Socio-Cultural Association of Palestnians in Poland (Stowarzyszenie Społeczno – Kulturalne Palestyńczyków Polskich)

National Network

Ulica Miłkowskiego 6/42
30-349 Kraków


+48 604 235 964
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
1 Structure of the organization: Chairman - Kayali Samir, vice-chairman - Faris Omar, secretary - El-Hossein Jasser, treasurer - Matar Abed Alqader. All the people are volunteers. 2 Sources of funding: Fees and grants 3. Modalities of action: Movie screenings (e.g Cinema Palestine festiwal), exhibitions (e.g exhibition organised in February 2010 in Polish Parlament in cooperation with Polish-Palestine Parlamentary Group), public discussions (e.g with israeli peace and human rights activists and organisations, e.g in June 2010 we organised public meeting with Yonatan Shapira from Combatants from Peace, in march 2011 we organised a tour in Poland with Jeff Halper - director of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD) who was nominated to the Nobel Peace Price in 2006, October 1 we organised meeting with Sahar Francis, Director of Addameer, a Palestinian human rights organization in Ramallah. 4. Partners we cooperate with: International Film Festiwal "Globale", Le Monde Diplomatique - polish edition, Cinema 18 in Kraków, Falanster - bookstore and gallery, "Nomada" - Association in favor of integration of multicultural society,
Mission and Objectives

1. To integrate a community of Palestinians living in Poland
2 Promoting the Palestine culture and heritage in Poland and for Europe, as well as promoting Poland and the European Union in the Palestine and Arab countries
3. Popularizing of history, culture, customs and the Arabic civilization in polish society , with particular reference to the Palestinian nation
4.Dissemination of knowledge from the scope of the Arabic culture in Poland and in Europe, as well as of the European culture in the Palestine and Arab countries
One of our aim is to show people in Poland that we are sharing a common values with them, that there is no borders between us and there is no clash of civilisations, that we can cooperate on every field to promote culture, and united fight against rasim and injustice all over the world.

Main Projects / Activities

- Organising movie screenings (e.g Cinema Palestine Film Festival in Poland,
- public discussions (e.g with participation with memebers from israeli peace and human rights organisations as Combatants from Peace, Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions, as well as with Palestinians)
- exhibitions (e.g presenting palestinian culture and heritage in Polish Parlament)
- workshops in schools
- publishing books

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute to the Polish Network our experiences in participating in global justice and human rights movement,educating people in Poland about palestine culture and disseminate polish culture and heritage among palestinian community in Poland.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join ALF Network to cooperate with organisations from the Mediterranean on the field of improving mutual respect between cultures, to actively resist all forms of racism, sexism and religious oppression and discrimination, wherever and by whomever they may be practised, to exchange the experiance and to learn fom other groups.

Contact (1) Full Name
Aneta Jerska
Head of the organisation
Samir Kayali
Contact (2) Full Name
Jasser El-Hossein

African Refugee Development Center

National Network

52 Golomb Street
Tel Aviv 66171

+972 3 639 1416
+972 3 639 1415
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
054 747 1914
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
ARDC is a grassroots, volunteer-based organisation, with strong local community support. At any one time, up to 120 professional and trained volunteers work with five half-time staff members to deliver services to the community and advocate for their rights. ARDC collaborates and maintains close partnerships with several community, human rights organisations, governmental and municipal bodies and schools. Our partners include Physicians for Human Rights, The Refugee Rights Clinic at Tel Aviv University, The Hotline for Migrant Workers, ASSAF and Mesila. As a founding member of the Refugee Rights Forum, ARDC actively promotes the rights of refugees and asylum seekers in Israel. ARDC has also been an Implementing Partner organisation of the UNHCR since 2008. Our main donors include the UNHCR, the New Israel Fund, the Sigrid Rausing Trust, The Good People Fund and the Ted Arison Family Foundation. During 2009, ARDC had an income of 668,000 NIS.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of ARDC is to assist, support and empower asylum seekers and refugees of African origin who are in Israel by ensuring access to basic social services, facilitating integration into Israeli society and promoting self-sufficiency and ownership in matters affecting their lives. We advocate for the rights of refugees and asylum seekers and for fair and humane Israeli asylum policies.
We establish our direction with the community engaging asylum seekers and refugees in activities to ensure greater capacity, community ownership and long term sustainability. Our service recipients also play a vital role in the decision-making process through the ARDC Board of Directors and Working Group.

Main Projects / Activities

Initially an emergency aid organisation focusing on humanitarian relief, ARDC has expanded its work early 2009, introducing projects that facilitate integration and independence. We now provide assistance to approximately 1,500 individuals a year through our:
a) Refugee Education Center – This is currently the only learning center of its kind in Israel―delivering Hebrew and English tuition to both children and adults and assisting aspiring students to enter university and vocational training;
b) Asylum Application Assistance Project – We provide individual counselling and asylum application assistance to help our clients establish their status in Israel and remain out of detention;
c) Community Therapeutic Service – A team of professionally trained mental health clinicians, a psychotherapist, and a clinical psychologist provide one-to-one trauma counselling.
d) Humanitarian Project – We provide homeless single-mothers and pregnant women with safe and temporary shelter in Tel Aviv and prepare them for a self-sufficient, independent life.

Contact (1) Full Name
Karen Douglas
Head of the organisation
Yohannes Bayu

Boomerang Theatre Company

National Network

The Triskel Arts Centre, Tobin St.Off South Main St., Cork

00353 21 4274727
00353 21 4274727
Mobile Phone
00353 87 2830526
Mobile Phone (other)
00353 87 9259006
Organisation Type
Private Company
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Irish language youth club organization that works with young people from 8 –19 years of age. They receive core funding from the Youth Affairs section of the Department of Education. Five full-time staff and 2,000 members. To encourage the use of the Irish language as a normal means of communication among young people and in this respect to help them develop as responsible young people and as future leaders in our communities.
Mission and Objectives

Aim: To Promote the Irish language
To assist the personal development of young people
Promotion of National Culture
Training courses for members and leaders as well as organizing weekend events and day trips. Workshops for members in different skills: Drama, Circus Skills, Drumming, Dancing, Music.

Main Projects / Activities

Currently running a three year project with the URDD organization in Wales to help young people to get a better understanding of each others countries and cultures and to share best practice in youth work.

Contact (1) Full Name
Patricia Edelstein

Center for Strategic Studies - University of Jordan

National Network

Jordan University, Amman

+962 65300100
+962 6 5355515
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
General Information

The Center for Strategic Studies (CSS) was established in 1984 as an academic unit of the University of Jordan concerned mainly with research in the fields of regional conflicts, international relations and security.

Mission and Objectives

With the initiation of the country's democratization process in 1989, the center expanded its scope of activities to include planning and research in such new fields as democracy, political pluralism, the economy and the environment.

Main Projects / Activities

Over the past few years, the CSS has organized numerous conferences, seminars and workshops, and has conducted several opinion polls aimed at providing researchers and decision-makers with valuable material and data.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. walid al khatib
Head of the organisation
Dr. Walid Al Khatib

Al- Mashghal (The Factory)- Arab Center for Arts & Culture

National Network

5 Saint Lux Street.

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The Factory is a non-profit, independent cultural organization that aims to develop, enhance and enrich the cultural and artistic orientation and consumption of Palestinian Arabs living in Israel. It was established in 2007 by a group of Palestinian artists, journalists, writers, and civil society activists, who dreamed to provide the local Palestinian community with a sphere in which it could enjoy arts and music, achieve education in various cultural and artistic fields, as well as creating a sphere where artists, performers and creators could exchange experiences, develop joint projects and seek collaboration opportunities. Our core funding relies on income generating projects which consists almost 60% of our budget, but we are also funded by Arab foundation and recently the European Union. All our funds go to concrete projects. We are partnering with Mussawa Center in culture rights project funded by the EU, and currently are putting many efforts in outreaching for culture and arts organizations, and in expanding our financial platform.
Mission and Objectives

The Factory primarily aims to enhance the cultural development within the Palestinian society inside Israel, according to a vision and curriculum that strives to rise up in this young field in our society. As well as it strives to establish the efforts and abilities in order to build the creative self and the creative human and the creative artist in all artistic fields, through giving assistance and offering techniques, study, research and exploration.
We believe that the change starts within the individuals, and they carry by their turn the indications of this change, its seeds and burgeon to their audience, and from there will emerge an intellectual and cultural record.
Our objectives are:
*Develop Palestinian cultural production and promote its consumption, locally;
*Establish infrastructure for the professional education and intellectual development of the arts;
*Support and empower defined groups in the areas of culture and production, e.g., women, youth;
*Adopt and tutor “homeless” creative groups by providing them with technical and financial support;
*Facilitate cultural connections with other Palestinians, and with the wider Arab world;
*Foster cultural exchanges with international and local artists for mutual enrichment; &
*Provide cultural infrastructure and networks to assist researchers, students and the public to broaden cultural capacity.

Main Projects / Activities

The Factory is engaged today in 3 main programs among other activities:
1. The Music Conservatory: Our Haifa based conservatory has become, although its young age, a vibrant musical center that trains almost 200 children by 13 trainers, youth and adults in theoretical and practical training in playing variant Arab musical instrument such as Oud, Qanoun, Nai, Precussions, Vocals, Eastern Violin, as well as western instruments like Piano, Guitar, Violin, Drums etc.
2. Early Childhood Musical Training. We have recently opened a new branch in Rama village, in which we train 70 children musical orientation and skills.
3. Musical and Artistic Literacy: in activity year 2011-12 the staff of The Factory will provide 30 lectures and workshops in Arab councils and municipalities in Israel, which will target decision makers, heads of cultural departments, school principles and culture activists in the issue "the Cultural Rights of the Palestinian Minority in Israel- Challenges and Opportunities".

Contact (1) Full Name
Muna Abu Baker
Head of the organisation
Habib Hanna
Contact (2) Full Name
Habib Shehadeh

Association Amuddu Chantiers Sans Frontières

National Network

BP 3213
83000 Taroudant Médina


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
crée en 2006, l'association Amuddu chantier sans frontière, est une organisation à but non lucratif qui travaille principalement avec des jeunes (dont 35 jeunes adhérents et beaucoup de jeunes bénéficiaires) sur les thématiques de la citoyenneté, du développement durable et de l'échange culturel par le biais de chantiers bénévoles, d'échanges de jeunes et de rencontres culturelles. le conseil d'administration est composé de sept membres (dont 2 femmes)qui assurent la gestion administrative de façon bénévole. C'est ainsi qu'on a répondu à différents appels à projets locaux et nationaux pour pouvoir financer nos actions. au niveau territorial on travaille avec les principaux acteurs de développement local: associations, collectivité locale, établissements scolaires, entraide nationale ...etc, au niveau national, on est membre du Programme Concerté Maroc (programme national visant à renforcer les capacité des jeunes marocains. D'autant plus que nous travaillons avec des partenaires internationaux, notamment des associations qui organisent des échanges de jeunes ou des chantiers bénévoles.
Mission and Objectives

les objectifs de l'association sont:
- Promouvoir la culture citoyenne et la participation des jeunes à la vie publique
- Organiser et participer à des chantiers de développement
- Protéger l’environnement naturel
- S’ouvrir sur les organisations locales nationales et internationales ayant des objectifs similaires
- Faire connaître les richesses culturelles et naturelles du Maroc.

Main Projects / Activities

nos projets concernent l'aménagement paysager des quartiers de la ville, des chantiers de restauration du patrimoines, des chantiers d'insertion de jeunes en difficulté sociale, des rencontres interculturelles de jeunes et des actions de sensibilisation à destinations de jeunes et enfants scolarisés.
depuis 2010, le local de l'association abrite "le centre de jeunesse et de développement" qui est un centre ressource et d'information sur les thématiques du développement durable et de la mobilité des jeunes.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Borderland Foundation (Fundacja Pogranicze)

National Network

ul. Piłsudskiego 37 - skr.poczt. 15 - 16-500

+4887 5162765
Telephone (other)
+4887 5162189
+4887 5162765
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+48 603 971137
Mobile Phone (other)
+48 605 230050
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Religion
General Information
Managed by Council and Board, Foundation employs 7 persons of staff, 5 collaborators, and 10 volunteers. Budgetary resources available in 2005 were 606,640.00$. Sources of funding: Ford and Ch. S. Mott foundations, OSI, European Culture Foundation, European Commission; revenues from Borderland Publishing house. Partners: Polish Institutes in CEE, University of Warsaw, Open Lithuania and Sugihara foundations in Lithuania, in Romania Tirgu Mures and Interethnic Dialogue Association.
Mission and Objectives

Borderland Foundation was established in May 1990. It is an independent non-governmental organisation, and does not conduct any political or economic activity. The Foundation's program activity is devoted exclusively to propagating the ethos of the borderland, and to building bridges between the peoples of different religions, ethnicities, nationalities, and cultures.
It was founded by a group of culture animators with experience in theatre work, the theatres of "Gardzienice" (Gardzienice village near Lublin)and "Stop" (Słupsk), at the "Dąbrówka" Culture Center in Poznań (Krzysztof Czyżewski, Małgorzata Sporek-Czyżewska) and the Communal Culture Center in Czarna Dąbrówka in the Cassubian region (Wojciech and Bożena Szroeder).

Main Projects / Activities

Activities: Internships for culture animation students, Musicians Raft between N.Y. and Sejny program focused on Yiddish musical heritage in CEE, multicultural education youth program Glass Beads Game, Borderland Forum workshops, International Dialogue Centre: future school of modern intercultural practice.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Anna Wróbel
Head of the organisation
Krzysztof Czy?ewski
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Małgorzata Sporek-Czyżewska

Foundation Lech Walesa Institute (Fundacja Instytut Lecha Wałęsy)

National Network

Al. Jerozolimskie 11/19, 00-508 Warsaw, POLAND

+48 22 622 22 20
+48 (22) 625-14-14
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
General Information
About us The intention behind the establishment of the Lech Wałęsa Institute was, first and foremost, to bring together many social groups around the never-ageing ideas of state decentralisation, ethics in politics and neccessity to nurture the tradition of independence. Creation of an expert platform supporting Lech Wałęsa allowed him to work for the benefit of Poland, both home and abroad. The foundation was a very special institution among the then functioning NGOs, since it was to mirror the American example of presidential libraries and foundations established by the former heads of state. Let us emphasize, though, that neither the structure of this institution nor its material activity have ever enjoyed any support from the state budget. Over fifteen years of the Institute's activity (establised in 1995) mean both international and national presence, as well as publishing activity. It is particularly the international presence of the Polish Nobel Peace Prize Laureate enjoying wonderful worldwide response that proves how worthwhile it was to undertake the challenges of supporting President Lech Wałęsa in that mission. The organizing of many significant trips during which Lech Wałęsa meets with politicians and business people, academic circles and Polish communities living abroad, has constituted a major part in the Institute's activity. As for the domestic scene, the Institute has played an important role in integrating social and political circles, once part of the August 1980 movement, around the concept of the country's reform and decentralization of the state. All such respective actions have been carried out in response to the occurring socio-political and economic transformations. The Institute has initiated many debates analyzing the issues of local government and transformations of the political system. The resulting conclusions have been often presented in a form of a programmatic publication, as was the case of a kind of a manifesto of the Polish right-wing post-Solidarity formation being reborn in 1997, namely the "Report on the Condition of the Republic of Poland and on the Means to Improve it." Many of the diagnoses included in the publication have proved just and some postulates were implemented in 1997-2001. The Institute was also a strong advocate of Poland joining the European Union by frequently encouraging discussion on those issues with the circles being fervent opponents to the idea. After the integration process and after Poland's accession to the European Community, the Institute has continuously promoted the values of aware membership as well as the knowledge on the EU's institutions.
Mission and Objectives

Another mission of the Institute is to support pro-democratic movements. We carry the "Solidarity with ..." programmes - this is how we realize the postulates of international solidarity to be with people fighting for their right to freedom.

Main Projects / Activities

During recent years, the Institute organized the celebrations of the most important anniversaries of the "Solidarity" movement along with other non-governmental organizations that promote the "Solidarity" heritage.
All the projects implemented as part of the Institute's statutory activities, such as conferences, workshops, seminars, discussions, and different activities involving young people, carried out both at the Institute's Warsaw seat, nationwide, and abroad, demonstrate the Institute's continuous involvement and commitment to its mission. Many of those activities have been registered in the Chronicles published by the Institute, post-conference publications, or have been made accessible to the public on the Internet.,26,what_we_do

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Piotr Gulczyński
Head of the organisation
Mr. Piotr Gulczyński (President)

Associazione ItaliaMulticulturale

National Network

Via Zara 10
Reggio Calabria

+39 3932428313
+39 0965 9995319
Mobile Phone
+39 3932428313
Mobile Phone (other)
+39 349 2306088
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Religion
General Information
The association is a voluntary organization and realizes activities for the integration and multiculturalism in all the sector of the society. It promotes initiatives of solidarity, cultural activities and awareness programs about social inclusion, non-violence, international cooperation and friendship between peoples. It consists on an executive board, a technical group and a team of volunteers. Available financial resources come from membership fees, grants and contributions. Annual amount is approximately € 25,000. Association carries out the following activities: planning, training programs and information, technical assistance to individuals and businesses on the rules on immigration, initiatives about equal opportunities for all. Università per stranieri Dante Alighieri, Comune di Reggio Calabria, Provincia di Reggio Calabria.
Mission and Objectives

The association faces in its different aspects, multiculturalism and promotes initiatives of solidarity, cultural activities and awareness programs on issues of intercultural, non-violence, international cooperation and friendship between peoples.
The goal is to achieve an improvement in quality of life, individual and collective, of the local community promoting values such as interculture nonviolence, international cooperation and friendship between peoples.
Association acts as a development agent combining the culture of participation and collaboration between individuals, groups and entities, the need for competitiveness and local development, the principles of solidarity, improving living conditions of disadvantaged groups.

Main Projects / Activities

Seminars "International Migration: Between Integration and Cooperation" in collaboration with CRIC NGO and University for Foreigners Dante Alighieri of Reggio Calabria;
Seminars on "Multicultural Lawyer" in collaboration with the National Observatory on Family Law Section of Reggio Calabria about "The multi-ethnic family", "The right to family reunification between law and praxis"; "Conflict resolution in multi-ethnic family";
In collaboration with CRIC Ngo promotion of culture activities and awareness initiatives within the project "The time is work. " The aim of the project was to promote a better integration of immigrants in the local social context through:
- contrasting undeclared and underpaid work implementing a support for the business model of the third sector.
- Activation of the TimeBank to promote social relations between immigrants and local population based on solidarity to raise the awareness of the value of giving time and inspire a new generation of volunteers
Project N.O.D.I. D.A. New Opportunities for Inclusion for the Women of Arghillà - to experience and propose models of own business and self employment by unemployed women, immigrant and other disadvantaged
Gennaio 2011 Intervention to support work life balance "The Multicultural Afternoons" in collaboration with the International English Center of Reggio Calabria

Contact (1) Full Name
Maria Grazia Mallone


National Network

2 rue aude
13 100 Aix en Provence

00 33 442 26 00 10
Telephone (other)
00 33 493 16 11 15
Mobile Phone
00 33 6 13 36 18 37
Mobile Phone (other)
00 33 6 09 20 84 77
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Association loi 1901 38 membres bénévoles.`Ressources budgétaires Ville d'Aix en Provence. Conseil Général des BdR; Ministère, Direction de la Mémoire, Acsee.
Mission and Objectives

Son cadre concerne la thématique "dialogue des cultureset des sociétés en Méditerranée". Organiser et promouvoir dans l'espace méditerranéen des événements culturels et des initiatives artistiques pour rassembler les différentes communautés. - Rechercher et favoriser un mode de " faire ensemble". - Favoriser le dialogue interculturel et inter religieux en créantdes opportunités de rencontres et d'échanges. -promouvoir de nouveaux outils pour enseigner et apprendre la diversité religieuse à travers le développement des capacités ,et la mise en réseau des moyens et des différents acteurs de terrain. - Co-organiser et réunirdes groupes rassemblants des acteurs religieux et laîques. - Travail en direction des femmes et des jeunes( apprendre aux jeunes a réfléchir sur la mixité). Les mutations économiques, sociales et culturelles, qui bouleversent l'ensemble de nos sociétés contemporaines donnent lieu à une redéfinition des rôles, des statuts st des positions socialesdes femmes et des hommes. Si la famille continue de jouer le rôle de garant socio-économique en tant que régulateur stable. Il apparait que le statut de la Femme Méditerranéenne au sein de la famille, entre tradition et modernité évolue; notre objectif mettre un focus sur son rôle aujourd'hui. La réorganisation des statuts et des identités nous obligent à nous interroger; mais aussi à repenser les cadres et l'agencement des interactions au sein de la famille dans laquelle la femme a une place centrale.

Main Projects / Activities

Mises en place d'ateliers s'adressant à des publics diversifiés, femmes, adolescents, enfants des écoles et associations. On abordera à travers la photographie différentes propositions: - Les chemins d'accès au patrimoine culturel. - Les repères dans l histoire de la photographie - Les clés d'entrée dans l'art du photographe - Donner des pistes pédagogiques pour réinventer la photo par rapport à son propre univers. Ces ateliers proposent d'explorer des pistes pour un voyage personnel, et de développer l'expression créative de chacun en puisant dans son patrimoine culturel. ---- Expositions. L'expression photographique est privilégiée, la photographie étant une pratique culturelle et sociale dominante aujourd'hui. Ces expositions seront suivies de tables rondes et débats, qui ont pour but d'éclairer les affrontements et les convergences, les inf-uences croisées en Méditerranée. Héritages historiques et identités nationales, racines et pratiques religieuses,moblilités, représentations, et circulation des modèles; autant de thèmes proposés dans une perspective interdisciplinaire et comparative qui contribue à une meilleire compréhension de l'autre, et promouvoir les idéaux de tolérance et de diversité.

Contact (1) Full Name
Elisa Cornu
Head of the organisation
Elisa Cornu
Contact (2) Full Name
Elisa Cornu