
National Network

Samosvej 59, 2300 København S, Dk

+45 26 79 99 27
Mobile Phone
+45 26 79 99 27
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The company is a private company run by Tina Wilchen Christensen. The objective of the company is projects based on anthropological theories and methods. The aim of my work is through teaching, research and investigations to: - To generate reflection about ourselves as cultural beings - To raise awareness of how we continually create culture through dialogue and interaction. - To show the mechanisms at work in social life and in our creation of narratives about ourselves and the world surrounding us. The budget of the company stems from the above mentioned activities.
Mission and Objectives

Humanculture is grounded in anthropological theory and methodology. The company deals with human behaviour and our understanding of ourselves and the world around us.
An analysis made by Humanculture describe people’s different perceptions of a given theme and what it is that we each perceive as being normal and natural. When it is formulated we get a better understanding of ourselves, and our interaction.
Humanculture focus on deconstructing and describing people’s different perceptions, so that the different perceptions become conscious making it possible to talk about them.

Main Projects / Activities

Them main activities of the company are qualitative research and investigations as well as seminars on intercultural dialogue.

Contact (1) Full Name
Tina Wilchen Christensen
Head of the organisation
Tina Wilchen Christensen


National Network

Gregorčičeva ulica 6SI - 6000 KoperSlovenia
6000 Koper

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
PiNA is an organisation for social development based on the following principles: Respect for basic human rights and democratic principles; Active participation of individuals in the community and cultural engagement; Respect for the environment and focus on sustainable development; Critical thought and ethical operation; Life-long learning and holistic approach to education.
Mission and Objectives

Our contribution to social development is put into practice in the following ways:
Education and training under the principles of informal education, to develop fundamental skills, values and approaches for the holistic development of responsible individuals;
Organisation of various awareness and educational events, such as cultural events, conferences, seminars, fairs...;
Publishing educational and informational material, such as manuals, promotional brochures, bulletins...;
Offering multimedia and web solutions for information and education, such as videos, documentaries, web pages, webinars, intermedia installations...;
Planning and performance of different cooperation processes regarding decision-making in public issues;
Raising awareness and advocacy for specific groups;
Performing analyses, offering opinions and recommendations or other forms of expertise;
Performing specific fieldwork projects;
Providing other non-governmental institutions, social enterprises, informal groups and artists with support, mentoring and coaching;
Cooperating with domestic and international partners, and participation in international organisation networks.

Main Projects / Activities

The co-workers at PiNA work on three intertwined and complementary priority areas:
Under these areas, we:
develop activities
(i.e. PiNA TERMINAL, with which we send more than 60 individuals yearly for training abroad),
connect with other key players
(i.e. coordination of educational institutions, municipality representatives and non-governmental organisations in preparing the first youth analysis in the region),
promote active participation of the civil society
(i.e. the exchange of seeds or preparation of a community urban garden)
respond to existing needs providing any missing content
(i.e. the preparation of a didactic tool for teachers in primary and secondary schools for learning active citizenship).
During our years of operation, we have developed a wide network of quality partnerships, which consists of over 100 organisations in four continents. We are present in various networks and initiatives on a national and international level (the Network of Multimedia Centres Europe Direct Network, Plan B for Slovenia, Slovenian NGO platform for development cooperation and humanitarian aid – SLOGA, etc.). PiNA uses its staff and branched network of cooperatives to bring to partnerships an interdisciplinary approach and varied expert knowledge from the field of youths, participation, minorities, lifelong learning, creativity and European cooperation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Borut Jerman
Head of the organisation
Vid Tratnik

The Women's Courtyard

National Network

35 HaBa'al Shem Tov st,
Tel Aviv-Jaffo

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
In place is a team of 5 professional staff from varied therapeutic backgrounds, 7 social work students and more than 30 volunteers from varied educational backgrounds, language, age and family status. The Women’s Courtyard was founded and run by women. Annual Budget of USD450,000, most of it is secured for the year. Sources of income include local municipality, welfare ministry, private foundations, local business and private donors. The Courtyard operated the Open Space - a safe and empowering space for girls and women at-risk. The Women’s Courtyard collaborates with various organizations such as Israel’s Social Security program for Employment, Yedid, the Doula program of Diada, Peres Center for Peace, schools in Jaffa and others.
Mission and Objectives

The Women’s Courtyard is a unique multicultural, stigma-free framework that provides support and assistance for girls and young-adult women in distress and at-risk who reside in the cities of Tel Aviv-Jaffa and Bat Yam.
The organization promotes social justice, equal opportunities and the right of every woman and girl to achieve self-fulfillment in accordance with her will, aspirations and needs, independent of national origins or ethnicity. The organization employs professional staff members from the therapeutic field and dozens of volunteers who invest and dedicate their time and energy for the benefit and well-being of the women who participate in a wide-range range projects offered by the Courtyard.
While those in the Courtyard’s care come from varying backgrounds, including native Israelis, immigrants from Ethiopia and Bukhara, Muslim and Christian Arabs, and others, the vast majority have one unfortunate and seemingly inescapable challenge in common: coping with life on the extreme margins of Israeli society.
The Courtyard’s central objectives are as follows:
• The development and implementation of an innovative and unique model for treating young women and girls aged 13-25 who are in distress and at-risk
• Sharing and publishing the Courtyard’s expertise and thus contribute to the promotion of a serious and informed discourse required for broad social transformation and to promote the adaptation of the Courtyard’s unique model for use by other NGO’s or communities

Main Projects / Activities

The organization’s vision of creating social change by addressing all aspects of girls’ and women’s lives is reflected in the three main projects in operation today:
• The Open Space Project – serving as an all-female forum for professional guidance, positive peer contact, individual care and group support;
• Employment and Advocacy Project - offering tools and guidance in support of project participants’ efforts to lift themselves out of economic hardship;
• Halfway Apartment – providing safe lodging, support and further empowerment of young women who seek to leave their homes and go on to independent living.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Women's Courtyard developed a special practice of working with girls at-risk. We are partners in many local round tables efforts, the forum fighting poverty in Israel and others. We are working with hundreds of girls and the community surrounding them, dozens of "friends" and volunteers.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We strongly believe in collaborations, knowledge sharing and round-table work. We are interested in joining other Israeli orgs to lead together a new and different path for social change

Contact (1) Full Name
Mirit Sidi
Head of the organisation
Mirit Sidi
Contact (2) Full Name

The Center for Young Adults - Afula and the Valleys

National Network

1 Yitzhak Rabin Av

Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
The Center for Young Adults is an address for young adults between the ages 18-35 in four main fields: Employment and Career development, Higher education, Social involvement and Leisure & culture. The center functions and funded by the JDC, Government offices (Negev-Galil, Defense, Immigrant absorption), Foundations (Gruss, Gandyr) and the Municipality of Afula. Each field has its own coordinator and a general director. The center is subordinate to the culture, young adults and sport administration in the Municipality of Afula. The center for young adults serves as a regional center, to which young adults not only from Afula can receive the necessary services.
Mission and Objectives

The Center for Young Adults offer disadvantaged young adults the skills and information on which to build productive adult lives.
Services include counseling regarding higher education, vocational training and employment readiness as well as encourages community-building and leadership opportunities.
The project has clear goals, each with a specific objective:
1) To help young adults from Afula secure meaningful employment and encourage those with an academic background to develop marketable careers;
2) To market the Center to employers and local young adults as the regional resource for the creation of employment opportunities and manpower solutions;
3) To build parternships and establish joint activities with the private, nonprofit and government sectors to boost regional employment;
4) To integrate a wider cross-section of Afula's young adults into the city's social welfare activities and help them take a role in communal leadership; 5) To enable young adults to impact Afula's community and to develop forums to engage them in issues that are at the forefront of Israeli society

Main Projects / Activities

Among projects and activities the center creates one can find
1) Seminars on employment;
2) A program to help young people without an academic background develop employable skills;
3) Employment / Career Development Fair
4) A young parents leadership forum with seminars on general life-skills, awareness of various municipal leaders, and meetings to plan community projects;
5) Activities to strengthen communal identification;
6) The development of an Arab-Jewish alliance that will engage in various cultural and social welfare endeavors;
7) An ecology program;
8) A club for physically challenged young adults.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The center for young adults in Afula can contribute to the network in Israel by bringing the abilities and knowledge of the center to the "round table" of organizations that deal with the same target population that we deal with. Sharing knowledge, learning from each other, establish a meaningful relationship is important component for the center for young adults in Afula, for the young adults that sees the center as an address for their problems and issues and for the future advancement of those young adults.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The ALF Network offers the possibility for the Center for young adults to become more significant for young adults than today.
The connection and cooperation between organizations that involve in similar issues makes it easier for us to influence on the lives of young adults that have different needs and problems.
The ALF Network will permit us to be more efficient in young adults treatment and of course well connected to other organizations in the field.

Contact (1) Full Name
Avi Barkav
Head of the organisation
Avi Barkav

chi rom e...chi no

National Network

Via Rossini, 6 Mugnano , Naples- Italy post code 80018

+39 0818664216
+39 0818664216
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+39. 3392784528
Mobile Phone (other)
+39 3388525697
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The association of social promotion chi rom e…chi no originated and established in Scampia, a northern suburb of Naples, Italy in 2002. There are 9 member of staff, and 50 partners in all country. In a year the association chi rom e...chi no realize intercultural and educational projects with international and national partners, so the annual budget is about 40.000/ 50.000 euro. The actions aimed at supporting both Roma and Italian children, youths and adults are the laboratories of literacy, construction and crafts, recreational and expressive, important opportunities to meet represented by summer camps and workshops in preparation for the local carnivál, the theatre productions, participation in events for meeting, socializing and reflection related to the re-appropriation of public spaces, intended as a common patrimony. Chi rom e…chi no, has been producing independent interventions, workshops and projects as well as in partnership with associations, schools, public institutions, cultural organizations and city, national, and international agencies in Scampia. The social survey designed to produce publications and audio-visual productions is part of the research that accompanies the social and pedagogical practices in place. Main partners of our organitation are: UNAR (National Bureau against Racial Discrimination), Regional Council, the City of Naples, Province, Municipality and Social Policy Office, Asunen Romalen – Cultural Association of Roma People, OsservAzione - Centre for Research-Action against discrimination toward Roma and Sinti, Compare – social promotion association and Mammut - territorial center of Scampia,• Coop Project Ahead, a cooperative born in 2001 in Naples providing consulting to National and International Boards and Organizations, Euclid Network, a growing community of civil society professionals who want to connect across borders for a stronger, more innovative and sustainable European civil society; Unicredit Foundation, is the non-profit Corporate Foundation created in March 2003 by UniCredit Bank.
Mission and Objectives

The association chi rom e...chi no had to date the challenge to give a contribute to the requalification of the quarter Scampia and the whole city in its cultural, social, economic, ethic point of view, to contribute to open a new perception, without any kind of discrimination of the Roma community by the Italian one.
The targets we have set for ourselves are to strengthen social cohesion, overcoming prejudice through the identification of needs and aspirations and the activation of cultural processes of individual and collective empowerment, leading to a complete life with decency and awareness.
The methodology of action research, which guides us in the design and elaboration of the action, combines the use of tools such as direct observation like socio-geographic research with the regular production of audio-visual materials and other documents, all available to the public.

Main Projects / Activities

La Kumpania – Intercultural Gastronomic Journeys, designed to help overcome racial and ethnic discrimination in the development of entrepreneurship in the restaurant business by a group of Roma and Italian women, subject to difficulties in integrating cultural, social and working life, through activities that develop and encourage participation in community life and paths of individual autonomy.
Participation in research The system of protection of Roma and Sinti (2011), children in Campania carried out under the project funded by the European Commission and ERRC conducted in collaboration with OsservAzione, research action against discrimination of Roma and Sinti. We have achieved positive results in fostering the peaceful encounter, dialogue, and co-existence between the Roma and Italian communities. We have been experimenting anti-discriminatory practices, that aim to involve all of the significant actors in making things together.
Journey into memory (2005), funded by the European Community under the Youth-Initiatives for young people, addressing about 700 pupils of Italian and foreign compulsory school: 20 adolescents, 30 adults including 15 women both Romas and Italians.
Arrevuoto (2006-11) educational theatre project carried out with Mercadante - Teatro Stabile of Naples.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The association chi rom e...chi no had to date the challenge to give a contribute to the requalification of the quarter Scampia and the whole city in its cultural, social, economic, ethic point of view, to contribute to open a new perception, without any kind of discrimination of the Roma community by the Italian one, to imagine concrete and dignified perspectives of future and live for both Roma and Italian community.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe that the paths starting from common interests and actions are aimed at exchanging experiences, discoveries and knowledge, to promote cooperation through active participation, to achieve the conditions in which everyone, whether child, adolescent or adult, may be more conscious of the world around him, make it his own and contribute to change it in the perspective of individual and collective growth.
We believe there are many similarities with the actions and objectives of ALF Network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Daniela Iennaco
Head of the organisation
Barbara Pierro
Contact (2) Full Name
Barbara Pierro

Alkedo Onlus

National Network

Via Pergola 26

+39 0584 1780261
+39 06 62276768
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
The Association ALKEDO ONLUS was established in 2007 at the initiative of people working for years in the areas of environmental protection of Tuscany. The Association is a non-profit social operating profit by protecting, enhancing and promoting the historical, archaeological, artistic, natural and environmental awareness and encouraging their use. The association is registered in the ONLUS ALKEDO only non-profit organization at the direction of the region of Tuscany, a little number from 17/04/2007 IPS070502007. The association is a member and ALKEDO ONLUS Tuscany regional branch of the National Federation Pro Natura. The Ministry of Labour and Social Policy with Decree No. 143/2/2001 put Alkedo non-profit organization into the National Register of Associations of social promotion. The Association ALKEDO is registered as accredited agents of the Tuscany Region, in accordance with L.R. 5 / 2002, by resolution of the Bureau of 12/04/2011, No. 39. ALKEDO is registered like non-profit organization in the official register of the municipalities of: Stazzema, Seravezza, Forte dei Marmi and Pietrasanta (doc.No 1966 of 19.07.2011), it is also in the Register of Experts on Environmental Education of the Province of Lucca (​​doc. No 2962 of 07.06.2011) and in the Register of the organizers of cultural activities in the province of Lucca ( doc. N.2896 of 06/01/2011). Alkedo Onlus Association operates mainly in volunteering with a Governing Council composed of three members elected every three years unless renewed. Operators who work with the association are guides and environmental educators with expertise in the field of education, who has been working in this field by using programs designed specifically for the school and widely experienced in their validity. The association works with its volunteers in the construction and maintenance of pedestrian paths and environmental, health surveillance and protection and promotion of the historical territory of Versilia, restoring degraded areas and contributing to the reinstatement of the green heritage. Currently have 2 employed and the everage budget per year is 33.000 euros: of that €1000 came from public finance , €6000 from contributions of the members and donations and €25000 from other sources.
Mission and Objectives

The Association ALKEDO was and is a constant point of reference for citizens and institutions for the promotion of all initiatives aimed at safeguarding the environment and the cultural and historical elements that make it unique in the area of ​​ historical Versilia (Seravezza Forte dei Marmi, Pietrasanta and Stazzema) in collaboration with the Institute for Historical Lucchese.

Main Projects / Activities

The Association ALKEDO was and is a constant point of reference for citizens and institutions for the promotion of all initiatives aimed at safeguarding the environment and the cultural and historical elements that make it unique in the area of ​​ historical Versilia (Seravezza Forte dei Marmi, Pietrasanta and Stazzema) in collaboration with the Institute for Historical Lucchese.
Since 2007 the Association ALKEDO operates in agreement with the City of Stazzema (which owns it), the Center for Environmental Education “Eco-Hostel La Pania "guaranteeing the promotion and enjoyment to the public and involving citizens in the focus group on historical issues and environmental courses and summer camps focused on environmental sustainability forming educational projects at primary and secondary schools of the district.ALKEDO is part of the "Movimento camminare per conoscere" that is committed to growing up the walking and trekking way of life and let it know at all the local and national italian governments.
ALKEDO take part in "Project Global 2012," a program of international cultural cooperation and synergy created by the Club of Bucharest in a network to gather all people and organizations in the world supporting a human future, peaceful and sustainable .

Contact (1) Full Name
Lorenzo Belli
Head of the organisation
Lorenzo Belli


National Network

80 bis rue de l'Ouest 75014

0033 1 432197 09
Mobile Phone
00 33 6 12 22 53 51
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
La Plate-Forme Migrants et Citoyenneté Européenne (PMC) a été créée en 1997 sous l'impulsion d'une centaine d'associations et organisations issues de l'immigration. En 2003, cette structure a évolué pour prendre le statut d'organisation non-gouvernementale et adopter son nom actuel. Depuis 2006, PMC réunit en Forum 300 associations en provence de 24 pays. Etant représentée par le Président M. Rios Miguel et le Sécrétaire Général M. Djaiz, PMC se donne comme objéctif être le référent pour nos organisations.
Mission and Objectives

PMC est une association à vocation internationale qui travaille, à l'aide de son réseau; à la construciton d'une société européenne ouverte à tous et à la promotion d'une citoyenneté européenne. Elle joue un rôle d'envergure pour le développement des associations issues de l'immigration.

Main Projects / Activities

D'impulser la création d'un réseau durable, autonome pour renforcer des liens entre les associations migrantes ou issues de l'immigration membre de PMC et les institutions nationales et Européenne Comment par la formation des acteurs par l'information l'accompagnement des porteurs de projet la mise en réseau et la recherche des partenaires par la réalisation des conférences sur des thèmes touchant les droits fondammentaux (voir doc)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Par dela nos actions qui est la sensibilisation et la formation nous souhaitons créer une dynamique d'échange entre FAL et notre organisation soit par le biais des contributions aux débats que nous réalisons soit par l'intermédiaire action/projets

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Nous avons actuellement des associations issues des quartiers qui souhaitent élargir leur base au niveau européen. Pmc -Europe souhaite leur données cette possibilité, également le FAL pourrais être pour nous un point d'appui dans le cadre d'une contruction de projet ou d'action c'est pour celà que nous souhaitons rejoindre le réseau FAL

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Luis Miguel Ruiz Rios

Projet Aladin

National Network

8 rue de Prague 75012

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The Aladdin Project is an independent international organization based in Paris. The twenty personalities on its Board are from different countries, cultures and religions, united in the belief that the power of knowledge and education can vanquish the chasms created by ignorance, prejudice, hate and competing memories.Since its launch under the patronage of UNESCO in March 2009, it has been supported by more than 1,000 intellectuals, academics and public figures from over 50 countries in the Middle East, Africa, Europe and North America. The project’s expert committees focus on specific areas of activity and projects, including the Academic Committee, chaired by Professor Abdou Filali-Ansary, the Book Committee, chaired by Jean Mouttapa, and the Interfaith Working Group jointly chaired by René Samuel Sirat, the former Chief Rabbi of France, and Egypt’s Dr. Aly Elsamman, president of the International Organization for Intercultural and Interfaith Dialogue and Peace Education. Each project, once approved by the Board, is led by a project director, who works under the supervision of the relevant committee of experts. Progress and evaluation reports are periodically submitted to the committee and the Board. The Aladdin Project’s executive director is Abe Radkin, former executive director of the UK Human Rights Foundation.Our sources of funding are grants from foundations, governments, international organizations, as well as corporate and individual donations.
Mission and Objectives

The goal of the Aladdin Project is to promote harmonious intercultural relations, particularly among Christians, Muslims and Jews, and to facilitate mutual knowledge by producing and translating books, films, documentaries, Web sites and other sources of information in the languages of the concerned populations and by using the modern media to reach out to those who yearn and work for peace and mutual respect.

Main Projects / Activities

A Multilingual website and Aladdin Digital and
Nine classic books on the Holocaust, including Primo Levi’s “If This Is a Man” and Anne Frank’s “Diary of a Young Girl”, have been translated for the first time into Arabic and Persian. These books are available in paperback format and can also be downloaded free of charge on the website of the Aladdin Digital Library.From Rabat to Baghdad: first-ever Holocaust history lectures in the Muslim world: the Aladdin Project organized a series of conferences in ten cities in North Africa and in the Middle East entitled “Reading Primo Levi in the Muslim world.” From Rabat to Baghdad, the cities included Casablanca, Tunis, Cairo, Istanbul, Amman, Nazareth and Erbil. Claude Lanzmann’s SHOAH on television in Turkey and Iran
The Aladdin Project has translated and subtitled the film Shoah by Claude Lanzmann in Arabic, Persian and Turkish. The film was telecast on the Iranian satellite television channel, Pars. Turkey’s state-owned television, TRT, started showing the film on January 26, 2012 and more than 5 million viewers watched it.“Shared Histories”: a unique collection of twelve books on the history of Jewish-Muslim relations in Islamic lands.“Know the religion of thy Neighbor”:
A project to educate young imams, priests and rabbis about the religion of the Other. "Know the religion of thy Neighbor" aims to produce a collection of texts approved by the highest authorities of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

Contact (1) Full Name
Abraham Radkin
Head of the organisation
Anne-Marie Revcolevschi

Youth Economic Forum (YEF)

National Network

Badaro, Boulevard Sami Solh, Al Labban Bldg., 6th floor
Beirut 1102

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

Youth Economic Forum has an elected steering Committee of 5 members (president, vice president, treasurer, secretary and accountant). Currently the staff members are 4 (program coordinator, program assistant, policy researcher and communication officer). The Youth Economic Forum has members, interns and volunteers.

Mission and Objectives

• Act as a platform for economic dialogue among youth, policymakers and experts from various backgrounds (political and nonpolitical) • Raise recommendations and suggestions to the pertinent policymakers and stakeholders • Empower forum members through knowledge sharing in a relation to policy processes related to public finance , public budgeting and socio-economic issues • Facilitate access to forum members to government training , conferences and research opportunities • Facilitate access to public sector activities and relevant information • Raise awareness of youth on the economic policymaking process and pertinent economic policy issues

Main Projects / Activities

• Organize economic roundtables among youth, policymakers and experts from various backgrounds (political and nonpolitical). • Hold regular brainstorming and consultation sessions with relevant policymakers • Issue policy briefs and policy initiatives • Train and coach youth groups to policy design and policymaking mechanisms.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

After 5 years of successful development of its mandate and mission, the YEF wishes to widen the framework of its focus, from Lebanon to other Mediterranean countries, through partnerships and contacts with relevant organizations and youth clubs, which mandate and aims are close to that of the YEF. How can you contribute to the Network in your country? The YEF is an established NGO specialized in debating socioeconomic issues and in transmitting the complex notion of public policies to youth groups, students and young professionals. Acting as a platform of dialogue, debate and research, the YEF can offer a perfect stage for the members of the network to gather and carry out interesting exchanges and discussions.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

After 5 years of successful development of its mandate and mission, the YEF wishes to widen the framework of its focus, from Lebanon to other Mediterranean countries, through partnerships and contacts with relevant organizations and youth clubs, which mandate and aims are close to that of the YEF.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Karim El Mufti
Head of the organisation
Mr. Karim El Mufti


National Network

Pylimo 29-7A, LT-01309

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Public institution “Culture Menu” was founded in 2009 in Vilnius, Lithuania by Egle Deltuvaite as a co-operational culture platform for artists, culture, private and public institutions. Main activities: • Publishes books of high artistic and cultural value; • Organizes exhibitions in Lithuania and abroad; • Organizes International Art Photography Festival in Vilnius “In Focus”; • Represents Lithuanian and foreign artists in all their activities; • Intermediates between artists, public and private sectors and international organizations; • Organizes and participates in various trainings, seminars, workshops conferences and other educational programs; • Consults artists, culture operators and other institutions; • Collects, saves and spreads information about artists and their activities; • Cooperates with other organizations in Lithuania and abroad in achieving its objectives. At the moment, officially there is one person – director, with the plan that in the second part of next year the human recourses will grow to several persons. Despite this, there is a team of artists and culture managers, art critics and volunteers involved in successful development of the organization. It has a strong basis on experience of arts and culture management and network of partners from Portugal to Japan. Organization also has necessary technical and IT equipment for everyday activities’ needs. Budgetary recourses seek from 30 000 to 40 000 Eur per year. Sources of funding: local and international foundations, private sponsors and partners.
Mission and Objectives

professional culture management services for artists, culture operators, public sector and international organizations as well as initiative and implementation of leading culture projects.
• strengthen the status of artists and culture in public life;
• intermediate between artists, culture operators, public and privates sectors and other segments of society;
• tender professional and effective culture management services in every field of activity;
• develop best traditions in publishing culture books;
• develop critical position of the society and encourage knowledge of Lithuanian and world's cultures.
• awake important social issues trough the language of art;
• represent Lithuanian and world's culture and art.

Main Projects / Activities

In 2010, “Culture Menu” will produce:
• Second International Art Photography Festival in Vilnius “In Focus”, 2010
• Arles Photography Festivals’ Award of the Year – Rimaldas Vikšraitis’ – exhibition in “Piekary” gallery, Poznan, Poland.
• Exhibition “Lithuanian Photography from 1960’ till 2010”: gallery “Fotoforum West”, Insbruk, Austria
• Arturas Valiauga photography book “Japan Daily Menu”.

Contact (1) Full Name
Eglė Deltuvaitė
Head of the organisation
Eglė Deltuvaitė