CEFA Comitato Europeo per la Formazione e l'Agricoltura Onlus

National Network

Via Lame 118, 40122 Bologna

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Selon le CEFA, les grands plaies sociales qui affligent les pays en voie de développement peuvent être combattu en aidant les populations à atteindre l’autosuffisance alimentaire, dans le domaine du travail, de l’instruction et de l’organisation sociale. Ces objectives se réalisent à travers projets de développement rural intégré et soutenable. Notre mot préféré est autodéveloppement. Travailler en cette direction signifie promouvoir les capacités des populations locales à prendre en charge avec autonomie et efficacité les projets en essayant de maintenir et renforcer ce que on avait déjà réalisé. On travaille toujours aves des contreparties locales. La structure de CEFA se compose par 13 employés et 18 volontaires dans la siège principale de Bologna, 58 expatriés et 385 staff local dans les pays. Le bilan annuel de CEFA est de plus de 6.000.000€. Les sources de financement sont la Union Européenne, les Institutions nationales, régionales et locaux, fondations et privés.
Mission and Objectives

Selon le CEFA, les grands plaies sociales qui affligent les pays en voie de développement peuvent être combattu en aidant les populations à atteindre l’autosuffisance alimentaire, dans le domaine du travail, de l’instruction et de l’organisation sociale.
Ces objectives se réalisent à travers projets de développement rural intégré et soutenable, qui commencent comme petites expériences et qui vont progressivement associer plusieurs communautés et quartiers/arrondissements?.
En tous cas, la priorité reste toujours l’autosuffisance comme réponse durable aux besoins primaires (nourriture, eau, santé et instruction).
Notre mot préféré est autodéveloppement. Travailler en cette direction signifie promouvoir les capacités des populations locales à prendre en charge avec autonomie et efficacité les projets une fois le volontaires rentrés chez eux, en essayant de maintenir et renforcer ce que on avait déjà réalisé.

Main Projects / Activities

On travaille à travers de projets de coopération au développement dans plusieurs domaines: agriculture et développement rural, éducation et alphabétisation, environnement, migration, emploi, société civile. On est présent dans les pays de la Méditerranée (Maroc et Tunisie), en Amérique Latine (Equateur, Guatemala) et en Afrique Orientale (Somalie, Sud Sudan, Kenya, Tanzanie).

Contact (1) Full Name
Alice Fanti
Head of the organisation
Patrizia Farolini

Young Effect Association

National Network

Via Boffalora 5 20013

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Young Effect is composed by several number of volunteers and professional educator and trainer. The board is made of 6 members most of them under 30 years old. The association functions through membership of the members and local funds. Moreover every year Young Effect is applying for several project under the programme "Youth in Action". Training and seminars are developed through the help of the Magenta municipality that furnishes conference rooms and free transportation of the participants. In 2012 the total members of Young Effect were about 80 young people all between 18 to 30 years old. The association has about 60 worldwide partners, mostly in Europe but as well in Africa, Middle east and Caucaso. Every year the association is involved as sending organization in about 30 European projects and organize about 3-4 projects as hosting organization. Moreover Young Effect organizes local events has meetings, intercultural evenings, sit in against corruption and mafia etc. Almost all the activities organized are made through non-formal education activities.
Mission and Objectives

Young Effect was born with the purpose of giving to young people of the local territory and the rest of Italy the opportunity to discover Europe and the rest of the world through youth exchanges, meetings, events, volunteering and everything that create dialogue between nations. It undertakes to carry out the following prerogatives:
1 Promotion of youth mobility in Europe and the rest of the world.
2 Non-formal education on intercultural youth dialogue and human rights.
3 Inclusion of youth in the civil society independently of their race, religion, gender and level of instruction.
4 Promotion of interest in development of historical, environmental, cultural and economic resources in the local territory.
5 Offer training, seminars or similar activities at local, national and international level.

Main Projects / Activities

In 2012 Young Effect was official partner of the project "Youthmedia" Africa-Europe where young members of the association worked on a media campaign about human rights at local level and as well in Africa through 3 different study visits in Ghana and Zambia. Together with ActionAid International and Municipality of Milan organized a training course about active participation of youth in the political sphere in order to prevent corruptions and mafia. About 100 young people attended the training. Still at the end of 2012 Young Effect was the hosting organization of a project about youth entrepreneurship and innovation together with Junior Chamber International Turkey. In the previous years the association organized several trainings and exchanges through Youth in Action Programme.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Young Effect can contribute in the Italian network through the organization of national events related to dialogue with euromediterranean countries with the eventual help of the other network partners. Moreover Young Effect can promote ALF and the Italian network thanks to the official web pages, the municipality of Magenta and all the other partner organizations related to Young Effect at local, national and international level.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Young Effect Association would like to join the network of Anna Lindh Foundation because believes that the intercultural dialogue between nations of the Mediterranean area is essential for the mutual understanding and the prevention of any kind of violence and discrimination. The mission of ALF fit totally with the aims of Young Effect and so we believe that it could be a great potentiality for the organization in order to develop partnerships with MEDA countries and organize workshops and trainings through the funding proposed by ALF.

Contact (1) Full Name
Tiziano Tomassini
Head of the organisation
Tomassini Tiziano
Contact (2) Full Name
Antonio Giacomo Pugliese

Deutsch Tunesische Gesellschaft.e.V

National Network

Laerheide Straße 26
44799 Bochum

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
About 360 Members. The social structure consists of; a president, four vice-presidents one of them is the business manager, treasurer, secretary and fifteen assessors.
Mission and Objectives

The Company pursues exclusively and directly profit and charitable purposes within the meaning of the section, "tax-privileged purposes" of the tax code.

Main Projects / Activities

The purpose of the German-Tunisian society is to promote cultural relations between the two countries and to strengthen and provide assistance to those in need, within the meaning of § 53 (Tax Code).
Helping those in need, either directly or via Tunisian organizations that are recognized by the state, have adopted social and educational tasks and are pursuing charitable purposes within the meaning of § 53 of the Tax Code.
The purpose of the German-Tunisian society, the structure and support town twinning (Promotion of International Understanding), supporting studies and training programs (support for student aid) and the support of the Academic Teaching and Research (promotion of science and research)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our commitment is voluntary. We want to reduce the poverty in Tunisia and enable young people study trips in Germany. We want to build bridges between cultures. We would like to create friendships between Tunisian and German peopel. That will be our contribution to the network.
Friendships can prevent wars!

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

we are looking for financial and technical assistance to implement exchanges projects for financial weak youth and students from Tunisia and Germany. The income of the society consisting exclusively of members contributions. Unfortunately, our financial means are not sufficient for large campaigns. By joining ALF, we hope for the support.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ezzedine Zerria
Head of the organisation
Werner Böckle
Contact (2) Full Name
Peter Ludemann

Akademisches Förderungswerk - AKAFÖ

National Network

Universitätsstraße 150
44801 Bochum

Telephone (other)
+49(0)234 3211010
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+49 15117484080
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
- The AKAFÖ (Akademisches Förderungswerk) is a non for profit institution, delivering student services for the the institutions of higher education in the region of Bochum. -It is responsible for the delivery of servics towards student needs in the field of finances, accommodation, social und cultural needs and internationalization. - The AKAFÖ has 400 employes. - For information on our budgetary recourses and our sources of funding. please see our annual report 2010 attached, page 4. - Especially in the field of internationalization and culture, action is taken by concrete projects, like students and personnel exchange, excursions and forum discussions. - the AKAFÖ has a cooperation treaty with the three Student Services in Tunisia.
Mission and Objectives

Our Mission is to contribute to the Bochum Area as a place of academic excellence and as a part of the global village by delivering student services at its best in the field of accomodation, finance, culture and internationalisation. The services in the field of internationalisation aim to enable our students, coming from abroad, to include their culture into an international campus culture, and to enable our German students to meet with the world, enabling them to become global citizens. The cooperation with the Student Services in Tunisia persues a vivid participation of Tunesiaon culture as part of our campus culture, enabling our personnel to get a better understanding of Tunisian culture, but also to create meeting opportunities with our "german" culture" for the tunesian Student Services and tunsian students.

Main Projects / Activities

In 2009 a first Excursion of the AKAFÖ to the Student Services North, Mid and South in Tunesia took place. In May 2011 a visit of a tunesian delegation followed. In September 2011 a delegation of the AKAFÖ and the Student Union (AStA) of the Ruhr-University Bochum visited the Student Services in Tunesia and several institutions of higher education, accompanied by tunesian students. Several seminars and workshops with the main topic of student participation at management of Student Services and institutions of higher education took place. As an outcome of this visit, a "association des étudiants Tunesien" was founded. In 2012 a visit of this association to Bochum is planned.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

by bringing in our projects into the actions of the national network, s. answer above.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are convinced, that the Anna Lindh Foundation offers us the perfect network for further projects in this field, bringing in our projects of cultural and political participation of tunesian students into a larger field of actors, working on a dialog between european and mediterranean cultures.

Contact (1) Full Name
Peter van Dyk
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Jörg Lüken
Contact (2) Full Name
Heiko Jansen
Job Title (2)

IDC - Organisation for International Dialogue and Conflict Management

National Network

Kaiserstrasse 50/6


+43 1 9900811
+43 1 9900811
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
IDC is an interdisciplinary association of scientists from a variety of different scholarly disciplines, such as physics, biology, social and political sciences. IDC is a non-profit, non-partisan research organisation, established under Austrian Law of Associations with its headquarter in Vienna. IDC established several working groups for effective implementation of activities such as EU-Africa WG, energy safety WG or bio-safety WG. The ressources available are some hundred thousands EUR in a year. Sources of fundings are national and international state programmes for research. Projects are related to science communications, technology assessment, risk research, foresight studies using different methodologies such as data mining, statistical reviews, interview series, stakeholder workshops, policy analysis and statement collections etc. Main partners involved in the organization's projects are Universities, non-state research organisations, CSOs, business, media and state institutions from Europe and all over the world with focus on developing and transition states.
Mission and Objectives

Since 2002 it has been possible to further strengthen the interdisciplinary nature of IDC by collecting a creative and innovative think tank in the fields of natural sciences, social sciences, and media work. The aim of IDC is to promote the dialogue and exchange in science and research, whereas the main focus is set on current social and technical transformations, its evolution and its social and environmental impacts, in view of preventing and resolving consequential conflicts. In this regard, IDC is active in supporting and furthering the analysis of these agenda, in strengthening international scientific cooperation and asserting the perception, acceptance and understanding of innovative and emerging technologies (e.g. in energy and biotechnology) by different stakeholders and by non-scientific society.

Main Projects / Activities

Selection of running and completed projects:
- CIVI.NET (The capacity of civil society organisations and their networks in community based environmental management), EU FP7
- SustainergyNet (Integrating Civil, scientific and stakeholder knowlegde), EU FP7, EU-Africa
- Cambiodiversity (Promoting biodiversity conservation in Cambodia), OeAD KEF
- TARPOL (Targeting environmental pollution with engineered microbial systems a la carte)
- Converging Technologies, BMVIT Austria
- COSY (Communicating synthetic biology), GEN-AU Genome research in Austria
- Investigating the biosafety and risk assessment needs of synthetic biology in Austria and China, Austrian Science Fund (FWF) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)
- Agrofolio (Benefiting from an increased agricultural portfolio in Asia) EU FP6

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

IDC is able to support the ALF network by:
- Initiation of and participation in projects related to sustainable development
- bridging the gap between science and society by publications, stakeholder workshops and events
- Involving partners in actual project proposals and applications
Main focus would be sustainable energy supply and consumption in developing Mediteranean regions, setting up public particiapation processes in infrastructure and spatial planning. Green cities technology implementation, civil society involvement in energy projects, socioeconomic research and technology assessment of renewable energies (small and large), transfer of good practice.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ALF network offers the possibility to:
- identify new partners for common projects and activities
- getting into contact with local and regional players in Northern Africa to improve and apply developed methodologies in civil society driven sustainable development with main topic energy and infrastructure
- to strengthen the development agenda in Austrian an European policies by competent analyses and advice
- intensification of knowledge transfer and exchange programmes mainly with/for young scientists

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Angela Meyer
Head of the organisation
Dr. Angela Meyer
Contact (2) Full Name
Gregor Giersch


National Network

00141 ROME (RM)


+39 0695227752
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+39 3490974705
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Religion
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
PERIPLI se compose d'un conseil d'administration de 6 conseillers et d'un comité scientifique de 20 membres. De plus, il y 10 membres actifs et environ 100 membres adhérents. Le budget annuel est d'environ 2000€ et les sources de financement principales sont les frais d'adhésion des membres, les activités d'auto-financement et les fonds publiques de financement des activités de l'association. Peripli organise des séminaires et des conférences sur l'Euro-Méditerranée dans les écoles, les universités et partout on s'intéresse de ces questions même au niveau international. Elle organise aussi des événements culturels tels que les festivals du cinéma euro-mediterranéen, des concerts, des présentations de livres et des lectures de poésie. L'association accueille des jeunes stagiaires et cherche à créer des opportunités de formation et de travail. Peripli a de nombreux partenaire (voire le site) mais les principaux sont: l'Assemblé des Citoyens et des Citoyennes de la Méditerranée; la Fondation "Orestiadi" de Gibellina en Italie et la Dar Bach Hamba de Tunis; la COPEAM; l'Université Mohammed V Agdal de Rabat et le CNR (Centre National de Recherche) en Italie.
Mission and Objectives

Promotion et développement du dialogue les populations de la région euro-méditerranéen et propmotion du patrimoine culturel de leurs pays. Promotion et protection des droits des femmes et des migrants. Soutien au développment économque. Favoriser la rencontres des professionnels de la culture sur les rives de la Méditerranée

Main Projects / Activities

Le Festival du Cinéma Euro-Méditerranéen
Conférence Intérnationale et Interméditerranéenne "Le role de la Méditerranée après la crise du système bipolaire"
Cours de Langue arabe
Cours avancé pour la formation professionnelle dan l'Euro-Méditerranée en collaboration avec l'Université Mohammed V Agdal de Rabat

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Nous pouvons offrir nos competences et nos connaissences des questions socio-culturelles, historiques et poltico-économiques de la règion Euro-Méditerrannéenne. Nous pouvons mettre à la disposition du résaux des forces jeunes et des idées intéressentes et l'expérience d'intellectueles bien connus au niveau international.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Peripli est une association jeune mais riche en idées que ses membres veulent faire circuler. Donc, nous sommes en train de chercher de nouveau partenaire qui nous peuvent aider à rèaliser nos projets qui visent à créer les condition pour un développemet équitable et durable dans la région et à valoriser son précieux patrimoine historique et culturel. Nous voulons créer des opportunités d'échange et nous sommes en train de chercher les moyens, même économiques, pour faire continuer et pour intinsifier notre actvité. Nous croyons che le réseau FAL peut représenter une opportunité unique pour notre jeune association.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Eva International

National Network

c/o Limerick City Gallery of ArtPery Square

00 353 (0)87 1223987
Mobile Phone
00 353 (0)87 1223987
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

eva International (EVA) is a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee that is formally overseen by a Board of Directors and Members. The organization is managed by a full-time Director, supported by a freelance Assistant and Administrator. For every biennial exhibition, a curator and team of Project Managers, Assistants and Technicians are appointed. A full-time General Manager will be appointed in September 2013. EVA is primarily supported on an annual basis by Arts Council Ireland (€166,000 in 2012, €180,000 in 2013). Limerick City Council also awards annual grants (€10,000 in 2012 and 2013). Additional funding is also sought for individual projects through Culture Ireland, Failte Ireland and international bodies. EVA has an extensive network of local and national partners including 2012 international partners: Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven; Israeli Center for Digital Art, Holon; and Static Gallery, Liverpool. Please see www.eva.ie/supporters for further information.

Mission and Objectives

EVA is an artist-centred biennial of contemporary art that works with acclaimed international guest curators to present innovative exhibitions across the city of Limerick, Ireland. Artists’ projects are selected through an international open call for proposals and a programme of talks, workshops and events accompanies the exhibitions and provides further opportunities for audiences to engage. EVA’s core objective is organizing high quality and innovative contemporary art exhibitions and projects. Through this EVA aims to: ● Bring exemplary international curatorial practice to Limerick ● Support international artists to make new work in relation to the context of Limerick ● Create opportunities for local audiences to engage with high quality and innovative international artworks ● Increase and enhance cultural diversity and dialogue across all aspects of the biennial, including: ● Increasing international participation, partnerships and profile ● Creating international professional networking opportunities

Main Projects / Activities

Each EVA is designed by the guest curator. EVA 2012 curated by Annie Fletcher, featured a central exhibition selected from over 2000 proposals from 76 countries. Alongside this exhibition were a series of collaborations with local, national and international partners including: ● Exhibitions from The Israeli Center for Digital Art which focuses on media art from the Middle East, Europe, and the Balkans. ● Exit Limerick by Static Gallery, Liverpool examining the politics and complexities of art criticism, published in the local press and aired in a public forum. ● Visual Artists Ireland’s annual Get Together bringing artists, curators and organizations together for a symposium on critical writing, visual art education, information sessions, discussion groups and networking. ● Gracelands a one-day exhibition/festival curated by Vaari Claffey including installations, performances and screenings. ● Keynote lecture by Italian media theorist and activist Franco “Bifo” Berardi.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

EVA has existing working relationships with many of Ireland's ALF Network members and would like further extend opportunities for working in partnership, sharing resources and mutual support. EVA has a history of working with acclaimed international curators and artists and aims to further develop networks of partners locally, nationally and internationally. Though working in partnership across the Network, opportunities and outcomes would be augmented, benefiting all involved.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

EVA would like to increase and enhance cultural diversity and dialogue across all aspects of the organization's activities with the hope of developing further international networks and opportunities for artists and organizations. The curator for EVA 2014 is based in Alexandria, Egypt (official announcement pending late January 2013) and through this opportunity EVA hopes to further increase international and intercultural dialogue, participation and partnerships. The aims and objectives of the Anna Lindh Foundation and the actions it supports and promotes are aligned with the aims and ambitions that EVA has to develop international networks, dialogue and professional partnerships. Becoming part of the ALF Network would be a very positive development for EVA the organization, the exhibitions, events, audience and participants.

Contact (1) Full Name
Woodrow Kernohan
Head of the organisation
Woodrow Kernohan (left 2016)

United Youth Of Ireland

National Network

Catholic Youth Care

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
The United Youth of Ireland (UYI) is a group of dedicated young people from ages 15 to 25 coming from different countries. In its early beginning the young people were coming mainly from different African countries and there were also young people from Eastern Europe participating in their activities and nowadays the United Youth of Ireland is also joined by Irish young people. They are both students and workers but what they have in common is that all the members of UYI are die-hard volunteers working for a cause in service of the local communities where they operate. The Youth group started in 2010 putting together their time, skills, talents and few resources. With some financial help from various friends, they were also able to address some problems that migrant young people are experiencing: clash of cultures, attitudes and ways of doing things, FGM, intercultural mediation, human rights, oral and body language, access to public services, racism, discrimination, equality, inclusion and holistic integration. As a Youth Group, the UFI members are affiliated with Catholic Youth Care (CYC) and therefore are Garda vetted and have all received Child Protection Basic Awareness Training and the Code of Good Practice for Youth Work. Recently, they have also joined the Youth Programme of the City of Dublin Youth Services Board (CDYSB). Their activities address positively and concretely mainly most of the difficulties and problems that migrant young people and the “New Irish” could encounter in our Society today and in their local communities.
Mission and Objectives

• Educate young people about different culture
• Assist young immigrants settle into the Irish community
• Educate young people about human rights and its importance to our world

Main Projects / Activities

United Youth of Ireland Campaigner against practice female genital mutilation, International womens day conference. • International Day of Zero Tolerance to FGM, February 2012, event co-organiser
• GOCC Multicultural & Diversity Workshops, January 2012,
• Miss Ethnic beauty contest, November 2011, event organiser
• East African Fund Raiser, September 2011, event organiser on behalf of Unicef
• FGM Conference & Fashion Show, May 2011,
• IACI Art and Interculturalism, April 2010 “Somali Culture and Art”
• World Book Day March 2010 “Living Library”
• International Women’s Day The Base, March 2010 “Women’s Rights in Somalia”
• International Day of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation Seminar “Community

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

To tell people about the foundation

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

United Youth of Ireland would like to share experience of work we done here in Ireland

Contact (1) Full Name
Ifrah Ahmed
Head of the organisation
Catholic Youth Care
Contact (2) Full Name

Asociatia Adamos

National Network

6th Cpt. Nicolae Licaret street, Bl. PM43, sc. 2, Ap. 57, sector 3

0040 371 061 210
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Asociatia Adamos (The Adamos Association) is a nonprofit and nongovernmental organization founded by a group of four people, with backgrounds in training, diplomacy and project management. The Adamos Association is aimed at spreading and promoting European values such as democracy and human rights, support cultural and historical education among young citizens of Europe (including shaping attitude of active citizens and volunteers), acting for tolerance, peace and understanding between nations, familiarizing mechanisms of EU and promoting self-development by non-formal learning methodology. These activities are financially supported through the cooperation with the local actors – private and public sectors and through the granting provided by the granting schemes. Our main partners are regional and national authorities in youth and education fields, other NGOs from Romania and EU.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to support the development of young people into responsible citizens by focusing on the strengthening of the European Idea and democratic values.
1. Contribute to the development of skills and raising awareness of the future, moral, ethical, and socially responsible individuals in response to the increasing social challenges.
2. Achieve a basic social agreement on mutual intergenerational support.
3. Develop a system of values that will contribute to a lasting sustainable development of socially responsible civilization.
4. Connect various stakeholders in the functioning of the Adamos Association.
5. Create a meeting place for the excellence of mind, spirit and taste to achieve the objectives of the Adamos Association.

Main Projects / Activities

The main projects are:
diplo - trainings in diplomacy and negotiations for young people;
"Ce Se Discuta?" - networking events for students who are interested in diplomacy, international relations, security studies.
The association carries out the following activities:
• organization of seminars, conferences, round table discussions, conferences;
• trainings;
• exchanges;
• initiation and participation of projects and programmes in partnership with local and central public administration and other nongovernmental organizations;
• participation in the events of civil society.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dragos Apostu
Head of the organisation
Dragos Apostu

Musiker utan gränser/ Musicians Without Borders

National Network

Tellusborgsvägen 64

0704 965212
Telephone (other)
08 61688 80
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Media
General Information
Musicians Without Borders is a nongovernmental organisation that started in 2009, following an initiative by Anna-Lena Engström. The purpose of the association is to create, through artistic means, dialogues beyond ethnic, cultural, religious and political boundaries. We are 22 members. 
Mission and Objectives

to work for peace and understanding among musicians and singers. no problems with religion ,culture or sex or traditions. to start a choir for children.
The mission is to sing all peoples songs.

Main Projects / Activities

Musiker Utan Gränsers kulturdag 2016
Den 6-11 augusti 2016 gästades Musiker Utan Gränser av kören och orkestern Yanbou' al Mahaba - The Foutain of Love Choir - från Jordanien. Under deras vistelse i Stockholm skedde kulturutbyten vid olika workshops. Höjdpunkten under dessa dagar var den 9:e augusti, då kören/orkestern, under en konsert i Eric Ericssonhallen på Skeppsholmen, framförde oratoriet ”Jesus, the Fountain of Love”.
Konserten inleddes med ett öppningstal av domprosten i Stockholms domkyrkoförsamling Hans Ulfvebrand. Förutom oratoriet, bjöds det på olika musikaliska inslag av medlemmar från Musiker Utan Gränser. Bland annat framfördes Ylva Q Arkviks verk ”Human Rights”. Konserten genomfördes med stöd av Eric Ericssonhallen, Stiftelsen Carpe Vitam, Stockholms Katolska Stift och Sensus.
STABAT MATER - Moder Marias delade sorg med världens alla kvinnor (8-9 april, 2017)
I evenemanget ingick ett framförande av G.B. PERGOLESIS tonsättning "STABAT MATER" och uruppförande av verket "MATER", skrivet av den svenska kompositören YLVA Q. ARKVIK, med text av MARIE TONKIN. Dessutom musik av och med iranska sångerskan ANIS MOIN och recitation av skådespelaren ANNELI MARTINI. I framförandet ingick även en konst-/fotoutställning, som man kunde ta del av innan konserten, i pausen och en stund efter konserten.
Evenemanget var en hyllning till världens alla kvinnor, oavsett religion eller etnicitet, med fokus på de som har förlorat ett barn eller en nära anhörig - något som är väldigt viktigt i en tid med pågående konflikter och flyktingkris. Medverkade gjorde solister, dansare, konstnärer, HÖGALIDS DAMKÖR och HÖGALIDS KAMMARORKESTER.

Contact (1) Full Name
Anna lena Engström
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Liselotte Öhman