National Network

Vodnikova ulica 2
2250 Ptuj

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
A voluntary, independent, and non-profit organization active in the area of the administrative unite Ptuj with a membership of more than 1.000 students and high school students. The club is managed by a yearly elected 7-member executive board consisting of a president, treasurer, and heads of deparments for culture, public relations, social affairs and education, recreation, and international relations. We organize and help to organize activities and projects from the fields of education, culture, recreation, amusement and humanitarian operation outside of university. All ideas and objects are being realized through projects which are financed from duties earned through work via the student employment brokerage service: cca. 150.000,00 EUR/year. Main partners: Slovene Student Union, Student Clubs Association of Slovenia, Student Organization of the University of Maribor, Student Organization of the University of Ljubljana, Town Municipality Ptuj.
Mission and Objectives

To create appropriate circumstances that enable and encourage students' activities in the administrative unit Ptuj and its surroundings. In that way we try to increase the quality of our lives besides university, our opinions of choice and social powers and the effect of young people on the society.

Main Projects / Activities

The club offers students from the area of Ptuj an independent planning and carrying out of activities and a variegated and meaningful use of leisure time in the fields of supplementary insurance, culture, sports and recreation, fun and civil and socially oriented activities. Besides that it also offers various discounts for services and purchases and trips to students from the administrative unit Ptuj. It offers financial help to all materially deprived students and in particular traditional projects of us all, which include the following: Kurentanc (a traditional annual carnival dance), Kresovanje (the celebration of Midsummer’s Eve), Bazeni Energije (the biggest pool party in Slovenia), TerasaFest (an international music and art festival), Vino ni voda (a festival, dedicated to wine culture), and others.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are especially interested in Euro-Mediterranean relations in the fields of education and youth empowerment. Our main aim is to expand our network of partners, share knowledge, experiences, and good practices of our organization with other partner organizations and vice versa.

Contact (1) Full Name
SAŠA LJUBEC, president
Head of the organisation
SAŠA LJUBEC, president
Contact (2) Full Name

Catholic Youth Care

National Network

C/O Ronanstown Youth Service, Neilstown Rd, Clondalkin, Dublin 22

00353 1 4570363
00353 1 4578505
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Catholic Youth Care is the Dublin Diocesan Youth Service. CYC provides services to youth groups and youth people in the Dublin Diocese which includes all of Dublin City and County, County Wicklow, parts of Kildare. Catholic Youth Care manages 10 local youth services (in association with the local Vocational Education Committee) in Dublin city and County, Co Wicklow and Co Kildare. With over 100 staff employed throughout the regions, and thousands of young people engaged on a weekly basis. Staffs are employed through several Government Departments and funding streams. Catholic youth care promote the development of programmes that meet the needs of young people through personal, social, educational, political, social and development programmes. These programmes are designed to meet the needs of young people but also used to challenge and address issues for young people and their families. Young People are given the opportunity to become active citizens in their daily lives and society.
Mission and Objectives

Catholic Youth Care is the Dublin Diocesan Youth Service, working with young people and youth groups throughout the Dublin Diocese ( Dublin City and County, parts of Kildare, all of Co Wicklow). Our mission is to promote a youth work response that is caring, compassionate and Christian and enables young people to participate more fully in the life of society and church
Staff plan programme designed for the purpose of aiding and enhancing the personal and social development of young people through their voluntary involvement, each youth service works to address needs of the young people, and act a voice to address issues and challenge injustices.
Catholic Youth Care promote active citizenships and participation of young people in programmes that explore global justice issues and development education. These programmes encourage and facilitate young people to represent the youth service in their local community and at national level. Programmes highlight that young people can make a difference in their lives and the life of others are our programme promote this. These programmes include youth exchanges, links with organisations in the Global South, Cultural Awareness and involvement in Development Education Programmes.

Main Projects / Activities

Youth Work primarily follows the definition of Youth Work in that it centre’s around the voluntary participation of young people. Programmes are planned and developed to enhance young people’s personal and social development.
These programmes focus mainly on two models of Youth Work Practice these include Personal Development and Critical Social Education.
The majority of programmes, uses both these programmes in tangent, and is age appropriate. The youth service highlights the need for long term programmes that give the staff time to build on relationships and time to have meaningful impact on young people.
The following are the main methods and focus of programmes:
• Recreation, sport and indoor/outdoor pursuits
• Arts and culture,
• Citizenship, social action, youth participation, rights and equality issues, the environment, development education and politics
• Welfare and well-being including health promotion, relationships and sexuality, stress management, first aid, drugs, alcohol and smoking
• Life skills, such as leadership, teamwork, planning and decision making, communication, problem solving, initiative and responsibility
• Critical Analysis and creative and reflective thinking
• Intercultural and international awareness activities and exchanges
• Information technology

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As a member of the NYCI Development Education Committee - I hope that we would be able to participate in the Irish and European network and from there form relationships and contacts.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As a member of the foundation Catholic Youth Care would be able to promte practice, engage with other projects and be more aware of new programmes and practice that would have an impact on its personal, social, educational and development models of working with young people. Being a part of the network would encourage staff and young people to take part in share learning in relation to global justice issues and also make us aware of opportunities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Tammy Tallon
Head of the organisation
Eddie D'Arcy


National Network

Ozanam Hse
St. Augustine St. Galway


E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Foróige is a charity, it employs over 380 full time staff, has over 5,000 adult volunteers and over 50,000 members aged 10-18 years. Foroige has an annual budget in excess of 18 million euros funded primarily from government grants but also with substantial philantrophic and some fund raising. The orgnaisation operates generic youth clubs over 600 nationaly run by adult volunteers and members, it runs family support, justice and lcoal youth services. In addition the organisation has a nuber of national programmes including Big Brother Bog Sister, Leadership for Life and Citizenship. The organsiation also runs internationmal exchange programmes and annual leadership conferences with young peopel coming from all continents. Programmes are designed and evaluated on an ongoing basis by the Best practice unit and indpendently by various universities.
Mission and Objectives

The organisation beleives that all humans are unique and creative, the purpsoe of the organisation is to empower young people to consciously and actively contribute to their own devlopemtn and to the development of society.
Foróige operates through learning by doing, neve doing for a young person what they can do for themselves. Young people are active memebrs of the organisation taking full responmsibility for runningtheir clubs and are actively invovled in the goevernance of the organsiation being represented on the National Council and National Executive.

Main Projects / Activities

The core organsiation centres on the Foróige youth club which is run by adult volunteers and youth members.The club is run democartically with the all officer positions being held by elected members.
Adult leaders facitate the clubs. Each county has a district council where club leaders neet to arrange inter club events and training. Local projects include family and adolescent support funded thorught he HSe, Justice projetcs targeting young peopel referred for support from the Gardai (police) and local youth services inclusing heath cafés funded through the local education authorities. Natioanl programmes include Leadership for Life, Teenage Health and training for young Entreprenurs. BIG Brother Big Sister is a national metoring programme run in communites and schools.
International cultural programmes and cultural integration programmes are also run in assocaition with Alan Kerins Projetcs and the UNESCO Chair for Youth and Civic Engagement based in NUI Galway. Programmes and activites are educational and informal all particiapation is voluntary.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Foróige has over 60 years of experience in designing delivering and evaluatin youth work programmes in Ireland. Foroige has strong vibrant links and partnerships with youth organisations in many different countries.
Foroige has a strong tradition of evaluating programmes and activities both internally and through independent organisations and universities. Foróige is Ireland's leading youth developemt agency it has an experienced and vibrant staff and volunteer base.
Foroige can bring a body of experience knowledge and good will with a proven track record for initiaive and working in partnership in additon Foroige is a willing and active learner prepared to learn from the experience and knowlesge of others.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Foróige have close links wiht the National Youth Council and have been active particiapnts in intercultural exchanges.
Foroige also work in partnership with the UNESCO Chair and Alan Kerin projects supporting oyuth and community education programmes in Kaoma Zambia.
In addition the Leadership for Life annual conference involves young people from all continents for the summer conference.
The ALF Network will strengthen our links with agencies involved in similar programmes and allow us to learn from and work with other agencies and partners.

Contact (1) Full Name
Richard O' Donovan
Head of the organisation
Sean Campbell
Contact (2) Full Name
Noel Cronin

LEAD - Israel Youth Leadership Development

National Network

16 Abba Hillel Road, Ramat Gan, 52506
Ramat Gan

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
LEAD is a non political non profit organization which identify empower and develop young promising leaders from all sectors of Israeli society. Every year LEAD select 120 high potential young leader (out of more than 4500 candidates) and invite them to join a unique 2 years leadership development program.
Mission and Objectives

To develop youth leadership in Israel.

Main Projects / Activities

Youth Leadership development program

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our trainees can initiate and participate in nation wide workshops and seminars.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We consider ourselves as part of an international network of people and organizations that join forces for improving life on this planet.

Contact (1) Full Name
Eliav Zakay
Head of the organisation
Eliav Zakay

Mix!t University College Ghent

National Network

Voskenslaan 362

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Mix!t is a researchgroup embedded in the Faculty (Social Work and Wellfare Studies of the University College of Ghent). Mix!t performs research with a direct link to society and education in the field of diversity policies, promoting plural and intercultural society. Mix!t is funded by the Flemish Government, Boudewijn Foundation, Province East-Flanders and University College itself. Mix!t’s expertise lies in the publication of educational parcels and books concerning rites of passage as an instrument for greater tolerance in society (Overgangsrituelen [Standaard Uitgeverij 2010], Passages [Academia Press 2011], Hoe anders is het andere, [Standaard Uitgeverij 2012]). We provide exhibitions, classes and workshops on intercultural competences and rites of passage to societal organisations and in our University College.
Mission and Objectives

Promote Intercultural Society: Offering tools for intercultural skills to all citizens.
Education for all in a diverse society: Raising awareness of intercultural society in students attending our Faculty, mainly to future social workers. Creation of an inclusive and applicable diversity policy for our Faculty. Offering tools to teachers in secondary education to raise awareness and promote intercultural skills.
Researching the more value of diverse society: Exploring the topic of rites of passage as a means for more tolerance in plural societies. By focusing at sameness instead of difference we create tools that are directly applicable in intercultural society.

Main Projects / Activities

“How different is different”: classes and exhibitions on rites of passage as a means for more tolerance in intercultural society.
“Passages”: Recording 50 life stories of new Belgians, translating them into 1/ a book 2/ workshops where the life stories are presented as a means of communication in intercultural society, focusing at sameness rather than difference in human lives.
“Marriage Migration”: Analyzing the phenomenon of marriage migration in Ghent, Belgium.
“Integrating Together”: Offering new Belgians the possibility to train their language skills and broaden their social network with a coach. Offering students in social work the possibility to deliberately gain skills as a coach, as well as to bring them in contact with other cultures.
“Growing older in a changing society”: Practice oriented research focused at the life stories of elderly new Belgians as a means for productively diversifying health care knowledge and practices.
Elaboration of a diversity policy for our Faculty

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We work with the concept of diversity in various innovative ways in theory and practice.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To broaden our scope and share experience in working on intercultural dialogue.

Contact (1) Full Name
Christian Vankerckhove
Head of the organisation
Maurice Walgraeve
Contact (2) Full Name
Eva Vebs


National Network


00212 6 69 30 24 01
00212 5 35 40 11 03
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00212 66 154 54 07
Mobile Phone (other)
00212 661 11 37 63
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Association socio-culturelle Matissa. Association fonctionnant avec 3 membres de bureau et 3 assistants. Actuellement plus de 70 memebres, ce sont des jeunes issus des quartiers de la classe moyenne et pauvre de Rabat. Nos partenaires : Le FUS (Maroc), Matissa Belgique, La fondation ONA. Sources de financement : sponsoring du secteur prive. Action réalisées : Realisation de plusieurs rencontres internationales culturelles avec des pays africains, européens et américains. Partenaires : Federation ABADA Capoeira, Association Belge Matissa, Commune de Saint Gilles (Bruxelles), la Fondation ONA.
Mission and Objectives

Notre mission est de favoriser la mixité sociale et la formation de futurs artistes dans le domaine de la danse, la percussion et le sport. Notre objectif est de devenir une école de formation a long terme pour favoriser les échanges culturels et la formation continue artistique.

Main Projects / Activities

Realisation de projets socio humanitaires.
Realisation de rencontre culturelles internationales annuelles.
Cours de Danse, Percussion et Capoeira.
Realisation de spectacles nationaux.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Par la participation active de notre antenne belge a Bruxelles et en favorisant la rencontres avec d'autres associations marocaines.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Pour prétendre a des subventions dans le cadre du développement de notre structure et de notre mission.

Contact (1) Full Name
laila Benhalima
Head of the organisation
Lakhdar Zohir
Contact (2) Full Name
Mehdi Bargache

Abaad Marrakech

National Network

دار الشباب سيبع مراكش المغرب

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
تتشكل جمعيتنا من مكتب مسير بضم 05 أعضاء ومجموع أعضاء الجمعية يتراوح كل بين 15و 20 عضوا .كل الأعضاء متطوعين .يستفيد من برامج الجمعية ما بين 150 و 200 مستفيد في السنة.تعتمد الجمعية في تمويلها على المنح المقدمة من طرف المجالس المحلية او الوزارة الوصية.الانشغال الاول للجمعية هو التربية على المواطنة وذلك باستعمال الوسائل الفنية مثل المسرح و القصة و الصورةللتحسيس بهذه القيم ونشرها
Mission and Objectives

هدف الجمعية هو التربية على المواطنة .و العمل على تنمية ثقافية تربوية في المحيط الذي تشتغل فيه الجمعية بشكل يدعم المنظومة العالمية لحقوق الانسان و بعزز قيم التحاور و التبادل الثقاقي بين الحضارات بعيدا عن الحواجز .كما تهدف الجمعية إلى إذكاء روح الثقافة النقدية وإعمال العقل. ومن غايات الجمعية العمل على تجسير العلاقة مع منظمات دولية تتقاسم معها القيم و المبادئ.

Main Projects / Activities

اشتغلت الجمعية السنة الفارطة على مشروع التحسيس بحقوق الطفل وماتتعرض له من اتنهاك من خلال المسرح وذلك من خلال عمل مسرحي "أولاد الفنا" ضمن شعار كبير هو "المسرح بوصفه اداة بيداغوجية ".
والآن تستعد الجمعية لتنفيد مشروع جديد حول "القراءة بوصفها أداة للمواطنة" وتعزيز قيم النقد وإعمال العقل و التحسيس بقيم حقوق الانسان عبر توزيع كتب على الشباب و الإشراف على قراءتها ومناقشتها في شكل ورشات.كما تستعد لتنفيد مشروع "صحافي المدينة" من اجل تكوين مجموعة من الشباب في ما يخص الكتابة الصحفية و البحث عن المعلومات وترويجها بواسطة الوسائط الحديثة.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rachid Barkan
Head of the organisation
Rachid Barkan (president)
Contact (2) Full Name
Khadija Alsaa'doui

Centre Marocain des Nouvelles Technologies

National Network

BP 1808 Tanger Ppal
Tanger 90000


Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Media
  3. Others
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Centre Marocain des Nouvelles Technologies, CMNT, is a non-governmental nonprofit organisation located in Morocco, aims to enable and empower entrepreneurship, support and expand the new technologies in Morocco. The Administrative Board: -Mohammed Sahli, Director -Mohamed Amarochan, vice-president, Secretary-general -Yassine Khtar, Secretary-money -Oussama Larhmich & Mohammed Azirar, Chancellors The Council Board: -Up to 9 active members of the organization Funding: -Engagement of members; -Annual subscriptions of members; -Member contributions; -Revenues of the organization of conferences, seminars and demonstrations; -Income of association property and its projects; -Legal persons donations; -Grant from associations, universities and international institutions; -Grants, donations and gifts from State and local groups; -Aid and support requested by the organization in view of the work of a public benefit, which is given in the framework of Moroccan legislation.
Mission and Objectives

The Association works to achieve the following objectives:
-Support and keep up with the Internet projects;
-Support digital Morocco's plan, and e-government initiatives;
-Spreading the culture of FOSS in Morocco;
-Encourage research in the field of modern technologies;
-Raise awareness and stimulate the use of the Internet and techniques of communication and information in Arabic;
-Hold conferences and workshops to raise the level of technology at the Moroccan and Arab level;
-Act to properly use of the Internet;
-Facilitate the exchange of technical production;
-Raise awareness of the digital intellectual property rights;
-Gather the largest number of Moroccan technicians and technology enthusiasts under one roof for the development and dialogue;
-Encourage the initiatives of individuals associated with the Internet;
-Promote the legal framework governing the modern techniques;
-Represent the Moroccan Technology in foreign forums, and in front of others in general;
-Engage in all the bodies that have the same goals or similar objectives, nationally and internationally.

Main Projects / Activities

-Participate and represent Morocco in the "Arab Techies Gathering", July 2011 [Cairo, Egypt];
-Participate and represent Morocco in "MozCamp" conferences, October 2011 [Berlin, Germany];
-Organize (in collaboration with others) the "Moroccan Bloggers Meeting", December 2011 [Tiflet, Morocco];
-Organize a workshop to Moroccan associations, December 2011 [Tanger, Morocco];
-Collaborate with "Translate ZA", an organization located in South Africa, to freely distribute educational and programming books in Morocco;
-Collaborate with "O'reilly", a media company located in the United States of America, to distribute educational books and manuals in Morocco with a discount of 40%;
-Collaborate with "Mozilla Foundation", a non-profit organization located in the United States of America, to support the open source mozilla projects like Firefox, the third most widely used browser in the world;
Upcoming activities:
-Organize the next "Moroccan Bloggers Meeting" in Essaouira, Morocco, April 2012;
-Organize a series of workshop in Moroccan Universities and Faculties in collaboration with "Mozilla Europe", Mars 2012;
-Organize a cmntDEMO, two day technical an new media conferences in Tanger;
-We participate, collaborate or organize one activity at least every month.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are open to any kind of contribution.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The ALF Network is a great community to communicate and collaborate with other civil society organisations in the Euro-Mediterranean Region.
In CMNT, we see the effect of new technologies and new media in the dialogue between young Mediterraneans, no one can ignore the influence of Facebook and Twitter during the Arab spring, as an example.
We believe in the capacity of new technologies to restore and consolidate trust between people of different cultures and beliefs, as well as overcame the misunderstandings and stereotypes in the Mediterranean region.
Our vision is consistent with the vision of ALF Network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed Amarochan
Head of the organisation
Mohammed Sahli

Association des Jeunes Méditerranéens pour le développement au Rif

National Network


Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
- Le bureau exécutif : - Coordinateur général. - Vice coordinateur général. - Comptable. - Vice comptable. - 01 conseillers Les comités : –Comité jeunesse et communication. –Comité solidarité et humanisme. –Comité du travail Amazigh. –Comité presse et communication. -Comité de l’animation culturelle
Mission and Objectives

Buts de l’organisation :
*S’intéresser aux jeunes de la région du Rif.
*Insertion des jeunes dans la vie active, par la formation et l’orientation.
*La participation au développement de la région du Rif dans tous les domaines.
*Aide à la femme et l’enfant en situations difficiles.
*Maintien d’un dialogue de paix et de tolérance entre tous les jeunes du monde entier.
*Renforcement des canaux d’échange et de partenariat avec tous les jeunes du bassin méditerranéen.
*Les jeune âgés de10 à35 ans.

Main Projects / Activities

- Campagnes de sensibilisation en faveur des jeunes délinquants.
- Ecoute aux jeunes en situations difficiles.
- Organisation des excursions pour les jeunes de la ville d’Al-hoceima.
- Echange culturel entre les jeunes du Rif et les jeunes nationaux et internationaux.
- Cours de renforcement pour les élèves.
- Tables rondes sur le thème de la jeunesse et principaux problèmes et exigences
- Journées de découverte des jeunes talents dans le domaine artistique dans le but d’insérer les jeunes marginalisés dans la vie active.
- Présentation des problèmes de jeunes de la région du Rif aux instances gouvernementales et autorités locales.
- La caravane des jeunes talents qui a visitée les villes de Chaouen- Tétouan – Tanger

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Nous avons déjà des points communs, à savoir le renforcement du dialogue dans le bassin méditerranéen, et vu que le Rif se situe au bord de la méditerrannée, alors nous enrichir le réseau par notre la culture et le patrimoine Rifain méditerranéen dans la perspective de renforcer les liens de bons voisinage avec les jeunes des pays de la méditerrannée

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Nous avons déja travaillé en collaboration avec les memebre du bureau du FAL, et nous avons des rapports forts avec eux.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Najib ATFI


National Network


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Un Ponte Per…” functions trough one head office in Rome employing 11 workers, one Regional office in Amman employing 2 expatriate workers and 5 locals. The budget 2005’s turn over is 2.279.000 Euro. The main sources of funding are: individuals, Italian Local Authorities, Italian Foreign Ministry, European Commission. The main actions are: awareness raising campaigns, school’s twinning, sponsorship for children (education and health), peace and human rights education concrete projects, training and seminar for the empowerment of the civil society, voluntary work camps. Main partners in the south: Al Messalla (Iraq), Assomud (Lebanon), Jordanian Women Union (Jordan).
Mission and Objectives

Un Ponte Per..” works for peace and to fill up the distance between people of different cultures, in order to promote a fair and peaceful existence. It is committed in the promotion of concrete solidarity toward the victims of war and to promote mutual understanding among cultures. The main goal of the organisation are the sustainable development of the society and the recognition of the human and social rights for everyone beside any difference.

Main Projects / Activities

• Sponsorship for children’s right to education and health (Iraq, Lebanon, Serbia)
• Peace education activities and school’s twinning
• Empowerment of Iraqi and Middle Eastern civil society
• Human rights education and lobby programmes
• Development cooperation and emergency projects in Iraq
• Education programmes addressed to Palestinian refugees in Lebanon
• Support to the National Library of Baghdad and other relevant cultural institution.
• Voluntary work camps
• Cultural events focused on the Mediterranean region
• International seminars focused on human rights, role of the civil society, conflict prevention.

Contact (1) Full Name
Domenico Chirico (Director)
Head of the organisation
Fabio Alberti (President)
Contact (2) Full Name
Fabio Alberti (President)