Center for a Contemporary Roma Vision

National Network

Rr. Isa Boletini, Nr. 14

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

For a Contemporary Roma Vision Center - is an Albanian local Roma organization established by a group of Roma intellectuals in Albania. Since its foundation on 17 November 2005, the Center “For a Contemporary Roma Vision” has played an important role in promoting new Roma intellectuals and in the educational, cultural, economic and social development of the community. The public opinion has been stimulated in a systematic way about respecting human rights particularly those of the language and education of the new Roma generation. Six years since inception means a very difficult journey for us because the problems that are borne by this community are big. For this reason, the staff of the center “For a Contemporary Roma Vision” has tried to solve these problems in an institutional way and to draft projects for this purpose. The organization has received support from potential donors that operate in Albania which have financed various areas such as education, employment, healthcare and culture. UNICEF, Ministry of Labour, Ministry of Education, Terre des Hommes. etc

Mission and Objectives

CSDRrom is an Albanian NGO with its mission the empowerment of Roma Community through Culture, Education and Development. Main objectives of the organization are: to give voice to educated Roma students and professional and to increase access to all levels of education of Roma community members; to preserve Roma cultural heritage and Roma Language and promote its development; to empower roma community through social and economic projects; to promote Roma integration in Albania.

Main Projects / Activities

Access to public education activities for Roma pupils, entertainment and cultural activities with artist from Roma community, Publications, studies, awareness campaign, etc.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

CSDRrom can contribute to the network through including there the voice of Roma Community in Albania, sharing experiences and best practices; be active in promoting the ALF network objectives within our activities and incorporating there the result of CSDRRom inter-cultural dialogue with other minorities and the majority in Albania

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Being part of ALF network will help the visibility and access to our activities; will help us be updated with activities in region; help us to find partner and regional activities to participate and help our organization to achieve objectives through having best results.

Contact (1) Full Name
Arben Bastri
Head of the organisation
Arben Bastri
Contact (2) Full Name
Alma Kaca

Refraction Association

National Network

Rr. Isa Boletini, Pall PlanetX, Kati 6

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

Refraction Association is a registered Albanian Non-Profit Organization in the court and tax offices since 2000. It has 5 permanent staff and there are involved well-known experts and consultants in the activities. The decision – making within the organization is initiated by the Assemble of association members and the Board of Refraction. The board is composed by five members that can be re-elected. The Executive Director of the organization is appointed by the Refraction Board, and the number of staff is based on the projects that the organization is implementing. The staff capacity is improved through the participation in different trainings, organized within the organization structures, and other trainings organized by other organizations in Albania and abroad. During the last years Refraction established and managed in cooperation with organizations in Macedonia, Kosovo and Sweden the network 'Art network of social sculpture'.

Mission and Objectives

Refraction Association is a non-profit Albanian organization. It is established in November 2000. From the beginning it has been an active voice defending Human Rights of marginalized persons deprived by freedom, especially women and children. The vision of the organization is a safe society, building programs that improve skills and compose an infrastructure of services for rehabilitation and re-integration of persons in conflict with law. Mission of Refraction Association is to guarantee Human Rights for offenders, to promote the use of alternative measures and to contribute in reducing criminality, through rehabilitation and re-integration of persons in conflict with law in the community. Main objectives of Refraction Association are: • Reducing criminality through Crime Prevention programs on local and national level and through involving community in these programs. • To promote using of alternative measures of imprisonments and pre-trail especially for young persons. • To support persons deprived from freedom with rehabilitation and education programs for the reintegration of them into society. • To help the projects beneficiaries with counseling, trainings, employments programs and other activities for returning them in a normal life. • To assist specialists and staff that work in the penitentiary and crime prevention field with trainings, seminars, workshops, publications for their professional capacity building.

Main Projects / Activities

• Promotion of Alternative measures to imprisonment and effective implementation of these measures. Effective implementation of these measures and by specialized professionals were issues addressed by the trainings organized during the implementation of a project. • Crime prevention activities – Refraction have organized activities for the groups that have a great probability to be involved in criminality and also it has organized awareness campaigns within community for security issues as: antisocial behaviors, crime, drugs use, human trafficking, etc. The organization aims to prevent the criminality through increasing and promoting community participation on crime prevention and problem solving. Refraction aims to promote community based policing and rehabilitation integration and treatment of sentenced persons with imprisonment of other security measures. • Realizing trainings, giving expertise and capacity building – Near Refraction is established a pool of trainers and experts who are specialized on organizing trainings and workshops with different groups, especially students. • Researches and studies – These activities were about community development and security issues; penal sentences and their effectiveness on juveniles; situation of imprisoned persons; situation of Human Rights in prisons;

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Refraction will brings its experience, projects organized, active participation in the network activities, regional focus of the network and an active voice to promote ALF mission and objectives.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Refraction Association aim to join ALF network is to organize other activities in regional level, finding partners and implementing projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marinela Sota
Head of the organisation
Marinela sota
Contact (2) Full Name
Entela Kaleshi


National Network

C/ Queralt 18, 08017 Barcelona, Spain

00 34 93 424 5202
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
00 34 675 446 373
Mobile Phone (other)
00 34 699 765 603
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Barcelonya is a social enterprise committed to communication and transformation for a more resilient future. We operate as a non for profit cooperative with three associate directors based in Barcelona supported by an international network of independent professionals offering products and services to facilitate learning processes, social innovation and civil society engagement. We have an annual turnover of 150,000€ and are funded by public grants, sale of learning products and training and research. For details of projects see below, we always work in partnership with other organisations, mostly from civil society (NGOs, associations, foundations, networks) but also have worked in partnership with business schools, Universities, city councils, regional and national governments. We have worked with over 50 organisations in the last 4 years. We are coordinating institution for RCE Barcelona (Regional centre of expertise in education for sustainable development) and were one of the first RCEs to be nominated in 2007, we are founding members of a new business association for environmental entrepreneurship in Catalonia, are members of the RIE (Network for Iberian Ecovillages), the Social Economy Network of Catalunya and the financial cooperative COOP57.
Mission and Objectives

Individuals and organisations have the skills, knowledge and motivation to act as change agents in the transition to a more resilient future.
Design and deliver innovative communication and transformation tools processes and experiences to empower individuals and organisations to be the change they want to see in the world.
• Train the trainers; build capacity amongst educators to integrate ecological, social, economic and spiritual dimensions into their learning processes.
• Develop innovative resources and tools; design user friendly, attractive resources and tools to help change agents make sustainability more accessible and widespread.
• Design experiential learning for young people; provide young people with the skills, freedom and experience to lead their journey to resilience.
• Disseminate knowledge, resources and case studies; share inspiring stories and practical resources in learning for sustainability from around the world.
• Provide cutting edge research on social innovation; identify good practice and develop analytical tools to better understand social innovation and entrepreneurship.

Main Projects / Activities

- Education and Sustainability – we publish a magazine for teachers on how to integrate environmental and social issues into learning in Catalan and Swedish (see latest issue attached)
- Ethica – we have developed a board game with 5 other European organisations for young people and adults on ethical finance available in 5 languages. We are currently developing an online training programme for facilitators of the game
- Sustainability training - we train young people, educators, entrepreneurs and other professionals in various dimensions of sustainability, including ethical finance, green events, corporate responsibility and communication for sustainability.
- RCE Barcelona – we coordinate the Regional Center for Expertise in Education for Sustainable Development, a local network of local private, public and civil organizations
- Sustainable Summer School - we are developing experiential, multi-cultural learning programmes for teenagers to immerse themselves in sustainability, English and Art in a Natural Park Setting in partnership with an outdoor education organisation.
- Water, Rivers and People – we facilitated the social agenda (cinema forum, debates, street theatre, concerts, school programmes) for this itinerant exhibition, involving over 30 activities in a month long period
- Sustainable Events – we have helped organisations organise more sustainable events, run training for event organisers and have developed a toolkit for events organisers in the Mediterranean
- Social Innovation Antenna – we are currently developing a publication on best practice social innovation in partnership with a local business school
- Social Entrepreneurship and Green Employment – we developed a strategy to promote green entrepreneurship in the Mediterranean with key partners
- Solar energy in Catalonia – we led research on the evolving SME solar sector and the role of government in CSR with business schools

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can help to promote the Network through our multiple partnerships and connections with organisations of different sectors, as well as act as a node in Barcelona for activities and events. We also have a magazine in 3 languages which we would like to translate into other Mediterranean languages to be able to extend knowledge, good practice and resources to other parts of the region.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are interested in extending our work to other Mediterranean countries, through partnerships with other social enterprises, civil society actors and learning centres. We are a multilingual, and multicultural team and are seeking to use our competencies to help build innovative learning for sustainability partnerships across the Mediterranean as well as scale up initiatives which have already proved successful in one country. We are also particularly interested in creating experiences for young people from different Mediterranean countries to be empowered through learning and friendship across Mediterranean borders - and specifically would like to find mechanisms for teenagers to travel from the Mediterranean to our sustainability summer school.

Contact (1) Full Name
Heloise Buckland
Head of the organisation
Alexis Urusoff
Contact (2) Full Name
Alfonso Flaquer


National Network

c/Miguel Mañara 16


+34 954 22 50 53
+34 954 22 49 72
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+34 647 52 77 29
Mobile Phone (other)
+34 647 52 77 01
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
General Information
INCOMA is a Education research and Vocational training center with a large experience in the development and coordination of EU funded programs. INCOMA's main fields of activities are: - Vocational training. - Employment. - Entrepreneurship - Language. - Mobility. INCOMA has a wide partnership in both Andalusia(Spain) and Europe. The annual incomes are around 1 million euros, having 8 permanent staff plus other expert devoted to some concrete projects and teachers for the training actions.
Mission and Objectives

INCOMA is dedicated to the management of research and transfer of good practices projects, particularly dealing with groups at risk of social exclusion or with special difficulties to enter the labour market like youngsters, women or migrants.
INCOMA also aims to promote mobility actions as a tool to contribute to the social dialogue, a better education levels and cultural understanding as well as raising European awareness.

Main Projects / Activities

INCOMA is currently developing several interesting projects:
- CINCO: To promote learning of all latin language by the intercomprehension rationale.
- ACUME: Definition of the Intercultural Mediator professional profile in the European scope.
- DEEPER: Online platform for training of trainers dealing with Migrant collectives, refugees and asylum seekers.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

INCOMA has a large number of Institutional partners all over Europe, mainly within the Mediterranean basin. We also have partners in several Mediterranean countries since INCOMA participates in Marocco-Andalusia cooperation program (POCTEFEX) in projects Andalucía Integra and MARES. Furthermore, we are involved in a ENPI CBC Med consortium.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The network will allow us to reinforce the dissemination of our project results and spread it into a large context out of European borders.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ignacio Camacho
Head of the organisation
Juan Guerrero
Contact (2) Full Name
Felipe Fernández

Fundacion el Compromiso

National Network

Calle Serrano, 85, 1º Derecha. 28006, Madrid

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Structure of the organization: President, Vice-president, Secretary and the Responsible of the Department of International Cooperation.volunteers Budgetary in a year: 150.000 euros Sources: Private Donations and public financing Modalities of action: projects.
Mission and Objectives

As stated in the Bylaws, the Foundation's main objective is the development and aim in international cooperation. The Foundation acts performing acts of philanthropy, welfare and training programs for persons in need.
The Foundation's Commitment is involved in creating a more adjustable world in which everyone has free access to regular and adequate nutrition, education, health, employment and housing.
All this in a context of full respect for human rights and the environment.

Main Projects / Activities

Constructing Primary schools
Constructing latrines and water wells
Homes rehabilitation for child soldiers
Constructing Kindergarten
Constructing Nursery schools
Constructing Drying floors
Help AIDS patients

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By exchanging and working with other organizations

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join Alf Network because we want to open our door for more opportunities

Contact (1) Full Name
Maria del Carmen Pérez Meléndez
Head of the organisation
José Herrero de Egaña
Contact (2) Full Name
Alicia Molina

Stowarzyszenie Kulturalne LADO

National Network

ul. Wiolinowa 2 m 41
02-785 Warszawa


605 050 485
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Lado consists of 25 members - all actively involved in cultural activity, mainly related to music. Annual budget of various project is usually above 50 000 EUR. Main sources of funding: Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, Adam Mickiewicz Institute and City of Warsaw, also smaller contributions from various sponsors. Main activities: Organization of concerts and festivals, international exchange between musicians, promotion of Polish alternative music scene, Record Label - over 40 albums released, ranging from experimental music, through jazz and classical. The Association and its members were granted many nominations and prizes like Wdechy (Gazeta Wyborcza prize), Paszport Polityki , Fenomen Przekroju (for the Association leader Maciej Morus), Nocne Marki (Mitch and Mitch band) etc.
Mission and Objectives

Established in 2007, the LADO association sets out to nurture and promote any manifestation of independent art in Poland, and to animate cultural life by publishing music and graphic design (both artistic and functional), organising art events (concerts, festivals, workshops, exhibitions etc.), and facilitating contacts between artists, in Poland as well as internationally.
In the most general of terms, LADO’s mission is to change the art environment by supporting and representing independent artists of all persuasions and personal philosophies. LADO is a private, non-profit association.
New as it is, LADO is in fact an assembly of highly experienced artists and cultural animators, with years of expertise ranging from performing and composing music, through organising festivals, to journalism and critical work. Its members have worked with and partcipated in prestigious cultural events throughout Europe, collaborated with some of the world’s most prominent contemporary artists, and themselves produced important work over the years.
The LADO association has been established to embrace their collective knowledge and creative energy so that it can be implemented with greater efficiency and thus have a more profound impact on the cultural environment in Poland and across its borders. Under a common label, LADO’s members and beneficiaries will also have a chance to promote their work more easily on foreign soil, thereby contributing to a cultural exchange so vital to the European identity.

Main Projects / Activities

"Lado w miescie" - recurring summer festival organized in Warsaw in cooperation with other partners presenting Polish young bands.
International tours and collaboration with foreign musicians of SzaZa, Mitch and Mitch, Paristetris, LXMP, Cukunft, Marcin Masecki, Raphael Roginski etc. In 2010-2011 they visited and collaborated with musicians from: USA, Hungary, Lithuania, Island, Italy, UK, Egypt, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Norway and Japan.
Over 40 published music albums including the latest: Profesjonalizm, Levity, Hubert Zemler,
Paula and Karol, etc.
All listed on

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to intensify cultural exchange and get to know similar organizations from the Mediterranean countries with which we haven't had many interactions so far.

Contact (1) Full Name
Kamila Bondar
Head of the organisation
Maciej Moruś
Contact (2) Full Name
Mariusz Nowicki

UFA - Centra Fundation

National Network

ul. Nowilipki 20, Warsaw

0048 501 136 177
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
UFA is: a space open to different initiatives, group meetings, local actions and informal groups' work a non-profit, open place of work, meetings, knowledge exchange and creation a unique concept in nowadays Poland
Mission and Objectives

UFA is a women-queer social and cultural Centra [female form of “center”] based in Warsaw and carried by collective. It is by all means queer place as it floats undefined and keeps fluidly changing from gallery to meeting place to workshop to club to cinema to cafe to library...
Apart from integration of communities and individuals and creation of infrastructure and organizational background UFA carries on its own activities including: workshops, trainings, conferences, exhibitions, movie screenings, theatre performances, concerts, meetings and discussions, free of charge internet access, library with a reading room, printing workshop.
Activities of UFA are divided into three categories:
UFA's own activities
activities in co-operation of UFA and groups or people from outside
open space activities organized by groups or people from the outside.
This way we hope to combine the aim of being open and supportive to any freedom orientated initiative with promotion of high artistic and intellectual quality of these activities.
UFA abbreviation means Unidentified Flying Abject but also many other things... whatever you wish in fact.

Main Projects / Activities

1/ GENERATIONS IN ACTION 2009: a big project for women, with computer courses, English courses, Wendo trainigns, legal advice, psychological adivce, job advice.
2/ WE, THE WOMEN OF MURANÓW: a project where women aged 50+ meet to explore the history of our district, learn about its history, acquire new skills (eg photography) and create an amotional map of the district.
3/ ACTIVISATION: a project on cyber empowerment of women aged 50+
4/ EXPERIENCE TRANSFER - from Daughters to Mothers: computer classes for older women (supported by OSKa Foundation: the concept of individual work in pairs (young volunteer – older beneficiary) appears to be very efficient; this project can serve as an example of our approach: it enables the meeting and cooperation of young women, mostly queer and/or feminist or anarchist, with older women from different social groups).
5/ QUEERMASH I. Lesbian-Bisexual-Transgender-Queer Empowerment Project (September – December 2008): supported by Embassy of Kingdom of Netherlands and consisting of fundraising workshops, WenDo self-defense course, coming out, relationships, sexuality workshops, improvisation theatre, creative writing, photography, movie and visualisation workshops, discussion series, integration events such as poetic slams) = 300 hours in total.
6/ ZEBATKA - bike fixing workshops for girls and women

Contact (1) Full Name
Małgorzata Gąsiorowska

Goethe-Institut e. V. Germany (Head of Network)

National Network

Oskar-von-Miller-Ring 18
80333 München

+49 89 15921- 170
0049 8915921237
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
General Information

1.Goethe-Institut e.V. is a worldwide organisation active in the promotion of the German language abroad, encouraging international cultural cooperation and attempting to convey an all-round image of Germany by providing information on its culture, society and politics. It operates in accordance with its statute and on the basis of a general agreement entered into with the Federal Republic of Germany. The individual institutes both in Germany and abroad are legally independent units of Goethe-Institut e.V.G. 128 institutes in 79 countries. 2. 255 million € 3. Gross proceeds, gross profits: 42.48 million €; yearly net earnings: 0.57 million €; Public funding: 215.6 million € of which institute - generated income: 42.48 million € 4. Courses, seminars, publications, cultural collaborations 5. British Council, Instituto Cervantes, Japan Foundation as well as partners worldwide

Mission and Objectives

Acting on behalf of the Federal Republic of Germany Goethe-Institut e.V. promotes various issues of foreign cultural and educational policy. According to its statute, the three principal objectives of the institute are: • to promote the study of the German language abroad • to encourage international cultural cooperation • to convey an all-round image of Germany by providing information on its culture, society and politics.

Main Projects / Activities

Goethe-Institut sets internationally recognised standards in the teaching and learning of German as a foreign language. It runs language courses, compiles teaching materials, trains teachers, contributes to scientific research and participates in politicolanguage initiatives. Goethe-Institut monitors trends in Germany and encourages cultural collaboration across the globe by organising programmes of events and making contributions to various festivals and exhibitions in the fields of film, dance, theatre, literature and translation. Libraries and information centres, forums for discussion, diverse print-, audio- and video-publications and our visitors’ service aim to paint a contemporary portrait of Germany, promoting international discourse on the key concerns of what is becoming an increasingly global society.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Wolf Iro
Head of the organisation
Dr. Wolf Iro

The Association of Environmental Justice in Israel (AEJI)

National Network

P.O.Box 3160
Ramat Hasharon 47131

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
AEJI is nonpartisan, independent body, focusing on basic issues of environmental justice: on the inter-connectedness of society, environment and the decision-making framework in Israel to produce policy recommendations that are real and acceptable while promoting the strengthening of democracy, equality and environmental justice values. It also aims to promote active deliberated civic participation especially of minorities and residents of the periphery. We have 5 members of stuff in full/part time: manager, project coordinator, economist, researcher assistants. Board chairperson is Prof. Dan Rabinowitz and members are: Mossi Raz, Sarah Osazcky-Lazar, Camal Gazawi, Inspection committee Adv Ruth Yaffe and Adv. Ahmad Haj-Yihye. The budget resources are about 100,000$ from foundations. Projects: Developing Green vision on 5 Arab municipalities, with the population; Climate Justice Research and Economic Policy; Reducing Environmental Risks in Shared Space. Our main partners are the population on the towns we work, heads of municipalities, the regional town association.
Mission and Objectives

The Association is active in three main fields:
A. Data collection, initiation of research and working papers that attempt to elucidate the core issues of society, environment and the decision-making framework and develop acceptable solutions.
B. Development of policy tools that promote a policy based on the values of democracy, equality and environmental justice.
C. Increasing civic participation in matters of environmental justice and decision-making processes regarding environment and society, as well as empowering civil society especially among vulnerable groups such as minorities and residents of the periphery.

Main Projects / Activities

Projects: Green vision and Co-existence on 5 Arab municipalities at the Southern Triangle region – aimed to develop mechanism for public participation on environmental decision making process and develop of resources for sustainable communities; he project is aimed to be expand and includes the regional planning of public sphere with participation of neighboring Jewish-Arab communities.
Climate Justice Research and Economic Policy – examine the socio-economic profile of the CO2 emission to the atmosphere as reflected by the different patterns of consumption pf the economic deciles in Israel and formulate economy policy;
Reducing Environmental Risks in Shared Space – map and edit the different environmental risks for groups of population in shared space

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We develop unique projects (Green Vision, mapping environmental risks) that should be relevant to others organizations/Institutions/Communities. On the research level we develop indicators for policy on Climate Justice and economy that the methodology could be use to others fields of sustainable development policy.
Joining the network might provide a platform for presenting, build of partnership, and shared activities for the benefit of the entire population in Israel.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To be part of International network , exchange information and might partnership on shared projects in the fields of Environmental Justice, Democracy and Public Participation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Carmit Lubanov
Head of the organisation
Carmit Lubanov, Director

Negev Institute for Strategies of Peace and Development (NISPED)

National Network

Henrietta Szold Street 4
Beersheva 00000

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
NISPED, the Negev Institute for Strategies of Peace and Development, is a non-profit association which promotes peace and development, focusing on the centrality of the civil society. NISPED serves as a center for education, training and project development for societies in transition. NISPED employs 40 full time staff and an additional 100 people in part-time positions in its diverse projects. NISPED's annual budget is three million dollars and funding sources include private foundations, foreign governments and the Israeli government. NISPED develops and implements tens of concrete projects in the Negev region of Israel, primarily in the Negev Bedouin community or in the field of Jewish-Arab cooperation and shared society building. NISPED partners with other organizations/networks/initiatives both locally and nationally including Musharaka, Kulanana, Shutafut Sharakah, Shatil, Hirarkuna, local councils, municipalities, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, and local colleges.
Mission and Objectives

NISPED's mission is the promotion of peace and development, focusing on the centrality of the civil society. NISPED serves as a center for education, training and project development for societies in transition: • From conflict to conflict resolution • From oppressive systems of governance to democracies with human rights • From poverty and dependence to social and economic advance • From minority exclusion to minority inclusion NISPED includes three major divisions: • AJEEC – The Arab-Jewish Center for Equality, Empowerment and Cooperation which focuses on the Arab citizens of Israel and Jewish-Arab relations. • NISPED Middle East – through people to people processes, the division focuses on conflict resolution, economic empowerment and education for peace in the Middle East. • NISPED Cooperative Development – focuses on sustainable human development, economic empowerment and the promotion and development of cooperatives in Israel and developing countries.

Main Projects / Activities

NISPED's Arab Jewish Center for Equality, Empowerment and Cooperation (AJEEC) works with Jewish and Arab populations to create a more just Israel in which both populations will enjoy equal civil and human rights. AJEEC works in four fields running tens of projects: Community Empowerment, Economic Development, Health Promotion, and Arab-Jewish Cooperation. Examples include the Arab Bedouin Volunteer Center (700 volunteers), Parents as Partners – Mother led quality day care, Early Childhood Resource and Training Center, the Community Health Promotion Program for Arab Bedouin Women and Children, and the Arab-Jewish Volunteer year Program .

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

NISPED-AJEEC has more than a decade of experience in Israel working in the ALF network's fields. We believe that we will be able to contribute our experience, knowledge and connections to the Network in our country.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The ALF network's main purpose, namely promoting, mutual respect between cultures is a perfect match with NISPED-AJEEC's main purpose and mission and we believe that we can contribute to the network's activities and the network can also contribute to helping us achieve our goals.

Contact (1) Full Name
Zimra Vigoda
Head of the organisation
Vivian Silver and Amal Elsana Alh'jooj
Contact (2) Full Name
Sarit Berenstein