Alkarma Cultural Forum - Bethlehem

National Network
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Al-Karma is a Palestinian non-profit, non-governmental organization established in 2004 under registration number Bl-466-CU at Al-khass village in Eastern Rural of Bethlehem, Palestine the birthplace of Jesus, located 10 Km to the south of Jerusalem. Al-Karma was created to establish a bridge and platform for Women and Youth in the rural area of Bethlehem. It emerged as a result of an active youth group in East Rural of Bethlehem who decided to help their marginalized area and people. Majority of youth and Women in Bethlehem lives in the rural area of Bethlehem from here Al-Karma was established to serve as a cultural and Educational platform. Al-Karma was established in Easter Rural of Bethlehem in a small village called Alkhass village, one of the marginalized villages which was divided in two villages due to the separation wall. Al-Karma is a platform for youth and women that encourage and empower youth and women to take their role in community Development and to be a bridge for them to reflect their needs and ideas. It allows youth to express their creativity and participate actively to build their community. Al-Karma work to help youth in marginalized rural area to have an equal opportunities like youth in other areas. Al-Karma working in creating the Rural Area Youth Parliament and started mobilizing the idea of its through a facebook page and found a good responses. Currently we have 380 youth members on our facebook page.
Mission and Objectives

Al-Karma is a Palestinian non-profit, non-governmental organization established in 2004 under registration number Bl-466-CU at Al-khass village in Eastern Rural of Bethlehem, Palestine the birthplace of Jesus, located 10 Km to the south of Jerusalem. Al-Karma was created to establish a bridge and platform for Women and Youth in the rural area of Bethlehem.
It emerged as a result of an active youth group in East Rural of Bethlehem who decided to help their marginalized area and people. Majority of youth and Women in Bethlehem lives in the rural area of Bethlehem from here Al-Karma was established to serve as a cultural and Educational platform.
Our Aim:
1) Increase Youth and Women active participation
2) Reaching to the marginalized and neglected groups in the community
Our Objectives:
1) Create participatory techniques which allow to support and strengthen the local community and invest in their strength and resources to overcome the surrounding conditions
2) Provide the community with activities that allow them to understand and show cultural aspects related to identity and heritage
3) To reach to understanding and respect to other cultures and religions
4) Reaching to the maximum number of youth, children and women in rural communities
5) Developing the capacities and skills of youth, children and women
6) Encourage intercultural and inter-religious exchanges in the community

Main Projects / Activities

East Rural Youth forum
Bethlehem cultural festival
Computer Training Program
Youth and Democracy

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By giving a good quality of activities and be active in the local network activities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To benefit from cooperation, Networking and more inter-cultural exchanges

Contact (1) Full Name
Khader Hamdan
Head of the organisation
Khader Hamdan
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohammed Tamimi

Djerba for Solidarity and Development

National Network

42 SIdi Zaied 4190 Houmt Souk Djerba
4190 Djerba

Telephone (other)
29448880 94900924
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

L'association adopte et applique le principe de l'économie solidaire. C'est une approche qui prend en compte les besoins des demandeurs d’emploi, des pauvres et des marginalisés afin de les transformer en une énergie productive.

Mission and Objectives

1)Consolider les principes de solidarité et d'entraide. 2)Conduire les jeunes à réaliser des projets de développement. 3)Soutenir la créativité et l’innovation.

Main Projects / Activities

Djerba Solidarity and development porte l’intérêt au renforcement des capacités, et à l’intégration socio-économique des jeunes en leur permettant de construire les conditions de leur indépendance économique. Pour ce faire, l’association leur fournit des moyens de production, octroyés sous formes de micro-crédits sans intérêts. Cependant, l’association ne se prive pas d’œuvrer dans l’humanitaire et le social pour répondre aux appels d’urgence.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- Échanger nos expériences - Participer à des formations - Collaborer ensemble pour le meilleur de notre pays

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

- Faire des échanges culturels à travers la Méditerranée - Avoir un soutien financier et technique, des informations et de l’aide, et une perspective Euro-méditerranéenne. - Trouver des partenaires

Contact (1) Full Name
Taha Bouchaddakh
Head of the organisation
Taha Bouchaddakh

Collectif de Familles de Disparus en Algérie

National Network

148 rue du Faubourg Saint Denis
75010 Paris


+33 1 43 44 87 82
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Association de droit français, 8 membres de l'équipe (3 à Paris et 5 en Algérie) Ressources budgétaire annuelles environ 200 000€ Sources de financement : bailleurs privés Modalités d'action : formations, plaidoyer au niveau national et international, soutien aux familles de disparus, séminaires, conservation de la mémoire Principaux partenaires: Le CFDA fait partie d’une Coalition des associations de victimes du conflit des années 1990 en Algérie regroupant le CFDA, SOS Disparus, Somoud et Djazairouna. Le CFDA est membre du réseau Euro-méditerranéen des droits de l’Homme (REMDH), de la Fédération Euro-méditerranéenne contre les disparitions forcées (FEMED) et de la Fédération Internationale des ligues des Droits de l’Homme (FIDH) et du Réseau mondial de solidarité des mères, épouses, sœurs, filles, proches de personnes enlevées et disparues.
Mission and Objectives

Le CFDA est une association de loi 1901 créé en 1998 à Paris pour soutenir la lutte des familles de disparu(e)s en Algérie et pour la reconnaissance internationale des disparitions forcées dans ce pays. En 2006, le CFDA a reçu la mention spéciale du prix des droits de l’Homme de la République française. En 2008, le CFDA a obtenu le statut d’observateur à la Commission Africaine des Droits de l’Homme et des Peuples (CADHP). Les objectifs principaux du CFDA sont l’établissement de la vérité sur le sort des disparus, l’amélioration de l’accès à la justice de leur famille et la lutte contre l’impunité.

Main Projects / Activities

Le CFDA et ses comités locaux SOS Disparus en Algérie accueillent les familles, recueillent les témoignages, constituent des dossiers individuels et prodiguent une assistance juridique et administrative aux familles de disparu(e)s en les aidant notamment à déposer des plaintes au niveau local.
Le CFDA constitue un fichier central et actualise régulièrement une base de données pour la préservation de la mémoire sur les disparitions forcées en Algérie.
Une lettre d’information sur les activités du CFDA est diffusée tous les trimestres. Elle est publiée en français, anglais et arabe et est disponible sur le site internet.
Le CFDA mène des campagnes de sensibilisation et de lobbying en Algérie auprès des Ambassades étrangères et des partis politiques et auprès des instances internationales et régionales.
En 2005, la Caravane contre l’oubli en Europe a permis d’alerter l’opinion publique nationale et internationale sur les conséquences liberticides de la Charte pour la paix et la réconciliation nationale et une délégation du CFDA a été reçue par la Haut Commissaire des droits de l’Homme des Nations Unies, Madame Louis Arbour.
Le CFDA, dépose des dossiers au Groupe de Travail sur les Disparitions Forcées de l’ONU (plus de 5000 dossiers), saisi le Groupe de travail sur la détention arbitraire sur des cas de personnes qui sont détenues au secret et sont par la suite détenues arbitrairement dans des prisons militaires
Le CFDA rédige des communications individuelles à l’attention du Comité des droits de l’Homme (CDH) qui a notamment rendu 6 décisions. Dans celles-ci, il réitère ses recommandation à l'État algérien, partie au Pacte international sur les droits civils et politiques (PIDCP), d'assurer aux auteurs de la plainte un recours utile, consistant notamment à mener une enquête approfondie et diligente sur la disparition et le sort du disparu(e) et à remettre celui-ci immédiatement en liberté s'il est encore en vie, à informer comme il convient sur les résultats de ses enquêtes et à assurer que les auteurs et la famille obtiennent une réparation appropriée, y compris sous forme d’indemnisation.
Le CFDA a remis, en mai 2007, un rapport alternatif au rapport de l’État algérien en vue de son examen par le CDH. Le rapport alternatif portait sur les nombreuses violations des droits de l’Homme en Algérie.
Ce dernier a rendu des recommandations forte et notamment l’abrogation de l’article 46 de l’ordonnance 06-01 portant application de la Charte pour la Paix et la Réconciliation Nationale qui bafoue la liberté d’expression, ainsi que l’amendement de l’article 45 qui interdit aux victimes tout recours devant la justice afin que les crimes de disparitions, tortures, massacres et viols fassent l’objet d’enquête et que soient traduits en justice les responsables.
Le CDH demande également que le droit à réparation des familles de disparus incluant le droit à une indemnisation adéquate soit appliqué et par conséquent il recommande d’abolir l’obligation faite aux familles d’attester de la mort de leur proche pour pouvoir prétendre à l’indemnisation.
Le CFDA a également remis au Comité contre la torture (CAT) un rapport alternatif au rapport de l’État algérien qui a été examiné en mai 2008. Le CAT a demandé au gouvernement algérien d’« abolir l’obligation pour les familles d’attester de la mort de la personne disparue afin de pouvoir bénéficier d’une indemnisation » et a rappelé que la disparition forcée peut constituer un traitement inhumain pour les membres des familles de disparus.
Le CAT considère par ailleurs que « […] la publication des noms des personnes disparues recensées depuis les années 1990 pourrait s’avérer fort utile lors de la collecte d’informations auprès de personnes qui pourraient apporter des éléments susceptibles de faire avancer l’enquête ».
Le CFDA a également remis un rapport à la Commission africaine des droits de l’Homme et des peuples (CADHP). L’Algérie a été examinée en novembre 2007. Les observations ou recommandations de la CADHP ne sont toujours pas rendues publiques.
Le CFDA œuvre actuellement pour l’établissement d’une commission de Vérité dans le cadre d’un processus de justice transitionnelle en Algérie. A cet effet, il a organisé un premier séminaire fermé à Paris le 28 février 2004, intitulé « Disparitions forcées en Algérie : Comment établir une commission nationale pour la Vérité et la Justice ? » Afin de lancer un débat et une réflexion au sein de la Société Civile algérienne sur les modalités de la mise en place d’un processus de justice transitionnelle il a été décidé à l’unanimité des participants d’organiser un séminaire similaire en Algérie même.
Cependant, après plusieurs mois de préparation, ce séminaire qui devait initialement se tenir à Alger le 7 et le 8 février 2007, sous le thème « Vérité, Paix et Conciliation » a été interdit par les autorités algériennes. Les agents de la sûreté d’Alger sont entrés dans l’Hôtel Mercure où devait se tenir le séminaire afin de notifier aux organisateurs son interdiction. Grâce au soutien de la FIDH, ce séminaire s’est finalement tenu le 17 et 18 mars à Bruxelles grâce au soutien de la FIDH sur le même thème mais avec moins de participants. Les actes de ce séminaire ont été publiés.
Le CFDA, SOS Disparus et ses partenaires, Djazairouna et Somoud ont décidé, après l’interdiction de ce séminaire de mettre en place une stratégie permettant d’éviter tout risque d’interdiction. Ainsi, il organise des « forums-ateliers » dans les locaux des associations partenaires pour ne pas avoir à demander d’autorisations officielles. Il organise des réunions de travail à Paris et en Algérie pour renforcer le cercle de réflexion.
Parallèlement à ses actions pour l’établissement d’une Commission de Vérité, le CFDA mène des missions de terrain pour l’élaboration d’un rapport détaillé sur les disparitions forcées en Algérie, a mis en place un programme de formation sur les mécanismes internationaux pour les 3 années à venir et travaille actuellement sur un projet de centre de la préservation de la Mémoire ainsi qu’un projet de centre de réhabilitation des victimes.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Nous participerons aux activités organisées par le Réseau et favoriserons l'échange d'expérience entre les différents acteurs du réseau.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Nous voulons profiter de l’expérience de réseau et faire partager notre expérience aux autres membres.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nassera Dutour

Körfez Oruç Reis Anatolian High school

National Network

Körfez Oruç Reis Anadolu lisesi Engin Sok. Güney mah-Körfez

Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
It is ahigh school.The students have to pass an exam to enrol the school. They learn English and other subjects.There is 45 teachers and 5 other staff.660 students. It is public so It's budget belongs to Minstry of the education. On the other hand the Association of parents have a small budget foprm the donation of the parents. The school joined Eu projects about the protecting of environment. Spain,Romain and we applied for another project which is Grundvig,our partners are France,Poland, spain,Romania,CZECH rEP.
Mission and Objectives

We aim to educate the students open minded,social,developing their foreign language,and introducing new cultures while they introduce their ownes.Turkey is not EU member ,on the other hand every day they hear something about Eu commission.They have no idea about European Cuntries . We want to make them to be aware of eu membership by visiting these countries.

Main Projects / Activities

We worked on an environment project. ''Towards a sustainable school''
Now we wre waiting for the resul of the project about the education of the parents in every subject to become an active citizen.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mesut Ceylan
Head of the organisation
Bahattin Şatır
Contact (2) Full Name
Ahu Antmen

Kültür Bilincini Geliştirme Vakfı / Cultural Awareness Foundation

National Network

Barbaros Bulvari Pinar Apt.No.135 K:4 D:7 Balmumcu, Besiktas

90 212 347 24 25
Telephone (other)
90 212 347 63 89
90 212 347 24 26
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
90 533 392 82 49
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Our foundation was established in 2003 by 148 founder members constituting the Board Of Trustees. There are 112 associates cooperating with our founders, three staff. Sources of funding are donations from founders and associates and sponsorships for projects, totalling income for 2005 of EU 300.000, The Board of Trustess elects The Board Of Directors and the Audit Committee for a period of three years, who in turn decide and implement activities and projects under the framework of general missions. According to the nature of our projects our foundation establishes partnerships with the state, local authorities, other local and international NGO’s.
Mission and Objectives

Our vision is to adopt and share our cultural values and cultural diversity as our common humanistic heritage from our geography.
The purpose of the foundation is to promote social awareness and sensitivity for protection and preservation of historical, cultural and natural heritage and assets of Turkey, and to help younger generations understand and assimilate such heritage. Its main areas of interest are history, archaeology, fine arts, and travel culture. It also aims to protect and preserve disappearing or threatened cultural heritage items such as traditional timberwork or similar handcrafts.

Main Projects / Activities

Our foundation has created an authentic training model for students of ages 12-14; named the “"Cultural Awareness Program For Children". Other activities in this field are conferences, seminars and meetings in various related topics.
Our foundation implements projects which contribute to the maintenance of museums and ruins which have budget problems and are found to be neglected.
Various campaigns and activities are conducted to advocate the restoration and protection of cultural heritage. We promote cultural tours by enlightening travelers about countries and locations before their arrival to their destinations and organizing archives of traveling notes, slides and films.

Contact (1) Full Name
Leyla Surmeli
Head of the organisation
Faruk Pekin
Contact (2) Full Name
Merve Bayer Güven

Kültür Ofisi Derneği (KOD)- Culture Office Association

National Network

Asmali Mescid Mah. Kallavi sok. no:30 kat:7

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Kültür Ofisi Derneği (Culture Office) is a newly founded association on culture and arts in Turkey. The founders of the association are acknowledged culture producers and social researchers who wrote the main mission of the association as dissemination and share of cultural productions or processes, by making artistic activities available to all. For this purpose it implements and/or supports national or international projects on culture and arts.
Mission and Objectives

The main mission of the association is dissemination and share of cultural productions or processes, by making artistic activities available to all.
The main objective of the association is developing intercultural dialogue and understanding through culture and arts. In order to fulfill this aim the association supports production in various fields starting with literature, music, photography, cinema and history, and thus contributes social development and change.

Main Projects / Activities

Culture Office is a newly founded association and therefore does not have a loaded biography yet. Information on the only activity it has become part of can be reached at The association supported this event with a workshop of street bands.

Contact (1) Full Name
Betigul Onay
Head of the organisation
Ali Cosar

National Education Directorate of Bandirma

National Network

Gunaydin mah. terziler cad. No: 52 10200 Bandirma/Balikesir

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Bandirma MEB is a public institution which is under the management of teachers appointed by the government/Ministry of Education. There are 34 staffs and this is a non-profit institution which its budgetary is defined by the determination of Ministry of Education according to the strategic targets of the unit.It opens some courses to the public and gets some sum of money as a result of personnel expenditures. It has its own scholarship programmes for capable,creative, but low-income students. Teachers and students will be the main partners in the preparation of this project.
Mission and Objectives

Main mission of our institution is to create new generations who will show respect to the moral values and be contemporary to to the rights of others and who can easily communicate with the other nations.

Main Projects / Activities

Our institution prepares projects to catch up with the high standarts of EU education system. By that way, it serves some projects (Comenius, Leonardo and Grundvig) which also targets to contribute to the young and adult educations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Ridvan Elci
Head of the organisation
Mr. Sakir Demirhan
Contact (2) Full Name
Serkan Bodur

Open Society Institute /Assistance Foundation – Turkey

National Network

Cevdetpasa CAD. MERCAN APT. NO:85 D:11 34342 BEBEK

+90 212 287 99 86
+90 212 287 99 67
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Media
  3. Others
General Information
- Open Society Institute Assistance Foundation (OSI AF) – Turkey is a representative office of OSI – New York - Staff of 4 people - Advisory Board; rotating and voluntary basis - Budgetary Resources available in a year; - 2 million USD - Mr. George Soros - Priority working areas; European Union, Reform, Regional Disparities, Minorities, Civil Society, Education, Gender and Media - OSI AF – Turkey provides 1/3 of financial support and requires considerable amount of local support for each project - Turkish Economic and Social Studies Foundation (TESEV), Anatolian Culture, Sabancı University, Bogazici University, Bilgi University, Kagider, Ka-mer, Helsinki Citizens Assembly
Mission and Objectives

Support Turkish society, academics, NGOs in their efforts towards achieving a democratic and an open society in Turkey.

Main Projects / Activities

For a list of projects and programmes supported by OSI AF – Turkey, please refer to web site;

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Gokce Tuyluoglu
Head of the organisation
Ms. Gokce Tuyluoglu

Silivri Municipality

National Network

Ali Bey Mh. Turgut Özal Bulvarı No:3 SİLİVRİ

+90 212 727 10 02 / 330
+90 212 727 24 88
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Silivri Municipality is one of the Local Authorities in Istanbul. Silivri’s population is about 134.000 and the Municipality serves them with about 450 staff. There is a Mayor and 5 Assistants of Mayor. They manage 19 different departments including environment, utilities and construction, project, town planning, development, cleaning services, etc. There is also a City Council which consists of 31 members charged at local election. Municipality’s main sources are allocations from the general budget of the government, property taxes and improvement cuttings. Concentrated on meeting public’s social needs, the Municipality focuses on improvement of local economy by guiding good agricultural practices, teaching courses about the leader industries in the local area etc. The town has numerous historical value hence one of the main headlines of Municipality is bring historical sites in.
Mission and Objectives

To meet the public’s social, economic and cultural needs by contemporary municipal insight in the local area. To promote sustainable development by using resources efficiently and duly.

Main Projects / Activities

To meet the disabled person’s needs and make the life easier for them. To supply unemployed people by educating and make them enable to work in different areas. To elicit the support of the public.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ozcan Isiklar
Contact (2) Full Name

Support to Life (STL) / Hayata Destek

National Network

Sakiz sok. Moray apt. no:2/1 Kadikoy

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Support to Life (STL) / Hayata Destek is an international non-governmental, non-profit organization with main office in Ankara, Turkey. With 6 permanent Turkish staff members and a group of local staff, STL is currently active in humanitarian assistance projects in Iran (since March 2005) and in Kashmir, Pakistan (since the earthquake in October 2005). Donor partners of STL include international NGOs and UN agencies as the main source of funds. Average annual turnover is 3,540,000 Euro. Field based community work is the main modality of action of STL.
Mission and Objectives

STL is involved in humanitarian assistance, psycho-social rehabilitation, and the recovery of communities affected by disasters and conflicts, concentrating on the needs of children, youth, women, and the vulnerable. The main program areas of STL include relief aid, social protection, education, capacity building, and livelihoods support, promoting participatory approaches to humanitarian assistance and development work. STL carries out research in fields that are within the scope of activities from relief aid to development activities and prepares reports and studies on researched topics.

Main Projects / Activities

* Psycho-social Care for Children end Adolescents of Bam, Iran
* Drug Prevention based Life Skills at Baravat Community Center, Bam
* Kindergarten and Music Training for Children in IDP Camps
* Transitional Community Centers for Women and Children in Kashmir, Pakistan
* Emergency Education in school tents, Kashmir
* Training in Participatory Project Design and Management to Local NGOs and Social Workers in Bam, Iran
* Training of Trainers (ToT) for Social Workers in Life Skills Education
* Recovery of 130 Small Scale Businesses and Workshops in Bam, Iran
* Reforestation Project within Food-for-Work Program
* Emergency Road Clearing within Food-for-Work Program

Contact (1) Full Name
Sevda Kilicalp
Head of the organisation
Sema Genel
Contact (2) Full Name
Pinar Gokgun