Jerusalem AIDS Project

National Network

4, Eliezer Hagadol Street,
POB 7179

Jerusalem - 91072

+972 2 6797677
+972 2 6797737
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Media
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Israel's leading HIV/AIDS prevention organization. Volunteers based, with 140 in country and several thousands internationally. Grants, donations (individuals and foundations, private sector) are major source of funding. The JAIP is conducting training of education and health sector professionals, youth leaders and provides education for HIV prevention programs in schools. Working with U.N. agencies and civil society we developed and implemented the pilot of "HIV as a Bridge for Peace" model in the Middle East. We closely work with European networks in HIV prevention.
Mission and Objectives

Work towards the elimination of HIV infection through education for HIV prevention in schools and with young people; learning from best practice and sharing our models, success stories and skills.

Main Projects / Activities

National program on school AIDS education includes curricula development, adaptation and implementation; teachers and medical students as "AIDS Educators" training; advocacy at highest levels; hotline (phone and Internet based) for youth and general public; international cooperation in skill and knowledge sharing; transfer of high volume and high quality adult medical male circumcision to Africa

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are a major health focused organization with strong capacities in working with other governments, NGOs, UN etc. These could be shared in line with specific skills, case studies and analysis

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ALF is an example which we look towards as we try to replicate the 1995-2001 success story of our work at regional level, bringing together people from the region and neighbors to work together towards joint goals. We have a lot to learn, not just to share.

Contact (1) Full Name
Hanni Rosenberg
Head of the organisation
Hanni Rosenberg
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Lilach Malatskey


National Network

61 Even Gvirol street
Tel Aviv

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Human rights
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Zochrot ("remembering" in Hebrew) is an NGO working since 2002 to raise awareness in Israel to the Nakba, the Palestinian catastrophe of 1948. With 6 staff members and a budget of 300,000 Euro. Zochrot's work is supported by partners from Europe and North America, as well as by individuals from Israel and abroad. Zochrot is grateful for the support of ICCO, Misereor, HEKS-EPER, Broederlijk Delen, CCFD, Trocaire, Mennonite Central Committee, Oxfam Solidarity, Medico International and Oxfam GB. Zochrot operates a variety of projects under Five Programs categories: Space and landscape program; Education Program; Information and Resources Program; Culture Program; Public outreach Program.
Mission and Objectives

Our Mission: To initiate, support and sustain public discourse, in Israel, on the Nakba and its ongoing effects, particularly the situation of the Palestinian refugees. We believe acknowledgment of the past is the first step towards taking responsibility for its consequences, and thus hope to contribute to a realistic resolution of the conflict, which will include a just solution to the situation of Palestinian refugees.
Our Objectives:
1.Raised awareness among a growing number of Jewish Israelis to the Nakba, its implications and to the situation of Palestinian refugees;
2.Growing recognition among the Israeli public of Israel's part in the Nakba, and in time for Israel to take responsibility for it;
3.Greater knowledge created by putting forth as many accessible materials as possible, in Hebrew, on the Nakba and its ongoing effects, particularly the situation of Palestinian refugees;
4.Developing public discourse – Israeli and Palestinian – on thinking about practicalities of Palestinian return.

Main Projects / Activities

1.Raise awareness to the landscape through the physical unveiling of the Nakba in the Israeli landscape - by coordinating visits to and commemorations of Palestinian villages destroyed by Israel in 1948;
2.Expose Israeli educators to the Nakba and encourage them to teach about it using Zochrot's study-guide; using that study-guide to teach a growing number of Israelis about the Nakba through learning groups, workshops and conferences;
3.Develop ideas for possible practices for Palestinian return through lectures, workshops, joint Jewish Israeli-Palestinian publications and projects in the Israeli landscape;
4.Encourage creation through art and writing, in order to develop new cultural tools for a new civic language and a critical public discourse on the Nakba;
5.Develop and disseminate original materials - developed by Zochrot and by others using Zochrot's help - about the Nakba, increasingly using the platform of Zochrot's new and developing website;
6.Increase active outreach to the Jewish-Israeli public through different means, including social media and approaches to the media;
7.Influence decision makers regarding the dedication of land in Israel - through advocacy work that aims to halt the continued destruction of Palestinian heritage by the state of Israel and for signposting of Palestinian sites destroyed by Israel in 1948;

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Zochrot aims first and foremost to impact the Jewish Israeli constituency. All of our programs are open to the wide public, with an emphasis on working with social agents who are able to provide gateways to their communities and through them, to the wider public. Social agents include particularly teachers who work in Israel's formal education systems, educators from the informal education system and educators working in colleges (especially teachers' colleges) and universities, also artists of various media, writers and scholars. Zochrot will continue to reach out to both the wide public and to social agents in both the large central cities and increasingly in the Israeli peripheries.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Zochrot aim for a growing number of Israelis to learn about the Nakba and to take responsibility for it, a necessary step towards reaching a workable and just reconciliation in this region. In order to achive our goal it is important for us to be part of more and more networks that share our goals and can become partners in our work - aspecially as the ALF network brings people together from across the Mediterranean.

Contact (1) Full Name
Liat Rosenberg
Head of the organisation
Liat Rosenberg
Contact (2) Full Name
Elisha Alexander


National Network

Kibbutz Gevat, Israel 36579
Kibbutz Gevat

972 46443459
Telephone (other)
972 544916499
972 46443037
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
972 523745677
Mobile Phone (other)
972 544916499
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Sparkpro is an organization specializing in developing, building, development and operation of educational social projects for students and young people aged 18-35 with a focus on an international connection. Our budget comes from private donations, governmental sources,partnerships, local and international fundraising, local authorities, international fundraising for designated projects. Most of our activities are international projects and exchanges. Staff - CEO,Senior Project Manager,Project manager, 12 volunteers every year (students)in Israel,2 project managers in Poland. Our main partners - British Council, Polish Institute, Raveh Ravid Fund, TSKZ Poland,JDC Israel, Nes Ammim International Dialogue Center,other organizations.
Mission and Objectives

One of our main goals is the exposure of young people around the content of national and international importance around various social subjects.
Multicultural dialogue, conflict management, dealing with stereotypes, developing mutual understanding between peoples, expansion of the historical and social knowledge, social development projects with wide significant community impact, building a quality network and active young people are just some of the issues and challenges those we lead.

Main Projects / Activities

1.Living Bridge Israel Poland - the dialogue between young people and students between ages 18-30 from both of nations. The project is about to break the steriotypes, to build a relationships of trust and understanding.
2. Active Citizens - an international project of the British Council that we manage and operate in Israel. More that 30 different social projects in Jewish, Arab and Druze communities.
3. Managing of 18 young adults centers at North of Israel.
4. International Leadership Programs - in Israel, Poland, UK.
5. Human Rights project together with a Refugee Forum of Salford,UK.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Experience, connections, facilities and any other kinds of ideas and cooperation. We are open for interesting and meaningful projects

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We already were a part of ALF. We think that a network is very useful, while there are many important organization from all the world who are taking part in it. As an international organization we feel that we can contribute many things from our experience, learn many things from our colleagues and make fruitful cooperation and collaborations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Vera Korsonsky
Head of the organisation
Boaz Yardeni
Contact (2) Full Name
Boaz Yardini

Maccabim Association - Education and Soccer in The Community

National Network

106 Ben Zvi Road, P.O.B. 12069, zip code 61120
Tel Aviv

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The Maccabim staff/ structure: one Director, one national coordinator around 40 employers Including coaches, teachers, project coordinators, educational administrator, etc. The Budget of Maccabim for the year 2008 - 2009 (12 months)is $748,000 Sources of funding: The National Social Security fund for children at risk, Soccer for Peace, The Alan B. Slifka foundation, MEPI – middle east par
Mission and Objectives

The Maccabim Association is a charitable arm of the renowned Maccabi Tel Aviv soccer club, which enjoys a loyal following throughout Israel and around the world.
The Maccabim association seeks to fulfill a vision of a better country and future for all Israeli children by using football as a vehicle to reduce social and educational gaps and to build bridges between children of different ethnic, religious and social backgrounds. The Maccabim Association furthers these goals by leveraging football’s unparalleled potential to traverse cultural, political and language barriers, and to engage the interest of all sectors and levels of society.
Our Goals:
•To provide activities for disadvantaged children.
•To develop a model that can be usefully implemented by sports clubs, schools and educators throughout Israel.
•To reduce social and educational gaps.
•To build bridges between children of different ethnic and social backgrounds.

Main Projects / Activities

Soccer centers in peripheral regions, in development towns in northern and southern Israel provide activity framework for children at risk.
Combined soccer-tutorial centers for underprivileged children in need of educational support.
Fostering the social and educational integration of young immigrants.
The project promotes the educational and social integration of new immigrants, especially from Ethiopia.
A soccer track to full matriculation in cooperation with boarding schools that serve children from severely distressed homes.
This project brings together Arab and Jewish children in Israel through overnight camps consisting of intensive soccer training, dialogue sessions and other coexistence programming.
A combination that fosters the development of the social, emotional and physical skills proven by research to be critical to the well-being of children and youth.
Coaperation of Maccabim with The Rosh Pina Mainstreaming Network

Contact (1) Full Name
Anat Rabinovitz (Director)
Head of the organisation
Loni (Elon) Herzikowitz - Chairman
Contact (2) Full Name
Alex Dalin - National coordinator


National Network

Turgut Ozal Bul. Bayindirlik Cad. 343.Sok. Balek Apt. B Blok No:5
Baglar / Diyarbakir


+90 412 237 87 49
+90 412 237 87 50
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+90 532 396 91 65
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Research
General Information
Development Center is an association established in 2004 in Diyarbakir, Turkey by a group of local people, expertise in sustainable development, urban and rural development, gender and development, and migration. There are 14 members, 10 volunteers of the association, and 3 professionals are working. Nearly budget is 40000 $ . Main sources of funding is international and national donorslike Henrich Boell Foundation, Chrest Foundation... The association mainly focused on development projects ,poverty, also projects on forced migrate Kurdish population in Turkey. Main partners in Turkey are TESEV , Henrich Boell, Middle Est University, Dicle University, Bosphorous University, and women organisations like DIKASUM, SELIS,KADER..etc.
Mission and Objectives

The main purposes of the Development Centre” are to:
fight against poverty and deprivation in rural and urban areas, strengthen women’s rights, contribute to the societal development of children, protect the environment, assist in the process of integration with the EU, and foster cooperation with national and international NGOs on development especially within the context of reducing regional issues.
To this end, the Centre primarily aims to generate and implement development differences concrete projects on development, entrepreneurship, training, research and consultation by utilizing the diverse and rich knowledge and experiences of all its members, and to ensure sustainability by promoting participation and investment in these projects.

Main Projects / Activities

-Forced Migration and Its Effects in Diyarbakır
-rural Development Project in Egil Area
-Karacadağ Poverty Research
-Networking project on Forced Migration

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Nurcan Baysal
Contact (2) Full Name
Niyazi KAVAR

AL Taybeh Charitable Association

National Network

Altaybeh – jenin
Palestinian Territories

+972 (0)4 2503345
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Others
General Information
A charitable association that supports young people and women
Mission and Objectives

- To help poors.
-Women and youth empowerment.
- To support projects that help children.
- Taking care of disabled people.

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation

Shiraa Association for Development

National Network
009 7222750436
Telephone (other)
009 72599089790; 00 9 72522291790
009 7222750436
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
009 72599089790
Mobile Phone (other)
009 72522291790
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Shiraa Organisation for Development is a civil and non-profit organisation. It aims to develop civil society by running programmes for a number of target groups in society. It was established in 2002. In 2008 Shiraa recieved 51,760 NIS for its projects. Its funders include: -Brown University, Philadelphia: funds for a mural project -Junta de Andalucia: funds for the organisation's Peace Computer Centre -Individual donations from friends and visitors Shiraa runs projects which support the development of four target groups: labourers, women, and youth and endeavours to extend its activities to work with the elderly. Shiraa's programmes with labourers focus on refreshing and developing their fields of knowledge and providing employment opportunities. The women's programme facilitates the export of products that are made by the women. Shiraa runs educational and recreational activities for youth. The educational programmes cover topics such as democracy and human rights and equip them with conflict resolution skills. Shiraa's main partners include: Brown Centre, The Peres Center for Peace, the Democracy and Labourers' Rights Centre (Palestine), Care Institution (Palestine), YMCA, International Circus groups such as the German circus Cabwazi and the English circus Bomchicha.
Mission and Objectives

Shiraa aims to develop society by:
-increasing connections between different generations in society;
-to enable its target groups to understand modernisation within wider society so that it can develop and interact within it
-to provide tools for overcoming conflicts which hinder social development

Main Projects / Activities

Shiraa runs programmes for labourers, specifically aiming to educate the labourers so that they understand their rights in the in the workplace. Shiraa helps labourers to overcome problems and offers them free offical advice about worker law. Shiraa also helps the labourers to find job opportunities.
Shiraa works with women, helping them to export their locally made produce such as their embroidery products. The organisation also seeks to educate women about their rights.
Shiraa runs recreational programmes and educational courses for youth groups. Examples include: circus training, drama workshops, human rights/democracy/conflict resolution workshops.
Shiraa would like to extend its activities to care for the elderly in society, specifically supporting them through food aid, medical care and recreational activities.
Shiraa organisation carries out programmes which respond to the needs of society. The organisation's departments- labourers, women, youth, elderly- research the needs of their target groups to ensure that the programmes are effective. Based on this research, Shiraa's five year plan includes the following:
-an employment office
-develop job safety standards in the workplace to protect labourers and develop courses to inform labourers about job safety standards
-ensure that trained doctors assess any injury sustained by labourers in the workplace so that they can receive compensation
-develop a technology college which runs courses to meet the needs of society and the market
-school for arts: painting, circus training, dancing, singing and music (Shiraa has started groups in each of these fields but would like the infrastructure of a school to develop these skills).
-a school which specifically educates gifted students, and parents about bringing up their children
-an all-age centre where the eldery in particular can receive care. The centre would provide food and healthcare services for the elderly and allow them to take part in recreational activities. The centre would also encourage them to use their traditional skills to make products which could be sold to provide income for them so that they can depend less on others and would also be a place where children could come to learn these skills to keep the traditional culture alive.

Contact (1) Full Name
Hussein Al-Hroub, Director
Head of the organisation
Munira Rizgallah

Volunteering for Peace

National Network
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Religion
General Information
Volunteering for Peace (VFP), is a Palestinian non-governmental, not-profit organization which is a charter of United Religions Initiative (URI). VFP is aiming to participate in establishing a bridge between the different faith groups in Palestine Purpose: Spreading the idea of peace in the world and creating a bridge between the different religions. Description of Activities: The Volunteering for Peace CC, was established to participate in establishing a bridge between the different faith groups in Palestine and the world. The idea came to create a working group to discuss in a regular basis regarding the different aspects of the daily life and to encourage cooperation between the different faith groups. The name came from a Euromed youth exchange that took place in Greece in which participants from different countries met in Greece to learn about every community and every faith prospective to peace. Volunteering for Peace participated in different local and international activities. Volunteering for Peace is active in the field on non-violence and peace building. We organize different workshops, training programs and exchanges in topics related to interfaith, non-violence, peace building, conflict resolution, intercultural learning and other topics. Volunteering for Peace is an active Palestinian charter of United Religions Initiative (URI). The purpose of The united Religions Initiative is to promote enduring, daily, interfaith cooperation, to end religiously motivated violence and to create cultures of peace, justice and healing for the earth and all living beings. Check for further information. Please have a look at our website
Mission and Objectives

Spreading the idea of peace in the world and creating a bridge between the different religions.

Main Projects / Activities

Volunteering for Peace is active in the field on non-violence and peace building. We organize different workshops, training programs and exchanges in topics related to interfaith, non-violence, peace building, conflict resolution, intercultural learning and other topics.
Volunteering for Peace is an active Palestinian charter of United Religions Initiative (URI).

Contact (1) Full Name
Tareq Jalal Altamimi
Head of the organisation
Tareq Jalal Altamimi

Eshraqat Cultural Center

National Network
Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Eshraqat Cultural Center, The first Palestinian Center that certified from American Board of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Eshraqat Center from the successful Palestinian centers which present Technician Developing Courses and Human Developing Courses, in addition to many courses of international languages. The center specialized with its training methods and its great teachers.
Mission and Objectives

Eshraqat Cultural Center, The first Palestinian Center that certified from American Board of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Eshraqat Center from the successful Palestinian centers which present Technician Developing Courses and Human Developing Courses, in addition to many courses of international languages. The center specialized with its training methods and its great teachers.

Main Projects / Activities

Eshraqat Cultural Center, The first Palestinian Center that certified from American Board of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Eshraqat Center from the successful Palestinian centers which present Technician Developing Courses and Human Developing Courses, in addition to many courses of international languages. The center specialized with its training methods and its great teachers.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Hazem Gamal Al Takrouri
Head of the organisation
Mr. Hazem Gamal Al Takrouri
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Hoda Omra Al Tomemi

International Palestinian Youth League

National Network
+972 2 222 9131
Telephone (other)
+972 2 221 5586
+972 2 229 0652
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+972 522 400 648
Mobile Phone (other)
+972 599 265 490
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Others
  10. Religion
General Information
1. Structure: IPYL is run by 7 board members elected every 2 years. IPYL’s general assembly consist from more than 300 members. 2. Budgets; IPYL relies on projects resources, membership fees and some donations. IPYL receives no subsidy from any political side. 3. Source of funding: UNESCO, USAID, EC (different budget ,lines-Euro Med Youth, EIDHR) Irish Rep Office. 4. training courses, public campaigning (elections, voting, gender, Human Rights, Democracy, anti occupation activities, etc) international voluntary work camps, schools and towns twinning, youth and cultural exchanges, psychological, social and careers consultancy for youth, internships, scholarships, long term voluntary missions, networking with local, national and international youth and voluntary NGOs, media workshops, youth info center, internet café (free) 5. IPYL Memberships IPYL is a member organization of the following international youth networks: •Youth Action for Peace - YAP •Coordinating Committee for Inte
Mission and Objectives

The principal goals of IPYL are:
? To imbue young people with a spirit of independence, creativity and entrepreneurship in social, civic, cultural and environmental spheres and to encourage them to take an active role in their communities.
? To aid and assist the underprivileged sectors of Palestinian society, through the provision of training services, to better access educational opportunities and to find suitable employment.
? To promote awareness of the dangers of discrimination including xenophobia, sexism and all forms of racism and to reinforce the importance of equal opportunities in all sectors of society.
? To instill in young people the importance of democracy in the organization of society, and to enhance their awareness of the principles of human rights as elucidated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and related international covenants and agreements.

Main Projects / Activities

training courses, public campaigning (elections, voting, gender, Human Rights, Democracy, anti occupation activities, etc) international voluntary work camps, schools and towns twinning, youth and cultural exchanges, psychological, social and careers consultancy for youth, internships, scholarships, long term voluntary missions, networking with local, national and international youth and voluntary NGOs, media workshops, youth info center, internet café (free)

Contact (1) Full Name
Adli Daana
Head of the organisation
Adli Daana
Contact (2) Full Name
Majid Hijazi