HEWAR for Peace & Development

National Network
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
1- Non-profit, non-governmental organization 2-The Center has its own independent financial budget.and it recieved the fund from international funds 3-The board of directors officially represents the Center under a clear, visible hierarchy. 4- Beneficiaries of the Center: women, university students, institution alumnus, Palestinian youth, the rural community in particular and overall Palestinian society in general.
Mission and Objectives

1-To entrench the principle of dialogue as an approach to societal growth and a base for development
2-To achieve rural development in culture, social and economic fields.
3-To launch programs that establishes the principle of dialogue in local Palestinian communities and encourages dialogue with other societies specialy Israeli community in a way that serves development, stability and peace in the region.
4-To activating very well the woman role .

Main Projects / Activities

The workshops and activities are mainly in the topics of democracy, empowerment, leadership, facilitation, conflict resolution and dialogue skills, future activities
• extended activities between 1993 to 2004 under the name of the Palestinian peace movement, and included :
- qualifying and training university students
- rehabilitation counselors and psychologists instructors from the schools of the West Bank and Gaza Strip
- the activities and workshops with many Israeli institutions and included many areas
- activities and workshops in the area of cultural development for groups of women, youth and children
• In 2004, after obtaining the status of a dialogue for development and peace legal authorization by the Ministry of the Interior Palestinian Center's work in several fields :
-development of women
-child development
-retraining professionals and academics
-open dialogue with segments of Israeli society is peace-loving
-qualifying and training university students
• Examples of projects implemented by the Center :
draft Comparative Literature-2004 \ 2005 (Israeli-Palestinian)
- Draft create young leaders of Palestinian university students in 2005
-Draft agents of change in partnership with the School of peace in an oasis of peace for a year (2006) in the segments of teachers, journalists, social service and mental health professionals, and doctors from both sides.
- Preparation Facilitators for the crew encounters
- draft peace has been implemented in Germany with Palestinian children And
children of different nationalities
Draft advocates for change in partnership with the School for peace in an oasis of peace for a year (2007-2008-2009) in the segments of lawyers , engineers , planners cities and mental health groups
-many of the other projects and various workshops.
Note: sorry the website will be ready soon.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohammed Joudeh
Head of the organisation
Abdel-karim Shamasneh
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohammed Shbaita

Jerusalemite Youth Cultural Forum

National Network
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+972 54-308-3300
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information

The Jerusalem Youth Cultural Forum is an association established in 2005, within the difficult political, and social circumstances which the holy town face for the loneliness and occupation siege imposed on Jerusalem. Through programs, activities and services presenting to the popular. Aiming to encourage and develop the youth activities to protect the traditions. Giving youth the chance to exercise traditions and cultural activities in its different fork. In addition to raise the cultural level of the public throughout seminars, lectures, courses and the educational artistic and cultural workshops. As well as developing artistic and innovative talents and developing a good use of potentials and skills in various fields. In addition, taking care of the Palestinian folklore and work to protect it from obliteration and extension through various folkloric activities, this is a main part of the forum interest. The JYCF is working on unification efforts through gathering with an association who works in cultural and traditional fields. The JYCF consider AL Quds band for popular arts one of its main arms who united with the JYCF to by one of its foundations and transferred to by working on a maximal level for all popular arts such as drawing ,dancing ,singing and playing instruments .as well as the cultural activities which aim to educate the nascent genders .although the band build a new band including children in order to develop and achieve its aims in protecting the traditions and transfer it between genders to be one of our identity . As well as developing Palestinian folkloric work and maintain it as a heritage passed on by our ancestors.

Mission and Objectives

1. Contribute to build the cultural, administrative, educational, traditional and social abilities of the youth. And contribute to reduce the suffering of children. 2. Enlightening Palestinian Youth in the area of Jerusalem, and rehabilitating and developing their abilities – being cultural, sportive, social and professional – and evoking their fundamental role in implementing the civil community institutions, and enhancing them to practice this role through researches, perception and the respect of intellectual and cultural diversification. 3. Enlightening the woman in the areas Jerusalem, and illustrating the importance of her role and stimulating her to fulfill her position side-by-side with the man; and achieving the principal of “Equal Opportunities” – in cooperation with the Women Institutions 4. Intensifying relations with the maximum possible number of Organizations, Associations and Youth Centers (being local or operating in the Arab Countries or abroad) who share the same objectives, in order to get acquainted with the cultures, habits, traditions and problems of youth – residing in the local regions as well as in the neighboring and friendly countries, through the Youth Exchange programs, that eventually serves upgrading and developing the Youth Sector in Jerusalem.

Main Projects / Activities

1. JYCF Palestinian Folkloric Dance (Dabkeh) group presented Palestine in festivals in, Ireland Festival, and in 2007 and won first and second price. 2. Yearly Children summer camps for arts and Heritage. 3. Execute the first period of the project "The popular art school" which aim to raise the educational and mental level of children through several fields of training as drawing, singing, drama work and folklore dances. 4. The Jerusalem first festival for popular arts aimed to exile the cultural retirement faced by the holly town. The festival continued for three days with the participation of nine singing and dancing bands .presenting the Palestinian popular traditions and culture on there own ways. 5. The plastic art exhibition: artistic works depending on popular traditions .who observe the Palestinian plastic art process find that their main objects and ore depending on the Palestinian traditions and holly land which reflect the rang of connection between Palestinian and their traditions and land .thirty five artists participate in this exhibition . 6. Popular traditional handwork bazaar aimed to represent the original traditional arts in a pleasure way. And to introduce the old traditions to the nascent genders especially needlework which carry an artistic value for it's an original art in its form, collars and solely coordination

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohammad Elias Awar
Job Title
General Manager
Head of the organisation
Mohammad Elias Awar
Contact (2) Full Name
Marwan Bashiti

Sabreen Association for Artistic Development

National Network

Sabreen Association for Artistic Development
Palestinian Territories

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
SABREEN started as a musical group in Jerusalem in 1980 and developed into SABREEN ASSOCIATION FOR ARTISTIC DEVELOPMENT in 1987 as a non-profit, community based organization that specializes primarily in promoting music and combining it with different artistic expressions and forms. Sabreen became a strong hub for individuals and organizations from all artistic backgrounds and disciplines. It is recognized locally and internationally and operates through its main office in Jerusalem and a branch office in Bethlehem.
Mission and Objectives

Music and music education in any culture must be rooted in, and grow out of, the music of that culture. Yet at the same time, for it to develop, it need incorporate new sounds and attitudes toward other cultures and their music... Bidayat efforts include development, coordination, implementation, and evaluation of such outreach programs.

Main Projects / Activities

• Building Competence and training programs: for music educators, which are geared toward the capacity build up of local music teachers in schools • Community music initiatives: this offers creative alternative music education and development programs to our local area youth • Music productions: which develop and produce audio and visual learning aids and create an encouraging environment to developing musicians and artists • Resource development and Research: that develop educational and music resources to schools, teaches as well as individuals and facilitate research on music making, music development, instrumentations and other related topics • Music networking: linking with other artistic groups, governmental and non-governmental organizations and making music information available and accessible.

Contact (1) Full Name
Said Murad
Head of the organisation

Al Majed women's association

National Network
+ 972 8 2552569
Telephone (other)
+ 972 8 2554383
+ 972 8 2554383
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Number of employed: 8 Budgetary resources available in 2008:140.000 $ sources of funding: funding from international association the main projects: Women and participation project funded by Norwegian peoples aid (NPA) open school project funded by - Norwegian association for NGOs for Palestine (NAN) training and rehabilitation of young women funded by Global fund of women protect children from homelessness funded by - SOS kinderdorf international developing skills of graduate women from university funded by World vision
Mission and Objectives

AL-MAJD Strategic vision
AL-MAJD plays a leading role in promoting sustainable community that is based on empowering marginalized women and developing children in the Middle Governorate to be active and responsible contributors to their community.
AL-MAJD Mission statement
AL-MAJD is an independent and non-profit Palestinian NGO with the purpose of promoting empowered sustainable community based on empowering women and developing children through capacity building of AL-MAJD and stakeholder organizations, networking and communication, women empowerment and child development programs. While implementing its strategy to fulfill its vision, AL-MAJD is guided by human rights principles including accountability and rule of law, transparency, tolerance, empowerment, participation and inclusion, equality, equity, non-discrimination and attention to vulnerable groups.

Main Projects / Activities

Women and participation project funded by Norwegian peoples aid (NPA)
open school project funded by - Norwegian association for NGOs for Palestine (NAN)
training and rehabilitation of young women funded by Global fund of women
protect children from homelessness funded by - SOS kinderdorf international
developing skills of graduate women from university funded by World vision

Contact (1) Full Name
Safaa lafi
Head of the organisation
Nawal Al Ghosen

Assirk Assaghir

National Network
+972 92337077
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+972 599748487
Mobile Phone (other)
+972 598014745
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Assirk Assaghir is a circus school based in Nablus, Palestine that is made up of motivated trainers and students. Concrete projects include continuous circus training for teenagers and children throughout the year. Other projects include summer clubs as well as all-female gymnastics classes. Assirk Assaghir has participated in different exchanges since its establishment including trips to Europe for circus festivals and hosting European trainers to volunteer in Nablus. Assirk Assaghir began as a volunteer-driven initiative with limited funding for equipment from circus groups in Europe. Now Assirk Assaghir has more funding and its own center. The budgetary resources available are 10,000 Euros in a year as of 2009. Assirk Assaghir's staff is made up of one full-time trainer/dirctor and one part-time trainer. Currently, the main partners involved in Assirk Assaghir's activities are Clowns Without Borders Sweden, Une Toile Contre Le Mur (France) and Circus Cabawazi (Germany).
Mission and Objectives

When one thinks of the on-going occupation in Palestine, the multiple checkpoints surrounding cities, frequent invasions by the Israeli army in the night and a high unemployment rate come to mind immediately. However, the more subtle effects, such as a lack of playgrounds in most neighborhoods, an unbelievably high student to teacher ratio in schools and almost no affordable extracurricular activities are the realities that affect the children. Assirk Assaghir focuses on combating these subtle effects of the occupation in order to provide children with a safe place to play, more individual attention than they get in schools and a fun extracurricular activity that builds skills and allows them to develop their personalities. Through alternatives to violence we are improving the physical and mental health of our participants. We provide a venue for them to express themselves, release frustration, develop skills, engage in dialogue and build hope for the future.

Main Projects / Activities

Asskir Assaghir provides circus workshops for children and teenagers in acrobatics, stilts, unicycle, clowning, juggling, trapeze, tissue and music as well as all-female classes in fitness and gymnastics. All activities require that the students encourage and support each other, creating an environment of trust where students feel free to take risks and express themselves. During the summer months Assirk Assaghir functions at full capacity with a summer club for children, daily workshops and multiple performances. In addition to the occasional performances by the students at the conclusion of their courses, the trainers and older groups of students are also asked to perform in many different centers around Nablus and in the refugee camps. Performing for the community allows Assirk Assaghir to reach more people than it is able to with the limited space and resources of its center. Other activities include trips to Europe for circus festivals and hosting international volunteers.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mahmoud Masri
Head of the organisation
Mahmoud Masri
Contact (2) Full Name
Baha Swidan

Al-Tariq "The Way" The Palestinian Institution for Development and Democracy

National Network

بعد الاطلاع على الملفات الخاصة بالمؤسسة من قبل وزارة الداخلية تبين ان هذه المؤسسة تم ايقافها عن العمل وانها غير قانونية
بعد الاطلاع على الملفات الخاصة بالمؤسسة من قبل وزارة الداخلية تبين ان هذه المؤسسة تم ايقافها عن العمل وانها غير قانونية

+972 2 2344554
+972 2 2340910
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+972 54 236969
Mobile Phone (other)
+972 54 6862550
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information

The Way “Al-Tariq” was legally registered as a non government organization (charitable society) in the beginning of 2006; founded by leading individuals in Palestinian society and Palestinian peace camp, who joined forces in order to build a grass root organization which supports democracy, dialogue and development in Palestine. The management of “Al Tariq” has many years of experience working in civil projects dealing with education towards dialogue, none violent conflict resolution, values of democracy and reconciliation in the Palestinian and Israeli society. Our main goal is to promote and implement the values of democracy into the Palestinian society were each citizen has individual’s rights and also a responsibility for the common good of the community. We believe that democracy and development are strongly connected, as democracy is crucial for development and for social justice. The success of democracy depends not only on the institutional forms that are adapted, but also on the vigor of practice. The opportunities created by political and civil rights have to be seized and used in line with our understanding of fairness and justice. The functioning of democracy depends to a great extent on its constructive role, since its achievement depends to a great extent on the actions of citizens, influenced by values and norms. The success of democracy depends ultimately on the emergence, sustaining and strengthening of values that make responsible democratic practice and consequential. Our projects emphasize on the education and practice of the values of democracy, none violent conflict resolution, dialogue and reconciliation, networking with other organizations and institutions in order to influence on as many people as possible, as through joint actions more groups of the society can benefit and be influenced.

Mission and Objectives

Goals • Influencing the Palestinian street by training and implementing the values of democracy on the local leadership, which will start a grass-root movement that will influence the civil society to change the current situation. • Education of youth and adults on the values of democracy especially none violent conflict resolution, dialogue and reconciliation. • Creation of a Youth Movement of “Al-Tariq” The Way through diverse educational activities, training courses and building of clubs will be for these children and youngster a second home. • Creating the first Palestinian Peace movement, which will be the platform and empowerment for Palestinians people and organizations who believe in the values of democracy, none violence and dialogue based on equality • Empowering the Palestinian woman, so that she will influence and take her rightful place in the society and political leadership. • Creating a network for Palestinian organizations that believe in the same goals, and are supported by a worldwide network of governments and organizations that assist the Palestinian people to create the viable democratic Palestinian State. • Influencing the Arabic and International media on the importance's of none violence and in condemning the people who call on violence, through the support of Palestinians and world wide leadership, we will try to spread our messages through the media. • Educating and supporting dialogue with Israelis and people from all around the globes based on mutual respect and equality.

Main Projects / Activities

On going activities of Al-Tariq: 1. Al -Tariq Resource Center Al- Ram – was opened in November 2008 its main objective is “Strengthening the role of the civil society through young adults whom are local leaders in their community, whom will promote democracy, none violence conflict resolution and human rights in Palestine”, which can be achieved through a long term process training and supporting young leaders to take actively part in the social change needed in Palestine. This can be achieved by creating a safe place where they receive training, support, have books/CD and computer usage, in order to get the needed tools to make a difference. The resource center is also used b as a meeting place by diverse Palestinian-Israeli dialogue groups, as we are located in area C which is accessible by Israeli and Palestinian. 2. Summer Camps – Since the year 2006 we have in summer vacation a summer camps for large number of children/youngster’s in their villages or cities, these camps run for a couple of weeks, in order that the children won’t be in danger from the military occupation whom they like to provoke in their boredom. We deepen their cultural knowledge; teach them civic rights and duties towards the community in which they are living. Showing them how each one by taking responsibility is able to influence on their surrounding and how they can help in solving problems in a democratic way. 3. Internet activity – are activities were dialogue is initiated through blogs, forums and at later stage video conferences between Palestinians, Israelis, Europeans and youngsters from other conflict areas. In 2005 we had a very good pilot experience which enabled us to see to importance in using the internet were all participants are equal and are in an neutral area, which is very important in order to have a equal and honest dialogue. 4. Education as dialogue - Teaching the Israeli-Palestinian conflict from different perspectives The overall objective to which the action aims to contribute is cross borders cooperation through education. That means enhancing the role of education in peace building in times of conflict and beyond. Regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict the project aims at transforming the role of education from its present function of perpetuating the conflict to a major factor in a peaceful solution, while Fostering the understanding and communication between Palestinian, Israelis and International teachers, in order to help developing new approaches and new manuals that reflect coexistence, peace, human rights in the spirit of UNESCO criteria.. These objectives include necessarily the Empowerment of teachers through teachers training which would give them the tools to develop different teaching approaches of the conflict, and orient them to a more dialogic way of discussion. 5.Young Palestinian and Israelis leaders for Peace and Reconciliation - We have started this program in 2007 in cooperation with the German organization Wings of Hope, since then we are working with a group of young Israeli and Palestinian students whom will build bridges between both societies. Both groups had a two week seminar in Ruhpoldingen Germany, were they meet other young multipliers from Germany and other conflict areas like Bosnia-Herzegovina and Iraq. This exchange empowers them in finding the way to each other and starting productive dialogues for further cooperation. In 2008 the new groups were chosen and prepared by the participants from 2007, who were supported and instructed by our project management. The groups have joined forces and will proceed the process together by meeting national and bi-national once a month, in order to build programs which will build bridges between the society. This year the groups will start early with the preparation of this years Summer Academy in Germany. 6. Trauma Education by Wings of Hope Germany – In April 2008 our management, staff and members joint a 2 year Trauma-theology academic program for educators and social workers, this is helping us understand and deal with the consequences of trauma which more than 90 % of the Palestinian people are suffering from and is one of the main reasons for violence in the society. In the beginning of December we have done a weekend in Trauma-theology for 20 fathers, whom are educators or key persons in the society. They have gotten a short introduction about Traumata and what causes it. The participants were very active and allowed the others to hear there personal story, it was very important information for them and made us understand how important it is to make people know more about Traumata. 7. Leadership and Multipliers’ programs - Al-Tariq has been planning diverse programs for local leaders, young political students, and women which will empower them to spread democracy, non violence, dialogue and peace into the society. 8. Non violence workshops – We have done in March 2008 and December 2008 two workshops with CANVAS and ICNC, these were lead by professional facilitators whom were teaching the participants how to built non violent strategies and methods, which will lead to a none violent movement.

Contact (1) Full Name
Khaled Abu Awwad
Head of the organisation
Khaled Abu Awwad
Contact (2) Full Name
Lotty Camerman

Ogarit Cultural Center

National Network

بعد الاطلاع على الملفات الخاصة بالمؤسسة من قبل وزارة الداخلية تبين ان هذه المؤسسة تم ايقافها عن العمل وانها غير قانونية
بعد الاطلاع على الملفات الخاصة بالمؤسسة من قبل وزارة الداخلية تبين ان هذه المؤسسة تم ايقافها عن العمل وانها غير قانونية

00 972 242 3762
00 972 242 3762
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

Ogarit is mainly a publishing house which publishes Palestinian and translated literature. The center does not need many employees, because its work depends on writers, a committee of readers who approve the scripts. These are writers and critics from outside the staff. There are 5 employees: A director, an accountant, a coordinator, a secretary and a messenger. Most of the budget comes through donors, and a part of it from sails, although most of the books published are granted to libraries in associations and schools. There had been contract between Ogarit and Norwegian Writers Unions from the beginning, which comes to an end 30-6-2009. Ogarit had some other occasional local sources for some of his activities. An addition to publishing books (140 books until now), Ogarit organizes annual conferences and workshops on literary topics and copyright issues, with local and international participants. Our main partners are 3 Norwegian Unions (Authors, Translators and Writers for Children).

Mission and Objectives

Mission: Enabling the Palestinian writer from delivering his/her creative thinking to the Palestinian society, developing his/her individual capacities in communicating with the universal creativity by publishing and translating the creative writing, and promoting reading as a culture on the local level Objectives: 1- Providing an opportunity to publish works of Palestinian writers: by supporting writers in publishing their books and introducing them to different publishing houses, as well as building individual and creative capacities of creative young and women writers. 2- Encouraging reading in the Palestinian society: by providing books for social and cultural institutions in marginalized areas, translating literature from other languages into Arabic, organizing awareness campaigns and coordinating with the MoE. 3- Establishing a Palestinian law that protect the copy rights of writers: by awareness campaigns for writers and politicians, reviewing the proposal of the current law, follow it up, lobbying creative and political key figures, and organizing a general conference on this topic. 4- Building Ogarit organizational, administrative, and financial capacities to accomplish its objectives and to maintain the sustainability of its work: though developing administrative and financial policies and systems, developing partnership and technical and financial cooperation with local and international institutions, developing marketing and distributions policies, developing human resources, and developing planning-monitoring and evaluation system.

Main Projects / Activities

1.Producing 17 books on annual basis 2.Training creative writers (young men + women) 3.providing books for social and cultural institutions 4.launching raising awareness campaigns on reading importance 5.reviewing the current copy rights law

Contact (1) Full Name
Walid Abu Bakr
Head of the organisation
Dr. Faiha ABD Abdulhadi
Contact (2) Full Name
Shireen Shaheen

Project Hope (Humanitarian Opportunities for Peace and Education)

National Network
+972 9 233 7077
Telephone (other)
+1 416 879 8939
+972 9 233 7077
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+972 599 220 137
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Project Hope is made up of 7 staff members at the local level and 3 part-time staff outside of Palestine. Our budget fluctuates from year to year, however the average budget is $50,000 per year. Currently, our main programs are 'Bridge to the World' which is funded by the Canadian Autoworkers Association and 'Social Justice and Human Rights Program' funded by Rights and Democracy (a Canadian organization). Other funding comes from individual donations and fundraising events. Our modality of action are educational classes and recreational activities for children and youth. Occasional youth exchanges have been organized through our organization. Our additional partners are a number of local NGO's and neighborhood centers in the Nablus area (we work with around 30 organizations and centers per month).
Mission and Objectives

The objects of the corporation are to provide support and humanitarian aid for children and youth around the world living in areas of war, conflict, deprivation and underdevelopment through the application of education, training, recreation and health-care activities.
Through alternatives to violence we are improving both the physical and mental health of our participants. We provide a venue for them to express themselves positively, release frustration, develop skills, engage in dialogue and build hope for the future. Our regular programs include language classes, drama and art. Our educational and recreational activities are provided in partnership with existing groups in the local community. In the spirit of cooperation and to save costs, we provide many different programs in partnership with different Palestinian organizations within the community.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main activities are English and French language instruction, which is focused on conversation and fun activities rather than memorization and grammatical structure. In addition we often facilitate classes and workshops in creative arts such as painting, photography, video, drama, crafts, sports, dance, murals, music and many more.
Currently, Project Hope's main program is called 'Bridge to the World' which incorperates English and French instruction with computer classes focused on creating blogs for the students through which they can express themselves and communicate with the outside world. The other main program currently facilitated by Project Hope is a social justice and human rights program that includes courses about this subject for children and youth. The target group of both of these programs are children living in refuee camps (generally third generation refugees) as well as in the old city of Nablus - all areas hardest-hit by the occupation and the on-going conflict.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jeremy Wildeman
Head of the organisation
Jeremy Wildeman
Contact (2) Full Name
Abdulhakim Sabbah

Media Development Centre / Birzeit University.

National Network
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
17: they are divided in this way 12 employees are full time, 5 are part time . 369,961 the average per year by the Swedish international development Agency (SIDA), and the German Henrich Boell stiftung, and beters Elman, and different United Nations organizations such as UNISCO and UNICEF and UNFPA. Due training needs in the media sector in Palestine, MDC provides 1300 training hours yearly in audio/ visual media, in the past 10 years, more than 2400 professional Palestinian journalists, had the opportunity to attend and participate in the courses and workshops, organized by the MDC in cooperation with FOJO the Swedish training center, and Deutch Well academy, and other international centers and institutes, funded by the Swedish international development Agency (SIDA), and the German Henrich Boell stiftung, and beters Elman, and different United Nations organizations such as UNISCO and UNICEF. Swedish international development Agency (SIDA), and the German Henrich Boell stiftung, and beterselman, and different United Nations organizations such as UNISCO and UNICEF.
Mission and Objectives

To promote democratic and pluralistic values, tolerance and freedom of opinion and expression in the Palestinian society through the three interviewed activities of media production, training and education.
The Center seeks to:
· Spreadthe culture of freedom of information
· Strengthen the skills of Palestinian journalists
· Build the capacity of the media and its sustainability and professionalism
· Raise the level of freedom of speech, Increase in the level and value of freedom of opinion and expression
· Raise the awareness of both journalists and citizens of their rights and duties
· Encourage the development and production of exemplary media
· Network with other partners and actors locally ,regionally and internationally and upgrading the Palestinian media
· Produce materials for the development of a democratic media

Main Projects / Activities

The Center conducts a variety of long and short term courses in printed press, TV and radio production and provides professional training to media professionals. It has a team of committed trainers and consultants with great expertise and long experience in various sub-specialties.
In cooperation with the faculty of Arts, the center also provides, through its staff and facilities, training programs for students in the Bachelor programs in the areas of television, radio and print media.
The Center’s facilities include a TV studio with five digital editing suites and four fully equipped radio studios, as well as press unit facilities that included computers linked to the Internet with software for graphic, magazine and newspaper design.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nibal Thawabteh
Head of the organisation
Nibal Thawabteh, la Directrice du centre.
Contact (2) Full Name
Maral Quttieneh

German Development Service - Deutscher Entwicklungsdienst DED - Palestinian Territory

National Network
+972-(0)2-240 3462
Telephone (other)
+972-(0)2-240 3463
+972-(0)2-240 3464
Mobile Phone
+972-(0)54 76 18 467
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The German Development Service (DED) is one of the leading European development services for personnel cooperation. Since its foundation in 1963, more than 15,000 DED experts have committed themselves to improving the living conditions of people in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Almost 1,000 DED experts and 400 local staff are currently working in 45 countries.
Mission and Objectives

The main duties of the DED are:
DED places development workers at the request of governmental and nongovernmental organisations in its partner countries and on the basis of framework agreements with the respective governments. These development workers are professionally experienced and socially committed specialists who engage mainly in training, advisory capacity and planning tasks.
DED supports local civil organizations and municipal structures by providing specialist advice, if required supplemented by finacial support. By increasing promotion of local skilled staff DED fosters capacity building for a self-determined development.
DED promotes understanding for the situation of people in developing countries among the German public and draws attention to questions concerning the common interests and problems of the One World.

Main Projects / Activities

Various Development Interventions in the Westbank focusing on:
-Water, Wastewater, Solid Waste
-Sustainable Economic Development
-Promotion of the Civil Society and Municipal Development
-Civil Peace Service

Contact (1) Full Name
Jesco Weickert, Civil Society Advisor
Head of the organisation
Rudolf Rogg, Country Director