
National Network

c/o School of Early Childhood Education, Faculty of Education, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, University Campus 54124

+30 2310 995017
Telephone (other)
+30 6970676377
+30 2310 995017
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+30 6970676377
Mobile Phone (other)
+30 6937362608
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
'Polydromo' is a non-profit organisation, consisting of academics, parents and children who have a special interest in bilingualism and multiculturalism in education and society. It produces a multilingual periodical twice a year (so far three issues are out) and organises verious activities for the promotion of linguistic and cultural diversity. It has two official representatives, and a total of 10 members-founders. It has a scientific committee for the periodical, a syntactic committee (5 members from 4 different Universities) and a work group of volunteers, who organise our various activities and our website (www.polydromo.gr). All funding comes from our subscribers (we have 100 members and subscribers so far)and funds from the founders. So far we have organised seminars and exhibitions that inform about and propote bilingualism and multiculturalism (in cooperation with organisations such as the French Institute, the Municipality of Kalamaria, the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and the Antiracist Festival of Thessaloniki).
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to:
-connect academic knowledge with the broader society,
-involve parents, educators and children in the promotion of multiculturalism and multi/bilingualism
-inform and sensitize citizens on issues of racism in and out of the school context,
-provide voluntary classes for migrant students of primary and secondary education, who need support,
-produce multilingual material (periodical, other publications in print or digital form)
-oprganise actions that support migrant languages and cultures (seminars, social events etc)
-provide an informative and interactive wesite on multilingual and multicultural issues (www.polydromo.gr)

Main Projects / Activities

During the two years (since February 2009) of our existence we have:
-produced periodicals and other publications
-organised presentations, seminars, conferences and open discussions on issues of bilingualism and multiculturalism (at an academic and a social level)
-we have organised support classes for migrant students
-we have set up a site that is constantly revised, so that it can provide information to parents and educators in many languages.
-our new project is the production of informative material on educational issues in many languages that will be distributed to schools for free (via the Aristotle University)
-managed to make connections amongst educators, academics, parents and children with the aim of encouraging a dynamic and creative educational environment

Contact (1) Full Name
Roula Tsokalidou
Head of the organisation
Roula Tsokalidou
Contact (2) Full Name
Evi Markou