Centre des jeunes dirigeants de casablanca - CJD Casablanca

National Network

Université Hassan II Bibliothèque Universitaire Mohamed SEKKAT 4éme étage Route d’Eljadida

+212 5 22 98 94 36
Telephone (other)
+212 5 22 99 20 23
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Le CJD est une association qui compte sept sections à travers le Royaume (Casablanca – Rabat - Tanger – Marrakech – Fès – Agadir et Laayoune) et mène ainsi dans chacune de ces section des projets de sensibilisation et d’accompagnement visant à promouvoir l’entreprenariat et le développement économique et social au Maroc. Nos objectifs sont les suivants: - Développer l’esprit d’entreprise, d’initiative et d’audace chez les Jeunes - Accompagner les jeunes porteurs d’idées pour la création d’entreprise et Promouvoir l’entreprenariat au Maroc - Développer la compétence et la performance des jeunes dirigeants - Faire du CJD une force de proposition pour la PME et lui donner un rôle d’influence à l’échelle nationale - Finaliser et lancer l’expérimentation de projets innovants initiés par le CJD et sensibiliser les dirigeants à la performance globale Le CJD compte une centaine de membres actifs et cotisants, et des milliers de membres sympatisants. Le financement de nos activité est répartie entre les cotisation et l'apport de nos partenaires.
Mission and Objectives

Le CJD est une association qui a 2 missions:
1. Promouvoir l'esprit d'entrepreunariat parmi les jeunes marocaines et marocain, et ce comme alternative au salariat. La création d'entreprise et la création de valeur étant un outil incontournable pour developper notre jeunesse, augmenter son esprit d'initiative et de créativité, réduire le taux de chomage, et developper l'economie des differentes regions marocaine.
2.accompagner les jeunes dirigeants d’entreprises à améliorer leur performance et celle de leur entreprises dans un sens global, à savoir : économique, social, sociétal et environnemental.
Nos 2 missions sont menées selon quatre axes :
- La formation
- La réflexion
- L’expérimentation
- L’influence

Main Projects / Activities

Activité / Projet Partenaire
- Education Entreprise : développement esprit entrepreneuriat.
o Business Game.
o Formation/ ateliers et conférence.
o Visites d’entreprise.
o Forum des métiers.
o Course de l’entrepreneur.
o Montage projet école primaire. Ministère de l’Education nationale
Académies régionales
Ecoles primaires de sidi moumen
Lycée Md V « lycée expérimentation forum des métiers en 2006 »
 Education / Entreprise
o Formation
o Accompagnement
o Certificat des jeunes qui démarre : application de sélection des porteurs de projets
o Guide à la création d’entreprise « 50 000 exemplaires distribués à travers notre réseaux et celui de l’ANAPEC »
Ambassade de Grande Bretagne « UK »
Centre Régional d’Investissement
- Formation : Développement des compétences des jeunes dirigeants
o Ateliers de formation trimestriels en résidentiel CJD France et Tunisie
- Commission : groupes de travail
o STAR : Stratégie Action Résultat : démystifier la notion de la stratégie chez les jeunes dirigeants.
o Compétitivité : comment être compétitif en 80 jours
o Education et Entreprise : pérenniser nos projets de développement de l’entrepreneuriat. Agence Nationale de la Promotion des Petites et Moyennes Entreprises « ANPME »
- Global Entrepreneurship Week « Deux éditions 2008 et 2009 » : La semaine internationale de l’entrepreneuriat
o Formation à l’esprit d’entrepreneuriat (primaire, secondaire, lycées et université)
o Visites d’entreprise
o Coaching à la création d’entreprise « 5/40 projets sélectionnés »
o Business Boosters : rencontre one to one entre les porteurs des projets et les investisseurs
o Jeu d’entreprise : compétition nationale « 40 équipes et 30 écoles participantes »
o Café Entreprise : animé et organisé 100% par les jeunes et pour les jeunes « donner la parole aux jeunes »
Ministère de la jeunesse et des sports
Ministère de l’Education Nationale et de l’enseignement supérieur
Ministère des finances

Contact (1) Full Name
Fatima zahra Oukacha
Head of the organisation
Khalid Baghri
Contact (2) Full Name
Khalid Baghri

Insitut National des Beaux Arts de Tétouan

National Network

Avenue Mohamed V, cité scolaire, BP 89,

212+5+39+96 15 45
212+5+39+96 42 92
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
212 6 67 18 33 98
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Établissement de formation de cadres supérieurs qui relève de l'autorité gouvernementale chargée des affaires culturelles au Maroc. Géré par un directeur, un directeur des études, un secrétariat général. Le corps administratif compte environ 10 personnes. Le nombre des étudiants s'élève à 100 environ chaque année. Le financement est assuré par les dotations de l'État. Modalités d'action : cours, séminaires, ateliers, festivals, expositions, conventions de coopération, échanges de professeurs et d'étudiants avec des établissements partenaires. Partenaires principaux : délégation régionale de la culture, délégation de Wallonie-Bruxelles à Rabat, autres écoles des beaux arts notamment en France, Espagne, Belgique. Les représentations culturelles locales d'Espagne et de France.
Mission and Objectives

Former des cadres supérieurs dans les domaines des arts plastiques et des arts appliqués. La durée de la formation est de quatre ans. L'institut organise des cycles de formation et de recyclage pour la mise à jour des connaissances et des techniques liées à la création artistique. Elle organise et accueille des activités d'ouverture liées à l'expression culturelle et artistique aussi bien du Maroc que de pays tiers.

Main Projects / Activities

Principale activité : la formation initiale et la formation continue. L'institut compte les départements : art (peinture, sculpture, gravure) design graphique, bande dessinée.
Activités parallèles liées à la formation : ateliers spécifiques animés par des professeurs invités, rencontres entre artistes marocains et étrangers, échanges d'étudiants, expositions et vernissages, festivals de la bande dessinée, participation à (et accueil) des rencontres internationales des écoles d'art en méditerranée.
Projets imminents: création de la branche "animation", organisation des rencontres de la gravure en septembre 2009, organisation du 6ème festival de la BD en mai 2010

Contact (1) Full Name
Jaouad Diouri, chargé des relations extérieures
Head of the organisation
Abdelkrim Ouazzani
Contact (2) Full Name
Abdelkrim Ouazzani

B. & M. Theocharakis Arts Foundation

National Network

169 Athinon Avenue
106 71 Athens

+30 210 3611206
+30 210 3611349
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The Foundation has successfully finished its first year of exhibitions, music concerts and educational activities. It employs 8 exists as a legal entity, instituted by Presidential Decree (on 29.11.2004). At the time of opening it will employ 10 staff members. Activities started in December of 2007 and have included painting exhibitions, concerts, music workshops, educational programs for adults and children as well as series of lectures on philosophy, aesthetics and music. The Foundation is supported by private funds and finances its activities though a combination of sponsorships, grants and private funds. Activities will start during the first half of 2007, including exhibitions, concerts, conferences, symposia, educational programs, publications, scholarships and exchange programs. The Foundation is being developed using private funds and will finance its activities though a combination of sponsorships, grants and private funds.
Mission and Objectives

The B. & M. Theocharakis Arts Foundation is a public benefit foundation. Its mission is to engage the public in an interdisciplinary contact with Greek and International visual arts and music, chiefly but not exclusively of the 20th and 21st centuries, to disseminate the contents of its actions as broadly as possible and to develop national and international cooperation networks, synergies and exchanges so as to maximize the effectiveness of its drive to promote the visual arts and music.

Main Projects / Activities

For more information and details please visit the website: www.thf.gr

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr Fotios Papathanasiou (General Manager)
Head of the organisation
Mr. Basil Theocharakis (President)

Centre for Adult Education Validus

National Network

Bleiweissova 15
10000 Zagreb

+385 13751 699
+385 1 37 51 682
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

“Validus” was established in order to ensure the possibility of formal and informal training of staff working in Community-based services for people with disabilities. The faculty of Validus has significant experience in the social welfare sector and service provision. The founder of Validus, API, is the largest community-based service provider for people with intellectual disabilities in Croatia with a mission to actively support the development of Community-based services in Croatia and Eastern European countries. Validus offers specialized professional training programs for different community-based services and supports as well as verified training programs for direct support staff/personal assistants for people with disabilities. Validus also offers organized study visits to the programs and support services in the community in Croatia and in the region.

Mission and Objectives

Mission: creating the professional capacity for the provision of quality community-based services for people with disabilities. Goal: Provision of training for staff supporting people with disabilities in the community.

Main Projects / Activities

PROFFESIONAL TRAINING PROGRAMMES Person Centered Planning Budgeting (handling money) Self-determination and Self-Advocacy Work activities and Supported Employment Active Support Gentle teaching Community based housing Psychosocial rehabilitation and work in the community It also provides personal assistant course for people with intellectual disabilities which is the one of its kind in Croatia and is approved by the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports.

Contact (1) Full Name
Anita Prsa
Head of the organisation
Nedeljka Miščević

Association for Promoting Inclusion

National Network

Bleiweissova 15
10000 Zagreb

+385 137 58 932
+385 1 37 51 682
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Others
General Information

Association for promoting inclusion (API) activities are based on the philosophy of inclusion according to which people with intellectual disabilities have the right to be equal and active members of the society. All people, regardless of their support needs, should have the same possibilities of active participation and access to the same resources available to all people living in the community. API encourages and supports the deinstitutionalization process of people with intellectual disabilities in Croatia and the region and strives to develop community-based supports and services. One of these services is community based supported housing which has been implemented in 6 Croatian cities (Zagreb, Osijek, Slavonski Brod, Bjelovar, Grubišno Polje and Šibenik)in rented apartments or in the apartments owned by the people supported. The support is provided to over 200 persons in all important aspects of his/her life (housing, work, leisure time…) and API encourages people to use resources and services offered in the local community (health care, cultural, recreational, sports and religious activities). Many people with intellectual disabilities are willing and capable to work in the open labor market. Working in the community is an important factor in the social inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities. API finds jobs for people in the open labor market and provides Job Coaches to support people at their workplace. The supported employment program is active in Zagreb, Bjelovar, Slavonski Brod, Osijek and Šibenik and support is provided for over 100 persons.

Mission and Objectives

Mission: To promote the development of a society in which people with intellectual disabilities have equal opportunities, their contributions are valued, and their human rights are respected. Vision: An society which values diversity and discovers the unique contributions of all it’s members

Main Projects / Activities

API in order to ensure same possibilities of active participation and access to the same resources to all people living in the community has been implementing various international and domestic projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nedeljka Miscevic
Head of the organisation
Nedeljka Miščević

Center for Women's Studies

National Network

Dolac 8
10000 Zagreb

+385 1 48 72 406
Mobile Phone
098 169 03 83
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information

Center for Women’s Studies, the first and only center of this kind in Croatia, was founded in 1995 by a group of theoreticians and scientists, feminists, peace activists and artists. Center for Women’s Studies develops multi/interdisciplinary studies and expert knowledge on women’s issues, and is a meeting place of academic discourse, activist engagement and artistic practice. Center’s main activities include education, research, publishing, library, cultural events, public advocacy of the politics of gender equality and women’s studies.

Mission and Objectives

The mission of the Center for Women's Studies is to provide education on women-related issues, to work on raising consciousness of women in Croatia, and to encourage research and publishing related to women’s issues. Additionally, its mission is to empower women in political and civil initiatives through education on multiple levels and affirm the constructive values of peace and solidarity, especially through international networking and program exchange in the field of women’s studies, joint cultural and civil projects, and direct support to women. Within its programs, the Center motivates students and other participants to think critically and to be aware of the importance of women’s issues, thus working on self-empowerment through taking over the responsibility for social change.

Main Projects / Activities

The Center achieves its mission through the following activities and goals: • fundamental scientific research projects • introduction of the gender perspective into education • participation in women’s studies programs in the region/Europe/world • offering a variety of expert knowledge (educational services for women’s organizations, state bodies for implementation of equality, political parties) • publishing (printing of scientific journals, books and women’s studies textbooks, developing specifically oriented libraries) The Center continuously works on: • education on women's issues • promoting women's studies programs at the university • studying female subjectivity, women's history and culture, gender/sex, power and knowledge • taking up new issues relating to women (citizenship, the concept of the female citizen, the politics of reproduction, etc.) • affirming gender conscious politics from a critical feminist perspective • transforming the social status of women with an emphasis on women's rights • promoting and supporting women's culture and knowledge through research, publishing and public events • raising consciousness of historical, civilizational and anthropological values of women • developing a culture of dialogue and a non-violent culture of living

Contact (1) Full Name
Karolina Hrga
Head of the organisation
Karolina Hrga

AlMasryeen Organization for Community Development

National Network

135 El Kantra with Saad El Deen St., Flat No. 9, 3rd floor, above the Egyptian motors company.

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
1 - Board of Directors: Includes the institutional structure of the Association Board of Directors consisting of 7 members of the Founders and taken into account in the formation of the Governing Council the development of any kind to be among its members women; 2 - Assembly: includes the institutional structure of the Assembly general assembly is composed of sixty member other than the volunteers, including twenty women; 3 - the executive organ of the Assembly and administrative structure: Do not exceed the number of employees the association on the number of 8 employees at the head of this device by an Executive Director; and director of programs for field work and Sustainable Development and the Secretary of the Assembly and the Director of Mali, one In addition to this device Volunteers; 4 - Regulations: The financial system financial manager given the association and is supervised by the Office of the Auditor appointed by the Assembly, where the preparation of budgets, the various cooperation with the Executive Director of the Association and director of programs, field work and sustainable development as the coordinators of the projects to prepare periodic reports on programs that do the work in which, under the supervision of Director of Programs field work and sustainable development. The Assembly adopts the sources of financing, including many bodies, donors and membership fees and campaigns to raise money for the organization to raise money through licenses authorized by law to support their
Mission and Objectives

Vision: Aim of the Egyptians to serve the community and human rights to achieve a prominent place among the associations operating on a local scale through the provision of services, activities and development projects within the Arab Republic of Egypt in order to support the less fortunate of the poor and individuals at risk of poverty and the most vulnerable and their families and to raise awareness and support and to support individuals to the ordinary people of all their social, community and political.

Main Projects / Activities

First: In the field of human rights and democratic development of awareness: 1 - twinning with the Postal Authority of Egypt in many areas of human rights was organized several seminars and training sessions with them in the field of human rights and the dissemination of democratic awareness, benefiting approximately 2000 employees the Authority and the citizens invited was honored as the number 35 either ideal body e-Masri, also was observed Festival to meet with them and peace was the granting of gifts to employees idealists honoring mothers ideals is an annual festival held by the General. 2 - Monitoring and Analysis (legal, media) session of the People's Assembly elections in 2000 3 - Monitoring and Analysis (legal, media) parliamentary elections the 2005 session 4 - Monitoring and Analysis (legal, media) the Shura Council elections 2007 session 5 - twinning with United Group Advocates & Legal Consultants in the field of discussion to amend the law 84 of 2002 where she took the draft amendment to the General Associations Law, organized by the United Group. 6 - pairing with the Group for Democratic Development through participation in the parliament the draft of all 7 - LSF project oversight on public expenditures and promote transparency, organized by the United Group and the Group for Democratic Development (blow to the promotion of transparency) 8 - Assembly center set up to help the Egyptian legal and judicial support to the citizens 9 - Organizing a training session for lawyers Gharbia masters in cooperation with the Egyptian Center for the Assistance of Prisoners 10 - Participation in the control of the parliamentary elections in 2010 in cooperation with the Independent Egyptian Committee for Monitoring Elections Ibn Khaldun Center for Development Studies 11 - participate in the project against the discrimination against women and children 12 - The Association is currently undertaking to renounce violence against children (a red card against child labor) 13 - contributed to the Assembly in discussions of the draft of the Child in collaboration with all the media to raise awareness of its 14 - contributed to the society in cooperation with the University of California in the discussion and preparation of the Law 64 of 2010 on combating trafficking in human beings 15 - participating in the laws of the Arab woman is in collaboration with Johns Hopkins University 16 - to participate in Arab Thought Leaders Conference in Beirut 17 - organize and stand in solidarity with the Church of St. George to reject extremism and religious intolerance 18 - Organize a meeting with the youth of Tanta University, to familiarize them with the laws of universities and student unions 19 - organization of a symposium on the impact of the Egyptian revolution in the fabric and the conscience of the Egyptian society 20 - organize training course on how to monitor the constitutional amendments 21 - organize a seminar to educate young people the constitutional amendments 22 - - organizing a symposium to educate young people the constitutional amendments 23 - 10000 and distribution of paper for constitutional amendments and referendum ways to educate citizens 24 - media and legal analysis of the day of the referendum on constitutional amendments Egyptian television in 2011 Second: In the area of ​​religious tolerance and a culture of non-violence, racism, religious 1 - twinning with its founder, Queen Travel Service in the organization of trips, symposia and seminars to raise awareness of different religious faiths found in Egypt were organized around a number of 10 trips with them to different places on the level of the Republic, benefiting nearly 500 individual 2 - - Altwmp with its founder, Hotfile view of the integrated commercial development in the area to assist the Assembly in organizing tours to Umrah and benefited from a number nearly 30 members of the Assembly. Third: In the field of health care 1 - twinning with Al Noor Morocco charities in the area of ​​Prevention of Blindness was handling nearly 2500 citizen of the sons of the province west of those who suffer from low vision other than to make 150 a simple process and the number of 200 medium and large in the same area which is currently under Create a center for vision correction at a cost of 300 000 three hundred thousand Egyptian pounds in collaboration with them Western province has been the launch of the (eyes right for all.) 2 - Cooperation with The Egyptian Society for the treatment of Parkinson's western province 3 - a conference for people with disability organizations, civil society Gharbia 4 - setting up a project together against swine flu was the establishment of two seminars to raise awareness of bird flu in addition to the distribution of the bag and means of protection from the disease to ordinary citizens 4 - The Society is currently studying Created (Bank of the drug) to provide medicines to the affected areas and poor food bank like the idea of ​​a General Fourth: in the cultural field 1 - twinning with its founder, Sarah Suhail for children's literature and to the development of Children's Literature and Cultural Development were also in cooperation with a number 2 a seminar for children and their parents benefited from a number nearly 500 children. Fifth: in the field of youth care: 1 - twinning with the Foundation for Motion Media in the field of competition model girl at the level of private universities and foreign companies operating in Egypt will be held this year in cooperation between the Assembly and the company Motion Media Brod Kcn and under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Minister of Education and of Higher Education and the benefit of all students female students in all universities and institutes nationwide 2 - twinning with its founder furnace in the administration of spherical cycles of foreign embassies and universities and the teams were already set up the first session, including under the auspices of the President of the National Youth Council with the participation of 14 teams (Session of the World Cup mini) mini-World Cup Sixth: In the area of ​​environmental protection 1 - a project against the reluctance on the cultivation of cotton in cooperation with the Fair Trade Organization 2 - Draft repeated his beautiful, a draft environmental Seventh: in the field of social responsibility to the poor 1 - the distribution of aid Ramadan (Ramadan cartons) to poor families, benefiting approximately 1000 poor families 2 - Distribution of clothes to children orphaned children, the poor and benefited approximately 1000 children have been the launch of the (Bank support clothing) 3 - Distribution of financial and other aid for poor families in Gharbia Governorate nearly 100 families

Contact (1) Full Name
Bassim Hasanin Al Sharkawi
Job Title
Chaiman of the Board
Head of the organisation
Bassim Hasanin Al Sharkawi

Alexandria For Services, Consultancy and Development (ASCD)

National Network

3 Dr. Ibrahim Salama street Roushdy

+203 5429245
Telephone (other)
+203 5449128
+203 3571750
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+2 0187442248
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
General Information
ASCD is a private Egyptian Company. Staff: The head of the organization and executive secretary - accountant, 5 technical coordinators, 15 experts in all fields of developments.
Mission and Objectives

Civil Society is able to play its role effectively in the development of our country Egypt.
.. ASCD deliver consultancy services to civil society's organizations in 4 different aspects :
1- Capacity Building
2- Capacity Building for Human Resources
3- Develop strategies that maximize the effectiveness of the role of organizations in the civil society
4- Design and Implement development projects and introduces it as models to the organizations.

Main Projects / Activities

Capacity building of NGOs boards members in planing and management
Fight against poverty
Democracy, advocacy

Contact (1) Full Name
Michel Ramzy Boulos
Head of the organisation
Michel Ramzy Boulos

Alwan Association for Development and Creative

National Network

85 Madinet Faisal, Sidi Bishr, Ground Floor, Alexandria

+2 0104651825
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+2 0104651825
Mobile Phone (other)
+2 0104945415
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Alwan Association for Development & Creative is considered the first non-governmental organization in Alexandria link between environment and development and creation, and goals include support of the community through cultural events and through various arts and educational opportunities for children's art, pushing towards the social and cultural development in disadvantaged areas.
Mission and Objectives

Type and work field of the Association:-
• Community Development
• Development and serving the environment
• The cultural and scientific fields
• The development of artistic and literary creativity

Main Projects / Activities

• Linking between sustainable development and creation
• To spread awareness of environmental conservation
• Encourage and support artistic and literary creativity associated with the development of the environment
• Support and establishment of environmental projects which will help disseminate the values of humanity
• Festivals and conferences, seminars and various events related to the purposes of the Association
• Strengthening community participation among youth
• The establishment of partnerships and cooperation with similar institutions, after consulting the competent administrative authorities
• To combat unemployment by assisting in the establishment of small projects for youth

Contact (1) Full Name
Mennat Allah Ramadan Mesbah
Head of the organisation
Sabry Sleem

Arab Organization for Democracy and Human Rightsعدالة

National Network

17 Seedy Malek st., the eastern tunnel, misr elqadeema – Cairo

002- 27421093
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
002- 01227627495
Mobile Phone (other)
002- 01000066155
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

Number of the staff 6 / concrete projects - seminars and workshops - Exchange of experiences /Main partner: National Council for Human Rights /budgetary resources: self voluntry of the trustees board - Participate in projects with donor institutions ( usaid 2007-2008 - Friedrich Ebert 2009 - Foundation for the future 2009 - National Council for Human Rights 2009 )

Mission and Objectives

Disseminating culture of human rights among the citizens at all levels/ Promote women's rights as an integral and complementary part human rights and raising awareness among Egyptian women /Respect for human dignity and rights, whether civil, political, economic, social and cultural /reforming Egyptian legislation, regulations and administrative practices to comply with the agreements and conventions of human rights

Main Projects / Activities

democratic support program / support and developing legal awarness program / Monitoring and Documentation program / Program of education and dissemination of Human Rights culture.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Gamal Barakat
Job Title
head of organisation
Head of the organisation
Mr. Gamal Barakat
Contact (2) Full Name
Ahmed Hussein Ahmed