Göteborg University, School of global studies

National Network

Konstepidemins väg 2D
413 14 Göteborg

+46-31-7861380; +46-705300147
Telephone (other)
+46 31 786 00 00 (vxl)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Michael Schulz

Southern Sweden. se Film/Books/Artwork

National Network

Bergsgatan 1, 11223 Stockholm

+46 708 949558
Organisation Type
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Carl Henrik Svenstedt

Svenska ASSITEJ (ASSITEJ Sweden) - Svenska föreningen för barn- och ungdomsteater

National Network

Kaplansbacken 2
11224 Stockholm

+46 8 659 86 33
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Svenska ASSITEJ is a platform for anyone who works with or has interests in performing arts for children and young people in Sweden. ASSITEJ's members consist of actors, directors, scenographers and dramatists, as well as theater groups, organizations and institutions, reviewers and cultural writers, cultural secretaries, amateurs, organizers and associations. Svenska ASSITEJ works to spread knowledge about Swedish performing arts for children and uinga, as well as organizing exchanges, guest games and communicating contacts. As a member, you will have access to a global network of information about festivals, courses and seminars from all over the world. We work closely with ASSITEJ centers and organizations around the world with whom we conduct a range of collaborative projects such as the exchange of performances, visits to festivals, workshops and seminars. Over the past 15 years, we have been working closely with dozens of countries in southern and eastern Africa where we organized seminars, workshops and performance exchanges. By 2015, we have completed two major projects that included exchanges with Lebanon, South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Mozambique. The core actvities are finnaced by membership fees and a yearly grant from the National Arts Council (Kulturrådet). Other sources of funding is the Swedish Institue and Sida for specific projects.  
Mission and Objectives

Svenska ASSITEJ wants to:
- Work to maintain and strengthen Swedish performing arts' high status as well as work for increased quality awareness in the performing arts area for children and young people.
- Increase the interest and knowledge of performing arts for children and young people among theaters, educators, organizers, media, politicians and decision makers.
- Open opportunities for increased knowledge of international performing arts for children and young people as well as disseminate knowledge and information about Swedish performing arts to other countries.

Main Projects / Activities

We work by:
- influencing - media, decision makers, politicians, theater directors, etc. We share the Prix d'ASSITEJ annually - a prize for worthwhile efforts in Swedish performing arts for children and young people.
- Create networks - both in Sweden and abroad
- Stimulate - We organize member meetings, festivals, seminars, etc.
- Inform - We publish press releases, newsletters and informs on social media.
- Document - We make compilations of performances and other activities in the performing arts area for children and young people.
We organise several joint projects, exchanges of productions, festivals, workshops and seminars together with ASSITEJ centres in the other Nordic countries, the Baltic countries and internationally.

Contact (1) Full Name
Niclas Malmcrona
Job Title
Operational Manager
Head of the organisation
Marie Persson Hedenius (Chairperson)

Individual member: Mohamed Feily

National Network


22 26 95 73
Mobile Phone (other)
22 26 95 73
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Journaliste de profession, j'ai des ambitions pour monter un radio à vocation éducative.
Mission and Objectives

Informer le plus grand public sur les dangers qui guêttent la jeunesse,notamment le terrosrisme

Main Projects / Activities

Avec mon expérince personnelle et l'appui des partenaires, je souhaite être soutenu dans mes actions par le Réseau Anna Lindh, qui prône des idéaux très nobles

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed Feily - Journaliste

Fédération Handisport Mauritanie

National Network

Stade olympiqua TVZ BP 612

00 222 3630 5532
Telephone (other)
00 222 46529051
00 222 45251152
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00 222 22 305532
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Mohamed Abdellahi M’bareck
Contact (2) Full Name
Samba ben Ahmed

Alliance Franco-Mauritanienne de Nouakchott

National Network

Villa 097 SOCOGIM Tevragh-Zeina, Nouakchott/ BP 5022

(+222) 45 25 31 48
Telephone (other)
(+222) 45 29 11 09
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
(+222) 46 71 85 57
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Youth and education
General Information
10 salariés, 40 professeurs
Mission and Objectives

Promotion de la langue française, des cultures francophones et locales

Main Projects / Activities

Enseignement et diffusion culturelle
Défense de la diversité culturelle et linguistique

Contact (1) Full Name
Ahmed ould Hamza (Maire de la Capitale Nouakchott)
Head of the organisation
Jean-Paul DURIN
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohamed Vall ould Cheikh

Etablissement mauritanien pour les spectacles vivants (EMOSV)

National Network

N° 173 Tevragh Zeina ZRB

00 222 45 21 00 84
Telephone (other)
00 222 501 33 07
00 222 45 21 00 84
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00 222 46 43 33 42
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
C'est un établissement chargé d'organiser les spectacles vivants pour participer à l'essor artistique du pays. C'est une équipe de 10 personnes dont les sources de financement varient suivant les partenaires.
Mission and Objectives

Voir données principales.

Main Projects / Activities

- Organisation, suivi et préparation des spectacles.
- sensibilisation à travers les ceéneaux traditionnels autour des principales questions liées à la dynamique culturelle.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed Ould Ahmed
Head of the organisation
Mohamed Ould Ahmed Meiddah
Contact (2) Full Name
Sidi Amar Doudou

Yakaare pour sauver l’enfant handicapé

National Network

Commune de sebkha. Noukchott

00222 36624996
Telephone (other)
00222 36532021
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
00222 62 4996 / 0022
Mobile Phone (other)
00222 653 2021
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
L’Association depuis 2003 s’occupe des handicapés dans leur éducation primaire, dans la formation en métiers (couture, calligraphie, coiffure). Et cela jusqu’au 2008 date où le pays a connu une situation politique difficile et nos activités avec nos partenaires ont été suspendus. Il s’agit de relancer la formation des jeunes handicapés dans des métiers prometteurs et s’adapter ainsi à l’environnement du marché du travail. Le Centre s’inscrit dans la dynamique d’intégration des jeunes handicapés, dans l’environnement des nouvelles technologies de l’information et de la communication. En leur permettant d’acquérir et de renforcer les capacités professionnelles leur permettant d’intégrer le milieu du travail. - Former en Bureautique (Word – Excel) - Former en maintenance - Gestion des bibliothèques RESULTAT ATTENDU : - Les jeunes handicapés bien formés professionnellement - Bonne maîtrise des outils de la nouvelle technologie - Renforcer les capacités du personnel de l’Association METHODOLOGIE Matières enseignées : - Bureautique - Maintenance - Gestion bibliothèque DUREE FORMATION : 2 ans (années scolaires) PERSONNEL DU CENTRE :  02 Formateurs  01 Secrétaire  01 Gardien
Mission and Objectives

Objectifs et mission:
Yakaare est une ong qui a un statut juridique à caractere apolitique,associative et non lucrative.
Elle est constituée en majorité de femmes et elle intervient particulièrement dans l’appui à l’insertion des jeunes handicapés dans la société civile. Depuis sa date de création en 2003 l’ong n’a de cesse d’apporter son concours aux familles pauvres victimes des évènements tragiques de 1989 qui avaient fait à l’époque plusieurs morts et déportés en dehors de la Mauritanie.
Plusieures actions avec l’aide d’une ong française ont été menées à travers toute la commune de sebkha pour offrir des degrés considérables de capacité dans la formation des jeunes sans appui.
Aujourd’hui grâce au nouveau partenariat international et aux nouveaux objectifs de l’Union Mediterranéenne,la Mauritanie semble aussi vouloir relever le defi des pays de la sous region notamment en ce qui concerne la lutte contre le chômage,contre les defis du changement de climat et l’integration aux principes de la Mondialisation.
Beaucoup d’organismes de développement en synergie avec avec des ong nationales s’activent pour relever l’economie du pays. Auourd’hui la Mauritanie est membre entière de l’Union euro- mediterrenienne et entend comme ses paires apporter ses approches dans les secteurs d’intervention de cette nouvelle organisation inter-regionale. A cet effet Yakaare a eu à se faire dinstinguer brillament en gagnant au concours international organsé par l’Institut Européen de la Mediterrannée de Barcelone et surtout à béneficier de solides approches avec d’autres lauréats du concours ``une mer de mots´ lors de ses rencontres culturelles en Espagne ´,approches qui seront initiées à son retour en Mauritanie et qui permettront de lancer une nouvelle politique d’action visant à aider efficacement les jeunes handicapés à valoriser leurs talents de conteurs.
Eu égard à ce défit ambitieux et qui veut s’inscrire à long terme l’Ong Yakaare s’implique d’ores et déja à mettre sur pied un petit centre de documentation pour permettre aux jeunes handicapés de découvrir les richesses de la cultutre universelle. Des concours de poêmes,de théâtres,d’articles et des contes seront organisés annuellement sous la supervision de la mairie et avec l’appui du ministère de la culture.

Main Projects / Activities

- Former en Bureautique et aux nouvelles technologies sur l’information
- Former en maintenance
- Gestion des bibliothèques
- Former les jeunes handicapés dans la gestion des contes

Contact (1) Full Name
Kadiata Toure
Head of the organisation
Kadiata Daouda Toure
Contact (2) Full Name
Demba Awe

Centre of Mediterranean Studies

National Network

Ruhr Universität Bochum, Zentrum für Mittelmeerstudien, Universitätsstraße 150
44801 Bochum

0234 32-201
0234 32-14201
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Supported by the Federal Ministry for Research and Education the Centre for Mediterrranean Studies has created a platform from which to coordinate the activities of all Mediterranean scholars at the Ruhr University in Bochum and to connect them with national and international Mediterranean studies. The focus of research is on the humanities, cultural and social sciences, including geographical, natural and political sciences. The research centre looks at the Mediterranean and the dynamics of the region in a new way; it has thus an important contribution to make to the establishment of Mediterranean Studies in Germany and indeed to the advancement of Area Studies in general. The Centre for Mediterrranean Studies has 15 employee and 48 members
Mission and Objectives

The Centre for Mediterrranean is the first academic institution in Germany which is dedicated to the cross-epochal study of social science and the humanities in this multi-layered contact zone between Africa, Asia and Europe.

Main Projects / Activities

Conferences and workshops Lecture series Regular symposia (Mediterranean forum) an on-line databank of people involved in Mediterranean Studies in the German-speaking world a calendar of international Mediterranean Studies events university courses and promotion of young researchers/scholars

Contact (1) Full Name
Prof. Dr. Markus Koller
Head of the organisation
Prof. Dr. Markus Koller, Jun.Prof. Dr. Verena Krebs, Prof. Dr. Thomas Feldhoff, Prof. Dr. Cornelia Jöchner, Dr. Kristin Platt
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Andreas Eckl

Internationales JugendKunst- und Kulturhaus Schlesische 27

National Network

Schlesische Straße 27b

+49 (0)30 / 61 77 67 - 39
+49 (0)30 / 61 88 048
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The" YouthArt- and CulturalCenter Schlesische27" is a Berlin institution rich in tradition working in the field of aesthetic education and perception training within an artistic and cultural context. In cooperation with artists and experts of varied disciplines, every year over 2000 young people experience and explore interdisciplinary questions designing their own creative visions of the world. Having started as a project to promote aesthetic education by ambitious artists in the 1970s, the organisation structure of our institution is horizontal, consisting of seven employed people within the administrative staff and about 50 artists working on project basis. Budgetary resources available in a year amount to 280.000 Euros, primarily funded by the senate office of Berlin, companies, friends and sponsors. On a local level our projects focus on a very haptic/manual approach to aesthetic education in close cooperation with local and international actors from a wide range of professional disciplines. Internationally we engage in the promotion of intercultural dialogue and organize exchange projects with young people from France, Poland, Turkey, Lebanon and Ramallah.
Mission and Objectives

In working with young people and artists, the focal point is the aesthetic attention of the young guests, an experimental and adventurous education of their senses through the arts. Developing one’s own creative abilities provides one with the best qualifications to actively participate in the process of forming society and living an active democracy.
Therefore, guideline of our institution’s work is the “optimal promotion through the arts”: every human is capable of creating! When creating, one gains identity and self-confidence – the foundation for performance abilities, broad-mindedness, commitment and capacity to work in a team. Based on an empowering pedagogic approach, art is an important promoter leading to defining moments effecting all areas of life.
To many young people, whose educational and personal development is not supported in their own surroundings, artistic and creative projects open up major scopes of action and development. In order to promote cross-cultural competence we emphasize on artistic and participative exchange projects on an international level.

Main Projects / Activities

Approximately 130 short- and long-term projects take place in our institution within one year. These range from artistic projects with school kids to self organized projects of young adults taking an active part in the urban, social and cultural development nationally and internationally. We are currently working on an artistic youth exchange programme with young people and artists from Lebanon and Germany addressing the topic of freedom, self-determination and democracy through creative writing and experimental performance.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As we are a well-established institution within the Berlin “cultural landscape”, we would be very happy to support the network partners with our expertise, experience and contacts. Not only being in contact with many active artists and partner cultural institutions in Berlin, but also with committed young people based in Berlin and Europe, enables us to pro-creatively contribute to and cooperate in international cultural projects.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Located in a Berlin district with young people of multi-ethnic, in particular Arabic, background we feel the urge to even further promote cross-cultural dialogue, especially with the Arabic world and provide our young guests with the opportunity to get in contact and exchange with young people from other countries – especially with youngsters, living in home-countries of our young migrant neighbours. We very much hope to be able to establish fruitful contacts to the partners in the network and conjointly develop projects. We look forward to exchange with the partners within the ALF network on experience in creative, democratic education and to promote active youth exchange within the network. The Schlesische27 offers 30 years of best practice and experience in international youth exchange.

Contact (1) Full Name
Barbara Meyer
Head of the organisation
Barbara Meyer
Contact (2) Full Name
Anna Maier