International Association of Music Information Centers

National Network

Ravensteingalerij 38
1000 Brussels

0032 2 504 90 99
00 32 2 502 81 03
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

The organisation has one Executive Manager and one Researcher, besides that the organisation works with a communication working grous composed of five members and a innovation and technology working group composed of all the technical staff of music infomration centers. IAMIC has a Board composed of a President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary,and three ordinary Board Members. The Board meets at elast four times a year. IAMIC also has a Generam Assembly that meets one a year. The FUnding resources come from the EU, the Flemish Community, and Membership Fees and are in total €160.000 a year. The main actions/programmes of the organisation are: Music Monitor Project (Research Project) Office Exchange Programme ISCM/IAMIC Composers Award Annual Conference and Meeting The main partners of IAMIC are EMC, IMC, ISCM.

Mission and Objectives

The International Association of Music Information Centres aims at becoming the foremost global network that facilitates the exchange of knowledge and expertise in the field of music documentation, promotion and information, leading to an increased international cooperation, performance and use of repertoire of music of all genres. Its objectives are to encourage and enhance access to information, materials, and products provided by its members, and to encourage the performance, broadcast, and dissemination of music from members; to encourage exchanges, collaborations, and the exchange of ideas, experiences and skills amongst its members, and to provide a range of relevant services to its members; to play an active role in the broader international music environment, and raise the profile of IAMIC.

Main Projects / Activities

IAMIC focuses on three main projects: The Annual Conference and Meeting is every year organised in another member country and is the summum of exchange among members and key stakeholders of music life in the hosting country. It results in enhanced knowledge on accessibility of foreign artists in the organising country and gives more insight in salient issues in the music world.. The Office Exchange Programme is based on the principles of intercultural dialogue, cultural diplomacy and life-long learning. Participants get the opportunity to work in another Center and get in touch with the foreign music life and practices. It results in enhanced cooperation, expertise and sustainable projects. The Music Monitor aims at creating an instrument to standardise data gathering among Music Information Centers in a sustainable way, taking into account the differences between countries and provides annual statistics for use in research and planning by governmental authorities, cultural operators, and funding bodies.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We realize that many organizations, member of the Foundation are based in Brussels, and more in particular international networks. That is why we believe that actively participating in the activities of the foundation does not mean passively joining them, but generating new ideas for future projects, taking initiatives in fields that are important for the Network in Belgium and involving as much as possible national organisations. Indeed, IAMIC is active in the international network world, but besides that it closely follows the happenings in the Belgian cultural world, both on the Francophone and Flemish side. It is indeed an advantage to have a Belgian Executive Manager who understands both the international challenges as well as the potential and possibilities of the complex cultural world in Belgium. We believe that this is indeed an added value and will contribute to a rich cooperation with the Network in Belgium and will facilitate the flow of ideas, know how and initiatives

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

IAMIC beliefs that with the expertise, know how and knowledge of its network, it can contribute to further enhance the understanding of music documentation and information in Mediterranean countries. Its programmes encourage the exchange between Mediterranean and other countries and among Mediterranean countries themselves. IAMIC believes that this results in mutual empowerment and cooperation and possibly could lead to new projects. Through the encounter with other organizations dealing with music in Mediterranean countries and beyond, IAMIC hopes to get in touch with different types of organizations dealing with Music in the Mediterranean. It beliefs that through these encounters, IAMIC can set up new partnerships and projects contributing to cultural diplomacy and intercultural dialogue while mutually enhancing each others capacities and scope.

Contact (1) Full Name
Diana Marsh
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Diana Marsh

Art+, institute for developement through creativity

National Network

Beblerjev trg 3

051 810 763
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Due to our short existance we have only two, but very motivated members. We plan to finance our projects mostly from donations, grants and sponsorships.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to guide peope in seeking understanding for themselfes, others, different cultures, life and to support integration of this understending in everyday life.

Main Projects / Activities

Creative and educational workshops, we focus especially on vulnerable population.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To meet new potentional project partners,get new ideas,expand our horizons...

Contact (1) Full Name
Ana Novak
Head of the organisation
Ana Novak, Tjaša Jerak

NC Future Now 2006

National Network

Bulgaria, Smolyan district, Gudevica village 4792

+352 896 756 267
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+352 896 756 267
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
NC Future now team includes 6 members of the board and 45 members of the organization. Annual budget is average - 75000 euro. Sources of funding - ESF on Human Resource Development Programme, EEA Grant, CEE Trust, GEF, Youth in Action Programme, LLLP, local grants (M-tel Eco grant), company donations. Main activities are youth work, non-formal education and personal development for children and youth, social integration of disadvantaged young people, Eco, Civic and HR education. We conduct trainings on national and international level (Youth in Action and Euro-Med IV programmes), EVS projects, children camps, trainings for teachers, extracurricular activities in schools. NC Future now is member of networks CEEweb for Biodiversity, Rückenwind - Support of young people with fewer opportunities, International Award for young people. Main partners - local organizations, municipalities, Ministry of education, National Youth Forum, International networks (Ruckenwind, YEU), Youth organizations from Meda countries (ILE, Jordan; SDA, Egypt).
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to develop community of people who create with smile.
Through dedicated work with children and youth we help to reach positive change, we want to see in the world! To achieve this goal NC Future now organizes trainings, EVS projects, summer and winter camps, adventure trips, workshops and festivals in which children and young people accumulate a lot of useful skills and experience while having fun.
Our dream is to make the world more colorful, more sunny and closer, more harmonious and good.
NC Future now unites team of young professionals and enthusiastic people. We are interested in extensive development of programs for non-formal and extra-curricular trainings and education of children and youth in the following areas: personal development, respect for nature and civic education with care for the community.

Main Projects / Activities

2006-2012 - Work and play with children - Training course for teachers
2007-2012 - International Award for young people
2008-2009 - Future Friendly - civic education - ESF Grant.
2007-2010 - Nature ambassadors - Eco education - EEA Grant.
2011 - Ruckenwind on the field - Training for youth and social workers - YiA Programme.
2011-2012 - Ruckenwind for our future 1 and 2 - STEVS - YiA Programme.
2012 - Can Ya Makan: Human Rights 1 and 2 - Trainings for youth workers - YiA and Euro-Med IV Programme.
2012 - Еnchanting garden - Cultivating of herbs and protected plants - M-tel Eco-grant.
2012 - Different but equal or once upon a time - Children rights and intercultural learning - FRGI.
2012-2013 - Face to success - Roma integration - LLLP.
2012-2013 - Step by Step - Prevention of early school dropping - HR Development Programme.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are ready to contribute by our connections on national and international level. By our experience in international cooperation and expertise in the fields of non-formal education, Eco, Civic and HR education. We can support creating local projects and initiatives and involving other partners in National Youth Program.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

From 2011 our organization starts to develop international partnerships in the field of Euro-Mediterranean cooperation. The member of our team - Ognian Gadoularov - took part of SALTO EuroMed TOTEM (Long term training course Training of trainers for EuroMed, 2011 - 2012). In that time our organization implement two projects (Can Ya Makan: Human Rights 1 and 2) in partnerships with youth organizations from Meda countries - ILE, Jordan and SDA, Egypt.
So this partnerships and projects give us motivation to expand our organizational field of work and to enter Euro-Mediterranean youth cooperation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ognian Gadoularov
Head of the organisation
Teodor Vasilev
Contact (2) Full Name
Teodor Vasilev


National Network

Appelkantstraat 68
2530 Boechout


0032 495 63 95 87
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0032 495 63 95 87
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Swira is a Belgian non-profit organization started in 2011 by some enthusiastic youth workers who fell in love with Morocco. At the moment, the main aim of the organizations is the support of two youth organizations in Essaouira, Morocco. We want to help some Moroccan youngsters make their dream of giving the disadvantaged children of their neighborhood a better youth than they ever had come true. We also want to learn more about Moroccan culture and share our experiences in Belgium. The current staff is composed by 5 young youth workers between 22 and 26 years old. They can count on a handful enthusiastic volunteers who already participated in the projects in Essaouira. These past three years, we have supported some youngsters to establish and develop their own organization in Morocco. We help them with financial support gained through fund-raising activities, sponsorship and grants. We also support them through training courses and by sharing our experiences. The main aim for the next two years is to help them in their search for financial resources in Morocco and to empower them to work independently. We organized the last year following activities with different kind of partners: 2009: - First Aid training - Red Cross Boechout - Puppetry training - Froefroe vzw - Rope Skipping training - Hipe Skip vzw 2010: - Youth exchange - Kena vzw 2011: - Initiator training rope skipping - Jump'n Joy vzw 2012: Training for youth leaders
Mission and Objectives

The association Swira aims to encourage people to work together at local, national and international level and this through concrete projects with a humanitarian dimension. The main aim of the association is to reach, to encourage and to support people from different backgrounds to participate actively in a form of social engagement.

Main Projects / Activities

The activities can take different forms depending on the needs of the target groups such as: raising awareness, exchanging experiences, providing logistical and infrastructural support or/and promoting intercultural and interreligious dialogue. This list is not exhaustive.
Since 2011, the association is involved in the Euromed Youth Program. One of our board member participated the TOTEM II, a long-term training for trainers in the Euromed Youth Program. Swira is a partner in trainings, youth exchanges and other initiatives organized thanks to the network of Euromed-trainers.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- Sharing experiences with youth exchanges with meda-countries
- Providing information about the Euromed Youth Program
- Providing workshops about intercultural learning for youth and youth leaders
- Networking with social organizations (focused on youth) in the Euromed region

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to share our experiences, knowledge about the Euromed Youth Program, our network connections in the Euromed region with other interested organizations and individuals. We would like to learn from other organizations who work around the same topics and to organize projects together. We would like to be updated of the activities of the Anna Lindh network in Belgium and if possible, participate or even contribute in the activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Joke Van Dooren
Head of the organisation
Joke Van Dooren

Palestina Solidariteit vzw

National Network

Vierwindenstraat 60, 1080 Brussel
1080 Brussel

0032 2 501 67 49
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Palestina Solidariteit is a Belgian non-profit organization that 1 employee on a halftime base. The General Assembly consists of 20 members, the board of trustees consists of 8 people gathering monthly. Palestina Solidariteit can count on 30 volunteers and has 200 paying members. 1500 people receive the newsletter and updates.
Mission and Objectives

Palestina Solidariteit vzw is an organization that strives for the rights of the Palestinian people. The calls and actions of the organization are based on the principles of democracy, international law and human rights. Palestina Solidariteit vzw supports the Palestinian struggle for freedom and self-determination. The organization has therefore 2 main action domains: Belgium and Palestine. In Palestine Palestina Solidariteit supports local projects of Palestininian organizations, in Belgium Palestina Solidariteit focusses on awareness-raising, information, sensibilization and mobilization.

Main Projects / Activities

In Belgium Palestina Solidariteit organizes lectures, conferences etc. to bring information to the broad public. It also works in the political area to put pressure on and mobilize politicians for the rights of the Palestinians. The organization releases press releases and works together with journalists of the mainstream media to bring the right information to the broad public. In Palestine Palestina Solidariteit supports 5 local projects of Palestinian Working Women Society, Jordan Valley Solidarity and the rehabilitation center of New Azkar refugee camp.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Palestina Solidariteit can share its experiences as a civil society organization operating in Belgium as well as in Palestine

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Palestina Solidariteit vzw wants to joint the ALF Network to be able to exchange useful information between European and Mediterranean civil society organizations and in that sense build a stronger and broad civil society base.

Contact (1) Full Name
Myriam Vandecan
Head of the organisation
Myriam Vandecan
Contact (2) Full Name
An Peeters

Ministry of Education, Culture and Science

National Network

Rijnstraat 50
P.O. Box 16375
250o BJ

Den Haag

Organisation Type
Public Institution
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Government organisation, see website
Mission and Objectives

see website

Main Projects / Activities

Omong others: Bilateral and multilateral relations between NL and mediterranean countries

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Gerdien Verheuvel

Cultuur & Co

National Network

javakade 170

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information
Network organisation and NGO. The Network consists of Professional Self Employed persons whit expertise in culture, diversity, heritage, gender, working with multi-lingual groups, etc. The NGO has only voluntary staff.
Mission and Objectives

To facilitate cultural-social projects

Main Projects / Activities

Transitions, EU Grundtvig learning partnership
Express & Connect, EU Grundtvig learning partnership

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Give workshops on Express & Connect

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

It fits our mission

Contact (1) Full Name
dineke stam
Head of the organisation
Dineke Stam

STET Stichting The English Theatre

National Network

Nassaulaan 17
2243 HJ Wassenaar

06 30050018
Mobile Phone
+31 (0)6 30050018
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Board and Director Volunteers Project workers
Mission and Objectives

To promote and produce English language theatre performances

Main Projects / Activities

Theatre Productions from around the world in English

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By offering interesting and sometimes challenging productions
see for more information

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Theatre is wonderful way of exchanging culture and it widens cultural awareness and understanding through art.

Contact (1) Full Name
Elske van Holk
Head of the organisation
Elske van Holk
Contact (2) Full Name
Sharyn van Ees

AGRID Association

National Network

Paralutelor Street, No 14, Bucharest

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
AGRID (The Association for Geopolitics, International Relations and Diplomacy) is a non-governmental non-profit organization which aims to contribute to the overall well-being of the Romanian society in general and young people in particular by spreading democratic values and sharing inter-cultural knowledge.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to promote and bring added value to participative education and active citizenship, while developing solid partnerships with institutions, organizations and individuals that have an activity corresponding to our values and objectives. The actions of AGRID are always according to the highest of moral standards and social values and so is our mission.
We want to show a new perspective of the world that we live in, based on geopolitical principles, through workshops, seminars, conferences, international exchanges, all planed to be offered to national and international interested organizations and individuals. We wish to be an agent that facilitates the positive exchange of experiences between young people in order to raise the level of information, the geopolitical analysis capacity, the overall tolerance and the unity in diversity.
A key aspect is to ensure the visibility of our activities and to stimulate the active participation of our members and collaborators through round-tables, discussion groups, but also through the online platform for geopolitics that we design.

Main Projects / Activities

Here is a list with some aspects of our work:
- motivating young people to increase their mobility;
- raising the cultural and information level of young people;
- promoting the cooperation between institutions, NGOs and citizens of different states through tolerance and solidarity in a European context;
- stimulating cultural activities and raising awareness about the importance of education, at European and worldwide level;
- creating a network of young professionals, volunteers, institutional and NGO representatives for debating themes related to international politics (conflict resolution, human rights, peace education, etc).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are a group of enthusiastic people and this is something that anyone who wants to do great things needs it.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe that networking is the best solution for achieving great things.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dragomir Bogdan Alexandru
Head of the organisation
Dragomir Bogdan Alexandru

Observatoire de Prospectives d'Etudes et du Dialogue Euorpe -Maghreb (OPEDEM)

National Network

66 rue de Montgagnant
Nemours, 77140

06 23 20 52 39
Mobile Phone
06 23 20 52 3 9
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Others
General Information
L'OPEDEM est une association loi 1901, créée en 2012. Le bureau de l'OPEDEM est composé d'un Président, un Vice-président-Trésorier et une Secrétaire Générale. L’OPEDEM bénéficie de l'appui d'un réseau de soutien international composé de personnalités issues de divers milieux (économique, politique, culturel, associatif, et autres) et de différents pays (France, Maghreb). Vu son jeune âge, l’OPEDEM puis vit des cotisations de ses membres et des actions bénévoles de ses sympathisants et soutiens. L’OPEDEM se veut un cadre de dialogue, de réflexion et d’échanges entres des acteurs d’horizons divers et ce, à travers l’organisation de colloques et de conférences sur des thématiques variées. L’association se fixe aussi pour objectif la production et la publication d’études et d’analyses sur des sujets qui impactent directement ou indirectement le dialogue et le partenariat Europe –Maghreb. Les partenaires de l’OPEDEM peuvent être des associations, des personnalités, des universités, des entreprises et des institutions.
Mission and Objectives

L’OPEDEM veut être un acteur de rapprochement et de promotion d’un dialogue euro-maghrébin ouvert à toutes les sensibilités politiques, religieuses, ethniques, linguistiques.
Notre association compte mobiliser ses compétences pour favoriser la recherche et l’émergence de nouveaux axes réels de coopérations et de partenariats entre les acteurs des deux rives.
A travers ses activités, l’OPEDEM veut mettre en place un cadre de rencontre et de concertation pour les entreprises, les universités et aux autres types d’organisations afin d’explorer les opportunités de mettre en œuvre des projets communs.
Nos séminaires, conférences et tables rondes constituent des opportunités de mise en relation, nos études et analyses apportent les éclairages nécessaires pour la prise de décisions.

Main Projects / Activities

A l'heure actuelle, l'OPDEM est sur deux projets principaux relatifs à l'organisation d'une série de rencontres sur des questions liées à l'Islam, la démocratie et le vivre ensemble. Le second projet porte sur la réalisation d'une étude portant sur les engagements réciproques de la France et des Etats du Maghreb sur la gestion des flux migratoires.
D'autres réflexions sont engagées sur l'analyse de certains secteurs d'activité socio-économique afin de mettre en évidence des axes de coopération et les potentialités existantes.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Notre contribution au réseau français de la FAL se traduira par notre participation aux différentes actions initiées dans ce cadre mais aussi en état une force de proposition et un acteur actif dans la prise d'initiatives. Nous souhaitons également enrichir le travail mené par la FAL et participer à des projets qu'elle lance régulièrement dans le cadre de ses activités.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Nous souhaitons adhérer à la FAL pour joindre notre efforts à ceux des autres acteurs dans la construction et la consolidation d'un dialogue serein, libre et respectueux autour de la Méditerranée.
Nous souhaitons mettre à contribution nos compétences dans différents domaines pour éclairer, informer, orienter les acteurs des deux rives vers un partenariat solidaire et mutuellement bénéfique autour da la Méditerranée.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Christian JEAN
Contact (2) Full Name