Cobertura Photo

National Network

Calle Narciso Campillo, 4 , C.P. 41001

954 502 846
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Cobertura Photo stems from the hand of the photographer Alberto Rojas Maza in 2001, as an independent space devoted to photography and its relations with other artistic disciplines, a space for meeting, communication and discussions between photographers and non photographers. Cobertura Photo is directed by Alberto Rojas Maza Projects Coordination and education: Rosa Abellan Conde. In education area, there are two groups of teachers: permanent and contributors. Permanent: Antonio Perez, Sebastian Maillot, Agustin Hurtado and Valentin Lujan. Contributors: Ilan Wolff, Alberto Garcia-Alix, Jeffrey Silverthorne, Margarita Aizpuru, Fito Carreto, Gabriella De Florio, Juan Carlos Cazalla, Alain Willaume and Pedro Cantero. The Organisation's total budget for the previous year it's 112. 000 € CP focuses its activities in the field of training, developing a program that covers from basic introduction to master classes with great photographers, and basing the learning process not only in technical aspects, but also in the transmission of cultural and human values which we consider necessary for the developing of photographers. In parallel, CP designs and develops cultural projects related to photography,independently and in collaboration with other schools and institutions,both public and private. A library and bookstore is also available inside our space. CP offers a range of different workshops. The program is divided in two periods per year and they include monographic workshops and first level and advanced workshops in each period.Monographic workshops are given by recognized spanish and foreign photographers such as Cristina Garcia Rodero, Antoine d'Agata, Paolo Nozolino and David Alan Harvey . We want to offer to students their vision and experience closely. Both first level and advanced workshops are given by wide education and long experience photographers.
Mission and Objectives

Cobertura was created in 2001 by the photographer Alberto Rojas Maza as an independent space focus in the dissemination of contemporary photography and its relationships with other visual arts. CP is a space for meeting, communication and reflection among photographers and not photographers.
Education is our principal activity and we base the process of learning not only in technical aspects but also in the transmission of cultural and human values ​​that we consider necessary for the training of photographers.

Main Projects / Activities

CP focuses its activities in the field of education, developing a courses and workshops program ranging from basic introduction and a one year course to master classes with great photographers ( Alberto Garcia-Alix, Ilan Wolff, Alain Willaume, Paulo Nozolino, Cristina García Rodero, Peter Marlow, Alex Majoli, Alessandra Sanguinetti, Antoine d'Agata, David Alan Harvey, Erik Kessels)
The topics of these workshops are varied, ranging from the nude in contemporary photography to the documentary portrait and analysis of an author's work. Generally, the workshops include: slideshows, presentations, discussions, portfolio reviews, photographic practicals, editing, design of projects and the conclusions. In parallel, CP conceives and develops pedagogic photography projects, independently and in collaboration with both public and private centers and cultural institutions.
CP organizes an exhibition program along the year and run a library specialized in photography. Following an agreement reached in November 2009 with Dirk Bakker, one of the most prestigious booksellers, the bookstore is selling part of his used books, first editions and rarities. The bookstore also provides the most important national and international publications.
Other activities as conferences, auctions and slideshows are also developed regularly. SELECTION OF ACTIVITIES:
- Showrooms SHOWROOM RENOVARSE O MORIR. December 2008,2009, 2010. Event that unify fashion and photography.
- Slideshows: SLIDELUCK POTSHOW (SLPS). September 2007. Slideluck Potshow (SLPS) is a non-profit organization dedicated to building and strengthening community through food and art PECHA KUCHA NIGHT.
September 2008.PechaKucha Night was devised in Tokyo in February 2003 as an event for young designers to meet, network, and show their work in public. www.pecha-kucha
- Projects: EU Women Project. November 2006 - December 2008. Support by Programme Culture La Urdimbre y El Drama, April 2007 . Magic Trick. April 2010 Se Vende Toros. April 2011.
True or False 2010- 2012. Support by Programme Culture - Conferences, meetings and Presentations: Guillaume Chauvin and Remi Hubert: conference on the controversial PARIS MATCH AWARD 09, December 2009.
Meeting with ALBERTO GARCIA - ALIX. May 2010. Presentation f Book by PETER BEARD. June 2010. BRAZIL NIGHT: Slideshow by MIGUEL RIO BRANCO . February 2011. JAPAN NIGHT: Slideshow by MASAO YAMAMOTO March 2011. -Festivals. Presence with exhibitions: PHOTOFESTIVAL in Lodz. May 2007 SEVILLAFOTO FESTIVAL 08. May 2008 NEW YORK PHOTOFESTIVAL. May 2008 NEW YORK PHOTOFESTIVAL. May 2009 SEVILLAFOTO FESTIVAL 09. May 2009 RENCONTRES INTERNATIONAL IN ARLES. July 2009. PHOTOSPRING CAOCHANGDI CHINA, April-May 2010. NEW YORK PHOTOFESTIVAL, May 2010.
- Partnerships. VII Photo Agency. stages for one year course students.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Cobertura Photo could contribute to the network through exchanges with the national photographers, organised meetings, support of young creation and training organisation of practical and interdisciplinary workshops, grants and exhibitions.
CP promote a continual discussion forum between participants, partners and co-organisers (exchange of ideas, images, information) and the creation of evolutionary data bases, useful address list and links (technical contact, research links).

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Cobertura Photo is looking artistic and cultural collaboration for promoting future cooperation activities in a European level.

Contact (1) Full Name
Alberto Rojas Maza
Head of the organisation
Alberto Rojas Maza
Contact (2) Full Name
Rosa Abellán Conde


National Network

Calle Maiquez 20 Bajo A,
28009 Madrid


+34 913679161
Telephone (other)
+34 628109155
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+34 633879749
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
General Information
MITA ONG has two centres, one in Catalunya and one in Madrid (the headquarters). We are currently employing 6 full time workers and have 7 volunteers. Our funding is coming from private and public donors. Our main activity is to support entrepreneurship of migrants and other vulnerable groups. We offer various services to them such as individual assessment of their business ideas, help with business planning and to get access to micro-financing. Apart from that we conduct awareness raising activities to inform people about the needs of vulnerable groups to get their support for them. We work with most of the key partners such as Madrid Emprende, Chamber of Commerce, Madrid Immigration Centers, etc.
Mission and Objectives

MITA ONG is dedicated to the development, promotion and supporting of entrepreneurs especially immigrants, youth and women. Objectives: To encourage and promote entrepreneurship to generate employment and work for immigrants, refugees, poor women and disadvantaged groups with difficulties to enter labour market. Conduct information campaigns, training and ongoing evaluation of the groups listed above in issues of business management and other business development-related themes. Conduct public awareness campaigns to encourage integration and tolerance behaviours towards new immigrant groups, thus preventing racist and other negative attitudes
Manage funds from private and public organisations from both national and international
donors for projects in Spain and as well in developing countries.
Edit and publish research papers and other studies related to our work.
Conduct investigations and evaluations consistent with the purposes of the institution.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Women that heal: 30 immigrant women were trained in natural therapies and assisted with microcredits to establish their own businesses and accompanied in the whole process. Some established cooperatives and some their own businesses.
2. Promoting self-employment among the immigrants with the funding from European Social Fund. We organised business development workshops for 624 participants.
3. Monitoring and strengthening immigrant entrepreneurs: 14 micro enterprises were evaluated and monitored as a part of the project.
4. Awareness campaigns: Under this activity we celebrate annual “Entrepreneurs day” together with 'Madrid Emprende' Economic Development Agency and organise exhibitions and participate in different events such as photo exhibition “Inmigrante: El que Emprende” in London with financing from EU Commission.
5. Researches: we participated in a reasearch about micro enterprises lead by Fundación Nantink Lum in Spain “Managing social performance through integrated approach: Prizma case study”.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can offer our services that are free of charge.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are interested in networking with the partners in the MED area who have the same interests.

Contact (1) Full Name
Janek Vahk
Head of the organisation
José Antonio Carcamo
Contact (2) Full Name
Esther Palomino

Research on Security and Transnational Governance (RESET)

National Network

c/ Argüeso 20 3-lzq


E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
General Information
RESET (Research on Security and Transnational Governance) is a not-for-profit and independent think-tank. Based in Madrid, Spain, its structure is: • Three founding partners: Balder Hageraats, Jesús García-Luengos y Francisco Rodríguez Alonso • A core team of 10 collaborators resident in different cities in Spain • A wide network of partner experts in different countries: India, Kenya, Uganda, Lebanon, Belgium, Senegal, Italy, Cameroon, the United States. Budgetary resources & sources of funding: RESET is financed through the resources generated by its activities, and as an independent organization has not a majority funding partner. RESET´s modalities of action are: • Research and analysis on good governance, security and sustainable human development. • Project development. • Consultancy. Main partners involved in the projects/activities: public and private organizations, NGOs, think tanks, international organizations.
Mission and Objectives

• Research and analysis on good governance, security and sustainable human development, in order to expand our understanding of the challenges that the world faces in the 21st Century.
• Partnerships with both public and private organizations in order to strengthen their institutional and operational capacity and improve the quality and effectiveness of their policies, programs and projects.
• Generating ideas, initiatives and proposals that contribute to progress in international human development and intercultural learning.
RESET is committed to an approach based on strong local and international knowledge and expertise, and always centered on the human being. The current economic and political crisis in the world requires a rigorous focus on regenerating numerous aspects of the international system, as well as the generation of new models and paradigms, to face its new complexities.

Main Projects / Activities

• Research and analysis: writing of Working papers, Reports and articles, both for the internal and external publication (e.g. Report on South Sudan and the challenges of the International cooperation in the country, Report on Tunisian women´s contribution to peacebuiling process in the country)
• Project development in collaboration with both public and private institutions.
• Consultancy, technical assistance and evaluations of international cooperation for development projects for NGO (e.g. Intermón Oxfam, Plan Internacional España, Fundación Entreculturas, Fundación Madreselva)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

RESET is a think tank with many experts in the Mediterranean area. As such, it can contribute to the network with its academic and research background, and its project oriented perspective, developing joint activities with other Spanish or Mediterranean organizations that contribute to increase the understanding of the problems and challenges that this region faces.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

There are two main reasons to join the ALF network:
• Coincidence with the objectives of the Foundation: RESET is committed with the understanding of the new problems and complexities that our world is facing, and in this sense, the promotion of the cultural and intellectual exchange with partner organizations of the whole Mediterranean region is one of our core aims, through project development and research on questions such as democratic transitions, citizenship, youth populations and gender issues.
• Geographical coincidence: one of the most important areas of interest for RESET is the Mediterranean region. We have several researchers specialized in these countries (specifically in Morocco, Algeria or Lebanon) from different fields of research: promotion of the democracy, security issues, or development.
RESET is interested in building a network of partner organizations from other countries of the Mediterranean, in order to develop joint projects within our area of activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ricard Boscar
Contact (2) Full Name
Carmen A. Villaseñor

Igual a Igual

National Network

C/ Bocangel 28. 3ºDcha


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
“Igual a Igual” is a private, non-profit organization, founded in 2008 to improve social development from a gender perspective. It consists of professionals in the legal, financial, communication, education and psychology. A total of seven members of the Board and seven other members of the Advisory Council. The Foundation has now hired two employees, having an average annual group of seven employees. The organization is financed from own resources collected by the project. Budgetary resources available in one year are one hundred thousand euros. The main partners involved in organizing projects: Women’s Small and Medium Enterprises European Federation; Women’s General Directorate in the Autonomous Region of Madrid: Equality Councillors for the municipalities of: Alcala de Henares, Móstoles, San Agustin del Guadalix, San Sebastian de los Reyes. Bar Association of Madrid. Federation “IGUAL CON IGUAL”, “IGUAL A 2” Association, FROM Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid and North Madrid; “INTEGRA 7, Consulting and Development”
Mission and Objectives

The “Igual a Igual” Foundation mission is to contribute to the improvement of women social conditions and quality of life, and the development of the principle of equal opportunities between women and men in all spheres: social, political and economical.
Its objectives include:
- Support the protection and rights defense of women in Spain, and in any international arena, especially in developing countries.
- Collaborate and cooperate with developing countries for the implementation of programs and policies that contribute to achieving equal opportunities for women.
- Contribute to social change through awareness and reporting structures that do not respect human rights, especially the women social, political, economic and cultural rights.

Main Projects / Activities

Key projects and activities: Education and training on equality values: workshops for children from 5 to 16 years old in municipalities of the Autonomous Region of Madrid, in which more than 12,000 children has participated.
Social and Working Insertion and employment training, with over 500 participants, including: legal advice for single mothers working at social exclusion risk and job search Course for women at risk or socially excluded and gender violence victims.
Equality Policies: Assessing Equality Plans of municipalities of Madrid and development of Municipal strategy for Equal Opportunities between Women and Men. The Foundation has developed a "Coordinated Action Protocol of Gender Violence Victims Attention Services" for the city of “Pozuelo de Alarcón”.
Gender equality training, employment training, non-profit associations management, etc.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Performing integration programs of different cultures living in our country with the recognition of cultural differences as a value of wealth, which will generate the joint development of society.
Including gender perspective as a tool for improving democracy and empowerment.
Promoting tolerance and cultural diversity respect.
Creating opportunities for social development and encouraging the building of bridges with other countries.
Favouring the creation of citizen participation areas for the experiences and thoughts exchange.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

“Igual a Igual” believes that ALF Network is an excellent platform to exchange experiences and a vehicle to develop an intercultural action between Mediterranean countries. The ALF Network objectives are in relation with the mission our Foundation: socio-cultural development and democracy through dialogue, respect for diversity and strengthening civil society.
We believe that networking is essential for creating synergies between different social organizations, because they can take advantage and maximize the efforts. This networking also creates links between organizations that perform additional work and promotes the diversity of actors and experiences with a common goal.

Contact (1) Full Name
Blanca Hernández Castaño
Head of the organisation
Ana Gómez Plaza

Associazione Culturale LINK

National Network

Via Silvio Pellico, 10

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Link is a cultural association without any lucrative scope and open to any citizen without distinction of religion or cultural background. It has one person employed full time and one part-time. All the members act on a voluntary basis. Members in 2007 are 50. The annual budget (average) 100.000 euro. The main source of funding is the European Commission (Youth in Action Program and other programs). Other sources are local authorities, donors, other european insitutions (Council of Europe). Main action carried out since 2003 are youth exchanges, European Voluntary Service, Training courses and seminars for youth workers, information campaigns for better understanding in the society of intercultural dialogue e tolerance. Our main partners are other European and Mediterranean NGOs, members of our local network (NGOs, local Authorities, schools).
Mission and Objectives

The main objective of Link is to favour dialogue and solidarity among young people, disseminate a culture of mutual respect and acceptance of differences, promoting European values and intercultural dialogue.
As our main target group is youth, we aim to reach our oblyecties by promoting international youth mobility, disseminating information about other cultures and fighting racism and intolerance.

Main Projects / Activities

2003 - Youth Exchange with Euromed countries on the topic of Human Rights Education by using light theatre as a tool of expression. Participating countries: Italy, France, Sweden, Tunisia, Palestine.
2004 - Project "10+" about the Enlargement of the European Union. Conferences, educational programs in schools and film making activities, film reviews and meetings with film makers from the new member countries.
2005-6. Leonardo da Vinci project. Sending 30 trainees in 5 European countries to gain experience in the field of social animation.
2003-6 European Voluntary Service (sending and hosting) involving many Program Countries and also Tunisia and Morocco.
2003-7 Several youth exchanges involging youth with less opportunities, especially young migrants living in our region from Albania, Kosovo, Tunisia and Morocco.
2007. Cooperation project with India and Morocco about information Technologies.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mino Vicenti
Contact (2) Full Name
Lucia Creanza

Association Ouvrière des Compagnons du Devoir du Tour de France

National Network

82 rue de l'Hotel de Ville

Organisation Type
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
L'AOCDTF est une association de type loi 1901, reconnue d’utilité publique ; c’est-à-dire que nous sommes reconnus capables de nous mobiliser pour une cause d’intérêt général : celle du devenir des jeunes et des métiers. Le comité intergouvernemental des membres de l’Unesco, réuni du 15 au 19 novembre 2010 à Nairobi (Kenya), a inscrit le Compagnonnage, réseau de transmission des savoirs et des identités par le métier, sur la liste représentative du patrimoine culturel immatériel.
Mission and Objectives

En effet, le Compagnonnage constitue un système de transmission des connaissances par l’apprentissage et la formation tout au long de la vie qui s’adapte sans cesse à l’évolution des environnements sociaux.
Les Compagnons du Devoir proposent aux jeunes un épanouissement personnel et une ascension sociale, basés sur la transmission des connaissances, la rencontre et la mobilité : le « Tour de France », ouvert aux cinq continents, qui permet de devenir « Compagnon du Devoir ».
L’objectif principal du Tour de France demeure la volonté d’acquérir par le voyage, au rythme d’un ou deux changements de ville par an (et donc d’entreprise), des techniques professionnelles différentes et complémentaires, ainsi qu’une formation culturelle très variée.
Actuellement, plus de 3200 jeunes effectuent leur Tour de France, chaque année environ 400 d’entre eux séjournent dans plus de 30 pays, en dehors de l’hexagone, pour des périodes de 6 mois à un an.
Savoir voyager, c’est aussi savoir accueillir, les Compagnons du Devoir ouvrent leurs portes aux jeunes des pays qui souhaitent vivre une expérience professionnelle et humaine sur le Tour de France.

Main Projects / Activities

En 2010 est né au sein de l'association des Compagnons du devoir le projet de "Compagnonnage du Bassin Méditérannéen".
L'idée est de proposer à des jeunes garçons et des jeunes filles une formation professionnelle hors du commun, en se formant dans différents pays autour de la Méditérannée, grâce aux différents centres signataires de ce projet afin de parfaire leur formation professionnelle, culturelle et humaine.
Les jeunes seront salariés d'une entreprise et recevront une formation gratuite organisée par les centres signataires du projet.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Nous souhaitons rejoindre le réseau du FAL car notre projet Compagnonnage du Bassin Méditerranéen correspond à l’objectif de la Fondation Anna Lindh de « contribuer au rapprochement des populations des deux côtés de la Méditerranée en vue d’améliorer le respect mutuel entre les cultures ».
Nous souhaitons travailler avec les autres acteurs de ce réseau dans le domaine de l’éducation et de la jeunesse.

Contact (1) Full Name
Emmanuel Lecanu

Bibliotheca Alexandrina

National Network

El Shatby – 21526, Alexandria - Egypt

+203 4839999 Ext. 1241
Telephone (other)
+203 4820479
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information
The Head of the Egyptian Network of the Anna Lindh Foundation is the Bibliotheca Alexandrina and the coordination of the Network is run by Ambassador Aly Maher, Euro-Med Affairs Advisor.
Mission and Objectives

The Bibliotheca Alexandrina aims to be a center of excellence in the production and dissemination of knowledge and to be a place of dialogue, learning and understanding between cultures and peoples.

Main Projects / Activities

Contact (1) Full Name
Ambassador Aly Maher (Euro-Med Affairs Advisor)
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr Ahmed Farid (Network Assistant)

THE ARTEMIS PROJECT e.V. - artistic and environmental initiative Berlin

National Network

THE ARTEMIS PROJECT e.V.c/o Elisa GelewskiRückerstraße 7
10119 Berlin

+49 30 28 09 54 88
Telephone (other)
+90 539 208 67 78 (Turkey)
Mobile Phone
+49 179 391 34 70 Frau Gelewski
Mobile Phone (other)
+49 177 807 89 05 Frau Lenglachner
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Structure: Board consists of seven members, head of the organisation is Elisa Gelewski, deputy head is Jürgen Voss, treasurer is Brigitte Nevries. Budgetary resources: projects grants (amounts vary). Modalities of action: For the future we plan to conduct inter/national programms with Turkey (exchanges and seminars) for artistic and environmental education in biological diversity and climate protection. Main partners are schools and NGOs in Turkey (e.g. Kultür Eklisia Organization near Bodrum).
Mission and Objectives

Inter/national development, promotion, networking, and realisation of artistic, ecological, educational, social projects and ideas of different kinds, that are cultural, not for profit, democratic and ideally innovative. Our aim is also to improve the cultural participation in gender politics and to improve quality of life for people with disabilities and social challenges. Our target group are children and youth in Turkey. Ways to fullfill our mission are exemplary: Establishment of nature reserves and new plantation of forest.

Main Projects / Activities

Prior to the official founding of the artemis project, we conceptualized and organized a street art event in Berlin in order to save 200 old trees. Parts of the project were: "Human chain against chain saws" with 1.500 people, occucupation of trees, active climate protection through spreading of seeds that are not genetic engeneered. "Tree fairies" promoted the respect for nature: they connected with passers-by to raise their awareness for climate change and handed out these seeds to motivate the people to plant their own trees. The special aim of the project was also to involve the Turkish and Arab community of Berlin.

Contact (1) Full Name
Elisa Gelewski
Head of the organisation
Elisa Gelewski

EUROCLIO - European Association of History Educators

National Network

Riouwstraat 139
2585 HP The Hague

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
EUROCLIO is an umbrella organization (NGO) of over 60 History Teachers Organizations from over 40 predominantly European countries registered as legally as a foundation. Concrete actions are the organization of an annual international training conference on history and history education, Long term projects on the innovation of history education (including seminars, workshops, textbook development). Sources of funding are project based. Our main sponsors are amongst others the ‘European Commission’ (DG EAC), the ‘Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ (MATRA-program) and the ‘United States Institute of Peace’. Main partners are the Georg Eckert institute, Koerber Foundation, Council of Europe and EUROCLIO members.
Mission and Objectives

Mission: EUROCLIO - supports the development of an innovative and inclusive approach to History and History and Citizenship Education. - promotes collaborative values, critical awareness and mutual respect, peace, stability and democracy in society. - contributes to prevention and reconciliation of inter- and intrastate conflict Objectives: - to improve the Quality of History and History Education and the Quality of the Professional Group. - to enhance History Teachers’ Organizations and Civil Society - to cooperate, Communicate and Network - to fortify Professionalisation and Sustainability of EUROCLIO Target groups: Historians and History educators including history teachers, history teacher trainers, textbook authors, curriculum developers, inspectors, advisors and local authorities on the learning and teaching of history.

Main Projects / Activities

Projects: - Regional/National: multiple year projects in cooperation with EUROCLIO members and other partners aimed at the innovation of history and history education. - European wide: organizes seminars and other activities open to all who are interested. - Annual Conference and Professional Training Development Course On the average 130 participants from over 35 countries. The General Assembly is part of the conference. Hosted by one of the EUROCLIO members. - Dissemination of Information EUROCLIO publishes six newsletters and two bulletins annually and maintains an up-to-date website. - Lobby EUROCLIO lobbies on a national, regional and European level for the innovation of history education in a way that it promotes peace, democracy and critical thinking.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Steven Segers
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Mr. Steven Segers

International Cultural Centre Foundation (ICC Foundation) - Head of Network (Fundacja Międynarodowe Centrum Kultury – koordynator sieci)

National Network

Rynek Glowny 25
31-008 Krakow

+48 12 42 42 811
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
General Information
The Foundation is organized on the voluntary basis. Its main executive body is the Executive Board appointed by the Council of Founders and supported by the Advisory Council. It is not regulary supported financially - the main sources of income is fundraising for concrete projects done within the scope of its objectives.
Mission and Objectives

The aim of the Foundation is to promote cultural integration of Europe through exchange of thoughts, ideas and common projects. It is also to support the statutory mission of the ICC: its research, education, exhibiting and publishing programmes.

Main Projects / Activities

Foundation has a vast experience in projects in the field of research, education, intercultural dialogue and art. It organizes international educational programmes, publishes books and produces films, prepares exhibitions, conducts research and supports local initiatives in its field of interest. One of the most important projects of the Foundation is the summer school programme - Democracy and Diversity.

Contact (1) Full Name
Karolina Grabarczyk-Chochołek
Job Title
head of network
Head of the organisation
Regina Pytlik