Les Enfants, le Jeu et l’Education - EJE

National Network
+970 2274 8466
+970 2274 8466
Mobile Phone
+970 599 646 145
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Youth and education
General Information
31 employees in 2007 with a total budget of 345000 Euros and French Cultural Services with the CCFD (French NGO) as main funders
Mission and Objectives

EJE’ goal is to contribute to the improvement of the psychosocial well-being and educational environment of the most vulnerable Palestinian children within the Palestinian Territories.

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Jacques NENO – General Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Dr. Michel HANANIA

Family Development Society

National Network
00970 22299822
Telephone (other)
00970 22258012
00970 22299822
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Family Development Society is a non-profit charity association not connected to any political or local authority, and has partnership with other local and international institutions. Staff: 4 members, two of them are volunnters Total Budget for 2007: 38600 Sheikel Financial resources: local as well as depending on external contributions from international donating organizations.
Mission and Objectives

Main Aim:
Developping the palestinian family life in all fields of social and ecomonic development
Objectives and Priniciples:
Help the Palestinian Family to become more strong and connected
Build strong partnerships with the local community
Activate the role of women in society and development
Train women on how to run micro-enterprises

Main Projects / Activities

Social Awareness Programme: workshops and guidance tent
Health Awareness Programme
Capacity Building for Women Programme
Capacity Building for Children Programme
Charity Programme
Women and Development
for more information about these programmes, please contact us by email or visit our website

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed Issah
Head of the organisation
Azza Abou Sarah
Contact (2) Full Name
Wegdan Baly

Palestinian Working Woman Society for Development

National Network
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00- 970- 599- 659766
Mobile Phone (other)
00- 970- 599- 295646
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
General Information
The organization is supervised by a general assembly consists of 49 women that elects a periodical administrative board of 7 women. The executive administration consists of general director, programs officer, and financial manager. The programs officer supervises the programs coordinators who supervise the field officer. There are 67 employees within the organization that is active in five governorates in the West Bank and Gaza Strip where the majority of employees (around 64) are women. PWWSD gets fund from several international organizations like Dan Church Aid, Diakonie, Bread for the World, Medical Aids for Palestinians, FOS, CFD, CCFD, KtK.
Mission and Objectives

- To Strengthen and Empower Women within the Decision Making Process
- To contribute for developing laws, regulations, procedures and administrative structure in a manner that ensures equality
- To help in providing job opportunities for women and seek to involve them in the economic activities vis- a- vis men
- To help provide psychological support for women and children and work on elimination of all forms of violence against women.
- To contribute in building local, regional, asnd international alliances for developing progressive women oratory
- To develop the administrative, organizational, and financial capacities of the organization

Main Projects / Activities

- Women Empowerment in the Decision Making Process
- Worker Women Rights Program
- Social and psychological counselling program
- Community centres for women and children
- Income- generating projects for women

Contact (1) Full Name
Amal Khreishe- General director
Head of the organisation
Amal Khreishe
Contact (2) Full Name
Diab Zayed- Programs Officer

Youth Development and Voluntary Work Association

National Network
00970 2 296 35 93
00970 2 296 35 92
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00970 599 672062
Mobile Phone (other)
00970 2 599 521 910
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
• There are 3 employees. • Budgetary resources is 50.000 USD yearly. • Sources of funding is donations and membership fees • Modalities of our actions are concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarships, adoption children, women.
Mission and Objectives

Youth Development and Voluntary Work association is a nongovernmental, non-profit and voluntary association, works on developing Youth capacities, improving their skills, increasing their experiences, raising their awareness and investing their capabilities in building and serving their communities.
In addition to that, Youth Development and Voluntary Work association works to activate Youth role in decision making, to empower them in order to be able to lead their communities, and to represent the Youth in all levels of decision making.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Youth and children exchange program:
A. Annual International youth summer camp July. The aim of these summer camp is to enable the youth from exchanging their experiences, hobbies, innovations and cultures. It will strengthen the relation between the Palestinian Youth and the International youth and open their minds to others from other countries.
B. Children camp at Athens, it will start at 19th of July till 10th of August, with participation of 28 under poverty line and traumatized children, the cost of this project reached 20,000 USD.
C. 2. Women Empowerment functionally and psychologically program.
A. We held several courses, lectures and workshops regarding the most critical issues that concern our youth such as: violence and peaceful struggle, elections and voters rights and duties, international youth challenges, handicapped rights and struggles.
B. Developing unemployed youth capabilities by acquiring them new skills to enable them of improving their financial situation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rula Khateeb
Contact (2) Full Name
Ahmad Kamal

Young Women Christian Association

National Network
Telephone (other)
+ 972 – 2- 6282082
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
1. Organisational structure is attached as PDF. Document. Number of staff employed: in all YWCA branches: Jerusalem, Ramallah, Jericho and the centres: 78 employees. 2. Budgetary resources: $1,220000 3. Funders and partners: - Ford Foundation - EED - Union of Education Norway - ICCO - Horizon - YWCA- YMCA of Sweden - Y Global (Norway) - GoCY international - United Methodist Church - Christian Aid - Bread for the world - Welfare Association - own resources 42% Concrete projects, exchanges, scholarships.
Mission and Objectives

Mission statement:
The YWCA of Palestine aims to empower Palestinian women by expanding their options, supporting their economic independence, liberating them from all kinds of oppression and enhancing their participation in the building of a free Palestinian civil society.
We envision a free, peaceful, Palestinian democratic society based on social justice, respect for human rights, pluralism, celebration of cultural diversity, gender equality and sustainable development.

Main Projects / Activities

Programs and Activities
• Children and Youth
- Preschool in refugee camps, life skill training and Identity building, youth exchanges.
• Vocational Training Programs:
1- Secretarial and office management
2- Public health care
3- Food preparation and catering
• Short training courses:
- Executive secretary, front desk management,
computer, Languages and cooking courses
• Income Generating Projects
• Social and cultural Activities
• Joint Advocacy Initiative with the East Jerusalem YMCA
1- The Olive Tree Campaign: KEEP HOPE ALIVE
2- Information, networking and exchange programs.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Bader Rabadi, Director of Finance and Administration
Head of the organisation
Mrs. Abla Nasir, National General Secretary
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Rana Qumsiyeh National Youth Coordinator, Public Relation

Palestinian Human Rights Foundation - Monitor

National Network

Ein EL Heloua Refugee Camp, Al Breskat Neighbourhood

00961 7 753065
Telephone (other)
00970 599 707 826 (Sobeih)
00961 7 721620
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
00961 3 118935 (Abdel Aziz)
Mobile Phone (other)
00961 3 239170 (Rafik)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Information and news in the Lebanese interior Ministry 11109/ODB 2007 Licensed by the Palestinian Interior Ministry in Ramallah under resolution (126) number QR-0085-F And it's a member of the following organization: The Arabic Network for Human Rights Information Anna Lindh Euro- Mediterranean foundation for Dialogue between Cultures Defend International Arab Observation against the Death Penalty Arab Coalition for Darfur International Coalition for an International Criminal court About us: We are ordinary citizens; believe deeply in the cause of human rights and the pursuit of justice and equality, and our activist members are dedicated to work in the Palestinian Human Rights Foundation (Monitor) in the Middle East and North Africa and several countries around the world. Among our activist members there are lawyers, journalists, experts and professors specialized in human right issues and international law, and they believe in freedom of speech and equality between people of different nationalities and backgrounds. And we often join our efforts with human rights groups in other countries in support of our common goals. There is a growing section for volunteers who support our efforts. The Palestinian Human Rights foundation (Monitor) is a non-governmental and non-political, non-profitable foundation, and with complete independence. It was created in early 2006 by a group of activists in the field of human rights and refugee issues, with a view teach the principles of human rights and defend them and the refugee issues. We seek to achieve our goals through three main areas: 1. Monitoring and documenting human rights violations. 2. Education of the principles of human rights. 3. Research and studies. In Lebanon: The foundation Works to raise awareness of human rights, in addition to deepening the concept of civil society for the Palestinian refugees, and its directing its efforts to inform all the Lebanese parties of the living conditions of Palestinian refugees in Lebanon, and the encouraging effective dialogue in order to activate the process of communication in order to remove the gap among the Lebanese and Palestinian communities. On the other hand, the foundation supports the inclusion of the principles and concepts of human rights as it is mentioned in international laws and conventions in the Lebanese law, especially that Lebanon has signed most international agreement and treaties, which established these principles and confirmed the importance of respecting them, so as to ensure civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights of Palestinians refugees in Lebanon until they return back to their homes, which was taken by the Israeli occupation, in accordance with UN resolution 194, confirmed in this regard, assuring the necessity for the international community to force Israel to respect and implement decisions of the United Nations. On The Level of Arab and International: The foundation had announced the opportunities of membership in the foundation at the Arab and international levels, so the foundation have in their group members and general coordinators in several Arab and European countries which represent and work on the behalf of the foundation where they are and within the law .
Mission and Objectives

The main sections of the foundation
1 - Public Information Section
2 - Women and Children’s Right Section
3 - The relief and the rights of the disabled Section
4 - Section of Social Affairs.
5 - Environment Section
(it can be summarized in the following sections in detail)
1. Media Section : Regarding the role of media in spreading information and educating people. This section will be responsible of reporting all this association’s news on website, and other publicity levels .Where this department will report all this association’s activities, interviews, seminars and conferences on human rights and the violation of these rights at all audio and visual levels and work on the publication of the association’s special edition
2 - Women's and Children Rights Section: This section’s concern is in cases involving the affairs of women and children as mentioned in international conventions, and is working to activate the participation of women in public life application according to the concept of equality between men and women (gender), and this section rejects all forms of violence and discrimination against women and children through seminars and workshops in this regard.
3 - The Relief and the Rights of the Disabled Section: Humanitarian Aid in case of emergency is provided for the refugees and those affected by the war in cooperation with the civil and social institutions working on the humanitarian cases. In terms of the rights of the disabled this section is working to defend the rights of persons with disabilities to have equal employment opportunities and quality of life and promote a culture of integration with disabilities and the right to participate in society and raised issues of persons with disabilities as an integral part of human rights in accordance with the laws and international conventions.
4 - Social Affairs Section: This section is working to investigate in the cases of social and humanitarian and work to help these cases, cooperation and coordination with institutions, associations and social health.
5 - Environment Section: In some countries the environment pollution because of wars and armed conflicts of the injury necessitated the creation of a mechanism to restore life to the environment, therefore this section has been formed which will work on-site exposure to the damage to life, where several environmental Research related to environmental pollutants to water, soil and air and its effects on human life and the establishment of sessions and educational workshops for all segments of society in order to guide the process of environmental awareness and community awareness of how infection and the prevention of communicable diseases.

Main Projects / Activities

Foundation objectives - The Foundation objectives summarized with the following:
1. Support and defend the rights of minorities in Lebanon through the provision of assistance and advice in all the possible ways that we have.
2. Public awareness and a culture of human rights, in particular (the rights of children, women, refugees, disabled, etc. ...) and to deepen understanding and awareness of democratic society, especially minorities , people for their social, economic, cultural, political and citizenship and all rights guaranteed by the Constitution and international laws and charters.
3. Support the universal principles of human rights, as it established in all the international conventions on human rights, as contained in the Geneva Convention and the Barcelona Declaration and all the conventions, protocols and international principles of the UN General Assembly, and awareness of these principles in the public opinion of all the Palestinian camps and the gatherings of Palestinians that our members are activists on their land
4. Promote, support and coordinate the efforts of members of the foundation and individual members in the field of human rights and advocating the rule of law, human rights, equality between men and women, and educate the principles and defense of human rights and, the defense of freedom of opinion and expression and freedom of speech and the formation of a unified platform for all associate members of the foundation around the world, especially in the occupied Palestinian territories and the Palestinian camps and gatherings in the host countries for the Palestinian refugees in the world .
5. The preparation and implementation of studies and reports and special training programs.
6. Preparing and doing seminars, conferences and workshops, and publications of all types and use of all media of spreading information relating to the above (books, reports, brochures, posters, web sites).

Contact (1) Full Name
Rania Hussein Oukal
Head of the organisation
Abdel Aziz Mohamed Tarkagy (Chairman of the Board and Executive Director in Lebanon)
Contact (2) Full Name
Ala Sobeih (Vice-Chairman of the Board and the Regional Director in Palestine)

Individual Member: Ibrahim Wishah

National Network
00970 8 2555 316
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00970 599 412 230
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Research
General Information
* UNRWA Text Books curriculum analysis; * Training and consultancy in Human Rights & Democracy; * Holding regular seminars and conferences about human rights education.
Mission and Objectives

Ibrahim Wishah is the supervisor of the Human Rights Program of UNRWA in Gaza; his main mission is to improve the status of human rights in the country and to broaden and to deepen the understanding of human rights and democratic practices among citizens.
The main objectives are to reinforce the respect of the human rights among Palestinians; to spread the culture of human rights; to improve the human rights and democracy educational strategies; and to enrich the experience of Palestinians in the area of human rights and democracy through exchange.

Main Projects / Activities

* Professional trainer and facilitator in Human Rights & Democracy;
* Carried analysis for the curriculums to ensure the exsistance of Human Rights, Conflict Resolution, and Tolerance Concepts;
* Designing curriculums for the UNRWA to ensure the teaching of these concepts in the formal education;
Carried several researches and surveys in the human rights and democrcacy fields.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ibrahim Wishah

The Open Studio

National Network
009722 5825569
009722 5825569
Mobile Phone
00972 522755551
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Youth and education
General Information
The Open Studio is an artist based organization in Jerusalem that works with children, youth and artists.
Mission and Objectives

Mission and objectives
- to provide art education for children and youth through specifically tailored programs that emphasize freedom of expression, the acquisition of knowledge of art aesthetics and techniques.
- To provide opportunities for artists to contribute to their community via workshops
- To provide local artists with the opportunity to foster dialogues with local and international artists
- To provide international artists with a platform to work with local Palestinian artists, children and youth
- To develop public art projects that bring art and artists involve the community and environment

Main Projects / Activities

Our aim is for artists to have a greater involvement with the community as a way of enabling them and their art to make a greater contribution to the development of society. This can be achieved through a number of avenues underpinned by the importance of exposure, dialogue and contact. One of the routes is through art workshop programs designed to give children and young adults the opportunity to work with artists in order to develop their talents. Another is through opportunities for artists through participation and initiation of workshops, exhibitions, public art works, publications and exchanges.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jawad al Malhi
Head of the organisation
Jawad al Malhi

Lajee Center

National Network
972 2 275 0789
00972 2 277 6446
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00972 59 817 5870
Mobile Phone (other)
00972 9 817 5871
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Lajee Center is staffed mainly by full-time volunteers with just two paid members of staff.The elected Administrative Board consists of local volunteers and members of Lajee's New Generation, and a second Consultative Committee consists of International Friends and Supporters. Lajee is a Palestinian led organisation. Lajee receives no regular sustainable funding towards its infrastructure but does receive project specific funding from a range of sources for creative projects. Recent projects have been supported by organisations including The British Consulate (Jerusalem), The Belgian Technical Cooperation (Jerusalem), The HOPING Foundation (UK), Open Society Institute (US), Mennonite Central Committee, BADIL, the Pontifical Mission, and others.
Mission and Objectives

Lajee Center (‘lajee’ means ‘refugee’ in Arabic), was established in Aida Camp in April 2000 by a group of 11 young people from the Camp who wanted to serve the community. It is an independent, Palestinian, non-governmental organization, registered with the Ministry of NGO Affairs of the Palestinian National Authority in 2001. The main aim of the Center is to provide refugee youth with cultural, educational, social and developmental opportunities. Its programs are designed in response to the particular needs of the children and the skills and abilities of its members.

Main Projects / Activities

Lajee Center's work focuses on creative and cultural projects such as 'Dabka' folkdancing, Photography, Digital Film, Creative Summer Camps, Written word projects etc. Lajee Dabka Troupe has performed internationally and photography exhibitions have been shown around the world.Lajee also runs continuous courses in Human Rights education, English Language, Refugee/Palestinian History, etc.
- Publications include two childrens photography books, an illustrated childrens story book, and a periodical magazine.
- Creative Summer Camps, annual childrens summer camps are held in Aida Camp offering around 150 children two weeks of intensive educational and cultural activities and projects.
- International Summer Camp, brings 20 international volunteers to Aida Camp to work with Lajee children.
- Educational scholarship program. This program enables us to offer financial support to members at different stages of the educational career including Tawjihi students, University students, and Open University system.
Lajee projects are based on principles of Human Rights, Democracy, and International Law.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr Salah Ajarma
Head of the organisation
Mr Salah Ajarma (Director)
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr Rich Wiles (Coordinator International Relations)

AMAL – Palestinian Future Building Foundation

National Network
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
  2. Youth and education
General Information
AMAL is a non-prfit NGO established by the efforts of youth who feel neglected from the decision-making process. The idea of the organization is pure of any religiuos or political nature. Established in 2006, the organization aims to build the capacities of Palestinian Youth through using all the possible means and necessary services. Most of the organization's staff are youth volunteers. The whole staff composes of 7 administratives in addition to 8 permanent members. Financial Resources are almost none and we are looking now for some financial support for our future programme. Right now we do not have any partners since it is a very recent organization.
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Nidal Atallah
Head of the organisation
Mustafa Zahran
Contact (2) Full Name
Nagwan Oudah