
National Network

Syggrou 224 Athens 17672

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Others
General Information
NewSchool.Athens is an educational institution focused on the creative arts and media. It is privately funded through donations and tuition fees. The School organizes workshops and seminars for Greeks and non Greeks.It is a partner of the Norwegian AntonBNilsen an educational group with 30,000 students.
Mission and Objectives

NewSchool.Athens's purpose is to establish Greece as en educational center of excellence that can attract students from all over the world. It is focused on the creative professions, photography, film, animation and gaming. Its

Main Projects / Activities

NewSchool.Athens organizes short workshops lasting from 1 week to 3 months in Athens and other locations in Greece. In addition it organizes exhibitions and festivals showcasing student's work.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our culture is explicitly oriented towards foreign cooperation. We will be happy to share our experiences with working across borders and across cultures. We are bringing a fresh perspective on cultural education.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our founding principle is to introduce international level education to Greece. As such, cooperation with similar institutions to ours that are focused in Art and Cultural Education. We would like to expand our cooperation to include other countries outside Norway.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ion Tsakonas
Head of the organisation
Ion Tsakonas

Lo and Behold

National Network

Stratigou Dagli 135


0030 2110152186
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0030 6945945732
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Lo and Behold is a non-profit organization based in Athens and founded in 2008 by a group of artists, curators and other art professionals. It operates exclusively in a volunteer non profit bases and its sources of funding come from a network of members and supporters who contribute an annual membership. The field of action is contemporary art and the modalities are curated projects, exhibitions, workshops, artist talks, multiple artworks production. Its budgetary resources available in a year vary from 5.000 to 10.000 Euros Some of the partners involved so far to Lo and Behold projects are: Art Athina, Supermarket Stockholm Art Fair, Beton7 contemporary arts center
Mission and Objectives

The objectives of Lo and Behold are to create contemporary art projects based on original concepts and establish a network of artists and art professionals in the European area

Main Projects / Activities

Space is the place, 2010, Athens
Fovos, 2011, Athens
Pigs Case, 2011, Stockholm, Athens
After the Rage, 2011, Athens
Public Domain, 2012, Stockholm

Contact (1) Full Name
Giorgos Papadatos
Head of the organisation
Nikos Papadimitriou, Artemis Potamianou, Giorgos Papadatos
Contact (2) Full Name
Nikos Papadimitriou

Milos Educational Womens Collacoration Mewcat

National Network

Fylakopi GR 84800 Milos

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
MEWCAT is a non- profit association of Civil Law, founded in 1991, targeting the support and development of innovative educational material tailored to specific user needs. Mewcat specializes in developing Language material for the less spoken language Modern Greek for specific target groups and adapted to specific needs. Mewcat has mainly been occupied with the development of innovative language learning material and informal language education for the target languages Modern Greek, whilst always focusing on the intercultural dialogue taking place between Greeks and visitors to the Greece. Itt has always been leading in applying new technology tools to certain language requirements, like for remote Greek islands, being the first to install info points with touch screens in Greece or providing a Greek Language course via mobile phones for the visitors of the Olympic Games in 2004. Mewcat’s aims are - language education, intercultural communication and informal language and vocational training - education through new technologies - improvement of services in tourism sector Within these aims Mewcat has been carrying out various EU funded projects since its foundation, many of them targeting Language Education or being focused on informal learning of Modern Greek. (YASSOU intercultural communication course 1991-1995/AD-HOC Mobile Language Learning Tool 2004/InLET Language via mobile phones 2006, ELM Estonian Language and Mind) It carries out Language Learning Seminars for learners of Modern Greek, tandem courses for the intercultural communication and Vocational Training Programs for target groups involved in the Tourism Sector. In the Project S&L Mewcat will be responsible for the development and adaptation for all material in and to the Greek language, for ensuring authenticity of language and for the evaluation of the product in all stages of it’s development. Mewcat will help to ensure the suitability of the Product for it’s application and use by young people in Greece, who due to various reasons want to acquire some language skills. It will also test the product with selected groups of foreign students at Greek Universities. Mewcat’s staff exists of language teachers and professionals in the Tourism Industry and free lancer staff is involved in various training activities. The director Yvonne von Beck Language Teacher for German, English and Greek specializes in language course development and Media production (various TV Courses, video courses, new technology applications). Ms von Beck is involved in National and European initiatives for the support, maintenance and facilitation of the learning of less spoken languages like Modern Greek. In general Mewcat’s role in the S&L project will be to test, evaluate, validate the newly developed product and to adapt strategies and technologies for the Greek language policies in close cooperation with decision makers in Greece and new technology providers for mobile communication.
Mission and Objectives

Intercultural Dialogue and understanding, sustainable development, youth educaton and support of disadvantaged regions

Main Projects / Activities

Environment protection and sustainable development
various EU funded projects since its foundation, many of them targeting Language Education or being focussed on informal learning of Modern Greek. (YASSOU intercultural communication course 1991-1995/AD-HOC Mobile Language Learning Tool 2004/InLET Language via mobile phones 2006, ELM Estonian Language and Mind) It carries out Language Learning Seminars for learners of Modern Greek, tandem courses for the intercultural communication and Vocational Training Programs for target groups involved in the Tourism Sector.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

enlarge network, promote network, apply strategies in remote Greek

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To support Intercultural Dialogue, Mutual Understanding in the Mediterranean Region, to get in contact with other mediterranean Organisation with similar aims

Contact (1) Full Name
Yvonne von Beck
Head of the organisation
Yvonne von Beck
Contact (2) Full Name
Katerina Kanakari


National Network

2, Panagia Goumera str, Thermi
PO box D 1436
57001 Thessaloniki

0030 2310 420 489
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

The NGO AENAO was established in 2006 and is actively involved in the field of non- formal education by developing and implementing a number of projects to promote health and social issues, as well as contributing in the development of cognitive, emotional, and behavioural skills. Moreover, it occupies a group of volunteers from a variety of scientific fields, and experienced scientists coordinate each project contributing by this way in its effectiveness. AENAO every year submita a variety of projects (training courses, youth exchanges, conference and production of educational manual) under the umbrella of Youth in ACTION program, Grundtvig, Invest in People Program and Black Sea Basin Joint Operational Program

Mission and Objectives

AENAO, aims to: • Promote health by creating networks and implementing projects based on non-formal education and learning by experience methodology • Undertake national and international collaboration with reliable agents, in order to exchange experience and best practices • Design programs that encourage social cohesion, protect the human rights and respect the environment • Empower women to take initiatives and improve their socio-economic status • Empower young people, enhance and build their personal skills. • Inform society on innovative programs and activities which are conferences, seminars, meetings, etc. • Organize campaigns and initiatives that benefit the society

Main Projects / Activities

Addicted to life (2006) Smoking prevention (2007) Fight for life (2008) Crash test revised (2010) Creative interpersonal relations(2010) The violet project (2011) Captaik Cook (2011) Youth and the City (2011) Environment and Volunteerism (2011) IST: Smoking prevention (2010-2012) IST: Conflict Management (2011 -2013)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

AENAO can share the experience and knowledge acquired as the result of the projects that has implemented in the last years.Moreover, AENAO using the enthusiasm and creativity of its members can suggest innovative ideas for promoting change and better quality of life

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ALF network it offers the opportunity to cooperate with other organisations which have the same interests, objectives and ambitions to mobilize individuals and to fuel change in the specific geographical region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Katerina Gerolympou
Head of the organisation
Catherine Amoutzia

Goossun Art-illery

National Network

Store kannikestræde 19,2
Copenhagen K

0045 28 85 75 34
Organisation Type
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Goossun Art-illery organizes master classes, gives talks, makes workshops etc.
Mission and Objectives

Look at the website for events:

Main Projects / Activities

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Vahid Evazzadeh

Jeunes Volontaires Tunisiens

National Network

13, rue El Mochtari, Tunis-Carthage 2035

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

président, vice président, secrétaire général, resp. ressources humaines, resp. communication, resp.Formation, resp. relations extérieures, trésorier. une centaine de volontaires avec 40 membres.

Mission and Objectives

- Soutenir et encadrer les classes défavorisées : orphelins, individus porteurs d’handicap, personnes âgées; - Procurer un encadrement scolaire, culturel et social aux enfants; - Former et sensibiliser la population à des sujets de santé publique d’une part et soutenir les souffrants d’autre part; - Promouvoir la conscience populaire de l’environnement et participer à la lutte contre les dangers auxquels la nature peut être exposée.

Main Projects / Activities

Parmi les projets cruciaux de la JVT figure le programme « Actions Contre la Pauvreté » dont la première instigation est la prise en charge de la région frontalière d’El Ghorra qui se situe sur les flancs tuniso-algériens et qui agonise sous le poids de conditions socio-économiques écœurantes vu l’indigence poignante que vivent ses habitants. Notre programme de prise en charge a pour objectifs d’améliorer la situation humanitaire et sociale de la zone ainsi que de créer des solutions radicalement efficaces pour venir en aide à ses habitants.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- élargir la capacité d’intervention politique et sociale des pouvoirs locaux et développer des initiatives communes.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

- s'identifier et soutenir le développement du Forum Social Mondial. - échanger des initiatives locales d’inclusion sociale et de démocratie participative avec la participation des mouvements sociaux.

Contact (1) Full Name
Wael Soltani
Head of the organisation
Yassine Gaidi
Contact (2) Full Name
Maher Lassoued

Gaza Association For Culture And Arts

National Network

Gaza - Al Rimal - Al Rasheed Street / Off Al Shuhada Street - West of Haider Abdul Shafi Roundabout / (Al Mina) Al Bitar Building - 1st Floor - General Union of Cultural Centers
Palestinian Territories

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Gaza Association For Culture And Arts:   It is established in Gaza city as nongovernmental and nonprofit organization, registered in the ministry of interior according to the civil assemblies and associations law no. 12000. it's registered under no. 7466 since 13 august 2005. it's also registered in the ministry of culture under no. 100/2006/gh/769 since 25 May 2006. it's member of the general union of cultural centers since 2006. Its field of work is cultural and artistic. The duration of the board are 3 years, it's selected through the election. The activity of the association extends to all the governorates of the country. The institution message : The association of Gaza Association For Culture And Arts is nonprofit institution aims to keep on the national identify and enrich the Palestinian artistic and cultural scene which depend on contemporary  civilized basis. The general targets : Spreading the different aspects of culture and arts in the Palestinian society and concentrating on their role in achieving civilized message. Developing the civil society and the skills and abilities of the innovators and working on organizing their cultural actions. Rising the society awareness by the human rights through supporting the democracy cultural and international legitimacy through the artistic work. Rising the abilities of the association to play in the society in the fields of culture and arts.  
Mission and Objectives

The innovation and difference in keeping on the Palestinian cultural identify and heritage

Main Projects / Activities

Some of the achievements of the association :
The association implemented some of the cultural projects and activities such as the play "game over", concert of Mahmoud Darwish "Why did you leave the horse alone?" and the exhibitions: "Something must happen" by participating 35 artists, "Object" and "Retouch". It also implemented cinematic shows for narrative and documentary films and concluded cultural meetings and workshops about different literary and intellectual issues such as "prose poem days" and some of poetic evenings. The association celebrated number of the international cultural occasions  such as the poetry  day, the theatre day, human right day, woman day, child day and heritage day. Add to that it celebrated some the local cultural occasions such as the Palestinian cultural day. Finally it honored some of the writes, and implemented some of the voluntary days.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ashraf sahwiel
Head of the organisation
Ashraf sahwiel

Viialan keskustan koulu / Viiala Central School

National Network

Turuntie 3 37830 Viiala

Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Viiala Central School is a public primary school, located in municipality of Akaa in Southern Finland. We have classes from pre-school to 6th grade, children aged from 5-13. We have also 3 classes for children of special needs. In our school there is also a kindergarten for preschool children and an after school day care for 1st and 2nd graders. The number of pupils is around 430. We have 26 teachers and 23 school assistants in our school. Viiala Central School is dependent on public funding. Our annual budget is around 1500000e.
Mission and Objectives

1. Promote different cultures and social environments in schools, create the interaction between the students and the staff from different cultures
2. Teach children to accept and understand dissimilarity
3. Reinforce children's cultural identity and help the to create personal contacts with children from completely different environments
5. help children to understand the similarities and differences in the ways different cultures

Main Projects / Activities

Viiala Central School is :
• focused in educational and pedagogical progress.
• next becoming 3 years are focused in inclusion and flexible teaching methods and structures in every school level
• international communication and multicultural issues are very high valued the school
Viiala Central School has involved in many international projects founded by EU and the Finnish Board of education. Multicultural education is one of the main points in our curriculum.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We want to promote peace education and be a link in multicultural education in our country.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joining ALF gives us a possibility for dialogue and co-operation with in the countries involved in this association.

Contact (1) Full Name
Kaija-Leena Salovaara
Head of the organisation
Kaija-Leena Salovaara

L'ENTREPÔT - Galerie

National Network

50. Bd du Jardin Exotique

+377 93 30 01 17
+377 93 50 67 18
Mobile Phone
+33 6 28 06 75 86
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Entreprise personnelle 2 personnes financement privé Créations d’évènements caritatifs
Mission and Objectives

Faire connaître des artistes émergents en leur offrant une vitrine à Monaco

Main Projects / Activities

Outre la recherche d'artistes et l'organisation d'expositions (activité principale, les évènements crées visent à mélanger tous types d'arts - piano vidéo,..
Projet pour septembre : 1 ère mondiale des 3 concertos piano (et vidéo) de Philip Glass

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

création d'évènements

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

participer à des Evénements dans le domaine de l'art et apporter ma contribution au développement d'artistes

Contact (1) Full Name
Daniel BOERI
Head of the organisation
Daniel BOERI

Cap sur Com

National Network

7 chemin du Mont-Gros

00 33 6 48 60 13 94
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
Association Loi 1901 Ressources : cotisations des membres, aides des collectivités
Mission and Objectives

Promotion des échanges internationaux
Création d'événements internationaux

Main Projects / Activities

Projet : création d'un événement gastronomique international

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

En mettant à disposition nos moyens d'informations et nos contacts avec les acteurs de la gastronomie tout autour de la Méditerranée

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

développer les contacts avec des acteurs impliqués dans les échanges inter-méditerranéens

Contact (1) Full Name
Jean-Michel POUPART
Head of the organisation
Jean-Michel POUPART