The Association for Supporting Development in Sohag

National Network

Iskan Alshabab -Alkawther district - Sohag

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
the number of staff is 4 - our association is a member of some networks : the Egyptian coalition for child rights , the Egyptian coalition for rural development Until now, most funding is from the members' donations Association for supporting Development monitored the latest parliamentary elections Our Associations organized some aware - raising trainings
Mission and Objectives

to develop all communities and promote human rights
objectives :
- to achieve sustainable development
to support all vulnerable
to empower women
to develop youth abilities

Main Projects / Activities

- monitoring parliamentary elections in 2011
- organizing trainings to raise the political awareness
organizing trainings to combat violence against women
coordinating with some networks in order to stren civil society

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

through providing new ideas
hosting some events
attending the network meetings

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

in order to exchange experience
to acquire more experience
to encourage intellectual dialogues

Contact (1) Full Name
Omar Khalaf Allah
Head of the organisation
Khaled Mohamed


National Network

Via Lorenzo Vidaschi 11, 00152 Roma - SEDE LEGALE

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Struttura di volontariato collegata al Personale di Scuola di Vela Nazionale e residenziale aderente al CONI e al CIP. Le risorse di bilancio, oltre al 5*1000 sono variabili e direttamente connesse con il fabbisogno dei progetti in corso. Fonti di finanziamento pubblico e privato. Progetti con MIUR, MAE, Dip. Giustizia Minorile, Ospedale Bambino Gesù di Roma. Meeting di Malta 2011, 30 Ong in rappresentanza di 15 Paesi Mediterraneo sulle disabilità e il disagio giovanile. Carta dei Diritti Handy Cup sottoscritta dai Partecipanti.2007 Presentato in Parlamento Europeo il Manifesto europeo della vela solidale. Handy Cup ha ricevuto a Palermo il Pam Award 2011.
Mission and Objectives

Rete mediterranea di ass. governative e ong, Istituzioni, Imprese per la diffusione e lo studio di sistemi educativi inclusivi nella scuola formale e informale. La navigazione come metafora di comunicazione tra le genti del Mediterraneo e come strumento educativo e inclusivo. Coinvolgimento di Docenti di Università Italiane e dei Paesi del Mediterraneo.

Main Projects / Activities

Costruzione di una rete mediterranea sui temi dell'inclusione e rivolta in particolare modo al disagio giovanile. Costruzione di un Polo Velico Internazionale coordinato e sostenuto da un pool di pedagogisti, antropologi, sociologi ed esperti di navigazione, in grado di ospitare giovani provenienti dai Paesi del Mediterraneo e con il doppio scopo di incrementare i processi di inclusione sociale e contemporaneamente di dare ascolto alle emergenze e alle voci della differenza e del disagio giovanile.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Riteniamo l'adesione ad ALF molto importante per conoscere meglio le realtà sociali, imprenditoriali e Istituzionali dei Paesi del Mediterraneo, per poter meglio discutere e verificare le varie iniziative progettuali, perché riteniamo il lavoro di rete il sistema più efficace di realizzazione di progetti sociali.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Ada Lombardi
Head of the organisation
Mr Mauro Pandimiglio

DICA - Development Immigration Cooperation Association

National Network

Via delle Lenze 151 Pisa 56122 (PI) Italy
56122 Pisa

+39 3334612393
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+39 3339306050
Mobile Phone (other)
+39 3931306334
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
DICA ONLUS is a no Profit Association. The board of governors is composed by the President Daniele Gizzi, the Financial officer Khaled Sghaier Hajlaoui, the Secretary Selene Bottosso, the Cooperation Manager, Daniele Carpita, the Communication Manager Ilaria Piccini, the Immigration Manager Elisa Meini. The resources available for the first years of are around 6.000 euro. The main sources of funding are represented by the membership fee and by the grant coming from regional, national and international donors. DICA operats with concrete projects in the Mediterranean Area, in the Balkans and in Eastern Europe. DICA has several partners in Albania, Tunisia, Marocco, Palestina, Bosnia, Italy (Associations, Local Authorities, NGOS)
Mission and Objectives

DICA promotes the diffusion, in Italy and in the international wide, of the typical values of the E.U., as the respect of human dignity, of freedom, of democracy, of equality and human rights respect, include rights of people who belong to a minority groups. The purpose is to encourage and support actions for the social-economic self-development of the developing countries, with big economically and medically deficiencies. D.I.C.A promotes and carries out at local level, according to the actions of International cooperation, efforts in favour of the immigrants who come from not E.U. countries. Those actions are implemented in coordination with others associations, NGO, National and International institutions, fairly with the law that regulate the cooperation’s world.

Main Projects / Activities


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?


Why do you want to join the ALF Network?


Contact (1) Full Name
Daniele Gizzi
Head of the organisation
Daniele Gizzi
Contact (2) Full Name
Khaled Sghaier Hajlaoui

Soleterre - Strategie di Pace ONLUS

National Network

Via Eugenio Montale, 19/21
20090 Opera (Milan)


0039 0257609307
0039 0223951365
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Soleterre est une ONG reconnue par le Ministère des Affaires Etrangères Italien ; enregistrée auprès du Ministère des Politiques Sociales (migration et développement) et de l’UNAR-Office National pour la lutte contre les discriminations. Elle est membre depuis 2010 de l’UICC-Union Internationale Contre le Cancer dans le cadre du Programme International de Cancérologie Infantile exécuté en Cote d’Ivoire , Italie, Inde, Maroc et Ukraine. Son siège, basé à Milan, abrite un Centre de Services aux citoyens et associations de migrants. Les bureaux à l’étranger sont situés en: Cote d’Ivoire, El Salvador, Guatemala, Maroc, RDC, Ukraine. Pour l’année en cours le budget annuel est de 4.510.000 € et l’Association se compose de 7 membres du Comité de Direction, de 14 employés à temps plein, 24 collaborateurs et 70 bénévoles en Italie. Soleterre dispose de subventions octroyées par les Institutions Publiques (UE, Nations Unies, autorités locales italiennes, etc..), Fondations, privés et entreprises.
Mission and Objectives

Soleterre est une organisation humanitaire sans but lucratif créée en 2002. Son travail en Italie aussi bien qu’à l’étranger est finalisé à promouvoir la justice sociale et économique tout en s’attachant aux problématiques principales causant la discrimination, l’exclusion et l’exploitation des groups défavorisés. L’association travaille dans divers secteurs d’intervention tels que: l’alimentation, la santé, l’éducation et la formation professionnelle, la promotion de l’emploi et le développement local, la prévention de la violence, la citoyenneté, l’égalité des chances et des droits dans nombre de pays en Afrique, Asie, Amérique Latine et Europe. L’action de Soleterre porte sur une approche de co-développement basé sur l’implication à la fois des communautés bénéficiaires dans les pays aussi bien que les communautés des migrants résident en Italie, et des acteurs clés institutionnels, non étatiques et privés afin de favoriser un processus inclusif de développement soutenable e durable.

Main Projects / Activities

Parmi les activités menées par l’association: le soutien aux système sanitaires dans les pays concernés ; la promotion des droits des enfants et des jeunes (lutte contre l’analphabétisme et prévention de la violence juvénile à travers la mise en place de principes de justice réparatrice) ; la promotion de l’inclusion sociale et de la participation citoyenne des groups marginalisés ; le support dans la mise en œuvre d’activités génératrices de revenus ; la promotion et défense de droits des migrants ainsi que le soutien à leur insertion socio-éconmique en Italie; la formation et renforcement des capacités de partenaires locales; l’information, communication et sensibilisation en Italie et dans le pays impliqués concernant les nombreux problématiques relatives à l’état de droit ainsi que le développement humain et social.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Notre association pourrait participer à la mise en œuvre de divers activités prévues par le Réseau tout en considérant sa capacité opérationnelle sur toute l’étendue du territoire italien grâce aussi à l’appui fourni par ses volontaires. Egalement, nous pourrions mettre à disposition notre savoir faire pour l’idéation d’initiatives de communication et information impliquant les jeunes ainsi que pour la diffusion des expériences sur le terrain dans le divers pays où notre association travaille.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

La participation au Réseau permettrait un échange d’expériences et connaissances apte à favoriser l’enrichissement mutuel de notre association aussi bien que des autres membres du Réseau. Nous espérons que notre participation au travail commun développé au sein et par le Réseau puisse contribuer à apporter des éléments supplémentaires de réflexion et analyse sur la base de l’expertise gagnée par notre association, notamment en matière de Justice Réparatrice en tant que mécanisme alternatif de résolution de conflits.

Contact (1) Full Name
Letizia Tirone
Head of the organisation
Damiano Rizzi
Contact (2) Full Name
Valentina Capelli

exLibris - Digital Orient Express

National Network

Cannaregio 662, 30121

0039 041 83 92 908
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
exLibris – Digital Orient Express is a start-up aimed at building the first e-bookstore dedicated to the Mediterranean and the Middle East. Our goal is to highlight and spread the work of authors, translators and publishers who deal with and are expression of this region through an innovative tool: e-books. E-books offer high sustainability, eco-friendship, transportability and low prices. Due to these reasons, exLibris has chosen e-books to connect people and cultures in the area and help them to work together by fostering a broad knowledge of their mutual diversity. Accordingly, exLibris offers innovative services for the conversion of books, magazines and other publications into the most spread electronic formats (epub; mobi) to every publisher, organisation and institution interested. In the specific, exLibris aims to work with both European and Middle-Eastern languages. This is the result of the cooperation between an Arabic language and Mediterranean literature specialist and an IT professional, which is at the basis of the exLibris project. Already registered as a private company in Italy, exLibris has developed a website with a cultural information blog which will act as a space where hosting and spreading e-books according to exLibris guidelines and mission. The original version of the website is in Italian; other languages will follow soon. The e-bookstore (under construction) is a space open to all genres of books either dedicated to, focused on or produced in the Mediterranean and the Middle East region: from comics to classical literature, from touristic guides to academic literature, from novels to school books. Eventually, it is expected to become a point of reference for all types of readership as well as for intercultural operators. At the moment, exLibris operates on private funding resources.
Mission and Objectives

Throughout a dedicated website, exLibris – Digital Orient Express aims to overpass physical distances among European, Mediterranean and Middle East countries, organising contents and proposing e-books immediately available all over the world. This will lead to discover also those books which struggle to emerge and to reach a wider audience.
exLibris main goals are:
- to stimulate reading as a way of gaining knowledge and improving cultural exchange throughout the region;
- to foster translation as a tool for intercultural dialogue as well as to develop interests in different languages and cultures of the region;
- to spread the usage of high technology as an instrument to share knowledge and cultural curiosity;
- to introduce e-books in Arabic language in the editorial sector in order to make them accessible also beyond Arab countries.

Main Projects / Activities

After having developed the first version of the website, exLibris – Digital Orient Express is working, in cooperation with publishers (both in Europe and the Mediterranean area), in order to increase the number of publications, dedicated to the Mediterranean and the Middle East, which are already available in the e-book format.
exLibris is at the service of readers and website's visitors especially by helping them in choosing e-books according to their wishes and needs. In particular, exLibris is developing specific thematic paths to formal, non formal and informal learning as a tool to be used by educators with pupils and students.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

exLibris – Digital Orient Express aims at working with members of the ALF Network making its skills and resources available to all. By establishing solid relationships, exLibris will work in cooperation with ALF members to foster shared objectives, such as improving cultural exchange and mutual knowledge. Finally, exLibris may be a solid and reliable point of reference to spread all over the region and beyond ALF Network members' publications.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As a start-up based in Italy and involved in Middle East and Mediterranean-related issues, exLibris – Digital Orient Express is looking for new partners, with whom creating productive relationships and building common synergies to achieve its goals in a shared environment.

Contact (1) Full Name
Laura Aletti
Contact (2) Full Name
Alvise Rabitti

CGIM (Cantieri dei giovani Italo-marocchini) - The building site of the young Italo Moroccans

National Network

17, Via Liberiana

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
CGIM is a national non-profit Organization founded by some young Italo-Moroccans and conceived as a space to express ideas and proposals for a more open and civil society based on the values of integration, pluralism and cultural diversity. The organization is headed by a President who chairs a board composed by five staff members. They are volunteers who do not get paid for their work. Everyone contributes according to his abilities. The annual revenue of CGIM only comes from membership dues. The funds consist of resources allocated by public authorities to finance the projects. CGIM acts through the implementation of projects and activities aimed at increasing integration and mutual understanding between different cultures. Our partners in the organization’s projects are local authorities and nonprofit Italian organizations such as MOVI, Cesv, Comitato nazionale dei Giovani del World Forum, rete MANY, Forum Nazionale dei Giovani and ARCI.
Mission and Objectives

CGIM aims to underline the important role of migrants as bridges for intercultural dialogue and emphasizes the positive role of individuals with migrant backgrounds in plural societies. Our organization fosters and promotes the development of socio-cultural activities, the exchange and cooperation between Italy and Morocco to promote intercultural dialogue and mutual understanding. The association also aims to do research and make suggestions in order to improve the condition of the young generations. Our projects and activities are promoted through the use of social networks sites (such as facebook and twitter) and our website in order to reach as much people as possible. Cgim is also actively engaged to change the current Italian citizenship law, in order to give children of immigrants, born on Italy soil, access to Italian citizenship. Our organization has received several awards for its engagement in the social domain.

Main Projects / Activities

The organization carries out several projects and activities aimed at enhancing integration, mutual understanding of different cultures and pluralism in our society. Our leading project is called “Mum, come to school with me”. It is a double language course, an Italian language course for north African women and an Arabic language course for their children. In this way the women learn the language of their host country in which they are not proficient, while their children , which are born and brought up in Italy, learn the language of their parents without losing their cultural roots. This project has already carried out in some public schools of Italy with the support of the local administrations. Another important initiative, launched by Cgim, is a fund-raising campaign in favour of the people affected by the earthquake that struck Emilia, a region of Italy, last year.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We believe that our contribution could be relevant to the network. We aim to improve cultural relations between different countries and promote the acceptance of pluralism in the society. So we will go on to spread this culture in our country, carrying out social projects and activities, in collaboration with other Italian organizations operating in the social domain.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Cgim agrees with the values promoted by Anna Lindh Foundation (ALF). Social cohesion and mutual respect between different cultures are important values in the building of a real multicultural society. Being part of your network would be for us a great opportunity to interact and work with other relevant organizations; we think that joining know-how and competences would help to achieve the desired outcome.

Contact (1) Full Name
Abdessamad El Jaouzi
Head of the organisation
Abdessamad El Jaouzi
Contact (2) Full Name
Marzia Marino

SKYGD (Sosyal Kültürel Yaşamı Geliştirme Derneği / Development of Social and Cultural Life)

National Network

Kamer Hatun Mahallesi Hammalbaşı Sokak Üstündağ İş Merkezi No: 14/ 139 Galatasaray - Beyoğlu , 34433

+ 90 212 293 69 82
+ 90 212 293 69 82
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+90 534 439 01 19
Mobile Phone (other)
+90 532 205 08 61
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Development of Social and Cultural Life Association (SKYGD) has been founded in 2000, like many ngo’s, after the earthquake of 1999 by a group of volunteers. Both public institutions and other ngo’s tended to deal with primary needs such as food, security, shelter and clothing. SKYGD started to work with children in order to regulate the daily life and uplift the social and cultural life. The associaiton performed multidisciplinary art workhops during the period. In the following years, the association has included disadvanteged groups subjected to social and economical exclusion such as prisoners, addicted people. The board of SKYGD consists of 5 members. The budgetary resources change according to the project the organisation carries out. These projects are mostly based on art workshops carried out with disadvanteged groups. Main partners are: Anadolu Kültür, RUSİHAK, CİSST, TANDEM,...
Mission and Objectives

*To support art and culture activities in regions where social and cultural life has been damaged or reanimate these activities in regions where they have been weakened because of natural disasters, war, terror…
*Experiences on/about different groups have shown that creative activities are powerful means of communication while establishing relationships or restoring injured relations with/among all kinds of groups. Accordingly, “to benefit from the restoring strength of art and enable the skills, perceptions and relationships that have been interrupted.

Main Projects / Activities

SKYGD, since it has been founded, conducts projects (in cooperation with other ngo’s, local and public institutions) with groups under risk or subjected to social and/or economical exclusion. These projects are oriented towards the needs of target groups and susceptible to be adopted and applied by them.
SKYGD has conducted art workshops with children under difficult conditions, people dianosed mentally ill, prisoners and groups subjected to social and/or economical exclusion in different cities. Since 2013, the association has widened it’s scope and included every group of people who are subjected to every kind of excusion, such as women, old age people, homeless people and LGBT people.
The Main Projects of 2013:
1 - "Short Films on Prison" focuses on the prisoners' rights and their conditions in prisons.Statistics show that artistic creation especially the number of the films shot in/on prisons or about prisoners is very unsatisfying. The project aims to promote film shooting in/on prisons and raise awareness on the subject.The project will be implemented by SKYGD with the collaboration of Film and Television and/or Visual Communication Design students (6 University)in Istanbul.The target groups are students, prisoners, academicians. Panels and study visits to prisons will inform young people about the prisoners' conditions, the penal execution system in Turkey.A short film script competition will be organized, 5 scripts among them will be awarded(by a jury)to be shot.These films will be screened in the universities and the prisons.The competition and the screening will be preliminary steps to draw attention of young people, universities and the general public to the subject and be able “to see and listen the story of prisoners through the short films of young people.
2-JOIN the ACTION / “150 meters away from the civilisation” envisages three art workshops (video, stop-motion, drawing/painting-story ) with the children in Tarlabaşı (a region subject to gentrification) and an exhibition displaying the works produced during these workshops.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To promote the network of organizations concerning art workshops (with the disadvanteged groups)and projects in the member countries

Contact (1) Full Name
Ayşe Görür
Head of the organisation
Ayşe Görür
Contact (2) Full Name
Latife Uluçınar

C.S.C. di Carbonia Iglesias della Società Umanitaria

National Network

Salone Velio Spano
via Della Vittoria 96 - 09013


Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
La Società Umanitaria è un'istituzione nata oltre cento anni fa, nel 1893, grazie al lascito di Prospero Moisé Loria, mecenate mantovano, che le assegnò molteplici beni finanziari ed un'intera area edilizia situata nel pieno centro di Milano. Lo scopo dell'istituzione, riconosciuta presto come ente morale senza fini di lucro, risiede nel suo statuto, ancora oggi praticamente identico a quello originario del 1893: "mettere i diseredati, senza distinzione, in condizione di rilevarsi da se medesimi, e di operare per l'elevazione professionale, intellettuale e morale dei lavoratori". Non solo a Milano, ma in tutta Italia, sorsero sedi e centri limitrofi: come quelli di Cagliari, Alghero e Carbonia, in Sardegna, uniche superstiti di una rete capillare (anche in Europa), tuttora attive con corsi e attività formative rivolte in particolare al mondo della scuola e al bacino degli anziani. UMANITARIA IN SARDEGNA I Centri di Servizi Culturali (CSC) Sardi, la cui costituzione risale alla metà degli anni '50, rappresentano un'importante continuità (nonché ampliamento) dell'attività culturale promossa dall'Ente a livello nazionale. Il C.S.C. di Carbonia della Società Umanitaria rappresenta uno dei principali riferimenti per il panorama culturale del territorio da oltre 45 anni. I corsi di formazione per gli operatori culturali, accanto alla creazione di una rete di circoli del cinema, permisero un proficuo scambio di esperienze e di competenze. Accanto al cinema, sorse un'intensa attività con gli audiovisivi. Negli Anni ‘80, mediante l'acquisto di una prima unità di produzione video, diede il via a una sperimentazione per "fare film" a scuola con i ragazzi.
Mission and Objectives

La nostra mission principale, ad oggi, è la realizzazione della Fabbrica del Cinema, progetto che offrirà al pubblico, sia individuale che collettivo (associazioni, scuole, enti locali, ecc.), servizi quali:
•una biblioteca tematica sui linguaggi cinematografico e multimediale;
•un archivio specializzato sul cinema del lavoro e di migrazione, che comprende un’ampia selezione di titoli inerenti i principali generi cinematografici e i maestri del cinema;
•una sala di proiezione multimediale, attrezzata per le proiezioni cinematografiche, audiovisive e per la piccola convegnistica;
•laboratori per la digitalizzazione tramite film scanner dei materiali in pellicola sia nei formati privati/familiari (8mm; super8 mm; 9.5 mm pathé baby) sia nei formati professionali (16/super16 mm; 35/super35 mm), trattamento degli stessi per la produzione e post-produzione audiovisiva e per la digitalizzazione e il riversamento nei diversi formati conosciuti.
•Laboratori per la didattica ai linguaggi cinematografici, audiovisivi e multimediali.
Quanto sopra esposto non nascerà ex-novo, ma poggia su una base consolidata negli anni, che ha portato alla realizzazione d’iniziative ed eventi di forte interesse nazionale e internazionale di cui precedentemente si è fatta menzione

Main Projects / Activities

Eventi di forte interesse nazionale e internazionale:
•5 edizioni della "Biennale Cineragazzi";
•La rassegna itinerante “Mare e Miniere”, in 4 ricche edizioni;
•“Nuvole Parlanti”, 5 edizioni, dal 1995 al 2000, manifestazione-evento dedicata alla “Nona Arte”;
•Dal 1984, Convegni internazionali finalizzati dal tema Ecomuseo del Sulcis;
•6 edizioni del Mediterraneo Film Festival e 4 edizioni del Concorso CINEMA / LAVORO / MIGRAZIONE.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

potremmo diventare, sia per posizione geografica (il sud ovest sardo) che per mission del nostro Centro, un satellite del progetto per quanto concerne, in particolare, la diffusione del coinema del Mediterraneo e dell'audiovisivo in generale.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Riteniamo importante poter far parte della più grande rete di organizzazioni della società civile nella promozione del dialogo interculturale in Europa e nel Mediterraneo, di cui condividiamo i valori e principi fondanti.

Contact (1) Full Name
Paolo serra
Head of the organisation
Paolo Serra
Contact (2) Full Name
Moreno Pilloni

World Peace House

National Network

World Peace House
Box 53 292

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+46-73-6260033 (Christian)
Mobile Phone (other)
+46-72-723 93 56
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Others
General Information
An open cultural house for peace is a tool to maintain and develop a peaceful society and world, which is run in non-profit form. The tool or method to maintain and develop a peaceful society and world is to organize open forums that inspire through exhibitions and discussions that focus on peaceful people and events. - Roving exhibitions of peaceful people and events. - Mingle and get inspired by people who have contributed to our safe world today. - Mediation for settlement among community members - Exhibit inspires to harmony with yourself and surroundings.
Mission and Objectives

To ensure peace and sustainable development focus, structure and continuity is needed. The World Peace House Association ambition is to create a center to ensure focus, structure and continuity.
The vision is to have a large venue to unite peace and environmental organizations from around the world. A center and arena for visibility and collaboration. The World Peace House organization is committed to creating a physical arena with daily workshops and speakers corner.
WPH is not tied to any political or religious organization and aims to be a place where individuals and/or organizations from different backgrounds and with different ideas can grow together as a people.

Main Projects / Activities

Year 2013 Program: Gothenburg City of Sweden 1 June: Book table / Exhibition Culture jaw / Orgryte / Härlanda neighborhood festival 21 September: Song / Music / Exhibition International Day of Peace 26 to 29 September: Exhibit: International Book Fair Göteborg October 12: Exhibit: Culturenight

Contact (1) Full Name
Christian Keiller
Head of the organisation
Christian Keiller
Contact (2) Full Name
Jan-Peter Idström

The Egyptian Society for New Life (ESNL)

National Network

king mariot district

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
The board of management :( 5persons, chairman, deputy chairman, treasure, executive members) In addition to 3 staff (director, accountant and secretary) are volunteers. The foundation is non for profit organization and since its registration; it mainly concentrated on strengthening its infrastructure through implementing different training programs for its staff; The foundation relies on internal sources of funding. The foundation is building its institutional capacity through the training programs offered to its staff that have now the experience to work in the field of community development through implementing the following: Offer medical services for the needies Care of orphans & homeless Raising awareness & providing particular training for those desiring to work in the field of handicaps Overcoming illiteracy, educating adults Promoting dialogue between people Raising political awareness for youth women Finding jobs for youth The environmental services
Mission and Objectives

We are the Egyptian foundation for the new life in the field of human development , every human regardless of color , religion , ethnicity & gender.
We work for the needs , the marginalized ones economically and socially , through programs of comprehensive sustainable development.

Main Projects / Activities

Since the registration of the foundation it mainly concentrated on strengthening its institutional capacity
The following :
1- Training program for its staff on how to strategic planning
2- Training program for its staff
3- Identification &selection of volunteers and training the
• Strategic planning
• Monitoring & evaluation of activities
• How to draw a budget for a project

Contact (1) Full Name
Sherif Kamal Tawfik (Secretary General)
Head of the organisation
Fr. Luka abd elmaseh
Contact (2) Full Name
Sonia Rezk Allah