Adam Association for the development of family and society

National Network

Southern Governorates - Khan Yunis Governorate
Palestinian Territories

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Others
  3. Youth and education
General Information
جمعية ادم لتنمية الأسرة وتطوير المجتمع وهي جمعية خيرية مستقلة تماما غير تابعة لأي حركة سياسية أو حزبية وغير ربحية ، تم تأسيسها  عام 2005م بجهود ذاتية من قبل الشخصيات الأكاديمية العاملة في مجال العمل المجتمعي والتي انطلقت من بين إيمانها العميق بأهمية النهوض بواقع الأسرة الفلسطينية في كافة المجالات  مما يعني أن نهوض المجتمع في وطنيا واجتماعيا واقتصاديا وتنمويا لا يتم إلا من خلال نهوض واقع الأسرة الفلسطينية في كافة المجالات.
Mission and Objectives

Name of Organization:اسم المؤسسة
جمعية ادم لتنمية وتطوير الاسرة والمجتمع 
Certificate Number رقم الترخيص
Year Of Establishment سنة التأسيس
Country:  البلد
المحافظات الجنوبية – محافظة خانيونس 
Location - الموقع
Address: العنوان
خانيونس معسكر العقاد 
Phone Number: رقم الهاتف
Email Address: البريد الالكتروني
Website الموقع الالكتروني
Main Objectives الأهداف الرئيسية
1.العمل الجاد على تنمية الأسرة والمجتمع وتوعية الأجيال الشابة ورعاية الطفولة وذلك بالنهوض بهم اجتماعيا وثقافيا وصحيا.
2.العمل على تركم الجهود وتظافرها داخل الوطن وخارجه ومن اجل إنشاء عدد من المشاريع التي تهتم باركان الأسرة وخاصة المرأة  والطفل.
.الاهتمام بالشباب قدراتهم من اجل الارتقاء بالأسرة والمجتمع.
.إنشاء مركز للدراسات  الأسرية لمعالجة مشاكل الأسرة الفلسطينية من خلال المؤسسات الدولية والمحلية.
Field of Work مجال العمل
ثقافية – اجتماعية – اغاثية – صحية 
Target Group الفئة المستهدفة
المراءة والطفل والشباب
Number Of Volunteers  عدد المتطوعين
Attachments المرفقات
Certificate شهادة التسجيل 
Strategy الخطة الاستراتيجية
Board Members اعتماد مجلس الادارة
Annual Report التقرير السنوي
How do you find cross cuttings with Anna Lindh Foundation 
كيف يمكن ان تتقاطع مؤسستكم مع مؤسسة الاناليندا من خلال تنفيذ المشاريع والبرامج المؤسسة 
Contact Person 
شخص الاتصال    الاستاذ علاء انشاصي جوال 0595191982   
Briefly About the Organization role
نبذة عن عمل المؤسسة
جمعية ادم لتنمية الأسرة وتطوير المجتمع وهي جمعية خيرية مستقلة تماما غير تابعة لأي حركة سياسية أو حزبية وغير ربحية ، تم تأسيسها  عام 2005م بجهود ذاتية من قبل الشخصيات الأكاديمية العاملة في مجال العمل المجتمعي والتي انطلقت من بين إيمانها العميق بأهمية النهوض بواقع الأسرة الفلسطينية في كافة المجالات  مما يعني أن نهوض المجتمع في وطنيا واجتماعيا واقتصاديا وتنمويا لا يتم إلا من خلال نهوض واقع الأسرة الفلسطينية في كافة المجالات.
تنفيذ مشروع التوعية الغذائية مع جمعية ارض الانسان بدعم من برنامج الغذاء العالمي
تنفيذ مخيم صيفي بعنوان العودة من المجلس الاعلى للشباب والرياضة لعدد 50 طفل
توزيع 100 طرد غذائي ضمن مشروع رمضان من هيئة الاغاثة الانسانية التركية IHH
يوم فحص طبي  مجاني بشراكة مع جمعية الهلال الاحمر الفلسطيني بتاريخ  
دورة تدريبية بعنوان فن الإلقاء والخطابة بالشراكة مع فريق الأمل الشبابي بتاريخ
الحفل الترفيهي الاول لأطفال مرضى السرطان بعنوان شموع الامل بتاريخ
دورة تدريبية بعنوان كيف اكون قياديا بشراكة مع مؤسسة انجاز فلسطين
يوم طبي مجانا بالشراكة مع جمعية الايادي الوفية يوم السبت
تنفيذ دعم نفسي بعنوان الاستجابة الطارئة لجرحة مسيرة العودة من المركز الفلسطيني للديمقراطية وحل النزاعات لعدد 15 بنت مجموعة 15 شب

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Alaa Anshasi
Head of the organisation

Youth Development Association (YDA)

National Network
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Organizational structure:1- General Assembly 2- Board of Directors 3- YDA’s Executive Body: it is composed of the general director of YDA, IT coordinator, and five main departments, they are: Administration Department, Public Relations Department, Lobbying, Advocacy and Media Department, Programs and Projects Department, and Financial Department. 12 full time employees and 1 part time. Budgetary resources:revenues of projects. Sources of funding: projects with our donors. Modalities of action: concrete projects and exchanges. Main partners:Servei Civil Internacional(SCI), African Community,Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs through Left Youth of Finland, Associazione Cooperazione Allo Sviluppo + italian cooperation(ACS),OPEC, Euro-Med, NGO Development Cneter +Maan Center,NGO Development Cneter + Palestinian Counseling Center, NGO Development Center,Catholic Agency for Overseas Development.
Mission and Objectives

We are a Palestinian non-governmental youth organization that works on informing children and youth, improving their talents and ensuring an infrastructure for juvenile work to enable children and youth to effectively contribute to a sustainable societal development. YDA also seeks to open perspectives of cultural and knowledge exchange between Palestinian youth and their international counterparts.
1- Building and developing the capacities of children and youth.
2- Promoting voluntary work among children and youth.
3- Contributing to solving the problems of the unemployed youth.
4- Providing Places for children and youth to practice and develop their talents.
5- Creating youth leaders and building their capacities to lead & protect the Palestinian youth movement’s objectives and to serve the Palestinian society.

Main Projects / Activities

Projects: YDA Cultural Forums,Saving and credit Associations, Generation of Hope, Generation of tolerance, youth and voluntary work, Enhancing hope among youth for societal change,Big Brother Big Sister, Restoration of YDA premises in Wad Fokeen, Days in Palestine, lobbying and advocacy.
1- Youth Capacity Building Program.
2- Unemployed Youth Rehabilitation and Employment Program.
3- Voluntary Work Promotion Program.
4- International Youth Exchange Program.
5- Childhood Program.
6- Advocacy and Lobbying Program.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

to affect our civil society positively by arranging awareness campaigns about values like human and women rights, respect and accepting the other;
to conduct training sessions and workshops for youth and children to enhance those values inside them;
to organize campaigns to lobby for such issues.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

because we in Youth Development Association believe in values of human rights, respect and accepting the other regardless of their cultures or beliefs .through joining ALF we will support our civil society.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Talal Abu Kishek
Head of the organisation
Mr. Talal Abu Kishek
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Suha Omer

Hewar Childhood Center

National Network

بعد الاطلاع على الملفات الخاصة بالمؤسسة من قبل وزارة الداخلية تبين ان هذه المؤسسة تم ايقافها عن العمل وانها غير قانونيةبعد الاطل
بعد الاطلاع على الملفات الخاصة بالمؤسسة من قبل وزارة الداخلية تبين ان هذه المؤسسة تم ايقافها عن العمل وانها غير قانونية

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

Hewar center under I.D ( NA 793- CU ) by The Ministry Of Interior we make election every 2 years the number of center member is 35 the number of administrative board is 7 (men and woman ) through our project we have 18 institution in 6 city in west bank

Mission and Objectives

1- Exchanging the points of views between children . 2- To support democracy in cooperation with parents , school and children and self -confidence for children . 3- To support women in taking part in the social work specially with children . 4- Sharing children who have special needs . 5- Developing children skills . 6- To study poor children states and helping them as possible we can .

Main Projects / Activities

1-development cultural and political program in Nablus city with sci fund by Catalonian agency 2-parliamentary project with sci fund by Catalnian agency and Barcelona youth council . 3- media program with sci fund by youth Secretarial – Barcelona . 4-development cultural and political program in west bank 2008 -2011 .( 18 partner , 3 year , beneficiaries 92 center around west bank m workshop open day cinema form summer camp voluntary activities , communication group , community day ) jafra foloklore band scout band Supporting education Psychological Supporting Program footballer school Handcrafts courses. taekwondo courses library activities computer courses summer camp open day cinema form Speech therapy program

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

to implement activities and courses with other institution , to exchange the experience with other

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

to have a new relationship with other institution and to implement anew project with cooperation of the institution

Contact (1) Full Name
Nayef Abu Kishik
Head of the organisation
Nayef Abu Kishik
Contact (2) Full Name
Fadi Zamer

Individual member: Yousri Alghoul

National Network
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Full name: Yousri A. Y. Alghoul Date, Place of birth: 15/8/1980 Gaza – Palestine Marital status: Married Sex: Male Nationality Palestinian Address: Al-Nasser, Gaza, Palestine Occupation: Director- Ministry of Culture
Mission and Objectives

July 1997- 2001 Leadership Camps
Ministry of Youth and Sport
July 1998 Short Story Writing Skills
Ministry of Culture
August 1998 / 1999 International youth camps
Ministry of Youth and Sport
September 1999 Youth Leadership
May 2000 Youth Exchange
Ministry of Youth and Sport
August 2000 Animators' of Summer Camps
Ministry of Youth and Sport & UNICEF
March 2000 Human Rights & Democracy
The Palestinian Center for Human Rights
July-August 2001 international Leaders' Youth Camp
OBS (Bonn- Germany)
Jan. 2004 Workshop of Teaching Children English
The British council & IUG
May 2005 Class room methodology & Management
British Council
October 2009 Creative Thinking
General Personnel Council
November 2009-2010 Specialized Diplomacy Training Program
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
January 2010 Political Psychology
Gaza Community Mental Health Program
January 2010 International Humanitarian law
February 2010 Human Rights & Democracy
The Palestinian Center for Human Rights
June 2011 The Best Practice of prudent governance in the security sector
House of Wisdom & Geneva Centre for Democratic Control of Armed Forces
Nov. 2009- Feb2010 Specialized Diplomacy Training Program
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Oct. 2011 Social Media and Creativity
Campus party melnio (Granada- Spain)

Main Projects / Activities

Volunteer leader in youth summer camps
Ministry of Youth & Sport 1997- 2001
English language teacher
Ministry of Education October 2002 – January 2008
Director of Creativity Support
Ministry of Culture January 2004 – till now
Writing in the Palestinian, Arab newspapers 2001 - till now
Palestinian Writers' Union member November 2007
Publishing a Short Stories Book named (Singing at Her Death)
Ugarit Center for Translation &Publishing 2007
Publishing a Short Stories Book named (Before Death After Madness)
Ugarit Center for Translation &Publishing 2010
Chief editor of Madarat Magazine 2010
Blogger and unprofessional photographer. 2010

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

by my blog, while thousands of Arab and Palestinians read and follow my blog, moreover, by my work as a director of supporting creation in Ministry of

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I'd like to thank for your effort in improving and developing societies and humans. and this what motivated me to stay on touch with you. I'm as a blogger in Arabic and English language want to develop myself by you and the other International organization, however, this what reinforced me to write you and apply this application

Contact (1) Full Name
Yousri Alghoul

Beit Sahour's Women Club

National Network

بعد الاطلاع على الملفات الخاصة بالمؤسسة من قبل وزارة الداخلية تبين ان هذه المؤسسة تم ايقافها عن العمل وانها غير قانونية
بعد الاطلاع على الملفات الخاصة بالمؤسسة من قبل وزارة الداخلية تبين ان هذه المؤسسة تم ايقافها عن العمل وانها غير قانونية

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

Beit Sahour Women’s Club was founded in 1992 by an active group of women from the town and was registered as NGO with the Ministry of Youth on December 9, 1995. Currently, the general assembly consists of 154 women and the board seats 9 members. The elected board is responsible for all activities and programs. The center mission is identified as a medium of expansion in service of women and creating a space where they can get together to discuss their needs, plan and execute activities and programs that serve their issues. The center provides a secure place of 100 square meters for women and is used as a meeting place, for educational workshops of current issues for women in relation to the present political realities, and a place for fitness and aerobics for many young women, housewives and older women. Over the years, the club responded to the social, cultural and fitness needs of the members in particular, and for lower income housewives especially in fitness classes. The club noticed from the beginning that lower income women are unable to join private fitness classes due to the high cost and inaccessibility, since most of these services providing places need a private car to reach. Fitness and aerobics classes were highly requested by the target group, it was the most successful activity of the club and hundreds of women benefit from this activity. 20 women attend the aerobic classes three times a week, one hour for each session. A qualified board member is leading the classes. Classes are on going all year and the demand is ever increasing since a couple of years. This demand is surely because of low fees and the good name of the club and the aerobic classes. Financial resources of the club are rather limited and the only income is coming from membership fees, the aerobics classes and some fundraising events, like collective breakfasts, Bingo and others. From this income, the club is running its activities. Within its mission, the club will keep women of low-income families, give them the chance to practice fitness classes, find a place where they can get together and promote their awareness for the need of exercising as a mean of a healthy body, good self-image and rest from daily routine. The rational behind this mission is the club board’s belief that women with high self-esteem and knowledge of health issues are better performers of their role in their families and community.

Mission and Objectives

Overall and specific objective: Maintaining psychological and physical health of women age (40-60) and take advantage of their potential to serve themselves and society. Sub Objectives: • To provide counseling for women each year for the preservation of both their psychological and physical health. • To provide opportunities for women each year for the exercise of different kinds of sports activities to sustain their mental and physical health. • To raise the level of women each year in intellectual, political, cultural and artistic fields through awakening awareness to their rights, and improving their skills in these areas.

Main Projects / Activities

• Monthly forums related to issues of health, nutrition and psychology • Individual and group Psychological counseling • Exercise fitness, Yoga, Tai chi and other sport activities • Monthly lectures on political, intellectual, and cultural topics • Training workshops on topics like, public speaking, how to run a project, communication skills etc.

Contact (1) Full Name
May Jaber
Head of the organisation
May Jamil Jaber
Contact (2) Full Name
Rana Khair

The Palestinian Youth Action Center for Community Development (LAYLAC)

National Network
972 2 2758624
972 2 2758624
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Although LAYLAC was established in 2005 but it has limited funding for its activities and programs. LAYLAC is managed by a voluntary board of nine people from Bethlehem area while it has 45 members selected for its general assembly. It focuses on building the capacities of youth and invest them for community development issues, concerns and needs through leadership development, economic development, voluntarism, social advocacy and academic / vocational development
Mission and Objectives

The mission of LAYLA is to promote the involvement of youth sectors in tackling community issues and concerns especially the disadvantaged and vulnerable groups, families and individuals

Main Projects / Activities

Academic development, social; advocacy and women entrepreneurship

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can work on developing joint interventions to issues and concerns at national level, provide access to other members to serve the community we are located at

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Exchange of info, resources and looking for funding opportunities

Contact (1) Full Name
Ziad Faraj
Head of the organisation
Ziad Faraj
Contact (2) Full Name
Yazan Laham

Parliamentary and Democratic Education Society

National Network
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Mr. Salah abed Al'Ati Dr. Bassam abuHashesh Mr. Sohail AbuAl'araj Mr. Ahmed Tafesh Mr. Khalel Shahen Mr. Ahmed AbuSafia Mrs. Azhar Bsasso Chairman Deputy chief Secretary Treasurer Member Member Member
Mission and Objectives

Our mission
- Strengthen the principles of democracy and parliament education within the Palestinian community which help the foundation of a civil democratic society.
- Committing in democracy values, human rights, Transparency, integrity, bolstering democracy and culture principles considering it as a basic of democracy for holding the good government in Palestine.
- Adopting co-operative and productive tend in work with different partners, government, municipality, civil community, special sector, focusing in activities and measures strengthening the principles of co-operation values for long time.
- Adopting the three side's philosophy to increase knowledge, skills and the guarantee of achieving the expected changes process.

Main Projects / Activities

• A Students parliament with 300 children in UNRWA schools in Gaza Strip through the project "Listen! I have a voice"
• "Technology opportunities!" project, targeting unemployed graduates.
• The "Youth Net" for defenders of human rights and public freedom with150 young people in Gaza Strip.
• Awareness of different activities based on the Assembly on its voluntary effort, through its board of directors and a team of volunteers.
• Youth Parliament aims to establish a platform for free expression of youth.
• The pressure and advocacy program it contributes to promoting the rule of law and separation of authorities.
• The program of research and studies, it contributes to the strengthening of community control.

Contact (1) Full Name
Aisha Hasan
Contact (2) Full Name
Ahmed Tafish

Youth Vision Society

National Network
00972 8 2857479
00972 8 2857479
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Youth have a major and effective role in building the community because they best express civilization and culture and that the scale of an active society is of how much attention is paid to youth, especially since young people are the force most prominent in influencing the society in various fields, whether cultural, economic, educational, social, intellectual, psychological, and legal, that contributes to the Building and the development of a conscious democratic society. From here the importance of establishing youth vision association emerged, for giving young people independence and help, responsibility, commitment and enable them to develop and exploit their potential and ensure their participation in the positive impact on society. youth vision association role is Reflected the in many ways First, for young people to affect the construction phase, employment and development and to own and acquire the appropriate knowledge and capacity to meet their needs and the needs of their community, which includes identifying a safe starting point for them based on values and self-awareness and self-confidence and to cope with variables with what it requires of capabilities such as the ability to adapt and move on and familiarity with aspects of the progress of civilization, including Contributing to the development of Palestinian society.
Mission and Objectives

The association aspires for a society where youth are brought up for success, and where they could work appropriate jobs for their qualifications and that they follow their hops and aspirations actively through working on developing youth abilities and focusing on marginalized categories in Palestinian society.
 Mission:
To contribute to developing the society through advocating and supporting youth, and adopting women and children programs in the social, psychological and educational fields, and to develop creative programs and projects that contribute to solving the problems through making plans and strategies that are effective and thorough on the social level.

Main Projects / Activities

For Transparency Program
120 Youth
One Months
2011  4 Workshops in Transparency, accountability, and fight corruption.
Friendly learning spaces
800 Children's
(10 – 17) years old
8 Months  Increase educational attainment in mathematics and Arabic .
 Rehabilitation of the participants on topics of life skills and physical education .
 Participate in activities that help them to create all elements of creative thinking and equip them with life skills that promote self-confidence .
Project intervention psychological and social rehabilitation of children and their families .
Community Training Centre and Crises management
240 Children's
( 9 – 14 ) years old
6 Months  Enhance self-confidence in children participating
 The provision of extension services and opportunities for psychological treatment to families of children affected by abuse.
 Rehabilitation and psychological health of children participants .
Remedial Class
British Consulate-General 240 Children's
( 9 – 14 ) years old
6 Months  Improve the quality of education.
 Raise the awareness of the importance of education .
 spread the awareness of educated generation within families and communities .
Mercy Corps Mercy Corps 150 Children's
( 9 – 14 ) years old
8 Months  Raise the awareness of the importance of education .
 Improve the quality of education.
Family Center Ma'an Development Center
160 Children's
( 9 – 14 ) years old 2010
6 Months  Participate in activities that help them to create all elements of creative thinking and equip them with life skills that promote self-confidence .
 Rehabilitation of the participants on topics of life skills and physical education .

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Develop and enhance the abilities of youth and contribute to elevate the cultural, social, psychological, economic and health level of the youth.
Enable the individual and group developmental initiatives to enable the youth to contribute in decision making socially, economically and politically.
Spreading the culture of communication and enhance the principle of free say and free opinion
Promoting equality, democracy and human rights among youth sectors.
Enhance the learning environment and educational methodology and the extracurricular creativities in a creative way.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because we are searching for to have an experience from you Network and to improve our capabilities in the other important fields. moreover, we know you are helping our institutes to develop their abilities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Belal Alshaer
Head of the organisation
Belal Alshaer
Contact (2) Full Name
Yousri Alghoul

Youth Power

National Network

Ledra Palace, UN Buffer Zone, Nicosia 1703

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Youth Power is a network of 12 diverse, Greek-Cypriot and Turkish-Cypriot organizations that promote or affiliate with youth activism. The member organizations are ADD-ADHD Cyprus, Future Worlds Center, HASDER Folk Arts Association, University of Nicosia Research Foundation, European University Cyprus Research Centre, Kayad Community Centre, Peace Players International, Cyprus Environmental Studies Center, Frederick Research Centre, Soma Akriton, Mediation Association and International Center for Sport Research and development.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to inspire, energize and strengthen the youth’s efforts to shape a peaceful and sustainable future, for a multicultural Cyprus. We envision a peaceful, sustainable, multicultural Cyprus, comprised of aware, empowered and active citizens. Youth Power is inspiration, sharing, cooperation, active citizenship, diversity, friendship, creativity and, above all, peace.

Main Projects / Activities

The second phase of Youth Power’s USAID and UNDP-ACT funded project started in February 2012. The Small Grants Program will be the major activity under the second phase. Under the terms of this activity, two rounds of Small Grants (February and September 2012) will be administered and granted to awardees.

Contact (1) Full Name
Katerina Antoniou
Contact (2) Full Name
Sezis Thompson


National Network

John Kennedy Str., Iris House, 8th Floor, Office 840A
3106 Limassol

00 357 25 582333
00 357 25 582333
Mobile Phone
00 357 96 351282
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Youth and education
General Information
We are composed of a board of seven individuals including two lawyers, a psychologist, a renewable energy expert, a human resource expert, an academic and an expert in international and european affairs. We have 200 simple members who receive our newsletter and follow our activities and developments. We were established on the 21/12/11 and are in the process of drawing up project proposals. As such, to date we have not received any funding from institutions or the state. We have received some private sponsorship though.
Mission and Objectives

AEQUITAS is a non-partisan, non-profit organization which is dedicated to the promotion of Human Rights Education, Citizenship Education and Intercultural Education in Cyprus. More particularly, AEQUITAS holds that these three interrelated areas are necessary ingredients for a democratic, tolerant and just society. Our wesbite is an educational tool for human rights and our newsletter, circulated every two months, is dedicated to a particular human rights issue so as to serve as an educational tool for the reader. We also seek to carry out awareness raising campaigns on a variety of human rights issues as well as promote human rights debate.

Main Projects / Activities

We have carried out a series of seminars for several local youth groups on the topic of human rights education, using activities from COMPASS. We are in the process of organizing several more such seminars. We have applied for two projects under the Youth in Action Programme on the topics of human rights education and environmental education. We are also developing a project on the training for teachers on issues of anti-bullying within the human rights perspective in cooperation with a Greek educational institution. We are also in the process of preparing another project in conjunction with a local and international NGO on the issue of LGBTI and human rights. Two other developing projects include a workshop for adult learners and a learning partnership project.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Human Righs Educaiton and Intercultural Education are paramount for any social dialogue. As the first organization in Cyprus dedicated to these objectives we hope to be an advantage to the Network in our country. We will actively participate in the activities of the network, promote the network and the opportunities offered therefrom as well as develop new fruitful ideas of cooperation with networks in other countries.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

At the core of the ALF lies the promotion of intercultural dialogue which constitutes one of our three main objectives. In this light, it would be a significant development for us to be part of such a network. By joining the ALF Network, our NGO, we will gain from the support offered therefrom and also will provide us with the opportunity to network with like minded organizations as well as benefit from activities and grant schemes of the Network. These points are paramount for any NGO, especially one that is newly incorporated. Further, the size and diversity of the network are very attractive for us and will serve as a coherent framework through which we can advance our aims and missions vis-à-vis solidarity, tolerance and respect. We also hope to benefit from the training seminars which, once again, will greatly benefit us as a newly incorporated NGO.

Contact (1) Full Name
Natalie Alkiviadou
Head of the organisation
Natalie Alkiviadou