GTF - Initiative for Sustainable Growth

National Network

10000 zagreb

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information

The Gender Task Force (GTF) employs 5 full-time and several part time/contracted persons. GTF works with 13 countries in Southeast Europe since 1999 when it was established in the framework of the Stability Pact for Southeast Europe. GTF Budget averages 250.000 EURO/year and receives funding primarily through EU funds and other Bilateral Donors, most recently Sweden (SIDA) GTF works through projects, but also in strategic policy advocacy, exchange of best practices, awareness raising and training/consultancy for other actors (GOVERNMENT, CIVIL SOCIETY, BUSINESS, PARLIAMENTARY AND OTHERS). GTF works with Governments, Parliaments, Trade Unions, Employers, NGOs, Academia, and Entrepreneurs from 13 SEE Countries. Additional Cooperation initiatives are even broader. GTf works with at least 500 different organizations, and institutions of relevant stakeholders.

Mission and Objectives

The GTF is committed to advancing sustainable, gender-balanced development in South East Europe, in the context of European Integration.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Gender equality mechanisms at the national, regional and local level from its inception the GTF pushed for the establishment and/or upgrading of accountable, efficient gender equality mechanisms at national, regional & and local levels.  Objective: to contribute to the strengthening of their efficiency and ability to set up and lead the process of gender mainstreaming. 2. Parliamentary Cooperation The GTF has used parliamentary cooperation for advancing gender equality and democracy since its beginnings in 1999; numerous benefits have been obtained from the GTF parliamentary cooperation methodologies.  Objectives: Contribute to more accountability in parliamentary governance and increased women’s political participation through capacity building of Gender Parliamentary Mechanisms and SEE Women MP’s. 3. Political Party Gender Mainstreaming As a result of the political environment in SEE, women and gender equality have been a low priority for most SEE political parties, albeit some positive trends are visible. The GTF’s work in this field since 2002, including its unique database of some 60 SEE Parliamentary Political Parties will continue, focusing on the issues best dealt with through cross-party and cross-border cooperation.  Objective: SEE Parliamentary Political Parties improved gender balance in decision-making and overall gender awareness. 4. Social Dialogue and Trade Unions The GTF has completed its fifth Social Dialogue project in 2010, with joint working groups of trade unionists, employer associations and government officials working together from the onset to identify common ground on gender issues in three SEE countries, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia. The experience gained in the past seven years of work in this field were put to good use in the last project, which addressed the importance of consensus building in tripartite social dialogue at a crucial time in these particularly challenging socioeconomic conditions.  Objectives: Systematic work with tripartite bodies and social partners in all interested SEE countries for engendering and improving social dialogue. 5. Women’s Entrepreneurship and Women’s Employment GTF plans to be a partner in the RCC/UNECE project Women’s Entrepreneurship: a Job Creation Engine for South-East Europe in the times of economic crisis. The project aims to encourage and support women that intend to develop their businesses and therefore create new job opportunities. This approach is unique since all the other initiatives in the region deal with business startup and not expansion. The project is in line with the key priorities of the Bucharest process promoting economic growth, employment, job creation and social cohesion. By tackling the main obstacles faced by women entrepreneurs in SEE, the project will strengthen women’s economic position and enhance the contribution of women to the economy. In a broader sense it will also contribute to promoting economic cooperation and stability in South-East Europe.  Objectives: GTF’s specific role will be in networking of women entrepreneurs in SEE and enhancing national policymaking based on exchange of best practice. And improved conditions for women in the workforce, including policy level and practical job creation programs. 6. Rural Women’s Development One common characteristic of the SEE Region is its underdeveloped rural areas, which has its obvious implications from a gender perspective. The GTF will work on exchange of best practices in rural development and education for sustainable development in close cooperation with Government Gender Machinery and the Civil and Business sectors.  Objective: The GTF aims to improve social cohesion through interventions that support rural women’s empowerment, organizing and networking, including the LEADER framework for rural development.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

In Croatia, GTF brings its experiences and partnerships and applies them in real localized contexts. GTF is a partner in policy dialogue on women entrpreneurship and rural development. We are open to cooperation with others in this framework as well.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

GTF has much to contribute in its expertise and experience on different field of socio-economic and political development. GTF approach is cooperative, regional and proactive, providing impetus to improving our societies. New networks and cooperation are always welcome and needed.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mary Ann Rukavina Cipetić
Head of the organisation
Mary Ann Rukavina Cipetić
Contact (2) Full Name
Marina Tomić Škarica

Sikkuy - The Association for the Advancement of Civic Equality

National Network

17 Hameshoreret Rachel St.

03 6541225
03 6541108
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
054 5889490
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Sikkuy is a structurally shared Jewish-Arab NGO in Israel working to advance equality between the Jewish majority and Arab minority in Israel. Its staff, management and board are comprised of an equal number of Jews and Arabs and decisions are made by consultation between the Jewish and Arab staff and board. Sikkuy's annual budget is about $1.2 million and the major sources of funding include: EU, USAID, German For. Ministry, NIF, Jewish Foundations, Israeli philanthropists and businesses. Sikkuy works at three levels to advance equality: at the central government level to identify the causes of unequal allocations to Arab citizens; at the regional level to advance cooperation for development between the Jewish and Arab municipalities; at the grass-roots to advance the Arab presence (culture, language, narrative tec.) in the public space shared by Jews and Arabs. Sikkuy partners with many other NGOs in Israel such as Injaz, Adalah, Itach and others.
Mission and Objectives

Sikkuy (a “chance” or “opportunity” in Hebrew) is a non-partisan NGO in Israel that develops and implements projects to advance equality between Arab and Jewish citizens of Israel in government budgets, resource allocation, hiring policy, land usage, access to government services, etc.
Founded in 1991 as a shared Jewish-Arab advocacy organization, Sikkuy’s actions are motivated by the right of every citizen to influence government decisions and policies and dedicated to advancing civil society in Israel through the values of:
• EQUALITY - Advancing complete equality between Arab and Jewish citizens.
• SHARED CITIZENSHIP - Promoting the core value of shared citizenship as the basis for equality.
Sikkuy is jointly governed by Arab and Jewish co-chairs, managed by Arab and Jewish co-executive directors and staffed by Arabs and Jews. Sikkuy’s programs are active on three levels to mobilize a positive transformation of the relations between the state and the Palestinian Arab minority in Israel.

Main Projects / Activities

Seat At the Table - identifying the barriers to equal resource allocation from the government to Arab citizens and making and implementing policy recommendations to advance equality.
Equality Zones - advancing cooperation between Jewish and Arab municipalities in areas like economic development and shared industrial zones, tourism, environment etc.
Equality Index - An annual report monitoring the socio-economic gaps between Jewish and Arab citizens in Israel.
Share Public Space (SPS)- increasing the Arab citizen's presence, their culture, language, narrative etc., in the shared public space.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have skills and knowledge in many fields (including fundraising) that we are happy to share. We also would like to meet new potential partners for projects.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our membership lapsed without our knowing it. We feel this kind of networking in Israel and abroad is very useful to the organization.

Contact (1) Full Name
Carl Perkal
Head of the organisation
Ron Gerlitz and Ali Haider, Co-Executive Directors

MEET (Middle East Education through Technology)

National Network

PO Box 820

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Structure: total of 319 people, made up of 101 students, 161 alumni, 4 teachers, 6 teacher’s assistants, 9 staff members, 7 board members, 15 new incoming MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) instructors, 5 MIT faculty members, and 10 mentors. 2013 Budget: $1,421,782 Sources of funding: foundations, governments, corporations and individuals. Action: recruitment of students, 3 Year Educational Program including 3 Summer Programs and 2 Yearlong Programs during the intervening years, Alumni Program and Venture Lab. Partners: The Charles H. Revson Foundation, MIT, Hebrew University, Google, and many others.
Mission and Objectives

Mission: to educate and empower tomorrow’s most promising Palestinian and Israeli leaders to take action towards creating positive economic, political, and social impact in the Middle East.
I. Provide MEET participants with high-value technology, entrepreneurship, and leadership skills.
II. Offer Palestinian and Israeli youth the opportunity to learn and work together on common goals, engage in open and meaningful dialogue, and build long‐lasting personal and professional relationships. 

III. Create an active network of future Palestinian and Israeli leaders with a common professional language, respect for one another, and hands-on experience for cooperation.
IV. Empower MEET’s students to become leaders in their communities and undertake initiatives for positive social, political, and economic change.

Main Projects / Activities

Working in partnership with MIT since 2004, MEET's goal is to educate and empower the next generation of Israeli and Palestinian young leaders to take action towards creating positive economic, social and political change in the Middle East.
To achieve this goal, MEET has developed a groundbreaking three-year educational excellence program within a globally connected professional network, which provides MEET's high-school students with:
(a) A professional skill-set and network access to be successful and reach positions of impact;
(b) The value base and transforming experience of working together in bi-national teams on pragmatic technology and business projects, while developing mutual trust, a common language and a deeper understanding of the region's challenges.
Graduates of the program stay connected through our active alumni network and are developing entrepreneurial projects incubated at the MEET Venture Lab in Jerusalem, in partnership with Google's Launchpad.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

MEET is unique in bringing together Israelis and Palestinians through the common languages of technology and entrepreneurship. With 10 years of experience we have learned many lessons and overcome numerous tense political challenges, lessons that we would be honored to share with the ALF network. We have grown an extensive international network both within the Middle East region and abroad, which can be of great benefit to the ALF network. Our technology and entrepreneurship curriculum is based on experts from MIT, as well as international experts in the field, which can further benefit the ALF network.
To summarize, MEET would love to share our experience, network, and curriculum with others, and build innovative collaborative projects to benefit the region as a whole.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To increase our international network; to inform people, organizations and institutions of the important work MEET is doing in the Middle East; and to partner with other organizations who are interested in helping educate youth on becoming future change makers.

Contact (1) Full Name
Noa Epstein
Head of the organisation
Noa Epstein
Contact (2) Full Name
Ala Sader

Nes Ammim Center of Learning and Dialogue

National Network

Doar Na Western Galilee 22801
Nes Ammim

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Religion
  6. Youth and education
General Information
We are a NGO that facilitates mainly dialogue groups (predominantly Arabic-Christian, Jewish-Christian and Jewish-Arabic Dialogue)and organizes a study program with great variety for the volunteers of Nes Ammim. That includes seminars concerning, culture, festives, religion, language, politics and more. The Nes Ammim CLD employs currently 4 volunteers (permantently). The budget available is roughly 200 000 NIS. Main sources of funding are the German and the Dutch Church. Main Partners are Givat Haviva, Beyond words, Hand in Hand,Bethlehem Bible College, Arab Educational Institute, Latet, Alternative, Musalaha, Sabeel,COME, JCJCR, Shetil.
Mission and Objectives

The Center of Learning and Dialogue of Nes Ammim (CLD) ,engages in trialogue between Jews, Christians and Muslims, both from Israel and abroad. Since the founding year, in 2001, The Center of Learning and Dialogue of Nes Ammim has been a place of learning rather than politics. It is a place where people can reflect on their own identity through meeting others. It is on the social level of everyday living together, rather than on that of power politics that the CLD tries to contribute to and learn from the co-existence between people from different backgrounds in Israel.

Main Projects / Activities

The CLD co-organizes seminars between Jews and Palestinian Arabs, sharing and discussing cultural, religious and political themes. In focus of most programs are either women empowerment, youth support or cultural activities.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As facilitator of events/conferences/ group meetings.As a neutral meeting place.As information source, with contacts Christian, Jewish and Muslim communities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the ALF, because we want to enlarge our network with likewise organizations as well as be able to receive funding.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Pieter Dronkers
Head of the organisation
Dr. Pieter Dronkers (General Manager)
Contact (2) Full Name
Simone Scotta

Other Voice

National Network

Kibbutz Urim
Doar Na Hanegev

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The organization has three board members, all volunteers. We will be hiring a person very part-time to keep the website updated and handle correspondence. Our sources of funding come from small private donations, usually for specific activities. Our budgetary resources available to us in year are very modest - generally around $10,000 a year. We have received one-time modest donations from the New Israel Fund, The Dutch Embassy and private donations over the last 5 years for specific activities. Our actions include: petitions and letter-writing compaigns, conferences, seminars, evening events/seminars, actions around a specific event happening in the region (e.g. petition to continue the cease fire), publishing of articles and opinion pieces in the press, hosting of groups for lectures and a tour of the Gaza-Sderot region. Our main partners include The Negev Institute for Strategies of Peace and Develop and Collot ba'Negev.
Mission and Objectives

Other Voice consists of citizens who live in Sderot and Israeli communities near the Gaza Strip. It is a non-partisan group; our members come from diverse backgrounds and hold a broad range of beliefs. We live in a violent region, in which thousands of people from both sides of the border have been killed, wounded and hurt, mainly innocent civilians. The escalation of the conflict has deepened the mutual fear and hatred, and destroyed feelings of personal safety. We call for creative action that will bring about a long-term, non-violent solution to the region. Members of the group believe that our communities in Israel and Gaza can thrive only if there is a cessation of violence, and if we engage in active cooperation to end the violence and help turn our joint region into a thriving area. Our group is in ongoing contact with Palestinians in the Gaza Strip who believe, as we do, in non-violence and mutual respect that will bring about the much anticipated change. We call upon our Israelis and Palestinian to join the initiative and to reach out to those brave people that are already willing to stand up publicly and say that the time has come to end this useless and senseless conflict. We call upon our leaders in the region and in the world to listen to the voices of the citizens and to do all that can be done to reach a peaceful solution that will strengthen the region instead of destabilizing it. This solution must include an end to the siege on Gaza, and full cessation of all hostilities and infringement of human rights on both sides of the border.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main activities include: petitions, letter writing campaigns, conferences/seminars/ day events on issues of importance for the Gaza-Sderot region, campaign against racism, soliciting donations for humanitarian needs for Gazans, keeping up contact with Gazans, information dissemination on Gaza and the region.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our members have many connections to other peace/social justice activisits and organizations in the region and we can provide expertise on our region as well as experience and expertise in working on peace-building and advocacy endeavors.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe that peace in our area can only be accomplished through strong networks of like-minded groups and individuals. We work for a long-term non-violent end to the Israel-Gaza conflict and this demands joining with others to work together to end the violence and demonization of the other. We believe in the power of collaboration and joint work, especially with partners from the Euro and Mediterranean region, who understand the importance of turning our area into one that is sustainable and free of violence against citizens.

Contact (1) Full Name
Julia Chaitin
Head of the organisation
Julia Chaitin, Nomika Zion, Eitan Shachar and Roni Keidar

Al Najd Development Forum

National Network

بعد الاطلاع على الملفات الخاصة بالمؤسسة من قبل وزارة الداخلية تبين ان هذه المؤسسة تم ايقافها عن العمل
بعد الاطلاع على الملفات الخاصة بالمؤسسة من قبل وزارة الداخلية تبين ان هذه المؤسسة تم ايقافها عن العمل

+972 8 2879559
+972 8 2873555
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+972 597 971118
Mobile Phone (other)
+972 592 548554
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Heritage
  4. Youth and education
General Information

NDF Core staff are 5 staff and 10 project based staff and about 15 youth graduates on volunteer basis, our annual budget $USD 1.5 million- Source of funding INGOs, Fundraising campain, small income projects, and individuals support. Modalities of Actions includes concrete ptrojects, exchanges of youth culture. main partners- MCC, Oxfam GB, World Vision, Anera, Qatter charity.

Mission and Objectives

Al Najd Development Forum (ADF) is non-profit organization that strives to improve the quality of life of children, women, and families who are vulnerable to food insecurity and poverty in Gaza Strip. However; ADF is working in Gaza since 2007 to contributes in poverty eradication (MDG1), and economic development, together with the local communities and women leaders we claim legal, constitutional, and moral rights to food , livelihood, health, shelter, education, and dignity and a voice in decision that affect their lives.

Main Projects / Activities

Food Security and livelihood such as biological gardening targeted 400 battered women in the Gaza strip. Awareness raising and capacity building of women in term of civil rights and human rights . Livlistock includes raising broilers, sheeps, rabits, laying hens. Cash for work activities- public services of youth graduates, painting, gardening,cooking of pastries, sewing workshops, and embroidery. Emergecy responses and relief considered as pioneer NGO in Gaza strip during the Gaza Wars and the internal conflicts.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Exchange experiences and skills gained in the field of Food security and livelihood with other NGOs. Creating local committees, thematic groups, advisory, and steering committeees to support the weakened NGOs technically, managerially, and financially. Working in collaboartive NGOs to complete each other basically in FSL .

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To further exchange skills, experiences with other relevant organisationin plastine and regional region. Strenghthening our NGO through cooperation and networking with other NGO in different countries and context. Empowerment and capacity building of our staff through exchange and exposure to innovative and new approaches to work with vunerables and unstable conditions and communities. To maintain sustainability of our project through working and networking with other INGOs in the region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Rafat Hassouna
Head of the organisation
Mr.Khalid Abu Sharekh
Contact (2) Full Name
Mrs. Refka Hamalawi

جمعية البراعم التنموية

National Network

رام الله
رام الله
Palestinian Territories

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

جمعية البراعم التنموية جمعية مجتمعية رائدة تنهض بواقع المجتمع الفلسطيني بما يساهم في تحقيق الاستقرار والتنمية المجتمعية , حيث تأسست جمعية البراعم في عام 2007 م، في محافظة خانيونس بترخيص رقم ( 7854).كذلك هي جمعية خيرية غير حكومية تقدم الخدمات التأهيلية والنفسية والاجتماعية والتربوية والثقافية للمجتمع المحلي على صعيد المرأة والأطفال والشباب والشيوخ في العديد من المجالات . حيث أن الجمعية منذ تأسيها وهي تعمل على تقديم خدماتها للفئات المستهدفة سعياً لتنمية مجتمع مستدام يسوده الاحترام والتسامح والسلم الاجتماعي من خلال مشاريع وبرامج الدمج المجتمعي والدعم الاقتصادي وحماية البيئة وتطوير مجتمع مدني قوي , وتلتزم الجمعية من خلال مشاريعها لتحقيق رؤيتها بمبادئ حقوق الإنسان والتي تشمل العدالة والمساواة والالتزام بحكم القانون والشفافية والتسامح والاحترام وعدم التمييز والمشاركة والتمكين للفئات المهمشة.

Mission and Objectives

. أهداف الجمعية : 3.1: الارتقاء بمستوى الوعي المجتمعي والثقافي والبيئي لسكان المنطقة. 3.2: دعم صغار المزارعين من خلال الشباب والمرأة . 3.3: المساهمة في زيادة الإنتاج الزراعي لصغار الزارعين. 3.4: المساهمة في تسويق منتجات صغار المزارعين. 3.5: المساهمة في القضاء على ظاهرة الفقر والبطالة من خلال العمل على تامين المساعدات المادية والعينية والمساعدة في كفالة الأيتام وإقامة مشاريع تنموية واغاثية ومشاريع خلق فرص عمل وخاصة الفئات المهمشة من العمال والخريجين. 3.6: التعاون مع المؤسسات ذات العلاقة لتحقيق أهداف الجمعية. 3.7: تأهيل كوادر شبابية فاعلة يكون لها دورها في عملية التنمية ومراكز صنع واتخاذ القرار. 3.8: الاهتمام بالجانب الرياضي من خلال إنشاء نادي رياضي. 3.9: توفير ساحات أمنه ومكتبات للأطفال.

Main Projects / Activities

. الانجازات خلال الأعوام السابقة : 4.1 خلال سنة 2006 م :- 4.1.1: عقد 3 دورات في إدارة الحملات الإعلامية لفئة الشباب من كلا الجنسين استفاد منها نحو 80 مشارك. 4.1.2: حملة تطوعية لتوعية الشباب بالعمل التطوعي وأهميته وبرامج وسبل تنميته من خلال ندوات وورش عمل انبثق عنها يومين طبيين مجانيين والمشاركة في حملات تشجير والتضامن من أجل قضايا إنسانية ومجتمعية وشبابية مثل: قضايا الخريجين والفقر والبطالة والقوانين والظلم والعديد من القضايا الأخرى. 4.2 خلال سنة 2007م :- 4.2.1: الشراكة ضمن مشروع الطائرات الورقية – برنامج الصيف , الممتد للفترة مابين 1/7/2007-30/8/2007م بالشراكة مع معهد كنعان التربوي النمائي وتمويل وكالة الغوث وتشغيل اللاجئين الفلسطينيين (الانروا) -بغزة . 4.2.2: الشراكة ضمن مشروع الفن التشكيلي والأشغال اليدوية والفلكور الشعبي الفلسطيني –برنامج الصيف , الممتد للفترة مابين 1/7/2007-30/8/2007م بالشراكة مع معهد كنعان التربوي النمائي وتمويل وكالة الغوث وتشغيل اللاجئين الفلسطينيين (الانروا) -بغزة . 4.2.3: تنظيم العديد من دورات التأهيل الثقافي للشباب استفاد منها نحو 93 مشارك من كلا الجنسين. 4.2.4: تطوع مجموعة من الخريجين بالمؤسسة لتدريس مجموعة من طلاب المدارس بهدف تنمية قدراتهم العلمية في المواد الدراسية مثل: العلوم والرياضيات واللغة الإنجليزية والعربية. 4.2.5: تنفيذ مسابقة ثقافية شارك فيها نحو 200 مشارك ومشاركة. 4.3 خلال سنة 2008م :- 4.3.1: الشراكة ضمن مشروع تطوير وتنمية قدرات المرأة في المجتمع بالتعاون مع جمعية اتحاد الكنائس وبإشراف وتمويل مجلس كنائس الشرق الأوسط والممتد لـ 6شهور ابتداء من تاريخ 2/4/2008م , حيث النشاطات :تشمل دورات ومحاضرات تثقيفية وصحية واجتماعية وبيئية ونفسية وتطبيق عملي من خلال الزيارات المنزلية . 4.3.2: تنفيذ دورة إعداد الكادر لتأهيل المعاقين استفاد منها نحو 25 شاب وشابه . 4.3.3: الشراكة ضمن مخيمات العاب الصيف ,حيث تم استضافة مخيم صيفي التعاون مع معهد كنعان التربوي النمائي بتمويل واشراف وكالة غوث وتشغيل اللاجئين الفلسطينيين (الانروا) بغزة . 4.3.4: تنفيذ مشروع " برنامج نوافذ مجتمعية " الذي يهدف لدمج الشباب من المناطق الريفية في الأنشطة المجتمعية. 4.3.4: عدة لقاءات دعم نفسي للأطفال والنساء في المناطق الحدودية في محافظة خانيونس . 4.4 خلال سنة 2009م :- 4.4.1: الشراكة ضمن مشروع تجديد المستقبل للأطفال(دبلوم تنشيطي للأطفال) بالتعاون مع معهد كنعان التربوي النمائي وباشراف وتمويل جمعية الشبان المسيحية وذلك لمدة ثلاثة سنوات (من 2009- مستمر ) . 4.4.2: الشراكة ضمن مشروع برنامج المساعدات المنفذ من قبل جمعية اتحاد الكنائس والممول من مجلسي كنائس الشرق الأوسط والعالمي لحوالي 40 عائلة محتاجة لمدة 6شهور ابتداء من 15/12/2009م. 4.4.3: الشراكة ضمن مشروع المراكز المؤقتة لرعاية الأسر والطفل في الفترة مابين 22/6/2009 وحتى 20/10/2009م بإشراف معهد كنعان التربوي . 4.4.4: دورات في التثقيف الصحي والبيئي وحفظ الأغذية. 4.4.5: دورات كمبيوتر بالتعاون مع المراكز المختصة. 4.4.6: عقد نحو 6 دورات لتنمية مهارات القيادات الشابة بمختلف مناطق محافظة خان يونس شارك فيها نحو 142 شاب وشابه. 4.5 خلال سنة 2010م :- 4.5.1: الشراكة المخيم الصيفي للأطفال بالتعاون مع معهد كنعان التربوي النمائي وباشراف وتمويل جمعية طفل ثم وعد وذلك لمدة من 20/7/2010 وحتى 3/8/2010م . 4.5.2: الشراكة ضمن مشروع الاغاثي المتكافل للأسر المتنفعة المنفذ من قبل جمعية دار الكتاب والسنة والممول من جمعية الشيخ عيد الخيرية لحوالي 10 عائلة محتاجة لمدة 6شهور ابتداء من 3/11/2010م. 4.6 خلال سنة 2011م :- 4.6.1: الشراكة ضمن مشروع برنامج المساعدات المنفذ من قبل جمعية اتحاد الكنائس والممول من مجلسي كنائس الشرق الأوسط والعالمي لحوالي 25 عائلة محتاجة لمدة 6شهور ابتداء من 15/12/2011م. 4.6.2: تنفيذ يوم القراءة للأطفال المنفذ بالتعاون مع مركز القطان للطفل بتاريخ 12/9/2011م. 4,6,3: تنفيذ ورشة عمل بعنوان أثار الحصار على الصحة النفسية للأطفال بحضور 20 سيدة من منطقة الفخاري بتاريخ 15/9/2011م.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Contact (1) Full Name
مصطفى احمد بركة
Head of the organisation
دعاء حماد بركة
Contact (2) Full Name
دعاء حماد بركة


National Network

Dravska 8

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
We are nonprofit organization. Our main sources are public received trough grants. Main fields of interes: intercultural exchange, music events & festivals, youth initiatives, non-formal education
Mission and Objectives

We run a world music festival Etnika here in Maribor, Slovenia. Its eight edition was in 2012. (some guests in previous editions: NIYAZ feat. AZAM ALI, STANLEY JORDAN, POUM TCHACK, CHEIKH LO...)
We also run a little centre for youth problem gamblers with the complete service: prevention,research, counselling & therapy

Main Projects / Activities

ETNIKA world music festival (
NE ZAKOCKAJ SVOJE PRIHODNOSTI/DON'T GAMBLE YOUR FUTURE AWAY - a project of raising awareness of youth problem gamling, the project is in the programme of the European Capital of Youth 2013 (
CENTRE FOR YOUTH PROBLEM GAMBLING - in 2013 we'll do a research on gambling participation among the adolescents in primary and high schools in Maribor

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

by promoting the name of the Network

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

searching for foreign partners in the field of youth gambling research and treatment
searching also for partners in other fields of youth initiatives along with the wide range of cultural exchanges and interactions

Contact (1) Full Name
Marjan Ornik
Head of the organisation
Mira Osvald

Hemaya Center For Human Rights

National Network
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Hemaya Center for Human Rights ''HCHR'' is a Non-Governmental Organization based in Gaza City. The Centre was established in 2002 at license number (5631350780/2002) by a group of Palestinian lawyers and Palestinian human rights activists. There are 6 persons work in the Center.There are six Units in the Center ( legal unit- woman and child unit- Training and Development Unit-Field research unit-Legal Consulting Unit- Unit of Public and International Relations) A budget sources donations from some lawyers and those interested in human rights: About the modalities of action ,We make training Projects for the graduates with some training institutions.Through these programs We take graduates to train in our center acertain period.We do workshops - Courses in democracy and human rights- seminars-We monitor and document human rights violations
Mission and Objectives

HCHR seeks to protect and defend the Palestinian rights through raising awareness, education, training and mobilizing public opinion. It works to develop local laws performance and pressurize official bodies to get such principles adopted. HCHR legally supervises the performance of local authorities.

Main Projects / Activities

HCHR holds a responsibility to be more efficient and effective in promoting the role of law in the Palestinian society. It exerts every effort to get the trust of the public opinion and trust of relevant institutions involved in the field of protection of the Palestinian rights. It also defends local laws and rights of Palestinian people against Israeli occupation and hostility targeting Palestinians in OPT.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can do many activities and actors which target a large segment of society, especially lawyers, social activists , considering that our center featuring a different group of young lawyers, women and men, as we have trained a lot of students and social activists.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe that our core objective is highly relevant to your work focus
area and we are interested in extending our work network to work with your respectful Foundation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohammed Barakat
Head of the organisation
Dr.Mohammed Alnahal

NGO Dawn

National Network

A. Schulteissa 19
40000 Čakovec

+385 40 395 344
+385 40 395 344
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Structure: Assembly, Supervisory board, Executive committee, President, Executive director Staff: Executive director, Head of administration and finances, 1 project staff, cca active 100 volunteers per year, 1 long term EVS volunteer from France and external experts. Dawn operates according of high SOKNO/PQASSO standards (second level). Recent donors: European commission (IPA, Youth in action, EIDHR), Office for gender equality of Croatia, National trust for development of civil society, Ministry of health, Swiss embassy, Međimurje county. Incomes: 2012. 450654.92 kn (59453,15 Euro), 2011. 763605,83 kn (100739,55 Euro) Since 2003. we have successfully  implemented 26 projects and numerous workshops, lectures, round tables as well as completed programs of peer education, active citizenship, re-socialization of domestic violence victims, Roma and long term unemployed women (education-counseling-workshops-guiding). Recent partners: All 7 High schools from county, Safe house, Center for social welfare, Institute for public health, Employment center, CESI, Women association Vukovar, PSD
Mission and Objectives

Dawn is non governmental non profit organisation dedicated to the protection of human rights, gender equality and minority rights as well as to education and awareness raising related to the issues of the general social concern, non violence, health and lifetime and alternative education.
Aims and objectives of the Zora are:
* Protection of human rights freedom, rejection of violence and the development of non-violent methods;
* Promotion of gender equality and the rights of minorities;
* Raise awareness of issues of general public interest, particularly on non-violence and sexual reproductive health;
* Promote volunteerism and civic engagement at the local level;
* Encouraging creative exchange of theoretical and practical approaches to informal education through workshops, seminars and training;
* To promote and support lifelong learning and non-institutional education;
* Promote the active participation of young people in society;
* Humanitarian Action (security and improve quality of life, improve the conditions of schooling).

Main Projects / Activities

Main programs of  NGO Dawn are: 
1. Educational center (trainings for our beneficiaries (socially excluded groups), members and other associations/institutions; Non-formal library ''Zor@teka'' consist with almost 600 books which is not possible or easy to find in regular library such as human rights, gender equality, domestic violence,, NGOs...; Volunteer program - promotion of volunteerism on human rights issues; Peer education;  Creation and distribution of free HRE tools; Help in developing local community and our civil society)
2. Strengthen and support the socially excluded and marginalized groups (projects aimed to Roma and Croat girls/women (long-term unemployed, domestic/relationship violence victims), high school students; Prevention of sexually transmitted infections; Suppression of discrimination)
3. Suppression of domestic violence (prevention projects targeting women, youth, media; Campaigns for the general public; Cooperation with relevant institutions (the Commission for Gender Equality, Police, ‘’Safe house’’, Center for Social Welfare, Volunteer office Međimurje, all High-schools in Međimurje county and NGOs .)
Martina Šebrek, Director of Safe house of Međimurje county +385998357335 ;
Ružica Mandić, Coordinator of Women's Association Vukovar,  +38532421191 Vesna Haluga, Head of department for economy, trade and Europe union of Međimurje county, +385 40 374 017;

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are eager to learn from more experienced organisations than us, but we also believe that we have a lot to give according to our experience in 10 years work on human rights. Dawn operates according of high SOKNO/PQASSO standards and it is reliable partner on projects and educations to national and international partners, on which we are very proud of.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ALF brings together youth leaders and civil society organisations,influential policy-makers and intercultural experts from across the Euro-Mediterranean regio. We are one of them and we are looking forward to cooperate with others on our projects.
Anna Lindh Foundation supported action that is related to our objectives and work field, so we hope to connect to new partners for future project, participate in educations etc which can help to have even greater impact in our community.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marina Kolar, Executive director
Head of the organisation
Marina Kolar, Executive director, Tena Škvorc - President
Contact (2) Full Name
Tena Škvorc - President