Human Rights and Democracy Media Center "Shams"

National Network
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
The organizational structure is based on a Board of Directors with 7 members and 8 other full-time members of staff, an advisory committee, as well as a network of grassroots volunteers. Our budget is project-based, and thus represents grants received only. As an indication, our total funding between 2008 and 2010 stands at $1,089,247 USD, about 2/3 of which came from the Danish Representative Office, $50000 (NDC), $62950 (Naseej/Save the Children), $43640 (USAID), $8800 (DCAF), and $5000 (British Consulate). Our projects focus on capacity building of local civil society organizations, promotion of human rights, training and awareness-building of democratic participation, and promoting tolerance between Palestinians and their European counterparts. This is done through training courses, workshops, youth exchanges, and media reports. Our main partners include Transparency International, DCAF (Geneva Center for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces), Palestinian Youth Network, Najah University Law Faculty, and the Central Elections Committee.
Mission and Objectives

1. Dissemination of information about human rights and democracy through the utilization of the media.
2. Strengthening the role of women within their communities.
3. Strengthening the role of youth and more generally promoting volunteerism, democratic participation, and values of tolerance in Palestine.
4. Capacity building and strengthening the relationship and cooperation between local, regional and international institutions.
5. Compilation and publication of research and studies.
6. Empower target groups to be able to demand and defend their needs and rights.
Our Mission:
The Shams Human Rights and Democracy Media Center seeks to enhance the role of youth within Palestinian society, in addition to consolidating a culture of human rights, values of tolerance and democratic reform. From this perspective, Shams conducts activities targeting children, youth, and women, in order to empower and build their capacities, and work on satisfying their basic needs and priorities.

Main Projects / Activities

Our projects fall into three main strategic areas. The first is the promotion of democratic participation. Our last two major projects directly reached over 12,000 young people and women throughout the West Bank through a series of workshops, training courses, and summer camps.
Our second strategic area is in the promotion of human rights. This is done through legal aid with individuals and organizations, and training courses (such as one project which targeted female preachers).
Our final area is the promotion of cross-cultural understanding. On this line, we have hosted a delegation of Danish youth, held training courses for a total of 9,524 Palestinian youth on the importance of religious tolerance and cultural dialogue. We are also currently planning to host a group of law students from Norway in a similar effort.
Each of these areas are complemented by our media unit which regularly broadcasts radio, press and television reports.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohammed Hamayel
Head of the organisation
Omar Rahal

The MITVEH Center for Promoting the Arts in Education, Israel

National Network

Nayot 58
Jerusalem 93704

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Our team and staff The MITVEH Centre consists of enthusiastic professionals in art education, artists, educators and administrators with extensive experience working in the Israeli educational system and in developing innovative arts education programs, teaching academic courses and offering seminars and workshops nationwide. MITVEH is a new not-for-profit organization established in Jerusalem . Our Resources The MITVEH Centre's resources include expertise in developing a wide range of art education projects and materials for diverse educational settings and cultural groups; a working art studio, a library of books and articles, documentation of art education projects, lesson plans, and materials for teachers, workshops and seminars.
Mission and Objectives

MITVEH is a new not-for-profit organization established in Jerusalem for the purpose of providing a professional platform for promoting all the arts in education in Israel.
Mitveh, meaning "A Guideline for an Idea" in Hebrew, is dedicated to advancing creative and effective teaching and learning processes in all art forms, and in a wide range of educational contexts and issues.
MITVEH is developing a comprehensive center for educational work in the arts addressing the needs of professionals, educators, artists and education institutions, offering resources and guidance, a dynamic platform for exchange of knowledge, performances and exhibitions, thus helping to meet the challenges of Israel's diverse society in the 21st century.
A primary goal is to promote the arts in education among diverse populations and various cultural and ethnic groups, and in particular among those who have special needs or have limited exposure to art, or limited resources for integrating art in their educational efforts.

Main Projects / Activities

MITVEH strives to harness artistic and creative processes to meet educational and social goals sought by teachers, artists and education institutions by:
• Providing Knowledge and Resources through an interactive website, a newsletter and professional publications.
• A Dynamic Platform for Professional Exchange, Development and Exhibition that will offer discussion groups, professional workshops and conferences, exhibitions and performances of educational work in the arts.
• Meeting Educational Challenges by developing programs in the arts to meet a wide range of educational goals and issues, and initiating outreach projects to meet needs of specific communities.
• Advocacy for the promotion of the arts in Israeli education will take place among policy makers.
Mitveh – Programs & Plans 2010-2012 :
Teachers & Kindergarten Teachers Training Workshops:
Creative Thinking in the Classroom and in the Kindergarten
Thinking & Art in the Kindergarten
Teaching Art According to Leonardo Da Vinci's 7 Rules of Creativity
School Programs:
Thinking, Learning & Art; An inter-disciplinary across-the-curriculum art program, in which art is integrated in the teaching of a wide variety of subject matters.
Learning about Jerusalem through Art: A modular inter-disciplinary art program accompanying the learning about Jerusalem in the school curriculum,
Cross – Cultural Community Programs:
Let's Meet Through Art
A cross-cultural museum art education program aimed at forming a bridge of understanding between neighboring Jewish & Arab communities from different or conflicting cultures.
Resource Center:
Platform for Education In and Thru the Arts

Contact (1) Full Name
Daphna Guttman
Head of the organisation
Daphna Guttman

Agence Alter

National Network

Avenue Guillaume Tell, 57
1060 Bruxelles


Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
L'Agence Alter est une association sans but lucratif. Créée en 1995 à Bruxelles, l'Agence Alter emploie aujourd'hui 12 personnes et une trentaine de collaborateurs indépendants. Depuis l'automne 2005 ,l'agence Alter a été reconnue par la Communauté Française de Belgique au titre du décret de 2003 sur l'Education permanente. Ressources budgétaires annuelles disponibles (année 2010) : Abonnements + publicité : 184 000€ Subevntions structurelles : 177 000€ Emplois subventionnés : 37 000€ Subventions pour le projet Alter Echos, les Echos du crédit et de l'endettement et Labiso : 336000€ AlteR&I : 63000€ Sources de financement : Subventions de ministères régionaux, communautaires ou fédéral. + abonnements / publicités Modalités d'action : L'Agence Alter est une association organisée autour de deux pôles majeurs : le journalisme et un département Recherches et conseils (AlteR&I). Le fil rouge entre toutes ses missions est l'innovation sociale, économique et institutionnelle.
Mission and Objectives

L'Agence Alter a l'intention de renforcer les droits économiques, sociaux, politiques et culturels. Les thématiques que nous couvrons sont le logement, la jeunesse, l'action sociale, l'emploi, la territorialité, la santé, l'interculturalité, et la citoyenneté. Pour ce faire, elle cherche donc à communiquer, stimuler et animer des démarches entre acteurs économiques, politiques et sociaux et ce par le biais de l'innovation sociale, économique et institutionnelle.
A travers ses publications et son département études et conseil, l'Agence Alter se met au service de l'innovation sociale.
Ces deux formes d'action sont complémentaires parce qu'elles répondent à des demandes différentes, parfois chez les mêmes acteurs, et parce qu'elles s'appuient sur les mêmes valeurs et sur le même type de ressources.

Main Projects / Activities

Pour développer son objet social, Alter a suivi deux voies privilégiées
Celle du journalisme, avec l'édition de périodiques d'actualité professionnelle comme, aujourd'hui, Alter Echos, Labiso et les Echos du Crédit et de l'Endettement; jadis Alter Educ, Alter Business News et Get Up!; et peut-être à l'avenir de nouveaux titres.
- Alter Echos est un Journal bimensuel de l'actualité sociale à Bruxelles et en Wallonie, à destination des professionnels du secteur social. Des numéros spéciaux font régulièrement un zoom sur une thématique particulière.
Celle de missions d’études et de conseil dans le domaine économique, politique et social, menées par AlteR&I, avec comme principales spécificités un regard croisé sur les secteurs et une proximité avec les acteurs de terrain.
- Le département d'AlteR&I s’articule autour de missions d'études et de conseil: états des lieux sectoriels; conception et animation de débats publics, collaborations rédactionnelles, conception et montage de dispositifs de soutien de l'innovation sociale.

Contact (1) Full Name
Baudouin Massart
Head of the organisation
Aude Garelly

CEJI - A Jewish Contribution to an Inclusive Europe

National Network


+32 2 344 3444
+32 2 344 6735
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Religion
  5. Youth and education
General Information
1. Board, Director + 5 staff + 1/2 voluneteers 2. 466.000€ 3. Sources of fund: EU, Ford Foundation, the Dutch Jewish Humanitarian Fund, the Hanadiv Charitable Foundation, Private donors, Membership fees (members of General Assembly) 5. Partners include: The Belgian branch of the International League of Jewish Women, Islam and Citizenship, Netherlands. The Multifaith Centre, Derby UK, Islamic Christian Study Centre, Copenhagen, Denmark , Partners Bulgaria Foundation.
Mission and Objectives

Mission: CEJI - A Jewish Contribution to an Inclusive Europe stands with individuals and organisations of all religions, cultures and backgrounds to promote a diverse and inclusive Europe. Objectives: Delivering diversity education, facilitating and contributing to networks, enhancing inter-faith and inter-cultural dialogue, advocacy at a European level and facilitating Jewish participation.

Main Projects / Activities

CEJI delivers diversity education to empower people to fight prejudice and discrimination, and provides education and training to develop respect for diversity and skills needed to succeed in a multicultural Europe. CEJI works through national and European networks to address the needs of schools, youth and public authorities. CEJI assists and contributes to networks to combat all forms of discrimination by facilitating ACODDEN (A Classroom of Difference™ Diversity Education Network) and plays a supporting role in the youth network EPTO (European Peer Training Organisation). By coordinating and guiding the European Platform for Jewish Muslim Cooperation, CEJI enhances interfaith and intercultural dialogue and understanding between Muslim and Jewish communities. CEJI actively contributes to European policy-making processes dealing with antisemitism, racism, xenophobia, discrimination and diversity education through lobbying at European level Facilitating the involvement of Jewish communities CEJI empower local Jewish organisations to become more interculturally and internationally active.

Contact (1) Full Name
Stefanie Lecesne
Head of the organisation
Robin Sclafani

Foyer, Regional Integration Centre Brussels

National Network

Rue des Ateliers 25
1080 Brussels

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The Regional Centre of Brussels Hearth Integration (RICFB) works in the framework of the decree of April 28, 1998 concerning the minorities'Flemish policy. The RICFB's recognition is based on the 14/07/98 resolution of the Flemish government concerning the centers and services to the policy of the Flemish minorities also to their subsidiary. The Regional Centre of Brussels Hearth Integration coordinates the policy of the minorities in the Brussels capital region according to the decree , and this in the collaboration with the "Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie (VGC)". An agreement was concluded in this aim between the college of the VGC and the RICFB.
Mission and Objectives

The Regional Centre of Brussels Hearth Integration seeks to build a "together living" where the diversity positively exists and where the ethnocultural minorities fully participate in the social life.

Main Projects / Activities

The Regional Centre of Brussels Hearth Integration divised the objectives of the decree in 4 axes of work which are translated as specific policies .
It's about :
. The support of the diversity in the living together while working with social cohesion.
. to support and widen the action of the local structures in place , that consists to work in partnership with the authorities and the local instances on the implementation an the improvement of conditions allowing the full participation of the minorities in the insertion in the frame of the society .
. To promote the participation in the development , enhancing the actions of the associations which works with the ethnocultural minorities .

Contact (1) Full Name
Loredana Marchi
Head of the organisation
Johan Leman


National Network

Château Duden – Avenue Victor Rousseau 75
1190 Bruxelles

00 32 2 527 37 92
00 32 2 527 37 91
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

The ASBL is managed by a Board of directors made up of 8 members of which the secretary-treasurer is in charge the day-to-day management . The general assembly is composed of the all the associated members . -It's chaired by the president of the administration counsil. - Each organizing authority has only one voice. - the team of FELSI : . one is charged of the fundamental, secondery , special and superior matters. . The other is charged of the social promotion and the secondery artistic education with Reduced Schedule (E.S.A.H.R.) . . A pedagogic animator for the fundamental. . Two employees ACS who work at the secretariat . . A person who is charged of the files depending on the Permanent secretariat of the cooperation committee and the higher council .

Mission and Objectives

Reprensenting the members (Organizing authorities ). - Mission of information , of the legal support in consideration of the members . The FELSI organizes regulary work meetings per level or form of education . - In the social promotion , an office and a Plenary session (gathering the group of establihments ) organized once a month. - Chaired (the responsable of the mission or the mandated persons) in the committees or councils : - Education and formation councils . - General councils (primary , secondary , high schools) , - The higher councils ( special , social promotion , high schools ) . - The council of improvement (E.S.A.H.R.) . - The council of call for Allowances of Funds Studies Community of the School Buildings Guarantee . - Social European fund and the commission of coopertion ( Social promotion ) - Zonal commissions of reassignment.

Main Projects / Activities

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

IMaMS - Institute for Moroccan and Mediterranean Studies

National Network

University of Antwerp
Lange Nieuwstraat, 55,

2000 Antwerpen

+32 (0) 3 265 52 79
Telephone (other)
+32 (0) 3 265 52 77
+32 (0)3 265 57 99
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+32 (0)
Mobile Phone (other)
+32 (0)494 04 08 11
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Research center within Faculty of Political and Social Sciences - 1 half-time academic staff member - 1 half-time project worker - Only project funding: research, education, conferences, exposition, ...) - Main partners: Belgian Technical Cooperation (Belgian Development Policy) - King Baudouin Foundation - City of Antwerp -
Mission and Objectives

IMaMS tries first of all to inform public autorities and the public opinion objectively about Morocco and the Moroccan communities abroad, especially by research projects and education. Secondly, IMaMS tries to cooperate with Moroccan organisations in Belgium

Main Projects / Activities

Migration & Development UNDP/EC-project in the Oriental Region (Morocco)- International Port Conference 2009 (Belgian Technical Cooperation - City of Antwerp - Ports of Antwerp & Tanger Med - Universities of Antwerp and Tanger); International Conference on Renewable Energy 2010 (Belgian Technical Cooperation - Universities of Antwerp and Oujda); Exposition on 'Morocco and Europe: an historical overview' (2010)(University of Antwerp - Judeaic-Moroccan Cultural Center); International Conference 'What kind of Islam for what kind of Europe (2010) [University of Anwterp - Province of Antwerp(?)- King Baudouin Foundation - ???]

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs Fauzaya Talhaoui
Head of the organisation
Prof. dr. Luc Goossens
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr Luc Goossens

International Partnership for Human Rights (IPHR)

National Network

Blvd. Bischoffsheim 11, 8th Floor

+32 475 39 2121
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
International Partnership for Human Rights (IPHR) is a non-profit organisation established under Belgian laws. It is managed by a director in charge of day-to-day management, whose work is overseen by the board of directors currently composed of three members. A general meeting of all effective members is held annually in June to approve the accounts and budget (and appoint new directors). IPHR is a young organisation (it was established in the spring of 2008), but has developed at a steady pace ever since. Its budget of just over 17,000 Euro in 2008 has nearly doubled every year since. The main sources of funding are grants (from the EU, private foundations, etc.) and consultancy fees. IPHR works together with human rights groups from different countries on fundraising, project development and implementation, monitoring, research, publication and advocacy. It offers consultation services and carries out joint projects with partner organisations. Some of IPHR's current partners include: the Netherlands Helsinki Committee, the Norway Helsinki Committee, Bridging the Gulf Foundation, etc.
Mission and Objectives

IPHR is committed to promoting human rights worldwide. It acts to empower local civil society groups working on behalf of human rights in different countries and assists them in making their concerns heard at the international level. In cooperation with other human rights NGOs, IPHR also acts to advance the rights of vulnerable communities, who are subject to discrimination and abuse in different parts of the world, through monitoring, reporting, awareness-raising, capacity-building and national and international advocacy.

Main Projects / Activities

IPHR is currently a partner in a Central Asia human rights project financed by the EU (which includes development of publications, advocacy, etc.). It is also busy organising an advocacy event in Brussels later this spring for a delegation of human rights defenders from the Gulf region. There are a number of other projects in the pipeline, including one proposal for a project in the Occupied Territories. In addition to these activities, IPHR regularly acts as a consultant on various human rights related issues for a number of NGOs.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Brigitte Dufour
Head of the organisation
Mrs. Brigitte Dufour
Contact (2) Full Name
Mrs. Marie-Helene Cote

Jeunesses Musicales International (JMI)

National Network

Palais des Beaux-Arts, Rue Baron Horta 13
1000 Brussels

+32 2 513 97 74
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+32 473 18 00 73
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Jeunesses Musicales International (JMI) is a registered non-governmental, not for profit youth-music organization with 38 national member sections and 18 associate member organizations worldwide. Its slogan 'Making a Difference through Music', JMI fosters intercultural learning through music, with over 32,000 activities annually for over 5 million youth. The JMI Head Office in Brussels employs 5 staff persons, and the global network over 200 staff persons. JMI is principally funded by the Belgian Federal Government, European Commission, Belgian National Lottery and membership fees. JMI provides resources for members to increase their capacity, skills, scope and outreach. Modalities of action include membership support services (eg. communications and promotions, training and capacity building), creation and steering of international platforms (eg. working groups, committees), organization of network meetings, advocacy and lobbying, development of cross-border programs and projects (see list below), and building of sustainable youth-music infrastructures.
Mission and Objectives

JMI enables young people to develop through music across all boundaries - geographical, social, economic, cultural, geographic and religious. JMI's objectives are: to promote the use of music as a tool to foster intercultural dialogue and cooperation; to facilitate sharing, networking, close co-operation and exchange between members; to promote and support the establishment of sustainable youth-music infrastructures in regions where they do not yet exist and build the capacities of members; to coordinate international programs and projects that build tolerance and understanding among young people; and to study issues of common concern to its members and represent their common interests within international organizations and institutions.

Main Projects / Activities

JMI's flagship international projects are: Ethno, folk music camps fostering intercultural learning through peer-to-peer exchange of folk music heritage; Imagine Festivals, multi-style music competitions for youth; JM Jazz World, education and touring program for young jazz musicians; World Orchestra of Jeunesses Musicales, a prestigious pre-professional international youth orchestra; Young Audiences Music Award, a program for developing young audiences and fostering active participating of young people in cultural programs; World Youth Choir, an acclaimed education and touring program for top singers from around the world; and Music Crossroads, a youth empowerment through music program in five Southern African countries.

Contact (1) Full Name
Blasko Smilevski, Secretary General
Head of the organisation
Per Ekedahl, President
Contact (2) Full Name
Emilie Fillod membership officer

Kif Kif

National Network

Bondgenotenstraat 52
1190 Brussel

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Kif Kif is a intercultural youth platform of Flanders (Belgium). The association came into existence with the creation of the website ‘Kif Kif, the intercultural website of Flanders’ (, after a rather heavy debate on the topic of integration of migrants in the Flemish press. The objective of the website was then to collect the different opinions and reactions concerning the ongoing debate on the intercultural society in Flanders. Since this modest start, a lot has changed. In three years time Kif Kif has grown into an organisation with clear objectives and projects, that depends on many volunteers and 2,5 fulltime employees. The yearly budget is now around 160.000 euros, mostly government funding. Kif Kif has lots of collaborations, in 2006 we worked together with no less then 71 different organisations.
Mission and Objectives

Kif Kif wants to facilitate an intercultural diversity of voices, to improve the active participation of all citizens in our society, to deconstruct negative and stereotypical discourse and to stimulate critical reflection. For realising these goals, Kif Kif starts from a clear vision: democratic, pluralistic, antiracist and progressive.

Main Projects / Activities

First of all, we have our website, the central working instrument of Kif Kif. You can find a lot of different things there: press releases from Kif Kif about a wide range of topics, an overview of our opinions and articles in the mainstream press, the project MediaWatch, an online radio, a forum, our own journalistic productions, a jobsite, opinion articles, mainstream news, alternative news, an online store, … But Kif Kif also organises public debates, expositions, conferences and many other activities on a regular basis.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ico Maly (coordinator)
Contact (2) Full Name
Bilal Benyaich