Réseau Carrefour Associatif

National Network

29, rue Jabal Toubkal, Appt.8, Agdal - RABAT

Organisation Type
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Mohammed MOUDEN (Président)

Revue de paix et sécurité Internationales

National Network

53, rue Ibn Toumart, BP. 1362

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Research
General Information
1. Scientific committee: François de Bernard, Miguel Hernondo de Larremendi, Abdelhak Janati Idrissi, Bernard Labatut, Djamila Chikhi, Abdelwahab Maalmi, Mohamed Zerouali, Hammad Zouitni. - Assistant: Seddiki Nora 2. 40.000 dh (3.600 euros) 3. own capital stocks and subsidies 4. Publication of the 6éme number, organization of the seminars and conferences international: in May 2006 the review organized in partnership with the faculty of Seals (Paris area) and the Foundation Anna Lindh, Simulation Tangier 2006, followed of an international Conference on the management of the crises in Euromed space. The acts of the known as-Conference are in phase of publication. Town hall of Tangier, Embassy of France, Spanish arts centre of Tangier.
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities

- Publications:
N°1. the Spanish relations maroco-;
N°2. international terrorism;
N° 3-4. reforms UNO and the operations of maintenance of peace;
N° 5-6. the management of the crises in space Euromed (publication envisaged in February)
- Seminars and Conferences:
2003. Series of seminar on the culture of peace
2004. Conference: economic and strategic dimensions of the Straits of Gibraltar;
2005. Conference:
2006. Simulation Tangier 2006 on the management of the crises in space Euromed
2007. Participation in the simulation which will take place in Alexandria - May 2007.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rachid El Houdaïgui
Head of the organisation
Rachid El Houdaïgui
Contact (2) Full Name
Seddiki Nora

Ministry of Youth

National Network

délégation jeunesse et sports, av el massira

00 212 5 39 98 60 31
00 212 39 98 82 51
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities

youth projects
(human right education,
Intercultural dialogue,
situation of woman and girls,
environment, immigration .....)

Contact (1) Full Name
Abdelwahed Azibou

Association Enakhil pour la Femme et l’Enfant

National Network

lot Charaf, Opération Al Manar 3, Derrière Marjane, Route de Casa, Marrakech.

212 24 30 67 09
212 24 30 67 09
Mobile Phone
212 61 34 10 72
Mobile Phone (other)
212 68 72 94 20
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
1.Voir l’organigramme en pièces jointes. 2.Organisations internationales, Ministères, organisations nationales, ambassades… 3.Sources de financement : Organisations internationales, Ministères, organisations nationales, ambassades… 4. voir le document ci -joint
Mission and Objectives

- œuvrer pour la promotion et la protection des droits de la Femme et de l’Enfant au Maroc.
- Offrir un cadre de solution, de réflexion et de plaidoyer en vue d’améliorer la situation Politique, Juridique, Sociale, Économique, Sanitaire et Éducative de la Femme et de ses Enfants en difficulté.

Main Projects / Activities

Projets réalisés en 2007:
- Soutien aux 1200 Femmes Violentées dans la Région de Marrakech Tensift Al Haouz;
- Contribution à l'amélioration de la situation des femmes rurales;
- La mise d’un numéro vert national pour les femmes et les filles violentées;
- La lutte contre la violence à l’égard des enfants à Marrakech;
- Contribution au Développement de la démocratie locale dans la région de Marrakech;
- La Création d’un Centre de Formation sur la Gestion Locale Maroc.
Projets réalisés en 2008:
-La Création d’un Centre de Formation sur la Gestion Locale Maroc;
-La Création d'un centre communal d'orientation et de qualification pour les jeunes dans le domaine de travail dans la Municipalité d'Ait Ourir, Province Al Haouz;
- Création d'un centre de proximité sociale dans l'arrondissement Menara;
- Préparation du plan du développement du tourisme culturel dans la Municipalité d'Essaouira;
- Préparation du plan stratégique du développement communal dans la Commune de Tasseltante, Province de Marrakech

Contact (1) Full Name
Amina Fennane (Presidente)
Head of the organisation
Amina Fennane (Presidente)
Contact (2) Full Name
My ABDELLAH El Mendili

association des amis des centres de reforme et de protection de l'enfance, Aacrpe

National Network

6, Rue El Houdhoud - Mers Sultan, Casablanca

+212 5 22 22 38 96
+212 5 22 22 38 96
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Conseil administratif, le bureau exécutif et comite de soutien Ressources budgétaires annuelles disponibles : 1000000DH Partenaires principaux associés aux projets:Wallonie Bruxelles, Association Internationale des Valeurs Humaines, Fondation SEKKAT
Mission and Objectives

L’association des amis des centres de réforme et de protection de l’enfance a été crée le 15 mars 2001 dans le but d’apporter l’aide nécessaire pour améliorer les conditions de détention et de réinsertion des jeunes mineurs délinquants.L’association a pour objectif de mener toute action permettant la préparation à la réinsertion des jeunes détenus, notamment :
•Veiller au respect des droits fondamentaux des jeunes détenus :
•Assurer aux jeunes détenus le meilleur traitement :
•Préparer la réinsertion des jeunes détenus :
•Participer à l’épanouissement des détenus :

Main Projects / Activities

oConstruction d’un réfectoire, au CRE de Oukacha à Casablanca, utilisé comme cantine et à l’occasion comme salle de spectacle ou de fête (Valeur des travaux 1 million de Dh financé par un don royal) ;
oAménagement des cellules de l’aile 1 au CRE de Casablanca (Valeur des travaux 2.000.000dhs réalisé à 80% et financé par La SAMIR, Ittissalat Al Maghreb, Fondation SEKKAT,… ) ;
oAménagement des cellules de l’aile 2 et 3 au CRE de Casablanca ( Valeur des travaux 4.500.000dhs financé par le conseil de la Région du Grand Casablanca,… ) lancement des travaux est prévu pour le mois de Mai de l’année 2008. Actuellement les plan d’architecture sont réalisés et les études de béton armé et du sol sont en cours ;
oRéalisation des Gros Œuvre d’une unité scolaire d’une capacité d’accueil 240 élèves de niveau secondaire d’un montant de 160.000dh .Les travaux de second œuvre seront financés par le programme INDH de la prefecture de Ain Sebaâ pour une valeur de 400.000 Dh ;
oMise en place d’un studio et d’une station de radio et télé interne au CRE de Settat pour une valeur de 80.000 dh;
oForage et équipement d’un puit au CRE de Oukacha à Casablanca ;
Activités culturelles et sportives
oAnimation et organisation de plusieurs soirées artistiques, au CRE de Salé, de Casablanca et deSettat
oDistributions des vêtements et produits d’hygiène aux CRE de Settat, Casablanca et Salé ;
oDistribution des fournitures scolaires et organisation des cérémonies de fin d’année aux jeunes détenus scolarisés (action réalisée chaque Année) ;
Assistance des jeunes prévenus
oOrganisation des compagnes de soins au profit des détenus de Casablanca et Salé : Soins contre les maladies contagieuses (gale, tuberculose,.. ) soins dentaires, traitement pulmonaires, Soins usuels et distribution des médicaments ;
oEquipement en fauteuil du cabinet dentaire du centre de reforme de Casablanca
oAssistance juridique au profit des prévenus mineurs environ 4000 dossiers suivi par les bénévoles de l’association (action réalisée en continue)
oRecherche d’emploi, emplacement et encadrement des détenus libérés au sein des entreprises (environ 60 jeunes insérés).

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed OUAHBI
Head of the organisation
khadija lachgar (Présidente)

Association le carrefour des chantiers et de la citoyenneté Ain Sebaa

National Network

Amal 1 rue 13 N°52 Sidi Bernoussi Casablanca Maroc

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
notre organisation est une association composée actuellement de 5 personnes, on n'a aucune ressource budgétaire disponible, sauf qu'on est entrain d'envoyer des demandes de soutien des projets sociaux qui cible la citoyenneté, l'environnement et l'éducation
Mission and Objectives

notre mission est de servir la population de notre région par des actions sociales qui visent à inciter les gens à être conscients des principes de la citoyenneté et qui ciblent l'éducation

Main Projects / Activities

faire des ateliers de la citoyenneté
faire des manifestations citoyennes
parrainer les élèves qui ont un niveau très bas en langue française et qui n'ont pas la capacité pour améliorer leur niveau

Contact (1) Full Name
EL MAKKAOUI Abdessamad
Head of the organisation
Bahar Driss

IDEAL – Intercultural Dialogue in Everyday Life

National Network

Hökegårdsgatan 16
431 38


Mobile Phone
+46 703 765 622
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
IDEAL – Intercultural Dialogue in Everyday Life Profile: Swedish as a second language, all levels General, theoretical subject courses, daytime and evening, basic and secondary level 1 year assistant nursing programme 1 year child care programme 1 year pupil assistant programme 1 term pedagogical college programme (general subjects + university course of pedagogics – preparations for teacher’s training) 3 term qualified vocational education “EU Project Coordinator” (national funding) Programme for young drop-outs in cooperation with the social welfare department in Mölndal Regional cooperation About 30 vocational programmes for adults in other municipalities in the Göteborg region. 3 of these are offered in Mölndal: Child care programme, Pupil assistant programme, Pedagogical college programme (in other municipalities: bus and lorry driver, electrician, caretaker, cooking, functional disability care, etc…) Staff: 45. Budget: 29 million SEK/year (26 million municipal funding, 3 million national funding). Projects: Leonardo exchange programme, Grundtvig partnership. Partners: Gothenburg university, Gothenburg Region.
Mission and Objectives

Target groups
Adults (20+),with no upper secondary diploma (drop-outs)
who have an upper secondary diploma, but want to change educational profile for further studies
who need new competence for working life
who have a foreign background and need a diploma for further studies or work
who want to study for personal fullfillment
Total number of students 800
Qualified vocational education 60
(EU Project Coordinator)

Main Projects / Activities

Current projects:
Leonardo exchange programme
Grundtvig partnership
Participation in exhibitions, etc.

Contact (1) Full Name
Luciana Haugen

Free Homeland Society For Development (FHSD)

National Network
+972 8 2460 383
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+972 599 415 453
Mobile Phone (other)
+972 598 079 992
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Youth and education
General Information
General information : Structure: •FHSD has 9 board members •FHSD has 30 members of general assembly •FHSD has 5 employees Budgetary : $ 70.000 a year Sources of funding : •Hopping foundation •Qattan Foundation for Children •General Union of Cultural Centers •Self-financing •Foundation Children's Alliance Middle East"meca" Modalities of action : •coundcting of workshops for young people and women •Work conferences •Awareness campaigns •Support youth groups •Training of women and youth on the importance of their role in society Main partners : •General union of cultural centers •Women's Health Center "Jabaliya"
Mission and Objectives

FHSD is a non-governmental,non-profit organization based in North Gaza. FHSD was established in December 2006, as an initiative of youth.
FHSD goals are:
•Strengthening the capacity of young people.
•Psychological support for students.
•Participation of young people in the community develpoment process.
•Empowering women towards fully participation.

Main Projects / Activities

•Learning Centre for students at basic stages.
•Workshops on the needs of youth and women.
•Women's capacity building.
•English Club for youth.

Contact (1) Full Name
Hatem Sobeh
Head of the organisation
Hatem Sobeh
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohammed Elyyan

Palestinian Youth Parliament

National Network

بعد الاطلاع على الملفات الخاصة بالمؤسسة من قبل وزارة الداخلية تبين ان هذه المؤسسة تم ايقافها عن العمل وانها غير قانونية
بعد الاطلاع على الملفات الخاصة بالمؤسسة من قبل وزارة الداخلية تبين ان هذه المؤسسة تم ايقافها عن العمل وانها غير قانونية

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

the Palestine Youth Parliament is the youth organization structure consists of 132 members, the number of members of parliament are divided by 12 to a special committee to examine the needs of young people and working with Palestinian Legislative Council side by side. Ttankon budget and projects through contributions from donors, in addition to donations Projects is a project of the election of members of the Youth Parliament Palestine Rehabilitation and development of the capacity of young people in the parliamentary life Student Parliament Project

Mission and Objectives

Parliament set up Xabi Kdar to represent young people and meet their ambitions and their needs The establishment of an international network of relations between Palestinian youth and the World . Consolidation of Palestinian democracy among the youth sector and to ensure the participation of all Palestinian political spectrum. . Create lines of communication between young people and promote their participation in the decision-makers Altatheral . The empowerment of young people in making fundamental changes in society by providing them with skills and political community. . The formation of a compressor through the lobby of parliament and follow-up problems of young people in all areas and at different levels. . Raise the level of participation and enhance the confidence of young people themselves and their abilities . Attribution of the Palestinian Legislative Council in relation to laws and regulations that pertain to youth and their needs

Main Projects / Activities

Project to promote the concepts of dialogue and networking among university students Tthagev young parliamentary life Awareness of the role of the Legislative Council Participate in all activities of local and international

Contact (1) Full Name
Osama Mortaga
Head of the organisation
Osama Mortaga
Contact (2) Full Name
Mosa Abasi

Village Improvement National Center

National Network
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Structure of the organization, including number of staff employed and/or partners : Executive Director # 1 Coordinator of Administrative and Financial Affairs # 1 Accountant# 1 Administrative Assistant / Secretary # 1 Permit / correspondent # 1 Coordinator of fund-raising, public relations and media # 1 Program coordinator for agricultural development and community # 1 Youth Program Coordinator # 1 Program Coordinator of Women and Children # 1 Project Coordinator # 2 Project Officer # 1 Volunteers # 30 Budgetary resources available in a year : 1 - funders and donors. 2 - partners (associations to participate). 3 - and the media. 4 - Board of Directors and staff. 5 - other "ministries, security devices Her competence" of the local committees Notables, mayors, and the region. First goal: to contribute to strengthening and building the capacity of the Assembly and its potential to provide services and meet the needs of the target group. Second Goal: Contribute to the empowerment of marginalized farmers in Khuza'a and border areas east of Khan Younis. Third Goal: Contribute to the empowerment of marginalized segments of society (women - child) in Khuza'a and border areas east of Khan Younis. Modalities of action: concrete projects Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities : UNDP, Arab committee Spain, Red crescent , Red Cross, Caritas , Canadian international development agency .
Mission and Objectives

Association of Village Improvement National Center is an independent civil non-profit aimed at development and empowerment of the economic and social sectors in the Palestinian countryside, east of Khan Younis to enable rural families to play an active and influential role.
Committed to the Assembly during its vision of human rights, which include justice, equality and commitment to the rule of law, transparency, tolerance, respect and non-discrimination, participation and empowerment of marginalized groups.

Main Projects / Activities

1-Distribution relief aid after the war to farmer families near to the border.
2- distribution water tanks after the war to farmer families near to the border.
3- DEEP Program.
4- Implementation of the first activities of the "Legal Aid Scheme and the empowerment of vulnerable groups in the Gaza Strip" in the area of ​​Khuza'a east of Khan Younis, next to the green line.
5-Partnership with Youth Without Borders project Youth for a better future.
6- Participate with the General Union of Cultural Centers in the Palestinian Rural Youth Project.
7- Involved with a network of NGOs in the project to strengthen democracy and build civil society organizations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Abed Al Aziz Qudaih
Head of the organisation
Abed Al Aziz Qudaih
Contact (2) Full Name
yamen Qudaih