AFS Interkulturelle Begegnungen e.V.

National Network

Postfach 500142
22701 Hamburg

040 390222-975
+49 40 399 222 99
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information

AFS Interkulturelle Begegnungen e.V. is an educational organization focusing on the intercultural understanding among peoples. It is a non-profit, volunteer-based and –led organization working in a world-wide network of like-minded organizations. Each year, AFS Interkulturelle Begegnungen e.V offers young Germans the opportunity to spend a year – or parts of it – abroad, living with a family and attending school. In addition, AFS offers long-term voluntary service programs for young people and Global Prep Summercamps, topic orientated and international camps all around the world. Likewise, AFS Germany hosts and supports young foreigners who come to discover our culture and establish long-lasting contacts and friendships with citizens living in Germany. Overall, AFS Interkulturelle Begegnungen e.V counts on the active participation of approx. 3.000 volunteers structured into 100 local committees across Germany. In the offices in Hamburg, Berlin, Cologne and Stuttgart there are around 100 staff employed.

Mission and Objectives

AFS Statement of Purpose: AFS is an international, voluntary, non-governmental, non-profit organization that provides intercultural learning opportunities to help people develop the knowledge, skills and understanding needed to create a more just and peaceful world. The Core Values and Attributes of AFS: AFS enables people to act as responsible, global citizens working for peace and understanding in a diverse world. It acknowledges that peace is a dynamic concept threatened by injustice, inequity and intolerance. AFS seeks to affirm faith in the dignity and worth of every human being and for all nations and cultures. It encourages respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms without distinction as to race, sex, language, religion or social status. AFS activities are based on our core values of dignity, respect for differences, harmony, sensitivity and tolerance.

Main Projects / Activities

Long & short term school exchange, voluntary services, Global Prep Summer Camps.

Contact (1) Full Name
Elke Sager
Head of the organisation
Marcel Krause and Manuel Gerstner
Contact (2) Full Name
Anja Hellwig


National Network

Blücherstraße 56
10961 Berlin-Kreuzberg

+49 (0) 30 68 05 32 99
+49 (0) 30 68 80 92 37
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Non-Profit Foundation and Ltd., partly volunteer staff, engaged in projects of art, international relations, academic conferences, publications.
Mission and Objectives

The foundation and the connected Non-Profit Ltd. intends to support developments in societies towards international solidarity and critical rationality, based on the respect of the individual rights and responsibilities, protection of the creation and gender equality. Its roots are based in the tradition of the European early socialists and the workers movement, as well as in a Christian humanism.

Main Projects / Activities

Publication projects (e.g. Martin Buber in Arabic; illustrated German-Arabic fairy tales; Bio-Bibliography of the Protestant poet Albrecht Goes; Quarterly ‘Israel & Palästina – Zeitschrift für Dialog’; German edition of Hebrew novel by Orna Akad, and more);
Art postcards, silk printings et al.;
Inter-religious dialogue conferences and encounters (‘Religion in (the) Public sphere’); study tours to the ‘Middle East’
Research and Catalogue raisonné of the Eastern European Jewish artist Arthur Kolnik (1890-1972)

Contact (1) Full Name
Simon Duncker
Head of the organisation
Rainer Zimmer-Winkel (Generalbevollmächtigter)
Contact (2) Full Name
Rainer Zimmer-Winkel

Arbeitsstelle Politik im Maghreb, Mashreq, Golf

National Network

Ihnestr. 22
14195 Berlin

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
University, Research Centre: The staff consists of a director (Friedemann Büttner), one associate non-tenured professor (Ferhad Ibrahim), one research associate (Isabel Schäfer), and three externally financed researchers. Depending on projects. University funds; EU, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), German Research Society (DFG), Volkswagen Foundation, Political foundations. 4. RAMSES 2 Network of Excellence, German-Egyptian Seminars, German-Turkish Seminars, TEMPUS-MEDA Programme. 5. Deutsches Orient-Institut, Hamburg; University of Cairo; The American University in Cairo; CEDEJ, Cairo; The American University of Beirut; Institute of the German Oriental Society (OIB), Beirut; CERMOC Beirut; University of Jordan, Amman; Bir Zeit University; University of Tel Aviv; Bar Ilan University; METU, Ankara; IEP Paris, CERI Paris; MMSH, Aix-en-Provence; SOAS.
Mission and Objectives

The Centre for Middle Eastern Politics is a working unit of the Otto Suhr Institute of Political Science at the Department of Political and Social Sciences of the Freie Universität Berlin. The main fields of research, teaching and publication focus on political, social and cultural developments in the region: transformation processes; the role of the state in the development process, problems of democratisation and civil society; ethno-religious conflicts; religion and politics. A second main focus is on the international relations of the region, especially the Middle East conflict as well as German and European Middle East policies and Euro-Mediterranean relations.

Main Projects / Activities

Member of the RAMSES 2 Network of Excellence of research centres in Human Sciences on the Mediterranean Area (EU), Coordinator of the project “Mediterranean Politics from Above and from Below”; Euromed Masters Program at the University of Cairo, in cooperation with IEP, Paris, Universities of Amsterdam and Barcelona (TEMPUS MEDA); Joint German-Egyptian Seminars with the University of Cairo (DAAD); Joint German-Turkish Seminars with the METU, Ankara (Heinrich Böll Foundation, Körber Foundation). Collections edited by the Center: „Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft des Vorderen Orients“ (co-ed. with the DOI); „Nahost-Studien“; „Konfrontation und Kooperation im Vorderen Orient“.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs Prof. Dr. Cilja Harders
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Laura Lelli Masah

Belarmino & Partners

National Network

Schoenhauser Allee 43A

+491772375295 (Germany)
Telephone (other)
+6591847958 (Singapore)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Belarmino&Partners  collaborates  with  various  institutions,  artists  and  professionals on project basis. The company develops its own projects and raises  funding through income earned in project management consultancy, private and  public grants as well as contributions from individuals. It is run by its Founder and  Managing Director, Vanini Belarmino and works directly with Susa Pop/Public Art  Lab and Truong Ngu/Brunnenstrasse Productions.    There  is  only  one  full‐time eassistant.  When  project funding is available, it works with at least 6-8 people. As it is a very young organisation, it is currently supported by work done by its Managing Director in performing arts research, reports, writing of grants various arts companies totalling to 18,000 Euro.  For details on the projects and partners, please visit
Mission and Objectives

Belarmino&Partners was set‐up with a vision of creating innovative framework for artistic 
exchanges that can change perspectives. 
The company commits itself to the development of process-oriented and interdisciplinary initiatives by working in different parts of the world.
Belarmino&Partners aims to contribute to the continued development of the arts professional projects.

Main Projects / Activities

Working as curators and producers developing interdisciplinary and multi-cultural art projects;
Promoting exchanges and developing artistic processes involving artists from
Asia and Europe;
Professional Artist Management and International Promotion of Matanicola, a Berlin-based company founded by Israeli and Italian choreographers/performers, Matan Zamir and Nicola Mascia;
Independent curatorial consultant for RADIALSYSTEM V, a new space for the arts, Berlin, Germany;
Initiator and Curator ZENSORS, supported by the Japan Foundation, originally presented through the platform of Public Art Lab;
Project Management Consultancy for Walkscreen and Akademie der Kuenste’s Challenging Walls preparatory meeting for the 20th year of the fall of the Berlin Wall, 2009, June 2008, Berlin, Germany
Conference Management and International Press Support for Media Facades Festival Berlin, July-October 2008

Contact (1) Full Name
Vanini Belarmino
Contact (2) Full Name
Truong Ngu

Bibliothek & Information Deutschland (BID)

National Network

Fritschestraße 27-28
10585 Berlin

(0 30) 6 44 98 99-20
(0 30) 6 44 98 99-27
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information

The Federal Union of German Library and Information Associations (BID) is the umbrella organization of library and related institutions and personnel federations The main goals of BID are to promote the development of and co-operation among libraries and related organizations and to speak for libraries in bodies of politics, economy and culture - in Germany as well as on the international level. The advancement of librarianship - providing information and knowledge as a warranty of democratic literacy - is accomplished by the purposes laid down in the statutes of BID. BID is only working on voluntary basis. The budget consists of member fees (about 50.000 €) and some project means for international activities. Study trips and working stay for German librarians in other countries, study trips for foreign librarians to Germany, every 3 years a Congress on Library and Information, seminars and publications.

Mission and Objectives

The advancement of librarianship - providing information and knowledge as a warranty of democratic literacy - is accomplished by the purposes laid down in the statutes of the BID, i.e. by - supporting libraries, their users and their staff, by e.g. encouraging international contacts, continuing education and the exchange of experiences, - advocating the common interests of libraries, their users and the librarian associations in Germany, - organizing conferences, lectures and vocational training courses, - coordinating public relations in librarianship and transmitting arguments and issues to the political decision makers, - planning, coordinating and clustering common activities, - drafting experts' reports to developments in librarianship, - promoting the contacts to European and international federations in the field of library and information.

Main Projects / Activities

Bibliothek 2007 - Library Development in Germany Which achievement potential do libraries have for the knowledge society in Germany? How can all libraries contribute to an optimized infrastructure for education and culture in the future? With their joint project "Bibliothek 2007", the Federal Union of German Library and Information Associations (BID) and the Bertelsmann Stiftung initiated a public, professional and political discussion about future concepts for and improvements in German librarianship. [] International Co-operation: A salient aspect of the work of the BID is the international co-operation and transfer of know-how in librarianship and information science. The responsible organization for this task is Bibliothek & Information International, based in Hamburg. Conferences: IFLA 2003: The BID was the organizer of the World Library and Information Congress: 69th IFLA Conference: "Access Point Library: Media - Information - Culture

Contact (1) Full Name
Jacqueline Banford
Job Title
Managing Director
Head of the organisation
Jacqueline Banford
Contact (2) Full Name
Hella Klauser

boat people projekt

National Network

Dürrstraße 1
37083 Göttingen

+49 551 7909774
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+49 176 22732901
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

The boat people projekt is an award winning theatre company. Since its foundation in 2009 we have written and directed many plays with actors and refugees from African countries as well as from Afghanistan, Syria, Irak, and the Balkan Region. Foundations which support our projectsinclude the Development of Arts and Culture Niedersachsen, Stiftung Niedersachsen, Hanns-Lilje-Stiftung, Landschaftsverband Südniedersachsen, the City of Göttingen, etc. To devise and put on a play we need between 25,000 and 50,000 euros. The boat people projekt is a GBr lead by two women, working with professional artists, refugees and migrants. Our main cooperation partners are the Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker, Goethe Institut Göttingen, the Literarisches Zentrum in Göttingen and the Stadt Göttingen. We create theatre productions, we run workshops, and we work together with schools (e.g. with the programm Literatur macht Schule) and academies. We perform plays at unusual locations.

Mission and Objectives

We're concerned about the situation at the European borders. Our production team work with the themes of flight and asylumn, developing productions about and with refugees. We network with musicians, video-artists, with actors and refugees who live in our region and in other European and African countries. We want to make the invisibles visible. Our group is a little community with members coming from Sudan, Ethopia, Eritrea, Kongo, Afganistan, Armenia, Switzerland and Germany. We're connected with a theatre group in Pietermaritzburg / SouthAfrica. We develop plays and performances with people of different cultures and religions. We try to learn about how to accept each other and risk a look beneath the surface. We're ambitious theatre writers and producers who work at the border of arts and politics.

Main Projects / Activities

Lampedusa, realised 2009 in Göttingen. Keinsternhotel, realised 2010. Next representations in Braunschweig, 5. and 6. march 2011. Tariqs Auftrag, realised 2010. Mobile production for schools. Representations every mnonth, 2011. bread and roses, realised 2011. All Inclusive, Premiere June 2011. Mikili, Premiere Octobre 2011. MAHALA DREAMS (2014) – Production with Roma about the situation for Roma people in Europe STEH DEINEN MANN (2014) – Theatre production for young people about homosexuality in football, invited to perform in 2015 at AUGENBLICK MAL Festival and RUHRGAMES Festival and Szene Bunte Wähne in Austria SCHATTENBOXER (2015) – Dance Theatre with Xolani Mdluli (Durban) and Skhumbuzo Dlamini (Umphiti Theatre Project Pietermaritzburg) about Apartheid System in South Africa DAS SCHLOSS (2015) – Theatre with young refugees about the question how Germany looks like for beginners

Contact (1) Full Name
Nina de la Chevallerie
Head of the organisation
Nina de la Chevallerie
Contact (2) Full Name
Luise Rist

Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Spiel & Theater e.V.

National Network

Simrockstr. 8
30171 Hannover

+49 (0)511 458 17 99
+49 (0)511 4583105
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

The Federal Association of Drama & Theatre (BAG) is the umbrella organization for amateur theatre, theatre and drama inside and out of schools, for theatre education in theatres and culture centers as well as universities. 20 associations and organisations are affiliated to the BAG. The BAG is supported by the German Federal Ministry of Families, Senior Citizens, Women and Youths (BMFSFJ).

Mission and Objectives

• Multiplier conferences • Qualified programmes for education and further training • National and international programmes aimed at a special target group (e.g. theatre activities for and with children and youths with migration background) • Inter-cultural encounter programmes with focus on development(e.g. programmes with Turkey, Morocco, Ghana) • Festivals • Professional advice in questions of sponsorship, project organisation and network establishment amongst experts • Work on cultural- and educational board level (e.g. expert committee „Europe“, expert committee „Cultural Education” as well as the Standing Working Group for International affairs) • Publication Multiplier conferences • Qualified programmes for education and further training • National and international programmes aimed at a special target group (e.g. theatre activities for and with children and youths with migration background) • Inter-cultural encounter programmes with focus on development(e.g. programmes with Turkey, Morocco, Ghana) • Festivals • Professional advice in questions of sponsorship, project organisation and network establishment amongst experts • Work on cultural- and educational board level (e.g. expert committee „Europe“, expert committee „Cultural Education” as well as the Standing Working Group for International affairs) • Publication

Main Projects / Activities

Multiplier conferences • Qualified programmes for education and further training • National and international programmes aimed at a special target group (e.g. theatre activities for and with children and youths with migration background) • Inter-cultural encounter programmes with focus on development(e.g. programmes with Turkey, Morocco, Ghana) • Festivals • Professional advice in questions of sponsorship, project organisation and network establishment amongst experts • Work on cultural- and educational board level (e.g. expert committee „Europe“, expert committee „Cultural Education” as well as the Standing Working Group for International affairs) • Publication

Contact (1) Full Name
Ute Handwerg
Head of the organisation
Prof. Dr. Norma Köhler

Büro für Kultur- und Medienprojekte gGmbH

National Network

Gaußstr. 25a
22765 Hamburg

0049 40 39900060
040 40 3902564
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
0049 171 7472961
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
We are a non-profit organization with 2 staff-members and 11 part-time employees. For our projects we have budgetary ressources of around 350.000 EUR a year. Half of that ressources are contributed by local partners. The other half is given by Ministry for Foreign Affaires, Ministry for Development Cooperation, Protestant Church, Goethe Institut, regional foundations. Main project is "Children's Cultural Caravan" (KinderKulturKarawane) with 5 -7 cultural groups (theatre, music, circus, dance) built by very disadvantaged young children and youth from Africa, Asia and Latinamerica. Those groups present their arts mainly to young people, givve workshop and have a lot of cultural and personal exchange. Some of those groups are involved in projects of about 10 - 12 days in creative production with young German pupils. In Europe we closely cooperate with "moving cultures", Austria and "Spor-Media", Denmark. On the local level we are cooperating with NGO and local authorities.
Mission and Objectives

Promote cultural diversity of the world as an important resspurce for mankind. Promote creativity of young disadvantaged people from Africa, Asia and Latinamerica as a ressource of personal and social development. We bring young people of different cultures together to start an equal dialogue and a creative cooperation. We integrate culture(s) into "global education". We promote a young global dialogue and create a network within the projects in the “south”. We support the social and cultural projects in socalled "Third World".

Main Projects / Activities

Main projects is the above mentioned "Children's Cultural Caravan" with 5 -7 cultural groups of 3 continents per year. That project includes about 300 performances and workshops a year all over Germany, in Austria, Denmark, Switzerland, Czech Republik and the Netherlands. Our project is awarded as "Oficial project of the UN-Decade 2009/2010 Education for Sustainable Development"

Contact (1) Full Name
Ralf Classen
Head of the organisation
Ralf Classen
Contact (2) Full Name
Bettina Kocher

Deutsches Archäologisches Institut

National Network

Podbielskiallee 69-71

0049 3018 7711 178
Telephone (other)
0049 3018 7711 100
0049 3018 7711 00
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. Research
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Nicole Kehrer, M.A.
Head of the organisation
Prof. Dr. Friederike Fless, Präsident

Deutsche UNESCO Kommission (German Commission for UNESCO)

National Network

Colmantstr. 15
53115 Bonn

+49 228 6049739
+49 228- 6049730
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Research
General Information
UNESCO has 193 member states. UNESCO headquarters are in Paris. The German Commission for UNESCO (DUK), based in Bonn, is a National Commission established under Article VII of the UNESCO Constitution, and is thus the link between Germany and UNESCO. It acts as an intermediary of foreign cultural and educational policy, and is funded by the Foreign Office. The DUK was founded on the 12th May 1950, even before Germany had been admitted to UNESCO (11th July 1951). Its members – which number around 100 – reflect the broad spectrum of institutions and associations active in Germany in UNESCO’s areas of competence: education, science, culture and communication. UNESCO Associated Schools: Founded in 1953, UNESCO’s Associated Schools Project Network (ASPnet) is a global network of some 7 900 educational institutions in 176 countries, who work in support of quality education in practice.
Mission and Objectives

The German ASPnet is a network for Intercultural Education which advocates: Human Rights, Tolerance, Democracy, Intercultural Learning, Environment and Sustainability, Global Education. Allover Goals of the German Commission for UNESCO - Education for sustainable development - Democratic participation - Sustainable Development - Cultural Diversity

Main Projects / Activities

The German Commission for UNESCO advises the Federal Government, Parliament and all other public bodies on UNESCO issues, as well as on selected issues in the competence of the Council of Europe. It coordinates the contribution of German experts and civil society to the drafting of UNESCO’s programmes and norms. The DUK is responsible for providing information and for public awareness activities in German on all of UNESCO’s areas of work, together with its partner organisations in Austria, Switzerland and Luxembourg. German ASPnet: - Networking - Annual Conferences - International Project Days - Publications - Euro-Arab Dialogue - Intercultural Exchange

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Dr. Roland Bernecker