Mary Immaculate College

National Network

Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, South Circular Road

+35361 204300
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Mary Immaculate College is a university level teaching institution, funded primarily by the education department of the Irish Government. It's renown is for teacher training and a wide range of arts subjects. The college has a good reputation for performance arts, including music and theatre, and has modern facilities for staging live events. The college engages with a number of multicultural projects, largely involving teacher training, and overseas development.
Mission and Objectives

The College community promotes excellence in teaching, learning and research at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. It seeks to foster the intellectual, spiritual, personal and professional development of students within a supportive and challenging environment that guarantees the intellectual freedom of staff and students. As a college with a Catholic christian ethos, Mary Immaculate actively promotes a supportive learning environment and cultural tolerance.

Main Projects / Activities

Mary Immaculate College offers undergraduate and post-graduate programmes in a range of subjects. It also supports the very diverse research activities of its staff and PhD students. In addition, the college seeks, through active engagement with other bodies and individuals, to contribute to the quality of life and economic development of its immediate community, local institutions and international partners.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Mary Immaculate College would be able to bring its own experience of working internationally to the group. It could host national meetings and provide online and recorded media resources for the network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

It is a key strand of the college's strategic plan to enhance and expand its international collaboration, on both educational and cultural levels. ALF offers the potential of new and exciting partnerships which will be mutually beneficial for all participants. It would also be valuable to Mary Immaculate to participate in the national network, so broadening its engagement with a variety of organisations with converging interests.

Contact (1) Full Name
Tony Langlois
Head of the organisation
Professor Michael Hayes
Contact (2) Full Name
Rosemary Day

Organization for the Promotion of European Issues

National Network

Galatias 1
8046 Paphos

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Others
  10. Religion
General Information

There is a Board of Directors composed of seven members. There is a secretary general on a part time basis, and our associates work on contract basis. The annual resources of the organization are roughly 35,0000 euros that come from membership fees, project funding and donations from friends and sponsors. The organization participates in awareness raising activities, seminars, participation in EU projects such as youth, long life learning, and research activities. The organization participated in youth projects in Cyprus and abroad, in lifelong learning and the Council of Europe all different - all equal campaign. Its social network is composed of Ilektra cultural center, Association Kivotos-Elpida and Stroumbi Youth club.

Mission and Objectives

The Organization aims to participate in European projects and lifelong learning programs, contributing to the knowledge of local society regarding the European Union. Its aim is to establish itself a positive actor of knowledge and expertise in European Affairs in Cyprus, becoming an educational bridge among Cyprus and the European Union. The organization is focused in promoting European issues and values in Cyprus, with a general interest in European Union. It pays particular attention to issues concerning education, lifelong learning, culture and youth. The Organization has taken part in various awareness campaigns regarding equal rights, social issues and social inclusion, youth exchanges and European policy awareness.

Main Projects / Activities

Participation in the EU awareness programme “For Diversity. Against Discrimination” Awareness on the EU Programme “Help” Against Smoking Participation in several Action 3- Youth Initiatives. Awareness for the European Week -For Safety And Health At Work 2006, “SAFE START”. “All different-All equal” campaign of the Council of Europe. 2008 GRUNDTVIG LEARNING PARTNERSHIPS «Motivation of elderly persons who are not used to education for an informal search for information»

Contact (1) Full Name
Michalakis Ioannou Papatherapontos
Head of the organisation
Michalis I. Papatherapontos
Contact (2) Full Name
Kostas Michaelides

Association pour la promotion des classes de mer marseille méditerranée

National Network

Iles du Frioul 13001 Marseille

04 91 73 67 54
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
06 83 12 93 17
Mobile Phone (other)
06 76 99 69 54
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Association loi 1901 , bureau composé de 4 membres, une centaine d'adhérents. Partenaires principaux : Inspection Académique des Bouches du Rhône, Ville de Marseille, Office de la Mer Marseille Provence, Réseaux Mer en Fête. Ressources budgétaires annuelles environ 5000 euros :adhésions, subventions de collectivités territoriales et de fondations. Modalité d'action principale : soutiens pédagogiques, humains, logistiques et financiers pour les projets de classes de découvertes et de rencontres interculturelles, avec les chants comme vecteurs d'échanges.
Mission and Objectives

Développer l'esprit d'entraide et de solidarité, l'apprentissage de la liberté dt de la démocratie.
Optimiser l'action pédagogique des enseignants en classes de mer, mettre en place une véritable éducation au développement durable par une approche pluridisciplinaire, participation des élèves et enseignants à la valorisation du patrimoine maritime de Marseille et de la Méditerranée.

Main Projects / Activities

Soutenir les projets de classes de découvertes au centre Léo Lagrange du Frioul.
Initier ou participer à des projets d'échanges interculturels entre écoliers marseillais et de méditerranée.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

En étant acteurs de l'éducation formelle et informelle.
En apportant les préoccupations fondamentales de l'enseignement du premier degré.
En étant un pont entre l'Education Nationale et les acteurs de la société civile.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Nous souscrivons aux valeurs défendues par la FAL.
Nous souhaitons participer à des grands projets organisés en réseaux.
Nous souhaitons mettre plus de ressources à la disposition des enseignants.

Contact (1) Full Name
Véronique Innocent
Head of the organisation
Philippe ODDOU
Contact (2) Full Name
Gisèle Raffo

Bosniac Institute - Foundation Adil Zulfikarpasic

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information
The Bosniac Institute – Foundation Adil Zulfikarpasic is a private non-profit foundation, found in 1988 in Zurich and in 2001 in Sarajevo, by Adil Zulfikarpasic. Board of directors (11 members), director responsible to the Board, and 13 staff members. Yearly budget cca EUR 400.000. Source of funding is 99% our own resources. 1. Culture: exhibitions, photography: ‘Muslims of New York’, ‘Auf der Suche nach Atlantis’ etc.; fine arts: Franjo Likar ‘Mersad Berber’, etc.; documentation ‘Dusan Karpatsky’, ‘Faginovic’Calligraphy, etc. 2. Research projects: ‘Monograph on S. Selmanagic’, ‘Scientific portal of B&H diasporas scholars’, etc. 3. Conferences and seminars promoting and developing heritage: MELCOM (Middle Eastern librarians specializing in manuscripts), ICSL (Conference of Slavic librarians), historical like. ‘Fatih and Bosnia’, etc. 4. Humanitarian and community development: BHCrafts, Children Home DUGA, Awareness of cervical cancer, etc. Partners: cultural, scientific and educational institutions in B&H and abroad (national libraries, academies, national galleries, Sarajevo Art, etc., diplomatic missions).
Mission and Objectives

• Contribute to understanding of cultural heritage of B&H and region by selecting, collecting, documenting, preserving, and making it accessible.
• Seek to make available any and all information bearing on the historical interpretations of B&H society at large.
• Reconstruction and development of B&H science, history, culture, art, languages and religions of its peoples.
• Support and encourage cultural, creative, humanitarian and comunity development projects.
• Public awareness-building activities for heritage
• Develop local and international partnership with other cultural institutions
• Support of cultural, historical, linguistic, religious research projects
• Affirmation and promotion of cultural heritage
• Promote dialogue between cultures in cooperation with local and international partners.
• Development and affirmation of B&H and regional humanities

Main Projects / Activities

The Institute contributes to development of culture of B&H in regional and European context, and is used for a wide variety of cultural activates: art, humanities, cultural and historical heritage, and cultural tourism of B&H and the region.
• library and archive: collection, documentation, presentation, preservation, services, scientific portal, information accessibility – online catalogue, digital library, digitalization of various collections.
• art: presentation of own collections (B&H artists), setting up art exhibits that are engaged in social changes and development, and encourage intercultural understanding.
• development of partnership:
a) cultural projects aiming at
-intercultural and inter-religious dialogue,
-rebuilding modes of coexistence and mutual respect in B&H society,
-nurturing and respecting various identities
-presenting other cultures, their art and history.
b) inter library and archive cooperation - exchange, exhibitions, conferences, seminars, study visits, research.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are willing to take part in Anna Lindh Foundation activities in B&H and elsewhere, to promote the Foundation in ways applicable and compatible to our activities and mission. We can offer a partnership in creating projects that would develop and improve inter-cultural and inter-religious dialogue, and that would enhance understanding and presentation of art and culture. In addition, it would be beneficiary to exchange variety of information with the network members.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To develop partnership with other members of the Foundation organizing cultural, research, humanitarian and community development projects.
The Bosniac Institute – Foundation Adil Zulfikarpasic as a private non-profit foundation is looking for partnership with other organizations and foundations in Bosnia and Herzegovina and abroad that will provide support through calls for projects, seminars, trainings, workshops, donors and similar activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Narcisa Puljek-Bubric
Head of the organisation
Amina Rizvanbegovic Dzuvic

Evagoras and Katleen Lanitis Foundation

National Network

Vasilissis str.
P.O.Box 50203
3602 Limassol


E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Others
  8. Youth and education
General Information
1.The Evagoras and Kathleen Lanitis Foundation was founded in November 2001 by Costas, Platon, Marios and Isabella Lanitis. It has been registered according to the law, as a non profit organisation, based in Limassol. The Evagoras and Kathleen Lanitis Foundation is administered by the Chairman, Mr Platon E. Lanitis, and the eleven members of the Board. Number of employees:2 2. Annual budget: 257,000 Euro 3. Private funding 4. Exhibitions, educational programms, conferences, seminars 5. Ministry of Culture and Education and Private International Cultural Organizations
Mission and Objectives

The Foundation was created in memory of the late Evagoras Lanitis and aims to continue his social contribution.
The Foundation organises and sponsors cultural and educational events, which promote human achievements.

Main Projects / Activities

In the few years of its operation the Evagoras and Kathleen Lanitis Foundation has organized a series of events, such as the exhibitions "In the Shadow’s Light" "Lighting the Body of Athletes", "Weaving Greek myths" "Hyperlinks", "Terpandros – Recreations of Ancient Greek Musical Instruments", "The Human Figure and Modern Cypriot Art - the first generations", "Mythos-Modern and Contemporary Italian Art", "Landmarks of New York - Photographic exhibition"
"Euro, our currency" e.t.c.

Contact (1) Full Name
Catherine Louis Nikita
Head of the organisation
Catherine Louis Nikita
Contact (2) Full Name
Evie Michael

Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation

National Network

P.O.BOX 21995

+357 22 128157
+357 22 662898
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
The Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation is governed by its own statutes and administered by an independent Board appointed by the Board of Directors of the Bank of Cyprus Group. It employs eight people, and is funded by the Bank of Cyprus. The projects and activities undertaken by the Foundation concern the archaeology, history, art and literature of Cyprus and more generally, the island’s cultural and natural heritage. It operates its own programs and does not give any grants.
Mission and Objectives

To preserve the cultural heritage of the island of Cyprus through its collections and research work and to contribute to the cultural progress of the country with its publications, exhibitions, museums and educational programs.

Main Projects / Activities

• It operates the following collections: Coin Collection, Map Collection, Collection of Manuscripts and Rare Books, Engravings, Old Photographs and Watercolours Collection, Collection of Cyprus Antiquities, Collection of Contemporary Cypriot Art. • The Museum of the History of Cypriot Coinage and the Museum of George and Nefeli Giabra Pierides Collection (antiquities collection). • Educational Programs. • Exhibitions and Lectures. • More than 100 publications in the following sectors: Cypriot cartography, Cypriot coinage, Cultural Foundation collections, Lectures on history and archaeology of Cyprus, Cyprological studies and Lectures, Folios, Exhibition Catalogues, Guides to archaeological, Byzantine and historical monuments of Cyprus, Cypriot literature, Children’s and young adults’ books, Cypriot art, books on the environment of Cyprus and books published in collaboration with other Foundations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs Ionna Hadjicosti
Head of the organisation
Mrs Ioanna Hadjicosti


National Network


E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
Mission and Objectives

Greek and Cypriote culture, Greek language, education.

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

Miphgasch/Begegnung e.V.

National Network

Miphgasch/Begegnung e.V. Samariterstr. 27

+49/30/47 47 48 05
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
• Miphgasch/Begegnung (Mifgash is Hebrew for encounter) is a registered association. It employes one project manager and about 10 freelancers with qualifications in the fields: history, jewish studies, islamic studies, political and cultural sciences and education. • Partners: House of the Wannsee Conference (Berlin), Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences (Berlin), Jung und Jüdisch e.V. (Young and Jewish) and the Muslim community centre Haus der Weisheit e.V. (House of Wisdom). • Networks: Miphgasch is member in the network: Task Force education on Antisemitsm, coordinated by the American Jewish Committee Berlin. • Budgetary: about 70.000 EUR/year with the support of state programms and different foundations. • Modalities of action: Seminars for school classes, and for teachers, developement of educational material, intercultural and international encounters.
Mission and Objectives

„Miphgasch/Begegnung“enables intercultural and international encounters, especially between young people, promoting a peaceful coexistence based on understanding and respect. Miphgasch achieves its goals by organising and realising encounters with Jewish survivors of the Holocaust, offering educational opportunities and seminars for school classes as well as recreational contexts, and international encounters in the following subject areas: • Confrontation and analysis of the period of National Socialism, its racist ideology and the mass murder of the Jews of Europe • History of Jewish religion and culture in Europe and in the Islamic World • Interreligious and intercultural relations between Judaism, Christianity and Islam • History and present of the Middle East conflict • Racism and Antisemitism in history and present We consider it a priority to include educationally disadvantaged children – with and without a migration background – in our historical-political educational work dealing with the above mentioned topics.

Main Projects / Activities

• Seminars for school classes dealing with the period of German National Socialism, the history of the Middle East conflict, the history of Jews in Arab countries and on the history of interreligious relations between Judaism, Christianity and Islam. • Development of didactic materials on the history of National Socialism, the Middle East conflict and the history of interreligious relations between Judaism, Christianity and Islam, especially emphasising intercultural and multiple perspectives approaches of learning and teaching history. • In 2009, Miphgasch published collected materials under the title “Sharing HISTORIES – Documents for Intercultural Education on the History of National Socialism” in cooperation with the memorial of the House of the Wannsee Conference (Berlin). The collection is one of only very few examples of didactic materials available on National Socialism, which holds up to the challenges of teaching history in an environment of multiple perspectives and sometimes competing narratives.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Miphgasch has gained substantial experience concerning multi-perspective historical-political learning in the immigration society in regard to the above mentioned topics. This experience and expertise are a vital contribution to the network and its work. The topics and questions that are formulated directly from the interaction with youths can provide important impulses for the interaction of projects of different areas (Science, Culture, Society, Politics, and Education).

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Miphgasch has been interested in further developing its international activities. By joining the network we hope to engage in an intensive exchange of information and experiences with the other member projects, gain new contacts and partners for our planed activities as well as to benefit from the insights and experiences of the network members.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ulrike Granitzki
Head of the organisation
Ute Ernst, Ann-Christin Sasz, Michael Schmidt

Makers for Humanity e.V.

National Network

P.O. Box 410 926
10115 Berlin

+49 30 793 2230
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0049163 7000 263
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information

Makers for Humanity (M4H) - formerly Positive Nett-Works e.V. (PNW) - as non-profit organisation initiates cultural and educational events and performances, and works in the field of alternative media to connect youth sharing positive examples to save the environment and foster international understanding and cooperation. It maintains a flexible structure with core members and variable project teams. Partners include schools, regional authorities and associations depending on the projects in progress. Main themes are public capacity building in areas such as intercultural, inter-religious understanding, inter-faith dialogues, environmental and arts education. Support is received through public funding & foundations, municipalities and partners. Actions include projects like dialogues, seminars, and cross-media new-projects also internationally. They include the facilitation of youth symposia, environmental campaigns, and local intercultural community events or children festivals. Main partners over the years included the City of Hannover, the local newspaper Hannoversche Allgemeinen Zeitung, the FEZ-Berlin (Europe’s largest non-profit Children, Youth, & Family Center).

Mission and Objectives

Makers for Humanity (M4H) - formerly Positive Nett-Works e.V.’s mission is to apply the arts and innovative forms of communication for socio-cultural capacity building to address intercultural concerns in society. Activities support cultural youth projects to include the arts more prominently and create public awareness in the fields of environmental protection and social cohesion. By using games, activities&performances, and community dialogue processes participants are lead to find common ground and trust and enjoy shared activities. PNW organizes various forms of educational encounters, for example “cultural creative” salons, where youth, decision-makers, citizens, and artists meet for creative round table dialogues. The main objective here is to support dialogue, deliberation and peacemaking processes. Another special focus lies on using modern media tools that involve and assist users to create their own media and platforms. Already before EXPO 2000 in Hannover PNW created projects in public spaces for raising awareness for issues about cultural, social, and environmental concerns.

Main Projects / Activities

Selection from projects between 1997-2015:

* Future Raft, ‘Swimming Future Classroom’, co-created by youth and NGOs, travelled 300 kms from Hannover to Berlin and

* future-islands: floating solutions for climate-change related problems:

* Local Children and Youth Media Projects to develop media competences. One product was for example a „Leinekunst Children’s Newspaper“ in co-operation with the Wissenschaftsladen Hannover e.V., and YouBe e.V. :

* Open-Forum - facilitating youth and cultural events since the mid 90's by using established and new conferencing and dialog formats, see for example Youth of Europe or Ganztagsschulkongress:

* 2008. First Regional Campaign ‘1001 Actions for Dialogue’ launched for the Euro-Med Year of Intercultural Dialogue. PNW contributed in Leipzig and Berlin.

See more at:

* participation: Anna Lindh Forum 2010 in Barcelona and report: „We are the People!“

* participation, lecture and publication: Conference in Weimar / Germany 2010 / European Union and the Union for the Mediterranean – A Vision becomes True“ Hertie Stiftung / Reihe Tagungsberichte / Band 71 / 2010 / ISBN 978-3-939182-26-9

* participation: Common Action of the German Network of the Anna Lindh Foundation 2011 „Mediterranean on the Spot“. Dialogue Project with the „Combatants of Peace“ from Palestine and Israel visiting Germany:

*  2011 in the Framework of the Anna-Lindh Programme BELIEVE IN DIALOGUE - ACT FOR CITIZENSHIP Judge Mokhtar Yahyaoui from Tunis was invited by PNW to Berlin

* participation: Common Action of the German Network of the Anna Lindh Foundation 2012 „Mediterranean on the Spot“. Cultural Project: „Mediterra. Islands of Hope on Tour“.

* participation: Common Action of the German Network of the Anna Lindh Foundation 2013 „Mediterranean on the Spot“. Dialogue Project: How to live and encourage cultural diversity?

Contact (1) Full Name
Heiner Benking
Head of the organisation
Joy Lohmann
Contact (2) Full Name
Farah Lenser

"go40" cultural women's journal

National Network

POBox 410926
12119 Berlin

+49/ (0)30/ 793 22 30
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
The cultural women's journal is a GmbH initiated (1989) and edited by Dr. Greta Tüllmann who wants to support the creativity and responsibility of women in the public. The quarterly journal has an edition of 30 000 - for the production of the journal Dr. Greta Tüllmann collaborates with other individual enterprises and gets some support by women and some men with silent partnership. Since 1992 the ‘Hanan-Dialogue’ was established through friendship and cooperation between the Moroccan social scientist and writer Fatema Mernissi ( and the magazine 'ab 40'. We have led this dialogue in many variations and we are happy to open our internet pages for it as well, so that more women can participate.
Mission and Objectives

"go40“ as cultural women's journal is a global public project which encourages women since 20 years to publish articles and express their thoughts, works and arts. As many women in our world have grown up within Islamic religion and culture we want to give voices to them as well. Islam is the most wide-spread religion on our planet. It is a very peaceful religion and culture, as long as oil and power interests are not part of the picture. Many women within Islamic culture are working towards a democratic Islam. We want to support these women with our ‘Hanan Dialogue’ in building ‘HANAN Bridges’. We know too little about their countless initiatives and NGOs, because our media in their greed for stories on violence and terror do not talk about them. “ab40” wants to be ‘humus’ of feminine creativity in balance in men and women.

Main Projects / Activities

The journal „go40“ initiates and supports women's research and collaborates with academic women like the Moroccan social scientist Fatima Mernissi and the UN Gender Team, New York.
From the beginning social scientists like Dr. Veronika Bennholdt-Thomsen or Dr. Heide Göttner-Abendroth were publishing their results of women research and modern matriarchal studies. With museums for women history and biographical research groups we are looking for the often hidden roots of women in history. This includes women of indigenousness cultures who raise their voice in the World Uranium Hearing. “go40” reports about campaigns against Female Genital Mutilation together with NGO's like “terre de femmes”.
As we believe that arts play a big role in a peaceful world we work with women beyond borders, a group of artist friends with the goal to encourage dialogue, collaboration, and community among women, and to honor their creativity worldwide.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Greta Tüllmann