National Network


0030 210 7518891
Telephone (other)
0030 22880 22431
0030210 7518891
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
-Tomee theater company is a company of education and research, a private not profit organization.. -Number of staff partners: between 8 and 12 people. -THROUGH the activities of KEA CENTER FOR CONTEMPORARY ARTS BASED IN Kea island in Greece. -Performances, Workshops, Education Projects. - Singers, musicians, dancers.
Mission and Objectives

Education and research in Theater.
The main characteristic of the group's work for this performance is in my view the investigation of the body. The human body in all its expressive aspects as a vehicle of' emotional but also intellectual experience predominates the director's work. Having met Maria Panoutsou about 15 years ago, I am not surprised that her approach of Greek Tragedy is so sensitive to the actor's body and to all experience concerning this body or originating from this body. I remember that this was always the intention of her projects in performance and theatre education.
As a result, the clarity of the scenes' structure is amazing as well as the transmitting of the text expressing both dionysiac ecstasis and rational understanding of Sophocles' drama. The other main feature of the performance is I think the intellectuality manifested in the conception of each particular scene:
As a spectator who expects some sort of philosophical interpretation of tragedy I was happily discovering during the performance strong moments of thought not only in the director’s mind but also being understood and elaborated deeply by the actors continuously during the process. This dense sophisticated background of TOMEE'S work together with the simplicity and clarity of the forms created for me a singular and important theatre experience that brought ancient Greek drama up to the contemporary world with a manifest educational impact and in a political and aesthetic originality and meaning fulness.
Lazou, Researcher in Theatre and Philosophy, Athens University

Main Projects / Activities

Ancient Greek Drama- Documentary theater- Connection with the Arabic culture.
Tomee Theatre- is a professional non profit theatre company, concerned with education and research, devoted to producing alternative approaches to classical forms of Drama and creating unique theatrical experiences stimulated by visual and audio means.
The Company was founded in Athens in 1982 by Maria Panoutsou and for its first production Tomee Theatre received the award for Best Performance and Promotion of Modem Greek Drama from the Audience, Critics and Festival Committee at the 8th Ithaca Festival. Maria’s Panoutsou work adopts a certain approach towards all the material (memories – society) which the individual artist accumulates on a daily basis and becomes o means of practice for a personal expression.
Tomee Theatre activities are mainly aiming at:
The study of Classical Greek Drama.
The practice and research in traditional and non-traditional theatrical forms. Contemporary Greek Theatre.
Drama related to other forms of Art.
Theatrical training as an Art in itself.
Art and Society.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

The House of Europe in Rhodes

National Network

P.O. BOX RHODES 226, 85100

0030.22410.95 918
Telephone (other)
0030.22410.68 080
0030.22410.68 086
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0030 6946 667736
Mobile Phone (other)
0030 6946 686885
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Others
  9. Religion
  10. Youth and education
General Information
1. Non governmental non profitable. No staff employed, only volunteers 2. around 15.000 € per year 3. member fees and registration fees (200 members)- income from cultural and entertainment events- governmental grants-donations 4. information of our members and the public of Rhodes on mainly European issues by organizing conferences, lectures, conventions, cultural events (music recitals, excursions and visits with archaeological and historical interest), prizes and scholarships (expenses for young professional and students for further formation and participation in youth programs and conferences). 5. Municipality, Prefecture, Local Archaeological Services and Institutes, University of the Aegean, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Institute of International and European Relations (ELIAMEP), Greek Centre of European Studies (EKEM), Association Interregionale de Guidance et de Sante Belge (A.I.G.S.), Special Schools for Handicapped Children.
Mission and Objectives

1. Contribution to the expansion of the European Idea and information of our co-citizens on European political, economical and social issues within the E.U. in order to promote not only the Government aspect but also the citizens’ opinion.
2. Promotion and encouragement of the acquaintance of the European Populations by the means of communication and cultural expressions in order to promote and to consolidate their understanding and mutual respect.
3. Strengthening of the interest of our co-citizens for our own cultural heritage.

Main Projects / Activities

Activities programmed for the year 2007:
1. Conference on the occasion of the 50 Years since the Rome Treaty in March
2. Partnership in the E.U. project “Waves of Democracy”= Youth Conference, by the end of September
3. Conference: “Migration and xenophobia” in November.

Contact (1) Full Name
Anna Charitou
Head of the organisation
Anna Charitou
Contact (2) Full Name
Maria-Eleni Sokianou

EN CHORDAIS – Musical Traditions of the Mediterranean

National Network


+30 2310353285
Telephone (other)
(+30) 6974 760059
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
General Information
En Chordais is a non-profit civil society under Greek law. It has a board of directors with 4 members and three permanent staff members. Sources of funding are of two kinds: grants and sponsorships from public and private institutions and foundation and commercialisation of cultural products such as CDs, books, concerts etc. Furthermore, En Chordais operates a school of Byzantine and Traditional music. Actions undertaken involve publication, research, education, performance and creation as well as the coordination and / or participation in cultural networks in Europe and the Mediterranean.
Mission and Objectives

En Chordais’ actions focus on researching, documenting, studying and promoting the musical traditions of Greece and their creative contemporary manifestations. Special emphasis is given to the common musical experiences that are the hallmark of all the traditions of the eastern Mediterranean and on developing cross-cultural collaborations that promote this common heritage.
Focusing on Byzantine ecclesiastical music, Greek traditional music and eastern Mediterranean classical music, the program of the organisation’s activities covers five areas:
1. A School of Music
2. CD Productions
3. Publication of Books
4. The Organisation of Concerts and Cultural Events
5. Music Archive
The Music Ensemble of the same name operates within the framework of En Chordais.

Main Projects / Activities

For the last three and a half years, En Chordais has been the coordinator and project leader of the MediMuses project, a network of institutions from around the Mediterranean that organised 11 International meetings, 7 concerts, 3 symposia, 75 educational exchanges, prepared a major two-volume book on Mediterranean music and 6 corpora of Great Composers for publications, and produced a total of 12 CDs. MediMuses was part of the Euromed Heritage II program, funded by the European Union.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Kyriakos Kalaitzides
Head of the organisation
Mr. Kyriakos Kalaitzides
Contact (2) Full Name
Κaterina Kouzoukidou

Mediterranean Information Office for Environment, Culture and Sustainable Development (MIO-ECSDE)

National Network

12 Kyrristou str. 105 56 Athens

00 30 210 3247490
Telephone (other)
00 30 210 3247267
00 30 210 3317127
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Gender
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
MIO–ECSDE is a Federation of Mediterranean NGOs for Environment and Development. It cooperates with Governments, International Organizations and other socio–economic partners. The AGM of the Member Organizations constitutes the basis of the Federation. Its membership numbers 102 from 24 countries. The full and part – time staff, permanent or activity based numbered 9 persons in 2005. MIO–ECSDE funding: contributions and fees from its members; the Commission of the European Union; the Greek State; UNEP/MAP, the Global Water Partnership, etc. The overall program executed annually by MIO-ECSDE, is on average 550.000 euros.
Mission and Objectives

Mission: To protect the Natural Environment and the Cultural Heritage and the areas of interaction between these two domains, in order to promote sustainable development in the Mediterranean.
Major objectives of MIO-ECSDE are to:
- promote understanding and cooperation among the people of the Mediterranean.
- assist the establishment, strengthening, co-operation and co-ordination of Mediterranean NGOs.
- To promote education and research on Mediterranean issues.
- To raise public awareness on crucial Mediterranean environmental and social issues

Main Projects / Activities

The main MIO-ECSDE activities are:
- Networking
- NGO capacity building (seminars, workshops, etc.)
- Drafting, Promoting and Presenting common NGO policies and positions
- Promoting partnerships
- Raising public awareness, participation and consensus building Research
- Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)
- Promoting the cultural dimension of sustainable development
- Publications
- Facilitation of Mediterranean stakeholder networks (MEDIES: Mediterranean Education Initiative for Environment & Sustainability, COMJED: Circle of the Mediterranean Journalists for Environment & Sustainable Development, COMPSUD: Circle of the Mediterranean Parliamentarians for Sustainable Development )

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms Anastasia Roniotes
Head of the organisation
Prof. Michael Scoullos
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms Bessie Mantzara

CulturePolis-Europe of Cultures Forum: Adriatic-Ionian Chapter

National Network

19 Donatou Dimoulitsa str.
49100 Corfu

Telephone (other)
+30 6937 010294
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

CulturePolis - International Cultural Partnership Forum (former “Europe of Cultures Forum: Adriatic-Ionian Chapter”) founded in Corfu in June 2006 with the objective to show and promote the many and different cultural identities of each region or community in the European Union and the neighbouring countries and the collaboration among cultural and social actors. CulturePolis has its offices at no charge at principal partners premises in Corfu and is also hosted at other NGO offices in Athens with overall 3 staff and several volunteers. The organisation is funded mainly through partners’ initial capital, member fees Subsidies may be received by Greek Government, Local Municipalities-Prefectures (organisation of local events), EU (DG EAC, other DGs/programmes). Fundraising campaign 2009 under preparation. CulturePolis has formed a number of close partnerships with various non-governmental (NGOs) and other civil society organisations as well as with universities and businesses, both private and public, from Greece and abroad. With many of the above, since 2006, the Forum has begun a close cooperation in order to organise joint events, studies and planning of research and development project, as well as the submitting of proposals of grants through local, national and international bodies and institutions.

Mission and Objectives

CulturePolis continues and reinforces further the mission of “Europe of Cultures Forum: Adriatic & Ionian Chapter” which is “to protect, promote and ensure the understanding and respect of the cultural diversity - that we consider is the cultural wealth of Europe, to create a cultural collaboration platform which can be utilised by any organisation, citizen, or public institution in order to contribute in a better understanding and in protecting this unique cultural heritage by activating local Cultural Antennas in every region. CulturePolis aims are the following: • To develop mutual contacts and exchanges between different cultural expressions and organisations involved with cultural identity and diversity issues within the context of a common European cultural heritage and accepted values. • To influence the political decision making process in Europe, in order to ensure that issues of cultural diversity and respect for it are taken fully into consideration. • To contribute to the intercultural dialogue at regional, European and global level so as to strengthen mutual understanding, respect and tolerance. • To contribute to the conception, development, implementation, promotion and dissemination of ideas, initiatives, programmes, projects and actions in the region, that are related mainly to cultural issues, in its broadest sense, sustainable development and information and knowledge society. • To provide a basis for discussion, to participate in public political dialogues, to support the research and studies of the interactions of above inititiaves with policies, programmes and actions in all issues that could potentially have repercussions to the cultural expressions and peoples of the broader Europemediterranean area.

Main Projects / Activities

The action plan 2008-2010 is focused in the following priorities: • Establishment of CulturePolis as an international organization that functions in a decentralized manner by coordinating the Network of its Cultural Antennas in all countries and as many as possible more cities of the covered region • Creation of a network and database of all cultural organizations and institutions of Adriatic and Ionian and progressively of the wider region (International Cultural Partnership and activation of members and friends in Permanent Groups of Activities of thematic content • Undertaking of studies, researches and R&D projects and other activities in collaboration with Greek/International institutions • Organisation of local and regional meetings, with regard to cultural identity and other related subjects such as cultural tourism, cultural heritage, environment and sustainable development in all regions of Adriatic sea and Ionian and wider region • Organisation every two years of an International Conference of Intercultural Dialogue of Adriatic – Ionian and South – Eastern Europe and Mediterranean ( 1st congress of 27 – 28th June , 2008 in Corfu) • Undertaking of awareness raising campaigns and sensitization of citizens with the help of local / regional media, so that is listened the voice of citizens of regions in the above subjects • Publication of monthly electronic Informative Newsletter and other publications for the members and our friends and the cultural organizations and local governments • Organisation of researches of opinion on issues interesting the Forum at national, regional and local level. Major initiatives:  Cultural Antennas Network The presence of the Forum in every region is ensured through the establishment and to a great degree the autonomous activation of local/regional Cultural Antennas or Antennas in various cities of the Adriatic and the Ionian that develop their own plan of action and they co-operate with the central bodies. The Cultural Antennas constitute a network and reflect the cultural identity of each region in a European level. A close cooperation among the various Antennas is maintained in order to bring into fruition the aims and goals of the Forum. Synopsis of CulturePolis recent activities Major activities (2008-9) Οι σημαντικότερες απο τις δράσεις την τελευταία διετία είναι οι εξής:  “ 1st International Conference of Intercultural Dialogue of Adriatic – Ionian”, Corfu 27-28 June 2008, co-organised with European Parliament (Offices for Greece, Italy, Slovenia).  Cultural Organisations Collaboration Network (Get Culturally …Connected), Pilot launch in November 2008  Training Seminars on “New Technologies- Project Management – Cultural Organisations Management- Cultural Collaboration”, for Municipalities and NGOS  Specialised thematic events  Activity “Anthropos-Art-Environment” in Preveza 2008  Fortress Cultural Events –Old Fortress Corfu, 1st Circle 2009  Participation in different projects both national and international funde by EU and regional funds. More information on above major activities (even more on

Contact (1) Full Name
Maria-Louiza Laopodi
Head of the organisation
Dr. Vasileios LAOPODIS
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms Maria-Louiza LAOPODI

Medieval Rose

National Network

2, Al. Ypsilanti str.

+30 22410 74405
Telephone (other)
+30 22410 21344
+30 22410 74405
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+30 6972 178603
Mobile Phone (other)
+30 6936 760007
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The "Medieval Rose" Association is a voluntary organisation and does not employ any staff. It is administrated by the Board of 7 members and there are 100 more members participating the association. The Events,have mostly been funded by public bodies, authorities and local sponsors. Every year the events become greater and richer in quality and participations, so a larger budget is needed. The projects of the "Medieval Rose" are based on international participations and cultural exchange. The artisans and re-enactors coming from abroad recreate history, myths and traditions. There had been also seminars taking place in order to educate locals on re-enactments, medieval arts and crafts as well as sword fighting. Some of our main partners are: Organisation for Cultural Development of the Prefecture of Dodecanese, History Park of Rhodes, Municipal Sports & Youth Organisation, Organisation for Rhodes Tourism Promotion, Handicraft Center of Rhodes and many more.
Mission and Objectives

Cultural upgrading:
Events, inspired by customs and manners, traditions, myths and the history of Rhodes.
Enhancement of monuments of cultural heritage:
By means of organizing minor relevant events in Byzantine and Medieval monument sites and fortifications, elsewhere in the island or the Dodecanese.
Intercultural dialogue:
Communication and co-operation with other similar teams in Europe will contribute in the exchange and investigation of the treasure of cultural elements all our nations have in common.
The study of various subjects of the festival events will spread the knowledge concerning our history and traditions. Medieval dance and theatre seminars will be regularly held.
Cultural Tourism:
In the beginning of the tourist season, the Medieval Festival will provide a unique attraction for visitors with advanced interests and demands.
Promotion of the ideal of voluntary work:
By means of continuous encouragement of people to participate / contribute, in any way they wish, in the satisfying process of organizing such an event.

Main Projects / Activities

Main project of the "Medieval Rose" association is the organization of the Medieval Festival of Rhodes.
The festival includes a varity of activities meeting all interests. Dance, music, theatre, medieval games and sports, reenactments of customs, tradition, battles,and medieval lifestyle given with the most possible authenticity. Also,guided tours, workshops, seminars, symposiums - historic conferences and intercultural exchanges have been implemented by the Medieval Rose association.
Until now there have been 3 big events taking place: The 1st & 2nd Medieval Fair 2006, The Medieval Weekend 2007 and currently the Medieval Festival 2008 is being prepared. Also, the 1st International Medieval Symposium 2007 and currently the very important 2nd International Medieval Symposium is preparing.

Contact (1) Full Name
Anna Achiola
Head of the organisation
Anna Achiola
Contact (2) Full Name
Andreas Kaklios


National Network

9 Evzonon Street, 11521 Athens, Greece

+30 2107258127
+30 2107249871
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
Structure: Single shareholder company, legal representative Olga Abazoglou, staff 4 employees. Budgetary resources: approx. Euros 225.000. Sources of funding and main partners: TV channels such as ARTE, ZDF, Al Jazeera, PBS US, RTBF,etc., European Union programmes, State ministries such as National Cinema Centres, Foreign Affairs, etc. Private companies, NGOs. Film and documentary projects. Main partners:(cf. Sources of funding)
Mission and Objectives

Film production and exploitation company that deals mainly with documentary co-productions worldwide.

Main Projects / Activities

Film and documentary co-productions with the Greek TVs and foreign TV channels.

Contact (1) Full Name
Olga Abazoglou
Head of the organisation
Olga Abazoglou

Aephoria Sustainability for People and Environment

National Network

56,3rd Septemvriou str
104 33


+30 2108847900
+30 2108214150
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Heritage
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Aephoria is a Non Governmental Organization (NGO’s Registration Number: 146 - Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs) governed by a General Assembly comprised by the President, the Vice President, the General Secretary and the Members. Oganisation’s permanent staff is composed of the General Assembly and 5 volunteers. Also Aephoria cooperates with external experts emanating from the academic, scientific and business world as well as with a number of volunteers. The budget resources are approximately 20.000,00 € per year which mainly comes from self, national and European funding. The modalities of action are mainly national and international projects. The partners involved in the organization’s projects are mainly external and differentiate accordingly the theme of the project.
Mission and Objectives

Aephoria’s mission focus in:
a) improving people's livelihoods and poverty alleviation worldwide,
b) promoting an environmental-friendly and human development,
c) preserving natural resources and cultural heritage,
d) empowering civil society throughout the world,
e) enhancing intercultural cooperation as well as multiculturalism.
Organisation’s main objectives are:
a) the development cooperation on issues of rural growth, education, health, social solidarity, basic infractures, culture, research and technology,
b) the humanitarian assistance and human rights,
c) the natural resources management, protection of sensitive ecosystems such as wetlands, coastal areas and forests.

Main Projects / Activities

The organization’s main projects/programmes are:
a) the development of the Alexandria’s Patriarchate Library in Metochi Athens (Greek Ministry of Employment and Social Protection & European Social Fund),
b) the reinforce of entrepreneurship in Turkey- N.G.O. and the role of Mass Media (Young LEADERS II- Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs),
c) the development of entrepreneurship in Egypt, Small Medium Sized Enterprises and Mass Media (Pyramid ??- Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs),
d) the development of a Complete Standard of Special Certification for the NGOs of Social Care Provision in the Private Sector (Lamans S.A.– OP of Social Care),
e) Environmental Impact Assessment for the installation/re-establishing of some sea fish farm units (Lamans S.A.- PARTHENI THALASSIES KALLIERGEIES S.A.- Echinades Fish farms Ltd).

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs Valeria Papageorgiou
Head of the organisation
Dr Christos Lambridis

Municipal Organization for Culture and Sports of Rhodes (DOPAR) – International Writers and Translators’ Center of Rhodes (IWTCR)

National Network


0030 22410 32510
Telephone (other)
0030 22410 32520
0030 22410 32455
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
The IWTCR is headed by a President and governed by a Board of Trustees. There are nine employees working in the Center. The Center is financed by the Municipality of Rhodes. The IWTCR is structured at three levels: a) accommodation of writers and translators from all over the world at the guesthouse of the Center, b) educational programmes for schoolchildren and c) it organizes different events, such as public readings, translation and creative writing workshops, tributes to writers, publications, literary and translation meetings, school contests etc. The IWTCR has partners at local level (other Municipalities, Medieval Town, Municipal and Regional Theatre, House of Europe in Rhodes etc), at national level (National Book Centre, Hellenic Authors' Society, Museum of Cycladic Art, Benaki Museum, Ministry of Culture etc) and at European level (HALMA-European network of literary centres, University of Granada, University of Pisa, Municipality of Akanthous-Cyprus etc).
Mission and Objectives

The IWTCR intends to sensitize the citizens in cultural matters, to give them incentives to come near other cultures and to contribute to the dissemination of multiculturalism.
The objective of the IWTCR is the actual interactive contact between writers,translators and civilians and the fertile cultural feedback among them.
Besides, the Center lays stress on the cultural education of children and young people through educational activities: acquaintance of children with literature, with environmentally friendly attitude, with other religions, with foreign customs and manners etc.

Main Projects / Activities

The IWTCR intends to fill the gap in the area of the intercultural contact and communication. Taking literature, translation and education as the main pillars, the Center is organizing a wide range of events and its ongoing project is a festival where people and intellectuals will have a creative communication. This can be achieved through:
- literary events (e.g. presentation of writers, readings)
- theatrical events (e.g. dramatized performances based on theatrical plays)
- musical events (e.g. poetry set to music)
- educational events (e.g. visits of writers to schools, literary and translation contests)
- scientific events (e.g. meetings, seminars, workshops)
- book fairs and painting events

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Savvas Diakostamatiou
Head of the organisation
Mr. Savvas Diakostamatiou

Soma Hellinon Poskopon (Scouts of Greece)

National Network

Ptolemeon 1,Str., P.O.:116 35

+30 210 72 90 097
Telephone (other)
+30 210 72 44 437
+30 210 72 36 561
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+30 6936 117 147
Mobile Phone (other)
+30 6937 038 070
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Soma Hellinon Proskopon (Scouts of Greece) is an NGO, non profit organization that is being governed and supervised by the National Board elected every four years by the General Assembly representing Scouters from all the regions in Greece. It is being separated depending on the regions of the country (10 area scout committees and 400 scout groups). Our budgetary resources amount approximately to €1.000.000 per year which come from fundraising, membership fees, contribution at scout activities and our scout shop. We mainly modulate training programs and seminars, international scout events, programs involving voluntary services, growth, environment, society, democracy, youth, third age, racism, disabled people etc. Our main partners involved in our projects and activities are Private Companies, Public Authorities (General Secretariat of Youth, Hellenic Youth Council, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Agriculture etc), foundations and institutions.
Mission and Objectives

SHP is a founder member of the World Organisation of the Scout Movement with 25.000 members, boys and girls making Soma Hellinon Proskopon the largest and oldest youth organisation in Greece.
It aims at providing an educational proposal to the young people of Greece - boys and girls - through a system of progressive self-education, the Scout Method, based upon a value system. Children and youngsters experience Scouting in Cub Packs, Scout Troops and Venture Scout Units. Volunteer trained Leaders offer the adventures of the Youth Programme, encouraging personal initiative and active participation of all members in the decision making of their units. The Scouts of Greece have always been present in the community with an outstanding record of service in cases of emergency such as earthquakes and forest fires.
SHP strongly believes that the future citizens of the world deserve a dynamic programme based on the Fundamentals and Method of Scouting, with a wide range of opportunities offered and a strong international dimension.

Main Projects / Activities

The Youth Program, relative to the age group it addresses, reflects momentum and enhances the development of the full potential of its members. It strengthens creativity, motivation, teamwork and provides opportunities for physical, intellectual, social and spiritual development. The above aims are reflected in the following areas: Spiritual Dimension, Outdoor Life, Physical Development, Skills and Community Involvement. The Youth Program offers a great variety of activities that take place mainly outdoors, in contact with nature, whether it is on land, sea or in the air. It offers the opportunity to obtain specialized skills in areas such as mountaineering, backwoodmanship, sailing, amateur radio, etc. Our projects and activities mainly involve principals such as Culture and Environment, Quality living in urban areas, Protection of animals threatened by extinction, Networking, Co-operation with national and international environmental organizations, Campaigns against smoking, drugs, abuse, alcoholism and AIDS, Active Participation, Social and cultural events, an emergency (earthquakes, forest fires etc), community development projects, projects against racism and discriminations etc.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Mr. Christos STATHOPOULOS, Chairman of the National Board
Contact (2) Full Name