Nezavisna udruga mladih

National Network

Trg kralja Tomislava 10
42250 Lepoglava

+385 97 623 9589
Mobile Phone
+385 97 623 9589
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Organizations currently gathers 216 members which are contributing to development of organization thru assembly, managing and control board and presidency (president, vice-president and general secretary). Organization currently does not have any employees, but has around 15 constant volunteers. In 2011. our budget was around 30.000 euros, mainly from different projects, municipality's budget and other sources (donations, membership...). Organization works on all sorts of youth policy development and creation of different non-formal educational workshops, seminars and youth exchanges. Main partners are Municipality of Lepoglava, Croatian youth network, local and regional youth councils and similar NGOs form neighboring countries (Slovenia, Hungary, Austria, Bosnia...).

Mission and Objectives

Vision of NUM is "Educated young people who actively, responsibly and equally participate in the socio-political life of local community” while the mission of NUM is to promote active and responsible participation of youth in the life of local communities, and advocate the interests of young people in local authorities.

Main Projects / Activities

The association encourages the development of local youth policies through the development and implementation of local policies for young people and strengthening the capacities of young people through education, collaboration, partnerships and information.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our references in policy making can be easily used in implementation and in fulfilling the objectives of ALF as well as our capabilities to help the other members of ALF in solving some specific problems or just joining mutual projects. Since we are youth organization, we are assure that we can also help in developing this potential and activities of ALF.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Since Croatia is part of Euro-Mediterranean Region, our organizations tends to develop partnerships with similar organizations from this region in order to give and gain experience, know-how methods and mutual projects for years to be. Our activities didn't include a lot of organizations from this region, and since the objectives of our organization are somewhat similar to those of ALF, we think that ALF is the right and best platform to work on this objectives.

Contact (1) Full Name
Hrvoje Kovač
Head of the organisation
Dario Milec

Subversive Festival

National Network

Subversive Festival, Udruga Bijeli Val, Ilica 203 A, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
The organisation consists of a core-team of 20 people, with 3 permanently employed staff. During the annual Festival the organisational team consists of more then 100 people (coordinators, translators, moderators, etc.). The average annual budget is around 150,000-200,000 Euro (for 2012 it was around 150,000 Euro). Main sources of funding are Ministry of Culture of Croatia, City of Zagreb, Croatian Audovisual Center, Tourist Board of Zagreb, Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, Heinrich Böll Stiftung, Embassies (French, German, etc.). Main modalities of actions are: 1 Subversive Film Festival, 2. International Conference, 3. Subversive Forum / Balkan Forum, plus monthly seminars and discussions. Main partners involved in the projects are RLS, HBS, French Institute, Eurozine, Transform! Network, Memoire des Luttes, World Social Forum, etc.
Mission and Objectives

Our objective was to establish a diverse network of regional and international partners, namely academic institutions, cultural organizations, new social and political movements, art centers and civil society actors. By doing so we developed political education of involved citizens by offering programs and activities rarely organized in Zagreb, Croatia or in a wider region.
We encouraged audience’s participation, and by doing so we also wanted to encourage networking among international and regional theoreticians and activists participating in the conference, workshops and following programs.
Finally, we aimed at attracting various, mainstream and alternative media to present to a wider public the event and the socio-politically relevant issues that had been discussed.

Main Projects / Activities

- the theoretical conference with keynote speakers such as Slavoj Zizek, Stephane Hessel, Zygmunt Bauman, David Harvey, Gayatri Spivak, Saskia Sassen, Michael Hardt, etc.
- the film screenings, held in several cinemas, located in the very city centre: Europa Cinema, Tuskanac Cinema, Gric Cinema
- the film symposium, mainly aiming at students and young professionals
- art exhibition realized in cooperation with prominent curatorial teams
- book promotions held in cooperation with leading Croatian publishers (Ljevak, Jesenski i Turk, Fraktura, Pelago, VBZ)but also international publishers (Verso)
- official festival publications documenting the project include the following: the program book consisting of conference papers written by participating theoreticians and essays by other prominent scholars; the bilingually published (English and Croatian) festival catalogue, consisting of film critical reviews and the accompanying program abstracts
- the festival is being promoted through: bulletin published in 20, 000 copies, flyers, billboards and city light posters, daily newspaper adds, radio and TV adds, an English-Croatian website.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute to the programs of the Network as we have a long and established tradition of recognizable programs and activities which are aimed at the same goals as the ALF Foundation.
The festival is attracted by a numerous audience (more then 10,000 people during the 2 weeks), and the visibility of our partners is guaranteed as we are regularly present in the regional mainstream media (Croatian and Slovenian National Television, daily newspapers, weekly's in Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, etc.), but also worldwide (Al Jazeera, Le Monde Diplomatique, Cafe Babel, etc.). Last but not least, our wish is to really integrate the Subversive Festival as part of the Mediterranean and to bring Arab scholars, intellectuals, activists, cultural workers, etc, to Zagreb to gain new knowledge and connections in the broader Balkans region.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

By joining the ALF Network we hope not only to expand our activities but mainly to open integrate the Subversive Festival in the broader Mediterranean region, where Croatia naturally belongs.
By doing so, we hope to encourage intercultural exchange mainly with the Arab region and promote cooperation between new social movements and cultural institutions from Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, etc.
The last edition of the Subversive Festival (2011.) was dedicated to the Arab Spring, and this is a topic we would like to continue elaborating also in the next editions.

Contact (1) Full Name
Srecko Horvat
Head of the organisation
Nikola Devcic

The Standing Conference on Teacher Education North and South

National Network

39 Abbey StreetArmaghBT61 7EB

+44 (0)28 3751 1550
Telephone (other)
+44 (0)28 3751 8282
+44(0)28 3751 1721
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Secretary Administrator Management Committee comprising 14 representatives from member organisations £110,000 Department of Education and Skills Dublin, Department of Education Belfast, Department for Employment and Learning Belfast. Subscription from Member Organisations Receipts from conferences Annual Conference since 2003 on the following topics: Creative Teachers for Creative Learners: Implications for Teacher Education Promoting Literacy and Numeracy through teacher education Teacher Education for Inclusion Reflective Practice: Challenges for Teacher Education School Leadership, Policy and Practice, North and South Teaching in the Knowledge Society Teacher Education and Schools: Together Towards Improvement Teacher Education for Citizenship in Diverse Societies The Changing Contexts of Teacher Education, North and South Challenges to Teacher Education and Research, North and South Cross Border Research Projects Cross Border Student Teacher Exchange Projects Annual Reports Irish Teacher Education Colleges, Irish University Education Departments, Teacher Trades Unions, General Teaching Council/Teaching Council Ireland, Regional Training Unit.
Mission and Objectives

SCoTENS brings together 36 colleges of education, university education departments, teaching councils, curriculum councils, education trade unions and education centres on the island of Ireland with a responsibility for and interest in teacher education. It has been involved in supporting a wide range of research, conference and exchange projects since it was founded in 2003. To date 78 research projects have been seed-funded during that time: including on Special Educational Needs, continuing professional development, English as an Additional Language, the inclusion of newcomer and ethnic minority children, citizenship education, educational research, ICT and digital video in education, young children’s identities, social justice education, developing reflective skills, art and science education, physical education, autism, archiving education documents, religious education, Irish medium education, maths education, literacy and peer mentoring. SCoTENS also sponsors the North/South Student Teacher Exchange project, now in its eighth year, which brings student teachers from Dublin and Limerick to do a key part of their assessed teaching practice in Belfast schools, and Belfast student teachers to do the same in Dublin and Limerick.

Main Projects / Activities

SCoTENS contributes to the increased social and territorial cohesion of the island of Ireland through: Promoting and improving the quality of cross-border cooperation between Teacher Educators, Teacher Unions, General Teaching Councils, Regional Training Units, Teacher Education Centres and Education Boards through the development of: • Annual North/South conferences on topical education priorities relevant to stakeholders in both jurisdictions on the island of Ireland • North/South Student Teacher Exchange Programme • Joint North/South Research on education matters relevant to stakeholders in both jurisdictions on the island of Ireland • Production of Joint North/South Research Reports

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

SCoTENS has established an all island network of 36 colleges of education, university education departments, teaching councils, curriculum councils, education trade unions and education centres on the island of Ireland with a responsibility for and interest in teacher education. SCoTENS is a unique organisation on the island of Ireland and is highly regarded by the Departments of Education in both jurisdictions of Ireland. We believe that through our cross border work and through the invaluable connections SCoTENS has made with the teacher education constituency, our membership of the Anna Lindh Foundation would prove to be mutually beneficial to both organisations.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

SCoTENS draws on 9 years of experience of bringing together teacher educators across the jurisdictional boundaries on the island of Ireland. Among its core aims, SCoTENS is committed to offering student teachers the opportunity to spend a part of their assessed teaching practice in a classroom in the ‘other’ Irish jurisdiction – this fits directly with one of the core ALF priorities. SCoTENS also brings teacher educators together to participate in conferences on matters relevant to education to-day. It encourages through ‘seed funding’ researchers to cooperate with partners from the other Irish jurisdiction to embark on research projects. All of our projects prioritise people working together across a land frontier. SCoTENS produces high quality research and annual reports. We believe our work in the areas highlighted will benefit members of the ALF Network.

Contact (1) Full Name
A. Soares
Head of the organisation
Andy Pollak


National Network



E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
Mus Kadin Dernegi (Mus Women Association) was founded by a group of women in 2009 in Mus city of Turkey. It is a feminist organisation and adopts non-hierarchical/feminist method. Now, it has 68 members. As Mus Kadın Derneği, we primarily aim to prevent marriage of young girls and honour killings which are still important problems in rural and urban areas in Mus. We organise trainings and workshops on against violence against women and women's human rights. Our participants are women from different backgrounds. On the other hand we try to support women's economic development in every possible way we could and therefore we organise occupational trainings to empower women in labour market or to encourage them to start a business. We run a counselling centre which is also working as helpline. We receive 5 applications as phone calls or as in-person each day on average. We support women who have been through domestic violence. Our volunteers meet women in the counselling centre, we signpost them to other organisations that they can get legal, medical or physiological help or shelter services. Our counselling centre is open every day between 09:00 am and 18:00 pm. Some of our activities as follow: We have launched a free computer training programme with one of the IT companies in Turkey and although we planned to give training to 100 women, we received 227 applications, so all of them finished the training. We had a campaign on against violence against women, called “If Women Smiles, the World Smiles”. We had an awareness rising workshops in villages of Mus. We were supported by volunteers (1 attorney and 2 specialists). The campaign was also funded by Global Dialogue. We aimed to raise awareness against stereotypes of gendered roles in a patriarchal society and to work towards violence free society. We published leaflets with helpline information, had coverage on local televisions and newspapers. So we achieved to make the violence against women visible partly in Mus. We have started an awareness rising campaign on breast cancer in villages of Mus and Bitlis cities. Dr. Nedime Kosgeroglu, a specialist, also worked with us. We gave some basic trainings for early detection of illness such as “how to examine yourself for breast cancer”. We had a successful “Free Fitness and Sports Courses for Women” campaign in Mus city. We received 980 applications. For those who came to the courses we also had small awareness rising meetings on women’s rights, violence against women, breast cancer etc. In accordance with our priorities, one of our future projects is to launch a new campaign against early marriages of young women and we like to support this campaign with the counselling centre. Therefore we are looking for support and funding for capacity building. We’d be glad if you could inform us about the support we may get from your organisation.
Mission and Objectives

Mus Kadin Dernegi (Mus Women Association) was founded by a group of women in 2009 in Mus city of Turkey. It is a feminist organisation and adopts non-hierarchical/feminist method. Now, it has 68 members.
As Mus Kadın Derneği, we primarily aim to prevent marriage of young girls and honour killings which are still important problems in rural and urban areas in Mus. We organise trainings and workshops on against violence against women and women's human rights. Our participants are women from different backgrounds. On the other hand we try to support women's economic development in every possible way we could and therefore we organise occupational trainings to empower women in labour market or to encourage them to start a business.
We run a counselling centre which is also working as helpline. We receive 5 applications as phone calls or as in-person each day on average. We support women who have been through domestic violence. Our volunteers meet women in the counselling centre, we signpost them to other organisations that they can get legal, medical or physiological help or shelter services. Our counselling centre is open every day between 09:00 am and 18:00 pm.
Some of our activities as follow:
We have launched a free computer training programme with one of the IT companies in Turkey and although we planned to give training to 100 women, we received 227 applications, so all of them finished the training.
We had a campaign on against violence against women, called “If Women Smiles, the World Smiles”. We had an awareness rising workshops in villages of Mus. We were supported by volunteers (1 attorney and 2 specialists). The campaign was also funded by Global Dialogue. We aimed to raise awareness against stereotypes of gendered roles in a patriarchal society and to work towards violence free society. We published leaflets with helpline information, had coverage on local televisions and newspapers. So we achieved to make the violence against women visible partly in Mus.
We have started an awareness rising campaign on breast cancer in villages of Mus and Bitlis cities. Dr. Nedime Kosgeroglu, a specialist, also worked with us. We gave some basic trainings for early detection of illness such as “how to examine yourself for breast cancer”.
We had a successful “Free Fitness and Sports Courses for Women” campaign in Mus city. We received 980 applications. For those who came to the courses we also had small awareness rising meetings on women’s rights, violence against women, breast cancer etc.
In accordance with our priorities, one of our future projects is to launch a new campaign against early marriages of young women and we like to support this campaign with the counselling centre. Therefore we are looking for support and funding for capacity building. We’d be glad if you could inform us about the support we may get from your organisation.

Main Projects / Activities

Mus Kadin Dernegi (Mus Women Association) was founded by a group of women in 2009 in Mus city of Turkey. It is a feminist organisation and adopts non-hierarchical/feminist method. Now, it has 68 members.
As Mus Kadın Derneği, we primarily aim to prevent marriage of young girls and honour killings which are still important problems in rural and urban areas in Mus. We organise trainings and workshops on against violence against women and women's human rights. Our participants are women from different backgrounds. On the other hand we try to support women's economic development in every possible way we could and therefore we organise occupational trainings to empower women in labour market or to encourage them to start a business.
We run a counselling centre which is also working as helpline. We receive 5 applications as phone calls or as in-person each day on average. We support women who have been through domestic violence. Our volunteers meet women in the counselling centre, we signpost them to other organisations that they can get legal, medical or physiological help or shelter services. Our counselling centre is open every day between 09:00 am and 18:00 pm.
Some of our activities as follow:
We have launched a free computer training programme with one of the IT companies in Turkey and although we planned to give training to 100 women, we received 227 applications, so all of them finished the training.
We had a campaign on against violence against women, called “If Women Smiles, the World Smiles”. We had an awareness rising workshops in villages of Mus. We were supported by volunteers (1 attorney and 2 specialists). The campaign was also funded by Global Dialogue. We aimed to raise awareness against stereotypes of gendered roles in a patriarchal society and to work towards violence free society. We published leaflets with helpline information, had coverage on local televisions and newspapers. So we achieved to make the violence against women visible partly in Mus.
We have started an awareness rising campaign on breast cancer in villages of Mus and Bitlis cities. Dr. Nedime Kosgeroglu, a specialist, also worked with us. We gave some basic trainings for early detection of illness such as “how to examine yourself for breast cancer”.
We had a successful “Free Fitness and Sports Courses for Women” campaign in Mus city. We received 980 applications. For those who came to the courses we also had small awareness rising meetings on women’s rights, violence against women, breast cancer etc.
In accordance with our priorities, one of our future projects is to launch a new campaign against early marriages of young women and we like to support this campaign with the counselling centre. Therefore we are looking for support and funding for capacity building. We’d be glad if you could inform us about the support we may get from your organisation.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Enrichment of our city through public networks in Turkey to recognize and ensure the right jobs

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

woman's problem is an international problem and finding solutions to problems in solidarity with all stakeholders at the universal level. ALF in this sense the most accurate, unbiased and useful institution. Us to replicate the ALF team.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Université Hassan II- Casablanca- Maroc

National Network

19, rue Tarik Ibnou Ziad, BP: 9167, Mers Sultan. Casablanca MAROC

00 212 5 22 43 30 30
Telephone (other)
00 212 5 22 43 30 33
00 212 5 22 27 61 50
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
00 212 6 49 990 990
Mobile Phone (other)
00 212 6 19 289 289
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
Etablissement public composé de 8 établissements universitaires (facultés et écoles supérieures)et d'une présidence. Sources de financement: Budget de l'Etat + ressources propres + partenariats Modalités d'action: Actions de formation et de recherche + projets de coopération nationaux et internationaux EX de Projets Tempus, Erasmus Mundus 7ème PCRD, etc
Mission and Objectives

-La contribution au renforcement de l'identité islamique et nationale ;
-La formation initiale et la formation continue ;
-Le développement et la diffusion. du savoir, de la connaissance et de la culture;
-Préparation des jeunes à l'insertion dans la vie active notamment par le développement du savoir-faire ;
Recherche scientifique et technologique ;
-Réalisation d'expertises ;
-Contribution au développement global du pays ;
-Contribution à la promotion des valeurs universelles.

Main Projects / Activities

L'activité principale de l'Université est basée sur des actions de formation et de recherche dans les établissements suivants:
Faculté de Médecine et de Pharmacie
Faculté de Médecine dentaire
Faculté des Sciences Juridiques, économiques et Sociales
Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences humaines
Faculté des Sciences
Ecole Supérieure de Technologie
Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Electricité et de Mécanique
Ecole Normale Supérieure

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

L'Université contribuera au réseau marocain par la mise à sa disposition de moyens matériels (infrastructure- moyens logistiques) et humains (Ressources humaines qualifiées de l'Université)

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Conscience de l'intérêt de la prise en compte de l'interculturel pour le développement de toute institution. L'adhésion de l'Université au réseau FAL Marocain renforcera son ouverture sur le monde. Le réseautage.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr Abdellatif KOMAT - Vice Président Chargé de la Recherche
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr Idriss MANSOURI- Vice Président chargé de la Pédagogie

Jeunesses Musicales Czech Republic

National Network
Czech Republic

Kolbenova 804/30,Praha 9, 190 00

+420 732 623 622
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+420 732 623 622
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
1) Board - 11 board members, President, 1th vice president, 2th vice president, treasure, general secretary (board members are elected) 50 volunteers, lecture team, animation team 40 000 members 2) Our fond resources: Ministry of Education, Town councils, festivals, summer schools and worshops fees 3) The Jeunesses Musicales anual events: The Jeunesses Musicales Summer School (culture art in general)(Trebon) The Jeunesses Musicales Summer Camp (workshops for musicians and dancers)(Podebrady) The Jeunesses Musicales Summer Camp for Children (Podebrady) The Jeunesses Musicales Winter Film School (Prague) The Jeunesses Musicales Musical Theatre festival PRKNA (Hradec Kralove) The Jeunesses Musicales Music and Art festival RAINBOW STORM (Liberec) The Jeunesses Musicales DAYS OF MUSIC (Prague) The Jeunesses Musicales Musical Theatre festival PRKNA (Hradec Kralove) The Jeunesses Musicales Music and Art Festival YOUNG SMETANA´S LITOMYSL (Litomysl) The Jeunesses Musicales WORKSHOP IN PHOTOGRAPHY (Prague) 4) Media partner: Czech Radio (Český rozhlas)
Mission and Objectives

• Hudební mládež ČR je sdružení mladých lidí, kteří se zajímají o kvalitní kulturu a umění (hudbu, divadlo, tanec, film, výtvarné umění)
• Dává možnost setkávat se s přáteli podobných zájmů z celé ČR na festivalech, seminářích, koncertech, divadelních představeních
• Víkendové akce nabízí bohatý kulturní program a přináší možnost aktivního zapojení v rámci tvůrčích dílen a interaktivních pořadů, samozřejmě také prostor pro zábavu a potkávání nových přátel

Main Projects / Activities

The Jeunesses Musicales Summer School (culture art in general)(Trebon)
The Jeunesses Musicales Summer Camp (workshops for musicians and dancers)(Podebrady)
The Jeunesses Musicales Summer Camp for Children (Podebrady)
The Jeunesses Musicales Winter Film School (Prague)
The Jeunesses Musicales Musical Theatre festival PRKNA (Hradec Kralove)
The Jeunesses Musicales Music and Art festival RAINBOW STORM (Liberec)
The Jeunesses Musicales DAYS OF MUSIC (Prague)
The Jeunesses Musicales Musical Theatre festival PRKNA (Hradec Kralove)
The Jeunesses Musicales Music and Art Festival YOUNG SMETANA´S LITOMYSL (Litomysl)
The Jeunesses Musicales WORKSHOP IN PHOTOGRAPHY (Prague)
Project FACE TO ART - online web competition in different fields of art

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

JM Czech Republic board member Klara Novakova has become the board member of JMI International (2012-2014). Klara Novakova can share the experiences from working in this executive body of JMI, attending international festivals, nettworking and gaining contatcs with important international organisations in the field of art, especially music. We would like to start to send czech musicians to the international projects of JMI and other organisations, adopt the international projects of JMI and Euromeditarian programs.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to participate in the international projects of Jeunesses Musicales International, Euromediterian projects, enable czech muscians and artists to travel abroad and take part in international festivals and worshops. We would like to invite foreing musicians to our country for our festivals. We would like to educate our organisation team. We would like to organise an euro-mediterian folk music festival in Prague.

Contact (1) Full Name
Klara Novakova
Head of the organisation
Pavel Smrkovsky

VELbloud, z.s.

National Network
Czech Republic

Za sídlištěm 2144/9
14300 Prague

+420 602 626 450
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

We have 3 members - editor in chief,  graphician and distribution manager. Every issue of the VELbloud journal (500 prints) costs about 1500 Euro. The journal used to be issued annually, from 2020 it will be issued as our funds allow. We use our own funds, plus journal sales, plus occasional contributions from cultural organisations. The photo exhibitions costs are covered by the society members.

Mission and Objectives

The main mission is an effort for the improvement of the general view of the cultures of Greater Middle East and Africa territory, with approaching their life and cultural and social values, as well as a realisation of cultural, educational and expert contacts, with an effort for the mutual understanding and rapprochement. VELbloud is a purely non-political association.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main project is issuing the VELbloud journal about the Greater Middle East and Africa cultural world, with high-quality texts and photo illustrations, focused on the culture, history and travelling, organising thematical social-cultural meetings, giving lectures about the subjects connected with the Greater Middle East and Africa territory and its interaction with our Western society and organising touring photo exhibitions around the Czech Republic.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We will continue in our work – VELbloud journal, lectures, photo exhibitions, now in a wider international context, with promoting the ALF activities in the Czech Republic, coordinating our activities with other members of the Czech Network so that our main mission – presenting the Greater Middle East and Africa cultural world, has a better chance to appeal to the Czech public.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join the community of organisations with a similar field of interest – the Greater Middle East and Africa cultural world, while we are also looking for help finding new ways of funding. We know personally some members of several of the organisations already being already members of the Czech ALF network (ARABFEST, z.s., Department of Near Eastern Studies in Pilsen, Center for Middle Eastern Studies in Prague, Czech-Arab Society)

Contact (1) Full Name
Jiri Prokop
Head of the organisation
Jiri Prokop

Black Flamingo Publishing

National Network

P.O.Box 84, 1505 Sofia

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Black Flamingo Publishing is a new Bulgarian publishing company registered in 2010. The Black Flamingo publishing house aims to give a voice to various social groups, minorities and others outside the public centre of attention and outside the mainstream spotlight: a place to enable individual voices to be heard. These may be young and often insufficiently established writers, people who have their own unusual story to tell, or people with eccentric ideas ahead of their time. In other words, those whom society often consciously or unconsciously tries to marginalize or neglect out of bigotry, puritanism or narrow-mindedness. For us, the voices of those who are in some way different are the voices of the future; those that make us ponder human nature and to seek new ways to reach out to those who need understanding and support. Black Flamingo Publishing was nominated for the “Hristo G. Danov” National Literary Award in the category 'The Art of Book' in 2011 Staff employed: 2 persons Partners: - translators: 2 persons - graphic design; artwork: 3 persons
Mission and Objectives

Black Flamingo Publishing is a Bulgarian publisher of innovative poetry, drama, fiction
and specialized art and documentary projects.
Black Flamingo Publishing is the natural choice for young writers, poets and authors of
fiction and documentary literature targeting the cultural elite. We publish both translated
literature and Bulgarian authors, whom we present outside Bulgaria.
In order to broaden the readership of our authors, Black Flamingo Publishing will cooperate with Messechina Music (, organising joint promotions combining music with dramatized text.
Black Flamingo Publishing focuses on fiction and documentary literature targeting alternative cultural elite outside formal frameworks and concepts. We aim to become an attractive center for alternative and unconventionally-minded writers.

Main Projects / Activities

• Production and Publishing
• Literary Agency
Black Flamingo Publishing Ltd
P.O.Box 84
1505 Sofia
tel/fax: + 359 2 946 30
Published 2010
• Peter Turrini – Endlich Schluss. Plays
• Vassil Parmakov – "Me and Major Bluecher". Stories
• Roland Schimmelpfennig - Hier und Jetzt. Plays
Published 2011
• Herbert Berger - Kleider machen Leichen. Plays
• Ulrike Almut Sanding – Flamingos. Stories
• Johannes Gelich – Der afrikanishe Freund. Novel
• Arthur Schnitzler - Anatol, Plays
• Rainer Werner Fassbinder - Der Müll, die Stadt und der Tod. Plays
• Werner Schwab – Fäkaliendramen. Plays
• Bertolt Brecht - Furcht und Elend des Dritten Reiches. Play
Published 2012
• Peter Weiss - Trotzki im Exil. Play
Coming Soon
• Christopher Isherwood - Goodbye to Berlin. Novel
• Werner Schwab - Königskomödien. Plays
• Richard Schuberth - Wartet nur, bis Captain Flint kommt. Play
• Miron Zownir - Parasiten der Ohnmacht. Stories
• Fritz Hochwälder - Das heilige Experiment. Plays
• Gunther Geltinger - Mensch Engel. Novel
• Miron Zownir - Kein schlichter Abgang. Stories
• Jónína Leósdóttir - Allt fínt...en þú? Novel
• Audur Ava Olafsdottir - Rosa candida. Novel
• Hubert von Goisern – Stromlinien. Logbook
• Gabi Köpp – Warum war ich bloss ein Madchen? Das Trauma einer Flucht 1945
• Meša Selimović - Derviš i smrt - Novel

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We will popularize Middle Eastern literature in Bulgaria as we believe at the moment there is a very limited visibility of both ancient and contemporary culture from the region. Additionally we will work toward inter-cultural exchange between Bulgaria and the countries from the Middle East.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to publish works of a number of Middle Eastern writers and poets such as Naguib Mahfouz, Yusuf Idris, Tayeb Salih, and Adonis among many others.

Contact (1) Full Name
Yordan Yordanov
Head of the organisation
Yordan Yordanov
Contact (2) Full Name
Victor Lilov

Association Forum Science

National Network

127, Rakovski Str., Floor 3, Office 301, Sofia 1000, Bulgaria
Sofia, Bulgaria

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Association Forum Science is a nonprofit non-governmental organization originated in 2011 by several people with familiar interests in the field of education, science, culture and youth activities. The co-founders may be just a few but we have worked with many volunteers in our projects. We cherish working with different people from various background and tha is the way we manage most of our projects. Our members attend different types of activities in order to improve themselves and to develope their own ideas. Our partners have been: Training Centre at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences,Program “Space Challenges”, Union of Physicists in Bulgaria,Festival of Bulgarian Education,Sofia Festival of Science,Publishing “Colibri” and many others.
Mission and Objectives

The Forum Science Association's missions are to spread and popularize the novelties of science and culture mostly among young people.
Untill now our organisation's attention has been concentrated mostly in the field of science and the different ways of popularizing it. Now we would like to turn to culture and the arts, participate and manage more projects and activities acknowledging the connection between arts and science in order to promote a more holistic perception of the society

Main Projects / Activities

These are some of the activities in which our members have participated and/or managed:
- Festival of Bulgarian Education - 2009, 2010 and 2011
- Participation in the organization of the first to Bulgaria “Sofia festival of science” – 2011 and 2012
- Paticipation in the organizationpoetry reading under the “festival of Bulgarian education” – 2011
- Paticipation in the organization in Space education program “Space Challenges“ - 2010 and 2011
- Participation in youth exchange "Reconcilg our differences"- Donegal, Ireland,2010
- Participated in Q4Q training course in Estonia, 2011

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We feel that the time has come in Bulgaria to work for improving the intercultural and interfaithial communication. We have been doing researches on minorities in Bulgaria and on the Balkans. This is very painful topic in our area and it is very difficult to sustain calm and positive relationship establishing that Diversity is Richness but we feel that it is something we should work on. So, for those of our future projects we think that it would be useful if we could call ourself part of the ALF network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joining the ALF network would be very helpful to our organization and hopefully to many others too because it is a great place for finding fellow thinking people from various countries and backgrounds exploring so many areas of interest. We believe that in such thriving diversity it would be easier for us to find partners and to expand our minds.

Contact (1) Full Name
Iva Georgieva,
Head of the organisation
Rosen Teodosiev
Contact (2) Full Name
Rosen Teodosiev,

Malta Gay Rights Movement

National Network

32, Parish Street,

+356 21430006
Telephone (other)
+356 21455600
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+356 99250943
Mobile Phone (other)
+356 99255559
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

The Organisation is currently run by volunteers. A committee is elected every year during the Annual General Meeting were an annual report for the previous year is presented together with a workplan for the current year. The committee is made up of a coordinator, administrator, treasurer and 6 members as established in our statute.

Mission and Objectives

Mission MGRM strives to achieve full equality for LGBT people in Maltese society; a society that enables people to live openly and fully without fear of discrimination based on one’s sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression. Aims and objectives • To educate society with a view to challenge myths and common misconceptions about different sexual orientations; • To identify, address and prevent acts of discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation; • To act as a lobby group promoting legislative changes to achieve equality for gays and lesbians within society; • To provide support services for gays, lesbians, their families and friends; • To provide information on gay and lesbian issues; • To set up and run an information centre for the general public on gay and lesbian issues; • To ensure an active presence in society by networking with government and non-governmental organisations.

Main Projects / Activities

In line with its strategic plan, MGRM is campaigning for a number of legislative and policy changes to be introduced. These include the legal recognition of same-sex couples and their families; a new gender identity act for Malta; the inclusion of sex reassignment under the National Health Service; the widening of the NCPE remit to include sexual orientation and gender identity; the introduction of homophobic and transphobic hate crime legislation; and the introduction of anti-discrimination legislation in the provision of goods and services. MGRM is also advocating for an anti homophobic and transphobic bullying policy in schools primarily through its Think Before You Speak: Making Life Better for LGBT Youth Campaign. MGRM offers support services through its National Gay Helpline and also carries out awareness raising and training activities. The MGRM is also responsible for the organisation of Pride Week.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

MGRM is the longest standing LGBT organisation in Malta and a recognised expert in the field of LGBT equality. It has a high visibility and is professional and strategic in its approach.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To network with other similar human rights organisations in the Euro Mediterranean area and to be able to benefit from funding opportunities as part of our capacity building objectives.

Contact (1) Full Name
Gabi Calleja
Head of the organisation
Gabi Calleja
Contact (2) Full Name
Ruth Baldacchino