Codeep Cultural Association

National Network

Codeep Cultural Association
Rozna dolina cesta II/36
1000 Ljubljana


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+386 40 809 809
Mobile Phone (other)
+ 386 40 472 237
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Codeep Cultural association is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation. Its structure is organised by its presedent, co-president, council of members and cashier. Budgetary resources are from national public resources and EU funding. Membership fee represents only a minor degree in its budget. Modalities of action are: artist in residence programme, research platform, public interventions, festivals and mediatheque. Main partners come from international sphere.
Mission and Objectives

Codeep's mission has been reorganised in 2008 in the form of Museum of Transitory Art - MoTA,
and we are in the process of formal registration. Our mission is to develop artistic projects in contemporary inter-media art. Our objectives are constant research for the new, unknown and undefined, development of transitory form of museum, which is museum without time and space, development of artist in residence network in the Balkan and East European region, etc.

Main Projects / Activities

Main projects are:
Artist Talk: Culture and Knowledge Platform - european project, involving 6 partners
Tribe: Artist in residence network in the Balkan and East Europe
Mediatheque: an open source library of contemporary art
Dark Star: an interactive monument for public space
New Human: actualisation of socialist monuments
Public Avatar: a new project documenting the relationship between virtual reality and our perceptions of self and society

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our internationally based projects aim at:
Facilitating joint productions between artists and cultural groups from the two shores of the Mediterranean
Building the capacity of trans-cultural leaders to develop their productions with an interculttual approach > establishment of trans-cultural dialogue and partnership is one of the core practices of our activities, and all MoTA's productions reflect constant search for the new, undefined and different, which are also part of international projects.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to continue the mission of ALF Network and its members also in our projects, research field and public actions. We share the belief of ALF that culture and arts field are essential for human and social dialogue. We also see cooperation in the art and culture field as essential for development of strong partnership and improvement of working and production abilities of NGOs.

Contact (1) Full Name
Martin Bricelj
Head of the organisation
Martin Bricelj
Contact (2) Full Name
Neja Tomsic

Association de sauvegarde de la Médina de Tozeur

National Network

Houch Ben Azzouz- El Hawadef
Tozeur 2200

+216 76454815
+216 454819
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+216 97510566
Mobile Phone (other)
+216 98563863
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information

Bureau directeur composé de 15 membres. Assemblée générale tous les 2 ans. 50 membres. Financement assuré par des ressources propres (cotisations, subventions et dons) et projets. Budget prévisionnel2012 : 100 000 dinars. L'association de sauvegarde de la médina de Tozeur organise des ateliers et des colloques.28/4/2011 Atelier sur les perspectives du tourisme dans le gouvernorat de Tozeur./3/2012 Atelier sur l'élaboration d'un projet territorial de développement au Jérid; Décembre 2012: Colloque annuel sur l'histoire de la ville de Tozeur. Séminaires périodiques sur diverses thématiques en rapport avec le développement économique et humain...

Mission and Objectives

Promotion de la ville et de ses habitants à travers la valorisation de son patrimoine matériel et immatériel, le développement des capacités et la protection de l'environnement.

Main Projects / Activities

projet en cours: atelier de formation en broderie traditionnelle au profit de 30 jeunes filles et jeunes dames. Exposition permanente de photographies anciennes de Tozeur. projet d'exposition itinérante sur la ville de Tozeur à travers les documents des archives nationales.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Animation de rencontres et participation à la réflexion sur le tissu associatif et le développement.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

L'avenir du travail associatif dans le contexte actuel de la Tunisie réside dans la mise en place de plateformes à même de faire parvenir la voix de la société civile, notamment lors de la réflexion à mener sur la gouvernance locale. Intégration de réseaux nationaux et internationaux pour promouvoir les échanges d'expériences et mener des actions communes.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name


National Network
00972 (0) 2 2404870
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Musawa has 12 employees, the majority of whom are located in the main office in Ramallah, Palestine. Musawa also has an office in Gaza. Musawa's current funders are UNDP, Foundation for the Future, the Norwegian Representative Office in OPT as well as the NGO Development Center. Musawa's budget for 2011 is USD 335.000. Musawa releases several periodic monitoring reports as well as thematic reports, both in Arabic and English language. Our activities include monitoring the pillars of justice, public awareness raising, training and capacity building of stakeholders in the judiciary, as well as providing legal services to beneficiaries. Musawa work thorough the West Bank and Gaza.
Mission and Objectives

Musawas mission is "To contribute to state building through empowering the separation of powers, rule of law, and defending the independence of the Judiciary and the legal profession.”
has four main objectives;
1) Empowering the rule of law. This goal can be achieved through the reduction in the violations and non-compliance of the law, generally through monitoring of current violations and pillars of justice.
2) Ensuring compliance of policies and legislations with international standards, through reviewing current legislations and suggesting draft amendments that comply with international standards.
3) Broadening public awareness of the rule of law. According to the Citizens’ Rights, the Palestinian citizens should be educated on their rights and duties, with an emphasis on the existed of the Code of Ethics/Behavior and charter of corporations.
4) Working towards an institutional sustainability of Musawa. Musawa has built transparent and accountable principles to operate its activities and that serves as a key to Musawa’s mission success.

Main Projects / Activities

Musawa runs two projects entitled 'Electoral Appeals' (Foundation for the Future) and the 'Legal Monitor' (UNDP). The Legal Monitor Project has been designed to accomplish the organization’s first goal of empowering the rule of law through monitoring and evaluating the legal system; in addition to building the capacities of Palestinian lawyers and workers in the field of monitoring the performance of the Pillars of Justice.
Derived from the conviction of Musawa that electoral participation is a legal right and a national duty, Musawa’s project ‘Electoral Appeals’ is aimed at empowering the democratic system through increasing the awareness of citizens about their political rights associated with elections. We see it as essential to educate citizens, lawyers, and legal consultants about legal approaches to challenge the results of elections or to challenge the procedures leading to the results.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Musawa has great experience and expertise in fostering the rule of law and a state of justice in Palestine. We believe this to be an essential part in contributing to establishing an independent Palestinian state. We strongly feel that our contribution to the network in Palestine to be of added value to the network. Furthermore, Musawa would be proud to be associated with such a well renowned network as ALF.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The ALF network brings together thousands of civil society NGO's across the Mediterranean region. We at Musawa believe that joint actions increase the prospect for success and sustainability; therefore, we are encouraged by the wide range of CSO’s in the AFL network. Furthermore, it would be an honor for us to be able to share in the experiences with other civil society NGO’s in the region, as well as our contribution of great experience and expertise. Musawa welcomes the increased opportunities this would bring to our organization. We strongly believe that we would bring added value to the regional network as well as the Palestinian national network, should our application be accepted.

Contact (1) Full Name
Martha Hagen Mellum
Head of the organisation
Dr. Ibrahim Barhougti

Palestine Wildlife Society

National Network
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
NGO's and the Membership allowed to each Palestinian citizen who is over eighteen years old 8 staff(6 full time and 2 part time) -yearly budget 250,000$ - donors:EU, USAID and otheawaerness, wildlife Survey,Youth,and eco-tourism
Mission and Objectives

strategic objectives regarding Environmental Educational Concepts, Conservation of the Nature and Biodiversity, which made it through the years a society that proved dedication and effectiveness in raising environmental awareness throughout different section in Palestinians territories and the region.

Main Projects / Activities

Conservation Education..
Youth Training and workshops
Network among the local communities
Wildlife Survey
Animal welfare

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

more cooperation in implementation of projects

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

to be more strong and to learn more about the projects and network in this region

Contact (1) Full Name
Imad F B AlAtrash
Head of the organisation
Mr Fouad Kokaly
Contact (2) Full Name
Ibrahim Odeh

Blaushtein Center For Pastoral Care & Caunceling

National Network

King David Street 13

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information
Member of Staff : 5 200.000$ Participants of seminars, training, NGO'S, local Government,Public Institutes,
Mission and Objectives

Training people to help other people, to empower, multicultural and spirtual awarness, research, training professionals and provide them with aditional tools for supporting other people.Improving comunications for individuals ans sectors. Releasing tenssion and improving quality of life,educational programs.

Main Projects / Activities

training people to be open to needs of others, using Texts and Jewish & Eastern Cultures, while training people to help other people, to empower, multicultural and spiritual awareness, research, training professionals and provide them with additional tools for supporting other people.Improving communications for individuals ans sectors. Releasing tension and improving quality of life,educational programs.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have access to our graduates, students, volunteers, from different segments of population, meeting of West and East,and a liberal approach, which is much needed especially in this Region. We like to share our accumulated knowledge and learn from others, to groups, individuals, organized work places and trainers from various fields, arts, heritages,cultures,education.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are a liberal experience learning Center, trusting the learning process from each other and believe in expanding our minds, spirituality, ethics, collaboration.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Ruchama Weis
Head of the organisation
Dr. Ruchama Weis
Contact (2) Full Name
Baruch halev

Fundacja Promocji Kultury Audiowizualnej i Edukacji Medialnej

National Network

Łobzowska 24a/30 31-140 Kraków

Telephone (other)
602 607 696
00 48 12 412 75 40
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
602 607 696
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Media
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Our foundation was established not so long ago but,the experience of its founders and employees is very big. Foundation is the owner of the Cracow Script School (CSS) which is the place where everyone can learn how to write professional scripts. CSS operates from 4 years. The administration of the foundation includes 3 person, but we also employ huge number of lecturers who works in CSS. Foundation gets money from tuition and got this year grant from Polish Film Institute, this money will cover costs related to the CSS.
Mission and Objectives

our goals:
a)dissemination of culture, with particular emphasis on film culture
b)the development of culture and cultural education of society,
c)development of the audiovisual sector, including the promotion and development of the audiovisual work and cultural education,
d)promoting the knowledge and practical knowledge in creating scripts, films, television programs, modern Polish literature, literary history of Polish cinema, and the world of modern media,
e)promoting the idea of modern international education and international mobility programs

Main Projects / Activities

Now our main activity is organization of the script courses in Cracow Script School in the near future we want to develop school into Academy of Radio and Television Broadcasting -professional and modern school which will prepare each student to be ready to work in modern media (film, television, radio, Internet)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Media is an area which enjoys cultural exchange, a good journalists or filmmakers can say about themselves so if they have knowledge and respect of other cultures and have an understanding of other peoples way of thinking, ALF can give us an opportunity to introduce our projects in international relations, and this will improve our designs and give our students the chance to gain extremely valuable knowledge.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join to ALF Network because we feel close to ideas of ALF especially the idea of international cooperation and exchanges between different cultures, such meeting people from different cultures can generate interesting ideas and can give our students wide experience

Contact (1) Full Name
Monika Hebda -Dziedzic
Head of the organisation
Monika Hebda-Dziedzic
Contact (2) Full Name
Olga Kutrzeba

Action pour le Développement Intégré et la Formation A.D.I.F

National Network

6 Rue Henri Fichon, 16100 COGNAC

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Notre Organisation est créée depuis 1994 au Sénégal avec le statut d'ONG et en France depuis 2002 sous forme d'Association. Nous intervenons dans les domaines de la formation, des échanges interculturels et du développement durable. En France, notre équipe de 23 personnes travailles sur des projets d'appui aux populations issues de l'immigration et des jeunes en difficulté. Nos principaux bailleurs sont les Conseils Généraux, les Mairies, la Fondation Ford, et l'Union Européenne. Présentement nous exécutons des projets sur la citoyenneté, les échanges internationaux et la formation. Et nous sommes à l'étude d'un ambitieux projet avec les Francas.
Mission and Objectives

Nous aidons tous les porteurs de projets depuis la conception, l'élaboration et l'exécution des activités de développement. Notre principale cible est la jeunesse, même si nous avons des projets touchant des adultes.
Au-delà de la formation, nous prenons l'accés à la citoyenneté active et à la bonne gouvernance à travers des actions concrétes.

Main Projects / Activities

Campinnet ( échanges internationaux )
– lutte contre l'illétrisme avec des formations à Cognac et à Reims
– Education et animation ( Europe et Afrique )

Contact (1) Full Name
Idrissa BADJI (Président)
Contact (2) Full Name
Mme MBAYE Ouleye, Chef de projet


National Network

5 Blok
Unkapani, Istanbul Turkey


90 212 2481087
Telephone (other)
90 212 2480777
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
90 532 354 9924
Mobile Phone (other)
90 535 524 72 94
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The non-profit off-space was founded by Nancy Atakan and Volkan Aslan in 2008. Marcus Graf, a local curator has also been working with us but took a year's leave to finish his doctoral thesis. Four to five university students work with us on a voluntary basis. There are no employees. Nancy Atakan owns the space and provides heat, electricity, internet access, water, and basic maintenance of the space. There are no other sources of funding. A few of our projects include working with 3 international groups in our space, had a joint project with Bilgi University, sponsored two solo exhibitions, held 3 curated shows, conducted 2 research projects, and opened our space during the 10th International Istanbul Biennial for a curatorial workshop.
Mission and Objectives

For the space, we envisioned a library with an archive of artists, curators, and art initiative portfolios, a corridor to show video artworks, and a store window to be used as an exhibition space. One of our main aims was to host international projects and interactive events involving artist talks, workshops and round table discussions. In addition, we hoped to share our work with our neighbors and give art management, art history, public relations, and visual art students an opportunity to work with professionals on all levels of project planning and execution.

Main Projects / Activities

As a part of the 10th International Istanbul Biennial the project, Big Family Business, conducted discussions, artist presentations, exhibitions, and used the space as a meeting spot for curators and artists. Several local off-spaces have shown in our space including MASA, Atilkkunst, and NOMAD. The video festival organization, KURYE, has moved their archives of over a 1000 artists video works to 5533. Another student/professional project was “Manifatura@5533” involving interconnection of art, design and craft. Students of art management, performing arts, and design at Istanbul Bilgi University worked with students from Georgia and Armenia.the German Kunstgymnastik group conducted a workshop for art-mediation/art-education. the Düsseldorf based nüans group joined with the Istanbul based Alti Aylik Group for the project "On Produceabilty" that included artists from Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Stockholm, London, Berlin, Düsseldorf, Los Angeles, Paris, and Istanbul. Other artists and curators have shown in the space. 5533 participated in Istanbul Off-Space Berlin at Kunstraum Keruzberg-Bethanien It will be an alternative space with an exhibition for the 11th Istanbul biennial. For more details please go to our blogspot.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nancy Atakan
Head of the organisation
Nancy Atakan
Contact (2) Full Name
Volkan Aslan

The Galilee Society - the Arab National Society for Health Research and Services

National Network

P.O Box 330
Shefa-Amr 20200


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
The Galilee Society is comprised of 6 centers (equi. to departments) that work in two main tracks; the core program and strategic program (please see the attached Organizational Profile for elaboration). The Organization's major and most active Centers are The Institute of Applied Research, Rikaz Databank Center, the Environmental Justice Center and the Health Rights Center. The Institute, a separate fiscal unit, currently employs 21 researchers and research assistants. The other Center employ additional 16 employees; some at part-time and others at full capacity. The GS's main supporters are the EU, MEPI, OSI and MISEREOR alongside additional valuable contributors. Striving to work with as many partners possible, the GS cooperates with I'lam, Kayan, Mada al-Carmel, Sikkuy, PHR Israel, ACRI, Shatil and many more. We also cooperate with Arab officials such as Local Authorities, as well as with Palestinian partners in the West Bank. For some of the main activities see below.
Mission and Objectives

Established in 1981, the Galilee Society is the largest and senior most Arab NGO in Israel. The Galilee Society in a Palestinian Arab, national, non-partisan, non-governmental organization that strives to achieve equitable health, environmental and socio-economic conditions for the Palestinian minority in Israel.
We believe in the values of pluralism and equality as we aspire to achieve sustainable development by creating the means to live in dignity, equality and democracy.The Galilee Society promotes human and minority rights via social, economic and legal reform – thereby erasing the delineation of human rights and social development as distinct spheres – and pursues development within the guiding and inalienable framework of universal human rights.

Main Projects / Activities

Green Cities – Empowering Arab Local Authorities with tools for better and safer waste management. Supported by the EU, this project is a cooperation between the GS, Arab LAs and a Palestinian environmental NGO in the West Bank.
Gender- and Minority- Mainstreaming of the Israeli National Budget – Supported by the EU, this project relies on a partnership between three local Palestinian NGOs in Israel.
The project targets the roots of Palestinian women's poverty through working vis-à-vis the government, Palestinian civil society and women to create a more equal allocation of budgets at the national level. The 2010 Palestinians in Israel Socio-Economic Survey – offers the most reliable surveying of the Palestinian community in Israel, this study is conducted every three years and provides at alternative to the formal statistics of the Israeli CBS. Cross-Sector Forum on Health Gaps – Engagement with government, other NGO and Arab leaders to device solutions for narrowing health inequities in Israel

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Baker Awawde (General Director)
Head of the organisation
Mr. Baker Awawde (General Director)
Contact (2) Full Name
Christina Bermann-Harms (Director of Resource Development)

Ankara European Youth Forum

National Network

Merkez Mühendislik Binası No:120


+90 312 2103625
+90 312 2103625
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Ankara European Youth Forum is a voluntary, non-profit student organisation with around 300 volunteers from different disciplines. It has organized many activities such as seminars, conferences, panel discussions, summer universities, trainings and thematic discussions which focus on human rights, non-formal education, intercultural dialog, active citizenship, peace, culture and language, youth mobility. Ankara European Youth Forum has contributed to the introduction of Erasmus program in Turkey together with establishment of Turkish National Agency. In 2007, with the project Turkish-Greek Civic Dialogue (2002-2006), Ankara European Youth Forum received the Award of “Best Youth Projects” by United Nations Development Program-Turkey.
Mission and Objectives

The main missions of Ankara European Youth Forum are to encourage cooperation and integration among young people, to provide mobility for youth, to develop democracy, tolerance and human rights, to contribute for an open society withouth prejudices through action days, field studies, summer universities and trainings.

Main Projects / Activities

In April 1997, Ankara European Youth Forum invited Prof. Andrea Gattini to give a conference on "Inter-governmental Conference - European Union in Perspective" at METU.
In November 1998, in the 50th anniversary of Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Ankara European Youth Forum organized the conference "Universality of Human Rights" in order to discuss if we need a new conceptualization on Human Rights.
In July 2003 Ankara European Youth Forum organized in Fethiye Kayakoy the youth festival with the participation of thousands of young people from Greece and Turkey. The festival was organized within the framework of Turkish Greek Civic Dialogue Project.
Between 2-4 April 2004 the Final Conference of Turkish Greek Civic Dialogue Project was held in METU. This conference marked the end of the Turkish Greek Civic Dialogue Project. The Project, financially supported by European Commission was one of the most important projects of Ankara European Youth Forum.
Its latest project was realized in the beginning of May 2009, Living Library Project aiming at helping people overcome their prejudices.

Contact (1) Full Name
Hatem Efe
Head of the organisation
Fatma Kaya
Contact (2) Full Name
Fatma Kaya