FNG - Forum Nazionale dei Giovani

National Network

via Novara 41


+39 06 45476623
+39 06 99332616
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 331 5007789
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The Italian National Youth Council – Forum Nazionale Giovani (FNG) has been recognized by the legislative decree number 311 of the Italian Parliament on the 30th of December 2004, it is the only national platform of Italian youth organizations which assures the representativeness of more than 4 millions of young people along the country. It is composed by 69 different national youth organizations and 4 observers, coming from different fields of youth participation: students organizations, associations working with non-formal education and mobility, youth departments of political parties, trade unions, religious associations, regional youth forums, sportive youth organizations, and many more. Participation of young people is promoted through the thematic commissions, that give the possibility to the member organizations to take part in the decision making process of the platform. Budget: 450.000,00 € from Italian government. Funding also from Youth in Action, European Youth Foundation. Projects: advocacy campaigns, training courses, seminars. Partners: European Youth Forum, Italian MFA, League of Arab States, UN, World Bank, Council of Europe.
Mission and Objectives

The Italian Youth Council works to involve young people into the social and political debate creating opportunities of active citizenship, youth participation and European awareness.
It is committed to create a space for debating and sharing of experiences between national and international youth associations and Italian and European institutions.
The personal growth and the integration of new generations represent, in concrete, the main challenges to grant social equality and democracy in our Country.
The activities of the Italian Youth Forum are based on:
• The centrality of the person;
• Active citizenship;
• Dialogue with National, European and International institutions;
• Education and Training;
• increasing the participation of young people into the social, civil and political life and in the decision making process;
• creating opportunities of meeting, debating and sharing of experiences between member organisations and Institutions;
• facilitating cooperation and networking between member organisations;

Main Projects / Activities

Over the last years, FNG has been supporting YFJ in the dialogue and cooperation with the Mediterranean and Arab region focusing on capacity building, volunteering and youth rights. From this work, developed in partnership with the Council of Europe (CoE), the League of Arab States (LAS), the World Bank – MENA Region and ICMYO organisations emerge the Euro-Arab Coordination Meetings of Youth Organisations (EACMYO) and the participation of European youth representatives in the Youth Forums of the League of Arab States and other inter-regional meetings. In 2010 FNG organised the 1st Euro-Arab Youth Conference Mare Nostrum – Youth, Migration and Development, in Ragusa - Sicily, Italy, in cooperation with the Youth Forum, CoE and LAS. In responding to the new political context in the Mediterranean and Arab region, FNG will focus on the recognition and promotion of the role of non formal education as a methodology to develop youth organizations in terms of active participation and key competences development, in order to create innovative and sustainable proposals, implement specific policies for active citizenship and social inclusion, enhance young people competences and employability through activities of capacity building and leadership empowerment in the Mediterranean and Arab region.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Creating synergies among the different activities organised at national level, bringing the experience of the 1° Mediterranean university on Youth and Global Citizenship that will be organised in Tunisia next July, widening the network of European and Arab youth organisations active in the field of youth rights and democracy.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

FNG is willing to take part in the ALF Network because it is fundamental to collaborate and cooperate for the development of the Mediterranean area together with all the stakeholders in order to create a real space of mutual understanding, social, economical, political and environmental cooperation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Giovanni Corbo
Head of the organisation
Giuseppe Failla

Es redzu

National Network

Tervetes street 12

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Non governmental growing organization with volunteers and 2 paid workers. Budgetary resources for now is very small (only European projects funding)because we are working only 2nd year. We are realizing project "I see" in Youth in Action programme, we are making seminars for blind people to learn. And our main partners are municipalities, other organizations which are working for blind people in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia.
Mission and Objectives

The organization’s work is mostly related to integration of visually impaired children and young people into community and society: the organization is looking for better ways and methods to demonstrate to society and to the visually impaired people themselves their opportunities and great potential for contribution.
The process of educational and social integration of visually impaired young people makes use of the experience of Western and Eastern countries, as well as that of Latvia. The opportunities for everyone to fulfill their dreams and use their individual talents to the utmost are equally important.
Another objective of the organization is advocating the right of visually impaired people to fully participate in public life, including such areas as education, employment, right to an accessible environment, as well as their rights to participate in various cultural activities.

Main Projects / Activities

The main latest project for now is directly aimed at creating equal participation opportunities for visually impaired young people in the education system and the job market. Active participation, inclusion and mutual solidarity will be advanced as well.
Since the project is international (Latvia and France participating), the participation of young people in developing a European democracy and cooperation concerning youth issues will be advanced as well.
The themes are worked out to facilitate cultural exchange and popularization of a healthy lifestyle.

Contact (1) Full Name
Aivija Bārda
Head of the organisation
Aivija Bārda

War Trauma Foundation

National Network

Nienoord 5, 1112 XE

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Others
General Information
WTF is member in the Arq Psychotrauma Expert group, that consists of a group of 8 organisations in the field of psychotrauma. WTF is co-chair of the Reference group of the Interagency Standing COmmittee on Mental Health and Psychosocial SUpport in Emergencies. We have 5 staff, 4 volunteers and a cadre of appr. 10 international consultants/trainers. Our main partners are WHO, World Vision Interatnional, IOM, University of Essex and several NGOs and academic instituions in conflict countries. Average annual turn-over ranges from €700,000-1 mjo
Mission and Objectives

War Trauma Foundation (WTF) is a Netherlands based NGO (1997) dedicated to ‘the realization of hope, peace of mind, and the full potential of individuals and communities impacted by individual and collective trauma in low and middle income countries’..
WTF is partner in Arq Psychotrauma Expert Group, consisting of eight Dutch organisations in the field of psychological trauma. We work together with (I)NGOs, academic institutions and civil society organisations in post-conflict regions and strengthen the psychosocial skills and knowledge of staff of humanitarian agencies through training and supervision.
We aim to develop and disseminate innovative knowledge in MHPSS, best practices and lessons learned in order to enable the development and implementation of good quality MHPSS programmes through local civil society organisations.
As an active member of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC ) Reference Group on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS), we promote the IASC MHPSS guidelines in all of our programmes.

Main Projects / Activities

Developing IASC MHPSS / Psychological first Aid capacities in (I)NGOS Sri Lanka/ South Asia;
Developing in country MHPSS capacity in Sudan (with Ahfad university, WHO)
Enhancing reslience of children and women in Northern Caucasus (with 4 local NGOs)
Disseminating knowledge and best practices through 'Intervention, the International Journal of Mental Health, Psychosocial Work and Counselling in Areas of Armed Conflict’, as well as practical manuals for psychosocial programs and approaches in specific contexts.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our own networks to academics and (I)NGOs; knowledge and experience in how to restore social cohesion

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We work in very complex conflict settings and would like interface with other areas of expertise such as peace building, economic development, lobby and advocacy

Contact (1) Full Name
Marieke Schouten
Head of the organisation
Marieke Schouten
Contact (2) Full Name
Leslie Snider

International Network of Museums for Peace (INMP)

National Network

Laan van Meerdervoort 702517 AN
The Hague

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
The INMP is a non-profit organisation since 1992, and associated with the UN-DPI in New York. It has a general coordinator, 10 Executive Board and 12 Advisory Committee members. Its secretariat (since 2010) is maintained by one part-timer. The annual budget consists of membership fees from some 80 members, plus donations made by corporate sponsors. Scholarships have stopped. Additional funding is project-based, which for 2013-2015 includes Hague projects (international symposium and travelling exhibition for Peace Palace centenary) with partners Carnegie Foundation, the municipality, and local museums. We are also partner in a European Peace Trail project with 6 other cities and funding from the Education and Culture - Lifelong Learning Programme. Other main activities include international conferences of museums for peace (Korea, 2014), publications and the exchange of travelling exhibitions (A Picture for Peace as most recent), mainly between network members, but with cooperation of other Hague NGOs and museums.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the INMP is to contribute to world peace by means of promoting and enhancing the work of museums for peace. The network aims to reach this mission by: - creating links between peace museums, related institutions and individuals worldwide - organising international conferences and other activities - releasing publications in the form of books, articles and newsletters - encouraging the exchange of information, material and exhibitions - setting up joint exhibitions to spread know-how - encouraging the creation of more peace museums in other parts of the world The INMP seeks to finance its goals with annual fees, donations, yields from activities and funding.

Main Projects / Activities

2014: 8th International Conference of Museums for Peace, in Korea. 3-5 days and up to 200 participants. Will resolve in publication in 2015. Sept 2013: Symposium on Peace Philanthropy in the Peace Palace, to celebrate its centenary. With leading (peace)philanthropists from over the world. Aug-Sept 2013: Travelling exhibition on Peace Philanthropy - Then and Now. Will travel the world after its opening in The Hague. 2013-2015: Peace Trail in The Hague, with publication, website and guides, as part of European Peace Trail project. 2013: A Picture for Peace Travelling exhibition is still travelling worldwide. Another main activity is the publication of newsletters. Twice a year.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

For starters by promoting the ALF on our website and in our newsletter, by participating in activities and building partnerships with more ALF members in The Netherlands.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

For its interesting activities. We are very familiar with a number of your members (such as Euroclio and Fondema), who often mentioned the ALF.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nike Liscaljet
Head of the organisation

The Hague Center for Global Governance, Innovation & Emergence

National Network

p/a Alambertskade 5

+31 6 28 55 06 34
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

non profit with mainly change agents and volunteers - no general staff on payrol Within the organizational circles of the Center for Human Emergence we are guided by chaordic design for the creation of our purpose and principles. Our policy and decision-making processes are supported by ways of Holacracy. In addition, over the years, we experienced that the use and creation of specific languaging opens the space for new energy and application to come into action. A typical example is the unconventional names for the roles in which those who are active within CHE describe our accountabilities.

Mission and Objectives

The Hague Center focuses on international societal challenges whose complexity requires collaboration between multiple stakeholders. We provide insight into the current condition, and co-design and facilitate transition processes to better futures. We believe that with resolve, imagination and creative endeavour we can co-enable a great social transformation which will have lasting benefit for present and future generations.

Main Projects / Activities

The Hague Center offers four core, interdependent services: transition events transition infrastructure transition intelligence transition training Meshworking as vision, method and tools for collaboration

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Hague Center exists to help align necessary resources for the current human and planetary transition. This transition is, in its essence, about moving from separation and polarisation, towards coherence and complementarity. This same transition is playing itself out across all sectors – ecology, economy, and governance, to name a few key ones.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

to contribute to multi stakeholder dialogues and serve for strategic connections

Contact (1) Full Name
Anne-Marie Voorhoeve
Head of the organisation
Anne-Marie Voorhoeve


National Network


+90 222 231 0010
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+90 532 445 6252
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Eskisehir Mevlevihane Cultural Society is a non-profit NGO established in 2006 in Odunpazarı, Eskisehir in order to protect the Mevlevihane (Sufi Dervish Lodge- circa 1572) and promote Rumi’s Sufi Culture throughout various artistic and educative activities on local, national and international basis. The Society has 28 core members and 40 volunteers. Budgetary resources and main sources of funding until now, are members’ contributions (around 5000 TL/year) and personal donations (around 1000 TL/per year). Below are ongoing activities held at the Mevlevihane: • NEY, REBAB and KUDUM lessons (sufi musical instruments), • Courses on Ottoman calligraphy; Ottoman reading/writing • Weekly readings of Rumi’s Masnawi • Maintenance of a sufi library (books&music) • Weekly lectures&films and Sufi Music concerts, • Monthly performances of "Mevlevi Music&Sema Ensemble" Main partners are: International Mevlana Foundation; Konya City Culture and Tourism Bureau; Konya Mevlana University-Mevlana Social Research Center; Odunpazarı Municipality- Eskişehir; Anadolu University- Eskişehir.
Mission and Objectives

1. MISSION: To conserve and promote the cultural heritage of Eskisehir Mevlevihane and Rumi’s cultural heritage on local, national and international basis.
-to conserve and promote the Eskişehir Mevlevihane,
-to protect, maintain and promote the material and the non-material cultural heritage of Rumi,
-to familiarize and pass on to younger generations the accurate version of the culture through various artistic and learning activities,
- to promote Rumi’s values of mutual tolerance, reason, goodwill, charity, awareness through love between people of different backgrounds and meticulously oversee an approach based on acceptance, peace and friendship.
-to support all kinds of research, education, library-archiving, printed&electronic publication, documentary film, radio&television programs, productions in arts&literature, museum studies, cultural tourism. Organize competitions&studies in order to fulfill these functions, giving prizes.
-to develop cooperation with related groups on international basis.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Operate a sufi library with sufi musical notes&lyrics, CDs, videos and archives for public research,
2. Support international&national tourism to Odunpazarı district, promoting its historical, cultural and touristic potential,
3. Running a project with Anadolu University- Eskişehir, on the oral history of the Mevlevihane and its districts,
4. Teach young people sufi musical instruments (ney, rebab and kudüm), Ottoman calligraphy and Ottoman Turkish through courses,
5. Teach Rumi’s thoughts, theology and literature through workshops, lectures, courses,
6. Hold weekly lectures, films and sufi music concerts; and monthly performances of Mevlevi Music&Sema Ensemble.
1. Establish an interactive museum of Mevlevi musical instruments, ceremonial attire and kitchen equipment at the Mevlevihane,
2. Teach young people sufi music with original instruments and the making of these instruments,
3. Teach Ottoman culture i.e. marbeling, wood- cutting&ornamentation through workshops, lectures, courses,
4. Encourage young people by providing financial support/scholarship through exhibitions&competitions,
5. Circulate Mevlevi Music&Sema Ensemble to promote intercultural relations.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute to develop communication, cooperation and solidarity through various
groups working on local culture, through our efforts to preserve and to develop sufi music within the country.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We aim to meet, share, cooperate and develop intercultural projects with interested groups
in the EU region in order to protect and develop the sufi music culture.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Göc Vakfi / Migration Foundation

National Network

Elazig Cad. Mimar Sinan Mah.
Diyar Galeria Blocklari, C Block
Kat: 4, No. 10


Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
The Migration Foundation has 3 branch, in Diyarbakir, Batman and Van. The center is in Diyarbakir. In the foundation are 4 Staff employed and 30 volunteer are helping, the Board has 7 members. Donations and membership subscriptions are the funding of the foundation. With the financial support of “The Netherlands Free Women Foundation” we are giving 100 children scholarship. We are working on exchanges projects and for that searching for partners etc. With the cooperation of municipal there will be build children-wellness-centres in 2013.
Mission and Objectives

Problems caused by forced migration in the region such as social injustice, human rights-violations, and poverty severely traumatized all society. As a result of these adverse conditions, individuals had experienced enormous collapses in their lives; and children, as the most vulnerable group, were affected by the consequences of forced migration most severely Migration Foundation’s Main Philosophy in the child studies is to define the child as an individual who has its own existing; to project and practice artistic, cultural, social and sportive activities which encourage the freedom, independence and creativeness of the child on the one hand, and which contribute to the physical and mental health of the child, on the other. All works aiming at children will be structured from a multi-lingual perspective within which education in the mother-tongue is available in the whole process.

Main Projects / Activities

Children’s rights violations and field work reports are the main tasks of the foundation. One of our project is the „Education Support for Children Influenced by Migration“. The foundation gives with the financial support of “The Netherlands Free Women Foundation” 100 children scholarships. There are regularly social activities and work-shops for these children. The aim of the foundation is to construct children-wellness-centres, where the children can transform to free, independent and self-sufficient individuals.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As foundation we find the main scope of the ALF to overcoming the misunderstandings and stereotypes which affect relations between and within the societies of the Region very important. We appreciate the works, that bring different cultures, beliefes and different way of living. For that we believe as foundation, that we can be a part of the contribution in the creation of a space of prosperity, coexistence and peace by the works of ALF Network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Migration Foundation is growing each day, because of the necessary of child-field work in the Kurdish-Region in Turkey. With the ALF Network we would like to get closer to other civil society organisations in different countries. We hope, that we can learn a lot from the experiences of the organizations in ALF Network and otherwise.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rusen Turgut
Head of the organisation
Talat Cetinkaya
Contact (2) Full Name
Halime Arslan

Youth Access Association

National Network

Bahçelievler Mah. Işıkyonder Cad. Hızır Yazıcı Apt. No:16 D:3 Site

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
Our association works with young people, creates learning platform and ideal places to improve young people's ability to understand each other both locally and internationally and give them a space for their personal development. We have 150 member and 7 full time staff, also we work with different kind of NGO both in Local and International Project. Until this time, we worked with 30 foreign NGO (sending/ hosting project) and 15 Local NGO( Municipalities, non-governmental NGO's). We got funding from different kind of sources such as National Agency, Municipality of Youth and Sports, Developmental Agency of Turkey, the total costs of project is changing project by project, started from 25.00 Euros to 250.00 euros. Our main partners are, Turkish National Agency, West-Anatolia Developmental Agency, Ministery of Youth and Sport, European Youth Society Association, Eurodesk.
Mission and Objectives

The Association contributes to the personal development of young people by encouraging them to participate in social responsibility projects as volunteers. In doing so, it increases young people’s community involvement on a voluntary basis.

Main Projects / Activities

-Trains trainers who implement peer to peer trainings on subjects such as volunteerism, project management, human rights, social rights, reproductive health, health literacy and organizational management.
-Empower children and young people to develop their creativity and innovative.
-Facilitate self-determined and self organised ways of living for children and young people with special consideration for the socially disadvantaged.
-Promote in the democratic participation of young people in the decision making process
-Encourage young people to get involved in activities of the civil society and promote in building a tolerant, democratic and non-violent society.
-Offers face to face support to university student clubs according to their needs.
-Creates a learning environment that increases youth mobility, which in turn supports learning from other young people and youth organizations.
-Supports young people’s ideas on social problems specific to their projects and helps them find financing for these projects.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute this network to share our previous experiences, training materials, researches documents about young people, assist to prepare international or national programme in Turkey etc.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join ALF network because of improving our ability to work with NGOs' who are the part of ALF network, our new strategy is to create international/intercultural project in EuroMed area.It will be great opportunity for us to join this network in order to create new partnership, learning from each other, easily get contact with these NGo's, to see best practices in these areas.

Contact (1) Full Name
Egemen Semih Sönmez
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Özkan Topaloğlu

Istanbul Young Steps Association

National Network

Sultantepe Genclik Merkezi Selvilik Caddesi No:7 Uskudar

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Youth and education
General Information
We are working with volunteers. we have 56 young volunteers. We organized YiA projects on Euromed field. Our first fund resources are fundation programmes. We organized training course with Euromed parthnership on last year. We were parthnership of 3 Euromed youth projects and we have a lot of parthnership on Euromed area. We joined ToT.Em and Tool Fair 7 which are Salto Euromed Resource Centre's acitivities.
Mission and Objectives

Istanbul Young Steps Association has been established by youth workers and active youngesters in order to have an active role in youth work at national level. We as an association, started to work on YIA and will improve our works.
IGAD is a member of Turkish Youth Federation and main objectives are:
* to enable youngsters to be an active part of the society
* to provide necessary skills and knowledge to young people to improve themselves as active citizens in the society
* to enable them to be aware of multicultural dimension and intercultural learning
* to mobilize youngsters in order to be more familiar of different dimensions and approaches
* to raise the awareness of multicultural dialogue, mutual understanding and youth power in peace making process
* to promote anti-racism and enable young people to work actively on the subject

Main Projects / Activities

YiA projects, youth awareness, activities about interculturel learning.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We were organized Euromed youth projects and joined as a partner. We joined a lot of activities organzied by Salto Euromed. We joined ALF Turkey meeting 2 years ago as a observer.

Contact (1) Full Name
Genar Ersoy
Head of the organisation
Genar Ersoy
Contact (2) Full Name
Emir Ay

Rumvader (Rum Cemaat Vakıfları Destekleme Derneği) - Association for the Support of Greek Community Foundations in Turkey

National Network

Katip Mustafa Çelebi Mah. Meşelik Sokak
No:11/A, 34433 Beyoğlu-İstanbul


0090 212 252 88 94
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Rumvader is the first civic association established by members of the community in 2011 with a view to address the problems governing community life. In detail, Rumvader serves as the only central institution of the community which is responsible for coordinating the activities of the 68 different foundations of the community.Rumvader employs 3 person staff and its main resources are coming from donations of the community foundations. Some of Rumvader's main partners are other Greek foundations, TUSEV, TESEV, Hrant Dink Vakfi, EU.Rumvader is being administrated by an elected management board comprised of 11 members all capable to attain multiplier effects of the benefits of the various actions initiated and implemented in the community.
Mission and Objectives

According to its statute Rumvader is founded in order to provide technical support and consulting to the community foundations in the scope to create the necessary conditions to improve communication and dialogue between the foundations. It also aims at providing material, financial assistance and support to the initiatives intended to solve the most crucial problems experienced by the foundations as well as turn this assistance towards individuals and other associations. In addition Rumvader’s mission is to contribute to the development of foundations in the social, cultural and economic sectors such as health, education, art, culture, sports, environment, women’s emancipation, youth,R&D, science and human rights and to the most effective communication of all these to the public.
Rumvader’s unique competences in assuming a central coordinating role and in bringing together experts from different fields contribute towards the realization of those goals.

Main Projects / Activities

Rumvader manages and coordinates a wide range of activities and actions and provide support to others. Since its establishment it has initiate and coordinate the following:
- Carrying out a European Union Project named 'Minority Citizens-Equal Citizen' which aims at raising Greek community members awareness in civil society and participation and in voicing concerns and demands regarding its minority rights (since January 2013)
- Undertaking of the operation of the nursery school for children of the community between 2-4 years old where a special care is given in the familiarization of the children with the Greek language.
- Organization of a dinner with the participation of the Prime Minister Mr. Tayyip Erdoğan and representatives from all the minority foundations, August 2011.
- Establishment of a new office within Rumvader which is responsible for accommodating demands of Greeks and other individuals regarding their settlement in Turkey and for providing services such as finding jobs or accommodation.
- Organization of a lecture by Prof. of Law Mr. Alivizatos on the topic “The meaning of citizen in modern Turkey” at Galata School. More than 200 people from a wide range of academia, intellectuals, journalists and members of other communities attended the lecture which was conducted in two languages Greek and Turkish. March 2012

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our Association as a unique organization of a minority group living in Turkey can contribute greatly with its experience, multiculturalism and diversity in building a union of people around the region of Mediterranean.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to expand our network, participate into a wider community of NGO's and community platforms and participate in different projects not only in Turkey but in the wider Mediterranean.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marina Drymalitou
Head of the organisation
Andonis Parizyanos
Contact (2) Full Name
Danai Palakoglu