European Integration Agency

National Network

Blvd Rakovski 13-A-41

+359 888 814141
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Others
  7. Youth and education
General Information
EIA Headquarters - Haskvo, Bulgaria EIA Branch 1 - Kyustendil, Bulgaria EIA Branch 2 - Vidin, Bulgaria EIA Branch 3 - Burgas, Bulgaria European Integration Agency - registered in 2009 in Bulgaria as a legal entity, registered according to the Law for non-profit legal entities and has more than 40 partner organizations in Bulgaria and abroad. In 2011, EIA registered its own branches in the towns of Kyustendil, Bourgas, Vidin, which covers all cross-border regions of Bulgaria. Funding sources: a) Donations, sponsorships and bequests from Bulgarian and foreign natural and legal persons; b) Income from additional economic activity of the Association within the meaning of Art. 3, paragraph 3 of the Entities Act - if it is connected to the main activity.; c) Transfer of rights and claims; d) Interest on cash and deposits; e) Grants and other projects in which the Association participates; f) Other lawful sources Involved and interested in becoming a partner in any project which involves the betterment of the average person's everyday life.
Mission and Objectives

To aid any person, organization or entity in a disadvantaged situation.
Some of the main goals of EIA are:
1. To assist the learning process of European integration and increasing public awareness of the relevance of political and economic theories of integration processes, methods of policy making in the European Union, the methods of political lobbying, forming common policies and the need for accelerating the integration process to a successful policy of social and economic cohesion within the European Union.
2. To promote social integration and personal realization of citizens by preventing discrimination, protecting human rights and implementation of horizontal principles in human resource development.
3. To support the informal community groups, youth groups, environmental organizations, NGOs, municipal and government bodies and others in the implementation of their initiatives.
4. To generate concrete solutions to major socio-economic problems: improving the quality of human capital, improving basic infrastructure, enhance economic competitiveness, better use of the economic potential of cultural heritage, overcoming intra-regional differences in country, improving the pace of social development.
5. To establish and maintain contacts with Bulgarian and foreign organizations, institutions and their representatives for the joint implementation of programs and projects.

Main Projects / Activities

"Improving skills of producers towards stronger links" 20112007CB16IPO008-2009-1-086
"Improved Agriculture Improved Social Links" 2007CB16IPO008-2009-1-081
"Cover history without boundary" 2007CB16IPO008-2009-1-049
“Savoring Unique Nature - Bicycle tourism in support of Nature (SUN)” 2007CB16IPO007-2011-2-086
Activities to achieve goals:
The EIA works closely with local administrations and organizations. It consults, coordinates and acts as a liaison between local, neighboring and international organizations. Its key areas of intervention are the introduction and integration of EU mandates, regulations and human rights action into all areas of life and enhance the citizen in the participation of civil society and decision making process.
EIA makes Propositions and defends publicly on draft regulations corresponding to the objectives of the Association Examination and, if necessary submission of proposals to control and regional authorities to amend or repeal regulations support the exercise of legal right in the public interest and promotion of human rights as fundamental values of civil society in Bulgaria;
Over the last year the EIA has actively been involved in bringing to light and prosecute cases of medical negligence resulting in deaths as well as heading a campaign for uniting local consumer protection organizations into a more streamlined cooperation.
Currently, meeting the present needs of people in Bulgaria and thinking of those of the future generations –from the ecologic, economic and social point of view, our Agency implements 3 educational projects which aim to increase knowledge, capacities and capabilities of people in the fields of cultural tourism, milk and forage production as well as wine production and vine cultivation and in other site human rights, social inclusion and the rule of law and improve their capacity to influence policy and decision making processes.
The EIA has also recorded several socio-economic problems in the region and generated concrete solutions to the most pressing issues.
By their actions and projects EIA support sustainable economic development in Bulgaria built on the comparative advantages, improve the overall social development and promote social cohesion among people and communities, improve the quality of life by efficient use of natural resources as well as protection of natural, cultural and historical heritage values.
In the same time in the development and implementation of their projects EIA observe the horizontal themes: Equal opportunities, Sustainable development and Climate change.
The agency brings greater public awareness for basic rights and laws both in country and in the EU, thereby building a more active and responsible society. It is streamlined at bring to light specific EU laws and mandates which defend the interests of ordinary citizens, as well as the unique regional traditions, needs and characteristics.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The EIA boasts a dynamic team of professionals with extensive experience in various fields and from various backgrounds. Through cooperation with other such teams and members in the ALF Network both the EIA, ALF and ALF's other member will be able to better create strategic partnership and empower individuals, organizations and entities to maximize their potential for the betterment of humanity.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

EIA would like to become an active partner in the ALF network to interact with, aid and cooperate withe the other partner organizations in the network in order to better reach it's and ALF's goals.

Contact (1) Full Name
Michael Vassilev
Head of the organisation
Ivanka Gyobeklieva
Contact (2) Full Name
Rozalina Gyobeklieva

Grazer Büro für Frieden und Entwicklung

National Network

Wielandgasse 7

+43 316 872-2183
+43 316 872-2189
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
The Peace Centre is a registered association that was installed by the City of Graz. At present the staff consists of 8 persons. The association has an annual budget of ~€ 200.000,- provided by the City of Graz and national and EC project funding. The activities comprise seminars, workshops, a communal mediation service and concrete projects in housing areas. We cooperate mainly with local NGO's, local administration, house management etc.
Mission and Objectives

The Graz Bureau for Peace and Development, also known as the “Graz Peace Centre”, is a communally sponsored service for the promotion of peace-oriented thinking. It is a one-of-a-kind undertaking in German speaking countries, probably in all of Europe as well. The city municipality, backed by all of its political parties, has committed itself to continual and systematic engagement in the areas of peace, development, tolerance, reconciliation and human right protection. In doing so, Graz has made education and project work in these areas a matter of its own political and municipal concern.
Since 1988 the city of Graz has supported the Peace Centre through financial means and personnel. At the same time, however, the centre is given complete freedom in terms of its programming, organisation and administration.
Areas of Work:
1. Educational and informational work: Based on current issues or general topics such as identity, violent group dynamics, violence and media etc., the centre’s systematic educational and information work is especially geared towards educator training programs, universities as well as work in classrooms.
2. Networking: The Peace Centre is also a “switchboard” of sorts for the activities of the many organisations working in the area of peace and development policy. Through representation in the centre’s advisory board, over 40 such organisations are using our network for the coordination and improved efficiency of their work.
3. Active Programmes for communal peace: The Peace Centre has carried out several projects on various peace issues (peace talks on the Balkans, interreligious dialogues, non-alignment policy, anti-racism …), but has concentrated on concrete communal peace work in the last years.

Main Projects / Activities

School workshops/adult education on identity, violent group dynamics, violence and media, non-violent self-defence
Communal Mediation Service to support in neighbourhood conflicts in all cultural contexts
HASIF: The project develops and tests a transferable, citizen and community oriented scientific procedure model to increase subjective security through preventive measures in communal living space.
Hallo Nachbar: In the frame of this project new neighbours are welcomed in culturally mixed housing complexes to provide a communicative basis for future contacts.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute our experience and know-how in the field of intercultural communal and peace work and in relevant topics like identity and peace...

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

About 20% of our clients come from the Arab world requiring intercultural skills which we wish to enhance. We also hope to get a better insight in conflict resolution and concepts of communal peace in the partner countries.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mag. Jutta Dier, chief executive
Head of the organisation
Dr. Josef Wilhelm, chairperson
Contact (2) Full Name
Ursula Hauszer-Ortner

The Irish Lebanese Cultural Foundation

National Network

3, The Sycamores, Freshford Road

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The Foundation is a Voluntary organisation composed by a Five Members Board and near 50 members all Irish or Lebanese/Irish.
Mission and Objectives

Create a cultural bridge between Lebanon and Ireland for the new generations to be proud of their Lebanese and Irish heritage.

Main Projects / Activities

Revisiting Lebanon for 80 UNIFIL veterans IN 2005. Reviving the study of Gibran Khalil Gibran in Ireland and lecturing about the connections between Gibran and Yeats.Promulgating the study of Richard Pococke Bishop of Ossary and his visit to Lebanon in 1738 ..

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Hailing from a multicultural Country we beleive we have a lot to demonstrate and say about integration and about cultural exchange. I hope that our contribution will have a positive effect on the ALF network in Ireland.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because the network fits the profile and aspirations of our Foudnation

Contact (1) Full Name
Christine Coman
Head of the organisation
Guy Jones

Paideia - the European Institute for Jewish Studies in Sweden

National Network

Box 5053
10242 Stockholm

+46 8 679 55 55
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+46 8 679 55 55
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Heritage
  3. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information

Paideia was created in 2000 through grants from the Swedish government and the Marianne and Marcus Wallenberg Foundation as an academic and applied institute of excellence. 

Dedicated to strengthening Jewish culture in Europe, Paideia – The European Institute for Jewish Studies in Sweden, educates leaders for Europe, such as academicians and community activists, in Jewish textual sources that serve as the wellsprings of Jewish and modern civilization.

Mission and Objectives

Paideia’s mandate is to nurture the strengthening of European Jewish culture, to support cross-cultural dialogue and to promote a positive paradigm of minority culture within European societies. Paideia accomplishes this through highly intensive educational programs, focusing on in-depth knowledge of Jewish sources and on social entrepreneurship.

Main Projects / Activities
  • The Paideia One-Year Jewish Studies Program
  • The Paideia Project-Incubator
  • Paideia alumni conferences and micro grants
  • Academic conferences
Contact (1) Full Name
Erik Gribbe
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Diector Noa Hermele

Svenska Muslimer för Fred och Rättvisa

National Network

Dalslandsgatan 2
118 58 Stockholm

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Religion
General Information

The Organization has 6 local branches and are developing new ones. Also have one in Paris. We have four half time employees. The organization is lead by the executive president and his working committee in cooperation with the board of local presidents. Larger long term decisions for the federation is made with the board of directors. The organization is grassroot driven and has very limited resources in form of money. The organization is dependent on trust and a good reputation to enlist support and gain resources in form of volunteers, venues, materials etc. The organization has gained funding for limited projects from Allmänna Arvsfonden and Ungdomsstyrelsen. The peacemovement has alot of grass roots activities as well as high profile meetings. It has a strong national emphasis on its work as well as international with a "glocal" focus. Main partners in the peacemovements activities are the christian peacemovement, the swedish peacemovement, the swedish scouts, Sensus, kista folkhögskola, different government departments, the police, local youth NGOs, mosques etc. 

Mission and Objectives

Svenska Muslimer för Fred och Rättvisa arbetar för att bli en av de främsta organisationerna i Sverige och Europa inom freds- och säkerhetsfrämjande på global basis, grundad på rättvisa, islamiska principer och mänskliga rättigheter samt att islam ska fortsätta vara en naturlig del av Europas kulturarv. Svenska muslimer för Fred och Rättvisa ska utifrån islamiska och demokratiska värdegrunder, i enlighet med Koranen och Profeten Muhammads budskap, verka för fred och rättvisa. Målet är en bestående rättvis fred inom och mellan länder. Vi strävar mot en fred som är grundad på mänskliga rättigheter, rättvis handel, rättvis ekonomi, social jämlikhet, frihet samt personligt och globalt ansvarstagande.

Main Projects / Activities

National activities, urban peacemaking, leadership training, development of civil society, civic participation, education, policy, lectures, seminars, cooperation International activities, cooperation, support, development of civilsociety, building relations, exchanges, leadership training, education, advocacy. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Yasri Khan
Job Title
Secretary General
Head of the organisation
Yasri Khan
Contact (2) Full Name
Albin Jonsson
Job Title (2)


National Network

Vas. Olgas 8a

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Steering team: Despina Syrri (President), Ljubisa Vrencev (Director) and 3 members Efi Voutira, Kleopatra Yousef and Thanos Maroukis Media team: Sikandar Khan, Tayna Diniz, Jorida Demba, Jelena Vujanovic, Hristina Koutsoumbina,Tamara Elidou, Vahagh Karapetyan and Bedri Hoxha Budgetary resources: 30000 Euro Sources of funding: donations and voluntary work Modalities of action: Projects, Trainings, Research, Publications, Seminars, Conferences, Radio show and Documentary films
Mission and Objectives

Drawing upon collaborations in education, rights and non-discrimination in the Balkans and Greece since 2003, Symβiosis was founded in May 2011 in Thessaloniki. Aiming to bridge theory, practice and policy, Symβiosis focuses on information and education, freedom of expression, public debate and active civic participation, so that people and communities voice their needs and ideas; while it supports intercultural and interfaith dialogue and political education to strengthen social cohesion, understanding between different cultures and acceptance of diversity.
In the current climate of crisis, reasserting the importance of fundamental rights for all, and developing vibrant civic institutions has become a pressing priority. Symβiosis works towards establishing partnerships among civil society organisations, collectivities and networks focusing on equality, participatory democracy and social justice, and on combatting discrimination based on ethnic and religious affiliation, gender and social conditions. Symβiosis advocates for the political, social, and economic participation of migrants and vulnerable communities at the local, national and European levels, and for the inclusion of marginalised groups and the young in the public sphere.

Main Projects / Activities

Diversity and Migration:
-Towards an Inclusive City
-Migration and Intercultural Education in Thessaloniki
-Crossing the Dividing Line
-Registering racist violence
Education, Research,Public Dialogue and Media:
-Roundtable on racism, social cohesion and the media
-Learning the Other
-Migrant Voices
-Symβiosis weekly Radio Show on 100.6 FM

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our main motivation to join ALF Network comes from the fact that the ALF and Symβiosis fields of action coincide and we feel that we can contribute to the ALF Network in many ways especially through our Media and Diversity and Migration Programmes.

Contact (1) Full Name
Despina Syrri
Head of the organisation
Despina Syrri
Contact (2) Full Name
Ljubisa Vrencev

Greek Bank of Memories

National Network

Spirou Donta, 5


E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
The Greek Bank of Memories is a nonprofit organization founded in May 2011 with the following purposes: • to preserve and promote history and culture as a whole of experiences, • to valorise knowledge and traditions of each people, particularly through the promotion of individual and collective memory. • to preserve individual and collective identity as a cornerstone for building a global, peaceful, multicultural society. •to raise awareness and to educate new generations about the importance of registering and maintaining collective memory. • to bridge the generation gap through the recognition of the important role of elder people in the evolution of our society and culture. The Greek bank of memories has as source of main funds private donors, sponsors and national or international programmes. during the first year of activity tha association has implemented 2 EU projects for a total budge of 30.000 euros. At the moment the association works only with volunteers, although it has a team of expertise supporting at professional level. The Greek Banok of Memory is the only Greek Partner of the project MEMORO with more than 15 partners from all the 5 continents. The Greek Bank of memories organizes - collection of audiovisual material recording memories - implementation of educational programmes at schools - projects for bridging the intergenerational gap (Memoro has been presented in Brussels at the Committee of the Regions in February 2012 as best practice for the 2012 European Year of Active Aging and Solidarity among generations.
Mission and Objectives

The Greek Bank of Memories is a nonprofit organization founded in May 2011 with the following purposes:
• to preserve and promote history and culture as a whole of experiences,
• to valorise knowledge and traditions of each people, particularly through the promotion of individual and collective memory.
• to preserve individual and collective identity as a cornerstone for building a global, peaceful, multicultural society.
•to raise awareness and to educate new generations about the importance of registering and maintaining collective memory.
• to bridge the generation gap through the recognition of the important role of elder people in the evolution of our society and culture.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Educational Meetings in School: for the importance of memory sharing at educational level
2. My memories, our history: for the engagement of citizens in the preservation of oral history
3. H.I.S.-tory: for the generational bridging of young and senior volunteers through memory sharing and ICT

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Although we are a quite young organization, our team is highly committed to establish fruitful cooperation with Greek partners to strengthen network and to add a peculiar aspect - memory sharing - to the works and of the network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because at greek level is one of the wider platform of NGOs and at international level it works on fundamental values that are at the core of our work.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marina Sarli
Head of the organisation
Marina Sarli
Contact (2) Full Name
Amaryllis Raouzaiou


National Network

OMIROU 54, PC. 106 72

0030 210 36 43 224
0030 210 36 46 953
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0030 6948804466
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
European Expression is an independent, non-profit NGO, which is not in any way related to political parties. It was founded in Athens-Greece in 1989. European Expression, being an organization of political and social character, aims the following:federalization and civil society, universal moral government, civil society, human rights and individual freedoms, European consciousness, studies, European integration and federalism. This period has 3 employees and has partners in Greece like NGO's, Ministries, Municipalities, Universities etc. In European level is a member of many networks.
Mission and Objectives

It promotes the ideas of federalization and civil society aiming ultimately at a federal form of organization and integration in the European Union through the gradual formation of a European state by civil society.
It brings about public debate, provides information and finally raises awareness and promotes the European citizen’s participation so that European consciousness is cultivated through young people. Finally,it contributes to the spread and consolidation of the principles of: an open and tolerant society, social pluralism, constitutional democracy and the social market democracy.

Main Projects / Activities

Organizor of many conferences, seminars, social activities, national and european campaigns and competitions. Publication of the magazine "European Expression" every three months. Some of our latest activities are:
-National coordinator of the project of European Commission “European Action on Drugs”.
-National coordinator od the European Campaing "The passenger rights at hand".
-International conference "Greece towards in a liberal era"
-Press office of many NSRF projects

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our members will promote the ideas and values that the network support in all fields that are essential for human and social dialogue.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to support the action of civil society of the Euro-Mediterranean Region.
Our organization is interested on activities in fields which are essential for human and social dialogue: Education and Youth; Culture and Arts; Peace and Co-existence; Values, Religion and Spirituality; Cities and Migration; Media.
If we join the ALF Network we would give the opportunity to individuals and groups to share values and live together.

Contact (1) Full Name

KEAN- Cell of Alternative Youth Activities

National Network

57, Patroklou Str.
131 23, Ilion


Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Human rights
  3. Youth and education
General Information
The organisation employees 8 staff. The budgetary 80.000 Public and private sector, donations Youth in Action, Movement for Volunteer for Parks
Mission and Objectives

The organization’s main goal is to pursue activities leading to the improvement of the quality of life focusing on the protection of the environment including the promotion of new technologies, youth education and youth rights.

Main Projects / Activities

Planetbook- the firts board game about the environment and climate changes
Educational activities at A. Tritsis Park
Eco gardening activities and seminars ar A. Tritsis Park
Youth in Action
Movement for Voluteer for Parks
Love146 Greece- campaign, against child trafficking and exploitation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to communicate and partner with other organisations that share the same goals. Keep up to date, follow and share our perceptions and actions among other people and organisations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Isavella Georgiou
Head of the organisation
Stavros Milionis

FEJS Latvija

National Network

Unijas street 24-43
Riga, LV-1084

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information

FEJS Latvija is a non-profit independent organization dedicated to the exchange of information and networking among young media makers, journalism students, or professionals and citizens interested in journalism. It was created as a national organization of Forum for European Journalism Students (FEJS). FEJS Latvija acquires funding on project basis from various funds and sponsorships. FEJS Latvija is active in many ways increasing awareness about main tendencies and problems in Latvian media and encouraging journalism students and media makers to take active part in civil society, promoting independent and ethical journalism. FEJS Latvija organizes discussions with Latvian and foreign journalists on latest media development tendencies and opportunities for young journalists to enter the labour market, seminars and workshops for acquiring new journalistic skills and competences, article competitions for young journalists and other media related events. It also informs about local and international journalism conferences, seminars, trainings, competitions and traineeships. FEJS Latvija is member organization of European Youth Press - a largest umbrella organization for young European media makers.

Mission and Objectives

The mission of FEJS Latvija is to offer an opportunity for young journalists to develop their professional skills and get new knowledge and international experience, thus improving journalism quality in Latvia on long term basis. The objectives of FEJS Latvija are: Unite young people interested in media (young journalists, journalism students, highschoolk students) thus implementing common goals and creating a sustainable network. Enhance the knowledge about media, improve the skills of young journalists using both formal and informal methods. Develop interaction between journalism students and professional media environment thus fostering young journalists enter labour market. Invite young journalists for a public discussion about current journalism tendencies and problems and encourage young journalists follow the processes in the society. Promote and support the initiatives of young journalists on the local, national and international level thus creating conditions for their intellectual and creative development. Foster the mobility of Latvian journalism students and young journalists, inform them about international opportunities for enhancing their knowledge, as well as promote intercultural education.

Main Projects / Activities

The main activities of FEJS Latvija are: 1) Regular discussions with local or foreign journalists/experts about recent media trends and problems. 2) Workshops for young journalists and media makers in order to enhance their journalistic skills and competences, for example, media simulation game. 3) Competitions (for example, article competition) for young journalists to practise their journalistic skills and competences 4) Exchange projects and study visits with our partner organizations to foster intercultural dialogue and provide Latvian journalists with international background and skills. 5) Informing young Latvian media makers about national and international opportunities in media field (trainings, exchange projects, workshops, internships, contests etc.)

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To develop Mediterranean partnership projects and cooperation, to participate in ALF activities and projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ilona Nuksevica
Head of the organisation
Raivis Gunars Taurins
Contact (2) Full Name
Agnija Kazusa