National Network

71 Chemin St Jean du Desert Bâtiment C

00+ 06 61 70 99 13
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Youth and education
General Information

Les Apprentis de l’Esperance a été fondée en Juillet 1986 à l'initiative de jeunes 2de génération d'immigrés. Sa vocation est de promouvoir l’insertion sociale et professionnelle des jeunes par le biais des arts du spectacle et au moyen d’échanges culturels et de chantiers de solidarité internationale, menés entre l'Europe et l’Amérique latine. Artisans, artistes et éducateurs bénévoles, nous considérons que la base de notre travail est le respect à la pluralité culturelle et à la diversité humaine. Nous sommes encouragés par l'UNESCO dans notre démarche depuis 1989. Nous nous consacrons à la solidarité internationale et au développement durable, en utilisant une pédagogie alternative basée sur l'art, la culture, le sport, l’audiovisuel et l’informatique, orientés vers une éducation complémentaire, la reconnaissance de notre identité culturelle et l'apprentissage de la citoyenneté. Nous cherchons à dynamiser la participation des jeunes aux questions de leur époque, les faisant protagonistes d'actions créatives et responsables qui reflètent leurs droits et devoirs face à la société. Menées en liaison avec des collectivités locales, nos interventions ont lieu sous forme d’activités d’éveil et d’initiation aux arts du spectacle: danse, théâtre, musique, capoeira, artisanat, recyclage, photographie, peinture, écriture... élargies aux concepts du développement durable (santé, éducation, culture, environnement, droits de l'homme) Nos ateliers donnent lieu ponctuellement à la présentation de manifestations publiques (spectacles vivants, expositions, productions audio visuelles...) pour soutenir notre programme et renforcer notre action de coopération au Brésil. Soutenus par la Direction générale de l’UNESCO, dans le cadre du Programme de mobilisation des jeunes au développement, au moyen de chantiers de solidarité menés avec de nombreux volontaires, nous avons construit et animé une structure d’accueil polyvalente à vocation agro écologique dans la grande banlieue de Rio de Janeiro, empêchant les uns de partir en ville devenir la proie du banditisme, révélant chez les autres leurs capacités d’entreprise. Nous avons implanté aussi un espace culturel alternatif qui, mené en lien avec les autorités locales et des collectivités de la Zone Ouest de Rio, est consacré au Développement durable, avec l’accueil sanitaire et social des familles,  l’animation culturelle et sportive des enfants, l’orientation professionnelle des jeunes aux métiers du Tourisme et de l’Environnement. Membre du Mouvement global pour une culture de paix en faveur des enfants du monde, l’association a animé au Brésil une Campagne éducative transnationale en milieu scolaire pour l’UNESCO dans le cadre du Programme Planet Society, le monde reste à faire, qui inspire toujours notre démarche.

Mission and Objectives

Promouvoir l’insertion sociale et professionnelle des jeunes par le biais des arts du spectacle et au moyen de chantiers interculturels  Amené par le biais de l’éducation artistique et d'ateliers créatifs participatifs, le but est de stimuler l’émulation des jeunes, conforter l’autonomie des femmes dans leurs efforts d’émancipation, plaider l’alliance entre les civilisations et, luttant contre la xénophobie, encourager une culture de paix. 

Main Projects / Activities

Pour favoriser une meilleure compréhension inter culturelle, lutter contre la xénophobie et encourager une culture de paix, notre Projet Éducatif est établi sur un programme d’activités multidisciplinaires menées par le biais de l’éducation artistique, des arts et du sport, toujours orientées de façon transversale sur les thématiques prônées par l’Agenda 21 post Rio 1992 : Santé, Éducation Culture, Environnement, Droits de l’Homme. Menées ponctuellement en lien avec des collectivités locales, nos interventions ont lieu sous forme d’activités d’éveil et d’initiation aux arts du spectacle: danse, théâtre, musique, capoeira, artisanat, recyclage, photographie, peinture, écriture... Les ateliers sont adaptés aux besoins spécifiques des jeunes et des enfants, en fonction de leur intérêt et de leurs motivations. Ils permettent de révéler leurs potentiels, de développer leurs compétences, de susciter leur émulation. Ils permettent aussi d'améliorer leur auto estime, de promouvoir l'intégration aux familles et l'ouverture sur le monde. Ces actions peuvent donner lieu à la construction de manifestations publiques et soutenir la promotion d'échanges inter culturels pour contribuer à élargir le cercle des coopérations.

Le but est de stimuler l’émulation des jeunes et de favoriser l’émergence de nouveaux citoyens, ouverts sur le monde, conscients des interdépendances entre pays et des enjeux de développement durable et mobilisés contre toute forme d'exclusion;  de conforter l’autonomie des femmes par la promotion de leurs talents, dans leurs efforts d’émancipation; de plaider l’alliance entre les civilisations et d'encourager une culture de paix par l’éveil des consciences et la formation de citoyens solidaires et participatifs.

Pour cela, 4 actions phares sont au programme :
Festival Paroles et Merveilles : Rencontres littéraires, artistiques et audiovisuelles proposées chaque année depuis 2015, en simultané entre Marseille, Lisbonne et Rio de Janeiro par le biais d’Internet, pour apporter un regard croisé sur des thématiques actuelles, construire des passerelles entre les intervenants/pays, promouvoir des relations interprofessionnelles.
Jeunesse et Développement durable : Université populaire proposée ponctuellement à Marseille en lien avec des partenaires locaux, pour promouvoir l’engagement des jeunes, interpeller la société et élargir le cercle des coopérations autour d’actions exemplaires, toujours orientées sur l'accomplissement de l’Agenda 21.

Les Voies de la mer (e) Odyssée Première : Documentaire à vocation éducative, témoignant du montage transnational d’un spectacle commun, utilisant diverses pratiques artistiques pour expliquer les migrations et notre diversité culturelle en abordant histoire, savoirs et traditions du pourtour méditerranéen,  afin de favoriser une meilleure compréhension inter culturelle  autour de la Méditerranée (acteurs socio-culturels d'Italie, Roumanie, Grèce, Géorgie, Jordanie, Liban, Egypte, Maroc, Tunisie Espagne et Portugal sensibilisés)

Le Jardim de Gaya : Lieu de rencontres et d’échanges situé dans une réserve de la Biosphère au Brésil (Rio de Janeiro) animé au moyen de chantiers de solidarité internationale, pour contribuer au développement local et promouvoir idées et bonnes pratiques en faveur de la protection de l’environnement et du DD.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Proposer des ateliers participatifs pour permettre échanges et  mise en commun de bonnes pratiques visant la construction de partenariats et de projets collectifs.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Art Educator
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
François RICAUD
Job Title (2)
Head of the organisation

université Abdelmalek Essaadi

National Network

Avenue Palestine, MhannechII? BP 2117 code postal: 93030

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Abdelmalek Essaadi est une université qui regroupe 11 facultés et écoles étalées sur Tetouan, Larach et Tanger
Mission and Objectives

- culture et créativité
- education et apprentissage interculturel

Main Projects / Activities

Euromediterranean scientific congress on engneering. congrés euroméditerranéen organisé à Algésiras(Espagne) en mai 2011

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr Hassan Ezbakhe
Head of the organisation
Mr Houdaifa Ameziane
Contact (2) Full Name
Ahmed El Moussaoui

Association Talassemtane pour l'environnement et le développement (ATED)

National Network

Quartier Ain Haouzi BP 101 code postal:91000

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
les instances de l'association sont l'assemblée genéral et le bureau éxécutif composé de neuf membres;
Mission and Objectives

- culture et créativité
- éducation et apprentissage interculturel

Main Projects / Activities

- forum international planète terroir en partenariat avec UNESCO.
- rencontre sur le patrimoine ethnographique dans la région jbala dans le cadre de la réserve de la biosphère intercontinentale de la méditerranée reconnue par l'UNESCO

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Abdellah TAZI

Association Meditalents

National Network

c/o Ouarzazate Film Commission, Avenue du Prince Moulay Rachid, Immeuble Dadès, 2ème étage

+212 524 890 888
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+212 663 760 433 (Présidente)
Mobile Phone (other)
+212 659 466 979 (Directeur)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Association marocaine, un bureau et un directeur, intervenants en écriture cinéma (2 à 4), régisseurs; partenaires co-organisteurs apportant leurs structures + équipes: Ouarzazate Film Commission au Maroc, Association 1000 visages et Canal France International (CFI) en France. Ressources budgétaires annuelles acquises: 1.000.000 Dhr; en attentes réponses autres financements. Sources de financement acquises: Ouarzazate Film Commission, Canal France International (CFI), Ambassade France Rabat, Centre National du Cinéma France, France Télévision, arte; autres sources de financement en attente. Modalités d'action: séminaires d'écritures. Partenaires principaux: Ouarzazate Film Commission, Centre Cinématographique Marocain, Fondation du Festival International du Film de Marrakech, Canal France International (CFI), Ambassade France Rabat, Centre National du Cinéma France, France Télévision, arte, avec le label du Conseil Culturel de l'Union Pour la Mediterranée.
Mission and Objectives

ACCOMPAGNER DES NOUVEAUX TALENTS DU SUD ET DE L’EST DE LA MÉDITERRANÉE DANS LE DÉVELOPPEMENT DE LEUR PREMIER LONG MÉTRAGE par une transmission de connaissance et d’expertises pratiques, grâce à plusieurs niveaux d’intervention : formations continues apportées aux scénaristes, réalisateurs participants, soutien aux créateurs des musiques originales des films, associations des producteurs au cursus Meditalents.
ASSURER ainsi la formation de scénaristes professionnels qui, en tant que réalisateurs, réaliseront leurs films, ou, en tant que scénariste, collaboreront à l’écriture de scénarios de réalisateurs professionnels.
METTRE EN LUMIÈRE chaque année ces talents émergents du Sud et de l’Est de la Méditerranée.
PERMETTRE L’EMERGENCE DE LIENS TRANSMÉDITERRANÉENS ARTISTIQUES, de production, de distribution et de diffusion qui se créeront au fur et à mesure des ateliers.
CONTRIBUER AU DIALOGUE INTERCULTUREL, en accompagnant des talents qui portent un regard et une perspective sur le monde de demain.
SOUTENIR un cinéma intrinsèquement porteur des valeurs d’égalité entre les femmes et les hommes, des valeurs universelles communes et des valeurs nouvelles du Développement Durable, tout en étant enraciné dans chacune des cultures qui font la richesse de la région Méditerranée.

Main Projects / Activities

MEDITALENTS est un Atelier Cinéma Transméditerranéen destiné à accompagner le développement de l’écriture du premier Long-Métrage de talents émergents du Sud et de l’Est de la Méditerranée.
L’Atelier dure une année environ et est composé de plusieurs sessions d’écriture.
Une session d’accompagnement à la réalisation pourra être organisée en partenariat avec des écoles de cinéma.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

En échangeant des informations sur les contenus, en participant à des séminaires, en le faisant connaître par un lien sur notre site.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Pour la convergence des valeurs défendues dans différents domaines.

Contact (1) Full Name
Didier Boujard, Directeur
Head of the organisation
Maryam Touzani, Présidente
Contact (2) Full Name
Danièle Suissa, Secrétaire Générale

association bouizakarne pour le développement et la culture

National Network

boite postale : 179 code postale : 81050

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
le bureau de l'association est composé de 07 membres les ressources sont : la commune et l'institut royal de la culture amazighe l'association a réalisé trois projets concernant la culture amazighe
Mission and Objectives

Promouvoir une culture des droits de la citoyenneté, la démocratie et de l'homme, le dialogue, la tolérance et la coexistence
Intérêt pour la culture amazighe et de la diversité culturelle et le patrimoine culturel local, et d'organiser des séminaires, des conférences, des festivals, des forums et journées d'étude

Main Projects / Activities

organiser des séminaires, des conférences, des festivals, des forums et journées d'étude

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

pour une bonne communication et renforcer les capacités des membres de l'association dans le domaine du montage projet et l'action associative

Contact (1) Full Name
achibane moustafa


National Network

BP 146 BIOUGRA 87400


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
association TIMZDAY ong non gouvernemtal geree par 09 membres actifs Ressources budgétaires : adhesion des membres et du ong partenaire timzday a participe a des echanges internationales des jeunes et des seminaires nationaux et locaux .
Mission and Objectives

objectives :
Facilitate and support the participant of the youth of the region in the development of the local communit
* Support active citizenship for the youth of the region through enhancing values of democracy, peace and cohexistance.
* Enhancing values of tolerance, cooperation and understanding and between Moroccan youth and youth of other countries of the world.
* Training and strengthening the abilities of youth of the region in the field of development.
* Develop the culture of voluntary the youth of the region.
*Activate projects of cooperative and environmental tourism.
* Defining the material and non-material heritage of the region and contribution to preserve it.
* Create and develop partnership projects with different local, national and international members.
* support local development projects.
* Contribution in cultural, educational and social activities in the province

Main Projects / Activities

echanges international des jeunes
formation associatif
animation culturelle et artistiqiue

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name


National Network

8 Bustenai St.

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Religion
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Elul is a non govermental organization led by it's board of directors of r non paid people. Run by Roni Yavin who is the executive director for the last 8 years. Number of emloyees - Full time staff:2, Part time staff:33, Freelancers:2, Volunteers:2. Eluls' budget is approximatly $500,000 per year. Our main supporters are: foundations from abroad and the rest devides: a small amount from the Israeli government, participant payments, selling of service. The “Beit Midrash,” forms the centerpiece of programming and action at Elul. Beit Midrash has been a part of Jewish learning and history for thousands of year. What is unique about the Beit Midrash, is how modern the methodology is and how easily it has been adapted for modern usage. So what is the Beit Midrash? The term itself means “Study House”. However the word midrash refers to modern commentary on ancient texts. For thousands of year, Jews have been using this methodology to transform and harmonize the laws found in the ancient texts and the ever-changing reality. The commentary produced in these processes is recorded in many books, beginning with the mishna from the 1st century, Talmud from the 3rd to 7th centuries, through modern books such as a recently published book on commentaries by women for women. In the Beit Midrash, the texts we study draw from both classical and modern Jewish sources: Bible, Midrash, Talmud, Kabbalah, Hassidism, philosophy, and modern Israeli literature, as well as sources from other cultures and traditions. Likewise, Elul approprates a common ancient form of dialogic study, the Chevruta methodology, which takes place in small study clusters (chevrutas) and in facilitated circle discussion. Based on the belief in the power of the Jewish sources to inspire deep exploration of life's dilemmas, we invite participants to develop a personal and refreshing reading of the sources, uninhibited by interpretive authority and prior readings. The intimate atmosphere encourages participants to bring their inner, personal world to the study, and invites them to be partners in the creation of midrash and to add their voices to past generations methodology incorporating, encouraging and validating a multiplicity of interpretations developed by the students. Participants reignite the sparks that flew when previous generations encountered the text, setting off forces of creative interpretation. In addition, a rich assortment of voices and perspectives are laid out before the participants, revealing the inter-generational dialogue of Jewish literature from different genres and periods. Main partners: Elul is an active member of the Forum of Batei Midrash, a nation-wide umbrella organization of 22 organizations that empowers and strengthens pluralistic Batei Midrash (Study Centers) in Israeli society which Elul’s director chaired for two years.Israel Association of Community Centers, Gesher, Bamidbar, Zayit etc. Elul and Paideia have been using this methodology respectively for 22 and 12 years. During this time, this methodology has flourished in Israel, and although Elul was the first organization to adapt this methodology, it can now be found all over the country in organization of different sizes, and from different backgrounds, as well as being adapted by schools and other educational institutions. One of the results has been that Batei Midrash have all ready created a new language; a language that is employed by groups seeking to bridge gaps between religious and secular Jews, between populations from different from backgrounds, and this methodology has even been used to bridge gaps and create dialogue between people with different political viewpoints. The language created by these efforts, has been employed by Jewish religious institutions of all persuasions.
Mission and Objectives

Elul, the Center for Culture and Jewish Renaissance, strives to strengthen democracy based on Jewish culture and thought; shifting the public awareness to the positive aspects of a Jewish culture that accepts the 'other', that embraces the differences and finds a way to live together.
Elul challenges the widespread feeling among secular Israelis that Jewish traditional texts "belong" to the religious camp only, and have nothing new or relevant to say to the modern secular Israeli. Many secular Israelis who come to Elul have chosen this pluralistic framework because they realize that Elul does not pursue a "missionary" agenda to convert them to an alternative way of life and worldview.
On the other hand, for religious Israelis, Elul opens up a refreshing new world with its open approach to textual study as a means of finding and defining one’s own voice within many approaches and opinions. The “Beit Midrash” methodology developed by Elul has been used to influence a number of issues in Israeli society including the relationship of Israelis to the environment and social justices regarding populations that feel marginalized due to their origin or geographic location.
Elul for the past 22 years has served as a model of a tolerant Judaism that assumes an egalitarian and respectful approach to every person by virtue of his or her humanness, in the spirit of “these and those are the words of the living God” (Eruvin, Babylonian Talmud).
Thousands of Elul graduates, from educators to directors of NGOs, artists, writers, journalists, actors and social activists spread throughout Israel are enriching Israeli society with a greater awareness of the need to bridge the differences between us, in order to strengthen the similarities and what unites us as human beings. In 2011 Elul was awarded the prestigious Ministry of Education Agrest Prize for Jewish Culture and in 2000 the Speaker of the Knesset Award for Dialogue between Secular and Religious Citizens.

Main Projects / Activities

• Central Beit Midrash has been in operation for over 20 years and is still renewing views and ideas regarding Jewish text and day-to-day matters. 40 participants came this year from all over Israel for a full-day learning program over 10 months.
• 15 Learning Communities around the country reaching 300 adults and students a year. Our 22 years of activity have yielded 40 groups across Israel. Throughout the year, Elul groups in the periphery hold open events for the public-at-large.
• Joint Haredim and Secular learning groups with the Open University students council.
• Talmudic Storytellers' Beit Midrash is in its fourth year of activity, and now includes a number of training programs. Participants in the program come with a background in theater, tour guiding and other disciplines, a population that in the past never frequented the Beit Midrash or participated in other venues in the realm of Jewish renewal. Our graduates are already performing in Rishon Lezion, Beit Shean, Jerusalem and the Jezreel Valley, appearing in approximately 40 shows a year, reaching a wide range of audiences.
• Leading the Jerusalem-based Israeli Jewish Renewal Organizations Forum
Elul’s newest initiative is a coalition of over 20 Jerusalem-based Jewish renewal organizations that represent a wide spectrum of secular and religious organizations and streams. The goal of the collaboration is to advocate for the expansion of tolerant Jewish cultural and learning activities in Jerusalem. To this end, the forum started meeting on a regular basis with the Mayor of Jerusalem and a series of other joint activities is being conceived.
• MekoRock Jerusalem - a groundbreaking community musical project (“mekorot”= traditional sources + “rock n’ roll”). Members of Jerusalem bands, ages 15-18, religious and secular, bridge their differences through active dialogue mediated by Jewish-Israeli culture in songwriting workshops mentored by leading artists, and Beit Midrash study with Elul facilitators. Participants also meet with peers in pan-Israel musical and discussion workshops. The original Jewish-content-inspired pieces will be recorded professionally and uploaded on the Internet. MekoRock will culminate in the Annual MekoRock Festival in December 2012. Applicants will be recruited by audition through religious and secular high schools, music programs and others.
Developing new initiatives for young adults

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Elul is happy to host people from other organizations in the network, and by that to change the narrative in Israel from one that is often employed to kindle racism and discrimination to one that supports tolerance and inclusion. Jewish Israelis, whether they are secular or religious, women or men show great respect for Jewish sources whether they be from ancient texts or more recent writings as well as to the rabbis and their statements. In order to reclaim the narrative, it is vital to equip as many people as possible who are involved in teaching youth and in swaying public opinion with the ability to show that Judaism does not tolerate racism or discrimination. This program will expose thousands of Israelis, women and men, to a Jewish language that accepts and respects human rights regardless of race, gender or nationality.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Elul wishes to join the ALF Network so we can promote and operate activities that promote human rights and the fight against xenophobia, racism and discrimination on the basis of religious beliefs. As racism and discrimination in Israel receive direct support from Rabbis who support their views by quoting from Jewish sources, Elul believes that it is important to create a compendium of texts, rabbinical decisions, quotes, personal stories, etc. that elucidate of the strong textual heritage that demonstrates just the opposite: that Jewish traditional texts profoundly support respect and care for minorities, for women, and for those different from ourselves.

Contact (1) Full Name
Roni Yavin
Head of the organisation
Roni Yavin
Contact (2) Full Name
Keren Siksik

Women's Spirit

National Network

mailing adress: 3 tweifel st.
Tel Aviv

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
  3. Others
General Information
Women's Spirit is an Israeli non-profit organization which aims to promote women victims of violence from an unsafe state of victimhood into a state of personal and financial independence. Our days, 350 women victims and 300 volunteers participate in Women's Spirit's variety of programs, during which each woman participant takes part in one or more of the followings: employment workshops, personal occupational coaching, individual occupational mentoring and special skills workshops (computers, English). Other Women's Spirit activities include a special program for women living in shelters for battered women, budget management courses and a business women forum. The Women's Spirit organization is comprised of 11 workers, including the CEO. The organization's budget is based on donations from private and governmental funds, annual fund raising events and 'in kind' donations. Women's Spirit main partners include business women, local businesses and business owners, municipal authorities, local women aid organizations and hundreds of volunteers.
Mission and Objectives

Women's Spirit has three main objectives:
a.Making a change in society, through promoting legislation benefiting women victims of violence in the employment market, and raising public awareness in the labor market and in society to women victims of violence’s financial state and to society's responsibility to take action on behalf of women victims of violence.
b.Providing women victims of violence with efficient tools to achieve financial independence and self-reliance, and to place them in long-term positions that are appropriate to their skills and career ambitions.
c.Development of a supportive infrastructure within the labor market and the business world, in order to promote women victims of violence's opportunities in the employment market and to remove structural barriers facing them in their struggle to achieve financial independence.

Main Projects / Activities

Standing their ground - Women's Spirit operates this unique program aimed at promoting women victims of violence's financial independence while providing each woman with her own individual program, suited to her unique circumstances and needs. The program is designed to allow women victims of violence to rebuild their sense of self-worth and to motivate them to change their personal and professional life:
Employment direction process – individual intake session and a group workshop meant to realize each participant needs and career aspirations.
Support Measures – each participant takes part in one of the three:
1. Career development workshop. 2. Individual occupational coaching. 3. Individual mentoring meetings.
Development of employment skills – each woman participates in advanced training according to her individual career plan – computer skills, English, etc.
Implementation of the career plan - each participant integrates in one out of the two: 1) into the employment market. 2) Into Micro business development program.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Women's Spirit has developed a unique model to assist women victims of violence to create a change in their life and to reach financial independence. This model has shown high rates of success as over 70% of the women who enter the Women's Spirit program found honorable and sustainable work.
Within the framework of the ALF network, our organization can contribute to other organizations from the knowledge and experience that comes from working closely with victims of violence in rebuilding their lives, recruiting community members and local business women and men to the cause and raising awareness to the issue.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We in Women's Spirit acknowledge the issue of violence against women as a global problem, crossing different nations and cultures.
In our experience, there is a strong link between violence against women and financial dependence, which makes this issue a social and national concern – more than a personal one.
In order to overcome such a complicated phenomenon it's crucial to raise awareness and recruit all branches of society – individuals, businesses and governmental authorities. This can be done by the spread of knowledge on this matter, investing in education and the development of programs that would put an end to reoccurring violence against women.
The ALF recognizes the strength of a network in the efforts to create social and cultural change. We in Women's Spirit agree with this notion and believe that joining the ALF network can yield great opportunities for cooperation with other organizations – both in Israel and abroad.
Such cooperation's immediately expand our resources and allow for cross fertilization with the exchange of knowledge and experience between the different organizations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Michal Gilad
Head of the organisation
Maki Neaman
Contact (2) Full Name
Tamar Ben-Hanan

Tamer Institute for Community Education

National Network
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Structure: attached in the document below Budgetary resources available within this year: attached in the document below Sources of funding: External Funding Modalities: Tamer works on cultural awareness through promotion of reading for the education of the general community.( our main domains are culture, arts, and community education). Main partners involved: -WELFARE association -DIAKONIA- Sweden -Anna Lindh Foundation -The French Consulate -Goethe Institute -MPDL -The Arab Fund for Culture and Arts -The Norwegian Representative -COBIAC -Belgium General Consulate/ Jerusalem -International Book Aid/Britain -CC NGO/EFA -Action Aid -AECI -SC/UK -The French Cultural Center -The International Council for the Youth Books -The Swedish General Consulate / SIDA -UNESCO -The Ministry of Culture/ Sweden -The Swedish Council for Arts
Mission and Objectives

Mission:"Participating in building an open Palestinian society that believes in learning, justice and equality”.
Vision:“ Participating in building the palestinian society through creating learning environemnt for the children, youth and teachers through focusing on developing cultural, spiritual and social attidutes needed to achieve the social human growth”.
1-Creation of reading and expressive spaces
2-Creation of good learning environment
3-Developing children literature in general and focusing on Palestinian children literature in particular.

Main Projects / Activities

-Reading Promotion
-Youth Empowerment
-Children's Literature

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Being in the ALF network allows us to attend meetings and exchange experiences; this allows other sectors in the country to benefit from our work and experiences using these experiences to exchange information between us, the ALF and the general public.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joining the ALF network is vital because it helps building bridges that enable us to exchange experiences with the NGOs working in the network. Networking allows new horizons to introducing others about our work and sharing information and experiences from others as well.

Contact (1) Full Name
Renad Qubbaj
Head of the organisation
Renad Qubbaj, General Director

Society of al-burij for Communtity Rehabitation

National Network
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Society of AL- Bureij for Community Rehabilitation (SBCR) SBCR was establish in 2004 under the low of civil society number 2000 under the license number 7402. Since then the society in the middle governorate. In addition, due to the active presence of the society in the society in the committee of UNRWA rehabilitation societies in the Gaza Strip. More then 15 employees work for the SBCR of the highly qualified administrative and technical qualification. Furthermore, the society is a non governmental, nonprofit organization which is working hard to reach its mandate and accomplish its goals.
Mission and Objectives

Improving the role of the disabled and marginalized people of the needy families in the middle governorate of the Gaza Strip through enabling them of acquiring high quality rehabilitation services.
Enabling the disabled people and their families in the middle governorate of the Gaza Strip to receive a package of health and relief services.

Main Projects / Activities

The home care program for the disabled people
Speech therapy program
Health and social community awareness program
Special Education program for slow learners
Emergency relief projects
Summer Camps for disable children

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By working with your network will will expand our work to help the ( civil socity )youth and women, and sharing with other countries a good relationship between cultures

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

we will be very glad to join the ALF , that work To promote mutual respect between cultures and support to civil society that works to achieve a common future for the region
in addition to help the youth to make their life best. this what our society interest .

Contact (1) Full Name
Hatem Saleem
Head of the organisation
Hatem Saleem