BOCS Foundation

National Network

Jókai u. 18.


Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Structure: Decision making body is the Board of Trustees. Day-to-day activity is implemented by 5 permanent employees and a pool of approx 40 volunteers, supervised by the president. Budget: Yearly budget of approx 150000 EUR composed by EU (mostly EuropAid) and national funds. We implement global education in formal, informal and non-formal frames, that means lectures and workshops in schools, conferences, education of teachers, youth programs in camps, trainings, educational materials, computer animations, email newsletters, media etc. We have permanent major partners from Germany, Austria and the Netherlands, and we work with many other partners from all around the world (see memberships).
Mission and Objectives

The BOCS Foundation was created in 1975 and was formally registered in 1994. It has been working on the Hungarian speaking areas (Hungary, and among Hungarian minorities in Romania, Serbia, Ukraine, Slovakia), in India (help schooling of poor village girls in Gujarat since 1977) and Africa.
Its work is aimed at international development cooperation, global education (first of all peace and environmental education, development and human rights education), rights of future generations and women.
BOCS Foundation implements strong lobbying activity and is one of the most represented NGO’s in the Hungarian politic scene. BOCS Foundation is the delegate of the Hungarian Green Movement in the International Development Cooperation Consultative Board of the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs since 2003.

Main Projects / Activities

Since 2008 BOCS Foundation started to focus on Africa. BOCS partnered with international organizations to launch the “Africa's Demographic Challenges” (, the "From Poverty to Prosperity" (, the "Action for Wide Awareness Raising in Europe" ( and the “Save Women's Lives” ( EU-supported, 2-3 years long projects. These projects aim to raise awareness among political leaders, decision makers, the media and the public about the global megatrends and their effect on the Hungarian society.
BOCS is the Hungarian member of:
EuroNGOs (The European NGOs for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, Population and Development), since 2006. (
IFOR (International Fellowship of Reconciliation), since 1995 (
BOCS is founding member of:
Hungarian Green Movement, since 1991.
Hungarian Association of NGOs for Development and Humanitarian Aid, since 2003.
BOCS is a member of:
Network for Rights of Students, since 2009.
Hungarian Africa Platform, since 2010.
CEEweb for Biodiversity, since 2010.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are ready to share and bring our global education package to basically any kind of activity or for any target group. This is a pack that is relevant whether we discuss democracy, gender, environment, human rights, or any development topic.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to get involved in EuroMed projects, to implement global education programmes with the partnership of Med countries.

Contact (1) Full Name
Gyula Simonyi
Head of the organisation
Gyula Simonyi


National Network

1089 Budapest, Sarkany Utca 3

0036 30 865 8886
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Others
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
The Dynamic Charity Human Rights Foundation is a public benefit organisation registered in Hungary since 2010, with registration number 11.119. for development and aid through civil initiatives. Our focus is on education and culture, mainly providing foreign language education to deprived citizens, foreigners and immigrants so to help them integrate and contribute to the development of our society, and participating in social issues by organizing workshops, practical participation in promoting tolerance, charity, volunteerism and cultural exchange programmes. We aim to promote the culture of peace by organising international volunteering projects with local and global impact. Promoting a culture of peace is basically a means that every single project contributes in its own way to peace, tolerance, respect and understanding among people, as well as to international solidarity. ​ Vision: Our vision is to build a society that will become stronger to defend and promote all human beings as equal and valued, by participating fully and treated with fairness, dignity and respect through cultural exchange programmes and volunteerism. We share a vision of access to research and education, full participation in culture — to drive a new era of development, growth, and productivity.  ​ Mission: Our mission is to subserve the emergence of human rights, tolerance, love and to respect the human dignity by contributing to make other cultures widely known, helping different religions to live peacefully next to each other, bringing human rights to life by producing and shaping human rights tools, public policy and practices that empower people to improve their own lives and the lives of others. ​ Aims: To promote charity and volunteerism, to make the social living condition better for the needy ones and those with any disabilities, to help creating new possibilities for jobs. Promotion of a culture of peace through international cultural exchange programmes and voluntary work-camps for internatioanl understanding, solidarity and Social justice. Sustainable development / lifestyle and respect for the environment To work in a democratic way and to be open without discrimination to all people ( without discrimination of gender, race, nationality, social status, political views and other possible grounds). To be a Non-profit organization and commits itself to reinvest profits for volunteering activities. Not to have projects competing with paid labor. To regularly organise voluntary service activities that involve international volunteers. These activities have to be in line with the aims of the Foundation as stated in the constitution. To facilitate the participation of volunteers with fewer opportunities in its voluntary service activities. Our beliefs: We are all born with human rights. The whole of society will be stronger if we are empowered to realise our own human rights and able to defend those of others. Human rights are a set of important principles that can be used in practical ways to create a fairer more decent society. The value of human rights for individuals and society will only be fully realised if they are embraced as a full set of interdependent rights, spanning civil, cultural, economic, political and social rights. Is putting our beliefs into practice through our operating principles. Working with a wide range of partners (especially others in the voluntary and community sectors)
Mission and Objectives

Our vision is to build a society that will become stronger to defend and promote all human beings as equal and valued, by participating fully and treated with fairness, dignity and respect through cultural exchange programmes and volunteerism.
We share a vision of access to research and education, full participation in culture — to drive a new era of development, growth, and productivity.

Mission: Our mission is to subserve the emergence of human rights, tolerance, love and to respect the human dignity by contributing to make other cultures widely known, helping different religions to live peacefully next to each other, bringing human rights to life by producing and shaping human rights tools, public policy and practices that empower people to improve their own lives and the lives of others.

To promote charity and volunteerism, to make the social living condition better for the needy ones and those with any disabilities, to help creating new possibilities for jobs.
Promotion of a culture of peace through international cultural exchange programmes and voluntary work-camps for internatioanl understanding, solidarity and Social justice.
Sustainable development / lifestyle and respect for the environment
To work in a democratic way and to be open without discrimination to all people ( without discrimination of gender, race, nationality, social status, political views and other possible grounds).
To be a Non-profit organization and commits itself to reinvest profits for
volunteering activities.
Not to have projects competing with paid labor.
To regularly organise voluntary service activities that involve international volunteers.
To facilitate the participation of volunteers with fewer opportunities in its voluntary service activities.
Our beliefs:
We are all born with human rights.
The whole of society will be stronger if we are empowered to realise our own human rights and able to defend those of others.
Human rights are a set of important principles that can be used in practical ways to create a fairer more decent society.
The value of human rights for individuals and society will only be fully realised if they are embraced as a full set of interdependent rights, spanning civil, cultural, economic, political and social rights.
Is putting our beliefs into practice through our operating principles.
Working with a wide range of partners (especially others in the voluntary and community sectors)

Main Projects / Activities

Open Borders (Human Rights), Drumming and Dancing Camp, Foreign Language Camp, Sport for Change,Happy Children Project

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our objective as a team are to inscribe a standard of rights within a strategic framework for the reduction of poverty and the development of our partner organisations by striving to achieve the UN Millennium Development Goals.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our intention is to promote a better quality of life for communities, notably vulnerable populations, through their full participation in the development of their communities with a vision to achieve a level of sustainable community development with respect to gender equality, in a context of good governance and decentralization, and where the majority of the population has access to basic social services.

We believe in Partnership – Participation – Equity

Contact (1) Full Name
Frank-Mills Akuffu
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Szilvia Bartos Akuffu

Foundation for Museums and Visitors (Muzeumok es Latogatok Alapitvany)

National Network

1038 Budapest, Ujliget setany 2/B.

36 1 240 6092
Mobile Phone
36 30 280 7265
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The Foundation is run by a 5-member board. The head of the Board is currently the managing director as well. It was funded by 3 Founders who still make sure the Foundation's operation meets legal requirements. There is also a Monitoring Committee which monitors financial matters if income is over 5 million HUF. Budgetary resources are not regular and on the average level they only reach 3million HUF. The sources of funding are mainly grants by governmental or international organizations as well as income on some of the events organized. We participate in European projects as well as organize national conferences, workshops and seminars. Provide educational services for museums, organize local, national or international projects. Participate in some research and operate a small library for professionals. Our main partners are museums, especially the Hungarian Museum of Trade and Tourism which provides our office as well. We also cooperate for governmental and non-governmental organizations, universities, schools etc.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission: Improving the relationship between museums/heritage sites and their visitors as well as making museums more popular among visitors. We also support museums /heritage sites in becoming more sustainable by strengthening their community relations and becoming socially more sensitive and active.
Our objectives: organizing conferences, workshops and seminars on topics that help museums enhance their visitor relations;
organizing museum education activities;
producing books that help museum professionals in engaging their visitors better;
participating in intercultural/international exchanges, projects;
participating in research on the above-mentioned topics;
operating a library for museum professionals.

Main Projects / Activities

Currently we participate in EU-funded project titled Community Exhibitions as Tools for Adults' Individual Development. Last year we had a project on making museums more accessible for disabled people as well as different groups of the community. We also participated in other EU funded projects titled Museums as Places for Intercultural Dialogue (2007-2009) and Museum Literacy: Less educated visitors in museums (2008-2010). We have organized workshops and focus discussions as part of a project supported by the EEA Grant, this project was titled Museums' greater social involvement.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can share our results and learnings that we experienced and aquired during our work in the project titled as MAP for ID (Museums as Places for Intercultural Dialogues) collated in the attached Handbook (see below).

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to extend the scope of our work from the exclusively European region to Euro-Meditarrenean region. We would also like to meet and cooperate with new organizations in the area of intercultural dialogue.

Contact (1) Full Name
Miszne Korenchy Aniko
Head of the organisation
Miszne Korenchy Aniko
Contact (2) Full Name
Bardosne Gardon Kornelia

Notars (Womanmate) Foundation

National Network

1088 Brody S. u. 9. IV./31.

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
Structure of the organization: 3 curators, 50-60 learners, 20-30 volunteers Budgetary resources available in a year: EUR 4-500 Sources of funding: grants, fees, donations Modalities of action: workshops, clubs, networks, trainings, lectures, conferences Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: women ngo's, other ngo's, business women, volunteers
Mission and Objectives

Notars (Womanmate) Foundation’s goal is to make the women’s equality come about in the societal and economic practice by self-conscious, well-informed, gender-dimensioned women and men.
Notars (Womanmate) Foundation’s mission is to strengthen and continually develop women’s enterprises by cooperating with non-governmental organizations, firms and volunteers by means of trainings, programmes, publications, partnerships, consultancy, running networks and through the publicity for enterpreneur and civil women in Hungary and the European Union, together with participating in the establishment and development of
self-conscious women’s networks, who are capable of validating themselves.

Main Projects / Activities

Women NGO's Workshop, Women Business Workshop, Handicarft Women Club, Business English Club, You Can Do It project, Women Teach Women Network in EU project

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To build a network of women ngo's and a network of business women, especially handicraft women

Contact (1) Full Name
Ildiko Sarkozy
Head of the organisation
Ildiko Sarkozy

Saulkrastu novada pašvaldības aģentūra "Saulkrastu kultūras un sporta centrs"

National Network

Atpūtas iela 1b, Saulkrastu novads, Zvejniekciems. LV-2161

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Structure of the organization: Director, deputy director of economic matters, Deputy Director of the core issues, Deputy Director of Sports matters, accountant, clerk, project specialist, Youth Initiative Center Manager, Museum Specialist. Source of funding: Saulkrasti district council. Modalities of action: a wide range of activities and events in the fields of culture, sports, youth and arts. Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: Saulkrasti municipality council.
Mission and Objectives

Saulkrasti municipal agency "Saulkrasti cultural and sports center" is an institution which is under the supervision of Saulkrasti district council and it is set up to implement the culture and sports event organizing functions of Saulkrasti district council as well as the functions of preservation of traditional cultural heritage, local history, the empowerment of folk creativity and the development of healthy lifestyle.
Saulkrasti municipal agency "Saulkrasti cultural and sports center" is acting in accordance with the Public Agency Law, the Law on Local Governments, the Latvian legislation, the Cabinet of Ministers, and in accordance with Saulkrasti district council's decisions and regulations.
One of the most important long-term objectives of the Agency is to stress the importance of: preserving Saulkrasti county tangible and intangible cultural heritage; strengthening the sense of people belonging to Saulkrasti district; shaping favorable environment to promote the creative diversity of folk art and amateur arts; promoting the development and availability of cultural processes.

Main Projects / Activities

The Agency's primary function is to provide services to residents of Saulkrasti district in the fields of culture, art, people's art, local history and sports.The Agency has in its possession cultural center "Zvejniekciems", Saulkrasti bandstand and park, Saulkrasti sports center, two stadiums and Saulkrasti Public Museum. Some of PA "Saulkrasti culture and sports center" operational objectives are: to create favorable conditions for the diversity and sustainable development of culture and sports in Saulkrasti district; to create the conditions to stimulate positive development of people of all generations in Saulkrasti district; to create stimulating conditions for the diversity and sustainable development of culture and sports in Saulkrasti district and; to create the necessary conditions to stimulate positive self-expression and creative activities of people of all generations in Saulkrasti municipality.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute to the network in Latvia by organizing activities and events which correspond to the ALF and EuroMed priorities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As a cultural institution we are interested in exploring and understanding the different aspects of cultures in the Mediterranean countries and; discovering the common, different and interesting aspects between Latvian culture and that of the Mediterranean countries.

Contact (1) Full Name
Vija Skudra
Head of the organisation
Judīte Krūmiņa
Contact (2) Full Name
Ainārs Liepiņš

Bokra For Media Production, Media Studies and Human Rights

National Network

12, Mohamed Sedky st, Bab El-Louk Square, Down Town

+2 02 23 90 92 81
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+2 0106 20 400 30
Organisation Type
Private Company
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
Founded Bokra for Media Production, Media Studies and Human Rights as of March 6, 2010 and was registered as of June 22, 2010under No. 6639 and for the year 2010 We have 22 employee full time and almost 30 volunteer We are funded by: 1- NED 2-MEPI 3-RBF 1- Programs on Radio Bokra interested in Political awareness, women rights, human rights and Media Professional 2- We have 100,000 listeners and viewers of our website monthly 3- We working on a campaign called “We Love Cairo” we are a part of a net work “WE LOVE” in Lebanon, Tunisia, Morocco and Jordan in tested in Culture & Arts and Civic Education for Schools Students. 4- We are working on a study and projects now about Community Radios. 5- We are preparing for a campaign to make the government to allow people to own their FM wave to make their community radios. 6- We create a social website just for media people and whom interested in Media and freedom of expression to communicate and share experiences the web site called “IMedia” 7- We made an initiative for civic journalism make people to write and filming what happening in their regions in general and special their watch for the election
Mission and Objectives

Founded Bokra for Media Production, Media Studies and Human Rights as of March 6, 2010 and was registered as of June 22, 2010under No. 6639 and for the year 2010
We have 22 employee full time and almost 30 volunteer
We are funded by: 1- NED 2-MEPI 3-RBF
1- Programs on Radio Bokra interested in Political awareness, women rights, human rights and Media Professional
2- We have 100,000 listeners and viewers of our website monthly
3- We working on a campaign called “We Love Cairo” we are a part of a net work “WE LOVE” in Lebanon, Tunisia, Morocco and Jordan in tested in Culture & Arts and Civic Education for Schools Students.
4- We are working on a study and projects now about Community Radios.
5- We are preparing for a campaign to make the government to allow people to own their FM wave to make their community radios.
6- We create a social website just for media people and whom interested in Media and freedom of expression to communicate and share experiences the web site called “IMedia”
7- We made an initiative for civic journalism make people to write and filming what happening in their regions in general and special their watch for the election
Reel looks forward to the media production and media studies and human rights as a new partner in the Egyptian civil society to reach the stage characterized by:
1 - administrative and financial capabilities, infrastructure and networking relations and cooperation with others that qualify for the implementation of programs, projects and achieve its mission and objectives.
2 - to be a pioneer in the field of new media and rooting of democratic choice and the culture of peace, tolerance and acceptance of others and renounce violence and racism.
1 - Strengthening the democratic option in society and contribute to efforts to build democratic civil state.
2 - Strengthening the role of youth development and participation in society.
3 - Development of the role of youth media to be the guardians of democracy and development.
4 - Promoting a new generation of media issues and insured home and work.

Main Projects / Activities

Bokra seeks to achieve its mission, objectives and principles through our projects that include project of new media in the service of democratic transition and project of new generation of media professionals.
1-new media in the service of democratic transition aim to mobilize on-line media to serve issues of human rights and democracy; we accomplish this through Bokra radio and Bokra news. Both radio and web news cover all events related to political process, parties, movements and elections in Egypt.
2-new generation of media professionals aim to train and prepare impartial and high qualified young Egyptian journalists through workshops and training for capacity building of media professionals and trained on radio and use of production tools.
3-Web TV for promoting free media, open press and human rights, freedom principles.
4-Legal Unit to defend journalists, cultural activists, bloggers and all freedom of expression activists

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through involve in the activities related to what we are doing, and our vision and mission. Promote your activities through our media tools "Radio-TV-Web News"

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The main vision and mission of ALF is very related to all what we are doing, We think that it will be good chance to exchange and sharing experiences.

Contact (1) Full Name
Namees Arnous
Head of the organisation
Shady Eladl
Contact (2) Full Name
Shady Eladl

Sawy Culture Wheel

National Network

Sawy Culture Wheel – AbolFeda street – Zamalek

01222 10 3155
Telephone (other)
0122 345 2287
002 02 33456100
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information
El Sawy Culture wheel was opened with one main purpose: making the culture accessible for everybody and giving the chance to artists to present and develop their talents in our center. Our policy is to keep all the prices as low as possible (tickets, membership, facilities etc.) to give the opportunity to everyone to attend our events or to present their art. Supporting culture is a sustainable development investment, as this mean making our community richer in their knowledge, opening their mind, and their vision of the world. Our staff is in the range of 80 employees (full & part time).Our source of funding is Sponsorship. We are proposing various events (festivals, contests, concerts, plays, cinema, exhibitions, seminars, workshops …)
Mission and Objectives

Setting ambitious strategies to make culture a priority in developing the Egyptian society according to the following: - preserving the Egyptian and Arabic identity - replacing the inherited negative ideas by innovative ones - spreading guidance and thinking through arts & creation Our objective now is to become the cultural spot in Cairo by always proposing better and more events (by means of upgrading our facilities, improving quality and creating new extensions).

Main Projects / Activities

Our organization is a non profit unit proposing various events (concerts, plays, cinema, exhibitions, seminars, workshops …); the place is equipped with stages, cinema screens and all kinds of audio-visual aids. Our mission is to spread culture among the people and to protect the freedom of expression and the freedom of our visitors to enjoy culture. Today, thanks to the support of people sharing our values, our center is growing and proposing three events per day, through the year

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamad Elsawy
Job Title
Managing Director
Head of the organisation
Abel Monem Abdel Monem El Sawy
Contact (2) Full Name
Ahmed Fouad
Job Title (2)
Development Director

The Association for the Development and Enhancement of Women (ADEW)

National Network

8\10 Mathaf El Manyal Street, 2nd & 5th Floor, Appt. 12, Maniel

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
ADEW, NGO founded in 1987, employs about 220 members of staff. ADEW is headed by a female chairperson, followed by Executive director, then managers fro each department such as: HR, finance, Media, Donor unit. ADEW's staff is 177 full time employee. ADEW sources of funding are various from inside Egypt and outside Egypt, namely the European Union, Ford Foundation, British Council/Egypt, Embassy of Finland/Egypt, Women Win, Citi Foundation, UNHCR, USAID, Sawiris Foundation/Egypr, Mansour Foundation/Egypt, Mothers at Risk/Belgium, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, UN Women, Drosos foundation, WHO, AGFUND,Vodafone/Egypt, GTZ. The modalities of action include: running programs that are composed of education- economic-health and social programs; concrete projects, seminars, workshops, advocacy and direct services to the beneficiaries.
Mission and Objectives

Vision: To give women, especially female heads of households the chance to contribute to the own wellbeing their families and societies in the legal, economic, social, political and cultural arenas in order to become full citizens and decision-makers within the family. Mission: ADEW’s mission is to strengthen and empower underprivileged female heads of household economically, legally and socially, providing them with the resources necessary to attain a higher status in their families, communities and society. ADEW works on two levels to achieve its mission. On a grassroots level, ADEW provides women with micro-credit, legal aid, literacy classes, health seminars, empowerment workshops and a special program, Girls’ Dreams, for the daughters of its primary beneficiaries. On a macro level, ADEW works to raise awareness and promote change through its strategic use of media, producing flyers, periodicals, posters, and documentaries, and its effective use of advocacy, sponsoring conferences, training seminars and workshops. ADEW strives to raise the status of women throughout Egyptian society by working with women, providing them with the means to help themselves, and by creating dialogue between these women, political leaders, and their society, to promote change.ADEW believes that women’s needs extend beyond direct service provision. To truly improve the life situations of the poorest most marginalized women, ADEW believes it is necessary to influence and change the wider macro context in which policies and practices are embedded. Thus, to complement and draw upon its grassroots program, ADEW has developed a wide-ranging advocacy program designed to raise awareness about the problems faced by marginalized women within the public, policy and operational arena. ADEW’s advocacy strategy includes national and local conferences, media campaigns and printed documentation. ADEW lobbies key policy makers and encourages the media to acknowledge the problems faced by poor female heads of household. ADEW itself produces numerous publications documenting women’s issues. This includes a newsletter, Women’s Stories, that portray life in Cairo’s squatter communities, as well as flyers, posters, and cards that broadcast ADEW’s activities and agitate for more gender-sensitive approaches to development and issues of public policy. ADEW’s long existing programs endeavor to elevate living conditions of FHHs who are one of the most impoverished and marginalized segments of society. However, the outcome of its programs outreaches FHHs and extends to benefit all members of their families along with the communities where they live.

Main Projects / Activities

ADEW believes that, to improve the life situations of the poorest most marginalized Egyptian women and their family members, it is important to work at two levels. At the grassroots level, ADEW provides direct services to female heads of household based on twin pillars of micro-credit and legal support. The association has also developed an integrated set of supportive programs to better meet the diverse needs of women and youth (male and female). These include literacy classes, a health awareness program, environmental awareness seminars, a program to build women’s self-confidence, leadership, and negotiation skills known as Arab Women Speak Out (AWSO) and a program to build adolescent girls' confidence, self representation abilities and enhance their skills known as Girls' Dream (GD), and recently we have added an intensive political participation program for youth and women. ADEW has also established the Community Mobilization Program (CMP) in order to provide a continuous local driven search for solutions to the problems faced by the community, which we have seen first hand through our constant presence in the field and our knowledge of the true quality of these problems. At the Advocacy level, we lobby for change and/or amendments of laws by sensitizing the government, the civil sector and the media on the problems of female heads of household. Thus, to complement and draw upon its grassroots program, ADEW has developed a wide-ranging advocacy program designed to raise awareness about the problems faced by marginalized women within the public, policy and operational arena. ADEW was the first NGO to raise the issue of legal existence of women and the lack of official documentation in 1987. ADEW lobbies key policy makers and encourages the media to acknowledge the problems faced by poor female heads of household.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr Iman Biebars
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Dr. Iman Beibars
Contact (2) Full Name
Rasha Raslan

Faculty of Fine Arts

National Network

Santiceva bb
81250 Cetinje

+(382) 041231506
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Mission and Objectives

Faculty of Fine Arts was established on 18 May 1988 in Cetinje. The Faculty is located in the building of the former Russian Embassy which was designed by Italian architect Coradini and is protected under the Historical Monuments Act.
Faculty of Fine Arts organizes undergraduate, specialist and master studies.
There are four programs of academic study at the Faculty of Fine Arts: Painting course, Scuplture Course, Graphics course, Graphic Design course.

Main Projects / Activities

Contact (1) Full Name
Dusica Ivetic
Head of the organisation
Nenad Soskic

Katadrom Arts Culture and Social Politics Association

National Network

Huseyin Aga Mh. Nane S. 12/4 34435 Beyoglu / Istanbul

90 212 252 49 24
90 212 245 62 48
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
90 537 833 19 91
Mobile Phone (other)
90 536 558 82 89
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Youth and education
General Information
The Katadrom Arts, Culture and Social Politics Association was initiated as a non-profit organization by a group of activists, artists, organizers, film makers, designers, translators, photographers, academicians to create and organize national and international projects and events for artistic, cultural and social politics education. Some of partner institutions: TURSAK, Bilgi University, Planada, Atonic Project, Pusula Sanat, Sinaps, Eceworks, Istanbul University Faculty of Law, Besiktas Municipality Mixed Art Workshop and Exhibition English Essay Competition KATADROM Turkish Language Meetings Self-Portrait Photography Workshop Turkish Handcraft Workshop Roman Dance Workshop Turkish Movie Nights Broadcasting Workshop and Competition with the Istanbul Bilgi University CABLE Magazine STRANGER - Creative Writing Workshop and Competition Workshop and Competition in cooperation with [Lautschrift] magazine STRANGER - Photography Workshop and Competition Experimental Documentary Project STRANGER Workshop Presentation and Exhibition at Pusula Sanat Evi INTERNATIONAL CHANGING PERSPECTIVES SHORT FILM FESTIVAL The New Cinema Movement Movie Screenings
Mission and Objectives

The Katadrom Arts, Culture and Social Politics Association organized national and international cinema events, exhibitions, seminars, alongside with photography, music, radio, handcraft, writing, dancing, dubbing workshops for exchange students and expats in Istanbul.
The Association aims to stimulate cultural appreciation and integration among the international and Turkish students through the support of artistic and cultural creativity in all its expression and to encourage dialogue among communities.

Main Projects / Activities

The Katadrom Arts and Culture Project of Exchange aims to stimulate cultural appreciation and integration among the international and Turkish students through the support of artistic and cultural creativity in all its expression and to encourage dialogue among communities.
The project offers a platform where exchange students from Turkey and all around the world can express themselves and share their artistic, cultural and social works and ideas, not only with an audience, but also with each other. It gives a chance to students to share and advertise their individual projects and support creation by providing them material, educational support and space to exhibit their works.
It gives the chance to participants from different backgrounds to familiarize themselves with the culture they temporarily live in, to transfer their own experiences, to contribute to the process of intercultural communication and dialogue through the activities of the project, to promote tolerance for different cultures once they are back in their own country, and to take a stance against discrimination.
By building bridges between youth from all over the word, Katadrom Arts and Culture Project of Exchange supports a better understanding of each other’s culture and of Turkish cultural heritage.
The Project is offering a wide range of network building studies, workshops, competitions and seminars led by professionals, from Turkey and abroad, who are engaged in the pursuit of artistic expression, in addressing social issues or cultural topics to develop an appreciation for different cultures. During the workshops, student participants will collaborate together to produce artistic works or social projects, which focus on bridging the divide between communities and raise the contemporary problems from their own society which affects them in their day to day life.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute to ALF Network in Turkey by improving new projects for disadvantaged groups, building cultural bridges between different cultures.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As an association mostly focuses on intercultural dialogue, cultural exchange, discrimination and alienation and social politics we think it is a great opportunity for us to be a part of ALF's network to reach our objectives.

Contact (1) Full Name
Hulya Demirden
Head of the organisation
Murat Yildirim
Contact (2) Full Name
Kenan Ozcan