Palestinian Organization For Development

National Network
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Palestinian Organization For development "POFD" is a Charitable non profit organization established in Dier el balah – Gaza strip in year 2000 licensed from Palestinian Interior Ministry with number 7040. It holds a work permit from the Ministry of Social Affairs for the year 2002, POFD has a Board of Directors that consists of 7 members, and an executive department that runs many programs.
Mission and Objectives

We look to the future with insight, through hard work to achieve the strategic objectives and to attract effective developmental programs also to enhance collective participation and advancement of society socially, economically, culturally, and we base our values on equality between people, the organization seeks to improve the living conditions of members of the community, establishes plans strategy to work for three years, to achieve its objectives
Objectives of the organization:
- Contribute to improve the economic situation and living conditions of members of the community.
- Contribute to the development of rural areas and refugee camps.
- Provide instruction services to students.
- Strengthening the trend towards voluntary work services.
- Child care and work to strengthen the role of women and development gains.
- Developing the resources of young people.
- Continuous development.

Main Projects / Activities

POFD projects for the previous years:
1) Permanent ( standing) projects:
• A separate building for administration, including administration offices, computer lab, multi-purpose room and rooms and classrooms for training and supportive education.
• "The future" preschool.
• Watchtowers of the sea rescue on the shores of middle governorate.
• Establishment of the childhood garden and club in Dier ElBalah.
• Implementation of garden and park for children on Dier ElBalah beach.
2) Current (ongoing) projects:
POFD is currently implementing several programs and projects the most prominent are
• PCAP project.
• Administrative and health support project.
• "Teams of child protection" project.
• "End discrimination against women in Gaza strip" project.
• "Strengthening democracy and building the capacity of NGOs" project.
• "Psychological and social intervention to help the children of Gaza" project.
• "The right to play" project.
• "Namaa" for reducing school violence In partnership with NPA year 2013

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Since we are Palestinian and have a rich heritage we see that we contribute to the network in enhancing cultural exchange.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

POFD sees it as an important need to exchange between cultures and enhance public and international relations . Joining this network will help us be a member in an activity that will help us to promote our cultural exchange.

Contact (1) Full Name
Balsam ElAtrash
Head of the organisation
Nabeel Ahmad Sobaih

Fundación Al Fanar para el Conocimiento Árabe

National Network

Colmenares, 5 4ºizq


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The Al Fanar Foundation for Arab Knowledge was established in Madrid in February 2012 (reg. number 1488) after the donation of the Al Fanar Traductores’s documentary collection composed by more than 150,000 Arabic press headlines and 10,000 articles translated into Spanish, compiled over the last ten years. Al Fanar has the main office in Madrid and representatives in Rabat (Morocco), Cairo (Egypt) and Amman (Jordan). We have three people working full time and one part time, and more than 30 collaborators. Our budget for this year is approximately €40,000, being our main source of income the subscriptions to our news bulletins and the translation work we do. Our partners are mainly Spanish public institutions interested in the Arab World like Casa Árabe, IEMed, CSIC, etc. Our main field of work is the translation and creation of information from the Arab World to Spanish and other western languages, and vice versa.
Mission and Objectives

The Foundation’saim is to bring the Arab reality inall its facets closer to the Spanish speaking environment, in particular, and to the West, in general. This rapprochement aims to foment cultural relations and cooperationin the academic, cultural, socialand economic spheres with the Arab world.

Main Projects / Activities

As depositaries of Al Fanar’s documentary archive we have the duty to enlarge and foment it use as a source of information for academics, journalists and general people interested in the Arab World. We also create specific bulletins like the “Bulletin of renewable energy in the Arab world”.
Al Fanar also translates texts and documents written in Spanish into Arabic, like the IEMed Mediterranean Yearbook.
Also Al Fanar collaborate in other type of projects of collaboration, translationand interchange of opinions between Arab and Spanish authors like an exhibition called “Palestinian history and identity through graphic humor”, or the creation of the three lingual (Spanish, Arabic and English) comic Babili’s Home (, based on a Iraqi novel and illustrated by Spanish artists.

Contact (1) Full Name
Pedro Rojo Pérez
Contact (2) Full Name
Pedro Rojo

Kaos Gunea

National Network

nicolas alcorta, 4-5, puente 48003 BILBAO -

0034 677 000 308
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
president, secretary, tresaure, plus 3 people employed in different areas: production, projects and administrative and comunication. Budget is about 50.000 €/year institutions (public and private), private donations. local projects (cultural diversity projects in local networks, seminars, ...) International projects (exchanges, initiatives, etc) production (our own festival) programming for festivals and institutions documentaries, films... language academy and studies
Mission and Objectives

Asociación donde se dan cita diversos profesionales en el ámbito cultural, educativo y deportivo que comparten su inquietud por el trabajo entre diversas disciplinas y culturas en sus actividades.
Crear redes d etrabajo cultural basados en la diversidad.
Mostrar trabajos nacidos del encuentro entre culturas
Formar, estudiar y dar a conocer las diversas culturas a partir de sus claves identitarias

Main Projects / Activities

Festival expresiones (deals with works (danse, musique, films.... related with cultural dialogue)
centre de formation (300 metres) seminars (language (ex: arab), culture (gestion cultural), danse.....)
Audiovisual works

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

experience, infraestructure, activities

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our objetives matches with ALF objetives
Our staff has been inside network for years in other organizations
interested in international projects

Contact (1) Full Name
Inigo Lopez

Magenta Consultoría

National Network

C/ Venezuela 1 Bajo (33213)

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Set up in 2003, Magenta Projects has two distinct areas of expertise; working with companies to develop and deliver corporate responsibility and philanthropy programmes; and with charities and not-for-profits, maximizing revenues and creating social impact. Our staff comprises psychologists, philologues, pedagogues, trainers, etc. The professionals who develop our projects have previous experience in European projects. Magenta funding sources are based on providing training in both private and public (dependent on local and regional grants), and secondly, in their participation in the development of various European projects developed as partner and coordinator. We usually work with different public and private entities in all Europe (Spain, Italy, Austria, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Ireland, United Kingdom, Poland and Turkey). Our main customers belong to the public sector, such as town halls, regional government or semi- public entities as associations, foundations or Chambers of Commerce. We also cooperate with private companies.
Mission and Objectives

Magenta Consultancy is a gender, social and intercultural mediation consulting entity specialized on several fields related to social and health areas:
Drug Prevention
Gender policies
Psychological and Physical health for elderly people
Youth programmes. Leisure, environmental activities, healthy activities, etc.
Labour market programmes for people at social risk.
Children activities in collaboration with different skate holders as schools, high schools, Parents associations, foundations or Public authoritiese
Managing and developing European Projects related to these areas. Assesing on European Projects, application, development and justification.
Developing our own European Projects. Acting as Intermediary and Hosting institution in mobility projects
It should be pointed out that Magenta applies in every single project and activity developed by our team transversal principles such as the gender perspective or the healthy side that can be applied in every single project trying to offer our customers the best service.

Main Projects / Activities

Magenta is currently involved in the following European projects projects:
1. SEMINARIO WEB2U: Developing women’s skills for the future labour market (Seminario Grundtvig- nº- 2011-1-ES1-GRU13-36263)
Other projects:.
- Assisting customers as Chamber of Commerce, public entities or Women Enterpreneurial Associations regarding female entrepreneurship.
- Inmigrant women: developing a national programme coordinated by one of the main Feminist Association in Spain, Progressive Women. Improving the way of life of inmigrant women who are usually at social risk.
- Working with more than 40 Women associations preparing their proposals to obtain grants from the Public Administration and developing them in case they are solved positively.
- Developing projects for the Asturian Women Institute and for Training Institute for the official workers.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through the development of our projects at the European level, we have developed a strong network of contacts in the countries mentioned above and of course in Spain, and we are partners in several projects currently want to start developing. We also work as Intermediary Organization between the entities from the different countries, and Hosting Partners here in Spain.
We have a wide net of contacts and we frequently work with women associations at regional and national level. We also work with public Institutions, like Local and Regional Administrations.
In addition to the projects we are developing and we mentioned above, we are currently involved in these projects: SERAPHINE (a Leonardo Association fostering female entrepreneurship in rural areas) and YO.We. Self- Defence (A Grundtvig Multilateral Project regarding prevention of Domestic Violence to young women), with partners in Greece, Italy, United Kingdom, Portugal, Bulgaria, Cyprus and Austria

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We wish that Magenta could be part of the network of organizations that spread the spirit and philosophy of Anna Lindh Foundation.
The solid foundation of our organization is to improve the quality of life of men and women, covering all areas that integrate health (physical, psychological and social). In this regard, we strongly believe in networking among all organizations, with the objective of maximizing the benefits that men and women can get from our work and our actions.
Another of our pillars is the coordination between people, whether or not from the same entity, as our philosophy is teamwork.

Contact (1) Full Name
Esther González Díaz
Head of the organisation
Esther González Díaz
Contact (2) Full Name
María José Azcáriz Fernández

Associació Tanagra - Festival de Cinema de Menorca

National Network

C/ Casilda Caimaris, 25
Ciutadella de Menorca

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
We are a cultural association and we organize a Mediterranean Film Festival called Mèdit in the island of Menorca. During the year we are 3 people working on it, but during the festival we're around 20. We collect, depending of the year, around 20.000€ to do the project. All from private companies and from goverment funding. Also I've to say that we can make the festival possible thanks to a bunch of partners we have like: Casa Árabe, Filmets Film Festival,, 14'4Kms, Balearia, River Lab, Trafalgar 13, Union for the Mediterranean, La Cosa de las Películas, Catalan Films, Acib, Ib3tv, and more.
Mission and Objectives

Mèdit is not only an alternative audiovisual culture of Menorca’s Island, neither the Balearic’s Islands, but also for the Mediterranean audiovisual circuit. We want Menorca to be expanded to other countries. We want the island to be a sponge of the Mediterranean culture, a culture belonging to twenty-two countries that share the same sea’s shore: the Mare Nostrum. That is why it is a Mediterranean cinema festival. Mèdit believes in culture as a medium creator of restlessness, both for the youth and the elderly. Those concerns that we seek to generate in people are the same ones that has taken us to cheerfully develop and work on this project. Mèdit considers the audience equally important as the creators and that is the reason why it seeks its maximum participation not only as a passive spectator of the projections, but also as an active spectator of the open audiovisual workshops offered to the public. Mèdit is much more than an exhibition; it is a Mediterranean cinema observatory, a social and cultural scanner of the audiovisual Mediterranean production. Not only for the type of programming proposed involving the majority of the sea-border countries, but also because each year we dedicate a section to an actual subject.

Main Projects / Activities

The main project of SUAU is MÊDIT, Festival de Cinema Mediterrani de Menorca. It takes place durning the summer in Menorca. Almost everything we project is open air. We have several seccions as: Open air Cinema (feature films); Curt-Mèdit (shortfilms); Arabic seccion (a place for the arabic cinema); Special seccion in a special place (every year takes a different form. This year we'll project an italian film from Fellini, in Líthica); and the workshop "Let's do a short!" for the teenagers of the island (they learn by doing how to do a film and we project it the last nigh at the Cathedral Square).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We could share opinions, ideas, give a mediterranean cinematografic point of view to the others associations from Spanin that are involved with ALF.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because we need to expand, to be more opened to the rest of the mediterranean countries, and after our research we've realised that be part of the ALF Network would be the best opcion. Also we'd like to be able to apply to other sourses of funding, and as far as we know, you can inform us about them and when they come out. Also we'd like to make a call to invite volunteers from the mediterranean countries to be part of our team during the festival (we just don't have the net, neither the economic resourses for that...)

Contact (1) Full Name
Inés Garrell Lluís
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Inés Garrell Lluís


National Network

Ferryhouse, 48 Lower Mount Street, Dublin 2

+353 1 537 0291
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
Storyful is an international social media news agency based in Dublin helping newsrooms find and verify the most valuable content on social media. We are a team of about 25-30 technologists and journalists, working round the clock in Asia, Europe and the United States.
Mission and Objectives

Our ambition is to help every news organization build their very own social newsroom. We want to equip journalists with the skills and tools to embrace change. We want to help publishers and broadcasters build products that engage audiences and make money.

Main Projects / Activities

Since 2010, Storyful has been building and refining the first truly social newsroom. We have perfected our techniques, tools and services in partnership with some of the biggest news brands in the world, including ABC News, Reuters and the New York Times, and social platforms such as YouTube.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are in contact with bloggers, activists and local media organisations around the world, sourcing information and content through them about news events in their region. We are therefore well placed to report and discuss grassroot citizen movements around the world that start or are aided by the use of social media.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Storyful is particularly interested in international media relations and projects focused on this.

Contact (1) Full Name
Markham Nolan
Head of the organisation
Mark Little
Contact (2) Full Name
Jenny Hauser

Andalus Institute for Tolerance and anti-Violence Studies

National Network

24 Hussien Hegazy El kaser Elini st. third floor flat number 16

(202) 279 438 97
Telephone (other)
(202) 279 432 98
97 438 279 (202) - 98 432 279
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information

1-The organization contains four centre units which are : - Observing and research unit. - Training Unit - Public and International Relations Unit - Technical Support and Documentation Unit The stuff number of the organization is 30 employee. 2-160$ 3-The National Endowment for Democracy- United States Agency for International Development-American Embassy. 4- andalus institute is organizing many trainings and seminars to students and journalists about spreading human rights concepts and researches about the journalism role in build up the concepts of human rights also andalus organize trainings to students about the parliament and his role in society . 5-United Group- Group for democratic development- Human rights association for assistance to the prisoners-Forum for development and human rights dialog - Arab penal reform organization

Mission and Objectives

- Disseminating the culture of tolerance. -Confronting cultural, racial, sex based. -Promoting democracy, the one and only fertile soil for tolerance to flourish. – Confronting discrimination against handicapped people. Enhancing awareness for youth about the concepts of human rights. Target Strata Young people from 15 to 35 years old.

Main Projects / Activities

Andalus has four main projects, the first project is "Eye on journalism" it's about monitoring Egyptian newspapers in issues like human rights, tolerance, violation, etc. and how the newspapers deal with these issues, the work of this project is depending on Universal declaration of HR, all international conventions and documents. Second project is on line radio it's a broadcast on the internet aimed to spreading the values of human rights& tolerance among youth by several& variety programs presented also by youth. The third project is "Model of democratic parliament" it's a simulation model on the real Egyptian parliament this activity aimed to increasing awareness to the students in the universities towards the importance of the parliament and it's procedures. The fourth project is "you man rights" it's international training on human rights aimed to create a guide book on teaching human rights for youth.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ahmed sameh
Job Title
general manager
Head of the organisation
Mr. Ahmed Samih

Contemporary Art Centre of Montenegro

National Network

Krusevac bb
81000 Podgorica

00 382 20 243 914
00 382 20 225 131
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Organization of cultural programmes(exhibitions, concerts, literary events) at home and abroad; 38 members of staff employed; government sources of funding; the main partner in the organization's activities is the Ministry of Culture.
Mission and Objectives

presentation and promotion of contemoporary Montenegrin art; networking with similar institutions at home and abroad for expert cooperation and exchange of programmes; educational activities through animating local communities.

Main Projects / Activities

2013- production of the presentation of Montenegro at the 2013 Venice biennial(artist:Irena Lagator Pejovic);2012-exhbition CROSSINGS, contemporary Montenegrin art in the 21st century (Russia-St.Peterburg and Ekaterinburg); 2011 - production of the presentation of Montenegro at the 2011 Venice biennial(artists:Marina Abramovic, Ilija Soskic, Natalija Vujosevic)

Contact (1) Full Name
Contemporary Art Centre of Montenegro
Head of the organisation
Nenad Soskic

Istituto di Studi sul Mediterraneo - ISMED (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) National Reseache Council

National Network

Via Pietro Castellino 111
80134 Naples

Telephone (other)
0039.081.6134086 extension 243
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
I S.S.M. is a research institute and it has recently joined the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences of the National Research Council (CNR) of Italy. The staff is constituted by 41 employees: 1 Director, 1 research manager, 7 senior researchers, 18 researchers; 4 technologists and 10 technicians. The budgetary resources available in a year are about 36.000 euro. Other financial resources available come from italian and European projects. Issm organises conferences and seminars and is involved in several projects and human resources exchange networks. Tha main partners are italian and international research institutions, italian and international universities, public institutions and ONG.
Mission and Objectives

ISMED conducts research focused on the Mediterranean region. The main research fields are: • analysis of the socio-economic development; • environmental sustainability and economic growth; • long-term changes in the management and use of natural resources; • the Euro-Mediterranean policy and the creation of an area of shared prosperity between the EU and the Mediterranean partner countries; • economic sectors and technological transfer; • trade, finance and credit; • demographic growth and migration flows; • the role of public and private institutions in the development process; • urban studies, territorial imbalance and regional policy; • regional integration and globalisation. • the historical evolution of the Mediterranean region; • the interaction among cultures and people.

Main Projects / Activities

the main projects activities of ISMED are: 1.sustainability, natural resources management and environmental issues; 2. environment and security in the Mediterranean; 3. growth and convergence in the Mediterranean 4. development gap in the Mediterranean region: Italy and Mezzogiorno in modern and contemporary age 3. Institutions, economic policies and development in the Mediterranean region 4. the natural resources and the historical sources 5. mediterranean migrations: history and economics

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our main contribution could be the identification of priorities and guidelines for national and european policymakers, research papers, publications in international reviews, organisation of and partecipation to international conferences, involvment in projects, training activities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

to increase our partecipation in international networks and develop interdisciplinary research activities with the involvment of foreign institutes

Contact (1) Full Name
paola avallone
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Désirée Ada Ludmilla Quagliarotti

Corrente Rosa

National Network

Piazza Adriana, 8 - Rome 00193

+39 335 7447029
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
- 12 members of staff and 1 employee - € 5000 in 1 year - Sources of funding: Memebership - Concrete projects, seminars, conferences - Main partners involved: Professionals, including active women and women entrepreneuers
Mission and Objectives

The Association is a non-profit organization that was established as an expression of civil society and to contribute to political renewal, in particular to promote and enhance the participation of women in political and decision-making places. The Association also aims to enable/put in place skills and talents to support the gender balance in access to social, economic, productive positions of relief.

Main Projects / Activities

Workshops, seminars and conferences. Diffusion of informations related to gender.
Production of a film/documentary called "Per la mia strada" (see attachment)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By providing expertise on gender issues

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To encrease the italian and international contacts to exhange good practices

Contact (1) Full Name
Federico Scriva
Head of the organisation
Serena Romano