs and festivals, as well as the institutions that would meet the needs of not only the students and communities, but also all of the employees in the new international "networked" community.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because of our cooperation with companies and institutions in the areas of interest for research and teaching activities of the Faculty of Arts: 1) participation of practitioners to work together to achieve research projects; 2) joint professional practice for students; 3) participation of distinguished experts from the practice in the performance teaching at the Faculty of Arts; 4) organizing innovative courses, conferences, symposiums, professional meetings, etc..; 5) participation in the preparation and publication of scientific works.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rade Amanovic
Head of the organisation
Dean Maja Bogojevic
Contact (2) Full Name
Milun Lutovac

Arab Union for International Exhibitions and Conferences - under the League of Arab States (AUEIC)

National Network

Cairo, Heliopolis, P.O. Box 2692, Barid el Horiya, Egypt ‎
Beirut 1103

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Religion
General Information
A group of university students representing the Lebanese culture in its diversity of religions and sects, cultures, and education.
Mission and Objectives

Encourage intercultural dialogue among university students with other ALF members

Main Projects / Activities

Exchange cultural and educational experience with similar organisations in Euro-Med Countries. Promote and advance administrative development through training for public and private sectors in the fields of development, administration, and culture,..etc to help increase the efficiency of Arab administration in various development sectors in the Arab region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Khadijah Lakkis
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Mr. Mahmoud Jarrah

Aie Serve

National Network

Tabara Center, near Sanayeh Garden, 4th floor
Beirut 1103

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Aie Serve, a youth-based organization, was founded on February 23rd, 2007 with the vision of spreading love, respect and acceptance. The word “Aie” is a Japanese word pronounced as “I” and means “Love”, so the name of NGO is Love to Serve or I Serve…others. The idea came due to the aftermath of July War on Lebanon and the sharp polarization of the Lebanese youth. A group of friends started brainstorming ways of tackling this issue and agreed that the 3 basic values that are missing in Lebanon are Respect, Acceptance and Love. Loving others for who they are, and not which political background or sect they are from, respecting others’ point of views and beliefs no matter what, and accepting differences and considering them the seeds of diversity. Afterwards, t­­he group started gathering more ideas and people and tried to organize themselves little at a time while focusing on serving their surrounding and society at large. Aie Serve evolved from a group of friends, to a group of community service minded people, to a team and an organization.

Mission and Objectives

Vision Aie Serve promotes the values of respect, acceptance and love to achieve an improved future for human kind. Mission Aie Serve is a youth non-governmental organization that works on youth empowerment. Goals Promote Aie Serve’s philosophy and professional volunteerism amongst youth. Empower the youth with the needed soft skills and tools to develop the community. Leverage Aie Serve’s experience to support other organizations in developing their capacities.

Main Projects / Activities

Aie Clubs What is the Aie Clubs program? Aie Clubs program aims at spreading the notions of respect, acceptance and love through empowering youth to become positive agents of change in their small communities. Groups of youth gather to implement the projects of their choice, as long as they follow our three values of Respect, Acceptance & Love. What’s in it for YOU? Our current 200 + beneficiaries of Aie Clubs currently enjoy free training opportunities, build experience in organizational, project, and team management, and better yet, they get to enjoy all of Aie Serve’s facilities, network, and resources. Not only that, but you will also benefit from being an organized entity, whose work’s quality is guaranteed under Aie Serve’s standards, rather than one single person or a group of people with no support for your great ideas. How does an Aie Club function? The clubs’ starters are first of all trained by Aie Serve and other professional trainers to give them the needed tools and skills to better serve their community. Then, a person is assigned as a liaison to follow up with the club and communicate their needs, ideas, and concerns back to Aie Serve. From then on, the sky is the limit in the projects that you can think of and conduct. Who are the Aie Clubs members? An Aie Club is made up of university students on the same campus, neighbors residing in the same area, and any group of different people with the same interests. Current Aie Clubs: Community Based: Beirut AieClub, Beqaa AieClub, Saida AieClub, Tripoli AieClub. University Based: AUB Aie Club (American University of Beirut), Balamand Aie Club (Balamand University – Ashrafieh Campus), BAU – Dibeye Aie Club (Beirut Arab University – Dibeye Campus), LAU Aie Club (Lebanese American University – Beirut Campus), NDU – Chouf Aie Club (Notre Dame University – Dier El Kamar Campus), NDU – Zouk Aie Club ((Notre Dame University – Zouk Campus). Aie Power Program Background & Brief: A lot of youth aspire to make positive change in their community, whether by spreading awareness about a certain issue, empowering community groups, serving the needy, advocating for a cause or lobbying for some policy change, yet in most cases they lack the needed skills, tools and resources to achieve what they dream of. In this context, Aie Serve, as a youth empowerment organization and through the Aie Power Program, aims at empowering those youth by giving them the needed training, coaching and financial support to achieve their aspirations Aie Skills What is it about? Aie Skills is the arm of training in Aie Serve. It’s all about providing the youth with the needed soft skills, thus following Aie Serve’s mission in youth empowerment with the tools they need to develop themselves at first and their society afterwards. How do we do that? Public Workshops on soft skills covering different topics. These workshops are two hours long and held twice a month, thus reaching an average of more than 15 workshops a year, each with a different topic! Advanced Trainings about some specific topics, where we go in depth about such topics for one full day or even a two days camp! The Training of Trainers (ToT) that certifies around 10 new trainers every year so as to be able to deliver our trainings. Club Initiation Management training for Aie Serve University Clubs. Giving trainings for the beneficiaries of the Aie Consult program, who are other NGOs getting trained by Aie Serve on topics covering financial, legal, managerial and organizational levels. What kind of topics do we cover? It’s all about the development of your soft skills: Public speaking, Project planning, Campaigning, Critical Thinking, Teamwork & Team Building, Holding Effective Meetings, Leadership Skills, Conflict Resolution, Fundraising, Time Management, Body Language, Giving & Receiving Criticism, Functioning Under Pressure, Decision Making, Negotiation & Persuasion, Target Group: All youth between the ages of 18 and 30.

Contact (1) Full Name
Tala Azzam
Head of the organisation
Tala Azzam

Al Bustan International Festival of Music and the Arts

National Network

P.O.Box 11-3764, Riad el Solh110 72 150, BeirutLebanon

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The Al Bustan Festival as a non-governmental organisation, it consists of a 9 members board committee, alongside with an academic & support committees and the festival team (10 members). Tickets revenues cover about half the cost of presenting world-class performances, the other half is covered from contributions given by individuals (membership & donation), private sponsors, diplomatic missions (embassies) and foundations. Annual Budget: Approximately 800.000 US dollars. The Al Bustan Festival is member of EFA, the European Festivals Association & ISPA, International Society for the Performing Arts. The Festival has commissioned contemporary composers to create new works for it: amongst such works is John Taverner’s “Feats of Feasts” which was given its World Premiere at the 1996, performed by the Yurlov State Choir. Roxana Panufnik composed a piece for 1999 which was performed by the Chilingirian Quartet in its World Premiere, as well as Naji Hakim, composer and organist, was being commissioned to write a choral work, using Khalil Gibran from his book ‘The prophet”. For the 2013 edition, the Festival will have the World Premiere of “Tous les hommes dansent” (all men dance) by Zad Moultaka & Mezwej Ensemble which had Creation residency in Marseille - France. The festival represents a diverse group of stakeholders, which include: • Musicians/Bands/Music Groups • Live Music events and performances producers • Music venues • Instrument, equipment and décor manufacturers • Audience • Regulating, Licensing and Funding Bodies • Tour Promoters and Managers • Booking Agencies • Hotel (staff and facilities) • Sponsors • Environmental campaigns and related NGOs
Mission and Objectives

The Al Bustan Festival is an international festival of Music and the performing Arts that takes place annually over five weeks during the months of February and March. The Al Bustan Festival was the first and sole “Classical” Music Festival of this size, in the region. Its main objective is to revive the cultural life of a country re-emerging after seventeen years of civil war. Throughout the years, the Festival succeeded in establishing a Classical Music season in Lebanon. Also its primary aim is education. This is an intrinsic part of the Festival and involves a range of activities beyond the performances given on stage. The Festival provides a rich environment for the cross-pollination of the Arts: meetings between visiting and local artists, drama workshops, dance masterclasses, lectures, etc.

Main Projects / Activities

The festival is unique in Lebanon in the concentration of artistic activity (more than 260 artists invited from different countries, more than 8000 attendees from local and regional countries)and the sheer number of its performances, 32 to 35 each season. Each year the Festival programme is structured round a central theme. ( By contributing in the evolution and refinement of cultural tastes, the Festival hopes to accomplish its Mission by reaching greater artistic achievements and opening new opportunities to the artists of tomorrow. Performances take place for the most part in the Emile Bustani Auditorium as well as the Crystal Garden Glass Conservatory in Hotel Al Bustan. Other locations are used for specific events (acoustics) like churches, Assembly Hall of the American University of Beirut, Etc. Its multi-faced approach intermingles pure classical works with theatre, dance and unusual and exotic presentations: Oriental, Jazz, Sacred music, World music, mimes, Marionettes, etc.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Maha Kobeissy
Head of the organisation
Mrs. Myrna Bustani

American University of Beirut (AUB)

National Network

P.O. Box 11-0236, Riad El Solh 1107 2020‎

+961-1-350000 ext.2976
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
  2. Youth and education
General Information
The American University of Beirut (AUB) is a private, independent, non-sectarian institution of higher learning, functioning under a charter from the State of New York. The University is governed by an autonomous Board of Trustees comprised of international leaders in business, education, diplomacy, engineering, philanthropy, science, and medicine. Faculty Full-time Instructional Faculty: 406 Part-time Instructional Faculty: 229 Budget Operating Budget 2007-08: $194 million Funding Student Fees and Tuition, Hospital Fees, Private Gifts and Grants, Endowment Income, Other Restricted Resources, and US Government Assistance
Mission and Objectives

The American University of Beirut (AUB) is an institution of higher learning founded to provide excellence in education, to participate in the advancement of knowledge through research, and to serve the peoples of the Middle East and beyond.

Main Projects / Activities

The University provides a rigorous curriculum in the American liberal arts tradition and the language of instruction is English. Academic programs are offered in undergraduate, graduate, medical, and professional education.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Rosie Nasser
Job Title
Associate Director - Office of Grants and Contracts
Head of the organisation
Dr. Fadlo Khuri (President)

ASALA Publishers

National Network

Al-Nour Bldg., Al-Safarrat street, Bir Hassan, Beirut

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Youth and education
General Information

Mother company is Dar Annahda Alarabiya Have around 6 employees and share others with the mother company Budget comes from the sales that we do during the year and it is increasing yearly by 25-50% Self funded Work on publishing books and other resources. We exchange copyrights Participate in several seminars Consultant in the ministry of culture (comity of books and reading) Invited to international book fairs (third time this year Frankfurt & London) We have been funded by the Goethe institute to print several books Partners: several organizations نشأتنا إن أصالة للنشر والتوزيع كفرع من دار النهضة العربية التي تعتبر المؤسسة الأم. تأسست دار النهضة العربية في العام 1964 على يد المرحوم مصطفى كريدية، وكرست نشاطها منذ ذلك الوقت في مجال النشر الاكاديمي الجامعي على الصعيدين المحلي والعربي.في العام 1999 أسست " اصالة للنشر والتوزيع" وخصصت لنشر قصص الاطفال، ولدى أصالة الآن أكثر من600 عنوان.

Mission and Objectives

Encouraging children’s love for reading and learning in the Arabic language through using simplified Arabic language and beautiful attractive drawing and colors. Keeping up with their educational needs throughout different stages. Enabling a large number of our children to receive our books through careful pricing strategy Improving the quality of children books ? Working with several international and national organizations أهدافنا منذ انطلاقتها، تحرص "اصالة" على اصدار قصصها وفق احدث تقنيات الطباعة والاخراج، وترمي بسياستها إلى تحقيق ثلاثة أهداف: أولاً: تشويق الاطفال للقراءة باللغة العربية وتحبيبهم بها وبالتالي تلبية رغبة الطفل في الاستمتاع  بالمطالعة عبر نص سهل ورسومات  جميلة . ثانياً:  مواكبة حاجاته التربوية والتعليمية في مختلف المراحل المدرسية . ثالثاً: تمكين اكبر شريحة من اطفالنا من الحصول على قصصنا وذلك بعد دراسة متأنية للاسعار بحيث تكون بمتناول الجميع.

Main Projects / Activities

Publishing children books in Arabic Doing workshops for teachers on how to use the books Organizing book signature and reading sessions for the kids Participating in national, Arabic, and international book fair Selling and buying book rights Participate in the national reading week Using new marketing and promotional techniques Speak and be part of different panels in book fairs and in workshops سياستنا في النشر قصصنا موجهة  إلى الطفل العربي في جميع الاقطار العربية، بحيث تقدم له افكاراً جديدة تنبع من صميم بيئته وتراثه العربيين . إن قصص أصالة للنشر والتوزيع حصلت على جوائز لبنانية، عربية، وعالمية عدة منها: جائزة آنّا ليند لأدب الأطفال جائزة النادي الثقافي العربي لأفضل إنتاج 2001   جائزة عبد الحميد شومان 2006 الجائزة الأولى لأفضل إخراج في معرض بيروت العربي 49  للكتاب جائزة أفضل كتاب 2006 الهيئة الوطنية للطفل اللبناني قصص ضمن لائحة الشرف  لمؤسسة الآنا ليند 2009 قصص ضمن لائحة الشرف 2006 الهيئة العالمية لكتاب الأولاد جائزة الكتاب الألماني للناشئين جائزة أفضل كتاب مترجم 2009 الهيئة العالمية لكتاب الأولاد تنويه بالكتاب  2009 مكتبة السبيل جائزة أفضل إنتاج 2009 الهيئة العالمية لكتب الأولاد جائزة الآنا ليند 2010 جائزة آنا ليند أقرأ في كل مكان 2011 جائزة شرفية آنا ليند أقرأ في كل مكان جائزة (كتابي) ضمن مشروع (عربي21) لعام 2013 جائزة أفضل إخراج (اتصالات) 2013 جائزة الشارقة لكتاب الطفل 2014 عن الفئة 3-5 سنوات جائزة الأولى لأفضل إخراج في معرض بيروت العربي" 58"  للكتاب 2014 جائزة الملتقى العربي لكتب الأطفال الرتبة الثالثة 2014 جائزة الشارقة لكتاب الطفل 2014 عن الفئة 6-8 سنوات جائزة (كتابي) ضمن مشروع (عربي21) لعام 2015 جائزة الملتقى العربي لناشري لكتب الأطفال 2015 جائزة خليفة التّربويّة 2015 جائزة التّميّز في فئة الإبداعات التربوية ضمن مجال التأليف التربوي للطّفل على مستوى الوطن العربي بالإضافة إلى وجود فريق تربوي متخصص يشرف على صياغة  النصوص وعملية النشر.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Shereen Kreidieh
Job Title
General manager
Head of the organisation
Dr. Shereen Kreidieh


National Network

Naoura Bldg., Mohammad el-Hout street, Ras el Nabeh, Beirut
Beirut 1106

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

1- ASSABIL is a nongovernmental organization that is managed by a seven-member Administrative Committee. It has a three-person paid staff : a director and two assistants. 2- The 2005-06 budget is approx 250 million Lebanese Pounds. 3- Regional Council of Ile de France (CRIF), Heinrich Böll Foundation, Open Society Institute, Ford Foundation, Lebanese Council for Development and Reconstruction (CDR), etc. 4- We manage Beirut’s two municipal public libraries; organize training sessions; distribute books; host cultural and educational activites; provide consultancy services; etc 5- We work with public libraries, schools, NGOs, governments, private individuals, funders, etc.

Mission and Objectives

Assabil is a Lebanese nongovernmental organization (NGO) that has been working since January 1997 to promote the development of public libraries in Lebanon. Our mission is to establish public libraries; organize events around books; write and publish reader guides, children’s books, and educational games; produce audio-visual materials to encourage an appreciation of books and reading among parents and children; and set up mobile libraries in schools. In addition to providing access to information, we seek to establish public spaces—places where people from different socioeconomic, religious, and sectarian groups are encouraged to come together.

Main Projects / Activities

Assabil opened Beirut’s first municipal public library in February 2001, established Beirut’s second municipal public library in November 2004, has distributed more than 100,000 books to public libraries and schools throughout Lebanon, organizes activities at libraries, conducts training sessions for those who work in libraries, and has been asked by the Municipality of Beirut to establish an additional ten municipal public libraries in Beirut. Assabil also coordinates a network of more than 25 public libraries in Lebanon that includes a library for the blind and an association that brings the benefits of a public library to children in hospitals.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ali Sabbagh
Job Title
Executive Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Ali Sabbagh

Adyan Foundation

National Network

Riverside Center, Charles Helou Street 12-02, Sin El Fil, Beirut‎

‎+961-1-490406 ‎
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Religion
General Information

Adyan is a foundation for managing diversity, promoting solidarity and safeguarding human dignity. We are a group of individuals who want a world that embraces diversity, in which we live together in peace.

We work locally, regionally and globally to achieve Inclusive Citizenship, develop Education on Living Together, activate Religious Social Responsibility, and promote Spiritual Solidarity. We also seek to contribute to Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism and advancing Freedom of Religion and Belief. We work through homegrown solutions in Education, Research, Policy Making, Media, and Community Engagement Networks.

Adyan was established on August 6, 2006, and is registered in Lebanon as a non-profit, independent, non-governmental organization (NGO), under the number 1103 by Ministerial Decree dated 18 September 2008.

Mission and Objectives


Adyan envisions a world where diversity between individuals and communities is lived as an enrichment, generating mutual understanding, intercultural citizenship, creative development, sustainable peace, and spiritual solidarity.   ‎


Adyan works on valuing religious diversity in its conceptual and practical dimensions, promoting citizenship and peaceful coexistence and diversity management among individuals and communities, on the social, political, educational, informational and spiritual levels, and offering support to the marginalized groups and relief for the afflicted, and working for social and transitional justice, as well as human and ecological development in a holistic and sustainable way.

Main Projects / Activities

Adyan is divided into five departments: The Institute of Citizenship and Diversity Management, Community Engagement Department, The Rashad Center for Cultural Governance, The Development & International Relations Department and the Media Department.

Adyan’s projects include its youth education program Alwan that has been running in Lebanon since 2007. In place of societal – and often inherited – sectarianism, ignorance, prejudice and wounded memories, Alwan provides opportunities for discussion, critical thinking, and new experiences. Another initiative is the Forum for Religious Social Responsibility, which amplifies the voices of religious leaders to foster positive societal change. Adyan also runs a regional training of trainers’ programme, which has resulted in a network of Trainers on Inclusive Citizenship covering 13 Arab countries.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Elie Al Hindy
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Dr. Nayla Tabbara (President)
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Nayla Tabbara
Job Title (2)