RCP, razvojni center Ptuj

National Network

Osojnikova cesta 9

00386 31 320 973
00386 590 84 194
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Structure of the organisation: - Executive director - Council (4 members) - Programme Council (3 members) Budgetary resource available in a year about 30.000,00 € Source of funding: local, national, international funds, grants from private sector, own resources Modalities of action: youth exchanges, trainings, seminars Partners: other NGOs from Slovenia and abroad, public bodies.
Mission and Objectives

RCP, razvojni center Ptuj, (Ptuj development centre), is the institute for the promotion of innovative business and tourism. It was established in 2010 in order to encourage young people in their entrepreneurial ideas and how it can be eventually realized.
We provide advisory services for start-ups, exploitation of calls at local, national and European level, we present the various job opportunities and workshops that give participants more knowledge in their own presentation to potential employers. We are also advising on the preparation of business plans and market analysis.
For achieving our goals we cooperate with the economic sector, local Youth Council, Youth Centre and other non-governmental organisations
The organisation was established in order to properly prepare especially young people for entering the labor market as young entrepreneurs or as young job seekers. We are making projects that help young people in their struggle for independence.
In our group are young succesful entrepreneurs, youth workers, economist, sociologist and other. We are sharing our experiances to other young people. These are young and enthusiastic people who can with their experiences contribute greatly to achieve our goals.

Main Projects / Activities

- International youth exchanges.
- Seminars and workshops about entrepreneurship and exploitation of calls at local, national and European level.
- Events that promote mobility for people all around the Europe.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We will be as much active partner as possible and we can contribute to the network with sharing some of our experience and also, we are going to promote our mutual values and goals in all our working fields.
We can be very good partners in some mutual projects.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our goals are promoting mobility of people, intercultural learning and mutual understanding between different cultures.
ALF Network are also promoting those values and I believe their members also. So there is an opportunity to enlarge our partnership.

Contact (1) Full Name
Damir Žerak
Head of the organisation
Damir Žerak

Ma'ase (Amutat Ye'adim La'tzafon)

National Network

Kfar Hayeladim 20100

972-9027700 Ex 5
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Number of staff employed: 80 Budgetary resources: 26 million shekels Sources of funding: State of Israel 50% and foundations 50% Modalities of action: Each year Ma'ase operates some 650 young men and women in over 50 locations every year in six volunteer-service programs for marginalized groups of Israeli society. Main partners involved in the projects: Rashi Foundation, The Lautman Foundation, The Jewish Community Federation of San Francisco, Gandyr Foundation, Leumi Aharai Association, UJIA Britain, UIA Canada, JFN, The Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit, UJC – Social Venture Fund for Jewish-Arab Equality and Shared Society, UJA Federation of New York and more.
Mission and Objectives

Mission: to promote equal opportunity and develop civic leadership among youth aged 18 to 21, from Israel's socio-economic and geographic peripheries, via volunteer and follow-up programs. Ma'ase believe that the fire burning within the hearts of the youth of Israel’s socio-economic and geographic peripheries is that which can generate real change: By replacing the idea of Israeli society as a collection of rival sectors with the shared experience of volunteerism and personal growth, we unite our volunteers (religious and secular, advantaged and disadvantaged, new immigrants and native born, Jews and Arabs) around a shared set of values of morals and giving.
1. To promote leadership skills and personal development of young adults through volunteer programs.
2. To increase the accessibility of young adults from communities in the periphery to volunteer programs.
3. To improve the level of professionalism in volunteer programs for young adults in Israel.

Main Projects / Activities

Ma’ase operates all volunteer frameworks currently available in Israel:
• AFAK - Volunteer Year for Arab-Israeli Youth in Civic Service framework or a private volunteering year
• ACHVA - Volunteer Year for Young Women of Low Socio-Economic Background – Primarily of Ethiopian Origin in National Service framework
• EITAN - Multi-year track including volunteer year and military service in Nahal
• YACHAD - Pre-army year of volunteer service
• GAL - Pre-army leadership academy
All programs include (1) quality, significant long-term volunteer service in the local communities in formal and informal education frameworks, (2) development of personal and social skills through leadership training, (3) improvement of formal scholastic achievements and career development.
In addition to volunteer programs, Ma'ase also operates a Knowledge Development Center, Alumni Organization which includes a range of follow-up programs, Entrepreneurship Department serving as a greenhouse for new social projects and a Training and Services Department which acts as a source of revenue.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

• Ma'ase has significant partnership with the Israeli government, which funds about 50% of its activities.
• Distinctive educational approach based on respect and demand for capability and excellence while providing a professional network of appropriate support and backup.
This approach contrasts the standard therapeutic, branding, weakening approaches typical of activities directed towards disadvantaged populations in Israel.
• Public recognition - Ma'ase was awarded the prestigious “Speaker of the Knesset Quality of Life Award” for 2011 for its work in promoting tolerance and narrowing social gaps in Israeli society.
Ma'ase also won the 2010 Sderot Conference Prize for Outstanding Social Impact. In June, Tel Aviv University will award Miki Nevo, Director of Ma'ase, with an honorary Doctorate degree in recognition of Ma'ase contribution to the promotion of equal opportunity and social mobility in youth from all strata and populations.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Ma'ase is now a mid-size organization that needs to evolve professionally and financially to ensure its long term sustainability and impact on Israeli society.
Under this strategic development area, Ma'ase is evolving its professional approach to a multi-year programmatic view that places the "young adult" we would like to see our volunteers become as the target towards which we work.
This approach entails a multistage process starting with the recruitment narratives, through the volunteer year, army service (if applicable) and into the first years of education or vocational training and integration into the job market.
This multi-year process requires us to engage in content that we have not yet dealt with. Therefore, we found it necessary to participate in a network of organizations that we can learn from them and generate partnerships with them in some areas.

Contact (1) Full Name
Karny Barak
Head of the organisation
Miki Nevo

Israeli Fund for UNICEF

National Network

Rothschild 19, Tel Aviv 66881
Tel Aviv

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Youth and education
General Information
UNICEF Israel is a non-profit organization with two full-time employees. Its annual budgetary resources are approx. 1 million NIS (200,000 Euro). Sources of funding include corporate partners, government ministries, and private donations. Modalities of action: concrete projects with youth in Israel and in legislative outreach to advocate children's rights, resource development for UNICEF's humanitarian work in developing countries. Seminars and exchanges are part of the youth projects. No scholarships or funds are granted to private individuals.
Mission and Objectives

Advancing children’s rights in Israel through education and advocacy in the spirit of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC): Raising awareness about children’s rights and implementation of the CRC, including every child’s right to education—highlighting that 20 years have passed since Israel’s CRC ratification and much more can be done to realize the CRC’s vision in Israel.
Fundraising to make Israel an active supporter of UNICEF’s humanitarian work saving children around the world: UNICEF Israel is charged with making the State of Israel part of the international circle of industrialized nations that are partners in UNICEF’s mission to save children’s lives and provide them with education and protection.
We aim to make UNICEF a household name by reaching out to corporations, private donors, foundations, and the general public with a call to action to join us.

Main Projects / Activities

• Advancing children’s rights legislation
• Nation-Wide Young Ambassadors Program for the cause of children
• UNICEF Israel Youth Leadership Program
• University Student Activists
• Leveraging UNICEF’s global technical expertise for Israeli children
• Direct marketing to make UNICEF a household name
• Corporate donations to save children around the world
• Partnering with Israeli’s leading philanthropists

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

UNICEF's global expertise on children's rights and welfare and the authority of the Convention on the Rights of the Child

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

UNICEF Israel, as the Israeli representative of UNICEF international, wants the opportunity to exchange professional knowledge and build partnerships with its colleagues in Israel and around the world working in the field of human rights.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sarit Henig
Head of the organisation
Adv. Moriel Matalon, Chair- Board of Directors

Association for the Development of Life Skills

National Network

9, Ikaron Street

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Youth and education
General Information
The Association for the Development of Life Skills is a non-governmental, non-profit organization based in Limassol, Cyprus. The Association is led by a Board of Directors. There are no permanent, paid staff. The management and administrative tasks are performed by the Board members on a voluntary basis or on a paid basis depending on the implemented projects. The Association was founded in 2004 by a group of teachers and parents who wanted to contribute to the provision of personal development opportunities and was formally approved in 2006. Since then, the number of its members has grown steadily and includes people working and active in different fields. To date, the Association has around 500 registered members.
Mission and Objectives

The Association aims to offer young people and adults opportunities for personal development in the areas of Emotional Intelligence (eg. selfaAwareness, self-control, self-esteem), Interpersonal Skills (Communication Skills, Respect for Diversity, Empathy, Acceptance, Cooperation, Love) and Learning/Teaching Skills (Learning to Learn, Thinking, Brain Functioning).

Main Projects / Activities

- Organizing seminars, lectures and Life Skills development workshops for adults.
- Organizing events and team-building workshops to develop skills in children and young persons.
- Training teachers, parents and other stakeholders to use non-formal and active learning methods in the development of Life Skills
- Collaboration with schools, local bodies, organizations and associations of Cyprus.
- Cooperation with educational institutions and institutions abroad.
- Participation in international conferences and seminars.
The Association organized and offered in Cyprus two separate weekly In-Service Lifelong Learning Seminars within the framework of the European Lifelong Learning Program: "Improving Life Skills through Adult Education" “Social and Emotional Learning: Experience the Power of Education!". The Association was also approved for collaboration with other organizations under the Grundtvig Learning Partnerships program for the implementation of the "Social Integration through Education" activity in 2011-2013.
In the period 2010-2015, the Association organized experiential workshops within the framework of the HIPP (Help Increase the Peace and Positive) program, an educational program created for implementation in youth groups and aimed at creating peaceful relationships among people , to provide them with life skills and to inspire them to live with understanding, acceptance and love.
The Association organized three Pancyprian Educational Conferences:
a) in January 2010 (title: "We are creating a more democratic and humane school - We prevent social exclusion"),
b) in January 2012 (title: "Social and Emotional Education - The Challenge in New Analytical Programs") with academic speakers from Cyprus and Greece and Cypriot trainers of experiential workshops
(c) in February 2016 ("Peace Education: Antidote to Racism")
Additionally, Lifeskills Publications published a children's book written by a member of the Association titled "The Teacher and the Seagull" on issues diversity and acceptance in the school context.
The Association has been a member of the Cyprus Youth Council, the European Adult Education Association (EAEA) and the Grundtvig International Network of Course Organizers (GINCO).

Contact (1) Full Name
Charis Charalambous (Vice President)
Head of the organisation
Irini Skoutari (President)
Contact (2) Full Name
Maria Zarari (Secretary)

Human Supporters Association (HSA)

National Network
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
- Full-time employees: 1 Director, 1 project coordinator, 1 development officer, 1 Activity coordinator, 2 Psychologists, 1 theatre teacher, 1 accountant, 2 teachers and 1 Logistic Assistant Part-time: 5 teachers and 50 committed volunteers - Income(NIS): 288771, Expenses(NIS): 277894 - Sources of Funding: European Union/ Cooperazione Internazionale Sud-Sud, Italy/ Salam i ragazzi dell'Olivo Milano, Italy/ Association avec Naplouse, France/ Planet Action, France/ Collectif Palestine, France/ Battle for Education, France/ Amics De Palanques, Spain/ Euro Mediterranean Human Right Fund, Denmark/ Medico International, Germany/ Self Financing projects (selling embroideries, cook-book, etc.) - PROJECTS: Voice of Kids/ "Promoting children, youth, and women education and psychological wellbeing in Nablus old city" Project/ Human Right Theatre Project/ Summer Camp “Living together”/ Puppets project ; EXCHANGES: Nanterre Municipality, France ; SEMINARS: in cooperation with CEMEA, "Training of Facilitator", Nantes, France
Mission and Objectives

Human Supporters Association’s mission is to empower, mobilize, and serve the local community with a special focus on children, youth and women; to ensure their psycho-educational wellbeing and teach them how to become proactive in their own society in a positive, productive manner; to pave the way for future leaders with a self-critical approach and to prevent Nablus’ traumatized children and youth from developing without required help and provide them with the needed psychological support.
Our objectives are therefore to aid the affected people and reintegrate them back into society whilst giving them equal opportunities to have an impact on their society; to build a tolerable society and eradicate discrimination against social classes, and gender and religious inequality; to encourage the provision of equal opportunities for cultural and recreational activities for children, youth, and women and to increase financial independency and develop networks with local and international organizations.

Main Projects / Activities

- Human Rights Theatre Project, a psycho-educational project that aims at teaching children between the ages of 13 and 16 years about human rights and helping them use theater to practice their right of expression through writing and acting plays in the same context
- Voice of Kids Project is a psycho-educational project that targets children between the ages of 12 and 15 years and encourages them to have a positive and proactive approach to demand change in the society and express themselves in a magazine distributed worldwide called "Voice of Kids" magazine
- “Living together” Summer Camp, a project with a socio-cultural approach which promotes tolerance for differences between children with different religions
- "Promoting children, youth, and women education and psychological wellbeing in Nablus old city" Project which offers Literacy classes, School support in Arabic, Mathematics and English and the Child-to-Child support Program as a way to expand education opportunities and promote psychosocial wellbeing, rights, and participation among the abovementioned groups in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The specific experiences and methods of HSA, along with its own networks, would provide an excellent contribution towards the ALF Network in Palestine.HSA’s commitment towards grass root level cooperation would enhance the foothold of ALF in Palestine and the region.
Doing so will provide additional strength to ALF’s core values of promoting intercultural diversity and cooperation. Inclusion within AFL’s network would provide further voice and weight behind ALF’s mission, through their promotion within HSA’s networks and partnerships. As an NGO which is closely tied to the local community through grassroots participation, HSA can promote ALF’s goals and ideals through important local and regional contacts. Additionally by joining the ALF Network, HSA hopes to share its knowledge, gained through its grass roots assistance to the community. This entails particular experiences of operating in a conflict affected environment, with the specific trauma this features. This contrasting experience of operating under a military occupation, alien to most of the network abroad, makes HSA unique from most other members based abroad in the help it can offer the Network in Palestine.HSA’s focus upon a grass roots approach to serving the local community, by empowering and integrating vulnerable groups, especially children, youth and women, has provided a rich source of knowledge which would be valuable to other organizations. HSA would be willing to share its staff’s specific skills in dealing with educational and psychological issues and trauma. This would allow others to benefit from an approach, which has abandoned traditional educational and physiological methods, in favour of an inclusive and participatory based approach. The nontraditional approach adopted by HSA, along with its experience in the unique case of Palestine, offers an alternative source of ideas and inspiration. Along with its own contacts and networks, this provides a great opportunity to enhance the ALF Network in Palestine. By doing so HSA, in partnership with ALF and its Network’s members, can better promote a shared commitment to intercultural understandings and partnerships.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Participating in ALF’s unique and wide ranging Network would be of enormous benefit to HSA. As an NGO targeting vulnerable sections of the community, HSA strives to create additional connections with a variety of regional and international actors. In doing so it aims to further enhance its reputation, to better meet the needs of those it seeks to help. By joining ALF’s network of over 3,000 civil society institutions, HSA hopes to overcome particular stereotypes and misunderstandings associated with the Palestinians and other peoples and cultures. Acting in line with ALF’s core values, a partnership would help to bridge cultural and societal confusions through the promotion of an intercultural strategy. Joining the ALF Network would enhance both HSA and ALF’s shared commitment towards shared essential fundamental values, focused around intercultural respect and tolerance for pluralism and diversity, as well as respect between societies, religions and fundamental freedoms.
ALF’s core principles upon which it has forged networks with other organizations, is an immense attraction. Special focus upon cooperation between member organizations, coordinating institutions and ALF, in addition to special attention towards a consultative approach, provides an excellent potential for the sharing of knowledge and ideas between networks. In addition, a focus upon mobilization and participation of members encourages further cooperation. The assistance provided by ALF in securing and developing these networks provides an invaluable source of expertise.
ALF’s focus around education provides an essential overlap. This would build upon already existing educational methods applied by HSA. Additionally HSA would gain tremendous insight from interactions with organizations across the network, specializing in other key activities, such as media and public opinion as well as culture and creativity.
AFL’s core values, especially its promotion of cross cultural understanding, along with its encouragement of coordination, consultation, mobilization and assistance, has created a series of networks of immense knowledge and strength. In joining HSA would vastly improve upon its existing approaches especially towards education.

Contact (1) Full Name
Wajdi Yaeesh
Head of the organisation
Duha Bezreh

Al-Ghad Al-Jadid Center

National Network
+972 022 774 829
+972 022 774 829
Mobile Phone
+972 599 310 617
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Al Ghad Al Jadid is a Palestinian non-profit, non-governmental, youth development organization established in 2003 to improve youth conditions, develop their role in serving society, sponsor their innovations, develop their capacities, and expand their horizon. Al Ghad Al Jadid Center targets marginalized youth groups, especially girls and those with special needs. The general assembly consists of 43 members, its board of directors consist of 11 members. We have a dance troupe that do performance in a lot of occasions and they had the chance to do performances in other countries in Europe. At summer times we always arrange for summer camps for children, workshops and other activities. Our budgetary resources come from the member fees each year and the fees in using the computer lab that we have in Al Ghad Al Jadid building. Sources of funding are British Consulate, EU , Spanish Government, and Pontifical Mission. Al Ghad Al Jadid Center depends on projects and workshops as modilities of action. Main Partners for us is ASECOP & Buildinf a Better World.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of Al Ghad Al Jadid is to promote the rights of youth, women, and promote awareness of their Palestinian traditional heritage. This is accomplished through running a youth center in Beit Sahour and implementing vocational training workshops, as well as workshops on Palestinian heritage, democracy, and human rights.
o To provide opportunities for children and youth to achieve success in the future
o To assist the youth in finding their place in society
o To prepare and encourage children and youth to use their skills for the benefit of society
o To develop the capacity of youth in Palestine

Main Projects / Activities

Our main Projects or activity concentrate on:
1- Training courses for democracy & Human rights
2- Training computer courses and English courses
3- Youth summer camps for special needs children
4- Dabka dance troupe

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute to the Network by sharing our knowledge, experience, and vast network of working relations, specifically with local government and village councils.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Al Ghad Al Jadid Center would like to join the ALF Network in order to meet other organizations working in Palestine in a similar field (youth and education)in order to collaborate with these organizations on implementing projects and furthering the rights of youth to participate in society.
Al Ghad Al Jadid believes that cooperating with other similar minded organizations can help improve and increase their services for Palestinian youth. We can learn from each other and come up with more creative solutions to problems together.

Contact (1) Full Name
Emily Nucciarone
Head of the organisation
George Adel Qassis

Women Media and Devalopment

National Network
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Media
General Information
Women Media and Development (TAM), structure . General assembly . Board of director . Auditor • Director • Program Officer • Administrative Assistant • Gender & Media • Training • Media Production • Translator • Advocacy • & Media Relations • Administration & Finance • Accountant • Office Keeper • Information Technology • IT Technician We have 9 employees in a full time passes, and 6 employees with part time passes We have between 350000$ to 450000$ budget per year The mount available for this year up to this date is 355000$ Sources of funding : US fund, Spain, France, Italy , Switzerland And our activity passed on concrete projects, and networking activities Our partners, CBOs, NGOs, ministries, community leaders, local TVs and Radio stations.
Mission and Objectives

1- Vision
"To attain a free and democratic society characterized by justice, equality, and respect for human rights; where women enjoy freedom and equality, and can exercise their rights fully without discrimination."
Members of TAM's General Assembly, its Board of Directors, as well as its staff, and volunteers are all committed to working tirelessly towards our vision for Palestinian society as a free and democratic society characterized by justice, equality, and respect for human rights; where women enjoy freedom and equality, and can exercise their rights fully without discrimination. We believe that media will play an important role in bringing about the changes needed to realize this vision.
2- Mission
"We strive for effective media that can empower women and marginalized groups to achieve their goals and aspirations."
TAM shall utilize media as a tool to empower women and marginalized groups and shall be guided in its work by a governing set of values, stated below.
3- Strategic Goals
TAM has four core goals to achieve over the next three years.
1. Improve the image of Palestinian women in media.
2. Empower and build the capacities of community leaders and organizations defending the rights of women and other marginalized groups.
3. Increase the participation of women in the public sphere
4. Empower TAM to achieve its vision and objectives within the framework of its mission and value statements.

Main Projects / Activities

Programs and Activities:
Since its foundation, TAM has worked on a series of activities and programs rooted in the political, social and economic reality of Palestinian women. TAM's core areas of work are :
1. Media Production: TAM produces TV talk shows that are broadcast over local TV stations. These talk shows deal with sensitive social and gender issues:
2. Gender in Media: This program aims to create gender sensitive media units at TV stations. It provides gender and women's issues training for men and women working in local TV stations across the West Bank (Tulkarem, Jenin, Jericho, Qalqilya, Nablus, Hebron, Bethlehem, Ramallah).
3. Production of Gender Oriented Films. TAM has produced a series of gender specific documentaries:
4. Training and Capacity Building: Since TAM's inception in 2004, training has been and continues to be a core component of our programming. The aim is to raise public awareness of women's rights and issues.
5. Human Resources
Currently TAM employs 12 staff members with various skills and qualifications. Seven staff members are permanent and five are on project contracts.
TAM's financial affairs are dealt with by the financial manager and an assistant accountant, in adherence to the highest professional standards. TAM has secured the purchase of a 360 square meter building which houses its offices, a production studio, production equipment, and a library.
6. Financial Resources
TAM has two sources of funding. The primary source of funding is external donor funding for projects. This type of funding is usually short term and donors tend to place constraints on the type of allowable expenses.
The secondary source of funding is generated internally from translation services, training, equipment rentals and film sales. Though this type of funding offers more flexibility, it accounts for a small portion of the total revenues.
Due to the present imbalance in funding sources, TAM's leadership faces serious challenges in financial planning and continuity and must address TAM's sustainability if external funding were to be discontinued for any reason.
7. Networking and Public Relations
TAM is very active and effective in several women's and media coalitions and alliances.
a. Partnerships with Local and International Coalitions: Cooperation in Raising Public Awareness
b. Relationship with Target Groups and Beneficiaries
TAM has established relationships with individual women community leaders as well as women's groups in various geographical areas. Follow up evaluations are carried out at the end of each project to ensure that projects serve and benefit the intended target groups.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

For us we are open and available to any kind of cooperation and contributing with the network if it will help the society and our mission and goals we are working to reach

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To strength our work and have a wider network, and to cooperate with the college in the network for planning where we can the best results out of our projects and to complete each other work

Contact (1) Full Name
Suheir Farraj
Head of the organisation
Suheir Farraj
Contact (2) Full Name
Rasha mousa

Building A Better World Association

National Network
+972 59 848 9004
Mobile Phone
+972 598 489 004
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Building a Better World is non-profit and non-governmental organization with no political affiliation. It was established in 2004 to act as an advocate for children and women in society and meet the needs of its vulnerable target groups. The General Assembly consist of 21 members,Board of Directors consist of 7 members , and it has a fundraising and accounting department with all staff working on a volunteer basis. BBW has a coordinator for each project. Building better world sources of funding is from the Spanish Government. Its main partners are ASECOP and Al Ghad Al-Jadid Center. Our modalities of action are mainly on projects and workshops. Our budgetary resources come from members fees for each year.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to help children discover and develop their talents in order that they may have a brighter future and may contribute to the social, economic, and cultural development of Palestine; to help women discover their essential role in the development of their family and society and provide opportunities for them to discover and improve their skills; and to create a healthy and positive relationship between children and their families and children and Palestinian society.
Building a Better World also aims to promote sustainable economic development through developing agriculture and improving access to water sources in the occupied Palestinian territories.
• To promote the principles of democracy, equality and tolerance among children and women
• To help children and women discover and develop their talents
• To organize awareness campaigns that aim to improve and protect the environment and raise awareness among children about their city
• To promote sustainable agricultural development in the occupied Palestinian territories
• To support income generating projects, specifically in agriculture, to relieve poverty and stimulate the economy
• To find job opportunities for Palestinian women and improve their skills in various fields
• To strengthen and increase self-esteem in Palestinian children

Main Projects / Activities

1- Constructing Green Houses
2- Conducting Embroidery Training Courses
3- Education Empowerment for children and mothers
4- Workshops about Women rights, Democracy , Children rights
5- Strengthen the role of women in society and at home
6- Help children develop their talents

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute to the network by sharing our experience, knowledge and best practices with other organizations as well as our working relationships with the government and various municipalities in the Bethlehem and Hebron region.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Improving the quality of life of Palestinian children & women is a difficult objective, but we can be more effective in doing so joining our efforts with other organizations. This is why we would like to join the ALF network as it will allow us to learn from other organizations best practices, reach more areas and beneficiaries,improve and increase our capacity to serve more children and women in the Palestinian territories and in return to strengthen the connection between the Palestinian community and the world.

Contact (1) Full Name
Fadi Abu-Jaber
Head of the organisation
Fadi Abu-Jaber

Orient & Dance Theater

National Network

Palestinian Territories

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
General Information
The Orient and Dance Theater is a NGO promoting change through art. Theater is serving as a community center, working with handicapped children, organizing summer schools for the neighborhood kids, and also striving for professional dance performances. The members are volunteers, there are 6 of them. The main source of funding is projects.
Mission and Objectives

To create change in community through using arts and inspire independent thinking. The theater aims to serve as a safe place for the young people, where they can co-create and be mutually inspired to creatively express their needs, visions, worries. The theater also aims at establishing besides the community activities also professional dance performances and shows and teach dance to children and youths.

Main Projects / Activities

Main projects is to establish permanent activities for children and youths - eg art therapy to autistic children, summers school for neighbourhood children where they can try out different tools for self-expression and reflection on their life and dance training. All those activities are running but the theater is striving to establish at least core activities on a permanent basis.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can promote ALF Network in the community.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We do believe that strength lies in cooperation and merging different ideas and approaches. The membership in the Network will be inspiring and useful tool to move ahead.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nastja Ravanella
Head of the organisation
Maher Shawamra

Public Health Coalition

National Network

P.O.B. 33340

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Staff: • Four paid employees: CEO, air quality expert, environmental epidemiologist, web content coordinator • Three professional consultants: a physical chemist, a soil specialist and a mechanical engineer. All of them are full-time volunteers • Teams of professionals specializing in various fields: industry, hazardous materials and planning, all of whom contribute several hours a week • Dozens of activists for the PHC and member organizations who are active in Haifa and Northern Israel Our total budget for 2012 is $304,476. The sources of funding are mainly grants, and to a much lesser extent private donations and lectures. A full income and expenses report will be sent upon request. Our modalities of action include four concrete projects, which are detailed below. The main partners involved in our projects are other NGOs and the general public.
Mission and Objectives

The Public Health Coalition (PHC) believes that every resident of Israel has the right to breathe clean air, live in a healthy environment and influence the conduct of the government in the area where he or she lives.
The Public Health Coalition works to reduce morbidity and mortality caused by environmental pollution by influencing governmental policy; raising public and stakeholder awareness; pressuring the authorities to enforce the law on emission of pollutants and promoting research and professional expertise in this field.
Our activity is focused in Northern Israel and the Haifa Bay area which suffers from long-term industrial pollution and elevated morbidity and mortality in comparison to the rest of the country.

Main Projects / Activities

In 2012, the PHC is involved in four main projects:
1. Air Pollution - this project in an on-going national project to improve the air quality in all of Israel. It includes several activities, such as: publication of a report in January 2012, monitoring the implementation of the Israeli clean air act which went into effect on January 2011; frequent meetings with representatives of local and national environmental authorities, encouraging them to enforce environmental laws; involvement in local and national air quality improvement programs committees and more.
2. Hazardous Materials - this project aims to reduce the potential of exposure to hazardous materials such as Ammonia, Bromine and LPG in Haifa Bay Area. Last January we attended a Knesset (Israeli parliament) committee meeting, dedicated to discussing our report about the economical costs of a hazardous material accident in Haifa Bay. We are also involved in the efforts to reduce the risk from Haifa Bay's LPG tanks and Ammonia tank.
3. Dangerous Chemicals at Home - this project aims to raise awareness within the general public, media and stake-holders (authorities, industry) to the harmful effects of specific chemicals within indoor environment, and to advocate to the authorities (ministry of Health, Agriculture, Environmental Protection and Industry, Trade and Labor) to promote policies to minimize the health effects of these chemicals. We have recently published a joint document with Public Trust, an Israeli NGO that promotes descent businesses, dealing with product labeling. There is also an upcoming brochure on safe and ecological cleaning in Israeli coffee shops and restaurants.
4. Environmental Health - this project is designed to raise awareness to the harmful health effects of environmental pollution. We have published an innovative report, dealing with the specific risks that air pollution poses to women's health through an international literature review and integration.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are the only organization in Israel which focuses only on environmental health. As such, we can contribute the health consequences aspect to any campaign in the country.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe that collaboration between different organizations in a campaign can achieve much more than separate actions.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ronit Piso
Head of the organisation
Ronit Piso, Executive Director