Aġenzija Żgħażagħ

National Network

Agenzija Zghazagh, Annex to Casa Leoni, St Joseph High Road
St Venera

00356 23886230
Telephone (other)
00356 23886182
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
00356 79373118
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The structure of Aġenzija Żgħażagħ (AŻ) consists of one Chief Executive Officer, two Youth Officers, one Youth Information Officer, Support Teacher, Administrative Officer and two activity centres coordinators and four minor staff. Aġenzija Żgħażagħ is a government run Agency and its funded through public funds and through various funding programmes. Aġenzija Żgħażagħ strives to provide young people with opportunities, activities and initiatives that help them develop their potential in a non-formal and informal setting. Through the year Aġenzija Żgħażagħ organises a number of trainings designed to encourage young people to be actively involved in their administration of their localities and become active participants. Young people are also provided with the opportunity to travel and participate in training courses that provide them with experiences and skills in different aspects that will help them through life. Besides AZ is currently organising a number of non-formal trainings that help young people develop their skills in various fields such as leadership, creativity and project development etc. AZ is also runs the only youth information portal available in Malta, whereby young people can find or ask for information related to any service available for them. AZ works with a number of government departments and entities, local and international organisations, groups, councils, as well as independent individuals that might request our support.
Mission and Objectives

Aġenzija Żgħażagħ is all about mainstreaming the policy regarding young people in areas such as employment, health, education and all the others fields in which young people are involved. Aġenzija Żgħażagħ works on three main pillars: youth empowerment, policy mainstreaming and research. One of the main aims is to coordinate the work of various ministries where young people are concerned.
The Policy Mainstreaming and Research Unit strives to ensure that young people and their aspirations are reflected in policy and projects within the various sectors pertaining to youth. The Youth Empowerment Unit works with other key stakeholders to develop, strengthen and facilitate empowerment programmes. Since its official launch, Aġenzija Żgħażagħ has already organized a number of activities which included training seminars for young people who are currently participating in the Youth Local Councils empowerment programme.
Aġenzija Żgħażagħ launched its web portal called Youth Information Malta on the 26th February 2011. The web portal includes general information for young people. Youth Information Malta provides also a showcase of news, events and activities pertaining to the youth field and aims to be a common meeting place for young people, institutions, organisations, youth workers and Aġenzija Żgħażagħ. Youth Information Malta became member of ERYICA in February 2011, and is continuously working with other countries to form a network, and to further improve the Youth Information Service in Malta.

Main Projects / Activities

1.Provide Youth Information.
2.Support Youth Organisations.
3.Provide Informal/Non-formal Trainings.
4.Provide Space for Youth Projects.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

AŻ the national body that is the main source of youth information and is undergoing an exercise whereby youth organisations and groups that are set up in Malta are becoming registered members. Therefore AŻ is in a position to promote the work that is being done by the Anna Lindh Foundation through all its registered members and users. Furthermore AŻ is already involved in the activities of the EuroMed Youth platform that is hosted in Malta therefore in a position to enhance and facilitate the networking aspect.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To join the flagship initiatives that are being run by the ALF and promote them on a national level especially with the young Maltese population.

Contact (1) Full Name
Miriam Teuma
Head of the organisation
Ms Miriam Teuma
Contact (2) Full Name
Irene Attard

Askeaton Contemporary Arts

National Network


Co. Limerick

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Askeaton Contemporary Arts is organised by a director/curator, assisted by a curatorial assistant. In Askeaton the project is supported by a local advisory board, Askeaton Civic Trust, Askeaton Community Council and many local businesses and individuals. Nationally, funding has been obtained from the Arts Council, Create, Limerick County Council and Shannon Development. Other recent partners have included Independent Curators International, New York. Programme funding in 2012 amounted to 42,000 euro. In 2012 our programme consists of five artist commissions culminating in a resulting exhibition and catalogue, one long term artist residency, and our seventh annual summer residency programme with five Irish and international artists, accompanied by a public open day and various events.
Mission and Objectives

Founded in 2006, Askeaton Contemporary Arts aims to promote and provide contemporary visual art to the locale of Askeaton, County Limerick. By developing community involvement and understanding of how art might be produced and experienced in this locality, ACA aims to open up new possibilities of how contemporary art might operate as a socially-engaged and critically-led entity in the region, while concurrently supporting the production of new artists’ projects. Askeaton Contemporary Arts has introduced the work of artists from Argentina, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Holland, Mexico, Sweden, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States, Northern Ireland and Ireland to Askeaton. Over forty Irish and international artists have worked in the town in the last seven years.

Main Projects / Activities

Residencies, commissions and exhibition projects are frequently organised, often taking the everyday life of Askeaton as a subject. Local interaction with the artists and artworks are not only as audience, often they are actively implicated into the development of the artwork itself through their assistance or participation. Furthermore, with no ‘white-cube’ spaces in Askeaton, artists work in various venues throughout the town, and are incorporated into the everyday life of the locale. As a signifier of the quality of this initiative, subsequent projects have been exhibited throughout Ireland and Europe, including the 2011 Istanbul Biennial. For a full archive of projects produced please consult www.askeatonarts.com

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Askeaton Contemporary Arts' ethos and programming presents something not overtly represented in the Irish network: a developed understanding of regional programming, community-based social dialogue through interaction with international contemporary art. We aim to facilitate intercultural understanding with people living outside the mainstream urban center through this form of dialogue.This is built on the belief that art can offer alternative viewpoints and genuine social change to its locale, and ACA has endeavoured to work with these goals. This form of engagement with contemporary art focuses on working within the existing dynamics of a small town, intending to bring forward the diverse layers of daily life and create a rich framework for subjective encounters. The investigations led by artists here ultimately leads to a de-mystication of the artistic process, and allows for a frank exchange of values between the regional and international, and between local and universal values. We believe these are aspects that can enrich the Irish Network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Askeaton Contemporary Arts are interested in how art might be produced and experienced in this locality, how art might operate outside a city environment. Artists from throughout the world have worked here, with a variety of projects facilitated and produced in direct relationship to the community of the town. We treat this as a platform for developing the role of contemporary art as a socially-engaged and critically-led medium. We believe that joining the ALF network will allow our organisation to develop further and crucial understanding of contemporary and progressive idioms of cultural diversity.

Contact (1) Full Name
Michele Horrigan
Head of the organisation
Michele Horrigan
Contact (2) Full Name
Amanda Ralph

Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Tunis

National Network

Campus Universitaire El Manar

Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information

L'Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieurs est une institution universitaire publique de formation d'ingéneiurs. C'est la première école d'ingénieurs de Tunisie. Elle forme des ingénieurs en génie Civil, Mécanique, Industriel, etc.

Mission and Objectives

Sa mission est la formation des ingénieurs dans les domaines de la mécanique, l'informatique, l'industriel, etc. C'est aussi dispenser des formations doctorales permettant l'acquision de diplomes académiques (Masters, Doctorats). Elle a des poles de recherhes qui sont rattachés aux industries tunisiennes et étrangères.

Main Projects / Activities

Nos projets sont dans le domaine de l'énergétique, l'informatique, le mécanique, etc. Projets qui ont une composante pratique suceptibles d'améliorer une activité, un processus ou un matériel.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Notre expertise dans le domaine technique et éducationnels sont nos atouts et peuvent contribuer à l'avancement des activités de la FAL.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Rejoindre la FAL nous permettra de participer aux différents calls qui sont proposés.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jelmam Yassine
Head of the organisation
Pr. Chiheb bouden
Contact (2) Full Name
Jelmam Yassine

Adva Center

National Network

Street: 8 Mikve Yisrael StreetPOB 36529
Tel Aviv

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
The Adva Center has 10-12 staff members and a 12-member Board of Directors. It cooperates with other social society organizations on projects on behalf of disadvantaged social groups. Its annual budget is approximately $400,000 and most of its funding comes from foundations. It also received funding from the European Union -- for a gender project, a budget analysis project, and a research/advocacy project. Its action modalities include policy analysis, publication and dissemination of reports and position papers, popular education,and projects for disadvantaged groups. About half of its activities center on women.
Mission and Objectives

The Adva Center is an action-oriented policy analysis institute focusing on equality and social justice issues in Israel whose mission is to contribute to a more equitable and socially just society in Israel.

Main Projects / Activities

Key projects include the Budget Analysis Program, which analyses the national budget for its social implications in real time, when changes can still be made; the Women's Budget Forum, a coalition of over 30 feminist and human rights groups working together to give women and girls their fair share (that is, in accordance with their needs) of public allocations; the project "Creating a Model for Intervention at the Local Level -- and Intervening!" which gives women the tools they need to become active on the local level; and the Popular Education Program, which organizes lectures, workshops and courses for diverse groups on issues relevant to social justice.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our vast knowledge and considerable experience in gender and democracy issues and praxis can be put at the disposal of other Network members.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To find partners for projects in other Mediterranean countries and to become eligible for ALF grant opportunities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Barbara Swirski
Head of the organisation
Barbara Swirski
Contact (2) Full Name
Noga Dagan-Buzaglo

Appleseeds Academy

National Network

36 Brodetzky st
Tel Aviv

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Appleseeds Academy was established in 2000 as a business sector initiative, employs 250 people, providing technological training in 350 locations in Israel, with 70,000 beneficiaries per year, and 8,500 total hours of instruction per month. Appleseeds was ranked A-level rating by "Midot" (Israel's premier non-profit evaluation center.) The Academy's unique operational model includes a complete training program in various technological fields in order to bestow participants with a full set of skills and tools fit for the society and job market of the 21st. Partners include governmental agencies (such as social security, ministry of education, ministry of science, etc.), corporations (Cisco, Microsoft, Intel, Google, Bezeq and more) and other NGOs.
Mission and Objectives

Providing equal opportunities through the use of technological tools and life skills development in the geographic and social periphery of Israel.
Goals and objectives:
• Reducing social gaps by reducing the digital gap.
• Promoting access to innovation and technology for various populations
• Creating partnerships with business, institutional and social entities in Israel and abroad to increase the effectiveness of each individual program
• Promoting an open and respectful dialogue between Jewish and Arab communities in Israel and between Israel and its neighbors, using technology
The association's core values are: initiating and facilitating change, the joy of doing, versatility, professionalism, leadership and partnership.

Main Projects / Activities

• Technological training with emphasis on vocational skills, targeting Women, ultra-orthodox Jews, new immigrants and members of the Israeli Arab and Druze communities, with 45% placement rates post training.
• Community Knowledge Centers, providing computer training and internet access to local community members.
• National Service Infrastructure, Intel-certified volunteers play a pivotal role in implementing technological training in schools and community centers across Israel.
• Net@ – Technological Excellence and Social Leadership, a long-term program integrating advanced technology with social values and leadership skills, training youth in Israel's peripheral communities to become high-tech professionals. Part of the program includes MYTecC, an open dialogue between youth from Israel and its neighbors.
• Professional Development for Teachers, introducing 6,000 teachers a year to the latest e-Learning platforms and the teaching tools of tomorrow.
• International technological training and management development programs for local organizations in collaboration with various international organizations. Main activity is in six African nations.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Appleseeds will contribute by seeking cooperation for potential projects promoting intercultural dialogue, exchanging ideas with other members and being an active member in a network of organizations that share the same goals.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

AFL main purpose of bringing people together from across the Mediterranean to improve mutual respect between cultures aligns with Appleseeds objective to use technology as a tool to foster open communications and effective dialogue between the Jewish-Arab sectors in Israel, and between Israelis and other nations in the middle east.
In addition, AFL's network structure resembles Appleseeds' partnership methodology; Appleseeds operating model is based on creating cross sectorial cooperation, between NGOs, public sector and corporations, which in turn translates into long-term sustainable projects.
We believe that through the AFL network, Appleseeds can familiarize itself and connect with other organizations whose core values are similar.

Contact (1) Full Name
Roni Ben-Aharon
Head of the organisation
Dafna Lifshitz

SMK University of Applied Social Sciences

National Network

Nemuno street 2
91208 Klaipėda

+370 46397077
Telephone (other)
+370 46 397385
+370 46 397077
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

SMK has a wide range of professionals and experts. SMK has two branches - one is in the capital of Lithuania, the other - in the port of Lithuania - Klaipėda. Our community gathers more then 2000 students 150 staff. We have more then 80 active partners all over the world and we are involving them in various activities and also joining their activities as well. The main funds for our organization comes from tuition fees paid by students for their studies. Also other funds come from services provided for society, business sector. SMK implements a number of various projects financed by EU or local funds. More information about our organization can be found in internet - www.smk.lt

Mission and Objectives

SMK University of Applied Social Sciences in Lithuania is offering high-quality education in the Lithuanian and English languages, which is enjoyed by 2,000 students. Established in 1994, the SMK educates leaders who will accept responsibility and make positive contributions to an increasingly interdependent and multicultural world. Through variety of study programmes at our university we are fulfilling our key mission - to prepare future leaders that would be responsible global citizens. Mission: To create conditions for the individuals to gain contemporary skills in science and technology spheres that would correspond to a high level of education; To cumulate and spread scientific knowledge and nurture a multisided individual.; To escalate applied and scientific activities in the region, consult local authorities and business companies; To create the conditions for lifelong learning by providing qualification raise trainings; To nurture education and culture-receptive society, form humanistic approach, raise civil awareness and elevate values of open and democratic society.

Main Projects / Activities

The main activities of SMK first of all are higher education level studies where we seek to prepare future leaders that would be responsible global citizens. SMK is the best rated private higher education institution in Lithuania (Ratings of higher education institution in Lithuania, 2011) and offers 14 market-oriented study programmes acknowledged by European higher education institutions. Also SMK is implementing various activities, such as education and training, consulting services, scientific research, project management, counseling and professional orientation, activity related to information technologies.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

SMK would be able to be responsible for organizing various meetings, activities, informing society about various issues related with Network activities, implementing projects. We are ready for work and we seek to give as much as we will have in order to live in a better world.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

SMK is constantly implementing activities related with the main purpose of ALF Network. Through various projects implementation, international events, exchanges, camps and seminars with other cultures, tolerance building activities SMK has gathered rich experience and it would be great to be able to share this experience with others. Also new cooperation possibilities, new partners would allow to broaden the activities while implementing non-formal education, help society to become more tolerant and civil. We believe that cooperating together we can achieve better results then working alone.

Contact (1) Full Name
Reda Mikalauskaitė
Head of the organisation
Director Gabija Skučaitė
Contact (2) Full Name
Gabija Skučaitė

Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Sousse

National Network

Technopole de SousseBP. 264 Riadh 4023 Sousse TUNISIE

00 216 73 369 664
00 216 73 369 506
Mobile Phone
00 216 98 98 28 40
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

Notre école d'ingénieurs contribue à la formation des jeunes élèves dans les domaines de la mécatronique, électronique industrielle et informatique industrielle. Avec ses 1000 élèves, 100 enseignants et un staff de 50 administratifs elle mis sur le marché de l'emploi autour de 600 ingénieurs spécialisés et compétents dans leur spécialité.

Mission and Objectives

La mission principale est la formation d'ingénieurs. Mais également garantie l'ouverture au monde socio-économique par les actions multiples et diversifiées. En étroite collaboration avec les partenaires industriels et en collaboration avec les associations adossées à l'école (EUREKA, ADENISO, EJE Junior Entreprises, etc...

Main Projects / Activities

Développe des projets dans le cadre de la formation (Projets de fin d'études)et des projets industriels menés dans les locaux de l'école. Formation: du savoir à l'innovation, notre principal slogan.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

en dynamisant les structures internes et en cherchant la passerelle adéquate pour grandir

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

pour plus d'ouverture et pour une meilleure visibilité de l'école nationale d'ingénieurs de sousse.

Contact (1) Full Name
Zoubeir TOURKI
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

YYC Austria

National Network

Hebragasse 1/7, 1090 Vienna

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
YCC Austria was founded in 2009 in collaboration with YCC Ghana - our partner organization in Africa. All members of the board are working in an honorary capacity. Currently projects are conducted by members voluntarily, but the organization will be applying for funds from governmental institutions in Austria. We welcome all young people with interest and motivation to join the organization´s activities. Thus, the open structure is of major importance. Apart from our projects described below we organize network meetings, discussion groups and other events for exchange.
Mission and Objectives

Our main objectives are to raise awareness and support young people to engage with the possibilities of a multicultural, globalized world. We consider the personal reflection of identity as well as social and global conditions as the basis for a responsible and understanding engagement with diversity. Young people shall thus be encouraged to participate and contribute to social change. The organization opposes all kind of discrimination based on social, religious, ethnice, cultural differences or sexual orientation.

Main Projects / Activities

Currently YCC Austria puts an emphasis on intercultural and anti-racist education. There are two major projects conducted in Austria:
BewusstSein: Members of YCC Austria organize workshops at Austrian schools concerning topics like Asylum and Migration, Diversity, Racism in the Media, Africa beyond Clichés
BilDUng: YCC Austria encourages students at the universities of Austria to engage with anti-racist and intercultural education. The students are thus multiplicators who in the course of the project organize workshops and other events at schools and with young people in Austrian society.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We hope that the ALF Network will give us the chance to meet organizations engaged with similar work across Europe for exchange and future cooperation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Hanna Klien
Contact (2) Full Name
Anna Jonas


National Network

31 avenue du Bousquetier

+33 970 44 55 14
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Association 1901 - dédiée à l'information et la promotion de la Bosnie-Herzégovine dans les pays francophones - financée grâce aux dons de ses membres et à l'auto-financement. Notre principal mode d'action est le site d'information sur la Bosnie-Herzégovine en français : www.bhinfo.fr qui enregistre 20.000 visites uniques par mois et quelque 2500 abonnées à la newsletter hebdomadaire. l'association se lance également dans les projets culturels d'échanges et de rencontres entre la Bosnie-Herzégovine et les pays francophones (France, Suisse, Belgique, Liban, Luxembourg, Algérie, Maroc, Tunisie, Monaco, Canada). Les partenaires de l'association sont nombreux, dispersés dans différents pays : Liban (Souk el Taeb), Bosnie (Privredna Stampa, FIPA, Vive le Talent), France (Comité Mir Sada),Suisse (Solidarité Bosnie)...
Mission and Objectives

L'objectif est l'amélioration du dialogue interculturel entre les peuples de la Bosnie-Herzégovine et les peuples francophones, avec lesquels le pays entretient très peu de relations.

Main Projects / Activities

Meilleure visibilité de la Bosnie-Herzégovine dans les médias francophones, promotion de la culture bosnienne dans les pays francophones, projets d'échanges et de rencontres entre les pays francophones, les pays de la Méditerranée et la Bosnie-Herzégovine.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Le réseau français de la FAL a attiré un grand nombre d'associations et de partenaires de grande qualité. Toutefois, aucun d'entre eux ne consacre son travail à la Bosnie-Herzégovine, un pays méditerranéen par excellence avec une des plus grande diversités des peuples et des religions au monde, le véritable carrefour de l'Orient et de l'Occident.
Après la guerre en Bosnie 1992-95, le pays est confronté à de nombreuses difficultés socio-économiques et politique, sans oublier des tensions encore présentes entre ses différents peuples. A travers un meilleur dialogue interculturel de la société civile bosnienne avec ses homologues européens et méditerranéens, l'enjeu de notre travail est de renforcer la société civile en BH et de favoriser l'ouverture, l'amour de l'Autre, la tolérance et la démocratie.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Basée à Marseille et dédiée à la Bosnie-Herzégovine, l'association AIPBH est naturellement tournée vers la Méditerranée. Par ailleurs, six des dix pays avec lesquels nous souhaitons établir des liens par rapport à la Bosnie-Herzégovine, sont des pays méditerranéens : la France, le Liban, le Maroc, l'Algérie, la Tunisie, le Monaco. C'est pourquoi une fondation comme la FAN est d'une importance cruciale pour le développement de nos activités dans l'espace méditerranéen.

Contact (1) Full Name
Zehra Sikias
Head of the organisation
Karim Michel Sikias
Contact (2) Full Name
Jana Carkadzic

Communication and Culture

National Network

O B Muusvej 8
3520 Farum

+45 22958845
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
So far it is a one person company, collaborating with four other companies on seminars, teaching and business counseling. The company started with at small loan in the bank - 50.000 dk.kr and runs by income from the above mentioned activities. Clearspeech teaches: Chinese language at university and college level - and for beginners in companies. Multicultural seminars on fx. the view on health, cure and body in different cultures, and general communication services such as presentation technique and assessment.
Mission and Objectives

To improve oral communication and presentations in companies in general - and to raise the level of cultural understanding in Danish companies - thru the intercultural dialogue. Contribute a tiny bit to a better world.

Main Projects / Activities

Two-day seminars on: 1.communication and cultural understanding to the health sector ( doctors, hospitals and the pharmaceutical industry), 2.presentation technique for all types of companies and public organizations and institutions. Most seminars are in Danish, but English is also and option.

Contact (1) Full Name
Anne Lindhardt
Head of the organisation
Anne Lindhardt