The Romanian Association for Debate, Oratory and Rhetoric

National Network

Șos. Iancului, nr 10, bloc 114B

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Structure and employees: ARDOR is a federation of five regional member associations: ARDOR Transilvania, ARDOR Muntenia, ARDOR Banat, Disputa, AES. ARDOR’s Board of Directors comprises the president of ARDOR and the executive directors of the regional associations. ARDOR has only one permanent employee (the accountant), others are employed under various projects. Income in 2012 (partial): 48 000 EUR (until Sept. 2012); Income in 2011 - 28 665 EUR; Income in 2010 – 39 486 EUR. In addition to this budget, each regional association has its own income. Sources of funding: Open Society Foundation, Roma Initiatives, European Commission, Ratiu Foundation, CeeTrust Modalities of action: Annual high school and university national championships, annual regional competition, periodic open competitions and various other projects (read below under Main Project/Activities) Partners in the last years: The Mnistry of Education, Research, Youth, and Sports; Policy Center for Roma and Minorities; Center for Independent Journalism; Asociatia Pro Democratia
Mission and Objectives

ARDOR’s mission is to use academic debate as a non-formal educational tool that encourages argumentative dialogue and critical thinking. In Romania, there are approximately 50 debate clubs in high schools that function as extra-curricular activities, under the approval of the Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sports. Also, debate was recently recognized as an official elective for the high school curricula.
Our objectives are to engage the youth in educated, skillful argumentation and public speaking, to elevate their exigencies regarding the standards of public debates (political, in the media etc), to collaborate with the formal education system in order to maximize our impact, to collaborate with other associations whose causes could be supported through dialogue and quality debates.

Main Projects / Activities

Closer to Oxford ( –online debates, argumentation and public speaking trainings, public debates with experts taking place in Universities; the project was awarded best educational project in 2011 (… ( –ARDOR and 5 European countries encourage youth to debate online and offline on European topics.
Debate in the Neighborhood ( – alternative education for disadvantaged youth
The Youth Debates – a national program implemented with the Ministry of Education, Research,Youth, and Sports
IDEA Wiki - an online debate encyclopedia in ten national languages. ARDOR managed the Romanian content.
Youth against discrimination –a series of national debates on sensitive motions regarding discrimination, supported by The National Council for Fighting Discrimination.
IDEA Youth Forum - Annual participation of Romanian teams, coaches, judges, trainers at the global debating event for high school debaters organized by the International Debate Education Association.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

ARDOR is the only association in Romania specialized in academic debate as an educational tool. With 14 years experience in organizing debate competitions, organizing and moderating public events, delivering trainings in debate formats, argumentation, public speaking, critical reading, composing debating curricula and establishing debate clubs, ARDOR could share its expertise with any Romanian NGO who needs a partner with the above qualifications. Also, ARDOR managed to build a strong reputation over the years (in 2011 it was awarded the best educational NGO - and has a community of excellent debaters performing at an international level and alumni who are currently great professionals. This gives us the credibility and legitimacy that many associations might look for when searching for partners.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We look forward to learn about associations in the Euro-Med region and collaborate with the ones that share our values and objectives. As a debate organization, we are energized by intercultural dialogue and new perspectives and ideas, and we hope we can find partners to work with to in order to improve our running programs but also to initiate strategic projects together.
Besides finding individual partners, membership to the ALF network gives our association more visibility in Europe and other Mediterranean countries. This facilitates a consortium of partners interested in enhancing capacities in civil societies through cross-sharing of best practices, developing donor relations and a platform for strengthening multi stake holder cooperation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Monica Mocanu
Head of the organisation
Monica Mocanu
Contact (2) Full Name
Bianca Dragomir

Cinema for Peace Foundation in Bosnia-Herzegovina

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina
+387 (0) 33 / 21 83 97
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
General Information
The Cinema for Peace Foundation office in Bosnia-Herzegovina works to contribute to local and regional reconciliation and justice through the creation of the Genocide Film Library. To successfully implement the project Cinema for Peace has a team totaling 13 individuals (8 full time staff, 2 part time staff, 1 project consultant, and 2 interns) and a yearly budget of approximately 400,000 Euro. Cinema for Peace in Bosnia-Herzegovina currently receives support from Foundation’s Headquarters in Berlin, the German Foreign Ministry under the auspices of the Stability Pact, and the Foreign Ministry of the Republic of Turkey. Each day the staff films 8–12 interviews of Srebrenica survivors, which are later edited, organized, and subtitled to be used for educational purposes. Cinema for Peace also collaborates with like-minded regional organizations on outreach and educational events, including the International Commission on Missing Persons, Sarajevo-based Gallery 11/7/95, and the Srebrenica-Potočari Memorial Center.
Mission and Objectives

The Mission of the Cinema for Peace Foundation’s Office in Bosnia-Herzegovina is to, over a five-year period, create the Genocide Film Library Bosnia-Herzegovina. The Genocide Film Library will incorporate 10,000 first-hand testimonies from Srebrenica genocide survivors and serve as an educational and historical resource that supports the prevention of future genocides.
Cinema for Peace has four major objectives with the Genocide Film Library: (1) Educate a variety of audiences – both domestic and international – by offering 10,000 factual, first-hand testimonies about the lives of individuals who survived the Srebrenica genocide. (2) Enhance the capacity of institutions (universities, museums, etc.) to educate students and visitors about genocide. (3) Empower genocide survivors as educators and encourage a paradigm shift in which individuals are not viewed as “victims,” but rather as “survivors.” (4) Contribute to the reconciliation processes in Bosnia-Herzegovina and the region through providing “truth telling” with the testimonials and surrounding activities.

Main Projects / Activities

Cinema for Peace in Bosnia-Herzegovina currently implements one major project, creation of the Genocide Film Library. This project entails a number of activities including working with Srebrenica genocide survivors to prepare them for interviewing, the process of filming testimonies, organizing and editing film footage, working through online outlets to disseminate interviews and related information, and outreach events to educate the public and further engage survivor communities.
Each day we are able to film 8-10 interviews, and over the course of each year we hold a number of outreach and educational events to further engage survivor communities and raise awareness in the general public.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Srebrenica genocide occurred in July 1995 and resulted in the deaths of over 8,000 Muslim men and boys from eastern Bosnia-Herzegovina. Although the Srebrenica genocide has been recognized on an international level, genocide denial continues in BiH and throughout the Western Balkans. In addition to the prevalence of genocide denial within the region, there are no large scale efforts to provide a platform for war survivors to speak about their experiences, both helping them to feel their voices are heard and providing a spoken record of events for future education and scholarship on the region. Therefore, Cinema for Peace’s year-old Genocide Film Library project fills a void in the current social climate. Providing interviews for the project will become a means of empowering survivors as educators for future generations as well as a safe space to process their experiences in a supportive atmosphere. In this way, the project will contribute to the healing and empowerment of genocide survivors in Bosnia-Herzegovina, while also creating carefully crafted resources to be used in educating future generations about genocide and genocide prevention.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Cinema for Peace in Bosnia-Herzegovina strongly believes in creating a platform that empowers individuals and communities to engage in a productive dialogue about the events of genocide in hopes of processing the past for a better future. The main goals of the ALF Network tie directly into our own work as both organizations focus on mutual understanding and dialogue as a means to achieve peace and coexistence. In this way, Cinema for Peace would benefit greatly from being part of a network whose members hold the same values as they work towards social change. As a critical element of our mission is to work with like minded organizations and institution to further educate the public about the Srebrenica genocide, the ALF Network will provide a wide range of potential partners as the project progresses.

Contact (1) Full Name
Selma Hadzic
Head of the organisation
Selma Hadzic
Contact (2) Full Name
Alison Sluiter (

Arabesque, Arab cultural Association

National Network

Med vrtovi 1, 6320 Portorož, Slovenia

00386 70 393535
Telephone (other)
00386 5 9032956
00386 5 6731724
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
00386 70 393535
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Arabesque is a nonprofit cultural association founded in Portorož, Slovenia. The aim of this association is to build bridges between different cultures. Our main goal is to promote different aspects of Arab culture in Slovenia and other European countries and back way around. With this aim we created a network of associators (10 staff pers.) from different countries such as Algeria, Lebanon, Egypt, Sweeden, Morocco,Jordan, Tunisia BIH and Usa who will support our reasrch projects. We will f. orselves through donations and sponshorships. We are young organisation, we have two partnership agreement by now but we officially start in November 2012.
Mission and Objectives

The research cultural projects which will be developed under Arabesque patronage will encourage a positive intercultural dialogue between Slovenia and the Arab world, while enrichening the cultural diversity of the Piran municipality.

Main Projects / Activities

Qabbani project: The aim of Cultural Project Qabbani is to present poet Nizar Qabbani to Slovenian literate public. We will publish a selected edition of his poetry in Slovenian language.
Arabesque center: The Arabic cultural center is a place where different cultural events and programs will take place.
Org. of the Arab language courses in Slovenia in coorporation with Jordan Hashemite University.
Cordination in organisation of the First open aired art exibition in Europe that will join west and South young artist.
We have presented a collection of Essys "Through dialog to Mutual respect" in Portorož. The event will be updated with presentation/conference about influence of Mohamed El-Gazali in philosophy, that will be held on Bled, Slovenia.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We strongly bealive we are very unique in Slovenian cultural envoirment as we are planing to include research into topics previously rarely looked into. Especially in field of culture, arts and education. We want to point out the beauty and positive side of co existence through out projects.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join ALF Network because we want to improve our work and only by joing to other institutions we can make progrees. Of course main reason is that we have same objectives and missions.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marela Lovrec
Head of the organisation
Marela Lovrec
Contact (2) Full Name
Tarek Abdulrazek

Kayan - Feminist Organization

National Network

118 Arlozorov St.

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
Kayan has a staff of 5 women and one man, a Board of Directors of 7 women and a controlling committee of 2 women. About 10 volunteers, from Israel and abroad, regularly support Kayan's work in the office and in the community. Kayan's annual budget is about USD 337,000, contributed mainly from private foundations in Europe, the US and Israel. A small portion of the income comes from municipal funding and individual donations. Kayan works through concrete projects on the local and national level. Main partners involved in Kayan's activities are local institutions (such as local authorities, municipalities, and community centers), grassroots NGOs and women's groups, as well as individuals. Kayan also cooperates with national NGOs such as Physicians for Human Rights – Israel. Kayan is represented in a number of national coalitions devoted to gender issues, and a member of the Haifa Women's Coalition.
Mission and Objectives

The program "Jusur (Bridges) – Developing and Institutionalizing the Grassroots Movement of Arab Women in Israel" enables the empowerment of Palestinian women on an individual basis and fosters women's leadership on the community level. The program teaches community organizing and mentors community projects of local women. The "Legal Department" councils and represents individual Palestinian women in legal cases, promotes social change through various means of legal advocacy, and educates women about their rights and ways to demand them. The program "An Active Approach towards Personal Economy" (since 2007) empowers Palestinian women to become actively involved into matters of personal economy, educates about entitlements from the social welfare institutions, teaches ways how to demand these entitlements, and shows them the importance of planning economically for the future. The program “Gender Equality in Local Budgets” aims to provide women practical tools to analyze public budgeting processes and professionalize their advocacy vis-à-vis Arab local authorities through a prism of gender equality. In addition, Kayan serves as host and fiscal conduit organization for "Aswat – Palestinian Gay Women". More Information: Annual Report 2009:

Main Projects / Activities

The program "Jusur (Bridges) – Developing and Institutionalizing the Grassroots Movement of Arab Women in Israel" enables the empowerment of Palestinian women on an individual basis and fosters women's leadership on the community level. The program teaches community organizing and mentors community projects of local women. The "Legal Department" councils and represents individual Palestinian women in legal cases, promotes social change through various means of legal advocacy, and educates women about their rights and ways to demand them. The program "An Active Approach towards Personal Economy" (since 2007) empowers Palestinian women to become actively involved into matters of personal economy, educates about entitlements from the social welfare institutions, teaches ways how to demand these entitlements, and shows them the importance of planning economically for the future. In addition, Kayan serves as host and fiscal conduit organization for "Aswat – Palestinian Gay Women".

Contact (1) Full Name
Khulud Khamis
Head of the organisation
Rafah Anabtawi

Association Pour l'Art et la Culture APAC

National Network

Immeuble Liberté Place Lemaigre Dubreuil
6ème étage


00 212 5 22 31 01 99
Telephone (other)
00 212 5 22 30 14 75
00 212 5 22 31 30 21
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
00 212 6 61 46 06 48
Mobile Phone (other)
00 212 6 61 13 78 06
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
L'APAC , l'association pour l'art et la culture est une association non gouvernementale à but non lucratif. ellle a été fondée en 2010 par un groupe d'artistes et d'intellectuels ayant les meme objectifs , à savoir la promotion de l'art. L'APAC tente de sensibiliser à une prise de conscience de l'importance de l'art dans le rapprochement des peuples , le partage, la tolérance.
Mission and Objectives

L'APAC s'est donnée pour mission d'introduire l'art dans l'esprit des décideurs et des citoyens . Le Maroc ne compte pas beaucoup de structures d'accueil des activités artistiques (musées, centres d'art etc...)et notre association tente de combler ce vide par la création de centres d'art afin d'offrir des outils concrets pour une initiation à l'art par des ateliers pour enfants, adolescents et adultes, une riche documentation à disposition des visiteurs , des visites thématiques et des résidences d'artistes de différents pays pour favoriser l'échange et le partage.

Main Projects / Activities

création d'un centre d'art à Azemmour , suivi de la création d'un centre d'art à Asilah, dans le but de promouvoir l'art sous toutes expressions, peinture, sculpture, ecriture, théatre, danse et musique.Aprés plusieurs expositions et ateliers à Azemmour,une grande exposition de peinture a inauguré le centre d'art de notre association "La Maison de l'Art Contemporain" à Asilah " MAC A" , avec les artistes les plus emblématiques de la scène artistique marocaine. En septembre dernier , un atelier de peinture avec des artistes Egyptiens et Marocains a commencé la saison 2012-2013.
Un symposium international est en preparation pour Aout 2013, de meme qu'une grande exposition de oeinture sculture et installation pour la meme période.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

notre apport sera d'ordre éducatif et culturel. Nous éspérons contribuer à montrer que l'art est un vecteur essentiel du développement d'un pays. Nous éspérons également susciter et créer le besoin d'inclure l'art dans les priorités de notre pays , ce qui n'est pas le cas actuellement.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Le désir de rejoindre le réseau du FAL est mu par une volonté de coopérer avec des institutions en dehors et à l'interieur du Maroc afin de mieux atteindre nos objectifs. D'informer les autres pays membres de ce que nous faisons et d'enrichir nos activités.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ahlam Lemseffer
Head of the organisation
Ahlam Lemseffer
Contact (2) Full Name
Ahmed Jaride

Ecole de Gouvernance et d'Economie de Rabat (EGE Rabat)

National Network

Avenue Mohamed Ben Abdellah Regragui 10112

00212 5 37 27 61 01
Telephone (other)
00212 5 37 27 61 00
00212 5 37 77 68 64
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Others
  9. Religion
  10. Research
General Information
The Ecole de Gouvernance et d’Economie de Rabat (EGE, Rabat School of Governance and Economics) was created in 2008 as an institute of higher education specializing in public affairs by the Moroccan, Not-for-profit “Foundation for the teaching of political, economic and social sciences.” Internationalization is an integral part of EGE Rabat’s framework, not only for the students but also in the development of research, workshops and seminars. At EGE Rabat, we are still in the beginning phase, but recognize the need for more research and expertise on the region as a whole and in respect with other regions and processes. The need to disseminate and share knowledge and ideas is, of course, very important in order to better understand our neighbours and to begin working on concrete solutions to issues facing the individual countries or a region as a whole. To this end collaboration with different institutions and universities is of paramount importance to EGE Rabat. EGE Rabat forges links with like-minded institutions, which not only have the same areas of expertise, but also have the same vision. Thus, cooperation with many institutions such as: New Mexico University, Buenos Aires university, Ottawa University, Université de Montréal, Science Po Paris, Pompeu Fabra, Kyung Hee University, Prague Metropolitan University, Amsterdam University College and so on… have been established in order to ensure a quality education either for our students or for our partners.
Mission and Objectives

The Foundation was created to contribute to the renewal of the intellectuals, leaders and policymakers of Morocco and the Arab, Mediterranean and African region through three axis of action:
- By restoring the teaching of political, economic and social sciences in educational programmes in Morocco.
- By recognizing and emphasizing the value of cultural, social and academic diversity among its students;
- By fostering academic excellence and ensuring that EGE Rabat follows international standards in its teaching and research.

Main Projects / Activities

- Research via the CERAM (Le Centre de Recherche sur l'Afrique et la Méditerranée)
- Pedagogical innovation
- Scientific Conferences, Seminars.
- Fall, Spring & Summer schools
- Consulting & Capacity building for the public sector
- Executive Education
- Higher Education (Political Science, Economy, Law, Languages...)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- Conference & seminaire organisation
- Mutual cooperation with other organizations
- Scholarships

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

EGE Rabat is a partner of Anna Lindh Foundation in the Young Arab Voices. The management of Anna Lindh found interesting that our school joins the network in other to benefit from other programs and also organize joint events with the Anna Lindh and the active Moroccan network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Abdellah Ghali
Head of the organisation
Marie Claude AZZOUZI
Contact (2) Full Name
Wadia Ait Hamza

sindyanna of galilee

National Network

P.O box 35252
Tel Aviv 61351

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
General Information
structure: registrate association, according to the Israeli low. 5 board members + 3 comptroller committee. 15 employees. sources: fair trade bussiness activity, donations, membership fees modalities of action: visitor center, land reclamation, olive grove development, fair trade advocay, women professional training, cultural exchanges. main partner: Workers Advice Center, WFTO
Mission and Objectives

Sindyanna main task is to build bridges between the two people living in Israel – Jews and Arabs. Its mission is to make peace in the Middle East through real economic empowerment and work opportunity.
Sindyanna believes that improving living standard through fair trade activity can strengthen the influence of the Arab community inside Israel and especially the Arab women, and hence will strengthen the struggle for peace, social justice and equality.
Our projects are implemented by Arab and Jewish collaboration. Arab community in Israel is segregated from Jewish community and there is little communication between them. Sindyanna succeeds in creating interaction between Arab and Jewish people through its fair trade activity. The action of Sindyanna contributes to create positive communication and to reduce the wall dividing the Israeli society.Our final goal is to build a just society from the grass roots level through economic empowerment of the marginalized communities.

Main Projects / Activities

Sindyanna runs a Visitor Center in one of the poorest Arab villages named Kufr Manda in the Galilee (northern part of Israel), where Arab and Jewish people can meet and create a constractive dialogue. Sindyanna's women team teaches traditional basket weaving to Arab and Jewish women, and encourage Arab women to assist their family economy. Our palm frond baskets reproduce traditional Arab basketry, which is based on olive and mastic branches. The fronds are especially strong and durable, and create a unique, attractive and authentic look.
Sindyanna also contributes to the development of Arab agriculture by planting olive groves on deserted Arab lands and help develop a modern and self sustainable economy for Arab farmers inside Israel

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

we are the only fair trade producer in the Arab community in Israel. we play a main roll in building Jewish Arab collaborations and meetings between Jewish and Arab women.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

to get publicity to our activity, to widen our network, to strengthen our partnership

Contact (1) Full Name
Osnat Shperling
Head of the organisation
Hadas Lahav
Contact (2) Full Name
Roni Ben Efrat

Egypt Today association for Sustainable Development and Training

National Network

Arab Republic of Egypt,Sohag Governorate
Sohag Governorate

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Others
  8. Youth and education
General Information
Egypt Today association for Sustainable Development and Training Unpublicized number 1121 for 2011 The number of board members: 9 Number of volunteers: 40 sources of funding : Bodies and international institutions working in and out of Sohag (the Swiss body Terdizum Handicap International Handicap international Council of Childhood and Motherhood) Main partners Governmental bodies in Sohag (ministries) NGOs (governmental and non-governmental organizations) Societies for Persons with Disabilities (DPOS) General Authority for Literacy and Adult Education Authority Social Fund for Development Human Rights Office in Sohag Governorate Sohag University Bodies and international institutions working in Sohag (the Swiss body Terdizum Handicap International Handicap international Council of Childhood and Motherhood) Training centers, language, information technology
Mission and Objectives

Model innovation is applicable to a national scale; the creation of jobs and poverty eradication,
And promote the spirit of citizenship and participation in community development, and enable persons with disabilities in the Arab Republic of Egypt in general and in Upper Egypt in particular in building their capacity and potential to contribute effectively to the development of their community.
Egypt Society gambling for sustainable development and training is an association of youth characterized by sense of creative and ability to devise creative solutions to the problems of development, we believe the ability of civil society to create innovative solutions for categories of marginalized young people, women and persons with disabilities to improve their lives and give them a decent livelihood, and the provide an opportunity for young people to actively participate in solving community problems, as well as the involvement of the private sector and public sector in the context of social change, and the inclusion of persons with disabilities in all walks of life socially, culturally, economically, and politically to the extent of their capabilities and qualifications, and Assembly works to be persons with disabilities are able to build a new society to accept new and innovative solutions that would carry out community service and works to integrate persons with disabilities in community institutions, political and convert them to decision makers. In "Egypt gambling" does not seek to impose temporary solutions, but we are working to devise ways of thinking and approaches to enable everyone to participate effectively in social change until we get to sustainable development, and we assume we have a better reality for the repeated his and the whole world.
Promote the principle of effective participation of socially marginalized groups, I have through the principle of volunteerism in the areas of development by focusing on the economic empowerment of poor young people, women and persons with disabilities. This is done through the provision of vocational training and professional and personal training, and offer jobs, in addition to providing small loans and micro, and works to promote the principle of integration within the categories of the Egyptian society and rehabilitating them for the reception of persons with disabilities through equal opportunities as well as composition of youth cadres of people with disabilities have the ability and expertise to volunteer work and community organizations interested persons with disabilities, as well as supporting health services for persons with disabilities.

Main Projects / Activities

Care of persons with disabilities (children, women, men)
Community Development
Information Technology
Defense of human rights
Attention to marginalized groups (children, young women, elderly)
Vocational training and productive families
Fields of cultural, religious and sports of all kinds of scientific
Environmental protection and consumer
Aged Care
Leadership Society
Support and support
Political participation
Education: The Association "Egypt gambling" to raise awareness of the importance of education among the community groups of poor and marginalized, especially adolescents and young people, women and persons with disabilities, by providing them with many of the exercises continued, some of these exercises have on the life skills to give them the opportunity to discover their abilities and skills that they have to refine and use to build their future, and some of the exercises in the form of vocational training for specific jobs for women, youth and persons with disabilities as well as to introduce them to the labor market and the opportunity to work in the private sector, and comes of education as a component part of their business in the Assembly the uniqueness of his program of self-interested primarily adolescents poor regions and work on exercises to provide them with their own line with their age and their mental age at that stage, enabling them the ability to plan for themselves and their future and make them able to enter the labor market after about 5 years from now.
Community leadership: The Association "Egypt gambling" is also to spread the idea Alrdiah community by providing loans to young people, women and persons with disabilities to do the work of the projects of their own out of their cycle of poverty, whether small loans, medium or large size in addition to technical support is in providing training to them on project management, and therefore Those projects not only contribute to job creation for young people or women of the eligible loans, but also in the development of their communities and participate in building the country's economy.
Employment: The Association "Egypt gambling" to provide job opportunities for youth, women and persons with disabilities by working with the private sector and engage in partnerships, such partnerships whereby the private sector to provide the Assembly of job opportunities available to them, which build on the recent work of the Curriculum A training consistent with the those functions, so as to train young people and women to employment and those in which they open the door to enter the labor market, as well as other special training they receive life skills to be able to participate effectively in the places that attend them, whether as employees or workers.
Support and support: In addition to the work of the Assembly "Egypt gambling" in the areas of education and employment in order to create job opportunities for youth, women and persons with disabilities from marginalized groups and poor, the Assembly is also working on the follow-up with them in the workplace and provide support and support them in order to ensure that the through the treated fairly and in accordance with the Law of the Egyptian work, as much to bring the attention of the Assembly of those groups out of poverty The Assembly also interested in providing them a decent human life.
Volunteering: The association works "Egypt gambling" to serve the marginalized and poor in the Egyptian society and provide the necessary support for them to get them out of poverty, they also serve to provide an opportunity for young Egyptian universities to participate in the development process, comes through a program for university students for the work of similar models of the Assembly "Egypt gambling" within the universities where they study, in the sense that there is a student activities in the form of civil association is based on the managed university students themselves, which qualifies them to lead development projects and NGOs later, the Society is the pioneer in this field, especially as they provide the necessary technical support to those student activities, whether in training or networking with the community or educational materials the curriculum different in development work, so the association "Egypt gambling" contribute to a culture of volunteerism among young people as they age group most able to carry out the responsibilities of community development in Egypt and at the same time, it qualifies them to lead the development process in the near future.
Political participation: There are many issues that must be addressed in the framework of discussing the issue of political participation of all members of society and persons with disabilities in particular, through addressing the issues key terms of political participation and its importance to the individual and society as well as presentation of the international legislation and the legislative framework of Egypt on the right of persons with disabilities in political participation, and the role of both political parties and civil society organizations in the political participation of women and for women with disabilities of all ages in Egypt, so will the society "Egypt gambling" to promote the political participation of all segments of society.
Main progects
Egypt Society gambling in the process of work under the campaign slogan
"Partners in building Egypt"
Socio-economic political
This logo will include work on several topics, including:
Leadership Society
Support and support
Political participation
Education: The Association "Egypt gambling" to raise awareness of the importance of education among the community groups of poor and marginalized, especially adolescents and young people, women and persons with disabilities, by providing them with many of the exercises continued, some of these exercises have on the life skills to give them the opportunity to discover their abilities and skills that they have to refine and use to build their future, and some of the exercises in the form of vocational training for specific jobs for women, youth and persons with disabilities as well as to introduce them to the labor market and the opportunity
To work in the private sector, comes as a component of the work of a basic education in the Assembly has the uniqueness of the program itself is concerned primarily adolescents from poor areas and works to provide them with
Exercises of their own line with their age and their mental age at that stage, enabling them the ability to plan for themselves and their future and make them able to enter the labor market after about 5 years from now.
Community leadership: The Association "Egypt gambling" is also to spread the idea Alrdiah community by providing loans to young people, women and persons with disabilities to do the work of the projects of their own out of their cycle of poverty, whether small loans, medium or large size in addition to technical support is in providing training to them on project management, and therefore Those projects not only contribute to job creation for young people or women of the eligible loans, but also in the development of their communities and participate in building the country's economy.
Employment: The Association "Egypt gambling" to provide job opportunities for youth, women and persons with disabilities by working with the private sector and engage in partnerships, such partnerships whereby the private sector to provide the Assembly of job opportunities available to them, which build on the recent work of the Curriculum A training consistent with the those functions, so as to train young people and women to employment and those in which they open the door to enter the labor market, as well as other special training they receive life skills to be able to participate effectively in the places that attend them, whether as employees or workers.
Support and support: In addition to the work of the Assembly "Egypt gambling" in the areas of education and employment in order to create job opportunities for youth, women and persons with disabilities from marginalized groups and poor, the Assembly is also working on the follow-up with them in the workplace and provide support and support them in order to ensure that the through the treated fairly and in accordance with the Law of the Egyptian work, as much to bring the attention of the Assembly of those groups out of poverty The Assembly also interested in providing them a decent human life.
Volunteering: The association works "Egypt gambling" to serve the marginalized and poor in the Egyptian society and provide the necessary support for them to get them out of poverty, they also serve to provide an opportunity for young Egyptian universities to participate in the development process, comes through a program for university students for the work of similar models of the Assembly "Egypt gambling" within the universities
Where they study, in the sense that there is a student activities in the form of civil association is based on the departments the students themselves, which qualifies them to lead development projects and NGOs later, and Society is a leader in this area, especially as they provide the necessary technical support for those student activities, whether in training or networking with the community or educational materials for different approaches in development work, so the association "Egypt gambling" contribute to the dissemination
Culture of volunteerism among the youth age group who are most able to carry out the responsibilities of community development in Egypt and at the same time, it qualifies them to lead the development process in the near future.
Political participation: There are many issues that must be addressed in the framework of discussing the issue of political participation of all members of society and persons with disabilities in particular, through addressing the issues key terms of political participation and its importance to the individual and society as well as presentation of the international legislation and the legislative framework of Egypt on the right of persons with disabilities in political participation, and the role of both political parties and civil society organizations in the political participation of women and for women with disabilities of all ages in Egypt, so will the society "Egypt gambling" to promote the political participation of all segments of society.
The second project, which will be Egypt's Society gambling in the process of implementation is
"Initiative is in good hands"
Is to educate young people and people with disabilities (motor and audio) mobile maintenance and rehabilitation of the labor market
Goal of the initiative:
Open labor market for young people and the integration of persons with disabilities and animation, audio in various areas of life and the cultures of this group of persons with disabilities so that they have a new opportunity for their rights by the express note that this group of people disparage something private and non-disabled
So the disabled public to raise the capacity of this class to find opportunities, especially in the labor market by training them to use the computer.
Target group
Youth and Persons with Disabilities (audio and animation)
The length of time
6 months

Contact (1) Full Name
Marwa Mohamed Isaa

Evangelische Landeskirche in Württemberg (Evangelical-Lutheran Church in Wuerttemberg)

National Network

Gänsheidestraße 4

0049-711-229363 286
Telephone (other)
0049-711-229363 246
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
The "Evangelische Landeskirche in Württemberg" has more than 2.2 Million members, about 1400 parishes, organized in 51 districts. It was established in 1534, when Wuerttemberg became Lutheran. The "Evangelical-Lutheran Church in Wuerttemberg" got her present constitution in 1920. The members of the "Landessynode" (church parliament) are directly elected by the church members.
Mission and Objectives
Main Projects / Activities
How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can offer our international and interreligious contacts. We are part of networks on the national and regional level and could try to connect activities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The initiative to join the Network came from Heinrich Georg Rothe, in charge of Christian-Muslim relations in our church (Islambeauftragter). It is strongly supported by Ralf Häußler, director of the "Zentrum für entwicklungsbezogene Bildung". Both work in the same department. Because of the legal structure of the church the church as a whole joins the network. The "Kirchenleitung" (directory) took this decision on August 21,2012. That allowss other departments of our church to participate in the activities of the network. - Especially the "Islambeauftragte" is developping international relations with institutions in the Middle East (Lebanon, Jordan, Israel, relations to Oman are developping), but also in European Countries (e.g. Austria, Switzerland, Greece, Turkey), in the field of Christian-Muslim Relations and Intercultural Relations. The same is true for the ZEB (Zentrum für entwicklungsbezogene Bildung). We are working in close cooperation with partners of other faith, cultural and ethnic background. As a church we are working in networks, as well as our Muslim partners in their own networks. We are working in fields of intercultural training, interrelitious dialogue, Human Rights, Gender Issues, and more.

Contact (1) Full Name
Heinrich Georg Rothe
Head of the organisation
Bischof Dr. h.c.Frank Otfried July
Contact (2) Full Name
Ralf Häußler

Stiftung Wissensraum Europa-Mittelmeer (WEM) (Fondation Espace du savoir Europe-Méditerranée - Foundation Knowledge Space Europe-Mediterranean)

National Network

Rue Des Francais Libres
80000 Amiens Cedex

+49-6221-47 28 65
+49-6221-6510 653
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information

The WEM Foundation is a non-profit cultural and scientific organisation (association) with a managing committee of seven members from Europe, the Arab World and Subsahara Africa. All permanent staff members work in an honorary capacity. The WEM has no regular budgetary resources apart from project fundings by German cultural and scientific foundations (in 2011: € 38.000 from Fritz Thyssen Foundation and Allianz Cultural Foundation). WEM staff and WEM members organize conferences with participants from Europe, the Arab World (Maghreb) and Subsahara Africa in Germany, France, Tunisia, Morocco and (in 2013) in Senegal. Main partner of WEM is the Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (ifa), Stuttgart und Berlin. The cooperation with other partners depend on the character of projects which are to be realized.

Mission and Objectives

Exchange and partial integration of cultural knowledge of Europe, the Southern Mediterranean countries and Subsahara Africa; creation of new contents and structures of knowledge by uniting elements from the ‘North’ and the ‘South’ in a ‘Euro-Mediterranean Space of Knowledge’ where – to give an example – you cannot deal with political theory in history without mentioning Machiavelli as well as Ibn Khaldûn; a main objective of WEM is to help to develop a ‘euro-mediterranean’ consciousness of mutuality, solidarity and unity.

Main Projects / Activities

The WEM staff as well as WEM members organize conferences with participants from Europe, the Arab World (especially the Maghreb) and Subsahara Africa. A concrete project is a virtual map of places which incarnate the intensive cultural exchange between Europa, the Southern Mediterranean World and Subsahara Africa, for example Tangiers, Granada, Weimar, Alexandria, Timbuktu. Another project is a German/European – Arabic dictionary of cultural and political key words with commentaries on the culturally specific semantics of each word.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The WEM Foundation could help to intensify the contacts of the German ALF Network with interested persons in the southern Mediterranean area. And it could help to deepen the relations of the Network to universities and schools.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The WEM Foundation wants to join the ALF network because it wants to support the mission of the ALF Network and because it is interested in new partners to cooperate with.

Contact (1) Full Name
Prof. Dr. Ludolf Pelizaeus
Head of the organisation
Prof. Dr. Ludolf Pelizaeus
Contact (2) Full Name
Professor Dr Mohamed Haddad, Tunis