Association international BJCEM - Biennale des jeunes créateurs de l'Europe et de la Mediterranée, aisbl

National Network

Siège legale: 7 Rue d'Alost B1000 Bruxelles (Belgique)
Bureau operatif: Via Vittorio Andreis 18, int 18c - 10152 Torino (Italie)


+39 011 19504733
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The association BJCEM was founded in 2001 in Sarajevo, during the 10th edition of the homonymous event. The first Biennial was held in Barcelona in 1985 and for more than 15 years it was promoted by an informal network and realized every two years in a different city. After its birth in 2001 with 23 founders, the Association had a constant development and nowaday includes 73 members from 22 countries, as cultural institutions, public bodies and independent organizations. The annual budget is about 250.000 euros, 35% of our income are ensured by the membership annual fee, 20% from EU funding, on the program Youth in action 4.1, the rest comes from fundraising and sponsoring activities related to our main events or to other projects we promote. We usually cooperate with international partners as Culture Action Europe, Euromed platform, Goethe-institut international, Art Council England.
Mission and Objectives

We are a cultural and artistic network that point out with attention and coherence political and social issues. We try to achieve this goal trough a participative planning and design of our activities, that are not imposed by above or abroad but directly realized by organizations locally based and with direct contact with their cultural context and the local art scene.
This is a crucial moment of change in the Mediterranean area and we do believe it is important to promote activities and opportunities of exchanges and dialogue in particular in the territories that are more affected to the crisis.
We believe that youth and art are essential keys for the rising of pacific relations and sustainable development in the euromediterranean area.

Main Projects / Activities

The 15th Biennale de la Mediterranée inaugurate a new format based on a long term process that aims to give continuity to the activities and events promoted by the network in order to offer more opportunities to the artists and accompanying them in their growth process.
The social, political and cultural context of the Mediterranean is constantly in evolution and we want to be flexible and open in order to continue being a point of reference, raise questions, sustain mobility and foster the intercultural dialogue.
The events is a long journey that starts in Thessaloniki in october 2011, continues in Rome in dcember 2011 and to get to the conclusion in Casablanca in february 2012.

Contact (1) Full Name
Emiliano Paoletti
Head of the organisation
President: Mr. Luigi Ratclif; Secrétaire générale: Mr. Emiliano Paoletti
Contact (2) Full Name
Federica Candelaresi

associa-med sousse

National Network

faculté de medecine sousse

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
association des étudiants et des médecins internes a la faculté de medecine de sousse bureau formé de 19 membres dont 7 du bureau exécutif ; 6 chefs de comités externes ; 6chefs de comités internes ;
Mission and Objectives

objectifs :
-encadrement des étudiants en médecine dans l'usage de leur savoir et de leurs capacités pour le bien de la société
-servir de forum pour les étudiants en médecine
-promouvoir les échanges de stage et de recherche ainsi que les projets et les formations pour les étudiants
-servir de lien entre ses membres et les organisations nationales et internationales et encourager les collaborations

Main Projects / Activities

- Journées scientifiques à la faculté de médecine.
- Concerts et festivals de sensibilisation et de collecte de dons (FreeMyTunisia Concert, FestivAIDS …)
- Meetings et conférences nationaux (Responsabilité légale du stagiaires externe et interne, Conférence Alzheimer)
- Meetings etconférencesinternationaux (IFMSA Executive Board meeting, EMR+ Team of Officials Meeting2006, March Meeting09…)

Contact (1) Full Name
Nizar Abdessaied
Head of the organisation
Nizar Abdessaied

Association Nationale des Echanges entre Jeunes -ANEJ- Alger

National Network

101 Boulvard Krim Belkacem, Telemly, Alger
16000 Alger

00213 21 74 29 02
00213 21 74 29 02
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
00213 661 50 14 81
Mobile Phone (other)
00213 770 94 67 52
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
L’ANEJ est une association à caractère non politique régie par la loi 90/31 de 1990 sur les associations, elle exerce ses activités au niveau national. Elle est structurée en bureau national, bureaux de wilaya et sections locales. L’association se compose d’un organe délibérant « l’assemblée générale »(AG) et d’un organe de direction et d’administration « le bureau » L’organe délibérant est constitué par l’assemblée générale qui regroupe l’ensemble des membres de l’association, notamment les représentants élus des bureaux de wilaya et des membres de l’organe de direction. Le bureau exécutif est l’organe de direction de l’association il comprend neuf membres : - Un (01) président - Deux (02) vices président - Un secrétaire général - Un secrétaire général adjoint - Un trésorier - Un trésorier adjoint - Un responsable chargé de la communication, de l’information et des relations extérieures - Un responsable culturel et scientifique chargé des études et de la recherche Les membres du bureau national contribuent bénévolement sans aucune indemnité financière - Mr Sahel Ali 2 heures par jour - Mr Moula Abderahmane 4 heures par jour - Mr Matouk Smaoune 6 heures par semaine Le véhicule de Monsieur Ali Sahel est mis à la disposition de l’association tout au long de l’année pour les activités de l’association Les autres membres assurent des créneaux horaires hebdomadaires au sein de l’association sans aucune indemnité ou rémunération. Ainsi pour tous les adhérents qui sont la plupart des étudiants issus des différentes localités et communes de la wilaya, qui sont engagés dans l’association bénévolement lors dans chaque actions ou projet mis en place Pour le fonctionnement de l’association une secrétaire permanente est recrutée pour une rémunération mensuelle de 15000 dinars. Une femme de ménage pour l’entretien et la propreté du siège, travaille une fois par semaine pour une indemnité mensuelle de 3000 dinars. Pour les projets développer par l’association un coordinateur est désigné pour assuré les taches techniques et de gestion du projet est rémunérer par un salaire mensuelle qui est défini selon le budget allouer au projet. Ressources budgétaires annuelles disponibles: - les dons et les cotisations des membres - les contrats programme du Ministére de la Jeunesse et des Sport Sources de financement: -Ministère de la Jeunesse et des Sport - les cotisation - le Programme Concerté Pluri Acteur Algérie - la Fondation de France - Ambassade de France - Ambassade de Grande Bretagne Partenaires principaux associés aux projets/activités de l'organisme:Ministère de la Jeunesse et des Sport - le Comité Mosellan pour la Sauvegarde de l’Enfances d’Adolescents et Adultes (CMSEA)- Comité International pour le Développement des Peuples CISP
Mission and Objectives

L’Association Nationale des échanges entre jeunes – amitié et solidarité- par abréviation ANEJ, est un espace de rencontre libre et de proposition pour la réflexion intellectuelle organisée, cohérente et autonome. Elle œuvre pour le développement et la promotion des activités des jeunes, citoyens et citoyennes. Favoriser les échanges et de développer l’amitié et la solidarité entre les jeunes du pays et du monde entier. A travers ses actions l’association contribue à l’insertion socioprofessionnelle des jeunes. 2 - Quels sont vos grands principes d’intervention ? 1- La participation et l’organisation d’ateliers nationaux et internationaux par un engagement volontaire à la restauration des clubs de jeunes, écoles rurales, sites archéologiques, surfaces verts, foret et espaces de loisirs, nettoyages des camps estivaux et reboisement. 2- Organisation d’échanges nationaux et internationaux entres jeunes 3- Promotion du tourisme populaire, éducatif, écologique et environnementale 4- Promotion et organisation des caravanes culturelles, éducatives et récréatives entres jeunes 5- Organisation et promotion de chantiers de volontariat aux régions archéologiques, historiques et touristiques 6- Organisation de symposiums, rassemblements et séminaires nationaux et internationaux pour la solidarité et l’amitié entres jeunes 7- Activités aux bénéfices des populations démunies, nécessiteuses et réfugiées 8- Partenariat les institutions humanitaires internationales 9- Organisation de centres de vacances et de loisirs 10- Journée de plein air 11- Promotion de produits culturels et artistiques

Main Projects / Activities

Organisation de symposiums, rassemblements et séminaires nationaux et internationaux pour la solidarité et l’amitié. Deux par an en moyenne auprès des jeunes Algériens. (Territoire couvert : Algérie) -Organisation et promotion de chantiers de volontariat aux régions archéologiques, historiques et touristiques. Il est proposé aux jeunes volontaires en différentes période de l’année sous formes d’actions d’intérêt général. La durée des différentes regroupements est d’une à trois semaines pendant lesquels le volume horaire de travail en bénévolat est de 15 à 20 heures par semaines. Ces chantiers sont organisés à raison de deux à trois par an, généralement le sud Algérien. - projets de réinsertion des jeunes en situation de fragilité

Contact (1) Full Name
Ali Sahel
Head of the organisation
Ali Sahel
Contact (2) Full Name
Matouk Smaoune

Arab-European Center of Human Rights and International Law

National Network

Dindar Mado, Östergatan 202 A, 26151 Landskrona

E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
. Number of staff: 21 . Contributions of members of their own funds Modalities of action: - A forum dialogue of cultures. - Project to protect the rights of minorities
Mission and Objectives

see attachment

Main Projects / Activities

see attachment

Contact (1) Full Name
Dindar Mado

A-net Youthforum

National Network

Skolgatan 8
91534 Ånäset

+46 934 20310
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+46-70-2514034 Matilda
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
1. It is an non-profit NGO, based on members and their involvement. We have one part time financed administrator supported from the municipality of Robertsfors. 2. Our resources are based on fee for membership and projects. At the moment we don’t have any bigger projects. 3. Our earlier projects have been financed by EU-funding, Swedish SIDA and other national fundings. 4. We have since year 2000 arranged and taken part in several exchanges, trainings and seminars in thefiled of EU YOUTH-programme. 5. We are working with a wide group of partners in Europe and Euromed countries.
Mission and Objectives

A-net is an information centre where we help young people to take part in the opportunities that exist for them in Europe. We host and send volunteers, inform about and arrange youth exchanges, participate and arrange seminars and contact meetings with other countries.
Our function is an informative, advisory and intermediary one. We inform and educate the neighbour areas about the youth program, give courses in leadership for young people.
Beside working with youth exchanges and voluntary service in Europe, we also work with the Barents region to establish contacts with the countries in eastern Europe

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Matilda Stefansson
Head of the organisation
Michael Norén
Contact (2) Full Name
Sandra Östensson

Akito Group

National Network

Smaragdgatan 23
421 49 V.Frölunda


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Tala'at Samawy
Head of the organisation
Tala'at Samawy
Contact (2) Full Name
Linda Stridh

Clowner utan Gränser - Clowns Without Borders Sweden

National Network

c/o Konstjord, Nobelbergsgatan 6
13154 Nacka/ Stockholm

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information

Clowns Without Borders is a non-profit organization whose core is our artists who are volunteers and members of the organization. The artists donate their time and talent to Clowns Without Borders with the belief that laughter, joy and culture make the world a more hopeful and peaceful place. The artists are active in everything from music, magic, physical comedy, theater, clown, actobatics, circus, dance and education. What is common to all of them is how they use their skills and commitment to strengthen people's lust for life and psychosocial health. About 100 artists are currently members of the organization.

Clowns without Borders was founded in Spain, 1993, under the name Payasos sin Fronteras.Clowns without Borders was founded in Sweden in 1996, and have since toured the entire world with performances and workshops. Some of the countries we have worked in are Bosnia, Belarus, Romania, Sudan, South Sudan, Algeria, Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan, Kurdistan, Kenya, Swaziland, Rwanda, D.R Congo, Burma, Bangladesh, Nepal, Mexico, South Africa, Uganda as well as many more.

Our core is our artists who are volunteers and members of the organization. The artists donate their time and talent to Clowns Without Borders with the belief that laughter, joy and culture make the world a more hopeful and peaceful place. The artists are active in everything from music, magic, physical comedy, theater, clown, actobatics, circus, dance and education. What is common to all of them is how they use their skills and commitment to strengthen people's lust for life and psychosocial health. About 100 artists are currently members of the organization.


Mission and Objectives

VISION: The vision of Clowns without Borders, Sweden is a world filled with play, laughter and dreams, where it is possible for everyone to develop, to express themselves freely and to feel hope even in difficult situations.

MISSION: The mission of Clowns without Borders, Sweden is to spread laughter, happiness and hope. We send clowns and artists to children and societies struck by war, conflict and other crisisses around the world. We use humour and play to uphold the human value and as a way to give children and adults possibilities to develop. In Sweden, we increase the knowledge about and engagement for people who find themselves in situations of distress, around the world.

Main Projects / Activities

Using laughter and humour, Clowns Without Borders activities has a positive impact on the mental attitude of children and families who live under various types of hardships and duress, and improves their capacity to confront the difficulties they face and live with. We work with number of methods, artistic performances, workshops for beneficiaries and local artists as well as trainings of local staff in child friendly, creative skills.

CWB has experiences implementing projects with many different beneficiaries: children affected by war and armed conflicts, natural disasters, children growing up in refugee camps, in red light districts, in orphanages etc.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mays Sylwan
Job Title
Head of international programs, deputy secretary general
Head of the organisation
Louise Frisk (Secretary General)

Committee of the Carnival of Hammarkullen

National Network

Bredfjällsgatan 28
424 35 Angered

+46 31 330 96 40
Telephone (other)
+46-701-750 812
+46 31 330 96 46
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+ 46 706 - 58 53 96
Mobile Phone (other)
+ 46 701 75 08 12
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
1. Carnivals committee is a non-profit organization. The committee is part of an umbrella organisation HAM-SAM (Hammarkullen associations’ council). The members of the committee are volunteers. One person is employed full time to work with the organisation of the carnival. 2. Budget: 1,5 million 3. The activities are financed by the local and regional government and private companies. 4. Cultural exchanges associations with other countries,ex. Kurdistan Regional government and Bulgaria. Work with cultural projects financed for the regional government and seminars. 5. West Sweden regional government, City of Gothenburg , ABF and Vuxenskolan- Adult educational associations GP - Gothenburgs news paper
Mission and Objectives

The committee has the responsibility to draw up guidelines for the forthcoming carnival and to produce and coordinate the program of the year as well as all contact with media – tv, radio, and news papers. The committee participates in different programs in collaboration with the groups and associations participant in the carnival. Our vision - The carnival of Hammarkullen shall with dancing and enjoyment unite people regardless of background or religion. Our common values- We dance for tolerance, enjoyment and social fellowship- The carnival bring together people and creates enjoyment. The carnival inspires and develops cultural plurality. The carnival is a nation-, age- and genderless cultural meeting point

Main Projects / Activities

Planning, coordination and implementation of the years carnival Cultural projects in collaboration with cultural workers and cultural non-profit associations from the neighborhood Cultural projects in collaboration with schools and kindergardens from the neighborhood. Exhibitions about the history of the carnival and the carnival as expression of the cultural heritage of the new Swedish citizens.

Contact (1) Full Name
Tony Parath
Head of the organisation
Tony Parath
Contact (2) Full Name
Gloria Esteban

Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies

National Network

Universitetsvägen 10F
10691 Stockholm

+46 (0)8162943
Telephone (other)
+46 (0)8163620
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+46 (0)707568364
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Religion
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information

The department of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies at Stockholm University conducts education and research on Asia and the Middle East, including both language studies and  area studies.

Mission and Objectives

The department of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies at Stockholm University aims to;
1) Educate specialists in the field.
2) Conduct research on Asia and the Middle East.
3) Provide balanced information to the general public in Sweden on issues related to our fields of expertise.

Main Projects / Activities

The department has education within the Arabic, Chinese, Japanese and Korean languages, as well as area studies within the two main areas: Asian Languages and Cultures and Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures.

We offer a variety of courses at undergraduate and master's level across a wide range of subjects within the field.

Among our freestanding courses we offer both day time and evening courses that are given in English.

Doctoral studies are conducted in two main areas: Asian languages and cultures, and Middle Eastern languages and cultures.

Read more about the MENA studies programme. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Martin Säfström
Job Title
Director of Studies
Head of the organisation
Head of Department
Contact (2) Full Name
Johan Fresk
Job Title (2)
Deputy Director of Studies


National Network

Uppsala Kommun
753 75 Uppsala

+46-18-727 97 90
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

1. 6th form college educating students from the age of 16 to 18. Emplyed staff epprox 110. Exchanges between colleges in different countries. Our projects include exchanges with colleges in Ireland, China, India and Italy. Another project we are working on involve Germany, France, Austria and Cyprus. 6. We have Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry competition with Estonia. Also IYPT, International Young Physicist Tournament.

Mission and Objectives

To build up networks with teachers in Sweden and from other countries. We want to further our knowledge and gain a deeper understanding for people in other countries. We would like all our staff to be involved in this.

Main Projects / Activities

Our projects with Ireland, China, India and Italy involve our students and theirs. The Commenius project with Germany, France, Austria and Cyprus has just finished an insight into foreigh language teaching in different countries. Teachers have been visiting each others schools and now it will continue with students visiting each others schools.

Contact (1) Full Name
Runard Karantz
Head of the organisation
Runar Karantz