Hochschulrektorenkonferenz - German Rectors' Conference (HRK)

National Network

Ahrstr. 39
53175 Bonn

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
The German Rectors' Conference/Hochschulrektorenkonferenz (HRK) is the voluntary association of universities and other higher education institutions in Germany. The HRK currently has 262 member institu¬tions. They are almost all state (public) or state-recognised higher edu¬cation institutions. Additionally, there are a few members of HRK which are private universities or FH universities of applied sciences directly maintained by departments of the states. A foundation – Stiftung zur Förderung der Hochschulrektorenkon¬ferenz – has been the funding organisation and body corporate respon¬sible for the HRK since 1965. The President, five Vice-Presidents and the Secretary-General of the HRK form the Executive of the founda¬tion. The budget is essentially funded through grants from the states and from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research as well as from membership fees paid by non-state-maintained higher education institutions.
Mission and Objectives

In the HRK member institutions cooperate on all questions relating to the fulfilment of their responsibilities in research, teaching and studies, continuing training, technology and knowledge transfers, international cooperation and academic self-government. The opinion- and decision-making processes within the HRK lead to recommendations and state¬ments. In publishing these, the HRK ensures that the voices of the higher education institutions is heard in public discussions.

Main Projects / Activities

• to form opinion and take decisions on questions of higher educa¬tion policy, to coordinate the interests of its member institutions and to promote cooperation between the higher education institu¬tions • to advise the political, administrative and legislative bodies of the federation and the states • to cooperate with other educational and science policy organisa¬tions and associations • to inform the general public about the responsibilities and require¬ments of higher education institutions • to provide member institutions and all interested parties with infor¬mation on higher education policy developments in Germany and abroad, and to collect and document relevant literature • to coordinate the international contacts of Germany’s higher educa¬tion institutions

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Ulrike Koch
Head of the organisation
Mrs. Ulrike Koch

Institute for Cultural Diplomacy

National Network

Genthiner Straße 20
10785 Berlin

+49 (30) 23 60 76 80
+49 (30) 23 60 76 811
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
icd is a incorporated as “eingetragener Verein” in Germany. We have 5 people employed on an irregular basis. Icd is funded by its projects through different sources like the ERP Fund of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology, the Ministry of Education, Women, Youth and Culture Rhineland-Palatinate, several German Foundations like: Robert Bosch Stiftung and the Herbert Quandt Stiftung of the Altana AG as well as sponsors from the private sector. Icd is organizing interdisciplinary conferences and doing research in the field of Cultural Diplomacy. Icd is also known for its longterm Young Leaders Projects like “Germany Meets Turkey – A Forum for Young Leaders” (GMT) which is also part of the Ernst Reuter Initiative oft the German Foreign Ministry. Partners for GMT are the German Foreign Ministry, ARI Hareketi in Turkey, the TUSIAD office in Berlin.
Mission and Objectives

The programs of the institute for cultural diplomacy are designed to educate, enhance and sustain relationships based on dialogue, understanding and trust between cultures and countries around the world. The institute for cultural diplomacy's philosophy is that in order to have a stable relationship between two or more people, cultures or countries three components are essential: dialogue, understanding, and trust. Only when these three elements are fused together is it possible to have true cooperation in the economic, political or social sense. It is precisely these three elements which unfortunately are most often missing from the global arena of international relations in the twenty-first century. The mission of icd is to tackle these tough issues of human interaction that so often seem incompatible and exclusionary.

Main Projects / Activities

Canada Meets Germany – A Forum for Young Leaders www.canadameetsgermany.org Germany Meets Turkey – A Forum for Young Leaders www.germanymeetsturkey.org

Contact (1) Full Name
Mark C. Donfried (Founder and Executive Director)
Head of the organisation
Mark C. Donfried (Founder and Executive Director)

Institut für Bildung und Kultur

National Network

Universität Jena, Am Planetarium 4
07737 Jena

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
General Information
The "Institut für Bildung und Kultur" (Institute for Education, Culture and Civilisation) is an integral part of the University of Jena. It was founded in 2008 as an interdisciplinary and international centre for research and knowledge transfer in all fields of Education. As a co-operation of 5 professors (Philosophy of Education and Theory of Social Pedagogy, History of Education, Adult Education, International Organisations and Globalisation, Comparative Education) and their assistants, the Institute’s work focuses upon the development and organisation of undergraduate degree programmes (Educational Science) and interdisciplinary wide ranged postgraduate degree programmes (e.g. "Master Bildung – Kultur – Anthropologie"/ "Master Education – Culture and Civilisation – Anthropology"). Research and dissemination of knowledge are conducted through seminars or lectures and variably funded projects and congresses and through international and local knowledge transfer alliances, networks and partnerships within the fields of education, culture, economy and politics.
Mission and Objectives

Research and teaching of the "Institut für Bildung und Kultur" is closey associated with the Research Centre Laboratory Enlightenment at the University of Jena. It concentrates on systematic, historic and comparative investigations in the interdependencies of culture, civilisation and education in past and present in national and inter- or transnational perspectives and global contexts. Assuming that Bildung (education) is one of the core concepts of the modern world since the Enlightenment, the "Institut für Bildung und Kultur" analyses the theoretical and practical framework in which humans are empowered or restrained to live their life in autonomy and self-determination by a variety of factors. Kultur (culture and civilization) so becomes the origin and the result of a multiplicity of processes of political, social, economic and aesthetic Bildung (education) and is therefore to be examined in terms of these processes.

Main Projects / Activities

The project of the analysis of Bildung (education) and Kultur (culture and civilization) in the broadest sense is the concern of miscellaneous activities that range from research projects concerning e.g. the United Nations and its role within the context of globalisation, the relevance of the pedagogy of Johann Friedrich Herbart, the specific challenges of adult education or the role of education in children’s homes to the organisation of the International Congress of the Froebel Society 2010, the support of the Doctoral School Laboratory Enlightenment at the University of Jena, the development of a new study course United Nations Studies or the participation in the international Socrates/Erasmus Network on Comparative Education.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Annika Blichmann
Head of the organisation
Prof. Micheal Winkler

Internationales Literaturfestival Berlin (ILB)

National Network

10115 Berlin

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The festival has existed since 2001 with 6-8 permanent workers and a varying number of interns and volunteers. Essentially thanks to financial aid from national institutions like the federation’s cultural foundation and the capital’s cultural funds and help from embassies, foundations, foreign cultural institutes and sponsors – such as “Der Spiegel” and “Skoda” it has with both non-cash and service benefits a capacity of over one million euros a year. Every year in september it transforms the city of berlin for twelve days in a melting pot of international literature with readings, discusissions and other events based on the work of over 100 writers from nearly 50 countries who take part in the festival. Prose, poetry, conversations with writers and political discussions, children’s and young adults’ literature, film adaptations of literary texts In 2007 it garnered around 400 articles in the national press and 40 in foreign newspapers, as well as 80 radio and 21 television contributions. 483 journalists accredited themselves. Since 2001 the yearly number of visitors has advanced to 34,000, among them 10,000 children and young adults. The festival’s reputation has been able to develop to an enormous degree. It has been embraced worldwide, and now numbers among the A-list festivals. Every festival has an emphasis on a special region, this year literature of the arab world. The festival therefore cooperates also contentual with foundations and other institutions in the arab world.
Mission and Objectives

Over 100 international authors are invited to present and discuss their work, to read to the berlin audience and interchange with international colleagues We wish to open up the international literature to interested audiences, promote mutual understanding, and inspire contact as well as lively exchange between artists, mediators and writers. Ilb2009 presents the focus “Arab World” which will be concerned with contemporary literary and politic developments of the arabic world. The festival aims to build bridges between the countries of the world through international literature.

Main Projects / Activities

As described above, the project works constantly on the realization of the yearly festival, including its preparation and accomplishment.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ulrich Schreiber
Head of the organisation
Mr. Ulrich Schreiber
Contact (2) Full Name
Marianne Karthäuser

Forum für europäische Begegnungen (Jugend bewegt Europa) e.V.

National Network

P.O. Box 350963
10218 Berlin

Telephone (other)
+49 -(0) 30 25991-592
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+49-(0)177 3033387
Mobile Phone (other)
+49 (0)175 9328937
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
“Jugend bewegt Europa” is made up of volunteers, who think of themselves as an open association independent of institutions or political parties. The emphasis of our projects is on youth meetings, panel discussions and advanced training. “Jugend bewegt Europa” receives funding from various foundations, Organisations and private donors. These means are raised for specific projects. The association is otherwise financed exclusively from membership dues. Projects have been sponsored by: Robert Bosch Stiftung, Landeszentrale für politische Bildungsarbeit Berlin, Jugend für Europa – Deutsche Agentur JUGEND, Deutsch-Polnisches Jugendwerk, as well as by European Parliament delegates, Members of the Bundestag and of the Abgeordnetenhaus in Berlin.
Mission and Objectives

“Jugend bewegt Europa” would like to participate in the coalescence of Europe and our members are of the opinion that Europe should not remain a Europe of the political elites but should be a Europe of and for the citizens. Therefore, the association is engaged in the promotion of an active civil and social commitment.
Through our projects, we would like to make the European institutions and decision-making processes transparent and bring Europe with its political design closer to the people.
Apart from political education activities, “Jugend bewegt Europa” would
Like to highlight the fascinating diversity of Europe.

Main Projects / Activities

“Jugend bewegt Europa” is a forum for projects which revolve around the integration of Europe. These projects can take on different formats and directions.
Through meetings, “Jugend bewegt Europa” would like to unite young individuals from all over Europe, familiarise them with national and European institutions and their representatives, and help them explore political, economic, and cultural commonalities as well as differences in Europe. “Jugend bewegt Europa” takes part in European debates and provides information on politics, economics,
Culture and society, via its discussions, conferences and seminars.

Contact (1) Full Name
Katrin Jullien
Head of the organisation
Daniel Seifert
Contact (2) Full Name
Sven Hätscher

Jugendpresse Deutschland e.V.

National Network

Alt-Moabit 89
10559 Berlin

0049 30 39 40 525-00
0049 30 39 40 525-05
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
Young media has a long tradition in Germany and that is why the Youth Press Germany is organising around 10.000 young journalists in sixteen regional branches. Togehter with them and through the support of professional journalists from all big media-companies they run around 300 regional seminars about how to make school- and youthmedia and realise different regional congresses. The basic structure of the Youth Press Germany is funded by a federal fund (Kinder- und Jugenplan des BmFSFJ). Moreover the specific projects have specific plan sponsors. One of the most important partners is the Federal Agency for Civic Education.
Mission and Objectives

The Youth Press Germany unites the young journalist and media maker in Germany. Our members are between 14 and 27 years old, they are mostly students and young professionals or simply people that are interested in media and see the related work as a valuable experience for their future. Through means of projects, workshops, camps and congresses, the Youth Press communicates media competence, networking, education and the exchange of experience. Therefore the overall aims of the Youth Press Germany are quality assurance and sustainability in the field of youth media.

Main Projects / Activities

On federal level this work is supported by the yearly Youth Media Days with more than 500 young journalists, the school newspaper award under the patronage of the president of the Bundesrat and the Youth Media Convention on the ferry between Kiel and Oslo. Youth Press Germany also issue an event magazine called politikorange. It is also available at international congresses.

Contact (1) Full Name
Britta Kaufhold
Head of the organisation
Britta Kaufhold

Landesjugendpfarramt Sachsen

National Network

Caspar-David-Friedrich-Str. 5,
01067 Dresden

+49351 4692 410
+49 351 4692 430
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information


Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Rüdiger Steinke
Head of the organisation
Tobias Bilz

Landesvereinigung Kulturelle Jugendbildung Thüringen e.V.

National Network

Marktstr. 6
99084 Erfurt

0361 66 38 22 22
Telephone (other)
0049 361 5623306
0361 66 38 22 20
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
0049 176 61275926
Mobile Phone (other)
0049 163 8131261
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Roof organization of 15 member associations with around 600 ensembles, associations and groups involved in cultural youth education. 14 staff members and project coordinators. Budget: about 80.000 Euros/year (mot counting affiliated projects) Funding through the EU, the German government, the State of Thuringia,and various national and international partners

Mission and Objectives

The LKJ is the network-coordinator of associations of cultural youth education in Thuringia. The main objective is to maintain a certain level range of possibilites for young people to educate themselves in music, dance, art, literature, theatre and other artistic disciplins. We are convinced that activities in these areas help to develop social and intellectual competencies, helping young people to be active members of cultural, social and professional life.

Main Projects / Activities

The LKJ organizes various trainings to further cultural youth education and support its mediators, initiating model projects in certain fields, especially to further employment chances of young people and to cultivate open-mindedness and tolerance in the population. The LKJ is, amongst other things, the agency for the cultural voluntary year in Thuringia.

Contact (1) Full Name
Monika Bohne (Chairwoman)
Head of the organisation
Regina Gropper
Contact (2) Full Name
Ulrike Enders (International Exchange)

Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Sciences (MPS) - Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften e.V.

National Network

Hofgartenstr. 8
80539 Munich

0049 89 2108 1420
0049 89 2108 1451
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information

The MPS is a registered non-profit association operating 78 research institutes. The 78 institutes are organized into 3 sections. Together, they comprise the scientific council. President of the MPS: representative of the MPS sets guidelines for research policies. Principle governing body: General Assembly Central decision making body: Senate Advisory Body: Executive Committee Board of the MPS: Executive committee & secretary general The MPS employs close to 12,150 staff members (including 4,100 scientists) /3. Budget of the MPS in 2005: € 1,331.6 million; Sources: the German federal and state governments (82%). Other sources: projects supported by the federal government, federal states, and the EU Funding and support of research in 78 Max Planck Institutes all over Germany The MPS cooperates with national science institutions as well as scientific partners worldwide.

Mission and Objectives

The MPS is an independent, non-profit research organization. The primary goal of the MPS is to promote research at its own institutes. The institutes perform basic research in the interest of the general public in the natural sciences, life sciences, and the humanities. The MPS takes up new and innovative research areas that German universities are not in a position to accommodate or deal with adequately, and provides equipment and facilities to a wide range of scientists.

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Prof. Dr. Martin Stratmann

Pharos e.V.

National Network

Greutterstr. 61a
70176 Stuttgart

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
General Information

see www.pharos-online.org

Mission and Objectives

First objective of the association is promotion of education. This is realized mainly by developing, conducting and fostering of education, democratization and cultural projects worldwide or by acting as responsible body for such projects. Mainly, these are projects in the field of civic, democracy and peace education (development and dissemination of teaching material, training of disseminators, youth exchange projects, conferences etc.). Second objective of the association are charitable purposes. These are realized mainly by humanitarian aid and by conducting projects in the field of struggle against poverty.

Main Projects / Activities

Civic, peace and human rights education with new media; ICT training for educators; other trainings for trainers and educators

Contact (1) Full Name
Ingrid Halbritter
Head of the organisation
Hans Kremer
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Ragnar Müller