CReA - Centre for Research and Activity

National Network

via Gran Sasso 42
00000 00030 Palestrina (RM)

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
CReA is a NGO , operating in the area of the province of Rome. Founded in 2003, it has 30 professionals associated, all working in the field of cultural-intercultural relationship and development issues. Funding is coming exclusively from public funds and the last budgetary years closed with 60.000 € of incoming funds. The main funders are European Commission, the Italian Ministry of Interior, The Province of Rome, the Social-Health District, Schools. CReA is partner in several national and international platform (DEAR forum of Concord, AOI -Italian Association of NGOs). Among the last implemented projects there are European Fund for Intergration Educational Activities( Workshops with teachers, pupils, social assistants, public officers); Awareness Raising Activities in Development education in "Challenging the Crysis" Europeaid NSA LA educational activities.
Mission and Objectives

CReA promotes initiatives aimed at promoting a cultura della solidarietà e del rispetto, in collaborazione con enti pubblici e privati. Le attività vanno dalla progettazione alla realizzazione, dal monitoraggio, alla valutazione e supervisione nell'ambito di azioni a favore delle nuove forme di convivenza civile . culture of solidarity and respect, in collaboration with public and private entities. Activities range from planning to implementation, monitoring, evaluation and supervision in an action in favor of new forms of civil society.

Main Projects / Activities

"Women and families neo-EU migration: health, maternity and culture" The project, co-funded by the Province of Rome in accordance with Law 328/00 in 2010, aims to improve the living conditions of women and families and neo-Community immigrants through education, prevention, training, dissemination and 'activation of social and health development interventions. Cognitive Enhancement - Using methods Instrumental Enrichment Program (Feuerstein) One of the sections of which has recently been enriched CReA is a working group that uses the methods of the Feuerstein Instrumental Enrichment Program The Instrumental Enrichment Program (PAS) is a program of cognitive education. The PAS systematically strengthens the cognitive functions that enable learners to: 1. define problems; 2. make connections 3. catch relationships 4. self-motivation

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through bedate and discussion, and bringing the experience realized also in other coordination bodies at european level as DARE Forum of Concord and European Civic Forum where Crea is representers for italian reality of CSOs.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because we feel that sharing and collaboration in Mediterranean Area is nowadays a must for everybody wants to be engaged in global citizenship and education.

Contact (1) Full Name
Paola Berbeglia
Head of the organisation
Paola Berbeglia
Contact (2) Full Name
Cinzia Greco