Stichting Vrienden van Poehaa (Foundation Friends of Poehaa)

National Network

Albert van Dalsumlaan 75
6836 MX Arnhem

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The foundation is lead by a board of 5 members. We work by means of projects with a variable number of volunteers. Our mean year-budget is between €3000,- and 5000,- , gained by gifts and monthly donations. For our projects we apply for subsidies by organisations related to the goal of the concerned project. Besides that we promote the projects in our community in order to generate financial support
Mission and Objectives

The foundation promotes art-education in general and more specific circus-theater.
We've established a small network all over Europe and in Israel that we would like to extend.

Main Projects / Activities

In the last three years we've been involved in Youth in Action projects in Belgium and Denmark.
At this moment we are involved in a Circus-project in Israel, oriented on integration and understanding of diverse cultures. In this project trainers of the both countries will meet and teach each other.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We would like to participate in international exchanges for youngsters and their coaches/trainers. We have a network of volunteers, supporting our activities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Through our partner in our current project we heard of the Anna Lindh Foundation. We think the ALF can help us to extent our network and realize our goals. We hope to gain more knowledge in order to establish more intercultural understanding.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marlies Neutkens
Head of the organisation
Giedo Jansen (chairman)
Contact (2) Full Name
René Hildesheim

Cork Midsummer Festival

National Network

Civic Trust House, 50 Popes Quay

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

CMF is a Limited Company/non for profit. CMF is funded by the Arts Council of Ireland, Cork City Council, Failte Ireland,EU and many more. CMF receive funding for specific projects for e.g from the embassies etc CMF partner with a number of different organisations each year depending on the Festival programme

Mission and Objectives

By inspiring the public through high quality performances and productions in unexpected places, within a festival atmosphere, CMF aims to promote excellence across the arts in Cork and build awareness and a sense of pride in Cork's cultural achievements and resources.

Main Projects / Activities

Cork Midsummer Festival is one of Ireland’s leading art festivals of contemporary performance. It is an annual festival (11 days in 2012) presenting a season of local, national and international events across a range of cultural forms including theatre, off-site performance, contemporary and popular music, participatory projects, mass free events, dance, debate, ideas, visual and conceptual art. The festival presents, commissions and produces Irish and European premieres of ground-breaking international theatre artists, new productions from Cork and Irish companies as well as high profile international co-productions, often involving international theatre-makers collaborating with home-grown talent.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We work very closely with the Head of the national network at present. But with our experience working with International counterparts, the EU and International artists we hope to get very involved and connect with both the Irish Network and the ALF Network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

CMF are always looking at different International organisations to partner with and we would like to broaden this network by joining the ALF.

Contact (1) Full Name
Lorraine Maye
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Tom Creed

Compagnie Calvero

National Network

148 bd MacDonald
75019 Paris

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
La Compagnie Calvero est une compagnie de théâtre et a été crée par Roland Timsit pour la création et la tournée ( en France, en Roumanie,en Israel..) de son spectacle de clown. Puis la compagnie s'est intéressée à la création d'auteurs contemporains.La compagnie est composée de 3 membres réguliers et s'associe à d'autres artistes ponctuellement.
Mission and Objectives

Aujourd'hui la Compagnie Calvero a deux préoccupations.D'une part la création de texte d'auteurs contemporains et d'autres part continuer ses activités sur le clown et le cirque.
Mais toujours avec la préoccupation d'aller à la rencontre des publics grâce à des ateliers ou des spectacles mêlant amateurs et professionnels.

Main Projects / Activities

La compagnie Calvero a le projet de créer en 2013/2014 la pièce " La carte du temps, trois visions du moyen orient" de Naomi Wallace.Ce triptyque met en scène des israéliens, des palestiniens et un irakien.Nous souhaitons en amont de la création emmener les acteurs en Israël et dans les territoires palestiniens.Dans une volonté d'écoute et de partage.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Nous pouvons faire connaitre les activités du réseau et aussi proposer nos services.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Dans le cadre de ce voyage en Israel et dans les territoires palestiniens nous souhaitons à la fois faire connaitre notre initiative et aussi multiplier les contacts dans ces pays.

Contact (1) Full Name
Roland Timsit
Head of the organisation
Bernadette Bombardieri


National Network

1504 Sofia, Bulgaria
167A “Evlogi Georgiev” Blvd.


+359 2 944 63 89
+359 2 944 63 89
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
The association has established branches in five cities in Bulgaria – Lovech, Blagoevgrad, Vidin, Haskovo and Silistra. Its main office is situated in the Bulgarian capital – Sofia. It also manages a vocational centre, which is licensed to organize trainings for 56 different jobs in accordance with the National Secondary Education Standards. Last but not least, the Association has been granted a license from the National Agency for Social Assistance to be eligible to provide four types of social services. For the last couple of years the NGO has a turnover of over 200 000 euro per year and employs permanently 5 people.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of ARCI is to support the development of the civil society in Bulgaria by fostering the involvement of people of all social groups in public affairs and the governance of the country in order to enhance the social and economic situation and the quality of life of the Bulgarian citizens

Main Projects / Activities

Main activities in Bulgaria
 Supports the development and implementation of initiatives for economic, social and cultural development of regions in Bulgaria;
 Organization of joint initiatives with bodies of state and local government;
 Works on programs to improve the legislation in Bulgaria;
 Strengthens the public-private partnership in Bulgaria;
 Encourages civil initiatives in the field of environmental protection and improvement of living conditions;
 Assists minority groups, people with disabilities and vulnerable social groups;
 Organizes and conducts trainings and seminars to increase professional qualification of the labor force in the Center for Vocational Training to ARGI;
 Initiates and participates in establishing partner networks with national and international organizations and NGOs;
 Develops and implements programs and projects for application to the national operational programmes
 Encourages and organizes activities for the preservation and introduction of traditional Bulgarian communities events, cultural activities, traditions, crafts and customs, combined with voluntary initiatives to improve the environment or solving local problems.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We intend to contribute to ALF Network in Bulgaria by: firstly, promoting its objectives and initiatives, and secondly, by implementing project activities in fields which are essential for peaceful co-existence among nattions: Intercultural training for youth and adults, Human Rights and Co-existence; Regional development.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

During the last years our NGO has been targeted at working internationally and establishing partnerships with other civil society organizations in EU and non-EU countries, like Romania, Hungary, Macedonia, Turkey and Serbia. Thus by joining the ALF Network we intend to build up cooperation with partners from the MED countries and jointly work on intercultural trainings and competence exchange in order to share common values and live together peacefully.

Contact (1) Full Name
Tsvetelina Neshkova
Head of the organisation
Tsvetelina Neshkova
Contact (2) Full Name
Diana Bebebnova-Nikolova

Instytucja Kultury Katowice - Miasto Ogrodów/ Katowice - City of Gardens Cultural Institution

National Network

pl. Sejmu Śląskiego 2, 40-032 Katowice, Poland

+48 32 785 70 26
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
The structure of the institution consists of 13 staff employed and 13 freelancers. Katowice – City of Gardens cultural institution is a municipal institution (public finance sector) with the budget of several mln PLN per year. The main modalities of actions are as follows: artistic events (concerts, exhibition, workshops), festivals (Street Art Festival, Ars Independent Film Festival, Video Re:view Festival), educational and public space projects. Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities - city of Katowice, Ars Cameralis Cultural Institution, local NGOs.
Mission and Objectives

Katowice – City of Gardens cultural institution offers a wide-range programme in the domain of music, film, design, visual arts, theatre, as well as education, ecology and sport. Its presence on a cultural map of Upper Silesia is multidimensional. Its actions have both local (through artistic and educational activities) and international impact (International Street Art Festival, Ars Indepdent Film Festival and Video Re:view Festival). The Institution runs its programme through:
a)carrying out activities in the domain of culture, education, instruction and publishing;
b)co-operation with artistic, scientific, business and cultural institutions as well as with NGOs and municipal authorities;
c)organization of conferences, seminars and artistic events;
d)preparation and production of films, multimedia, instructive and promotional materials as well as others in the domain of statutory activity;
e)culture promotion and dissemination;
f)initiating and coordination of the research in the domain of culture

Main Projects / Activities

Street Art Festival: an international interdisciplinary event aiming at encouraging and inspiring citizens to join common actions heading for a change of the city space, by revealing their own creativity and activity.
This project is a contributing factor to the process of changing the image if industrial city, both its visual appearance. atmosphere,and the citizens' attitude, which is done through variety of cultural events and artistic happenings.
Festiwal Video Re:view, presenting the most interesting phenomena in the domain of video art and new media, and organized in co-operation with renowned centres of video art such as Ars Electronica Linz, Videonale Bonn and Les Instant Marseille.
Ars Independent Film Festival presenting independent and non-commercial cinema, which marks out new horizons of contemporary cinematography, and surprises by the themes brought up by directors.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By joining Polish network we could share our experience in culture promotion and dissemination, and also enrich this co-operation by common activities. We’d welcome the chance of joining common platform of intercultural and cross-national dialogue.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The reason for our application is the will to make our activities, in both cultural and social dimension, to go beyond regional and national borders, and to benefit from multicultural and intersocial variety of Europe, not to mention the possibility of exchanging ideas and experience as well as learning from one another.
We would like to share our cultural heritage and enrich it with the experience of the nations, whose history, culture and tradition maybe not so much known to Polish citizens. By doing so, we’d like to promote common understanding and tolerance.

Contact (1) Full Name
Anna Harasimowicz
Head of the organisation
Piotr Zaczkowski

egyptian rights Centre

National Network

Port Said

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
structure: shimaa youssef number of staff: 20 funding: no fund yet
Mission and Objectives

Egyptian Rights Centre
" Teach them ..... to play your role "
Enable all segments of Egyptian society and urged them to social and political participation effective and productive through education and awareness and training with the support of their participation in various development projects for the advancement of their standard of living and to achieve the elevation and the growth and prosperity of our beloved Egypt.
Background Foundation
We the people of this dear homeland, which we carry on our great goals for the present and the future lies in the seeds of faith in the importance of strong human edited politically, economically and culturally, intellectually, any release of all the possibilities and queens creative and innovative in order to achieve progress which is the most important challenges we face now, especially after the revolution of the twenty-fifth of January in 2011, which changed many of the concepts of everyone realizes the importance of their role in the later nation-building Vbakimp man and his dignity and prestige of the nation are its strength and prestige ...So we must all work hard in such a critical stage that is passing by Egypt in order to transit safely and planted the seeds for the near and distant future generations to help human life precious in light of the growing concepts of freedom, justice and equality in all sectors and ways of life and from this standpoint, the idea of ​​establishing a center " the rights of Egyptian "
our Objectives & programs
Developing the values ​​of loyalty and belonging among all Egyptians.
Raise awareness of labor laws and human rights.
Promote a culture of volunteerism and the concept of social responsibility.
Encourage youth participation in education and information dissemination.
Help protect the community from all forms of deviation and extremism.
Activating the role of Egyptian girls and women and the elimination of all forms of discrimination against .
Protection of minority rights in the society Kalmaakin, street children ....
Alkudar numbers of both sexes are eligible to take up political positions in Almsqubl.
Training young people to fit their market needs.
Political participation and effective community for all categories of people.
Adoption and support of all development projects in the community.
Transfer and exchange of experiences between different religions and

Main Projects / Activities

Planning and management Alantakbat
Raise the political consciousness of the Egyptian
Women and raise their capacity and support participation
Through workshops ... ... Altdrebh different sessions by the center

Contact (1) Full Name
Shimaa Yousef

African Community Society

National Network

Jerusalem/ Old City, Ala, Eldin Str.17
Palestinian Territories

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The African Community Society, ACS is a Palestinian non- governmental non-profit organization founded by the Afro- Palestinian community in Jerusalem in 1983.  It is an offshoot of the Sudanese Welfare club which was active between 1965 and 1967, the year when Israel occupied Jerusalem. It is also a revival of the African Youth Club, which was established in 1978 but was forced to close in the mid- eighties due to financial hardships.
Mission and Objectives

Jerusalem’s Old City enjoys development and its population of youth, women and children live a standard of living that responds to their needs.
Mission statement:
To promote the Old City, empower and rehabilitate the children. Youth and women by improving their living conditions in accordance with the continuous studies of their needs.
Strategic Objectives:
To promote development in the Old City Jerusalem.
To empower and rehabilitate targeted groups.
To establish and increase networking with local and international organizations.
To invest institutional building
Short Term Objectives:
To raise awareness among Jerusalemite youth about the humane cultural heritage of the Palestinian people.
To introduce Jerusalem and the Old City from a Palestinian perspective.
To introduce the religious and historical buildings in the Old City and Jerusalem.
To introduce the social fabric of the Palestinian society in Jerusalem
2-1 To work on limiting the rate of family Violence.
2-2 To work on limiting the phenomenal school diligence.
3-1 To empower women and youth and train them with computer and specialized skills.
3-2 To provide permanent financial support.
4-1 To increase the activity of the institution to achieve its goals.
4-2 To organize the society.
4-3 To develop the abilities of its staff.

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Mousa Qous
Job Title
Executive director
Head of the organisation


National Network

11 Avenue de Paris, CP 1000

+216 71 245 849
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+216 22 593 803
Mobile Phone (other)
+216 20 419 447
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

L'association est intégralement gérée par des jeunes (18-34 ans). Elle est dirigée par un comité de pilotage composé de neuf membres, dont la répartition se décline comme suit : Président / Vice-président / Secrétaire Général / Secrétaire général adjoint / Trésorier / Responsable des ressources humaines / Responsable des relations extérieures et de la communication / Responsable de la coordination nationale / Coordinateur des projets. Les équipes chargées des projets sont composées de membres volontaires parmi les adhérents, qui sont au total près de 300 dans l'association. Une équipe de deux permanents rémunérés se charge des tâches exécutives. Nos sources de financement sont essentiellement composées de financements étrangers (Institut Français de Tunisie, Open Society, DAI, etc.) et de sponsors. Nous disposons actuellement de ressources budgétaires nécessaires à financer le fond de roulement de l'association ainsi que les actions ponctuelles (de l'ordre de 50 000 dinars tunisiens).

Mission and Objectives

Notre principale mission est la sensibilisation aux principes et valeurs de la vie civique et politique auprès des jeunes tunisiens. Cela passe essentiellement par la réalisation de plusieurs objectifs: - Promouvoir la culture du dialogue auprès des jeunes tunisiens. - Favoriser le réseautage et concrétiser des opportunités de collaborations entre les différents acteurs de la société civile d'une part, et entre la société civile et les pouvoirs publics d'autre part. - Sensibiliser à travers des actions de terrain aux fondements de la démocratie et de la vie civique et politique - Contribuer, en tant qu'association ressource pour les jeunes souhaitant s'impliquer dans la société civile, à l'émergence d'une nouvelle génération de leaders citoyens.

Main Projects / Activities

L'éventail des projets que nous avons réalisés s'étend des actions ponctuelles et de terrain aux projets incitant plus à la réflexion de long terme sur les problématiques touchant directement les jeunes tunisiens, et sont principalement les suivants: - La co-organisation des deux premiers forums tuniso-français de la société civile post-révolution, en partenariat avec l'Institut Français de Tunisie, les associations "RANDET", "Enda-interarabe", "Amal", et le collectif "Bus Citoyen". Organisation, avec les même partenaires, du "forum du citoyen actif", et lancement du "Bureau Associations Conseils", un organisme d'accueil de volontaires français destiné à partager l'expertise française de la société civile avec les ONG tunisiennes. - La création, le lancement, et le suivi du projet "Bus Citoyen", un collectif d'associations qui a été créé dans un premier temps pour sensibiliser à l'échelle nationale à l'importance du vote et à la vulgarisation des enjeux des premières élections post-révolution, et dans une deuxième phase à former des jeunes tunisiens à la vigilance constitutionnelle et électorale, en partenariat avec le Programme des Nations Unies pour le Développement. - Lancement d'une série de "focus groups", formations, débats à l'échelle locale et de "forums des jeunes citoyens actifs" afin d'élargir le dialogue au sein des structures jeunes sur des thèmes tels que la bonne gouvernance, l'environnement, la constitution, etc. - Montage de videos virales et reportages visant à sensibiliser à certaines questions touchant directement les jeunes tunisiens.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Etant assez actifs notamment dans le rapprochement entre les régions et la réduction de la fracture entre jeunes des régions de l'intérieur du pays et jeunes des régions favorisées, nous pensons pouvoir oeuvrer efficacement à l'élargissement des actions effectuées dans le cadre du réseau Anna-Lindh (ou du moins dans le cadre de partenariats avec les associations membres) à une échelle nationale. Cela constitue d'autant plus une opportunité que nous oeuvrons également à fournir les ressources nécessaires aux ONG de jeunes des régions pour leur garantir une implication totale dans des projets effectués par des réseaux et collectifs nationaux, tels que le "Bus Citoyen", le "Bureau Associations Conseils", l'"Observatoire National des Libertés Individuelles et Fondamentales".

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Nous avons, au sein de Sawty, la conviction que le travail en réseau est fondamental pour accroitre l'efficacité des actions, qu'elles soient de terrain ou plus restreintes. Nous sommes également attachés aux principes de dialogue entre les cultures, et avons eu l'occasion de prendre part à programme d'échange de jeunes en partenariat avec des organismes français de la société civile. Nous avons également eu l'occasion de collaborer avec de nombreuses associations réparties sur l'ensemble du territoire tunisien, lesquelles sont pour bon nombre d'entre elles membres du réseau Anna-Lindh, vers lequel elles nous ont orientés pour répondre à notre désir d'intégrer un réseau à l'échelle régionale.

Contact (1) Full Name
Moez Bassalah
Head of the organisation
Moez Bassalah
Contact (2) Full Name
Amine Barkallah

Centre for Envrionmental Education and Research (CEER)

National Network

CEER, Room 105, Sports Complex, University of Malta, Tal-Qroqq MSD 2080 MALTA

+356 2340 2558
Telephone (other)
+356 2146 3025
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+356 79809782
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
CEER is a Centre at the University of Malta governed by a board set up according to the University of Malta regulations. It currently employs four full time members of academic staff and one executive officer. A number of part timers contribute to various courses organised through CEER.
Mission and Objectives

CEER’s role is to promote environmental education (and Education for Sustainable Development) and Research in the Euro-Med region by seeking to catalyse change towards a sustainable society. It endeavours to offer opportunities for environmental education to empower citizens to actively participate in environmental decision making fora and in initiatives that promote a good quality of life for all.
CEER offers a hub that co-ordinates environmental education initiatives, increases the opportunity for environmental education research, makes scientific and technological research results more accessible and facilitates resource transfer and capacity building in Malta and the Euro-Med region.

Main Projects / Activities

Initial Teacher Training
In-Service Teacher Training
Capacity Building
Training at community level
Training Prospective Youth Workers
Provision of Under-Graduate and Post Graduate Courses in Education for Sustainable Development.
Participation in various projects, including EC funded, in the fields of Environmental Education, Development Education, Eco-Management for Schools and Global Education.
Support to Civil Society Organisations
Research in the field of Education for Sustainable Development.
Networking with local and regional groups/individuals to initiate joint projects.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

CEER will be exploring, together with other ALF partners, opportunities where group synergies can promote a better quality of life within the Euro-Med region.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

CEER is the main Environmental Education/Education for Sustainable Development agency in the country. We are willing to share our expertise and collaborate with any entity (governmental, non-governmental, community based, etc.) with whom we share similar aims. The ALF can provide the right platform for CEER to catalyse change towards a sustainable society.

Contact (1) Full Name
Vincent (Censu) Caruana
Head of the organisation
Prof. Paul Pace

Doueir Municipality

National Network

Municipality of Doueir Bldg., 1st floor, main street
Nabatieh 1700

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
We are a local authority (municipality) in south Lebanon whereby there are 5 employees. The Lebanese government is responsible for the financing of the municipality. the only external source of funding is the EU which finances an environmental project only.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the municipality is the same as other local authority.

Main Projects / Activities

Main project is the solid waste management project called "green Doueir" which is financed by the EU. The main goal is to raise awareness on environmental issues especially on solid waste management by teaching the citizens especially the women how to sort their waste and compost it.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

we can participate in spreading information about this network in Lebanon especially in the south.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To benefit from the experience and the funds of ALF

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Sara Hteit
Head of the organisation
Mr. Mohammad Kanso
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Hussein Hoteit