Salesian Technical School

National Network
00972 – 2 – 2742421
Telephone (other)
00972 – 2 – 2747161
00972 – 2 – 2747162
Mobile Phone
00972 – 544 – 917962
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The Salesian Technical School is a training professional school, recognized by the Palestinian Ministry of Education. The school has got 25 permanent employees and 9 ones with a part-time contract, besides the Salesian Fathers who manage it. Since the STS is part of the Salesian Community, it is a non-profit structure. The main source of funding are donations, either from institutional donors – EU, Italian Ministry – or private – Salesian parishes, CARITAS, private Italian citizens. Another source of sustenance is the Salesian bakery. The STS has been collaborating in different cultural and educational projects with the Italian Ngo VIS for more than 10 years.
Mission and Objectives

The Salesian Technical School has been created to provide an adequate professional training especially to disadvantaged people in order to help them to find a proper job. It is open to students and teachers of whatever religious belief. Since 2001 the school has got a branch also in the handicrafts sector, the Artistic Centre, whose objectives are both providing professional training and maintaining the local cultural tradition. Under the STS there is also the International Nativity Museum, a collection of nearly 200 cribs from all over the world that has been established in Bethlehem as a universal message of peace.

Main Projects / Activities

The STS provides professional courses of 3 years in the sector of mechanics, electro-mechanics, electronics & radio-TV. Such courses award a final “tawjihi” diploma. Until the Second Intifada the STS, each year, granted the best graduated students a scholarship to help them to specialize in Italy for one year. Besides that, the STS also runs evening-courses that are attended by people who want to learn a job. These courses are auto motor, carpentry, mono-phase and three-phase electricity, PLC and turning.
The Artistic Centre, which is part of the school, provides different types of courses in olive wood, mother of pearl and ceramic. The Centre has got exchange programs with European artists and craftsmen who come to upgrade the local instructors and enhance the creativity of the students with new artistic ideas.

Contact (1) Full Name
Don Nicola Masedu
Head of the organisation
Don Nicola Masedu
Contact (2) Full Name
Don Eduardo Castro

Palestinian Academic Society for the Study of International Affairs (PASSIA)

National Network
Telephone (other)
++972-2-2988534 (Ramallah office)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
  4. Religion
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
PASSIA’s core team consists of 7-8 full-timers and 2-3 part-timers. In addition, researchers, editors, interns or volunteers are commissioned for specific tasks if and as needed. PASSIA prepares project proposals which are then submitted to possible founders. Past partners have included the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES); Ford Foundation; the Japanese Endowment Fund (via UNDP-PAPP); USAID; and the Canadian Cooperation Fund. PASSIA projects are implemented in accordance with its standard procedures ( PASSIA is a (founding) member of a number of networks and associations, including the Palestinian NGO Network (PNGO), The Arab Social Science Research Network (ASSR), and the Euro-Mediterranean Study Commission (EuroMeSCo).
Mission and Objectives

PASSIA was founded in Jerusalem in March 1987 as an independent think-tank and with the goal to present the Palestinian Ques¬tion in its national, Arab and inter¬na¬tional contexts. PASSIA works to achieve its goals through the implementation of the following regular pro¬grams: Research and Studies, Dialogue Program, Religious Studies Unit, Training and Edu¬cation in Interna¬tional Affairs, Human Capacity Development, the Question of Jerusalem, and Strategic Studies. PASSIA is involved with and contributes to a vari¬ety of net¬works, cooperates with nu¬merous local and foreign institutions and par¬ticipates regularly in local, regional and international confer¬ences.

Main Projects / Activities

PASSIA works to achieve its goals through the implementation of the following regular pro¬grams:
- Research and Studies
- Dialogue Program
- Religious Studies Unit
- Training and Edu¬cation in Interna¬tional Affairs
- Human Capacity Development
- Train¬ing Young Leaders
- Question of Jerusalem
- Strategic and Security Studies.
In addition, PASSIA occasionally undertakes special projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi
Head of the organisation
Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi
Contact (2) Full Name
Sana’ Shannak / Deniz Altayli

Orphan Care Society in Jenin Governorate

National Network

Jenin, Albasateen Quarter
Palestinian Territories

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Providing psychological and social security, in addition to financial support to secure decent life for the listed orphans. Supporting them through various education stages.  Providing them with necessary health and medical care.
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Abdel Raheem Abdel Khaliq Hanaysha
Job Title
Society's Head
Head of the organisation
Abdel Raheem Abdel Khaliq Hanaysha

Youth Power Group

National Network
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Religion
  6. Youth and education
General Information
The group have 90 member of volunteers 30 of them are active the outhers Volunteers on call. There is no external support or resources and no budget for the group only from the members . We are still modern, but we are working to bring scholarships and we are holding training seminars every week for members,to exchange experiences Join local organizations in most of ther activities
Main Projects / Activities

Voluntary group working for the rights Youth , Peace-building,human rights and culture of non-violence,Youth issues,cultures Dialogue .

Contact (1) Full Name
Imad A.A Temiza
Head of the organisation
Youth Power

Youth Development Resource Centre

National Network

Ras AI Joura - City Entrance
Palestinian Territories

+972 2 2224545
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Mission and Objectives

Contribute to children's  growth  in a safe environment   to ensures their well-being  and quality
•   Contributes to youth empowerment  throw  accessto economic activities;
•     Empowering young men and women to be active citizens;
•    Sustain the YDRCtowards  achieving its mission and strategic vision .

Main Projects / Activities


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?


Contact (1) Full Name
Omar Dahman
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation

Birzeit Women Charitable Society

National Network

Birzeit- Old town
Palestinian Territories

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Social, cultural, educational and health Women (young and old), young children and a
Mission and Objectives

Goal and Objectives  
BWCS to contribute to women development and empowerment within their communities in Birzeit and neighboring areas through socio-cultural, educational and economical interventions and seeks networking and partnership with related institutions to ensure the achievement of this goal. Therefore, the following measurable objectives are set to: 
Activate women’s role in socio-cultural and Palestinian Heritage programs through joint activities with related community based organizations working in this field
Empower women economic status through creating job opportunities in which they can increase their income and support their families.
Increase women awareness regarding their civil rights including rights, gender roles and gender based violence
Promote women and their children awareness regarding the importance of reading and general knowledge through the community library available within the society
Coordinate with health institutions to provide women health awareness sessions and some medical services at the primary level and secondary level; for example breast cancer screening, ophthalmic screening, diabetes detection etc…
Revive women traditional skills and encourage them to participate in festivals and competitive activities such as Maftoul festival
Encourage young leaders and create leadership characteristics, through training workshops and summer camps for children and youth.

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Sumaya Sayej
Job Title
President of the society
Head of the organisation
West- Bank

Bunyan Association for Community Development

National Network

Jamal Abed Al Naser St. Al Farrah building
Khan Younis
Palestinian Territories

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Others
  3. Youth and education
General Information

Training –Health-Education- Human Rights

Mission and Objectives

Strategic goals: First goal: Contribution of building the capabilities of Palestinian community. 1- Training young groups in the Palestinian community in the aspects of technology, science and culture. 2- Setting up a special program to determine the special needs of the target groups of our work. 3- Seek to promote the concept of empowerment among community. Second goal: Contribution of raising community awareness of the democracy's issues, non-violence and human rights. 1- work to strengthen the concept of social accountability. 2- strengthen the women's role to defend herself. 3- increase youth awareness of their rights and duties. Third goal: Strengthen the field of scientific research and community studies.* 1-reinforce Bunyan's  ability in community studies field. 2- establish co-operation with educational and social communities. Fourth goal: Improve the administrative and financial system of our work. 1-reinforce skills and abilities of the Association's cadre. 2-improve administrative and financial system of the Association. 3- improve the following up system and evaluation inside the Association.

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
The head of board of director
Head of the organisation
Khan Younis

Alwaleed charity

National Network

Khozaa- near alqara factory for stones
Palestinian Territories

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Mission and Objectives

- The charity aims to achieve the followings:
Contribute in the overall community development process.
Social developmental welfare to the Palestinian family.
Work on establishing developmental projects and residential centers for needy families.
Organize training courses include cultural and community areas.
Present Social assistance for people with disabilities, orphans, widows and the elderly.
Contribute to the social field service sectors of   caring of childhood and motherhood.

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Nedal abo rjila
Job Title
Head of the organisation

Al-Ersal Sport Clup Association

National Network

Al-Ersal & Almasayef neighborhood\Mecca Center\first floor
Palestinian Territories

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Mission and Objectives

- To enable low-participation groups and disadvantaged populations to partake in sport and physical activity.
- To support the sport sector in increasing and sustaining membership and participation levels.
- To empower communities to provide opportunities for participation in a variety of local programmes and events.
- To further develop working partnerships and collaboration with our partner agencies.
- To support the professional development of existing staff and expansion of the staffing complement.

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Amjad Abu Ghosh
Job Title
Club President
Head of the organisation
Amjad Abu Ghosh

Palestinian Medical Relief Society (PMRS)

National Network
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information
1. General Assembly; Board; Board of Directors; President; Department Heads: Finance and Administration, Clinics, Women’s Health Program, School of Community Health, Loan Centers for Assistive Devices, Youth Programs, Community Based Rehabilitation Program, External Relations, Laboratories, Emergency, Ambulance Services and First Aid Training Program, Chronic Diseases Program and Centre for Management of Chronic Diseases, School Health Program, In-Service Training Program - 358 staff in total: 139 men, 219 women. See the following file for more information: 2. 2004: US$ 7,127,000 3.Donor contributions (74 %); user fees (15%); donations in kind (1%); other (10%). 4. Programmes; projects; patient referrals to overseas institutions, particularly for children. 5. (Examples) Ministry of Health; Ministry of Education; St. Johns Eye Hospital; Bread for the World; Medico International; Oxfam International; Oxfam Belgium; Save the Children; UNICEF.
Mission and Objectives

PMRS’ ultimate goal is to ensure quality health for all based on the principles of primary health care (PHC). This involves the the empowerment of local communities to take control of their own health needs, as well as influencing national policies to adopt systems that ensure equality and social justice.

Main Projects / Activities

PMRS currently runs 17 different programs:
1. Community Health Centers & Clinics Program;
2. Laboratory Services Program;
3. Central Pharmacy & Rational Use of Drugs Program;
4. Women's Health Program;
5. Child Health Program;
6. Psychosocial Counseling Program;
7. School Health Program;
8. Chronic Disease Program;
9. Specialized Programs;
10. Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) Program;
11. School of Community Health Program;
12. Health Education & Promotion Program;
13. Emergency First Aid Program;
14. Youth & Community Centers Program;
15. Community Mobilization & Outreach Program;
16. Lobbying, Advocacy & Civil Society Program; and
17. Management Information System Program.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Jihad Mashal, President
Head of the organisation
Dr. Jihad Mashal
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Sameh Jarallah, Director of External Relations