Espace des Sciences

National Network

Les Champs Libres, 10 cours des Allies

+ 33 2 23 40 66 43
Mobile Phone
+ 33 6 99 82 16 61
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Dirigée depuis 1988 par Michel Cabaret (biologiste, journaliste scientifique, Prix Jean Perrin 2008), l'équipe de l'Espace des sciences est constituée de 50 professionnels de la culture scientifique, qui interviennent dans les domaines de la création, l'animation, la diffusion et l'édition. L'Espace des sciences est géré par une association loi 1901. Son conseil d'administration est présidé par Jacques Lucas, chimiste, membre de l'Académie des sciences, professeur émérite de l'Université de Rennes 1. Son conseil scientifique est présidé par Philippe Lazar, statisticien, haut fonctionnaire français, ancien directeur général de l'Inserm et président de la société des Amis du Palais de la découverte. Soutenu par les collectivités territoriales, Rennes Métropole, Région Bretagne, départements d'Ille-et-Vilaine, du Finistère et des Côtes-d'Armor, l'Espace des sciences est également financé par Universcience, le Ministère de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche et les fonds européens.
Mission and Objectives

L'association a deux missions principales, toutes deux liées à la vulgarisation scientifique :
• Répondre aux interrogations de la population sur tous les problèmes de société, touchant de près ou de loin à la science.
• Montrer la science « en train de se faire », à travers la diversité de ses approches, mono ou pluridisciplinaires, en veillant à l'équilibre des différents domaines scientifiques exposés.
Elle inscrit son action auprès d'un large public en favorisant les liens directs entre les scientifiques et les publics et en mettant ses visiteurs en situation d'expérimenter et de manipuler.

Main Projects / Activities

L'Espace des sciences dispose de trois salles d'exposition, le laboratoire de Merlin, la salle Eurêka et la salle de la Terre. Le planétarium de l’Espace des sciences complète l'offre.
Deux expositions temporaires sont proposées chaque année dans la salle Eurêka. L'Espace des sciences organise chaque semaine des conférences avec des scientifiques de renom : les «Mardis de l'Espace des sciences. Sciences Ouest, la revue de l'Espace des sciences, présente chaque mois l'actualité de la recherche et de l'innovation en Bretagne. Le site Internet prolonge, auprès d'un large public en ligne, l'expérience de partage de la culture scientifique.
Des actions hors les murs sont menées chaque jour, grâce à 70 expositions itinérantes, des animations dans les collèges des départements d'Ille-et-Vilaine et des Côtes-d'Armor, et des conférences et animations à Morlaix et Saint-Malo. Chaque année, l'Espace des sciences organise la Fête de la science et le Festival des sciences de Rennes Métropole, qui touchent un très large public, mis en relation directe avec la communauté des chercheurs.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

L'Espace des Sciences pourra faire profiter le réseau français de son expertise dans la conception et mise en oeuvre d'outils de communication, dont des outils innovants principalement axés sur les technologies numériques. Il semblerait aussi, que l'Espace des Sciences soit le premier centre de sciences impliqué dans le réseau FAL en France et ayant des relations avec le réseau des centres de sciences d'Afrique du Nord et du Moyen Orient (NAMES). La culture scientifique est souvent associée a la recherche amis elle fait partie intégrante de la culture au sens large, c'est pourquoi il est intéressant d'impliquer le centre dans un réseau transdisciplinaire oeuvrant a la promotion du dialogue interculturel.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Une coopération entre l'Espace des Sciences et la Cité des Sciences de Tunis a été initiée de manière informelle. Des visites d’études dans les 2 pays ont déjà et organisées.
Aujourd'hui, l'Espace des Sciences souhaite rejoindre le réseau FAL afin de formaliser ce partenariat nord-sud de la méditerannée entre les 2 structures de la société civile et de bénéficier d'un cadre pour développer cette coopération. Le centre de sciences compte également postuler a l'appel a projet de la fondation dans le but d'obtenir un soutien financier au projet sur le thème de l’énergie qu'il est en train de mettre en place.

Contact (1) Full Name
Cecile Marsan
Head of the organisation
Michel Cabaret

Ecritures du monde

National Network

4 rue de la Sibelle, 75014 Paris

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
L'association est dirigée par Françoise Allaire (présidente) et Mohamed Kacimi (Délégué général), tous deux membres du Bureau avec Yves Laplace et Annette Leday (Vices-présidents), Jessica Régnier (Secrétaire générale) et Joséphine Serre (Trésorière). L'association existe depuis 2000 (ex-écritures vagabondes). Elle reçoit un financement annuel de la part du Ministère de la Culture et de la communication. Son action vise aux développements des écritures dramaturgiques contemporaines et des échanges internationaux d'auteurs et d'artistes entre l’Europe, l’Europe de l’Est et le bassin méditerranéen. Des chantiers d'écriture ont été menés dans de nombreux pays (Liban, Rabat-Salé, Ramallah,...). Chaque année une semaine est dédiée à Paris aux nouvelles dramaturgies étrangères. L’association organise également des rencontres internationales autour par exemple de la cause des femmes ou du conflit israélo-palestinien. Les partenaires sont nombreux à travers le monde : Théâtre Ouvert (Paris), le KVS Théâtre Royal Flamand (Bruxelles), Festival des Francophonies (Limoge), Fondation Qatan (Palestine)…
Mission and Objectives

Faire connaître les auteurs dramatiques et artistes des pays étrangers en France, développer les échanges entre les auteurs et artistes des pays européens et méditerranéens, prendre part aux enjeux politiques et culturels des pays méditerranéens et de l'Europe de l'Est, aider les jeunes auteurs dramatiques étrangers à être traduites et montés en France.

Main Projects / Activities

Mettre en place un évènement euro-méditerranéen annuel comprenant un volet formation (ateliers théâtre), un volet représentations publiques (lectures, pièces de théâtre), un volet édition et un volet débat (autour des problématiques culturelles). Consolider la semaine dédiée aux écritures dramaturgiques étrangères en France.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

En apportant notre savoir faire dans le domaine des échanges culturels internationales, en partageant le réseau que nous nous sommes constitués depuis 2000, en prenant part aux actions et aux débats.
Merci et à bientôt, nous l'espérons.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Nous partageons le même intérêt pour le rapprochement des peuples et des cultures entre les deux rives de la méditerranée, et plus largement entre les pays dits du Sud et les pays dits du Nord. Nous souhaitons inscrire notre action et développer notre réflexion au sein d'un réseau, persuadés que la mise en réseau des pensées et des moyens est essentielle au développement culturel et à l'efficacité de notre action qui s'en trouvera enrichie.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jessica Régnier
Head of the organisation
Françoise Allaire
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohamed Kacimi

Bimeras Cultural Foundation

National Network

Sarayarkasi Sok. 39/2,
Muhterem Ap, Gumussuyu

Istanbul 34437/

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Bimeras currently employs 9 persons. Budgetary resources available in a year mainly come from private individuals' contributions in cash and in kind, who are founders of Bimeras. Other sources include sales of publications and performance tickets, donations and from project based sponsors. Bimeras has numerous project based international partners. Modalities of action involve the tour management and production management of select local choreographers. One major activity is the annual iDANS International Dance and Performance Festival. iDANS includes the following activities: 1. Stage performances 2. Turkish young choreographers' platform 3. Artists meetings 4. Concerts 5. Workshops 6. Conferences and symposiums 7. Film screenings 8. Publications (books of conference proceedings ; festival newspaper wherein essays and articles by emerging contemporary performance art critics are published; translated books; interactive blog; festival catalogue) 9. Presentation of Bimeras co-productions 10.2010 Jardin d’Europe project supported by European Commission's culture 2008-2013 programme will be hosted by iDANS
Mission and Objectives

Bimeras Cultural Foundation was founded by artists and scholars of live arts in order to promote and enhance international collaborations in the field and to identify the problems in the cultural and artistic realm and to seek solutions to these. For about a decade, it has supported the international education and presentation of local artists and organized the creation of their work as co-productions with partners from abroad. It has gained invaluable experience and network from its undertakings and with the international projects it is a part of, it will also help Turkish culture to be valued and supported.

Main Projects / Activities

Touring management and production management of Aydın Teker Company (choreographer);
Touring management and production management of Ayse Orhon (choreographer;
Co--productions of new works by select emerging choreographers;
Consultation services for the international relations of local and international contemporary dance artists;
Providing internships to young performing arts managers;
Supporting the education of promising young artists;
Organizing the annual international dance and perfomance festival iDANS.
iDANS includes the following activities:
1. Stage performances
2. Turkish young choreographers' platform
3. Artists meetings
4. Concerts
5. Workshops
6. Conferences and symposiums
7. Film screenings
8. Publications (books of conference proceedings ; festival newspaper wherein essays and articles by emerging contemporary performance art critics are published; translated books; interactive blog; festival catalogue)
9. Presentation of Bimeras co-productions
10.2010 Jardin d’Europe project supported by European Commission's culture 2008-2013 programme will be hosted by iDANS

Contact (1) Full Name
Aydin Silier
Head of the organisation
Aydin Silier


National Network


+30 26710 41126
Telephone (other)
+30 26710 41164
+30 26710 41126
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+30 6984300009
Mobile Phone (other)
+30 6974142959
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
• Fields of activities :Culture, Research , Education • Program Objectives: The Institution forms a broad and effective program of innovative activities in Arts and related Sciences developed through - Co-operation with educational institutions, organizations, culture factors, art promotion factors, artists ,researchers and scientists in every art field world wide. -Promoting research programs in Arts and Sciences - Creation of clusters for artistic exchange and creative co-operation in Sciences and Arts. - Organizing of events, art exhibitions, art competitions, art festivals. - Organizing educational programs, seminars, master classes, art workshops. - Organizing programs for the information concerning the protection and rescue of the natural and cultural heritage. - Organizing programs concerning the investigation, registration and preservation or natural and cultural heritage . it is a self founded organisation employing depend on the needs from 4-10 persons For detailed information about ICAC activities please visit the web The institution is keeping an administrative team consisted of 8 members and an academic team consisted of 5 standard and 12 collaborating members in Greece and abroad. The I-Node , Planetary Collegium Plymouth University is a part of the Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture. The I-Node, works as a branch of the Planetary Collegium, wish is a PhD Center at the department of School of Media Arts ,Faculty of Arts , University of Plymouth .information:
Mission and Objectives

The ICAC /I- Node proceeds on establishing partnerships or collaborations with Universities and Institutions (private or public),looking toward the development of high level services to educational, research and cultural sectors.
In general terms (subject to change depending on the kind of the collaborating institution or the type of the partnership) the ICAC/I-Node is offering opportunities to the collaborating Institutions as follow.
1.Contribution to ICAC/I-Node’s activities in Academic and Cultural fields
2.Participation to ICAC/I-Node’s local and international programs (events, conferences, workshops, exhibitions, festivals, e.t.c)
3.Access to the Academic Community and colleagues in consultancy basis or support
4.Access to the ICAC/I-Node’s facilities and equipment toward the realization of academic or cultural projects

Main Projects / Activities

Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture open International Program on Culture, part of it the International Festival on Arts and related Sciences
The I-Node PhD doctoral and post doctoral program.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The ICAC /I-Node is an institution with innovative network plans, which attracts prestigious artists, scientists and researchers from all over the world.
The I-Node –Planetary Collegium ,Plymouth University, an inseparable part of the Institution, is one of the significant research-education forums worldwide , Winner 2011 in the World Universities Forum of the Award for best Practice in Higher Education . Through this unique forum are offered to our collaborators the best opportunities in the Higher Education in doctoral and post doctoral PhD programs.
Besides an efficient cooperation with the local higher education
institutions and a dynamic on going plan of collaborations with international
in arts ,research and sciences involved organizations and institutions, ensures
a number of benefits for all the involved partners in the ICAC/I-Node’s

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We appreciate the contribution of the ALF to the International Community in many fields.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sophie Giannakis Kagadis
Head of the organisation
Sophie Giannakis Kagadis
Contact (2) Full Name
Evi Kagadis

Herbert-Hoover-School Berlin/YCBS-Your International Youth Radio from Berlin

National Network

Reinickendorfer Str. 55
13347 Berlin

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+49 (0)17670633847
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
General Information
The Herbert-Hoover-School is a secondary school located in the Berlin district of „Mitte“.Schools commit to a general pedagogical, but also professional engagement. At the same time the School team have to look responsibly into the social environment of our students as this reflects their composition. Both societal and religious divergences, as well as the different ethnical backgrounds represented in the school should be seen as a cultural enrichment. YCBS is our cooperation partner and an international radio for Youth and by Youth: Here you can find radio programs and radio projects that are on the pulse of the current affairs! YCBS is a radio platform for young people from different countries sharing different interests and passions. Apart from professional radio features you can listen to numerous segments and reports that were created by young people for young people. Here, you can discover fascinating stories and accounts and set out on travels through various countries. Peculiarities related to living in such a city like Mostar, in Bosnia and Herzegovina, are reflected in some short stories told by its inhabitants. The daily life in divided cities along the German-Polish or German-French borders, gaining knowledge by Czech and German pupils about each other in the course of the environmental project about the river Elbe were in the center of our interest. Enthusiasm for sport disciplines, music, new friendships or environment and curiosity about the other cultures is a factor connecting young people all over the Europe. Their passion and engagement have strongly influenced and defined their radio articles and features as well as their reports and accounts. Our radio programs stem from different countries therefore you can listen to them in numerous languages, however, mainly in German and English. Stay with us, listen to our programs and discover what fascinates you! The radio features reporting on the Pomaks of Bulgaria as well as on the Bulgarian Jews allow you to gain an insight into the history and culture in South-East Europe.
Mission and Objectives

-Supporting the intercultural and social dialogue -Supporting the participation by young people -Destroing cultural, political borders and stereotypes -Inklusion of disadvantaged people and of minorities -Teaching young people using radio and internet for representing their own programms and issues of interest -Encouraging young people developing their own vision of media and media contents

Main Projects / Activities

- My neighbour and me. The story about divided cities. My neighbour and me is a radio project in which more than 60 youngsters from Poland, Germany and France took part. Despite the young people's origin from various culture living next to one another, it is not easy to get into conversation with one another. Partners: Goethe Institut Nancy, institute francaise,German UNESCO Comission, Centre européen Robert Schuman (CERS) and others. -Mostar is believed to be earlier known as a city of happiness, amusement and sport, Franjo Dzidcic, a trainer of juniors of Zrinjski team had told me. However, happiness and amusement are nowadays something extraordinary for the inhabitants. Instead , they experience social problems and an ethnic segregation which are named by many residents as a reason for the economic slowdown in Bosnia. Boris, Alisa, Goran and Ante relate about the daily life in Mostar! Partners: SWR2-Public Radio Station, Renovabis Foundation, Rundfunk Berlin Brandenburg and radio X in Mostar. -Radio wproject in the course of the Franco-german Competition: Vivre ensemble avec nos différences. Living together with our differences.Joel, Sami, Norbert, Jules S., Loïse, Fanny, Marjana und Linda are pupils in the 10th grade and learn at the Lycée Honoré Damier in Marseille which is one of the most multicultural city in France. The students produced a radio show, recording opinions of people from different cultures. They also won a prize for the best radio production in the course of the Franco-German Radio Competition. Project partners: institute francaise Berlin, Goethe Institut Toulouse, Bordeaux, Paris. -Stubborn Minority are the Pomaks in Bulgaria Broadcast on rbb, mdr The Pomaks are Muslim minority in Bulgaria that mainly inhabits Rhodop Mountains. The community numbering 300 000 people is hardly known in the heart of Europe although their way of life as Europeans. The Pomaks travel throughout Europe carrying Christian names while using Muslim ones at home. They speak Bulgarian but also visit the Mosque and celebrate the Christian holidays. No matter for them. They have lived peacefully with the Turks, Bulgarians and Roma for more than 1400 years! Partners: Public radio stations: SWR2, RBBm, MDR. -Multilateral project on the topic cities in transition, new media

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

-Initiiating projects with youth in the fields radio, culture, politics, music and collaborating with other partners from the network, exchanging experiences and contacts with them.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

-Our mission is very close to the mission of the Anna Linbdt Foundation and its network. As a part of this network we can contirbute to this important work of the network with our experiences, contacts, know-how and partners.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mila Zaharieva-Schmolke
Head of the organisation
Mr. Thomas Schumann/Mrs. Mila Zaharieva-Schmolke
Contact (2) Full Name
Joanna Czarnecka

"Paix" pour la lutte contre la contrainte et l'injustice de Mauritanie

National Network

Avenue Pompier . Ilotc.Ksar

en panne
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
- nous avons 21 membres fondateurs, une secretaire , un planton ,un gardien. - nous avons un budget disponible de 10000euros. - notre source de financement ;doits d'adhesions et cotisations des membres,les contributions volontaires des membres,subventions, dons et legs sans condition. - notre modalité d'action; les seminaires, les tables rondes , la sensibilisation et les formations. - nous avons quelque partenaires comme la plate forme des acteurs non etatique de Mauritanie ; le commisseriat au droit de l'homme , NDI , commission nationale des droits de l'homme de Mauritanie, le PNUD,la Mairie de KSAR et autres...
Mission and Objectives

- lutter contre toutes les formes d'oppression ou d'exploitation pour la paix et la justice sociale.
-contribuer au devellopement et l'harmonie de la Mauritanie et de son peuple.
- défendre et sauvegarder le droit et l'interet de tous les citoyens sans distinction.
-structurer et sensibiliser tous les citoyens sur les effets de la contrainte et l'injustice sous toutes formes.

Main Projects / Activities

Nos activités se basent sur la promotion et protection des droits de l'homme comme le droit des réfugés , les handicaps, les femmes et les enfants , ect....

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

notre organisation si elle est membre elle prendra en consideration vos recomendations concernant votre reseau en Mauritanie.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

nous en tanque organisation de défense de droit de l'homme nous sommes membre des réseau nationaux comme la Convergence Citoyenne des droits de l'homme; Ensemble contre la torture ,la plate forme des acteurs non etatique de Mauritanie au niveau international nous sommes dans la liste de diffusion de l'OMCT, FIDH, Observatoir des defensseurs de droit de l'homme et membre du groupe de travaille sur les industries extractives et violations de droit de l'homme a la commission africaine des droits de l'homme et des peuples , ligue des femmes pour la paix et la justice ; lDCWATCH.AWID et autres nous voulons toujours adherer a des organisations qui sont credibles comme vous pour tirer d'experiances .

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
vice president

Associaton pour le developement humain en mautitanie

National Network

89 secteur 19 Dar-Naim Nouakchott

Telephone (other)
00 222 22 25 34 55
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
`L'Association pour le developpement humain en Mauritanie est une ONG de developpement et des droits humains cree il y' a une dizaine d'annees . Elle milite pour la promotion des droits humains ' ces ressources financieres proviennent des cotisations des membres ainsi que les dons et legs. elle a deja organise plusieurs seminaires et ateliers au profit des associations et groupements precoperatifs' Ses principaux partenaires sont: L'UNICEF Les mairies Terre des hommes FLM L communaute urbaine de Nouakchott
Mission and Objectives

la lutte contre l'esclavage -la promossion de droit de l'homme- sutout droit de la famme et del'enfant- la lutte contre pauvrete la promission de droit des'immigres

Main Projects / Activities

Nous avons organises plusieurs semminaires et activites pour franchirs des'esclaves devanse des prisoniers organisation des causeries des tables ronds

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Notre association et ses membres peuvent contribuer a l'atteinte des objectifs de Anna Lindh a travers l'organisation de caravanes et campagnes auxquelles participeront les membres de notre association.
Nous connaissons a travers les actions que menent vos membres ici en Mauritanie. Nous allons donc etre actif sur le terrain des droits de l'homme.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Je veux rejoindre le Reseau Anna Lindh de Mauritanie pour contribuer a l'atteinte des objectifs de Anna Lindh'
Les associations membres de Anna Lindh de Mauritanie militent pour la promotion des droits humains et celui des droits des immigres .

Contact (1) Full Name
Brahim Habib

Association pour la Protection de L'environnement en Mauritanie

National Network

Dar-Naim secteur 7

00 222 36 39 30 98
Telephone (other)
00 222 22 60 8180
00 222 46 84 20 36
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
00 222 46 84 20 36
Mobile Phone (other)
00 222 36 39 30 98
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
L'association pour la protection en Mauritanie :APEM est une Association Mauritanienne travaillant sur les themes lies au developpement et l'environement. Le budget de notre Association provient de la contribution des membres ainsi que les dons et legs. Notre association a des structures democratiques et organise periodiquement des activites et seminaires au profit de la societe civile. Nos principaux partenaires sont: - commune de Dar-Naim - UNICEF - Ministère de l'environnement Mauritanienne - comité communale de concertation - FLM fédération luthérienne mondial - National Democratic Institute
Mission and Objectives

- Protection de L'environnement
- sensibilisation sur l’importance de l'environnement
- formation de la jeunesse

Main Projects / Activities

- Reboisement de 15 hectare en 2011
- séminaire sur de Assainissement dans la protection de l’environnement
- journée de sensibilisation sur la Tuberculose

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Nous allons contribuer a la réussite des activités du réseau a travers notre activisme et actions en faveur du développement.
Nous allons redynamiser le réseau a travers la participation active aux activités du réseau.
Notre fois en l'action associative , nous incite a collaborer avec tous les membres du réseau/

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Notre association aspire a etre membre du reseau Anna lindh afin de renforcer la coopération entre les associations de la société civile pour l'atteinte des objectifs de la Fondation Anna Lindh.
Nous espérons aussi que la fondation nous aidera a travers l’échange et la participation aux activités.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ahmed ould Mahmoud
Head of the organisation
Ahmed ould Mahmoud
Contact (2) Full Name
Henoun ould Saleck

DIS Youth theater Banja Luka

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina
+387 51 92 55 99
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+ 387 65 61 48 63
Mobile Phone (other)
+ 387 65 46 95 85
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Dis-The Youth Theater was established in Banja Luka in 1991 with the aim of affirming theatrical culture in Banja Luka. Currently in Theater we have five full time employed persons and engaged group of around 30 young actors, and the total number of associates is 50 young artists (set designers, playwrights, directors, actors). The ensemble consists of young theater actors, art academies students, and young talents from nine to thirty years of age. With original and imaginative repertoire, we carried out over 60 different theater projects with over 1000 repeat performances. is financed by Banja Luka City Administration budget (15%), RS Government budget (20%) and (65%) from our own activities.In last five years theater budget was 50 - 75 thousands Euros. Our main partners are following theaters MTM 1974 Mostar, Draft theater Tuzla and City theater Vitez.
Mission and Objectives

DIS – Youth theatre is independent non-profit association which brings together young artists in order to develop a culture of life through dramatic art.
DIS-Youth theatre is a modern, independent, urban gathering place for young artists to realize their vision of the arts and culture contribute to develop the full appreciation of artistic freedom, respect and understanding personality differences between people, regardless of differences in age, race, religion, political beliefs or gender.
Goals of our association are:
- Affirmation and improvement of cultural and human values through gathering and acting of young theater enthusiasts
- Introducing young people with basics of theatre culture, through work with theatre artists and educators
- Preparation and performing of plays
- Public showing of drama, musical or other performances to popularize theatrical culture
- Other activities related to our basic goals and tasks

Main Projects / Activities

We were participants at many art festivals in Bosnia and Herzegovina and European countries (Italy, Austria, France, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Czech Republic, Germany, France, Israel, Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro, Greece, Portugal, ...), where we won a large number of prestigious awards.
We were founders and organizers International Festival "Kastel-fest" in '98, '99 and 2000. in Banja Luka as well as International Festival of Theatre provocation IF 2003. Also we are Executive organizers of Festival of Republic of Srpska Youth Theatres.
Besides that, we were participants of international scientific and artistic projects: "Myth as destiny", "Balkan Network" as well as members of the association IAES, SEEYC. Since 2009 up to date, we are organizers of FAMA - BiH Amateur monodrama Festival under patronage of B&H Council of Ministers. Until now we had actors from 15 different B&H cities from both entities. Currently we implementing REALITY project financed by American Embassy in B&H where we have six partner theaters from all over B&H. As our main activity in 2012 we had 5 theater premiere and over 100 performances.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can offer to Network our human and program resources. Also we can share our experience in participating in projects such as "Myth as Destiny","Balkan network" or current "Reality which is based on intercultural learning through nonverbal drama methods.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join Network because we want to spread connections with NGOs of similar interest within B&H and to establish connections in Euro Mediterranean region with a goal to promote cultural diversity values.

Contact (1) Full Name
Goran Novković
Head of the organisation
Novica Bogdanović

KULT-ART Association

National Network

Teodor Robeanu street, No. 2, posta code: 720018

0040 742804401
Telephone (other)
0040 749384407
0040 230524128
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
0040 742804401
Mobile Phone (other)
0040 749384407
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
We are an cultural association from North-east part of Romania, more exactly from Suceava County. Our NGO its young, he start his activities from 2011. The members of the Associationa re individual persons. The Association’s objectives are: providing high quality and honest cultural products honest, based on the principle of non-discrimination in order to ensure equal access and participation of all citizens to education and culture, regardless of race, nationality, age, gender, ethnicity or religion. The KULT-ART Association has in his supports a group of pantomime and is supporting them in every activities which they want to do. This year the Association is partner in a Grundtvig project named "E-GAME" and partner in the project "Lead your Way to Business" in the Cross Border Cooperation Romania-Ukraine-Republic of Moldova Programme. The Association was involved in the organization of the Social Firm Europe CEFEC Conference which take place in Suceava, Romania in 20-22 Setember 2012.
Mission and Objectives

The KULT-ART Association’s mission its to: provide high quality and honest cultural products honest, based on the principle of non-discrimination in order to ensure equal access and participation of all citizens to education and culture, regardless of race, nationality, age, gender, ethnicity or religion.

Main Projects / Activities

In order to achieve its goal, the activities of the Association are:
a) Professional development, training and improvement in the cultural, social, youth area.
b) Increasing access and participation of citizens in cultural life;
c) Organizing cultural events
d) Creative Workshops (hand made and design), and cultural events on topics
e) Introductory courses in drama and acting
f) Organizing events to support Human Rights
g) Develop educational materials, magazines, brochures, books and leaflets etc.
h) Facilitating cross-border dialogue and cooperation on human rights and cultural life
i) Organization of courses, seminars, conferences, campaigns, round tables, symposiums, parties, receptions, book launches, plays
j) Establishing of theater troupes, mime troupes and puppeteers.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

To the Network we can contribute with our involvement in any activities regarding the developing of the ALF Network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join in the ALF Network to create a cultural relations with all countries both European countries and Mediterranean and more. Our aim is to increase access and participation of citizens in cultural life.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nicoleta Robciuc
Head of the organisation
Nicoleta Robciuc
Contact (2) Full Name
Anisia Simionov