Young Effect Association

National Network

Via Boffalora 5 20013

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Young Effect is composed by several number of volunteers and professional educator and trainer. The board is made of 6 members most of them under 30 years old. The association functions through membership of the members and local funds. Moreover every year Young Effect is applying for several project under the programme "Youth in Action". Training and seminars are developed through the help of the Magenta municipality that furnishes conference rooms and free transportation of the participants. In 2012 the total members of Young Effect were about 80 young people all between 18 to 30 years old. The association has about 60 worldwide partners, mostly in Europe but as well in Africa, Middle east and Caucaso. Every year the association is involved as sending organization in about 30 European projects and organize about 3-4 projects as hosting organization. Moreover Young Effect organizes local events has meetings, intercultural evenings, sit in against corruption and mafia etc. Almost all the activities organized are made through non-formal education activities.
Mission and Objectives

Young Effect was born with the purpose of giving to young people of the local territory and the rest of Italy the opportunity to discover Europe and the rest of the world through youth exchanges, meetings, events, volunteering and everything that create dialogue between nations. It undertakes to carry out the following prerogatives:
1 Promotion of youth mobility in Europe and the rest of the world.
2 Non-formal education on intercultural youth dialogue and human rights.
3 Inclusion of youth in the civil society independently of their race, religion, gender and level of instruction.
4 Promotion of interest in development of historical, environmental, cultural and economic resources in the local territory.
5 Offer training, seminars or similar activities at local, national and international level.

Main Projects / Activities

In 2012 Young Effect was official partner of the project "Youthmedia" Africa-Europe where young members of the association worked on a media campaign about human rights at local level and as well in Africa through 3 different study visits in Ghana and Zambia. Together with ActionAid International and Municipality of Milan organized a training course about active participation of youth in the political sphere in order to prevent corruptions and mafia. About 100 young people attended the training. Still at the end of 2012 Young Effect was the hosting organization of a project about youth entrepreneurship and innovation together with Junior Chamber International Turkey. In the previous years the association organized several trainings and exchanges through Youth in Action Programme.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Young Effect can contribute in the Italian network through the organization of national events related to dialogue with euromediterranean countries with the eventual help of the other network partners. Moreover Young Effect can promote ALF and the Italian network thanks to the official web pages, the municipality of Magenta and all the other partner organizations related to Young Effect at local, national and international level.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Young Effect Association would like to join the network of Anna Lindh Foundation because believes that the intercultural dialogue between nations of the Mediterranean area is essential for the mutual understanding and the prevention of any kind of violence and discrimination. The mission of ALF fit totally with the aims of Young Effect and so we believe that it could be a great potentiality for the organization in order to develop partnerships with MEDA countries and organize workshops and trainings through the funding proposed by ALF.

Contact (1) Full Name
Tiziano Tomassini
Head of the organisation
Tomassini Tiziano
Contact (2) Full Name
Antonio Giacomo Pugliese