National Network


00962-6- 5412 489
00962-6-5412 468
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
0096279- 55 39 530
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
it is anon governmental and non profitable organization, it has an elected board members which consists of (the elected president) and another eight elected members. ( vice president+secretary, treasurer). the budgetary resources available in a year =5000 Jordanian dinars source of funding: the yearly dues from members+ yearly financial support from the ministry of culture+ some fund raising events. we had past projects with the euromed (youths talk about their rights). partners: youths from euromed countries such as Syria, Egypt, Greece,Germany and Spain. some projects with foreign embassies and organizations. Such as the Swiss Embassy and Friedrich Naumann Foundation (Germany), some local conferences and seminars.   Ahmad al-Zghoul - 00962 79 7652111
Mission and Objectives

mission: to encourage the continuation of the democratic trend both in culture and legislation. 1- to encourage creativity which promotes democratic ideas. 2-to work for guaranteeing liberties. 3- to apply the principles of democracy:( freedom, equality and justice) which are contained in the National Charter and the Jordanian Constitution. 4- to exercise cultural , ideological and social activities.

Main Projects / Activities

1- Preparing programs for the democratic education and awareness. 2- Integration in the media field and publication in the newspapers and magazines. 3- Holding seminars ans meetings and delivering lectures. 4- COOPERATING WITH THE POPULAR AND OFFICIAL BODIES AS WELL AS RELEVANT LOCAL , ARAB AND INTERNATIONAL SOCIETIES. 5- FOLLOWING UP THE APPLICATION OF THE DEMOCRATIC TREND IN THE NATIONAL CONSTITUTION.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?


Why do you want to join the ALF Network?


Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr Muhammed Lubbdeh
Job Title (2)

Open Space Foundation

National Network

9, Industrialna str.
Sofia 1202

+359 2 8220699
+359 2 8220699
Mobile Phone
+359 889 916483
Mobile Phone (other)
+359 876 692753
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

Foundation "Open Space" is non-government organization, registered in public benefit. Our staff included: 3 people in full-time, 3 - part-time and 20 - 25 volunteers in time of festival, events and other activities. Budgetary resources available in a year - 110 000 EUR, from European, National and local funds, private companies and patrons. We have 2 main branch: 1/ Educational and consultative services and 2/ Events for the leisure time. Support us and we hope to continue to do this: Ministry of Culture and Ministry of Education, Science and Youth in Bulgaria, Embassy of USA, Egypt and The Netherlands in Bulgaria, Italian Culture institute, Goethe Institute, Czech Institute, Polish Cultural Institute, National Agency for European Youth program and initiatives, Centre for development of human resources, many schools and private clubs for out-school activities.

Mission and Objectives

Our Mission is to support and promote cultural dialogue and relationships through various forms of art and communication. Working hard to create a new standard in the cultural life outside the capital city by establishing a more unconventional author's presentation of new concepts and innovative projects not only in music but also in theatre, cinema, arts in general. From 2010 year we're developing our educational programs and initiatives to encourage personal development and skills.

Main Projects / Activities

- International Ethno-Jazz festival "JULY JAZZ" since 2006, - Perelik Pure Jazz - acoustic concert in the top of the Rodophy mountain since 2008, - Children Art camp since 2008, - Youth programs: "KWAG / Know, Wish, Able, Give" and "Attention! Stairs" to develop youth entrepreneurship and initiatives - Program for volunteers: work with volunteers and with managers of volunteers.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

This could be happen per: - active role in the Network relationships; - to create a place for multicultural dialogue and stimulate its to do in real life and every place around us; - per International Ethno-Jazz festival - its stages and work-shops, where people meet other culture and know about other cultures and religious; - to continue to provoke inter cultural interaction and create new mix project in arts and educational programs.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I strong believe in inter-cultural dialogue and its ability to create change and development of socialite.To be active and open mind people is our personal mission.

Contact (1) Full Name
Pepa Peneva Veleva
Head of the organisation
Pepa Peneva Veleva

Program for the Development of the Judicial System

National Network

5, Stara Planina st.

+ 359 889 888 905
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Others
  4. Research
General Information
There are 12 people working for the PDJS: 7 of them on a part-time basis, the others are volunteers and support the organization mainly in the process of promoting its activities and in fundraising. The PDJS has a large pool of experts who are mostly magistrates and court clerks who are very well familiar with the work of the courts and are more than ready to contribute to the project. In addition, the local resources of almost 50 courts located in different parts of the country and covering all of the five appellate regions in the judicial system, are also used.
Mission and Objectives

is an independent non-governmental organization working to promote the rule of law in Bulgaria and the Balkans.
  Its mission is to introduce new practices that help the judiciary function as an effective and transparent institution which administers justice in a high-quality and predictable manner.
 The goal of the organization is to support the judiciary so that it can receive a deserved recognition for its work at the European level and respond to the high expectations of the Bulgarian citizens.

Main Projects / Activities

The Program for the Development of the Judicial System (PDJS) is an NGO whose mission is to help the Bulgarian judicial system to develop and implement qualitative, predictable, transparent and effective work practices.
Since its establishment in 2007, the PDJS has supported initiatives in more than 40 courts all over the country with the aim to improve the judicial management and administration, to provide timely and accessible court services to citizens and to enhance the professional development of magistrates and court staff. Our team manages pilot projects on both local and national levels related to improving the management of human and financial resources, the adoption of innovative technologies in the courts’ work, facilitating access to justice and increasing public confidence in the judicial system.
The PDJS is the only NGO in Bulgaria that has the resources and the know-how to develop and apply directly innovative practices which guarantee fast and qualitative services to citizens, easier access to information and well-timed and fair dispute resolution. These practices have been incorporated into the Court Improvement Plan (CIP) which has been approved by the Supreme Judicial Council. They are implemented in more than 40 courts - participants in the Model Courts and Courts in Partnership Program.
The PDJS works to expand the scope of the innovations throughout all Bulgarian courts and to provide sustainability and continuity of the achievements by:
• hosting annual meetings of the chairpersons of all courts within the Program;
• publishing an e-bulletin – Diary of Good Judicial Practices;
• identifying, gathering and presenting courts’ achievements to the public.
As a result of successful partnerships, the PDJS has developed long-lasting relationships with all institutions within the judicial system and an extensive network of courts which consider implementing reforms as an essential part of their business practices.
In partnership with magistrates, court officials, lawyers and members of the Supreme Judicial Council, the PDJS has developed and put into practice the second Court Improvement Plan (CIP 2). The CIP 2 is a strategic document with the potential to enhance the work of all Bulgarian courts and to increase the quality of justice. At present, the CIP 2 is being implemented in 33 courts and is expected to be approved by the Supreme Judicial Council as a national standard.
In the future, the PDJS will continue to work on improving the performance of the judicial bodies and strengthening the rule of law in Bulgaria.

Contact (1) Full Name
Verginia Ananieva
Head of the organisation
Velislava Delcheva

Vš.Į Jaunimo mainu agentura

National Network

Šv. Mikalojaus street 4, Vilnius

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Jaunimo mainu agentura is located in a capital of Lithuania – Vilnius and the main goal of our organization is: to initiate and promote any kind of international and intercultural activities for social/youth workers and young people (we are targeting to the young people and their families with less opportunities). The organization was established in September 2003, but founders are active in field of youth non-formal education since the year of 1998. Organization works with local partners – NGO’s, what provides social support services for disadvantaged people (families, children and teenagers, handicapped people and their families). All our partners works with disadvantaged group and in the disadvantaged areas of the capital of Vilnius and it's regions. Organization has lot of international partners working in a same field/or with the same target group with whom we did many different activities together. Jaunimo mainų agentūra has been organized wide range of different local and international level courses, seminars, contact making seminars, study visits, and job shadowing projects, quality rising trainings for young people and for the social/youth workers in a various topics: outdoor education and experiential learning, social exclusion/inclusion issues, immigration etc. There are four stuff members in the organization: director, 2 project coordinators and accountant. Budgetary resources per year is more then 100.000 Eur. Organizations mainly works with such funds: EU "Youth in action", Švietimo mainų paramos fondas, Lietuvos ir Lenkijos jaunimo mainų fondas, Europos ekonominės erdvės ir Norvegijos finansinių mechanizmų subsidijų schemos „Nevyriausybinių organizacijų sektoriaus stiprinimas Lietuvoje“ parama.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to help young people with fever opportunities to gain more opportunities by participating in the intercultural activities.

Main Projects / Activities

The main goal of Youth exchange agency is: to initiate and promote any kind of international and intercultural youth activity or activity related with youth issues.
Organisation was established in September 2003, but founders are active in field of youth non-formal education since the year of 1998.
Our fields of interest:
Work with the youth organisations:
• We organise regional programs for regional youth organisations and young people on the intercultural understanding (youth workers, social workers, teachers, students, etc.);
• We help to find partners for international cooperation;
• We organise integration possibilities for young people having less opportunities in local and international level through international youth exchange programs, short term volunteering programs, etc.;
• We act as an EVS coordinating organisation in Vilnius region (sending and hosting volunteers, keeping contacts, future capital projects);
• We promote youth initiatives and projects in local community.
Work with the youth/social workers:
• We organise international level courses, contact making seminars, study visits, and job shadowing projects, etc. for youth and social workers, who work with disadvantaged children and young people in various topics: outdoor education and experiential learning, social exclusion/inclusion issues, immigration etc.
• We have an attempt to generalise the situation of disadvantaged young people and youth organisations in Lithuania. We promote new necessary project to improve current situation.
Work with the “third countries”
• As Lithuania is supposed to act as a bridge for Eastern countries for better EU integration, we are promoting new projects with the third countries according their needs.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can share our experience, knowledge’s and motivation with ALF network organizations in Lithuania.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would love to have common projects with Mediterranean countries and to know these cultures much closer.

Contact (1) Full Name
Vita Pavilonytė-Semaan
Head of the organisation
Vita Pavilonytė- Semaan (Director)
Contact (2) Full Name
Joseph Semaan

Jiwar Creation & Society

National Network

C. Astúries 36, 1er 08012 Barcelona
08012 Barcelona

+34 932 388 239
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Others
  6. Research
General Information
Il n'y a pas par le moment des personnes engagées. Dans la période d'une année il devrait avoir deux personnes, une à plein temps et l'autre à temps partiel. Les ressources de financement sont privées et, dans la mesure du possible, publiques (subventions par projets). Le projet est soutenable économiquement car les artistes résidents payent par leur séjour. L'activité principale de l'association est la résidence d'artistes: accueil aux artistes et travail de dynamisation autour de son projet de création pour atteindre la communauté. On travaille beaucoup en réseau avec les institutions non gouvernementales, publiques et privées du quartier et de la ville qui sympathisent avec les valeurs du voisinage: bibliothèque (Biblioteca Jaume Fuster), centre de résidence pour les personnes âgées (Casal de Gent Gran de Gràcia), associations d'accueil aux immigrés (ASCIB, ABD), associations de production créative: Gràcia Territori Sonor (expérimentation musicale), La Caldera (danse), Experimentem amb l'Art (arts visuels), théâtres (Sala Becket, Teatre Lliure). Ainsi, les activités qui s'organisent à partir du travail et la recherche des artistes résidents, ont une majeure répercussion.
Mission and Objectives

Jiwar Creation & Society a les suivants grands objectifs: - Développer l’interculturalité et la cohésion sociale - Accueillir en résidence artistes et chercheurs de partout dans le monde, spécialement de la région méditerranéenne et arabe-musulmane, en facilitant leur mobilité et visibilité à Barcelone. - Favoriser le développement de projets interdisciplinaires avec une finalité sociale menés par des équipes de travail interculturels. - Privilégier l’interaction et l’échange (jiwar= voisinage) à travers de projets et d’événements entre les artistes et chercheurs résidents et les institutions, artistes, voisins et voisines du quartier de Gràcia (Barcelone).

Main Projects / Activities

Tel que nous l'avons indiqué, notre activité principale est la résidence d'artistes. C'est à partir des propositions des artistes résidents que nous travaillons avec nos partenaires du tissu social du quartier. Notre projet le plus emblématique dans cette première année de vie a été "Entrellaçades, teixint coneixement desteixint prejudicis" (Entrelacées, faire connaissance, défaire préjugés) qui a reçu une subvention du gouvernement catalan (Direcció general d'Immigració). Femmes catalanes du quartier de Gràcia issues de la résidence pour les personnes âgées ont partagée un mois et demi de rencontres avec des femmes pakistanaises et marocaines du quartier du Raval. La couture a été l'espace d'égalité à partir duquel elles ont tissé des relations et découvert de façon naturelle "l'autre".

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Nous avons une grande connexion internationale à travers de Res Artis, Transartis et Wooloo. Nous travaillons directement avec les artistes et cela nous donne la force du terrain. Nous pensons que nous pouvons aporter cette vision internationale au délà de la région méditerranéenne et donner une majeure visibilité a l'ALF.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Nous voulons former partie active du réseau ALF parce que nous croyons à l'importance des liens entre institutions qui peuvent permettre à un moment donné de faciliter des échanges et favoriser la réalisation de projets. Jiwar veut devenir un point de rencontre entre les artistes méditerranéens et occidentaux. Former partie d'un grand réseau ne peut que nous bénéficier pour nous donner à connaître et pour établir des alliances.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mireia Estrada Gelabert
Head of the organisation
Mireia Estrada Gelabert
Contact (2) Full Name
Ahmed Ghazali


National Network

Pasta street 37 - 43
Jelgava, LV-3001

+371 26514523
Mobile Phone
+371 26514523
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

There are number of youngsters representing students from high schools and Universities in Jelgava as well as young workers of service, but united by common interests to participate in local society and be active EU citizens. Organization was founded in Jelgava city 2003, supported with office space by Jelgava local municipality as a meeting point for young people from 16 ambient local communities. We have a Board of 3 representatives, around 10 active members and more voluntary contributors. Financial resources acquired mainly from smaller and bigger projects. We having some support also from local Municipality and private donations.Association managing 1-10 thousands Euro per year depending of activity. Financial turnover balance forms support of NA of program YiA for organizing regional seminars on non-formal education for rural people and similar way cooperation in different educational activities with association JugendSozialwerk e.V from Germany - few times per year. Main partners in projects are - other non-governmental organizations, e.g.Young Farmers Club, YMCA, Latvian Youth Council, number of schools and Municipalities in Latvia.

Mission and Objectives

The main tasks and objectives of association POST SCRIPTUM: Support developing of creative and democratic youth Assist non-formal education and projects activity Popularize healthy life style Organize cultural, educational and sports events Build up international cooperation Participate in realization of youth policy in region and country

Main Projects / Activities

Mission of association POST SCRIPTUM is realized by seminars, school visits, creative workshops, summer camps and regional and international exchanges. We have friends and projects partners all around Europe and MEDA countries mainly through Lifelong Learning Programme and Youth in Action. For motivating local people active participation in community, regional and European dimension life association takes part in various seminars and training courses. Leaders of our local organization empower participants - young women, to involve in inter-religious dialogue and to make understanding across religious and cultural borders. Women of association POST SCRIPTUM have participated in EU Programme Youth in Action training courses from year 2005 in Hungary, Germany, France and Lithuania. We would concentrate on learning and using Coaching method in EU ''2012-Year of active aging''. Our organization is working to realize own projects as well as participation: • Sports and environment program for kids - locally • Outdoor activities, team-building, camps – local and national • International projects – Camps Counsellor program in USA, Folk dance festival CARPATI , Romania, TenSing – Fest Karlovice, Czech Republic. Last participation in program Youth in Action - project ‘’Eco Power’’, Zakopane, Poland, May, 2011. Association POST SCRIPTUM is full-fledged member of National Youth Council of Latvia since 2003. Our organization has a contract with Latvia National Agency of Program Youth in Action for implementing ideas, sharing information and realizing educational activities in two local municipalities – Jelgava and Ozolnieki. On base of that year 2009 - 2010 our association realizes youth cooperation projects in Republic of Moldova and Romania. Now Association POST SCRIPTUM participates in Latvia State Employment Agency project and host young unemployed persons in work practice.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Association POST SCRIPTUM plans not only use wide range of international activities in Anna Lindh Fondation but also bring to effect previous experience and a good practice of our members for organizing interesting actions for promoting ideas of diversity, democracy, equality and culture.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We have participated in projects and seminars organized in MEDA dimension for several years and want to continue that with new possibilities and contacts. Association POST SCRIPTUM would like to join in process of developing and implementing EuroMed policy all around countries frame common interests.

Contact (1) Full Name
Edgars Janis Paulovics
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Edgars Janis Paulovics

Cyprus Community Media Centre (CCMC)

National Network

Ledra Palace Hotel grounds, Markou Drakou
P.O. Box 24359
1102 Nicosia

+357 22662269
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
Established in 2009, the Cyprus Community Media Centre (CCMC) works to empower civil society organisations and community groups with the tools to communicate their message to a wider audience. Through training and dedicated production support, equipment loan and access to a state-of-the-art production studio, CCMC promotes the benefits of community-based media by giving people the skills to be in control of their own messages. We believe that through our work we can be an example of best practice, aiding the establishment of a vibrant community media sector in Cyprus. Based in the heart of Nicosia’s Buffer Zone, CCMC is accessible to all communities across the whole of Cyprus. We aim to act as a bridge between the mainstream media and civil society, and to facilitate the development of sustainable relationships between the media across the Cyprus divide. Through our work we strive to be inclusive, collaborative, transparent, equitable and nonpartisan, promoting the creation and broadcasting of productions that contribute to community reconciliation, diversity and multiculturalism.
Mission and Objectives

MISSION: Empowering a media literate and active society. VISION: Realising that Community Media are vital phenomena for freedom of expression and information, cultural exchange and dialogue; and that a plurality of cultures and traditions lead to a diversity of forms of community media. CCMC aims to establish community media in Cyprus and support local organisations and community groups in communicating their message to a wider audience. It does this in many different ways, whether it’s training, dedicated support, equipment loan, creating videos, taking photographs, holding public events, setting up online forums or just offering advice to its members.

Main Projects / Activities

CCMC continues to work on projects with a vast number of partners across Europe that deal with issues of human rights, peace and reconciliation, media literacy and community media.  Most recently, CCMC has been the lead in a two year, EU funded project dealing with LGBTI issues in the Turkish Cypriot community in Cyprus.  CCMC has also just begun another two year EU funded project with a group of prestigious partners across Europe, tackling online hate speech against refugees and migrants.  Additionally, CCMC continues to host its successful web radio station,, a community radio station based in the Nicosia buffer zone that aims to reach out to all communities across Cyprus, offering a platform and the tools for people’s voices to be heard.  This has been successfully running since 2013 and continues to attract individuals from different backgrounds to host their own radio shows, on any topic, in any language.
Amongst this, CCMC continues to facilitate media collaboration across the Cyprus divide; promotes community media in Cyprus; builds civil society's media skill sets as well as works with local authorities and academic institutions to promote media literacy.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

CCMC is active in many of the fields supported by the ALF. We are confident we can contribute to the debate, discussion, and diversity of perspectives at a strategic level within the network itself and with other members of the network of issues such as: the potential for media to contribute to intercultural dialogue; exchange of best practice in promoting media collaboration across divided societies; and the benefits of community media for a pluralism of voices within democratic systems. We are also open to contributing to the development of media and communication skills for network members.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

CCMC believes in, and wishes to support, the work of the ALF in Cyprus and the wider Euro-Med region. Through its participation in the ALF Network, CCMC aims to broaden its contacts base and utilise the opportunity to network with organisations in the region. CCMC aims to identify project partners active in the same fields and sharing the same goals in order to join project applications in the future.

Contact (1) Full Name
Natalie Konyalian
Head of the organisation
Anthoula Papadopoulou

National Institute for Migration and Integration of Immigrants

National Network

Ibrahim Kodra Street,Pallati Kristof 1022,Tirana,Albania

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

.Structure of Organization: Assembly (11 members) Board of Directors( 5 members) Executive Director Staff ( 3-4 people according to project) .Sources of funding Local Businesses AMSHC (National Agency for the Support of Civil Society) US Embassy in Albania .Main Partners Albanian Life Quality Union Albanian Center For Community Development Albanian Group for Human Rights Albanian Ministry of Education .Modalities of action Legal/human rights education for responsible citizenship Acknowledgment of Human rights as a weapon to fight corruption Youth and Migration .Budgetary resources available 2009 45000 Euro 2010 55000 Euro 2011 60000 Euro

Mission and Objectives

-Promoting social participation of rural migrants in urban societies/contexts through practicing human rights concepts -Reintegration of returning Albanian Immigrants …into Albanian Society -Emphasizing the positive role of migration/immigration in plural societies -Challenging stereotypes and violation related to migration in post communist societies -Promoting a culture of diversity and intercultural citizenship by teaching Human Rights -Influence the public policies related to migration -Free Human Rights Legal Clinic for women

Main Projects / Activities

Main projects/Activities: Since its establishment the Institute has been an active actor in promoting Legal/human rights education for responsible citizenship.Through its first run project the Institute provided trainings for children and youth in public school in two rural areas in human rights/legal related issues. Acknowledgment of Human rights as a weapon to fight corruption;With the funding support of Albanian Agency for the support of the Civil Society and the partnership of the Ministry of Health the Institute run a 6 month project.The project intended to increase the awareness of citizens in the their constitutional rights to get free of charge services in hospitals,public schools and other public institutions and the sanctions to be taken if the bribe was offered to public officials Youth and Migration This project aimed to accommodate in schools the children coming in urban areas to rural areas through organizing different extra curricular activities to help their socialization with other children in schools Also,Institute has been involved in a joint project with Tirana Legal Aid Clinic to provide free mobile legal/human rights advice for ROMA people

Contact (1) Full Name
Margarita Kola
Head of the organisation
Margarita Kola

Tiranas Centre of Hellenic Foundation of Culture

National Network

Rr. e Elbasanit, Lundër, Sauk (Kolegji Greko-Shqiptar Arsakeio e Tiranës)

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

In the branches of the Hellenic Foundation for Culture (H.F.C.) function departments in which professors with experience teach Greek as a foreigner/second language. These courses aim at the practice of all linguistic abilities (production and comprehension of oral and written speech). In the teaching process are applied modern pedagogic methods according to which the learning becomes a complex process of interaction of the individual with the social environment. For this reason in the suitably shaped rooms of the branches the teaching follows not only the use of the traditional handbook, but is also supported with the help of optical and acoustic material, linguistic games, discussions and events (learning of songs, competitions, musical and theatrical representations, guided tours in the exhibitions organized by the branches etc.). These choices aim at the acquaintance of the students with the Greek way of life and at the approach of country's culture. Special concern is taken for the correct function of children's departments, as suitable methods of teaching are applied which allow a better communication with the children. The courses in the adults' departments are formed in such a way in order to correspond to the specific requirements of the Greek Language Center. The teachers are free to select the handbooks and the teaching material. Some of the handbooks that are used are mentioned below: - George Babiniotis, “Greek Language”, - Institute of Modern Greek Studies, “New Greek for foreigner”, - Froso and Kleanthis Arbanitaki, “Communicate in Greek”, - Sapfo Mauroulia and Evangelia Georgantzi, “Greek for foreign speakers”, - Marineta Papacheimona, Dimitra Dimitra “Greek Now 1+1”, “Greek Now 2+2”, - Evangelia Georgantzi, “Starfish”. Greek websites about culture * Ministry of Culture * Cultureguide * Foundation of the Hellenic World * Benaki Museum * Museum of Cycladic Art * Acropolis Museum * National Museum of Contemporary Art * State Museum of Contemporary Art * International Thessaloniki Film Festival * Short Film Festival in Drama * Centre for the Greek Language The Greek language in Greece * National and Capodistrian University of Athens - School of Philosophy Interdepartmental Programme of Modern Greek as a foreign * Hellenic Culture Centre Modern Greek language courses for * College Year in * The Athens * Hellenic American Union Modern Greek language courses for * Hellenic Language School 'Alexander the Great' * Organization for the Internationalization of the Greek * Institute for Language and Speech * Aristotle University of Thessaloniki School of Modern Greek * Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Institute of Modern Greek Studies * Centre for the Greek Language (Ministry of Education & Religious Affairs) Division for the Support and Promotion of the Greek * Institute for Balkan Studies International Programme 'Greek Language, History and Culture' * University of Crete Department of Philology - Linguistics Division * The Ikarian Centre (Eteria Ellinikis Glossas kai Tehnis) * THYESPA * Summer Programme of Modern Greek for * University of Ioannina Centre for the Study of Greek Language and Culture Summer Programme of Modern Greek for foreigners * University of Patras Intercultural Education * International Centre for Hellenic & Mediterranean * Lexis: Center of Greek Language & * Ionian University Centre for Greek Language and Culture Modern Greek Summer The HFC co-operates with and offers support to institutions engaged in activities relating to the Greek language. Assistance is provided for conferences, publications, language lessons at universities and schools. The HFC also makes every effort to enrich the libraries of such educational institutions. In addition, the HFC participates in the joint ministerial Committee for the Support of Greek Studies Abroad (Hellenic Ministry of Education). The task of the committee is to provide financial assistance for classes and other approaches to teaching Greek studies, as well as for research into subjects relating to Hellenism conducted by tertiary level educational institutions or other countries. The committee also endeavours to secure resources for the realisation of these goals. The committee is made up of representatives from the Institute for the Education of Foreign Nationals of Greek Origin and Cross-Cultural Education, the Centre for the Greek Language, the World Council of Hellenes Abroad, the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Special Secretariat for the Education of Foreign Nations of Greek Origin and Cross-Cultural Education of the Ministry of Education and the Hellenic Foundation for Culture. In the period 2000-2003, educational material was sent to the following universities and schools: UNIVERSITIES * University of Manitoba, Centre for Hellenic Civilization, Canada * Baku Slavic University, Centre for the Greek Language, Azerbaijan * Nacional del Sur University, Department of Modern Greek Language, Argentina * Vilnius University, Faculty of Greek Studies, Lithuania * University of Helsinki, Faculty of Modern Greek Studies, Finland * University of Chile, 'Fotios Malleros' Center for Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies * Playa Ancha University, Center for Greek Studies, Valparaiso, Chile * Metropolitana University, Center for Greek Studies, Santiago, Chile * University of Belgrade, School of Philosophy, Faculty of Modern Greek Studies, Belgrade, Yugoslavia * University of Latvia, Center for Greek Studies, Riga, Latvia * University of Lisbon, Portugal * 'I.I. Mechnikov' Odessa National University, Centre for Modern Greek Studies, Ukraine * Tbilisi State University, Georgia * Kiev National Economic University, Ukraine * University of Istanbul, Department of Greek Language and Literature, Turkey * Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies, Russia * Stendahl University, Department of Modern Greek, Grenoble, France SCHOOLS * 'Hellenic Republic' schools, Santiago, Chile * Greek Community School in Linden, Johannesburg, South Africa * Greek School of the Church of Saint Nicholas, Novi Sad, Yugoslavia * Krali Petar Primary School, Belgrade, Yugoslavia * Vuk Karadic Primary School, Belgrade, Yugoslavia * Skadarlija Primary School, Belgrade, Yugoslavia * Sveti Sava Primary School, Belgrade, Yugoslavia * Maxim Gorki Primary School, Belgrade, Yugoslavia * 25th General School of Odessa, Ukraine * Marinski Secondary School, Ukraine * Lycée International Europole, Grenoble, France OTHER INSTITUTIONS * State Center for Foreign Languages, Tacuarembo, Uruguay * Greek Community of Grenoble, France * Bibliothèque du Droit - Lettres, Grenoble, France * Association for International Relations & Cultural Exchanges of Kalymnos, Greece * 'Macedonia' Greek Cultural Centre, Ramallah, Palestine Grants * Cambridge University, Faculty of Classics, Programme: Hellenic Foundation for Culture Lexicographical Training Fund, London, UK * Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 7th Panhellenic Symposium on Latin Studies, 'Translation Theory and Practice in Latin Literature', Thessaloniki, Greece. * University of Georgia, Institute of Classical Philology, Byzantinology and Modern Greek Studies, Georgia * Cambridge University, Pembroke College, 'I. Georgakis Research Fellowship', UK * 'Vittorio Emmanuele II' Classical Lyceum, Seminar on the modern Greek language by Maria Antonietta Sorci, Palermo, Italy * University of California, Los Angeles, Scientific Conference 'Contours of Hellenism', USA * Columbia University, Department of Political Sciences, Conference 'Cornelius Castoriadis: Re-examining Autonomy', New York, USA * University of London, Royal Holloway College, International Symposium 'The Greek Islands and the Sea', London, UK * University of London, King's College, One-Day Meeting 'Sikelianos at King's', London, UK * Oxford University, Somerville College, 'Excavating Classical Culture: Recent Archaeological Discoveries in Greece', Oxford, UK * University of La Laguna, 2nd Conference of Modern Greek Literature and Language Scholars of the Iberian Peninsula and Latin America', Tenerife, Spain * European Society for Modern Greek Studies - Department of Philology, University of Crete, 2nd European Conference of Modern Greek Studies, Rethymno, Crete, Greece * Centre for Byzantine, Modern Greek and Cypriot Studies, Granada, Spain * University of Potsdam, Department of Classical Philology, Berlin, Germany * Hellenic Institute of Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Studies, Venice, Italy * Spanish Society for Modern Greek Studies, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain * Hellenica Nadace Foundation, Brno, Czech Republic * University of Birmingham, One-Day Meeting 'George Seferis Centenary Celebrations: George Seferis in a Comparative Context', Birmingham, UK * Society of Friends of Stratis Tsirkas, International Conference on Stratis Tsirkas, 'Cavafy Festival 2001', Alexandria, Egypt * Ministry of Education of Ukraine, 6th International Scientific Conference on Slavonic Studies & Linguistics, Odessa, Ukraine * Leeds University of Leeds - King's College London, Conference on 'Personification in the Greek World', London, UK

Mission and Objectives

In the HFC’s Offices, the Foundation’s representatives work together with the local public and private institutions in order to organise high level cultural events. In addition, they encourage any initiative aiming at the promotion of the Greek civilization, such as Greek language courses and artistic events. HE BRANCHES are centres for cultural and artistic events, education and teaching the Greek language. THE LIBRARIES of the branches function as information centres, with books, newspapers, magazines, videos, CDs and CD-ROMs, while also offering Internet access and providing information about cultural life in Greece, education, the sciences, the environment and society in general. THE GREEK LANGUAGE is taught at all levels at the Berlin, Odessa and Alexandria branches. The branches are also authorised examination centres, where examinations are organised every year by the Centre for the Greek Language of the Ministry of Education, which awards a state-recognised Certificate of Attainment in Greek. The Centres of the Hellenic Foundation for Culture function as centres of teaching the Greek language and promoting the Greek culture. The Centres organise seminars on teaching Greek as a foreign language, addressed at the Greek language’s tutors. The Centres organise, in co-operation with public and private cultural institutions, the local government, as well as with economic institutions, major cultural and artistic events with the aim of promoting the Greek civilisation.

Main Projects / Activities

The Hellenic Foundation for Culture serves as a point of reference for the Greek language and its teaching abroad. The Greek language is taught at all levels at the HFC branches in Berlin, Alexandria and Odessa. Students can come in at any level: * beginners * intermediate * advanced There are also special classes * for children and adolescents * for students with a knowledge of ancient Greek * conversation skills * composition exercises. The Branches and the Centres of the Hellenic Foundation for Culture provide the possibility of teaching the ancient Greek language with emphasis on its relation with the Modern Greek language, as well as with the teaching of ecclesiastic language, namely common Alexandrian. Moreover, HFC Branches very often organise seminars for Greek Language teachers. The HFC Branches are ordered by the Centre for the Greek Language as the only examination centres, concerning the acquisition of the Certificate of Study of the Greek language in Ukraine, Moldavia, Germany and Egypt. With support and financial assistance from the HFC, scholarships are given to enable students to attend summer classes in the Greek language and culture which are organised in Greece by universities and other institutions (Greek Studies Summer Scholarships programme of the University of Athens, JASON programme of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Institute for Balkan Studies, etc.). These scholarships cover accommodation, meals and travel costs. In the period 2002-2003, such scholarships were granted to 42 students. The Greek Studies Summer Scholarships programme of the University of Athens is directed at graduate and post-graduate students in fields related to Modern Greek Studies. It lasts six weeks and is organised on levels. On completion of the programme, a certificate of study is awarded to participants. The Summer School for the Greek Language, History and Culture, run by the Institute for Balkan Studies, each year offers Greek language The JASON programme of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki is aimed at establishing or effectively strengthening nuclei of Greek studies at 16 universities of the Black Sea region. The programme is administered by the Philosophy Faculty and - inter alia - organises Greek language lessons for students and educators.

Contact (1) Full Name
Georgios Giakoumis
Head of the organisation
Georgios Giakoumis
Contact (2) Full Name
Ina Idrizi

Cork Printmakers

National Network

Wandesford Quay, Clarke's Bridge
Cork City

021 432 2422
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Cork Printmakers is a company registered in Ireland, which was incorporated under the Companies Acts, 1963 to 2001 in January 1993. The company has charitable status (CHY10942). Cork Printmakers has a Memorandum and Articles of Association which governs how the Association conducts its business. The Director/CEO is responsible for the day to day running of Cork Printmakers and reports to the Chairperson and the Board. There is a staff of four currently. Cork Printmakers is funded by the Arts Council of Ireland and Cork City Council. The organisation also generates income through its activities and is not-for-profit. Cork Printmakers' core aim is the support and development of artistic practice. We facilitate annual Emerging Artist Bursaries; Visiting Artist Programmes; Masterclasses for members; CPD workshops. We have a strong Education Programme, from Artists-in-Schools to Adult Education in the workshop. We also develop an Exhibitions Programme for touring. We act as an information hub for schools/centres wishing to develop printmaking facilities.

Mission and Objectives

To provide, manage and maintain an excellent printmaking facility for the use of artist/printmakers in the Munster region and beyond. To set and promote the highest standards of practice in printmaking. To accommodate the technical needs of artist printmakers. To foster multi-disciplinary and innovative approaches to art practice To enable opportunities for members through exhibition and networking nationally and internationally. To develop and deliver high quality education programmes. To foster public awareness, interest and participation in printmaking.

Main Projects / Activities

Cork Printmakers is a specialist support organisation enabling the development of professional artistic practice. The workshop supports a high standard of printmaking and fosters excellence and innovation in contemporary print. It serves artists in the development of their professional practice and promotes opportunities through exhibition and exchange/networking both national and internationally. Public appreciation and experience of printmaking is actively promoted through innovative education programmes which span all ages.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To develop a dialogue with other countries through creative partnerships.

Contact (1) Full Name
Siobhan Brennan
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Siobhan Brennan, Director